AJ Helms vs. Crissy Gardner
Television Championship Eliminator
AJ Helms vs. Crissy Gardner

AJ Helms and Crissy Gardner have an interesting connection. Both had issues with Alexis Quinne at different points at their career. On Breakdown, though, they’ll clash to earn a TV Title shot.  
-2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 14, 2018
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OOC: Here we go then, first rp of the new season! Wasn't entirely sure what I was gonna write until I saw down at the computer yesterday, but this is another important piece of the puzzle for the story that i'm building towards, even if the events aren't that 'big' in themselves. Rick, best of luck bud, and enjoy!

[Image: helms2021banner.png]
OOC: Same to you Wasley, I wish this offering could be a little bit better, but I came home from work and passed out inside of working on this... but regardless I hope that you all enjoy.

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