Casterillo vs. “Black Ice” Konrad Raab
Casterillo vs. “Black Ice” Konrad Raab
FOR TACTICAL WARFARE: 2 RP per person (8 per team)
Deadline: Noon ET Sunday, March 10, 2019
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OOC: One of the rarest of things I do is posting two RP's for the match, but I needed to get comfortable as The Black Ice again as it's been almost a year since the Damien Angel match I RP as The Black Ice. These CD scenes are precisely what I needed to do to show how rusty Konrad was as The Black Ice. It's only just CD, and I will do my usual storyline and shoot in the second RP. Hope you all will enjoy this RP.


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The hunting voice returns. Anaheim, California. Friday 22nd February (Off Camera)

Ever since Casterillo was interviewed on Breakdown this week, he heard a hunting voice he hadn't heard since before April last year. He couldn't sleep or ignore it anymore to a point it was clear the voice wanted to talk to Konrad. He was in his home with Fizz, and he thought so much about Casterillo, and she already sees the thoughts Konrad's having, even closing and opening his eyes, closing his ears and growling the house down. 

Fizz has noticed Konrad's behaviour, ever since he got home yesterday hence why she had the kids to be taken to her brother's house last night, and he breathes heavily to a point he screams to say this.

Konrad Raab: “Shut up.”

Konrad rocks backwards and forwards, the problem was the haunting voice was shouting at him, and Fizz sees the behaviour is much worse than it was yesterday as his behaviour is erratic, going bullshit crazy and it was up until the point of Fizz going to say anything, Konrad does, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “I need to do some training as The Black Ice.”

Fizz Raab: “Why?”

Konrad Raab: “Because it's been too long the last time I've had to be this guy, but Casterillo has left me no fucking choice. He's refused matches with me ever since December, and he runs from me. Remind me who he acts like?”

Fizz Raab: “Jason Helms?”

Konrad Raab: “Exactly. Now I want you to go to the gym and ask around for any male wrestlers, not tonight, but anytime before Retribution PPV because I need to feel the power of The Black Ice.”

It was a long time since Konrad had to be forced to be The Black Ice and the voice of Erik had hunted Konrad down again, and he provokes him to go to talk to him, saying you aren't ignoring me, Konrad.

Konrad Raab: “Erik, stop it. I'm not ready to talk to you.”

What was worse is Konrad's rocking back and forth on the chair as Fizz had forgotten how scary Konrad could be when he's in a psychotic mood. She doesn't say anything up until she sees Konrad being relaxed. He eventually stops rocking himself on the chair and responds to this.

Fizz Raab: “Of course I will. I will leave you to go to the basement and talk because it's clear Erik wants to talk to you for many days, preventing you from sleeping.”

Konrad Raab: “It seems so, doesn't it?”

Fizz Raab: “Yes, now go and speak to him. I quite agree you do need to be The Black Ice again because he's almost doing the same things as Jason did, pushing you around and you are letting him get away with it. I let you know when you come back up here who I found to train with when you come back home from Indianapolis.”

Konrad nodded as it's all he could do, being extra cautious of what happened last time and even Fizz was too, but it didn't help to remind Fizz about it.

Konrad Raab: “Stay away from me until I'm done talking to Erik.”

Fizz nods before Konrad without kissing or hugging Fizz like he usually does end up going down to the basement and to a room where he regularly smokes his cannabis. He closes the door and goes to see the two masks he has in the room, his usual one for matches and his Black Ice one. 

He blows the dust off The Black Ice before he picks it up, shakes the cobwebs off and he puts it on his face. Because it's been so long the last time he wore it, it was taking him half an hour to feel he had the power back. He sits in front of the mirror, looking straight at it and he says this.

Black Ice Raab: “What do you want Erik?”

Erik: “You.”

Black Ice Raab: “What for?”

Erik: “To talk about what you're gonna do to that ducking bitch, Casterillo, was it his name?”

Black Ice Raab: “Correct.”

Erik: “Konrad, you've let this stupid son of a bitch walk all over you. Granted, you weren't the man you once were, ignoring shit and being a better wrestler, even leading you to the TV title, but you've lost sight of who the fuck you are. You've lost the power of being The Black Ice.”

Erik was right; it's been too long since the match against Damien Angel that Konrad had forgotten about his dark side. It's long forgotten because there hadn't been a reason for him to use it, until now and Erik speaks again.

Erik: “You was thinking about going to this Black Ice side huh?”

Black Ice Raab: “Yes master, I want to teach that pussy the respect of wrestling and not hide from me.”

Erik: “You are going to fucking hurt the guy, you are going to hurt the fact he's treating you like you aren't relevant. Does it make your blood boil that he keeps running away from your bitch ass?”

Black Ice Raab: “Yes master.”

Erik: “Welcome back to your psychotic side Konrad. Aside you forgot about until you reminded the world of a side you used a week ago. You also haven't told that guy you seem to hang around. What's that guy used for?”

It was clear Erik had been following Konrad for months with him knowing about a guy who keeps being with him in the locker rooms, in hotel rooms and his apartment. It was time to keep Erik updated with it as he was bound to hear his voice, even though he wasn't a real person.

Black Ice Raab: “His name is Jerry Flack, and he's Iceman's mental trainer. He's used him instead of you.”

Erik: "Jerry isn't needed for the mission. Iceman can have him, but The Black Ice walks alone. Black Ice can handle Casterillo by himself without guidance from some mental training guy. That's for the weak, and you're not weak, are you?”

Black Ice Raab: “No.”

Erik: “Good because you're still not feeling me. You're still not using mean and sickening words about Casterillo. He's made a big mistake, allowing yourself to force me into your life again. You are a weak son of a bitch Konrad. You weak fool. How stupid do you think you'd be to ignore all of this time you're a sick psycho, seeking for blood and pain on wrestlers?”

Konrad shakes his head, knowing it's not true and he's already slowly gaining his deep voice, the one he usually uses for being The Black Ice and he says this.

Black Ice Raab: “Obviously, Iceman hasn't needed us; he hasn't needed us to do dirty work for him since April last year.”

Erik: “Well, the tables have turned. That's it, Konrad, you sound like how I remember. Tell me, what are you going to do to that fake wrestler?”

Black Ice Raab: “I'm going to make that motherfucker bleed, I'm going to make that weak piece of shit wish he hadn't run from me and I'm certainly going to make that little boy wish he hadn't made the mistake of ducking a fight from me.”

Heavy breathing from Konrad as he hadn't said mean things like that in a long time, not even the times when he could've done against Regan Street, but it wasn't necessary. He needed a break as he goes on his knees now, looking directly at the dusty mirror, but still was able to see himself before he spoke again. 

Black Ice Raab: “I'm going to knock his ass out with my own hands, throwing him across the fucking ring and do nothing, but making him bleed and place Casterillo's blood on my skin. Iceman told Fizz to phone up to get wrestlers to face me so I can feel The Black Ice before facing Casterillo.”

Erik: “It's a good job he did because he knows himself you need to feel the power and practice of wanting to murder the fuck out of the training partner until he's done for. You'll make Casterillo choke on his blood; you'll force Casterillo to be in a whole world of pain and suffering from the hands and feet of you.”

Black Ice Raab: “Yes, I do everything you say. I will rip the life out of him, even giving him a few scars or two if they allow me to fight Casterillo in a cage to fuck him up, scraping his face and his entire body against the cage. I will make him struggle to breathe, make his ribs be completely fucked up in a way Damien Angel failed to do.”

Erik laughed at Konrad, feeling he's got the idea of being exactly how The Black Ice would react to a match he was going to be in, even if the rust was there and he says this.

Erik: “That's music to my ears, Konrad. You're feeling the power of being a motherfucking dangerous wrestler nobody wants to be in the ring with again?”

Black Ice Raab: “You damn right I do. Iceman ignored you for days for some reason, but I won't. I will need to beat the shit out of the training partner Fizz will give me.”

Erik: “Oh yes, she will do exactly that because after all, she created you, she created The Black Ice and let me control your mind to doing what it needs to do and in this case, make Casterillo suffer in a whole world of hell coming at him. I know for a damn fact, he's laughing at you, laughing how he's not taking us seriously. That's what the scared bitch Jason thought too until he learnt it himself.”

Black Ice clinches his fist, closing his eyes, feeling the wind blowing on him, feeling each breath Erik had like he was there to explore the psychotic mind of The Black Ice again and then he opens them and speaks.

Black Ice Raab: “He's a much bigger guy than Jason, but I will have to trip him up a few times and make him be a fucking cripple man when I lock in that Black Ice lock. I want to hurt his ankle so bad that he'll scream like a fucking bitch and hear the sound of the bones popping from his ankle will be the sound of music.”

Erik: “Oh you are ready you sick son of a bitch. You know damn well I'm going to consistently remind you, you thieve on blood, violence, pain and suffering. If they make this a DQ match, be within the rules, but you can exploit the damage on his body of ripping his ankle off and busting him open with your fists and knees.”

Black Ice Raab: “Yes master, I do everything you say until I capture the win from Casterillo.”

Both Konrad and Erik do an evil laugh that lasted for a long time as he breathes in and out, knowing it was finally over to speak to him and says this.

Black Ice Raab: “HAHA, that's more like it. I want to do this more often.”

It was for the best that Konrad takes the mask off which drops to the floor and automatically becomes a normal person once again and being the same old self-forces himself to say this, looking very lost.

Konrad Raab: “What the fuck happened? Has the nightmare gone forever? Why am I on my knees in front of a mirror? I should get back to Fizz.”

As he gets up from his feet, he picks the mask up, seeing the signs of what had happened which came clear to him that Erik and Black Ice have been talking to one another. He places it back where the face mask was, and he heads upstairs to Fizz in the living room as she says this.

Fizz Raab: “I found one person who's willing to take you on to get rid of the rust you have in The Black Ice side of you.”

Konrad Raab: “Thank god. I feel like I'm on another planet. I pray I can fucking sleep tonight after the voice kept talking so loud to me.”

Fizz Raab: “You do need sleep. You are exhausted, you've lashed out on everything today. You aren't normal today. I suggest you have an early night and head off to sleep right now.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, you're right.”

Konrad couldn't think of anything to say as his eyes felt like they had paper cuts in them and even being so grumpy because he hadn't been sleeping at all.  He heads straight upstairs, taking his clothes off and puts his pyjamas on before he climbs into bed, turning the light off with a switch behind his back and closes his eyes to sleep.


Fighting as The Black Ice training. Anaheim, California. Friday 8th March (Off Camera)

The training is badly needed for Konrad as he's concerned about the rust he has while fighting against a training partner Fizz picked for him. Fizz and the training partner weren't the only ones there this time; Fizz invited Jerry to come over to see Konrad's other side in action, so he gets to witness what Konrad's like as The Black Ice.

Jerry always wondered if Iceman version of Konrad was afraid of his other side. After all, he's back as the TV champion again. It's clear he needed the training as even the rust of putting the mask on alone a few days back was a sign of needing training badly. The guy he's training with was already feeling the pressure of The Black Ice as Fizz says this.

Fizz Raab: “Let him let loose on you as we discussed.”

Konrad's training partner: “Yeah, I can deal with any pain and suffering Black Ice will give to me. I can take it. I've dealt with worse before.”

Fizz Raab: “Maybe so, but do you know what happened to William when he trained here with Konrad? He got fucked up fast so I'd be careful what you'd say if I were you.”

After Fizz said that, it was something Jerry needed to discuss with Fizz as, after all, he's Konrad's mental trainer and was expecting something different as he says this to Fizz, while Konrad's getting ready in his bedroom to wrestle.

Jerry Flack: “So he fucks people up as this other side?”

Fizz Raab: “He does because it's not him that's in control. Well from the outside you think it is, but in reality, Erik usually controls Konrad because he knows if Iceman were there, he wouldn't do any of the stuff you're about to see.”

Jerry Flack: “What did you do to him to make him be this Black Ice guy?”

Fizz Raab: “I tapped into his dark side to let it out after the remorse he had when he spoke bad things about Kaden Kessler. He was frightened at first, but when he put on that mask, he was ready to go. He gets ready far quicker as The Black Ice than he does as The Iceman. You'll notice the differences right away, even in the locker room when he prepares for matches.”

Jerry got a few notes from Fizz and wrote it down as he only found out from Konrad a few weeks ago, he had another side to him, and it was taking Konrad a long time to come down. Once Jerry wrote down what he needed to do, Konrad came down to the basement with the wrestling ring ready set up, even with the mask on.

He gets into the ring with how he usually comes out as The Black Ice, and Konrad breathes intensely and even turns around, looking like Konrad's ready to kill someone, and he says this.

Black Ice Raab: “Who's the bastard that I'm fighting against today?”

Konrad's training partner: “I am, Ian Russells.”

Black Ice Raab: “Get your ass in the ring and let me show the world what Casterillo is about to experience a whole lot of hell.”

Ian nods as he gets into the ring and already, Ian does a number on Konrad, fearing that the rust was for real. His words may not have been rusty, but his in-ring work was because it's been so long and Fizz shouts out to Konrad.

Fizz Raab: “Beat him like a government mule Konrad. Unleash the fucking beast in you.”

It was until Ian looked at Fizz and winked at him as a sign of saying something that will tap into the side since Konrad's so rusty in the ring as predicted and Ian goes to say this.

Ian Russells: “I'm gonna go and fuck your wife after this; I'm showing her what a pathetic excuse of a father you are to your bastard kids.”

That was when Konrad let loose as he was suddenly feeling not rusty anymore. It's precisely what Fizz encouraged Ian to do as Black Ice was very viciously laying in the punches right in Ian's face, screaming very loudly as you could hear the screams from the outside as Konrad shows a sick smile on his face, being encouraged by his wife and Erik.

Jerry was shaking in fear on the damage Black Ice could do, especially the fact he saw Ian have blood on his face so fast. Black Ice viciously uses German Suplex across the ring and then even damages Ian's ribs, and Jerry says this quietly to Fizz.

Jerry Flack: “He scares the living shit out of me.”

Fizz Raab: “That's how he operates in the ring. That's when you know The Black Ice is unleashed when he does anything to hurt his opponents or in this case, do anything to hurt Casterillo.”

Jerry Flack: “I don't know if I like to see this. What scares me more is he's having fun with it.”

Fizz Raab: “Black Ice always takes great pleasure beating opponents viciously like that, especially when he does this.”

Black Ice places his victim's blood on his chest, showing the marks of a completely broken man as he gets into the submissions side of him and it was clear from that point on, the rust of fighting as The Black Ice was gone. You can hear Ian screaming for mercy with Konrad laughing in an intense voice, licking his lips.

Jerry Flack: “Jesus, someone needs to stop that man. It's getting too hard to watch.”

Fizz Raab: “No, it means Konrad's not feeling the rust anymore. That's what you'll be expecting when Black Ice thrives on giving pain to Casterillo and making him suffer, leaving him no room to breathe or run to because he can hurt Casterillo's feet before he can even walk away alive.”

Jerry Flack: “I don't know if I want to manage this Konrad.”

Fizz Raab: “You have to; it's the only way you'll get to know more about him. Aren't you glad you're seeing this now than the match itself?”

Jerry nodded, it was undoubtedly a good workout for Konrad who was doing everything to hurt this man, and when he locked on the Ice Lock, that's when Ian tapped out, even to a point he was crying because he's never felt that much pain in his life. 

Konrad didn't seem to stop as he places his fist up and smashes Ian's face, even to pieces to a point Ian will have a black eye. It didn't seem like the beatings were going to stop, until Ian collapsed on the mat. There was no movement, and Fizz shouts out to Konrad.

Fizz Raab: “Stop.”

Listening to Fizz and Erik, Konrad was done as he gets out of the ring and Fizz removes the mask that helps him to unleash The Black Ice beast. It was that point, Konrad turned back and saw Ian laid out in the ring as he crouches down on the floor, even in tears at that point and Jerry sees the original side of Konrad. Fizz walks over to him and says this.

Konrad Raab: “What happened?”

Fizz Raab: “You did what needed to be let out.”

Konrad Raab: “What, literally killing the man?”

Fizz Raab: “Look, I know it scares you, but that guy was you. It needed to be let out for some time to do that amount of damage to Ian. Ian won't think of you any less of a person you are.”

What scared Konrad more is he saw Jerry being there, hoping he wouldn't come to watch him beat a guy to a point he couldn't stand. Jerry was already taking every single note of the damage The Black Ice could do and didn't expect him to be dangerous like that. Konrad attempted to go to the ring and see if Ian was alright.

Konrad Raab: “Look, I'm sorry what happened. I didn't mean to hurt you like that.”

Ian was moving a lot more now as Konrad helped him up and Ian giving him some feedback as he says this after just being able to be on his feet.

Ian Russells: “How do you remember doing what you did?”

Konrad Raab: “I don't; that's the problem. When I'm The Black Ice, I tend to say and do things I don't usually do. I have to get someone to tell me what happened cos I don't remember a damn thing.”

Ian Russells: “I believe you don't wrestle like that, but you're one scary motherfucker. I've never taken such a brutal beating like that. Dude, I know what you usually do in the ring, I watch wrestling all the time and you've gotten so much better.”

Konrad Raab: “It's because of the mental training course I went on in the summer to help me improve the mental side of things and well, it's paying off. I'm now confident doing anything to win matches.”

Ian Russells: “I can see that. Anyway, thanks for helping me up, I'm going home with being in so much pain and getting the doctor to attend my injuries as I know I've got a broken ankle and twisted my knee.”

Ian hops out of the ring with Konrad's assist and leaves Konrad's and Fizz's home to go to his own home. It freaked Konrad out on the thought he can be very dangerous on attempting to break someone as he did. He shakes his head in disgust, feeling disgusted at the way it was done. Fizz goes to him and says this.

Fizz Raab: “Don't you dare feel bad about hurting Ian. He can deal and take it. It was a good sign that The Black Ice seems to be a lot more dangerous than the past. Konrad, you need to accept the fact you done this and it was a good way of getting rid of that rust.”

Jerry Flack: “I was shaking my heels off my shoes, to be honest. You did things even I never thought you were capable of doing. I'm glad I got to see this preview of The Black Ice, and honestly, even if I'm scared of you as The Black Ice, I want to see more of this.”

Konrad Raab: “The thing is, you'll likely won't see it regularly because it's rare I'm forced to tap into this other side. I wish I didn't have this mental problem.”

Fizz Raab: “I think you need to sleep. You're tired and exhausted again. Have an early night, and I do my own thing. Jerry, you may go home now. Konrad will see you on Sunday.”

Jerry nods as it was the end for the demonstration of The Black Ice of what he'll experience with Konrad and the other side for one night as he leaves their home to head back to his own home to shake off the cobwebs of how terrifying Konrad can be. Konrad on the other hand still was coming to terms of the damage he done. 

Fizz leaves Konrad to be on his own for a bit, needing to gather himself, even if it leads him to smoking cannabis again in the special room to calm down. He then goes up to his bedroom to go straight off to sleep after a tiring day of training until he gets his clothes both for use outdoors and the wrestling clothes he places in his bag. 

He also had other things he places in his bag before Konrad sets off to the airport, meeting with Jerry before flying to Chicago, Illinois to get his taxi as Konrad only had hand luggage to head to his apartment where Konrad gets some sleep once he arrives.
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC:  Part 1 of 2.  I am only roleplaying for Fizz this weekend.  Casterillo running from a 145 pound female on Breakdown was uncalled for as I did post a really good effort.  The running did nothing for the storyline.  That is not someone that this character would run from, so I had to improvise for that mistake.  I just hope that both Fizz and myself get a fair shake on this.  I am tempted to put more in this OOC, but I will hold it to PM's.  Good luck Fizz.  My number 2 will be up tomorrow morning.

*******Life Will Go On*******

I saw the look in her eyes.  Not in the eyes of Glory Braddock, but in the eyes of Sasha D..  It was this past Breakdown that we crossed paths in the hallway, as I was beginning my march to the wrestling ring to teach Glory a lesson.  I saw the look of fear.  She did not speak one word, nor did she have to.  Her eyes were begging me to spare Glory, as clearly Glory is one of her favorites.  Her eyes told me to walk away when I was doing too much.  That though, that is the LAST thing I will ever do FOR Supreme Championship Wrestling.  From now until I choose to leave everything I do will be for two beings here.  One is me.  Two, and I know it will come to a shock to you all, is Konrad Raab.  As much as he has been desperate to face me in a wrestling match for quite some time now, I can see why he is not willing to wait for Rise To Greatness.  He has two reasons.  The first being he obviously wants to show how aggressive he can get.  I just wish he would understand that changing his nickname will not have the desired effect that he is looking for.  As for the second, he wants to remain relevant and have an escape from the hardships of everyday life, away from the ring.  I do not say this much at all, but I can respect that.

Konrad, you are a respectful man, and when I am not messed with, I can be a respectful being as well.  The problem is it is obviously too late for me, as I have been disrespected for the majority of my life.  It is the reason for why I am who I am.  Only recently has Shadron been able to break the mold.  She makes me actually want to live for once.  She makes me want to really carve my own path, from now on forward.  So right off the bat, you have your answer.  I will NOT even be thinking about running from you at Retribution.  Truth be told, I have NEVER ran.  The two times I did not come to the ring to face you, I had my reasons.  The first time I had important matters to tend to.  The second time you were making it all about you.  A wrestling match, hell NOTHING should be all about just one being.  This is something the entire D. family just simply does not understand.  I would feel sorry for the daughters, just like you have sympathized with Sasha, but I do not.  They could both choose to be unlike their father.  They could choose to freshen things up here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  However I can tell at this early stage that it just is not in the cards.  I have made my stance very clear Konrad.  I was never on Katya's side.  I was on my OWN side.

Anyways, I will go into things more in-depth with you, but someone important to me needs attention this evening, and for a very good reason.  She comes first, over someone like you.  I will not run from her problems or my own, unlike Mr. D., who has seemed to always want to run from his...

But first I leave you with this.  You have said he has done so much for you.  Yet now he is abandoning you.  Even though he said he will be watching, it is clear that the future of Supreme Championship Wrestling is full of uncertainty.  It is about to be a free-for-all, and I for one will make sure I cause the most bedlam!  No longer will I be taking it easy on any given soul.  If a D. family member wants to fire me just because I am doing what I want and what they do not want me to do, it will only be proof that maybe, just maybe, they are no longer suited for the wrestling business.  Retribution will only be the turning of the key to open the door Konrad.  I actually truly hope that after this Sunday you back away from me and move on, being yourself.  I do not mean going back to being "The Iceman" either.  I want you to be simply Konrad Raab, because I can actually relate to someone that is being himself or herself.

If you cannot do that without the nicknames, maybe just like Mr. D., you should move on to the next stage in your life.  Whatever you choose, I hope you do not disappoint me, as I will not disappoint you.  I will live up to the promise I have made.  I will be inside that ring from bell to bell at Retribution, taking this "Black Ice" down, melting it piece by piece, until the medical team will have to scrape the remains off the canvas.

Off the record, I am miffed.  I am incensed.  I am angry!  I still cannot believe I bought into Sasha's puppy dog eyes as she clearly wanted one of her allies to be spared any possible injury that I could have definitely delivered to her.  From what I have heard, this is not the first time Sasha has gotten her way, but as far as I am concerned, it will be the last.  She has a target on her back, as does Katya, and even though he is trying to run and hide with leaving behind the excuse that it is time for his daughters to run the show, Mr. D. has the target painted squarely and EXTREMELY BRIGHTLY on his back too!  I do not trust or respect the entire family.  I am not scared of what any of them might do to me, nor am I scared of a more aggressive Konrad.  What I am scared of right now is what has Shadron a hot mess.  I never thought I would say this, but right now she is my world.  She has earned it, unlike everybody else.


I got back to her about fifteen minutes ago, yet she is still pacing.  I have tried much to calm her, but nothing has worked.  Even still at this moment, she is rambling on.

I don't know when he's going to strike, how he's going to strike.  I mean, he could even come and take me for his own while you're in a wrestling match.  Oh god, why did he have to be here?  Why did I walk that way?  Heck, why did I even meet him in the first place all those years ago back in high school?  I hate you Fate!


This gets her to snap to attention and spin around to face me.  

I believe you are forgetting who I am.  He is NOT going to get to you.  Being you have showed me what you have showed, no matter where he is and no matter where I am, I can stop him.

But... how?

I delay, but only for a few moments.

Remember that night at the fountain?  There was a link that night, and I know you felt it to.

It dawns on her.

Of course.  Look at me.  I am a hot mess for nothing.  The thing that concerns me the most though is him kidnapping me while you are dealing with Konrad this Sunday night.  I fear for you too by the way...

There is no need to.  I have closed my eyes and have foreseen who this "Black Ice" part of Konrad is.  It is just a mask, a facade, that supposedly makes him far more intense.  It is something that can be easily taken from him.  Besides, even if he does get more aggressive hits on me, I do not care if I bleed.  In fact that will motivate me more to choke him out, FOR GOOD!

So no, this little metamorphosis that Konrad wants to put himself through at Retribution does not frighten me one bit.  You are forgetting how powerful I am and can be.

She looks down at the floor, but I do hear her words.

You're right.  I don't think I want to watch though.

And that is your choice.  Stay in my locker room then.  Keep the door locked so you do not have any unwanted guests.  I will leave you the key.  You will be safe, on all ends.


That is all she tells me as a response.  I look to the back of our hotel room now, seeing that darkness is setting.

You should go eat something.  It will help.

Only if you come.


She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me, her head not fully up.  She whispers "I'm sorry" to me, to which I do not offer a response.  Honestly she has nothing to be sorry for.  Nor soon will I.


So apparently this was supposed to be one of my final suppers tonight.  I already know that is not true, despite the fact that Konrad Raab undoubtedly believes that it is.  At this point he believes that when he puts on his "Black Ice" mask that he can easily just kill someone like me.  However I have a secret that he will soon find out.  I am not one that can be killed, by anyone.  There will be a time where I will be destined to move on from this mortal realm, but the night of Retribution is not that time.  As much as the entire Supreme Championship Wrestling roster wishes it would be.  They will all be disappointed, but none moreso than Konrad Raab.  It will be the moment that I have won and have walked away from him to the backstage area.  That is a moment everyone will be forced to remember, for the rest of their days.

Simply put so everyone understands, life will go on.
OOC: Damn, how close was I to almost post an hour after the deadline? Very close indeed, but I'm glad I went on discord in time to be notified about the deadline being 4pm instead of 5pm UK time. Anyway, here's the rare number two RP and hope you've all enjoyed the pieces I've done as The Black Ice and the continuation of the storyline I've been doing since October.


[Image: xyKCnrl.png]

Having to tell Sebastian about his dark side. Cologne, Germany. Thursday 28th February (Off Camera)

It was another day of visiting Sebastian at the orphanage and all the times Konrad's come to visit him, it was easy and being able to be engaged with Sebastian on getting to know his dad a lot more. There are things he will talk about he hadn't even discussed with his kids yet, except his eldest daughters because they were too young to understand. 

However, today was going to be a tough day for Konrad as he knows Sebastian was going to ask questions about what's happened in SCW for that week since he buys weekly wrestling magazines to get updated about wrestling events. He shakes his head, fearing that he knows one hundred per cent today, Sebastian was going to ask about Konrad's other side. He couldn't stop thinking about it as it terrifies him.

He immediately shook it off as he stands at the doorway of the orphanage once again and rings the doorbell, waiting to be let in as he does a minute later as Konrad walks in and Friedrich closes the door behind them. Friedrich sees the smile on Konrad's face, seeing how happy he was to see Sebastian each visit he makes. 

For the first time since Konrad started coming to the orphanage, he saw Sebastian, sitting around with the other boys, even engaging with him about his future, hobbies and other things he has with them. It's a complete surprise to see how much Sofia was helping Sebastian being comfortable talking to other people. One of the boys says this.

A potential friend of Sebastian: “Think somebody is waiting behind you, Sebastian.”

He turns around and sees Konrad standing there as he hugs him, knowing how much has changed in Sebastian since he came down to see him every single week, even helping Sebastian opening up. He talks to the other boys and Sofia to say this.

Sebastian: “I need to be alone with Konrad today. I promise that next week, you lot will play and talk to Konrad because he's going to be my dad sooner than later.”

A potential friend of Sebastian: “Oh, we know, and we are happy for you. Anyway, I let you both have alone time; we'll get out of here.”

Sebastian: “No need, what I want to talk to Konrad about isn't something I want to discuss in public.”

They nodded, understanding Sebastian on talking something that could be personal and private to Sebastian as he gets up from the sofa, while they were watching TV with the other boys and he heads upstairs with Konrad. For the first time, Sebastian instructs the other boys in the same room as him to leave for a private chat. 

They did leave the room and played in the hallway instead before Sebastian closes the door as they go to sit on his bed as Konrad sees more drawings done in Sebastian's art class of SCW wrestlers he drew from his colouring book.

Konrad Raab: “I see you're making good use of that colouring book and I see you trying to make friends with other boys.”

Sebastian: “If it weren't for you and Sofia, I wouldn't have done anything like that. I'd be running away and doing drugs again.”

Konrad Raab: “That's because you're gaining confidence in yourself. You're getting in these situations because you're getting guidance. It's not a bad way to ask for help and receive it.”

Sebastian: “It seems to have changed my life in a big way. I'm even getting offers from the other boys to play with them. I'm not used to it.”

Konrad Raab: “New challenges are always hard to get used to at first, but once you've tackled it, it becomes easier.”

Sebastian: “Like you becoming TV champion after two years of hard work.”

Konrad nods, he knows the question was going to come sooner than later, especially it already scares the thought of the fact Sebastian wanted to talk to Konrad privately about something, maybe it was something Sebastian needed to get off his chest.

Konrad Raab: “Although these are fantastic drawings of SCW wrestlers, what do you want to talk to me in private about?”

Sebastian: “Well, things are going well with Sofia, and there are no issues there, but there's something I want to ask. Is it OK if I ask Sofia that I can touch her?”

Konrad Raab: “You already touch her by kissing, hugging her, touching and holding her hand.”

Sebastian: “I don't mean that I meant like touching her, privately. I'm not going to have sex with her, I'm too young for that, but I meant like just touching her chest and her private parts. Would that be something I can do?”

It was sort of a relief that it was a question that wasn't related to him, but more about Sebastian wanting to do something a bit more than hugging, kissing, touching and holding her hand, but not the lengths of sex either. Konrad knew what to say in this case, and he explains it.

Konrad Raab: “First of all, ask her if she feels comfortable of you touching her chest and her private parts. Second of all, if you're willing to do that, you must do it away from the other kids because they may copy you. You have the right to spend time with her alone, but as long you won't have sex with Sofia, you can do that.”

Sebastian: “I mean obviously, I wouldn't do it in front of staff or other children, but I was just wondering if that's OK because I want to.”

Konrad Raab: “As I said, it's best if you ask her if she feels comfortable and ready for you to touch her private parts. If she asks to touch your private parts, would you let her?”

Sebastian: “Of course as I'm ready for that. It's been on my mind for a week now I got to be honest.”

Sebastian was shy asking Konrad about it, but he felt a lot better, asking Konrad about if it was OK to touch his girlfriend's business, but Konrad knew at that point, there was more to discuss. Konrad notices it right away with Sebastian getting the weekly wrestling magazine out and sits on the bed to talk about it.

Sebastian: “In here, it says that you did an interview a few weeks ago. What do you mean you might be forced to let your other side out?”

That was something Konrad feared of; it hit him right in the gut that felt very hard. Konrad only told his eldest daughters a couple of years ago about it, and now was forced to tell the story of his father.

Konrad Raab: “Do you remember the cage match I had against Jason Helms?”

Sebastian: “Yes.”

Konrad Raab: “What I was talking about was that side of me coming back. The truth is much like you; I also got some mental health problems.”

Sebastian: “Wow, I never thought you'd have issues with yourself because you're always happy.”

Konrad Raab: “I only discovered two years ago I have tendencies of being a psychopath. Not as bad as my dad and my twin brother though. My dad, he was always secretive about it to me and my brother. My mum told me about my dad having psychotic moments at times, even talking to a voice which one of the problems I have.”

It left Sebastian in shock, he had no idea Konrad could be someone who's angry, especially how he rates Konrad being a hero in wrestling. Konrad was ashamed of having to tell Sebastian about his past to a point he drops a few tears about it as Sebastian pats Konrad on the back.

Sebastian: “Do you get scared of it?”

Konrad Raab: “All the time. Fizz was the one who encouraged me to use it because just like what Casterillo's doing, Jason was also pushing me around, kept running away from me and not showing respect for wrestling. Casterillo is worse than him.”

Sebastian: “Why did Fizz do that?”

Konrad Raab: “Because she didn't want to see me being pushed around anymore, so she made a few changes, including that Black and Dark Blue mask you see, I'm not known as The Iceman, I'm known as The Black Ice. I get controlled by a voice named Erik who tells me to do things I don't do as Iceman, but only as The Black Ice.”

There was silence for a while as Konrad tries to hold back the tears because of how scary he can get without knowing how to deal with it at times, but it wasn't helping, but he had to tell Sebastian about it which is very difficult for him. He continues.

Konrad Raab: “Problem is when either I or someone else take my mask off, I lose that power and I don't remember anything I've said or done to people. It does scare the hell out of me when I get told I done this and that because I only see what I did to people afterwards. I hurt people when I'm The Black Ice, but only when they deserve it.”

Sebastian: “I'm guessing that big dude has got it coming.”

Konrad Raab: “Sadly yes and it's not something I particularly want to go back to, but as I said, I need to teach some respect out of him because he keeps running away from me the last two matches I had against Casterillo. I aim to hurt and make him suffer, but you won't see me cheat or use illegal moves to win. I have to do it because I'm not going to get pushed around anymore by him and let him get away with stuff he's done in his matches and backstage.”

Sebastian sees how much it tears Konrad up on how Konrad had to be completely honest to Sebastian as he wasn't going to be like his dad where everything was secretive, he was willing to be open to him, and he nods to say this.

Sebastian: “You will be fine. You're still my hero, even with that Black Ice side. Even if you smash your opponent up bad, you do it for the right reasons, not like some who do it for no reason every single day.”

Konrad Raab: “You think the same about me?”

Sebastian: “I do because I know you only use it for wrestling. Casterillo is a coward, I agree. He doesn't respect wrestling or the fact he doesn't want to go for titles. How can you be a wrestler in the business if you don't want to win titles?”

The question Regan Street asked Konrad each time they fought on why he doesn't go for the SCW title. Konrad wasn't able to explain because he knew Regan wouldn't understand that it's not his goal at the moment. However, that's to be discussed another time as he addresses Sebastian's question.

Konrad Raab: “He claims he doesn't need titles to be the tough and big wrestler he is. He only wants to hurt people. I don't want to hurt people at all, I only do it when I have to, and in this case, I do, and he's making a big mistake when he ran from me. He can't run out of this fight as I will do anything to stop this guy from disrespecting wrestling again.”

Sebastian: “So I'm expected to hear blood and violence?”

Konrad Raab: “Correct. Casterillo didn't even want to face me until Rise To Greatness, but I wasn't going to wait until then. I want to face him at Retribution PPV, and even if it means I will use my other side, he'll wish he'd fought me as Iceman very fast when I will destroy him for the three count.”

At that point, there was a knock on the door, even if they were chatting this time around because of Sebastian wanted a private chat with Konrad about wrestling and Sebastian with touching Sofia's private business. Sebastian says this.

Sebastian: “Come in.”

It was Friedrich who came in, and Sebastian knew he had to leave to eat dinner as Friedrich comes to sit down with Konrad before he goes and says this.

Friedrich: “Sebastian's doing very well with his gym training. He understood about the stamina work right away. He's been working a lot on it. He's also got a big exam coming up for his English, maybe next time, you can help him study for it.”

Konrad Raab: “I'm happy to hear that. I'm also happy he's using that SCW colouring book to draw up some wrestlers for his artwork.”

Friedrich: “Yes, Sebastian's told me all about that. I guess I better let you go, got a title match coming up, Sebastian told me?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, for the TV title and I also got to tackle Casterillo a few days after that too. I'll see you and Sebastian same time next week.”

They stand up and leave Sebastian's room before they head downstairs as Sebastian stops eating his dinner and gives Konrad a hug and both say their goodbye's to each other. Konrad leaves the orphanage to head back to his apartment to do what he wants and needs to do before he heads off to sleep for the night.


The Black Ice side: Time for extreme pain and suffering Casterillo shoot. (On Camera)

“It's been a long time since I'm forced to face the biggest pussy I've ever heard in the wrestling business, Casterillo. Look at you, being some tough guy to attack Iceman from behind when he searched for your ass. You're not as tough as you claim to be Casterillo. You act like you're a badass, taking no responsibilities of running from fights which you've done from Iceman and Glory as well, making yourself a weak fucking bitch.

You're the farthest thing from being a wrestler because the only reason you're in this business is that you want to hurt people, not giving a shit about wrestling or winning titles. How stupid are you motherfucker to think you'd get away from pushing Iceman around? You're dead wrong as I will make sure you're not going to be able to walk from the arena. I will make sure you'll suffer from extreme pain you'll experience you've never felt in your entire life as a wrestler.

I'm not stupid to know you can beat me, but I have the right to say I can beat you. I won't deny you'll do anything to choke me out, but I will do things far worse than making me not breathe. I won't hesitate to make sure I'll attempt to break every single bone in your body, making you have broken ribs for the rest of your life. I will make sure you'll get the beating you deserve, not just from me, but from other wrestlers in SCW as well.

You will also see the times you haven't fought Iceman has been under your terms because of the excuses you made about how you had some sort of travel problems one time and then the next I'm not worth fighting. Maybe now you realise I will not be an afterthought wrestler and I'll be a wrestler worth fighting for. Blame all you want for me to bring this side back, but it's only you who has to blame for being in this mess.

You're expecting the worst punishment you'll ever get from me. Jason Helms hasn't been able to tell the story how much I fucked his mind up to a point he regrets everything he has done to me. You're almost just like him in a lot of ways, except the twitter thing is the only thing different about you. I can't wait to rip you apart in the ring. 

I can't wait to hear you scream in so much pain that you'll have no choice but to tap out to my ankle lock because that's my goal in this match to make you suffer. I can't wait to bust you wide open with my fists and knees to a point; you're fucked. You'll fear the damage I'm capable of doing; I will wipe your blood on my chest, feeling you've been mind fucked and blooded up so bad by The Black Ice himself who's a slippery bastard

You will choke on Black Ice cubes and will suffocate in this match to beat me because you have no chance, but to suffer from the extreme amount of pain because of your actions and your lack of disrespect for this sport. If you aren't in it for titles, I gladly send your ass out of the sport because you don't belong here. Tomorrow night in Chicago, you'll prepare to be Iceinated by The Black Ice, wishing you hadn't made the biggest mistake of your wrestling career. Enjoy the beatings you'll suffer from the hands of The Black Ice, HAHA.”
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC:  Part 2 of 2.  Out of respect for Fizz, good luck.

Also though, whoever the handler of Kellen Jeffries is, slow your roll.  Last Breakdown my character would not run from someone like Glory Braddock, so you should not be using that in your work.  Basically put my character has been made a joke, and I am very pissed about it.  It's not my fault that roleplays are clearly not getting fully read for content.  If Casterillo is made to run against in this match against Konrad, I am fucking gone!

Olek knows this and if he does it again, it just proves he wants me gone.  For your information also, both times I no-showed against Fizz, there were reasons.  One time I had to catch up on sleep because I was fucking falling asleep at work!  The other time I just could not get to the computer to type because it was a short deadline week (we had less than 3 days from the card going up).  Shit happens, but I'm here now.

For those that choose to read this one and the last one I've posted, happy reading.


She has always been weak, since the moment I first met her.  She just could not resist me.  I knew that I had her wrapped around my finger.  While I was dating her some back in high school, and it was fun, I knew I had to move on.  I knew it was time for me to grow up and pursue my dreams.  Unfortunately for me, it just has not happened.  I dropped out of regular college because admittedly it just was not for me.  Thus I turned to food, even though it was not my dream.  Yet still I persevered and graduated from culinary school here in Indianapolis, and proceeded to get a job right here in the city, at one of the best restaurants.  It sucks being a sous chef though, having to take orders from the executive chef and the management team all the time.  Day after day it is always the same.  Yes, I make every single dish I make look exquisite, and yes I am sure that the guests who eat them love them, but there is no excitement.  There is no adventure.  There are no twists and turns.  That is the one thing I have missed about her.  She was always shy and I just knew that deep down inside her, there just had to be something.  But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.  Good thing I waited, and now, she has fallen right back into my lap.  I have even overheard where the two of them are going next, Chicago, the Windy City, the home of Deep Dish Pizza.  Thus I have put in for a week's time of vacation at the restaurant to go and follow her, to find out everything I can about her "powers".  Even though her companion is bigger than me, I do not fear him.  She has weakened him.  Something that I did not let her do to me.

I am on the bus right now, which has already headed west into Illinois and is currently on the interstate heading north.  I would estimate we are less than an hour from Chicago, less than an hour until the adventure begins, an adventure that will only end when she is using these acquired "powers" for my benefit.


Back in Chicago, things are definitely uneasy and weird.  Even the notorious winds have died out for the time being.  A bit of morning mist is still apparent over Lake Michigan, resting just above the surface of the waters, which are also quite calm.  It is eerie, as if a large storm is right on the doorstep of the city.  At the shore stands the both of them, Lawrence and Shadron.  He looks serene as he rubs her shoulders, not as rough as he has the few times in the past.  However she looks more worried than ever.

I know you said I shouldn't worry, but even under your protection, I have a bad feeling that it just isn't going to be enough.  That isn't a slight towards you.  I know you're powerful, but I can feel it.  He will find a way to get to me.  He has before.

If he even gets close to you, he is going to get his head separated from his body.  You have seen me do it before, and I will not hesitate to do it again!  How many times do I have to tell you that I am committed to you!!!

She turns around slowly, looking over her shoulder first, smiling weakly.

I know you are, and I know I am not forcing you to be.

Damn right you are not!  Look, you opened my eyes, and I for damn hell sure will not allow this ex-boyfriend of yours to close yours!  Get it through your head Shadron.  Nothing is going to happen to you that you do not want to happen.  Not today, not tonight, not tomorrow, not EVER!  You got me to take off my mask when I hid myself from the world and also from showing emotions for lord knows how many years now.  You have made me realize I should NEVER run from problems.  I should face them and tonight, against this apparently special Konrad Raab, that is what I am going to do.  I will make him realize that a little mask is NOT going to make him better!  It will instead KILL him!  Everyone else will be FORCED to watch the display that I put on, the display that will change the course of SCW!  Screw the fact that Tactical Warfare is going to determine the fate of SCW's immediate future!  And screw your ex-boyfriend!!!

He yanks Shadron fully towards him and slams a heavy kiss on her, that bugs her bright green eyes open.  After a bit he does not realize his own strength and shoves her.  She drops right to the sand and some distant thunder rumbles.  He looks down at her and both of them are breathing very hard.  She closes her eyes as it looks like she is about to cry, but not a moment after, they pop right back open.  She immediately looks up at Lawrence.

He's here!!!

And we are not going to run.  We are not going to hide.  This ends NOW!

From the ground Shadron nods.  Lawrence extends his right hand and she accepts it.  He pulls her up and begins to run his rough fingers through her purple hair, which is a bit of a mess right now.  They both suddenly jolt their heads to where a bus is pulling up, not far from the lake.  Even though Shadron is jittery and extremely scared, they both hold their ground.  It is then that Ian gets off the bus.  They can see him.  He looks around and upon seeing the both of them standing together, backs up and heads the other way, calling for a taxi cab.

He is running, something that I will never do ever again.  Something HE will never do ever again!!!

He leaves Shadron's side and races right towards where Ian stands.  Upon seeing him coming, Ian makes a dash for it, but Casterillo is closing ground.  Shadron has not moved a step, as she is just frozen in fear.

Ian makes it to a taxi cab that is just pulling up.  He yanks the back door open and can be heard yelling to the taxi driver to "DRIVE!!!".  The taxi driver does what he is told and speeds off as Ian slams the door shut.  A nasty strike of lightning strikes down not far from that location as Casterillo stamps his foot against the sidewalk that he has reached.

DAMN IT!!!  You are going to be ended eventually!!!

He moves back to where Shadron is, but even his presence does not unfreeze her.

He will get what he has coming to him.  Mark my words!  For now we may as well go being he wants to be nothing but a rat.

He offers her a hand, but she does not take it.

He is going to get me Lawrence.  There is nothing you can do.  No matter what he does to me, I love you.

She is teary-eyed as she says this as if she has foreseen it happening.  Casterillo is now getting irritated.

He will NOT get you!  Snap to it and get it in your head!

He snaps his fingers, but even this does not seem to get her out of her trance, so instead he goes to take her by an arm, which also does not work.  He angrily sighs and then lifts her up, carrying her away from Lake Michigan.  She looks down to his eyes, with her bright green ones even looking frozen.

He will get me.  Don't let Konrad get you.  Come and find me when he is done.

Casterillo keeps walking forward until they are back at the hotel they are staying at for their stay in Chicago.  Shadron's eyes are still glass when they are back up into the room.  As gently as possible he places her down on the bed, where she just looks up at the ceiling, repeating "He is coming for me.  He is coming for me."

He looks down at her for a few moments.  Seeing there has been no change in her, he just draws the back drapes, grabs a key card, and heads out of the room, making certain the door is locked. As he goes his feet stomp louder and louder and louder, clueing is all into the fact that his anger is building.  It builds all the way until he gets to below ground level.  Once he sees he is alone, with no chance of being interrupted, he screams the biggest, loudest scream he has ever screamed.  So big and so loud that the earth trembles beneath his feet, almost as if an earthquake is about to happen.  This time he does not simmer.  This time he just cannot calm down.  This time could very well be the time where the whole world may need to drop to their knees, cowering in fear.


His stomping has stopped as he now finds himself fully in the basement of the hotel.  Yet he still grumbles, until finally he chooses to speak, that is after pulling out a miniature recording device.  He slams it down on the nearest table, no longer wasting any time.

I have made myself very clear.  There are MANY here in Supreme Championship Wrestling that will eventually face their beheading.  Mr. D. and his owners need to have eyes in the backs and sides of their heads.  They should ALWAYS be on a swivel, because I will NOT do one more thing for them.  Everything I do now, from this moment forward, will be for me, and for those who deserve to actually have a chance at success that they crave.  Honestly I hope Alistaire rips Kellen Jeffries apart, being Kellen has not one damn clue what he is talking about.

Nor do you Konrad.  Oh I am sorry, Black Ice.  The point is Konrad is that it is still you!  Not to mention that everything you have talked about?  I expected every single last word from you!  You may be mad that I have not faced you the last two times we have slated to face one another, but at the end of it all, the main point is, I AM FUCKING HERE NOW!!!  I am RIGHT HERE in Chicago and will NOT be running from you tonight!!!  As far as Glory Braddock goes, I was TOLD to walk away from her and not maim her.  I could have!  I wanted to!  But I saw Sasha's eyes.  They told me the story.  I only needed to look at them for two seconds, but that is the LAST time that I have a bleeding heart for anybody in this fucking company!  Possibly anybody in this world, except for the one special person that has put in the effort.

Speaking of putting in effort, just because I don't care about a championship belt being around my waist, does NOT mean I am here to just be here.  You are only right about me wanting to hurt people, and clearly I have already mentally DESTROYED YOU!  I did that without even having to lay a finger on you.  You and your fans cannot even fathom what will actually happen when I am tossing you from pillar to post, doing whatever the hell I want, with the dimwitted sisters being unable to not do a damn thing about it!

Casterillo simply shakes his head.

They BOTH have no idea what they are getting themselves into, running SCW.  They are in way over their fucking heads.  Oh look "Black Ice", I can fucking curse too!  Let us see if that helps anything!  Yes that is right, whoever curses the most wins our match tonight!  

Look, cursing does not help you be a bigger man.  I am only doing it to prove a point to you.  Cursing will not help tonight when I am clotheslining your head clean off your shoulders.  And if it does happen to stay attached, I will make certain that I trip you up and Claim the Black Ice for all eternity!  YOU will be the one tapping out.  YOU will be the one that is weak, not that you are not already.  It is someone who needs to shield themselves with a mask that is the weak one.  I should know.  I have been there before in the earlier stages of my life.  Yet you want to be there now, and for what reasons?  Because I was not available to face you in one match, and because I did not want to face you on another night.  That is petty.  I wanted you to wait.  I wanted to take you on face to face at Rise To Greatness for the best reason.  To take you down on the biggest night of SCW's calendar year!  So, since tonight is the night, I am coming in to the United Center as if this IS the biggest night, not just of the year, but of EVER!  You have said you wanted me, but now that you have me and I have heard what you have had to say, I just have a bad feeling that I will be left with an empty feeling after it is all over.

Though I will say this.  It will be fully satisfying to hear your head snap backwards, and even more satisfying to see your hand tap against that mat.  It is at that moment that the Black Ice will be nothing but a failed attempt at getting what you really wanted.  The Black Ice will be a myth, and you will realize that I was not the being to come after!  Tonight ALL of Supreme Championship Wrestling will realize that!!!  They will realize that I am truly the one that is THE Black Ice!  You will be frozen tonight, and forced to remember it, FOREVER!

Casterillo's hand slams against the recording device he has in his presence.  He scoops it up and tosses it back in his pocket before resuming stomping forward through the basement.  Yet soon he will be coming back up to ground level, something that Konrad Raab believes he wants, something that Konrad Raab will soon get, something that Konrad Raab will wish he never ever wanted.

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