Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
Winner Receives a World Championship opportunity at Rise to Greatness XVI

Entrants (This is not order of entry)
1. Surprise Entrant
2. Surprise Entrant
3. Surprise Entrant
4. Surprise Entrant
5. Surprise Entrant
6. Surprise Entrant
7. Gavin Taylor
8. G (Other)
9. Josh
10. Drake Hemingway
11. Alexis Quinne
12. Omar 1
13. Omar 2
14. Omar 3
15. Selena Frost
16. Chris Cannon
17. Jon
18. Jordan Majors
19. Adam 1
20. Alistaire Allocco
21. Xander Valentine
22. Bree Lancaster
23. Kandis
24. Katie Steward
25. Gigi Steward
26. Duran
27. Charlie 1
28. Charlie 2
29. Kris
30. Glory Braddock
31. Konrad Raab
32. Aaron Blackbourne
33. Crissy Gardner
34. Rick 1
35. Rick 2
36. Zero
37. TBD by match
38. TBD by match
39. Ace Marshall
40. Alexis 1

2 RP Limit per entrant
Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Friday, May 31, 2019
(OOC note: OK, just to clear things up, if this CD is familiar, it’s because it’s been used in EMERGE. Olek is aware of the situation, and will judge it how he sees fit. I just thought it would be a good idea for those that hadn’t had the ‘pleasure’ to understand what the character is like. In Elijah / Zero’s mind, all this is real, and he believes he really is an anti-hero, so let’s see how it goes. Obviously, he cannot really do the things he thinks he can, but to him this is his life as remembered in his head. Anything on shows will be pyro, mind tricks and maybe a pulley or two ;-) Feel free to debunk it as much as you like.)

I sit in the hospital bed, bandages covering my face. I’d been like this now for the past six weeks, having not been allowed to see the results of the operation until the swelling went down. I was excited, so excited I had pissed himself on more than one occasion, understandable as I was looking forwards to living a life of beauty, as opposed to the ugliness I had to ensure since I was five.
I remembered the moment well, holding myself, trying to stop the flow of urine from leaving my body, and tripping over the step, slamming my head into the porcelain of the toilet bowl. And the smell as the urine soaked into my trousers. I’d lived with that ugliness for so long, this was the moment I had waited for, and had spent my life savings on. And right now, all I wanted to do was tear the bandages off.
Well, that was actually a lie, because I also wanted to tear off the clothes of my Doctor, something that wasn’t surprising considering she had spent the last six weeks examining my face, her breasts dangling inches away from my tongue. Oh to have a bigger tongue. Her breasts smelt like lavender, which until recently I hadn’t really liked. Now though, the smell had a certain attraction.
“So Elijah, you ready to see the result of a lot of hard work?”
I nod, though in truth I was having difficulty doing anything considering all the blood had rushed to my groin. Doctor Hudson, Charlotte Hudson was teasing the fuck out of me right now, so much so for just a second the operation and any results really didn’t matter
Charlotte: We are really proud of this Elijah, it’s moments like these that make us truly inspired.
Fuck sake, I just wanted her to get on with it, and perhaps touch my penis. I knew my life was about to change forever, and that girls would be swarming all over me. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if once the bandages were removed, Charlotte didn’t straddle me and ride the shit out of me. Talking of which, I had to remember to pay a visit to the toilet, as the snake was already popping its head out of the cage
Charlotte: OK then, here goes
Finally, she goes for the bandages, and as an added bonus the lavender scented goodness finds its way close enough for me to lick her breast. She was so into the big reveal she didn’t seem to notice, or perhaps it was because she wanted more. As the bandages are removed, a gasp is heard around the room, and several of the student doctors, one that looked dangerously like jail bait to me but was worth the risk, begins a round of applause, Charlotte stepping back to admire her handiwork
Charlotte: Wow, I have really surpassed myself this time. The results are… amazing. Would you like to see?
Well fuck yeah, talk about stupid question. I nod my head enthusiastically, as she turns and passes me a mirror, without me taking a moment to admire her ass. I lift up the mirror, and see the reflection looking back at me. My eyes widen, and I turn to Charlotte, my erection having shriveled to almost nothing due to what I was looking at
Elijah: Like, what the fuck?
Charlotte: What’s wrong, the scar is gone… you can barely notice it.
Elijah: Fuck the scar, what about the rest of my face. You’ve ruined it
Charlotte: I don’t understand…
Elijah: Get the fuck out… go… get these fucking students out my room.
I watch as Charlotte ushers them out, staring at the hideous creature looking back at me. How could they fuck up so badly? I mean, this was like; the 39th best rated plastic surgery in the state so they had to be good. I feel a tear form on the corner of my crow footed eyes and feel no shame. I wanted this bitch to know how fucked off I was.
Elijah: So?
Charlotte: So?
I didn’t know why she had suddenly turned into a parrot, I pay it little heed
Elijah: What are you going to do?
Charlotte: I don’t see what I can do?
It was obvious she wasn’t getting it. I mean, even if she didn’t think she could do anything with my face, her actions were at least worthy of a blow job right? I point at my face…
Elijah: This, how are you going to make this right. I asked you to get rid of the scar; I didn’t ask you to change my whole face
Charlotte: But… we haven’t
Elijah: Bullshit, I want to see the head surgeon
Charlotte: That’s actually me
Elijah: I…
I hesitate, this was getting me nowhere. I needed to think on this, the compensation for such a fuck up may have been worth the incessant insults I was sure to endure.
Elijah: Just get out, and take your lavender scented mammaries with you.
Charlotte: I’m sorry… what?
Yeah, but not sorry enough for a blowy apparently, and she leaves. Probably already planning to tell her girlfriends how a patient at work had been such a meanie. Meanie, I was going to give her a meanie the next time her and I were alone, but for now I had to figure out how I was going to live with this now even uglier visage. The Freak Circus was hiring, maybe it would be worth giving the Greatest Showman a call
In truth, my options had been limited. Apparently it wasn’t seen as good practice to operate so soon after the initial procedure so in the words of the practice manager I was going to have to live with it. That douche wanted to think himself lucky that Charlotte had that morning decided that my dick would be well placed between the scented musk of lavender… a scent that I had ruined with my sweet sperm… I knew there were benefits from asparagus. Anyway, I step out of the elevator and into the hospital lobby, cursing as I see the weather, and then made more than aware that people were looking at me. I pull the hooded top over my head, and make my way towards the door, a crack of thunder almost immediately followed by sheet lightening
“Got this for the rest of the day apparently, can I hail you a taxi?

I turn to face one of the hospital staff, a guy that was probably just as camp as he looked. He tries to look beyond the shadow of the hood but I don’t allow him
“Hey, I’m talking to you”
Elijah: Nah, I’m gonna walk
“Suit yourself, only trying to help.”
As I step out into the rain I immediately regret it, my top almost immediately drenched. I wasn’t going to lose face though, and I walk down the street, trying to keep my face obscured and never looking back at the smug, obviously gay man that I knew would still be watching, why wouldn’t he? I turn into an alleyway, the rain not as heavy here as I’m sheltered by the buildings. As I walk, I hear a noise coming from the trash bins, a woman’s squeal piercing through the night.
“Shut up you bitch, just give me what I want, and you can go”
It was obvious what the man wanted, and part of me believed that maybe I wanted it too. The words however leave my mouth before I can stop them
Elijah: Stop it… NOW.”
There is a momentary silence, and then from behind the trash bin a man stands, and even through the darkness his anger is obvious, as is his size. I immediately regret my decision to not walk past and leave him to it.
“Just walk away stranger, you haven’t seen a thing”
I had, unfortunately, and the whimpering of the woman didn’t help. Or was that my whimpering?
“Please, help me…” she mutters quietly, pitifully.
Elijah: I’m afraid I can’t do that.
“You had your chance”
The words leave his lips menacingly, and I do the best thing for all, and start running off down the alleyway. You’d have thought the guy would have just got on with what he was doing, but no, he decides to give chase, with all the speed of Usain Bolt as it happens. I tear into the street and immediately cross the road, a searing light seeming to engulf me as electricity strikes from the sky above. I feel the heat surge through my body, a power like I have never known. As the man catches up to me, I instinctively hold out my hand, the electricity finding its release and slamming into the guy, the impact sending him flying backwards and through a shop window almost fifteen feet away. Strangely, the rain immediately subsides, and all seems silent. I stand there in the middle of the street, my hood having dropped to my shoulders, well aware of the crowd having watched what just happened. I pull my hood back up over my face; after all, it had to be my face didn’t it, the reason why they were staring.
Elijah: What the fuck…
I mutter under my breath, and sprint away from the crowds. What the hell had just happened, I had no clue. I’d just been struck by one of nature’s most destructive forces and yet I was still standing. But not only that, it seemed like I had actually harnessed its power… but how?
The rain continues to fall down on my face, my hands seemingly burning with raw power. Did I really just do that?
Elijah: What the fuck…
This was unreal, I’d never felt so strong in my entire laugh. I could feel the storm coursing through my veins and it felt good, so very good. I look up at the crowds that have gathered, some looking at me, others looking at the guy who still laid motionless the other side of the road. I hadn’t imagined this, this was real.
“What was that man? That was like some Ryu shit or something.”
A Black Jamaican stood on the other side of the road shouts, and suddenly all eyes are on me, the unconscious guy well and truly forgotten. From the alleyway, the woman from before appears, and mouths a ‘thank you’ to me, before heading off down the street. Thank you? Really, she’d obviously not seen me doing my Olympic standard sprinter impression, but I’d take it.
I hear sirens, from not that far away; it wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility that someone had called the police. All I knew was I wasn’t about to answer questions right now and get carted off to some psyche ward, I’d spent enough time in hospitals of late. So again I run, this time away from the throng of people and into an adjacent alleyway, watching from the safety of my hiding place.
The rain actually stops, and I watch as the cops take statements from all those that had witnessed what I had done, some shakes their heads in disbelief, and others quite blatantly laughing. None of them realizing that the guy that had started all this, skulks off down the alley from which he came
I didn’t remember getting home or even getting into bed but as I woke, the first thing that happening was the replaying over and over of what had happened the night before. Had I really shot lightening from my hands? As unbelievable as it was, yes I had. And around twenty witnesses at the scene would have agreed with me. I didn’t feel any different this morning though, and the burning sensation that I had felt in my hands before had no decapitated and been replaced by a numbing feeling that was annoying. Stretching out my fingers, and sat at the table I had stolen from a skip prior to my surgery, I boot up the laptop, and head straight to the local news website. And there is was, in all its monochrome glory
Super hero? I liked that, I couldn’t lie. I mean, everyone knew the chicks loved a hero, and even if the surgery had rendered me ugly as fuck, this wasn’t a bad pay off. Not going to lie, I did wonder if the ability to conduct lightening and then manipulate would add to my sexual prowess, but my first thought was actually to make sure that the website hadn’t gotten any pictures, a quick scroll down showed that I hadn’t been so lucky, damn me for living in the year 2013 and everyone having smartphones. Reaching the bottom of the article, I could at least be happy with the fact they hadn’t got my face. No one needed to see this visage over their cornflakes. My thoughts of pulling some Victoria’s Secret models due to my new status are extinguished by the doorbell ringing, and the dulcet tones of Deborah, my next door neighbor shrilling through the morning silence.
Deborah: You there Elijah? I got bagels…
Now, let me put you straight here, Deborah wasn’t a bad looking bird at all. In her forties, and divorced, twice, there was no doubt she got her fair share of suitors. But Deborah was in love with me, and didn’t want anyone else. My problem? She was Ginger, and I knew from her telling me in graphic details that her vaginal area resembled a badly stuffed kebab. I’d not ruled it out of course, if ever I was desperate for a late night booty call she’d be an option. But if I was going to be a super hero and embrace it, I could do better ya know?
Deborah: Elijah? I know you came home from hospital last night?
She probably had CCTV in my apartment
I open the door, and sure enough, her signature low cut top gives me an eyeful of the love pillows, a little earlier than I am used to. I’m not embarrassed to say, that she gave me a semi right there and then.
Deborah: Hey handsome, I know you must be tired, but can I come in?
I don’t saw a word, but step to one side, taking care to hide the swelling in my groin. Did I tell you I’m packing down there? Well I am, just saying, it might be relevant later. Deborah takes a seat, her thong was black, just in case you needed to know, and she pushes a bagel in my direction. Usually, probably wouldn’t have taken it, but I was exceptionally hungry, and let’s face it, firing lightening from your hands is thirsty work, so I take a huge bite from the pastry goodness and take my own seat. Deborah points to the laptop
Deborah: What do you reckon to this guy then? Everyone I’ve spoken to says it was a case of mass psychosis… it happens you know? Hands firing electricity, I mean… ridiculous.
Elijah: Yeah, sounds bonkers to me
And it would have sound bonkers, if it hadn’t been me doing the firing.
Deborah: Just another freak in a city of them if you ask me. Whatever he did though, he stopped a rape, so got to give him credit for that. Shame we don’t know who it is though
Elijah: He probably wants to remain anonymous or some shit.
Deborah: I know if I was on the front page of the website, I’d make sure EVERYONE knew it was me. I’d be famous.
I don’t believe I’m talking out of hand when I say that Deborah WAS famous, but not in a way she potentially imagined. Being single, and divorced, many of her conquests told tales of her ‘acrobatics’ in the bedroom, some even claimed they had video evidence but were probably just bullshitting.
Deborah: So, what are your plans for the day?
Dur, find out how the fuck I shot lightening from my fingers… that was what I didn’t say
Elijah: I dunno, probably rest or something
Deborah: I can see the surgery went well, even more cute now
If I didn’t know her, I’d think she was taking the piss, and her comment draws my attention to the mirror, and in particular the scar that was much worse than before the surgery.
Deborah: You can hardly see it now. Those Doctor’s work miracles nowadays don’t they? Do you think they could do something with these?
She cups her boobs together, giving me even more of a viewing, and indeed even more of an erection. It was a good job I was sat down. Maybe I would have a go on her after all. Call it research.
Elijah: Well, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the bagel, but the Doctor’s insisted I rest
Deborah: I don’t mind staying till you wake up
Elijah: It’s ok, thank you though
Deborah: Oh, OK… see you later though yeah?
Elijah: We’ll see.
I stand, my erection having subsided now, and open the door. I felt a little guilty having one last look at her mammaries as she left, only a little though. Some things were more important than breasts, not many, but certainly some. One, was finding out if my ‘abilities’ were a fluke…
Fucking weather… it has rained consistently for as long as I could remember prior to the surgery, and yet when I wanted a storm, nothing. Thankfully, stood at the top of my tower block, the clouds were rumbling, and again I could feel that sensation, a tingling, like I could feel the weather through my veins.
The crackling in the distance was making my cock hard… that was probably a little too much information, apologies.
For three weeks I had tried to simulate what had happened on that fateful night, through the use of batteries, generators, but nothing gave me the power I needed. Yet right now I could feel it, I could feel the power returning, and I hold my hands in front of me, the electricity starting to crackle through my fingers. Sheet lightening fills the skies, but nothing happens, perhaps I had to literally be struck, but the power seems to double, then treble, and continue multiplying.
The hairs on my body stand to attention, as does… well, you can guess. In the palms of my hands is what can only be explained as pure electricity, my fingers burning and yet the pain far from hurting, and instead pleasurable.
Zero: Fuck yeah
This was it, now or never, and I throw out my hands, the electricity streaming from them like fire, crashing into a lightening conductor that absorbs all the power. I couldn’t see for myself, but I’m guessing a goofy grin forms on my disfigured face.
Zero: Whoa…
So, the last time you saw me, I was on top of a tower building firing electricity from my hands like a fucking God. Yeah, that’s right… I called myself a God. Harnessing that power, feeling it surge through my veins and then ‘boom’ releasing like the mother of all ejaculations, well it was kinda neat.
There was one major problem though, something that had the potential to stop me from being the biggest superhero of all time and far better than the twat with the Hammer. I could only do it if there was a storm in the air, and to be perfectly honest, that sucked balls. Big, Zero sized balls. Slight wind in the air… nadda, sunshine burning in a summer sky… impotent. Even rainfall, proper big fuck off rain the kind that drenches you through, left me unable to even generate a spark.
Yeah right, some fucking superhero I was going to be, one that can only go to work in the shittiest of weather, when pretty much every criminal worth his corn wouldn’t bother anyways. I had to find some way of being able to do this whenever I wanted to, and I figured the best way to do that was the internet right? After all, you could find out anything from the internet. And I got pride, I ain’t going to walk up to Thor and ask him how he does it. It’s not as if that fucker would tell me anyway.
So yeah, google is your friend right, so I type in ‘channeling electricity’ which brings up blue prints for lightning conductors and a whole lot of other shit that is of no use what so ever. Then it hits me, like, pardon the pun, a bolt of lightning. What if, whenever a storm occurred, instead of expending all that energy I was able to store it until I needed it? What if on top of that tower block I hadn’t released all that power, would it still be trapped within me right now? And what if, having stored some, it would enable me to call on electricity that is always in the air, or from generators, power lines?
It sounded like a plan, and one that I couldn’t wait to put in place, but I’d need that surge of power to begin with, which meant waiting for another storm, whilst all the time the world was wondering who and where I was. I couldn’t think about it anymore, thinking had never been good for me, it hurt my brain. So I go back to what the internet is really for, and bring up Pornhub. No sooner does the tab come up however, a knock is heard at my door. If it was Deborah fuck it, I was going to satisfy her once and for all. I open the door, and it isn’t Deborah, in fact I didn’t have the first clue who it was, though he did look mightily official.
Elijah: Err, yeah?
Man: Elijah Cross?
Elijah: Look man, I paid the rent, I saw it go out my account. If you haven’t seen it, that ain’t…
Man: I assure you Mr Cross; I am not a debt collector. Could I possibly come in?
Elijah: You’re not going to rape me or anything right?
The man laughs, and to be fair I do well not to knock him out there and then such is his creepiness.
Man: No, I am not Mr Cross; I merely wish to discuss ‘changes’ in your life recently.
Now, that was weird. Now, I guess he could have been a mobile phone salesman, because I had changed my provider just last week. I’d found out that an electrical surge through your body wasn’t great for any electronic device. But as the guy walks in, and places his hat on the table, I’m pretty certain he knows something, or recognized me from the internet.
Man: My name is Halladay Mr Cross, and I am here to answer these questions that must be going around your head.
Elijah: Questions?
Seriously, I could have been an actor such is my delivery.
Halladay: Mr Cross, we are wasting time. You and I both know that you are the ‘mystery man’ who fired lightning from his hands, and in doing so assisted the police force in capturing a wanted rapist
Shit…he did know who I was. This sucked bigger balls than the current sunshine that was stopping me from frying this fucker here and now.
Elijah: Who the fuck are you? Who do you work for?
See, I even sounded like a superhero, fuck you Thor and your witty one liners.
Halladay: Can I ask you a question Mr Cross?
Elijah: If that question isn’t will you suck my dick?
Halladay: You really do have an obsession with penis don’t you Mr Cross?
I really did… mine, though. No one else’s. That’s gay.
Elijah: OK, go ahead
He pulls a photograph out of his briefcase, oh; he was carrying a briefcase I didn’t tell you that bit did I? It’s a brown one, if you’re interested in the details.
Halladay: Do you know this man Mr Cross?
In all honesty, I was getting really fucked off with him calling me Mr Cross. If I was going to be a hero, then I’d have to come up with a punchy nickname for people to call me, and a uniform, something really cool and figure hugging. Anyway, only my bank manager called me Mr Cross, and that was just because that fucker had me over a barrel with my overdraft, so this twat was grinding my gears. Oh, and yeah I recognized the man
Elijah: That’s my plastic surgeon, Neil Amberstone; he fucked up my scar, and made it worse.
Halladay nods, and places the photo back in his briefcase.
Halladay: Yes, that is Neil Amberstone you are correct, but he is a million miles away from being simply a plastic surgeon.
Now, I was open to agreeing with that comment, considering how much of a mess he’d made of my face. However, my interest was piqued.
Elijah: If you ask me, he’s the world’s worst plastic surgeon. Look what he did to me?
To be fair to Halladay he does take a look at the scar, but he seems more distracted with his own business than mine.
Halladay: Tell me Mr Cross…
Elijah: Please, for the love of God call me Elijah
Halladay: OK Elijah, have you ever heard of an organization called G.U.A.R.D?
Elijah: No, can’t say I have. What does that stand for?
Halladay: It doesn’t matter
(Plus I couldn’t think of anything witty enough, Guarding Us Against Real Dicks maybe?)
Halladay: But no, you shouldn’t have heard of it, because it is a top secret organization that protects the Earth
I mean, he could have said the city, but the whole planet, that’s over egging it just a little bit.
Elijah: OK, now this is starting to sound a little ridiculous…
Says the guy who shoots lightning from his hands
Elijah: But what’s that got to do with Amberstone?
Halladay: Amberstone was kicked out of our organization and shamed; want to know the reason why?
Elijah: No, not bothered in the slightest…OF COURSE I DO!!!
Halladay: Well, here’s the kicker Mr… sorry Elijah. He was expelled from G.U.A.R.D for conducting illegal experiments on human subjects. Experiments where he hoped to give them super powers… like superhuman strength and yes, the ability to fire lightning and channel the elements. Sound familiar?
Holy shit… in fact I probably said that out loud judging by Halladay’s reaction. This hadn’t been a mistake?
Elijah: And you think he did this to me?
Halladay: I’m sure of it Elijah, however we do need to run some tests on you to ensure that we are indeed correct. Thankfully, there is a way of reversing…
Elijah: Whoa there Doc? You mean no more lightning?
Halladay: Well yes, why would you want to carry such a burden?
Elijah: Well durr, I’m pretty much a superhero… if I can figure out the kinks. It’s not like I’m going to let you take that away.
Halladay: I’m afraid Elijah, you don’t have a choice. G.U.A.R.D was created to contain, and potentially use, the likes of you. If you choose not to come with me now, then I am afraid you will become an enemy of the state. You DO NOT want to become an enemy of my state.
I had my Will Smith reference ready, but right now it seemed like Mr Halladay was threatening me. Not cool.
Elijah: Look, nothing cool has happened to me until now. THIS is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me, well since someone fingered my ass. And I can use it, for Good and stuff.
Halladay: I get that Elijah, but with great power comes great responsibility…
Where had I heard that before?
Halladay: And this responsibility doesn’t have to be yours
Yeah, coz no one wants to fire lightening from their bare hands right? Fuck responsibilities; show me the power and what these bad boys can really do
Elijah: And yet Mr Halladay… it is. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like you to leave.
Mr Halladay: I cannot leave without you Elijah, my superiors won’t allow it.
I get to my feet, and look all imposing. Problem was, he was taller than me when he stands up, what happens next though is what is very surprising. He rises, and goes to his pocket, and quick as a flash I grab him around the throat, and lift him fully a foot off the floor. His eyes widen, but not as much as mine as I realize what is going on. I reach into his pocket (not for that) and pull out the Taser (electricity, really?) and then drop him.
Mr Halladay: How?
For a moment, I am going to answer, but then he quickly scurries out of my apartment and out of sight, not waiting for the long winded rhetoric I was about to deliver about being not hard to find, I’ll be right here, and how I’m the sheriff round here yadda, yadda. For shame. So it seems that as well as channeling electricity, I also had super human strength. What else had Neil Amberstone given me? I couldn’t wait to find out.
So yeah, to recap… it turns out I’m the result of some kind of experiment that some believe failed, but I saw as the mother fucker of all successes. I mean, harnessing lightening, and throwing it like Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter, I’m winning right? Wrong, because now it looked like I had some super-secret Men in Black type douchebags out to take my shit away from me. Well no Sir, not happening.
Anyways, you remember Halladay right, employee of G.U.A.R.D (nope still not thought of anything witty), the group of people that protect the Earth? Keep up. It seemed he thought best that I was kept tabs on, and parked a very ‘discreet’ (it really wasn’t) car out the front of my apartment, two ‘Agent’s’ following me wherever I went. I’m serious, I don’t know if you’ve ever walked round Walmart whilst being followed, but it doesn’t half take away the enjoyment of the weekly shop. I knew that if I was going to find Amberstone, I’d need to get rid of the oversized Gorillas, but I didn’t realise that Amberstone was going to come to me… sort of.
So picture the scene, I’m there, credit card in hand ‘donating’ funds to save the snow leopards… nah, who am I kidding, I’m getting ready for my latest session with Candice, and she’s got some pretty brutal looking beads that I don’t have the first clue where they are going. Oh… not in me, this is on line… webcam etc, why else do you buy a top of the range laptop if it’s not for porn. Anyway, she’s stripped, and I’m wondering if lightening enhanced hands will add to the ‘stimulation’ when suddenly Candice is pushed out the way and replaced by a guy that I can deduce immediately hasn’t ever been in the same room as someone as attractive as Candice. After reeling from the shock, and with my foot of slack still dangling like the proverbial elephants trunk, I protest.
Elijah: Err; I paid good money for this… well I will do when I pay off this credit card
Man: You are going to want to listen to me Mr Cross; you are a very difficult man to get hold of
Actually, that was bullshit. In fact, I’d only that morning offered a particularly attractive blonde with ample bosoms that exact opportunity, to grab a hold of me, a proposition she had quite rudely declined with a middle finger that didn’t even go anywhere near my ass
Elijah: Look Dude, I don’t have a clue who you are, but if I don’t empty these sacks bro, I’m going to explode all over this screen and believe me, neither of us wants that… or maybe you do, who am I to judge?
Now, I need to make it clear that as this point, I’m still naked and this guy in all honesty is staring at the pork sword a little too often if you get my drift. I ain’t homophobic, but I’m all about the Vagina, and his glances get a little more unnerving.
Elijah: I don’t know who you are buddy, but I swear if you look at Big Elijah one more time, I WILL hunt you down, and I am not a man you need to be messing with
Man: With respect Mr Cross, I know exactly who you are… and you could cover up
I nod my head, he was right, I could… but now it had become a battle of wills (or willies)
Man: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Neil Amberstone…
Elijah: HOLY FUCK!!!
Amberstone: I see my reputation precedes me?
Now wasn’t the time to keep my tally wacker swinging in the wind, so I find the nearest (and biggest) cushion and cover it up.
Elijah: Dude, I would shake your hand if you could, do you know what you did to me?
Amberstone: With respect Elijah, I know where your hand has been recently… and yes, I know exactly what I did, and I believe you are learning pretty quickly as well.
Elijah: The lightening shit… oh yeah, I’m all over that
Amberstone: Then Elijah, I need you to listen very carefully, I’m not sure how much time I have. G.U.A.R.D is not what they pretend to be, they are a succubus draining the life force out of progress. I can help you Elijah, but you have to make me a promise?
Elijah: Bro, I’m not sucking your cock, I’ve seen Team America… fuck yeah
Elijah nods
Amberstone: Trust, me, that is not my concern, or want. If I give you the knowledge you need, you must help me take down G.U.A.R.D…
Elijah: What does that stand for anyway?
Amberstone: That doesn’t matter…
Why doesn’t it matter?
Amberstone: Do we have a deal Elijah?
Elijah: Damn right we do… I love this shit.
Amberstone: Very well, then we have an accord
Elijah: An accord?
Amberstone shakes his head
Amberstone: A deal Elijah… a deal.
Elijah: Well why didn’t you say so… jeez, you geeks and your fancy pants words. Of course we have a deal
Amberstone: Then I shall be in touch…
He turns back to Candice
Amberstone: As you were my dear
And with that he fucks off, and leaves a very confused Candice and a VERY erect Big Elijah ready to go off like a Cruise Missile (not that move that bulked up Icon used to do from the top rope in that wrestling programme I used to watch…a proper missile).
Candice: What was that all about? You can fire lightening from your hands?
Elijah: Oh baby, that’s not the half of it. You should see what I can do with this bad boy
Truth was, I really doubted I could fire lightening from my dick as I was implying, that would literally be too awesome for words… like a sawn off spunk shotgun. It seemed Amberstone was key, but could I trust him? Well, that was the question I should have been asking myself considering all the cloak and dagger bullshit going on. But what I was actually asking myself was what else I able to do? Oh please tell me I could go invisible… the ladies changing rooms here I come.
Ok, so you remember my plan, to harness electricity and store it in my body to be used when I needed it. Power lines? Fuck, is anyone actually listening to this story? Well anyway it didn’t work and unless Amberstone contacted me soon, I was doomed to mediocrity and powers I wasn’t even aware I had yet. The news stories had died down about the ‘vigilante’ cleaning up the streets (it had been one person, hardly a cleanup operation) and I’d become yesterday’s news, and I’m going to be truthful with you all, it was pissing me off. So much so, even the delights of my favorite Pizza was failing to excite me. The two goons were still outside, and still followed me wherever I went, oh I was going to fry those fuckers when I got the chance, but right now I was nothing more than a lame duck.
Elijah: Christ I’m bored… bet Peter Parker never went through this shit
Christ, I bet I’m coming across like a right whingebag right now. But to try and explain, just imagine having the biggest dick in the world, but a face like a bag of spanners, I had all this power and couldn’t use it, and it was fucking depressing, just like the news on television. Muggings, shootings, it was all over the television, I could be out there dealing with that shit but no… I was gorging on a 12 inch meat feast (and that is not how it sounds fuckers)
I look around my apartment, and weirdly at the dog, who I knew couldn’t speak, or at least he never had. He was a German shepherd anyway and I didn’t speak German, or any other language for that matter. His name was Thor… it’s really not important though.
“Over here…”
I look at the television screen, the gormless face of Amberstone looking at me.
Elijah: How the hell you doing that?
Amberstone: Elijah, you can fire lightening from your hands because of me, is it really a surprise that I can hack into a smart TV?
Elijah: I guess not
It was a pretty ridiculous question I accept in hindsight… apologies viewers.
Amberstone: The time has come for us to meet face to face Elijah.
Elijah: That’s great, but what about…
Amberstone: The two G.U.A.R.D agents posted outside your apartment building? Don’t worry; they will be taken care of. I shall send you the address to your phone…
Sure enough a text arrives, from an unknown number
Amberstone: Be there, seven o’clock tonight, and I shall explain everything. Do not be late, I hate tardiness
There he was again with the words; he must have sensed my confusion
Amberstone: Late Elijah… don’t be late
The screen flickers, and then goes back to the usual programming.
Elijah: About time…
Necessary Evil
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
Quote:#ooc: I may post two. We'll see. Definitely wanted to get this one up. 

Drake sits where he usually does, dead in the middle of the large cabin he has chosen to make his sanctuary. The inside is nothing special, no photos of any kind decking the walls. Two bookshelves do exist in the back behind where he is sitting. All that exist for a bed is a sleeping bag off that is off to the side. His eyes are closed. Drake submerges himself in deep meditation. Clearing his mind is of the utmost importance, much easier to walk the path with a clear mind.

In his remote location there is no cellphone service. Predictably, no internet, no possible way to get in contact with the outside world, just the way his mentor Loretta Inglewood intended. The outside world is an distraction she repeatedly tells him. Must keep the poisonous voices from polluting the mind is the message she has drilled into his head most of his life. Not once has he questioned her on this. He knew, from experience, due to the nature of being a wrestler, mingling with the outside world was exhausting, being within cell range to access Twitter to spread the good word was a necessary evil, he doesn’t doubt how corrupt the world is. He believes Loretta’s heart is in the right place.

All he wants, more than anything, is to make her proud.

Twenty minutes pass, his meditation is over. Time to decide his next course of action. He didn’t know. All Drake can do is wait for Loretta to join him. He had no clue where she was. Likely out spreading the message? On another part of the compound? The compound was spacious in the realm of Jim Jones. Not everyone had their own solo cabin. The rest of the recruits had to share a space. Drake is special to Loretta, he was her first, the one she is grooming to take her place. Drake looks forward to that day, he thought that day came in EMERGE.

He was wrong.

Moments later, the door opens. A caucasian female with long flowing black hair gracefully walks into the room. It’s Loretta Inglewood, she's walk over to where Drake is sitting. He stares at Loretta, anticipating what she is about to say.

“Clear of mind?” Loretta ask.

Drake nods.

With a warming smile on her face, she continues. “Good. We have a lot of work to do. It’s time we venture back into the world of wrestling. We have been sequestered long enough. Our message needs to reach the masses. I trust that you’re ready.”

The stoic Drake nods again.

Her warm smirk slowly fades. “Good to know.”

Drake places his hand on Loretta’s shoulder. “What troubles you?”


“Speak freely.”

Loretta pauses a moment to gather her thoughts. “Athena warns me that you are not one hundred percent committed to my mission. I don’t want to question our Goddess, through her, all things are possible. But... I agree.”

Drake narrows his eyes. He wasn’t expecting Loretta to express her concern about his commitment.

“With all due respect Loretta, I have been more than faithful to our--”

“Mika Kozlov.”

“We were abandoned by our families. She found comfort speaking to me.”

“She is a known manipulator. Mika doesn’t support our mission. How about the friendship you formed with Kandis? A woman promotes unrestrained sex? Our ways will never be hers.”

“Kandis is not and will never be a threat to our movement.”

“I beg to differ. I saw the way you looked at her.”

“Did I give into the temptation of the flesh?”

“No. But--”

“There is no need to question my resolve. Mika is out of the picture. Kandis, I understand, she holds beliefs contrary to our own. I took a vow of celibacy. I devoted my life to remaining pure. What more do you require?”

“One final test.” Loretta says firmly.   

Drake watches on as Loretta stands up. He refuses at any point to breaks eye contact. Feeling the stone cold resolve coming from her, she continues. “There are always risk. The outside world provides many dangers that could possibly undo everything we are working for, the risk is worth taking. Their savior, Jesus, died on a cross for the outsiders, he knew the risk he was taking. Yet now, they worship him. He mingled with their kind. We need to be more proactive. Our home has given us safe haven, Drake, we can only do so much within these confines. So we need to venture out into the world. Become one with the outsiders, show them that purity is the way. The only way. If you can resist temptation, Athena assures me that you will be ready to take my place.”

Drake never thought he would hear the day that Loretta wanted to openly risk everything to challenge whether he is the man she always had faith he could be. He rose to his feet without breaking eye contact. Tilting his head to the side, he says. “Where will we stay?”

Loretta smiles. “The Mason Estate.”

Drake’s eyes widen. Of all the places in the world Loretta wanted to settle down, the estate his mother lives on would have been the last place he expected her to plant their flag. Not holding back, he  shakes his head. “No.”

“Mrs. Mason denied you your birthright that. Not anymore. The estate is big enough to house everyone here.”

“I want nothing to do with my mother!!” Drake asserts.

“We all have to do things we don’t want to do in life.” Loretta folds her arms.  “Don’t let your past rob you of what is owed. You have every right to be there. I get it, she abandoned you. Look at it this way, the greatest men in history were once abandoned by their parents. If it wasn't for your mother giving you up for adoption, you wouldn’t be on the path you are now. You should thank Mrs Mason for her sacrifice. ”

Drake raises his eyebrow. “Hm. You make it sound so easy.”

With a warm smile, Loretta declares, “Athena declared it so my dear Drake. Do you lack faith?”

He shakes his head. “No.”


Loretta kisses Drake on the cheek. She turns around, walks to the door. Looking over her shoulder she tells him, “You’ll make me proud, I know it.”

Drake watches Loretta as she leaves him alone in the cabin. With the door shut behind her, he sighs.




A day later, Drake and Loretta stand outside the pristine gate of the Mason State. Robert Mason can be credited with building the home that Drake’s brothers Victor, Blake and his sister Cassandra Mason grew up in, Drake himself would never know what it was like to roam the grounds. Recently he has been on the other side of the gate, due to Blake’s invitation, not his mother. His brother isn’t around to give him entry, he needed to be the one to ask his mother about, in Loretta’s words, claiming his birthright.

Drake presses the button. Him and Loretta stand there.

“This is going to work out, I promise.” Loretta tries to assure Drake.

No answer. Growing impatient, Drake pushes the button again. This time...

“Hello” a voice says over the intercom.

Drake takes a deep breath. “Mother... it’s your... bastard son.”

There is a long pause. His mother didn’t respond immediately. Taking this as a sign, Drake turns around, before he can turn his back completely the gate opens. Part of him hoped his mother wouldn’t be as welcoming, the other half welcomed the development. He has done his best over the years to avoid his mother. Thanks to Loretta’s insistence there is no turning back now.

Drake and Loretta walk up the long pathway to the front of the door. Soon as they get there, the large brown double doors open. Immediately, his mother greeted him with a hug. He didn’t react at first. His mind bounced all over the place. To give her some comfort, he hugs her back. Having enough, Drake withdraws from the embrace.

“Please, don’t call yourself a bastard.” his mother sternly said.     
Drake reinforced matter of factly. “Any child born out of wedlock is a bastard. Statement of fact.”

“Not in my eyes...” his mother stopped. She lays her eyes on Loretta. “So I finally get to meet the woman who stole my son’s heart.”

Loretta extends her hand. “Yes... and no. Don’t know if Blake told you, we annulled our marriage.”

“Oh?” Drake’s mother said blissfully unaware.

“We came to the conclusion that our marriage wasn’t... pure. Your son meant well. A bit misguided, our bond has not been severed.”

Relieved to hear the news, Loretta’s former mother-in-law says cheerfully.  “Nice to hear.”

Drake takes a step inside the mansion, as does Loretta. He hears the door close behind him. His mother walks around so she is standing in front of him. To avoid any lingering silence, his mother got straight to the point. “If you are looking for Blake, he isn’t around.”

“We--” Drake stops himself. He clears his throat. “I came to see you, mother.”


“Yea--” Drake pauses to collect his thoughts.

“We would really hope if we--” Loretta began to say. Drake put a stop to that by grabbing her arm.

“It should be me.” Drake turns to Loretta. Under normal circumstance he would never cut her off. He can’t in good conscious allow Loretta to speak for him. This is his Moses moment. Loretta doesn’t react negatively, she nods, giving Drake her seal of approval. Drake returns his focus to his mother.

“If you say no, understandable; I won’t hold a rejection against you. I’m used to it by now.”

“Drake, I’m sorry. I’ll always regret giving you up. I had no choice.”

“I didn’t come here to rehash the past.” Drake said harshly. “Loretta and I have decided to leave the grounds we call home. Time to move forward. She brought up the idea of us possibly living here, with you. Not just us; we would like our brothers and sisters who have chosen to give their lives to Loretta’s cause to find a safe haven here.”

“Look at this as a chance to heal, Mrs. Mason.” Loretta cuts in. “I will be forever grateful for you giving birth to this special young man. I have done my best to steer him in the right direction. This estare is his birthright as much as it is Victor, Cassie and Blake. Are you willing to open your doors to us?”

The mother smiles at Loretta, “Nothing would please me more than to spend more time with my son.” She turns her attention to Drake.  “I love you. I’m surprised you would consider living under the same roof with me--” She pauses. The excitement she had escapes her. “I can’t allow your... cult the same privilege.”

“We are NOT a cult.” Loretta says angrily. “I have given the downtrodden  of the world a safe haven. What would you know about looking out for people less fortunate than you?”

Drake grabs her arm. “Loretta. Stop.”

Ignoring Drake, Loretta lets her anger carry her. “We came to you, hoping you would be willing to open your heart. Turns out we made an error in judgement.”

Drake’s mother responds, “Hold on, how can you expect me to welcome people into my home that I barely even know?”

“Your home?” Loretta says flabbergasted. “Drake has a place here.”

“You’re right, Loretta, he does. Always has. I made a mistake turning him away once. I don’t want to do it again. You need to look at it from my perspective. I don’t know your cul--, sorry, community. I’m uncomfortable letting people move into this home that I don’t know. Perhaps we can find a way. She grabs her sons hand. “Son, Loretta is right about one thing, all of this is your birthright. You may not share the same blood as my late husband, you are half Hemingway. I am still the matriarch of the family until someone takes my place. Mason Consolidated is apart of your birthright, too. If I am going to take a chance on allowing strangers into my home, how about you take one. I’m not asking you to run the company. By the looks of things, you have a calling, one I don’t understand, it is your calling nonetheless. Visit Mason Consolidated. Get to know the company. Meet me halfway. In return, I’ll open myself to the idea of allowing your community to live on the grounds.”

“Conditions? Mrs Mason--”

Drake squeezes Loretta’s wrist. “Fine. Agreed.”

Loretta looks at him. Clearly, she is not pleased by the turn of events. “Drake, not like this.”

He lets go of her wrist. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he gives it a light squeeze. “You are the one who said I needed to take a chance. Standing inside this house is uncomfortable, and yet, here am I.  My home. My call. Yee of little faith?”

Loretta sighs. “Don’t question my faith.” The disappointment from Loretta’s face fades away. With a cordial smile, she tells Drake’s mother. “Ok Mrs. Mason, we agree to your terms. We’ll tell the others. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Mason.”

“Not now. We can stay a moment longer.” Drake says.

“Are you sure?” his mother ask.

Drake nods. “Yes. No need to rush.”

“That’s great. Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

Drake’s mother leaves the room going god knows where. Loretta places her hands on her hips. Eying Drake she waste no time saying, “I didn’t teach you to compromise.”

Drake tilts his head to the side. “It. Is. Finished.”

Loretta rolls her eyes. “Fine. I’ll go along with this, for now.”

Drake soaks everything in. He’s home, he’s... actually home? A smirks creeps on his face. And... fin.  

<Promo Time>

“What does the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal represent?”

“For the downtrodden. The disenfranchised. The competitors who feel like they are overlooked by the establishment. Taking Hold of the Flame represents, hope.”

“I can understand that. From afar I was a witness. As far back as last year, women like Syren have manipulated her way to remain at the top of the company, the scheming of her lover is legendary. Towards the end of last year, she did it again, manipulating Katya to serve her agenda.”

“We can’t ignore The Beauty Factory. Sienna Swan, has been a fixture at the top since she wrestled the World Championship from Kennedy. Her reign of terror existed long before that. Slowly she has beaten your heroes. Knocked down Perfection, melted a Snow Queen, put a dent in Kennedy's flawless nature, all coming to a head on the show after last years Rise to Greatness. These two titans have risen, the hope to ascend where they maneuvered there way to, deep down, it dwindles by the day, I can feel it. I watch the program. I study your mannerism. The men and women on the roster work hard, an argument can be made some of you deserve to be in their spot, alas, it is not to be. All the hard work. The dedication to your craft. A belief that your way will ascend you to the promised land, all comes crashing down. So Taking Hold of the Flame, for most of you, is your final chance to take your shot. Syren or Sienna walks out of Taking Hold of the Flame the undisputed World Champion.”

“One of them will wait at Rise to Greatness to serve as the killer to your possible dreams.”

“Where do I stand?”


“I am the hope Supreme Championship Wrestling needs of a purified champion.”

“When was the last time SCW had a World Champion it could be proud of?”

“Before Sienna there was Kennedy Street. Sexy Flawless Diva. The manner in which she promotes herself, not becoming of a lady.”

“Syren, sold her soul to become champion.”

“Jake Starr? His history in the company is well documented.”

“Allistaire Allocco, he comes close. His recent lust driven actions towards a woman I share a history with... unbecoming. He is falling victim to vice.”

“Ace Marshall? Need I say more?”

“Selena Frost claims she knows what she believes in. She reeks of hypocrisy.”

“I can go on forever. I made my point.”

“I am not a believer in the virtue of your current and former champions. They are all corrupt in one way or another. The World Championship needs to be purged of its impurity. I am the man who will make, that, happen. Supreme Championship Wrestling reeks of filth. With Loretta by my side, I am going to clean up the mess. I am going to give the people what they really want. A virtuous champion. A pure... champion. A real model of civility. I come to liberate Supreme Championship Wrestling of its sinful nature.”

“I don’t care how many men and women I need to go through. Your fate will be the same, thrown over the top rope. Walking to the back, wondering, why you weren’t good enough to be the one to end the darkness. As long as Syren or Sienna hold the World Championship, the darkness continues. If anyone other than me wins, the darkness continues.”

“I have no other choice. I need to win. I need to be the savior... who else can RISE UP to cleanse SCW?”

“I am the one.”

“Follow me.”

The sun comes up over Los Angeles and peeks into the window of a beaten down Kia Sorrento. A woman in the backseat leans up and shields her eyes with her hoodie covered arm. She groans and turns on to her side, and then her stomach and stares at the ground. After a few minutes, the brown-haired woman pushes herself up to a seated position and looks out the window as some traffic passes in the distance. There’s a knock on the opposite side window and she swiftly turns back and blocks out the sun as she tries to block it out.

Cop: LAPD. Could you please step out of the car?

The woman lets out a long sigh and scoots across the seat. She reaches for the handle and throws the door open. Cautiously, the officer places his hand on top of his holstered weapon. She starts to emerge quicker than he’d like.

Cop: Easy now! Hands where I can see them.

The woman shows the slightest bit of fright as she throws both hands up from the elbow with her arms out to the side. The cop, a tall african-american man with a mustache, shakes his head and waves his arm to tell her to drop her arms back down. She quickly complies and looks around the mostly empty area to try and figure out what she might be in trouble for.

Cop: You got any kind of ID on you?

The woman again holds one arm up as she looks at the cop and reaches slowly into a pocket of the sweats she wore. The cop examined her as she did. Her hair was a mess and she looked like she’d seen better days. He was shocked still that she seemed to be in decent physical shape despite the fact she appeared to be living in a car. His mind of course went through all the basics. Was she homeless? A battered woman on the run? A petty criminal in hiding?His observations seemed to indicate at least one of these three. He could tell she wasn’t digging for a gun. Maybe a knife, but hopefully just identification. When she produced a rectangular piece of paper from her pocket, he sighed quietly in relief and reached out to take it. He studied the plastic covered piece of paper closely and looked back and forth between it and the woman who stood in front of him.

Cop: Long way from Nebraska, Miss… Kylie J. Majors. What brings you out to these parts.

The woman scoffed and shook her head.

Kylie: I guess I’m not sure anymore. I was wrestling for a few months. Maybe you’ve heard of it…

Cop: Like professional wrestling? The stuff they do at the Olympics? You? That’s kind of hard to imagine. No offense, hun.

Kylie: No. no. no… like bright lights, square ring, loud music, big moves wrestling. The kind of stuff you can see weekly on television and monthly on pay per view.

The cop said nothing for a moment and then nodded. It explained the physique. It still didn’t explain what she was doing here in this abandoned parking lot, sleeping in a car. He let those ideas stew in his head for a moment and then nodded again.

Cop: Ah, so you must’ve been pretty shit then, huh? I mean even if you didn’t get paid that much, those people travel all year and stay in hotels when they aren’t at home. And you’re living in a car. Must be pretty embarrassing when you tell the other wrestlers. What company are you with? Something local?

Kylie: Uh, not exactly. Something more national. SCW?

Cop: No shit. That’s big stuff. Now you’ve got me questioning whether or not you’re pulling my leg. Say, do you know that girl Sienna? She’s hot as all get out. For the people, am I right? Damn, I’d love to get a picture with her to hang in my locker down at the station. She’s just a smokeshow, for real. So what has you here?

Kylie: Uhh, I mean what has you here?

Cop: I’m here on a 647 G. Someone called in an unknown vehicle on their property and thought they saw someone living in it. Basically, this place might look like an abandoned shit hole, but it’s someone else’s abandoned shit hole and they don’t want you here. You’ve got to get your stuff together and drive on out of here or I’ll have to get the handcuffs out and take you downtown.

Kylie: What if we wrestle over it?

Cop: M’am. Are you threatening an officer with violence? Are you trying to bribe me? I could arrest you for either. I don’t even need a good excuse. You are insane. We’re not wrestling.

Kylie: Seriously. I could make it feel like you’re wrestling Sienna.

Cop: Ok, holdup. For one, that came across vaguely sexual and look at you. You look like you crawled out of a dumpster. And secondly, you look like you crawled out of a dumpster and there’s no way anyone would confuse you and Sienna. Get real girl. Now get your stuff and go.

Kylie: Well then take me to your place and I’ll clean up.

Cop: You’re getting really damn close to making me arrest you for prostitution the way you’re throwing yourself at me.

Kylie: Get bent sausage head. You’ve got way too much meat for me. Let’s just say I eat vegan.

Cop: You are one weird ass girl.

Kylie sighs deeply and shakes her head before muttering: You have no idea.

Both stand silently for a moment before the cop gestures to her car and she walks toward it with her head down. She looks back with the saddest face and eyes the cop had seen. Like the ones he’d seen on some children at the scenes of domestic disputes. He shook his head and started walking over as she opened her door and stepped into her car. He stopped the door before she could close it and leaned down.

Cop: Listen, I don’t know what your deal is, but I know a place you could stay and a place you could keep dreaming. You seem persistent. You’re still in shape so God knows what you’ve been doing out in the streets to keep from losing your shape. Here…

The cop digs a rectangular piece of paper out of his top pocket and a pen. He writes down an address and hands it and her ID back to her.

Cop: Meet me there later tonight. Don’t let me see you back here.

The cop walks away and leaves as Kylie starts her car and sits behind the wheel, staring at the address on the piece of paper. Twelve hours later, she pulls up outside of a house and parks along the curb. She stares suspiciously at the house for some time before getting out of the car and walking up a sidewalk that led to the front door. She pushes a button and a buzzer sounds inside and outside of the house. She can hear footsteps on the inside and then a deadbolt sliding unlocked before the door opens to reveal a short, african american woman with braided hair. She smiles and opens the door.

Shondra: Oh! Robert said to expect you. He’s my big brother! Well little, but he’s so damn tall, right?

Kylie nods and follows the woman as she’s waved into the home and down a hallway.

Shondra: We’ve got a room all set up for you. And just down the street is a great gym. I have the space so you can stay with Robert and I until you’re back on your feet. We’ll need rent to cover the housing costs and the food, and we’ll expect you to pay us. Even if it’s later. Even much later.

Kylie: I don’t get this. Why are you doing this? You two don’t even know me.

Shondra: Sure we do. You’re Jordan Majors. We saw you at the big New Years show on SCW. When you debuted there. You were fantastic. My brother and I really loved your passion and charisma. Our family has a soft spot for wrestling. We watched it with our dad growing up. And once my bro knew for sure you wouldn’t be hitting on him if you stayed with us. He was fine making the call.

Jordan shakes her head and her eyes go wide at hearing that information.

Shondra: Either way, you settle into your room and I’m just cooking some dinner. Robert will be off of his shift any moment now and then we can all shit down and get to know more about you. It’s so exciting! A professional wrestler right here in my house!!

Shondra walks off and leaves Jordan who walks into the small room and looks around. She flips on the light and shuts the door behind her as she scans the room. There’s a twin-sized bed with a small table and a lamp next to it. In the corner, next to a closet is a desk and a chair. She opens the closet and looks inside to see it is full of storage items. Totes and old clothes wrapped in plastic. She closes the door and sits down at the desk. In front of her is a pad of paper and a pen. Written on the sheet is “Items for the homeless chick.” She lets out a soft, somewhat pathetic laugh and rips off the piece and sets it aside. Staring at the blank piece she puts the pen to paper and writes: Dear mom. A short montage shows Jordan training with Robert and spending time with Shondra over the next three weeks. It appears they have developed a bond between the three of them. Jordan is shown laying in her twin bed with her hands at her side when her cell phone rings. She lets it ring through twice before turning and picking it up. The number unknown. She answers.

Jordan: Hello?

Caller: This is Nick Cheatum from the prestigious law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, Howe. Is this Kylie Majors?

Jordan: Uhh, yes it is.

Caller: M’am, we have you named as the benefactor of a will we just uncovered this morning. We need you to visit our offices here as soon as possible.

Jordan: I’m sorry, what? Who died!?

Caller: It’s your uncle m’am. And he left you a lot of money. You’re about to be an extremely wealthy woman. How soon can you be at our offices?

Jordan brings the phone down into her lap and looks straight ahead. The room spins and she ponders whether or not this is some kind of prank meant to demean her. But she goes along with it.

Jordan: Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Jordan stands up and collects herself before looking out the window. About 30 minutes later, Shondra knocks on the door, but doesn’t get an answer. She knocks again and reaches for the handle and pushes the door into the room. The bed is neatly made and all the items of the girl she’d come to know the last three weeks are gone. In a bit of a panic, Shondra turns and runs to the front door and swings it open. The broken down Kia is gone. The girl is gone. She slowly closes the door and walks to the kitchen to retrieve her phone. She clicks a few buttons on the screen and holds the phone to her head for a few moments of silence.

Shondra: Robert… she’s gone… I don’t know. Everything is just gone.

The scene transitions to a long hall of a seemingly abandoned building that has fire damage on its walls and ceilings. Slowly we come closer to a person sitting in a charred up chair with a worn metal crown on her head. Jordan Majors leans forward from the broken-down throne and grins before leaning back and crossing her arms.

They say money is the root of all evil, or at least someone said that once. He must not’ve had very much money. Or maybe the problem was he had too much, more than he could handle. I don’t really think the same can be said for me. Did I inherit more money than I could ever imagine dealing with? Yes, I did. But I also inherited a new found confidence that came with it. And not a single person can look at that and say nothing good has come out of it. Just a few months ago I was lost. Some people have chosen to use my time in the shadows as something to point to in a bad way. They want to say I stepped away because I couldn’t cut it here. Maybe there is some truth in that. But here’s what I know. I care, and I care hard. I care too much sometimes. I didn’t like myself. I didn’t like what I was producing night in and night out. It just felt off. It felt wrong. I didn’t just want to walk away from SCW for a bit. I was thinking of just walking away from it all. Then there was a phone call.

Jordan reaches up and brings the crown down into her hands and holds it, looking at it closely and examining it as she continues. Slowly she rotates the piece of metal between her hands.

That phone call brought with it things I could have never imagined would happen with my life. There was an uncle I didn’t know existed. And he had wealth I couldn’t fathom. And he was leaving it to me. It all sounded like a fairy tale. But I don’t believe in children’s stories because I’m a realist and I’m not 4 years old. My imagination wasn’t built to comprehend the feel good story that is blank check. Here was everything bit of cash I needed to buy a castle, put a race track in the back yard and play the next line of video games inside all night. That’s just not me. I answered that call from the back seat of my car. As in where I was living. That’s all I had left. The car I saved up countless checks of working at a fast food restaurant in Nebraska to be able to afford to leave that state and move on. I used what little I had left to pay my way into a wrestling school and hone the skills I’d been getting by with on the local school and bingo hall circuits that wanted a pretty face with a little spunk. But over time I know I went stale.

Still looking at her crown, Jordan stands and paces toward the middle of the burnt up room.

Passion started to seep out of what I had to give. I love the ring, don’t get me wrong. But I was working so hard to survive on the outside, that I didn’t have enough to give back on the inside. When someone tells you they’re willing to give it all in the ring, that’s what they were truly getting from me. It was all I had left. It was all I could give. I became moody and depressed. I pushed away anyone who tried to get close to me and shut myself out from family and friends I’d let in in the past. I was truly alone. Inheriting that money proved to me that I was valuable. Not because there was now a dollar amount next to my name, but because someone thought enough of me to leave me everything he ever earned. Even if it was with the throw of a dart, he picked me. Fate picked me. And fate was standing right there and picking me up by the boot straps and telling me to be who I wanted to be.

Jordan snaps the crown in half in her hands after some effort. Suddenly, everything goes from dark and dull to bright and colorful. The room looks fresh and renewed. What were once raggedy torn clothes on Jordan’s body are suddenly replaced with a fancy, designer dress. And in her hands is a bright golden crown. She turns and looks back at the chair, which is now adorned in silk fabrics and surrounded by two knights in full armor. She begins walking back that direction.

That’s why I marched off to a salon and dyed this hair blonde and started wearing an entirely new outfit that even the Beauty Factory friends of mine probably look down on and scoff at. Who wrestles in suspenders, right? I just did what felt like me. Surrounded myself with people who wanted to be around me. Maybe those people don’t all mesh right, but it felt right to me. It got me back in the right state of mind and now I’m looking at Taking Hold of the Flame and I recognize that it is the biggest match my young career has seen to date. I’m genuinely over the moon for the opportunity to compete in the match. For everything I’ve said about being a predator, this is my chance to really show it. It’s everyone against each other. It’s everyone against me. The top predator has to be strong enough to overcome, even when she’s the one being hunted. And I’ve even been singled out by the top brass where this match is concerned. They don’t want nasty old Jordan pulling a fast one on them and using her hired resources to change the outcome of the match. Well don’t worry Sasha, the dogs will stay in their kennel and behave like the good, well-paid boys they are. Maybe that’s where the should stay for the long haul. I don’t think euthanasia is an option. I was even told that might be considered murder or something. Whatever, I don’t keep track of those types of legal issues.

Reaching the throne, Jordan turns and sits back down. The crown in her hands, she lifts it slowly and places it atop her head, looking straight forward.

Sasha can dictate what happens with those boys all she wants, but she can’t dictate what I choose to do with the rest of my resources. The one I seemingly have an unlimited amount of. This weekend I want everyone to be aware of a special plan I’m offering to those good boys and girls who know where their place in this world truly is. When Jordan Majors is in the ring, eliminate yourself for me. If you do this, I will give you $100,000. I’ve looked up and down the rules for this match and I don’t see anywhere that states you can’t bribe people to eliminate themselves. I would greatly appreciate it, respect it, and reward it. I’m a woman of my word. Just ask SCW and Cookie. She begged for the chance to host this event and she never heard another word. So I took to Twitter and used my voice to flash the power of money. At Taking Hold of the Flame I will be presenting Cookie with a check in her name to a charity that I have chosen. I will be announcing it at the show, but that’s $1 million to what I promise is a very deserving charity. I’ll be bringing the big party check and balloons and everything. It’s going to be a blast, I assure you. In fact, this whole show is shaping up to be a great one if you like to see me around.

Jordan leans forward in her throne and puts her chin on her hand, which rests on her knee. She gives a sly grin and continues.

This is a match made for someone like me to thrive in. I just told you my pain staking journey to get to this point. I was living in a car, as a professional wrestler. I was dealing with the debt of my own and of family that couldn’t get by without me. I paid those debts. I rose to the top via the death of an unknown uncle. I turned that moment into something that turned it all around. I hit the restart button and reignited the fire within me. It’s something that everyone should do given the chance. Do it as many times as needed. It has worked wonders for me, and it will work even more in the very near future. I’m heading into this match knowing in my heart that I’m more of a survivor than any other who dares enter this event along with me. Everyone will tell their own sob stories about near-death events, relationships that ended, tough medical times and consistent failure. I’m here to tell you I did a 180 with my life and with my mental state. It was over for me once upon a time, but now I have a chance to make history. Do something no one sees coming. No one believes I can do this, and that’s exactly why I will. They’re counting me out before the match starts. Every single one of these people is looking at the known competitors in this match and treating me like a speed bump the cross in order to get to the end. But I’m far worse than that. I’m that thing in the parking garage that comes up and rips your tires to shreds when you back into it unsuspectingly. You didn’t even know I was there, but then I completely ruin your day. Boo hoo. Maybe next year, kids. This one is made for Jordan Majors’ star to shine.

Jordan looks at one of the knights and gives a wink and a nod and turns back to address once more. The knight returns and hands her a golden torch.

Maybe I’m not in the Beauty Factory and maybe I haven’t achieved something in the past that everyone feels the need to ooh and ahh about. I don’t have a doll or a fancy hashtag for social media. I don’t ride a motorcycle or say edgy things to sound cooler than the rest. But I’m authentically me, and it’s going to be more than enough to authentically win the whole damn show when I raise that flame in the end. It’s just a damn shame that everyone and their stupid dogs were so quick to write me off and not take me seriously. Tsk tsk, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Jordan brings the torch down in front of her face, smiles, and blows out the fire. The scene quickly transitions to a partly cloudy night sky filled with clouds. A nice car with rental stickers is parked in the lot of a diner along a not too busy highway. The thud of boots smacking the pavement is heard as a woman walks up and leans against the back door of the car. The scene pans out to show the woman as Abigail Lindsay, settled against the rental next to Jordan Majors.

Abigail: Are you about ready for your big moment you keep talking about?

Abigail smirks as she looks to the girl, knowing it will elicit a smile. Jordan does smile, and blushes softly before turning to look over at her.

Jordan: You know I am. This is what I’ve been dreaming of all of my life. I have the confidence. I have the resources. I have the skill. I have everything I need to shock the whole damn world and come away from this thing holding the flame in my possession. I know I have it. There was a time not that long ago that I thought I knew, but I was blinded by my own personal issues. My mind is so much clearer now. The direction is clearly marked in front of me. I know what I have to do in order to win this. I know the lengths I have to take my body to…

Abigail: That sounds almost… perilous? I think hanging around me has rubbed you the wrong way. You’re becoming just as addicted to chaos as I am.

Jordan: Tick, tock. Right?

Both women share a laugh as Jordan turns her body to face Abigail.

Jordan: What about you? Still waiting for your chance to conquer all your foes to get to Ravyn?

Abigail: I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. Remember when I said I didn’t want you getting involved?

Jordan: Of course I do. You know I’d be willing to do whatever it takes to help you with this.

Abigail: Well… you now have my permission to help.

Jordan turns her head to the side and narrows her eyes in a confused glance. Abigail picks up on it quickly and turns to face Jordan as well.

Abigail: The landscape has changed. Ace is out of the picture. We’ve talked about that. But there’s still pieces that need to fall, obstacles that are standing in the way. We’re in the end game now. And I could use the help if you’re willing.

Jordan stays silent for a moment and raises an eye as one half of her lip raises in a sideways grin, too.

Jordan: Somehow I knew this would happen. Count me in. But, just a reminder, the dogs are in the kennel right now. You’re just getting me.

Abigail: I’m not asking for them.

Abigail takes a step closer and stands chest to chest with Jordan, looking slightly down to her and smiling.

Abigail: I’m only asking for you.

Jordan bites her lip and nods her head as Abigail steps back and looks at the girl before her. In the ring Jordan was all flash and brat. Sometimes she was out of the ring, too. But in moments, like now, she could see the girl that existed there before the money. It always made her curious. But the two women enjoyed their little moments together on the road. It made things more interesting.

Abigail: That reminds me. Since we’re talking about alliances… what gives with the Beauty Factory?

Jordan: Mutual admiration.

Abigail: Oh, come on. There’s nothing further you can let me in on?

Jordan: Isn’t it obvious? Just like you’re trying to move pieces to the right places on the board for your own personal gain, each of us are doing the same. I’m not a part of them, but I can see the benefits of attrition by subtraction. If we can gain a mental edge over others and they think seeing us means we’re going to be causing problems, then we have an edge no one else could even predict.

Abigail shakes her head and crosses her arms as she stares at the girl.

Abigail: You really amaze me sometimes.

Jordan: I know.

Abigail: No, I mean, you realize how much you are capable of on your own? You’re always bringing in the bodyguards that aren’t even that good. Now you’re siding with the Beauty Factory and I’m sure you can figure out that this is about them using you.

Jordan rolls her eyes momentarily and rolls sideways to lean her back against the front door of the car. Abigail reaches out and grabs her and turns her back.

Abigail: I’m not trying to piss you off. I’m just telling you that at some point when you say you have a lot of confidence in yourself, you need to prove it. Show us. Show me. Show yourself. I know you are capable of being a one-woman chaos machine this weekend. I’ve seen you putting aside all of the parties and clubs and just hitting the gym like a maniac. I think most people are seeing that this week. You can do this. I know what you are capable of. That’s why I’m willing to let you join in my own crusade.

Jordan stares into Abigail’s eyes for a moment before turning to look off into the stars. She slowly seems to compose herself and turns back.

Jordan: It’s not easy.

Abigail: It’s also not that hard. You have to make those decisions for you. Make sure they benefit you.

Jordan nods and places her elbow on top of the car to lean to a side.

Jordan: Alright. I’m going to do it. I’m going to walk into Taking Hold of the Flame and I’m going to walk out brighter than ever because that flame will be in my hand. It’s going to be historic for the business. The unheralded rookie of SCW that rose through the ranks and proved everyone wrong.

Abigail: Prove yourself wrong. Erase all those doubts.

Jordan: You’re right. The key has been there all along. I didn’t need all this money and the bodyguards and the style changes in order to be ready to win this. From the day I entered this company the key was right there in front of my eyes. It’s you.

Abigail turns her head now, giving Jordan a surprised and confused glance as the scene focuses on the stars above and fades out. It fades back in to Jordan wearing a hooded sweatshirt and pacing back and forth in a hotel room. A camera catches action as she moves in front of the window and light can be seen just seeping in around the edges of the curtain. Jordan steps up on the bed and sits down cross-legged and stares straight toward the camera.

You know what bothers me sometimes about this place. The idea that the upper echelon is just already set in stone. Someone like me? I’m treated like some sort of a sideshow or a piece for the crowd to laugh at when things go wrong for me. They want to mock me for being the pretty little rich girl that can’t hold her own? Try it. Just try it and see what happens when I rise above your expectations for me and I ruin your days and nights. There are many people in this match that believe they have a chance to be standing there at the end. That no matter what surprise person or named person that enters this match, it won’t be enough to affect them and their chances to win. Not one person wants to believe Jordan Majors has more than a chance in hell to make noise in this match. For so many of you, I’m just a silly little gimmick. But this silly little bitch isn’t here to know her role and accept it. I’m here to break down the walls you put up around me and shatter those expectations. SCW didn’t sign me to come in and lay down on the ground and eat pins so it’s top talent could continue to stand on top of the world. They brought me in to mix up the game and cause a little chaos in whatever match I touch. They brought me in to see me kick the door down to that upper group and stake my own flag into the ground. And I very much intend to do exactly that at Taking Hold of the Flame.

Jordan folds her hands together in her lap and leans forward.

What you have to do first is ask yourself this question: what does it mean to be the best? A lot of people here believe they are the best in this business. But are they really? Is it possible that the best has yet to rise to the top? That pathetic old saying in wrestling is that the cream always rises to the top. Well does it rise when a horde of people are frantically stirring the drink as fast as it can to try and mix it in among the rest? That’s what I’m trying to get at here. There are people here who know their places are safe. That’s why they don’t see me as a threat. From the day I stepped through the doors I was brushed aside by my peers. Too small. Not strong enough. Not talented enough. They took the bar for me, the one I set up at the top, and they chopped it down from the sky and placed it at floor level. Those are the expectations they have for me, that I’ll just be a two-bit player that makes an appearance in the background and then slides to the side so they can win as it’s designed to go, right? When I was just living in a car and staring out the window every day, I was in a mind set where people like that could set my expectations and I would just accept it. I would just cower off to the side and hide and only show up when my name is called. I’m not content with taking that role anymore. I don’t want to be the supporting actress. I want to be the star. From the day I was signed I made it clear that I intended to make sure my star rose as high as anyone else’s. Before the money I wanted to rise that star. After the money, I want it even more. You’ll hear me say over and over that the cash simply doesn’t define me. It refined me. It opened my eyes to the world of possibilities in front of me. And now I don’t feel like slowing down. I’m not willing to take what’s given to me and smile it off. I want more. And when I want something, I take it.

Jordan scoots forward on the bed and sits on the edge. Her hands reach up and pull the hood back to show off blond and pink hair.

So I know what I need to do. I need to bring a little bit of the psycho out that I try so hard to keep beneath the surface. I need to let the voices from within speak out louder and follow what they tell me to do. My mother telling me to take everything and be as greedy as she is. The brother who I didn’t grow up with who tells me to follow his lead and cause the type of chaos that plays with the rules. The voice of a father I’ve never met that tells me to embrace the killer within and stop caring about the feelings and safety of others. These are the voices that constantly whisper to me. And then there’s the deepest, darkest one of all. The one that is instructing me to tear down the very columns that hold this company above all others and descend it into such a level of chaos that the stars of SCW are forced to show their true colors as heroes and cowards. I was never meant to show up here and be the good girl. I tried to be. I tried to shut off those voices and just do what I’m told. But they were always there. Even when I was living in my car. Just take that money out of the register. You deserve it. Just steal that car, I bet the backseat is more comfortable. Just fool her heart, she’ll give you everything you need. Just trick your way into their house, that bed is all you need to rest. Just ruin all of their hopes and dreams. You’re the only one that matters anyways. I’ve chosen my allies and I know exactly what I have to do. I have to take the lid off and let this crazy be.

Jordan sits up on the bed and reaches into her hoodie pocket and produces a lighter. She holds it in front of her face and hits the striker to force out a small flame.

This flame is small but it’s the representation of what this means to me this weekend. A lighter is so interesting. It produces a flame, but just a breath of air puts it out. Closing the lid and releasing my thumb makes it go out. But the flame I desire never goes out. It just burns hotter and hotter and every one who tries to shut it off suffers the worst fate and the harshest burns they’ve ever imagined. There are those who will try to snuff out this flame, my flame, and they will be the ones who suffer the hardest. At Taking Hold of the Flame I will change everyone’s perception of me. They think they know me from social media. But that’s just part of me. That’s the part the voices allow to run the show on a daily basis so all of you will accept me. But it’s time to let the edge out. It’s time that I stop playing nice and I let the demons that I’ve held so close to my chest hold my hand and direct me down the right path. The money I received allowed me to sin at levels few of you could ever imagine. Now I get to do what I want. Do what they want…

Jordan looks down and shakes her head slowly, placing her hands on her head for a moment before looking back up at the camera.

Look what you’ve done now. You’ve let them have all of the power. You helped them take over. I used to have a handle on this, but I don’t have control anymore. I can’t be responsible for what happens to anyone. But I can make sure I win this flame. Trust me, it’s the only thing that could possibly save you. I’ve got the money. I’ve got the evil within me. And soon enough, I’ll hold the flame that ignites this world.

Jordan hits the plunger again and strikes the flame. She slowly raises it up in front of her face, takes a deep breath and blows it out.
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Goddess Cheats/A Goddess Changes the Game"

{The episode starts with a cute blonde woman dressed in all white. She’s wearing a white see-thru floral design top, a white under shirt and a white dress. She strolls down the middle of the street in her bare feet in an unincorporated area of the city. The people around stand on the sidewalk as they turn and stare at the woman acting peculiarly. The woman doesn’t pay attention of anything around. She continues on her own business and continues walking on the road. She stops and turns what looks like an empty office building.}

{She steps out of the street and over to a building. She walks right up to the front door and holds her hand up feeling it. The woman slides her hand down the door and grabs the handle turning it to open.}

{She walks inside the building and well the building appears to be completely empty. No furniture, no people, just an empty room on the first floor lobby. The woman in white stand there and looks around. She tilts her head like she’s trying to figure something out. She turns and walks over to the elevator and presses the up button and waits.}

{The elevator doors ding open and the woman walks onto the elevator. She stands inside looking at the floor buttons on the side. She goes to push one, but ends up running her hand over them all. She puts on a smile as the elevator doors close and the scene fades out.}


{The scene changes to Los Angeles, California at the home of Katie Steward. Katie’s moved back to her place after spending the time living with Autumn Daniels while her home was being repaired by damages. The scene opens in the kitchen where Katie is standing in front of the oven watching her food baking inside. She is joined by her daughter, Ash as Katie thought this would be a good bonding experience for the two.}

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, this was such an amazing idea. Do you smell that? The ambrosia is going to be so warm and fruity it’ll be a real treat. The fruit of the Gods and make me a Goddess again.

Ash: It does smell really good, Katie. I didn’t know you could cook.

Katie Steward: Well my sister may be the chef of the family, but she’s not the only one that knows her way around the kitchen.

Ash: That’s really cool. I really didn’t know this about you. I don’t think anyone does.

Katie Steward: That’s just the thing about being me. People want to believe what they want to believe.

{The oven timer dings as Katie looks excited that the pie is finished baking. Katie slips on an oven mitt and opens the oven door taking out the fresh bake ambrosia pie. Katie and Ash pick up a couple of forks and pick out a couple of bites and taste their creation. The taste of flavors shows over both of them enjoy it. Katie swallows her bite and puts her fork back and takes a step back.}

Ash: How do you feel? Are you a Goddess again?

Katie Steward: No. I feel the same. Damn it. Another failed batch.

{Katie grabs the pie with her oven mitt and walks it over to Katelyn who sits at the table with her girls.}

Katie Steward: Here you go, Katelyn. I got another yummy pie for you girls.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh wow, thanks Kate. The girls love your cooking.

{Katie smiles as she’s happy doing something nice for Katelyn’s girls. She turns back and heads to the kitchen.}

Ash: I don’t think this is really working. What is it that you’re suppose to be feeling? I’m not sure I understand. I don’t feel much of anything and apparently you say I am one.

Katie Steward: I don’t know. I just want to feel something. It’s a sense of power and confidences. Like no one can knock you down. I just want to feel that way again. After our journey that we were in through old Ireland and fighting the Goddess. I just don’t know I’ll feel that way again.

Katelyn Buehler: Are you talking about how the Goddess beat us?

Katie Steward: She’s didn’t beat us. She just send us home.

Katelyn Buehler: Yeah. With our tails tucked between our legs. She wrecked us, Kate. It wasn’t even close to being a fair fight.

{Katie lowers her head in shame as Katelyn is probably right on the matter. TJ walks into the kitchen carrying a crate of some more Ambrosia fruit for Katie.}

TJ Johnson: Another shipment of fruit just came for you. Also the bill for them. Are you sure this is the right thing to do? These are awfully expensive.

Katie Steward: I know TJ that these are rather pricey, but it’s all going to be worth it when I get my Goddess powers back. Just watch and have faith in me.

{Autumn Daniels walks into the kitchen and helps herself to one of the ambrosia in the crate.}

Autumn Daniels: I sure hope you’re right.

{Autumn takes a bite of the fruit.}

Katie Steward: Hey! That’s untested.

Autumn Daniels: (mouth full of food) Yeah I know. Could be poisoned. You seen Snow White, right? Like thousand times.

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, I didn’t even think of that. Is it?

Autumn Daniels: (swallowing her bite) Can’t tell yet. Needs more testing.

{Autumn takes another bite and she walks away and over to the table sitting down with Katelyn’s girls.}

Katie Steward: Wow, she is so nice and protective. She really surprises you.

TJ Johnson: Yeah, she’s… still terrifying. Katie, I’m still concern about the spending you’re doing. This isn’t good.

Katie Steward: TJ it’s all fine. I just got a new TV Contract. I’m good.

TJ Johnson: You won the TV Title. That’s not really a contract. Plus if you’re trying to start something with Sasha or Katya I don’t think this is as secure as you think it is.

Katie Steward: They started it and I finished it by winning that TV Title. I’m glad that you’re trying to look out for me TJ, but I’m doing fine. I got my Brats, my daughter and I’m focus on my new venture as the Television Champion. Nothing can stop me right now.

{There is a loud knock on the front door of the house. Katie sends TJ out to go and answer it for her. Katie follows behind him. TJ answers the door and opens it wide as Robin Brooks and Paris Dannon stand on the other side. Robin has Paris’ arm over her shoulders as she holds her up. Paris’ other arm she holds up to her chest. The two brats are wearing old dusty monastery like robes and neither one looks to be in the best of shape.}

{Katie’s eyes widen as she see them. She’s scared to death at her two brat apparently rough up and runs over to them.}

Katie Steward: Oh My Goddess. Robin, what happened? Who did this?

{Katelyn and Autumn walk into the room to check what is happening. Autumn rushes over and checks on Paris and touches her arm, but Paris pulls her body away.}

Autumn Daniels: Robin, her arm is broken.

Robin Brooks: Yeah, I’m aware. We have a serious problem at hand and I don’t know where else to go. I’m scared and she’s in bad shape. Whatever happened, I bet you had something to do with it.

{Katie stands there pale white as she is scare to death about the situation and Robin’s words of warning and what in the world could possibly be after them.}


{The scene moves to Katie’s office in her home. Paris is laying down on the couch being attended to by Autumn and Katelyn. Katie leans up against the front of her desk with TJ next to her and Robin sitting in a chair in front of them. Ash walks into the room and joins Katie.}

Ash: The girls are ok in the other room. I don’t think they saw anything.

Katie Steward: Thanks Ash. Now Robin, tell us what happened. Who did this to you and Paris?

Robin Brooks: Do you know who the Moirai are?

Katie Steward: …

Ash: The Sisters of Fate. Three weaving Goddesses said to weave the individual fates of people. It’s said a person’s entire life is on one thread and that’s there fate. It can’t be changed.

Katie Steward: And what does this have to do with Robin and Paris being attacked? Are the Moirai after us? Is our fate really bad? Are we going to be fat?

Robin Brooks: No. Paris and I were the Moirai. Definitely not going to let her talk me into accepting another Craiglist ad.

Katie Steward: So what happened…


{The scene fades into Robin’s flash back of the incident. It opens to Robin and Paris inside a big room. Paris is sitting in a chair. She pulls a string and watches a person’s life go by like it’s a reality show drama. Robin just her best to not pay attention to her laughing at random silliness of people and goes about the work as she weaves.}

Paris Dannon: Robin, come over here. You got to see this. It’s hilarious.

Robin Brooks: No thanks, I’m actually working. You know that think that you said we’d be doing.

Paris Dannon: Ugh, come on. This was suppose to be fun. Why do you have to make it about work?

{Robin shakes her head at Paris’ laziness and she gets up to go get more thread for weaving. Robin leaves the room. The elevator on the floor is heard dinging and the doors open. The blonde woman in white steps out and onto the floor. She looks around the empty room and looks up at the ceiling at a giant thread weaving web entangled together. Her eyes widen as the threads are so bright, like golden color. She follows a lot of the threads and looks to be finding a specific one. She spins around and doesn’t see Paris sitting down in a chair and bumps into her.}

Paris Dannon: Are you serious right now? You don’t have to push me out of my seat just because I’m not helping.

{Paris stands up and she turns around, but quickly realizes that the woman is not Robin.}

Paris Dannon: Who are you? I don’t think you’re allowed to be here.

{The woman notices the thread in Paris’ hand and she reaches for it, but Paris pulls it away.}

Paris Dannon: Did you hear me? I think you need to leave.

{The woman doesn’t look to like Paris’ tone and takes a bit of an aggressive stance toward her. The woman tries to forcibly grab the thread, but Paris grabs the woman’s arm.}

Paris Dannon: Ok, I’ve had it with you. I guess I have to throw you out myself.

{The woman hits Paris with an unsuspecting headbutt that makes Paris let go of the woman and has Paris stumble backwards. The woman spins around raises her leg up and hitting a spinning roundhouse kick on Paris. Paris is knocked to the ground and falls on her hands. The woman grabs the thread and wraps it around Paris’ neck and tries to strangle the brat. Paris grabs the thread with her hands and tries her hardest to fight it. The woman continues to try and choke Paris out pulling her head back. Paris ends up thrusting her head back and into the woman’s. She let’s go of the thread and stumbles back into the loom knocking it’s contents to the ground. The woman grabs the thread above her head. They appear to be extremely durable as she uses them to lift herself up off the ground. Unfortunately for Paris she stands back up and turns into the woman wrapping her head with the woman’s legs and is immediately flip over in a hurricarana. Paris hits the ground and ohs in pain. She finds herself locked in an arm bar and in a split seconds cries out to her arm breaking.}

{The woman stands to her feet and Paris rolls over holding her arm close. The woman find a pair of gold scissors on the floor that was knocked off the table. She picks up the scissors and walks back to the thread that interested her. She runs her fingers through the thread like she picking her moment. Before it looks like she can cut the thread Robin walks back into the room.}

Robin Brooks: Paris, could you please not be so loud? I don’t want to get in trouble with treating this as entertainment.

{Robin looks up and sees Paris lying on the floor and no one else around.}

Robin Brooks: Paris. Oh my God!

{Robin runs over to Paris’ side to check on her. She notices her arm and tries to consult her friend.}

Robin Brooks: Paris, are you ok? What happened? Who did this to you?

{Paris doesn’t respond to Robin’s questions. She’s in too much pain.}

Robin Brooks: Paris.

{The woman reappears behind Robin and she just stands there watching. She’s now armed with a pair of scissors in hand. Robin senses the woman and she carefully lays Paris back on the ground. Robin stands up and turns confronting the woman.}

The Woman: I know you. You were a Regent Queen while your son was too young for the throne. She was your son’s Musketeer.

Robin Brooks: Be very careful what you say. I have no idea who you are, but if you mention my son again.

The Woman: (laughing) She admirers you, you know.

Robin Brooks: Paris?

The Woman: No. It is quite amusing actually. Being here in this room where people’s fates are written out. I didn’t think I’ll run into two people that she was close too. The threads seem just a little bit smaller.

Robin Brooks: You’re talking about Katie. I don’t know what she’s done to you, but we have nothing to do with it. So just leave.

The Woman: No. I will cut her thread and finish what she started when she killed my King. If you get in my way. You will end up like your friend over there.

Robin Brooks: Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

{The Woman, who is clearly The Goddess that the Brats had fought in Ireland just smirks at Robin. She sees why Katie admirer’s how fateful she is to her friends, but knows how foolish it is.}

{The Goddess uses her Godly speed and surprises Robin sprinting at her and grabbing her by the throat. The Goddess lifts her up off her feet and smiles. She then just launches Robin across the room and Robin crashes to the ground a few feet away. The Goddess holds up the scissors in her hand and walks over to the thread that’s Katie’s fate. She runs her fingers through the thread scanning Katie’s entire life. She picks her moment and cuts Katie’s thread sealing her fate as the scene fades out.}


{The scene changes back to Katie’s home inside her office with all the Brats there and Robin finishes explaining what had happened.}

Katie Steward: Wait, so I’m going to die. Like soon?

Robin Brooks: I’m sorry, Katie, but I’m afraid it doesn’t look good.

Katie Steward: Ok, so how much time do I have left then? Or is that against the rules knowing ones fate? Then again cutting someone’s thread is also probably against the rules so let’s just throw out the playbook.

Robin Brooks: Taking Hold of the Flame.

Katie Steward: (laughing) Of course. Was I even going to win it?

Robin Brooks: No.

{Katie’s laugh turns into hysterical laughter.}

Katie Steward: Of course I wasn’t going to win. You know, no. The Goddess isn't going to win like this. SCW isn’t going to win like this. You said a person individual fate can’t be changed? Well that is bull, because I am not going to be taking part in Taking Hold of the Flame so there.

Katelyn Buehler: Wait, what? Katie’s not going to be in Taking Hold of the Flame?

Robin Brooks: You’re going to do it.

Katie Steward: No, I’m not. It’s that simple.

TJ Johnson: I suppose Katie on her decision if it means saving her life.

Katie Steward: Thank you, TJ.

TJ Johnson: Even if it means that probably a Street was going to win it this year.

Katie Steward: …

Robin Brooks: I think I saw Giovanni Aires had something big involved with it.

Katelyn Buehler: If Katie’s not going to be involved I’ll just give 100% of my support to my girl Abigail. Though I think James Evans is going to be pretty determine this year.

Autumn Daniels: I sense something sinister happening and believe Damian Angel is plotting as well.

{Katie looks annoyed as everyone around her throws in their suggestions about who is going to win Taking Hold of the Flame. Every name just eats away at her as she can’t take anymore.}

Katie Steward: Ok fine, I’m still be involved in Taking Hold of the Flame.

Katelyn Buehler: Yay, Kate. You’ll show the Goddess you can’t be beat by going out a winner.

Autumn Daniels: She’s not winning it though. We’re you listening?

Katelyn Buehler: Oh yeah, I’m sorry Kate. Maybe you can change your fate somehow.

Katie Steward: Thanks Katelyn. I’ll think of something.

Robin Brooks: Are you ok?

Katie Steward: I’m fine. Do you think I’m going to freak out or be over dramatic about this? Is that what you’ve come to expect? I just need some time to think about this.

TJ Johnson: Whatever you want to do, we’ll be right there with you.

Katie Steward: I think you girls should take Paris to a doctor and get her fix up and we’ll talk about this later.

{Katie excuses herself from the room leaving the Brats to take care of Paris and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes as it’s about an hour later and in the backyard of Katie’s home. Katie is seen sitting in a patio chair on the back porch with a glass of wine in her hand. The Brats have all left to take Paris to the hospital and Katie looks like she just wants to be alone.}

{The patio door opens and Katie hears it. She puts her head in her chair.}

Katie Steward: If you don’t mind TJ I kind of want to be alone right now.

Ash: Uh it’s Ash.

Katie Steward: Oh.

{Ash walks over and sits down in the chair next to Katie’s.}

Ash: How are you doing? You’ve been out here for like an hour. I only ask cause TJ is inside kinda freaking out.

Katie Steward: Honestly I have no idea what to even feel. I’ve made a lot of enemies, but nothing has ever gone this far. I’ve played a lot of characters in my time and it’s always been for the sake of entertainment. All this was meant to be was a soul searching journey to find my Goddess powers again. I won the Television title, but at the cost of my life. This is drama that even I didn’t think I can pull off.

Ash: I’m sure that’s a lot of people that would tell you otherwise.

Katie Steward: (laughs) Probably. Katie Steward faking her death to drown up sympathy. Yeah that sounds like them.

Ash: Personally I’m sure you can find a way to cheat death. Even Buffy was prophecy to die so the Master will be free and she was brought back to life.

{Ash pats Katie on the shoulder and then stands up and heads back inside.}

Ash: When you’re ready, come back inside. We’ll all be waiting for you.

{Katie starts to think about what Ash told her. Maybe there is a way she could cheat death and defeat the Goddess.}

Katie Steward: Yes. The Katie Steward Show won’t be canceled like this.


{The scene opens back at the abandon office building where Robin and Paris were working and they had their confrontation with the Goddess. Katie Steward steps out of the elevator and walks onto the floor with the threads of fate. The beautiful golden glow off the ceiling and the threads make about a perfect image of life. Katie walks around the floor checking everything out for herself.}

Katie Steward: Everyone’s fate right here in a single room. The answers to everyone’s questions that’s all already been pre determined. Now I’m left wondering how can one change their own fate. At Taking Hold of the Flame 40 individuals will be involved in a battle royal for a chance to main event Rise to Greatness. Now my latest journey through my career hasn’t turned out the way I wanted. I’m no closer to being a Goddess again. I’ve gotten the rudest of awakenings from both Sasha and Katya, but at least I have a Television Championship to make great.

{Katie strolls through the room looking up at the threads interwoven with each other. She finds 40 of them together.}

Katie Steward: But we don’t want to hear my story. I’m already not going to win it. We want spoilers…

{Katie reaches up and pulls down some threads.}

Katie Steward: Now who is going to win the battle royal? Ace Marshall. Is not going to win the battle royal. Although we can expect some very lude conduct from him. Apparently I needed a thread of fate to tell me that.

Katie Steward: Konrad Raab. Not bad. He’s not going to win, but this is honestly a great story of a fighter that wants to be remembered. It’s really a good story that’s been done in Hollywood, well every other week pretty much. He might not be main eventing Rise to Greatness, but maybe a Television Championship on a Breakdown may work. I’m feeling generous and my reign needs some good drama.

Katie Steward: Allistaire Allocco. The Goddess be damned if he gets anywhere closed to winning this main event. He’s already clogging up my precious TV Time on Breakdown and that time should be devote to it’s Television Champion.

Katie Steward: Ew. That’s a sad surprise plan. Oh Sasha, when will you learn?

Katie Steward: Ah Gigi Steward. By some divine intervention will need to fix this thread and make them remember your demigod stature.

Katie Steward: Manvel…

{Katie drops the threads from her hand. She holds her hand up as it appears to be covered in baby oil.}

Katie Steward: Ew. EWW! What in Goddess Heaven is that? How it is drench in baby oil? HOW?

{Katie runs over to a turned over table and finds a cloth on the ground to clean her hand.}

Katie Steward: Well what I’ve learned that no matter what fate is suppose to happen. This all can’t be reality. Rise to Greatness. The Sixteenth showcase of the best of wrestling can’t be ruined by these people. It’s either going to be an Angel, Sienna Swam whose turned my show into a disgusting soap opera of whose sleeping with who. Or it’s going to be Syren. The Katya proclaimed Best in the World. Neither case is either excited or let’s just face it. This is something we’re already watch and don’t want to see again. Breakdown is already moving in a whole new direction. Someone needs to wake up these 39 other talents and let them know what a real talent is suppose to do to move the needle. You want to be the best? You take something. You take an inch and you move it a mile. 14 years ago Katie Steward did that with the Women’s Championship and became the biggest bitch in wrestling. Now in today’s SCW, we have Sienna and Chris Cannon. How can someone change their destiny? They change the script.

{Katie takes a lighter out of her pocket and lights it. She holds the flame under the thread catching them on fire. Something doesn’t go right as thing to Manvel’s thread the baby oil it catches faster and the whole thing goes up in flames. Katie sees her cue and bolts to the fire exits as the scene and episode end.}
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]
OOC: CD only for this one. Approved appearances, etc. Enjoy!


Taking Hold of the Flame #1
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):

1 of 2. 

Been wanting to write this story for ages. It's a huge story which is about to change a lot of lives moving forward and I hope I am able to do it justice with my writing. It's CD only. A lot of which coincides with Sienna's RP's as the arc is intertwined as Omar mentioned with his ooc note.

I hope you enjoy.

[Image: ZbBQHbf.png]
[Image: alistairecrosssig.png]
Overall: 40-22-2
Singles: 34-18-2
Tag: 6-4-0

- 2x SCW World Champion
- 2019 Taking A Hold of the Flame Battle Royal Winner
- 2017 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2017 Shocking Moment (Winning the SCW Title)
- 2017 Match of the Year (Jake Starr Grand Championship Elimination Chamber)
- 2017 Stable of the Year (Alistaire Allocco/Ace Marshall/Cassidy)

- 2019 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
- Main Evented Rise to Greatness  (2019)

Match History

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