Retribution update
I'm aiming for the weekend. For those who didn't know, I moved to a new house last weekend. That, coupled with some meetings earlier this week, and teaching (needing to still write my lectures for this week), has taken up most of my time. After I teach today, I have several days to focus on getting back into my routine and thus into writing and should be able to make headway on the show and get us moving again. Thanks for your patience.
I'm sick and I still love you. Take care, and if anyone gives you shit about waiting, I will see if I can vomit on them. I got your back.
You're the man, Olek. That can not be stated enough.
Quick update, everything is judged. All matches have been sent. It's all on me at this point as I continue to dig out of the pile of work. As a result, this weeks Breakdown will be cancelled and the next show will be Breakdown on March 27, 2019.
Yay I get to enjoy my springbreak!

Another update - I've finally finished the Tactical Warfare match. I want to go over it and then going over all of the submitted matches and writing segments. Show should be up tonight or tomorrow night at the latest with a card up by tomorrow night regardless.

I can't thank everyone enough for their patience as I try to work through all of this work and I just hope the show is worth the wait.

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