Kimberly Williams vs. Scarlet Grey
Kimberly Williams vs. Scarlet Grey

Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, April 2, 2019
RP Limit: 2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]
I really enjoyed writing this one.

Good luck!
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SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

We open up to find Scarlet Grey sprawled out on her bed, the only sign of clothing we're able to confirm being a red silk robe tied around her, though the amount of cleavage on display seems to suggest that truly is all she might be wearing. Despite seeming like she might be dressed for something a little more playful as would be the norm, her facial expression tells a different story. She looks fairly annoyed, if we're being honest here, as she just stares into the camera while twirling one of her deep red locks around her finger absentmindedly. We're left to linger on this image for a moment before she decides she might as well say something.

Grey: Sometimes I wonder if I could try to explain... would any of you understand me? If I bothered to play on “your” little battlefield by “your” rules, would I be taken seriously when I want to put in the effort? Or are you all so blind and deluded that you truly can't go beyond “what you see is what you get” and simply assume you know everything there is to know about me? Sure, that makes it easy to underestimate me, but it also annoys me when those who think they have a clue start spouting off like they hit the jackpot. It makes it easy to prove how ridiculous they truly are, but maybe I'm just getting tired of hearing the same old thing from the same exact kinds of people.

Grey: Does that sound like anything you were expecting of me? Probably not, but that comes as no surprise at this point. The people of the world all follow the same one track thought process: they think they know everything, they shove it down your throat thinking it'll make them look amazing, and then when it all blows up in their faces they try to shrug it off and act like it never happened, claiming they're still right the whole way because the human ego truly seems like it's reinforced with titanium half the time.

Grey: Let's get the obvious out of the way first: Tactical Warfare saw Sasha's team get the win and Katya is no longer in power. To no one's surprise, everyone is opening their mouths about how much better SCW will be now and mocking anyone who dared to stand alongside Katya because they're stupid or were manipulated or whatever excuse they can come up with to act like the cock of the walk in a field already overcrowded with too many of them. Also, I guess I got my “comeuppance” for all the shit I pulled against Peyton Rice and Kelcey Wallace because I lost to the former while pretending to be the latter and with Chris Cannon's attention on wherever his moral compass is pointing now after crippling Blake Mason or whatever, it seems like that game isn't going any farther. Never mind the fact that I exposed Peyton along the way and left her questioning her own moral values on Twitter for the world to see in the aftermath, because that's all that matters in the end. Screw the work you put in to get whatever you wanted out of the deal if the end result doesn't reflect it without having to actually give some effort to look beneath the surface, right?

Scarlet just shakes her head, letting out a huff that further drives home how annoyed she is that no matter what she did take away from the past few months, it's suddenly all for naught because of an outcome or two. This whole thing about humanity caring only about one specific result and not anything else that may be gained in the process is beginning to sound like nails on a chalkboard to her, and it's hard to try to have fun with this anymore when that sound gets louder and more annoying with each passing week.

Grey: You know, I find it kind of funny that one person in particular has been reaming me out about all of this when I could easily turn the exact same arguments back on her with far less effort. Kim Williams certainly enjoyed sitting there spinning her little yarn about how much of a puppet I was and why I'm this absentminded fool because of it while criticizing what I've spent so much time building, yet all the while she's simply stabbing her imaginary knife at thin air and only sees the blood spatters of what she thinks she's hitting each time. Of course she's going to claim to be the only one to “know what was really going on” out of our little crusade because she has the need to be the rebel trying to steal all the attention for herself to make up for the fact that she is, and always will be, stuck in the shadow of her twin sister.

Grey: I'm not blind sweetie, I do have the psychological knowledge to see the signs no matter how desperately you try to hide them. It doesn't matter how much you try to cram the idea of “loyalty” down my throat because the fact of the matter is you're starting to realize that the only way you're ever going to accomplish anything is by leeching off of Marie's success because it's all you're good for. In your entire rant, the only thing worth taking away from it was proof, by your own admission, that you and Marie were this “dominant” force once upon a time but nothing truly speaks to me about how much of a role you actually played in it. Ever since you came to SCW you've basically been glued to her hip, trying to be her “guiding light” from the “evils” of corruption... and in the process you cost her a shot at the world title “Angel” on top of willingly choosing to not break up the fall that put Sasha back in power in the first place. Of course, I can't forget that you were only in that match to begin with because Marie wouldn't go in without you, and had anyone else been in that cage instead we might not even be having any of these discussions about the aftermath of defeat and who's in the wrong because of it.

Grey: At least I'll sit here and begrudgingly admit that as much as I wish otherwise, I haven't done anything outside of the games I've played with people, but at least I was having fun along the way, something that feels like it's been forgotten about with everyone trying to be super serious about the fate of this or that title or why they need this win and so on. It goes back to that nonsense of nothing aside from the end result being the only thing people want to care about though, and it allows people like you to get this impression about me when you haven't even been in the ring with me yourself to understand what Scarlet Grey is all about. Meanwhile, you certainly have no trouble opening up a whole textbook of facts for me to return fire with, like adding to my earlier comments because if I look down in EMERGE, not only do I see the remnants of someone who found zero success on her own in the lesser promotion of the two, but I also see a woman who criticizes me for being a “puppet” when you let yourself get drawn into a “friendship” with someone you should've known full well was just going to bleed you dry and leave you for dead when you stopped being useful to her.

Grey: Are we done calling the kettle black yet, pot?

Scarlet slowly sits up onto the edge of the bed, carefully crossing her legs so SCW's censors don't have a meltdown if our assumptions are truly correct about the robe being her lone article of clothing. It doesn't stop the robe from sliding down her shoulders a bit since it's not tied as tightly around her, exposing her bare shoulders and a bit more of her ample chest, but she doesn't seem fazed by this as nothing's exposed and she's in far too deep to stop now.

Grey: You can feel free to stop pretending whenever you want, by the way. I know full well that the concept of “loyalty” is only your weapon of choice because it's the only straw you can think to grasp based on what you think you know. I've already proven you're nothing more than a leech considering that when you couldn't hack it on your own you came up to SCW just to drag your sister down under the guise of “helping” her when you're only expecting her to drag you into something worth bragging about. Even if I were to ignore that, you kind of need to make up your mind about whether you're loyal to Marie or if you're a sociopath, because it doesn't work both ways Kim. Sociopaths lack the ability to care for anyone, even themselves, so if you're correctly throwing your psychological profile at me then you're just confirming what I've already said about what Marie truly means to you and this is more about whatever attention you can get out of the fact that you and her were both beaten down last week.

Grey: But of course, this must be about Katya then, right? Our little group venting about the fact that you so easily threw away a chance to be the big hero you're trying to make yourself out to be because you think you know about a concept that clashes with everything you're trying to present yourself as to me? I can at least admit to my own instability and even I see straight through your paper-thin disguise, Kim. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, in the wake of this “new SCW”, that we were simply trying to get some new footing for ourselves? I mean, if I wasn't loyal at all then why would I have joined Ruby and Autumn in laying waste to Jones family pairing number 42? I could've just as easily preoccupied myself with something else, but that just goes to show up how much the idea of the three of us plus Kandis actually clicking and watching each others' backs with or without Katya flies over your pretty little head.

Grey: Let me ask you something that might actually blow your mind Kim... do you think Marie NEEDS protecting? I only ask because you seem to have a warped understanding of the same concept you're basically setting up as the sword you're willing to fall on just to prove a point. You criticize the fact that I “abandoned” Ruby when she's a big girl and can take care of her own business, the proof being the fact she brought some gold back to the Red Empire at long last. You accuse me of running off with Kandis when you forget the fact that Ruby was injured during that time and made it clear she had no problems with the new friend I made. Or, if you want to keep this discussion about Katya, do I need to point out the fact that while she was in charge I actually GOT a tag title shot when Ruby and I spent so long jumping through hoops beforehand only to get nowhere, just like Marie did before being given the world title chances she more than deserved by that point?

Grey: It doesn't sound to me like Marie needs you to be her guardian angel unless you're implying you think that little of her ability to get things done herself around here. Me? If anything, SCW needs more people like Ruby who know what to do to keep them safe from me.

Grey: Breakdown is going to be the wake up call that puts things in perspective for you Kim, and this time I'm going to give people the result that puts the nail in the coffin so they can stroke their own egos over it. Since you clearly don't understand, I guess I have to stop playing just to make you see exactly what kind of person you truly are, and you might be surprised to find that you might've been looking in the mirror from the other side this whole time. But hey, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right? Here's a better idea... don't try to question the true goddess of SCW without solid evidence of your claims, and maybe you won't wend up being stricken down like the brave little “hero” you seem to want to present yourself as now, because lord knows this company's too overloaded with those as it is and you're just the latest lemming following the crowd right over the edge of the cliff.

Scarlet stands up and goes to walk out of the shot as the scene starts to fade, though we do catch the robe being tossed back into the picture and onto the bed before we completely fade to black as Scarlet prepares herself, maybe not for fun, but for war this time.

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