Owen Cruze vs. Casterillo
Owen Cruze vs. Casterillo

2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
Noon ET Tuesday, August 21, 2018
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All of you young ones out there do not amuse me.  Not one bit.  Every single one of you needs to grow up, the quicker the better.  Am I talking about those that are infants and toddlers that do not know any better but to act like spoiled brats?  No.  I mean all of you that are definitely of age where you should know better.

Sadly from the moment I arrived back in the States, and on my first day being affiliated with Supreme Championship Wrestling, I could see that I would be competing with the likes of, simply put, you.  When I say "you" I mean ALL of you.  Each and every single one of you that flies under the Supreme Championship Wrestling flag has plenty of room for growth.  I am different from the rest of you, because while I may not be perfect, at least I am not spoiled rotten, nor am I expecting the World to be thrown at my feet.  I know I need to earn my keep and if, IF, there is room for me to grow, I will hunker down and take care of business.

That is something that, while he is grown, my next scheduled opponent Owen Cruze, is simply not capable of doing.  At least not at this time.  He has a whole lot of learning to do, and unfortunately for him, that learning curve is steep.  Unfortunately for him we are headed to a city that has a lot of neon lights.  Unfortunately for him, he is scheduled to face me inside of those ropes.

Let me put it this way, so all of you youngsters out there understand.  Owen Cruze will not be walking out the same way he walks in.  That is if I allow him to walk away at all.  Basically, the more youngsters out there that anger me, the less the chance that Owen will have of progressing his career.  From the looks of things and from what I had to take on this past Saturday night, he will not be making his name off of me.


Ever since the night of the Rise to Greatness Pre-Show I had been thinking to myself, quite clearly might I add.  All of my thinking has come to this moment.  I am actually glad that I am currently in a secluded spot.  The only problem is she is on her way.  I did not tell her exactly where I would be, but I know her.  Shadron will find me.  I have accepted this fact.  Honestly I am surprised that she is not all over me already, so I can safely presume that she got caught up on the way here.

I am seated on what looks to be quite an old rustic bench, amidst the outdoor elements.  There is no wind right now.  There is no rain.  However the moon is not visible either, as is quite cloudy up above, almost like a storm is on the horizon, without the precipitation.  If she rubs me the wrong way tonight though, the rains will come like they never have before.  There will be a flood and I will make sure that she is washed away, forever.

I am standing up now and lo and behold, I can now hear her humming a tune that I am sure she deems as quite lovely.  I will say this, as girly and crackly as her voice is, her humming is at least not bad.  It is now that I see her as she rounds a bend and finds me, which causes her to immediately cease her hidden tune.

Oh, there you are Lawrence.  I could sense you, but it took me a few minutes to find you.  I'm so sorry I'm late.

I do not reply to her, but instead just glare, urging her to go on with the business she has brought me out here to do.

I guess you don't mind then.  Um, okay.  Honestly this is not where I surround myself with those elements that I spoke to you about.  So, please come with me.

I watch as she extends her right hand out.  I roll my eyes, but it is really best to get this dealing with her behind me, as fast as possible, so I can tend to what I want to do, alone.  I go to her side and grip her right hand with my left, extra firm.  She makes a bit of a moan, as if she is shocked with how tight my grip is, before I hear her wince.  I am not letting go though.  She wanted me out here, but I am not going to allow her to feel comfortable, not one bit.

Even though she has winced, we walk forward until she tugs me a bit to the right.  We walk around a cluster of trees and are then behind a building, which appears to be vacated.  She still urges me along, and then speaks.

We need to go inside.

She now yanks her hand away from mine.  I follow her in, noticing now in full light that she is wearing a knee-high, but very wholesome and clean light purple dress, that matches her short purple hair quite nicely actually.  She looks, for once, quite adult-like in appearance, but I am not fooled.  I can sense that little girl still in her.  That is, until she finally surprises me with her words, once we are seated on a couch inside this place.

Even though it is clear you do not like me, I am still willing to help you.  I will get right down to the matter as I know you very well Lawrence.  You do not like your time being wasted, and I fully understand that.  So with me saying that, place your hands in mine, gently this time please, and close your eyes.  Trust me, as I will allow you to see into my thoughts.  I want you to understand what I am about, and what I have learned.  You may not like it, but the powers that we possess, they are connected.  So please, I want you to see for yourself.

I find myself gazing into her green eyes with my own eyes.  Neither of the two of us is flinching, that is until I can feel my hands moving towards where hers are, until they are locked together.  I do not speak, nor does she now.  I watch her as she is the first to close her eyes.  Even though I am sure this will prove unhelpful to anything, I follow suit.  Right away I see nothing.  However she tells me with her crackly voice to wait.

Definitely over a minute passes until finally I can see.  I can then hear her voice.

You can see them, can't you?


Good.  They used to live here, several years ago.  They then moved on from this life here in Las Vegas, and well... died.  But as you can see, when they were here, they loved one another, so much.  I looked in on them, from time to time.  Even when I was with Miranda out in the Poconos, I would always make time for them.

I play along.

Why was that?

Because even though I was a few thousand miles away, I admired how much love they shared.  Love is powerful Lawrence, and from what I have learned, I learned that I possessed a power, a power that is quite simple to understand really.

Well?  Tell me what it is.

I can look down upon and also speak to those whom I love.  I know you may deem it silly that I love you, but I am not afraid to say it.  You should be happy that someone in this world loves you, as I know also from my powers, that not even your parents love you.  I am saddened to have learned that.

I bolt my eyes open, which gets her open as well, the images of that loving couple who used to live in this place now once again gone.

Hey!  That is private!

Not to me.  However since I know this of you, I wanted to let you know that I know the couple we just saw.

Even though I am miffed at her for knowing how my parents did not care where I was or what I was doing, I reply.

Oh?  How do you know them?

She is now squeaking to me, like a mouse, a true tear coming to her left eye.

They were my parents.  My heart had been closed since they both perished.  Even though they both died on the same day, there was no solace for me.  Not until your cousin introduced us.  It was that very moment that I knew I would be able to love again.

She is now the squeezing my hands tight.  I can see the begging look in her eyes.  Before I can say anything, she goes on.

Look, I know compared to you I may seem like a child, but I know what I need Lawrence.  And I really don't care how long it takes to get it.  No matter how long it takes you to put aside that thick skin of yours, I will ALWAYS look in on you, in your best and worst hours.

I roll my eyes before looking once again right at her green ones.

Whatever.  You said there are other powers that I do not currently have that I would be able to learn.

I did.  I just don't think you're ready to know them.  When the going got tough just now, you broke off what I was trying to share with you Lawrence.  Clearly tonight you do not wish to know your full potential.  Looking into your eyes, I can see that.

Shadron goes to stand up, so I take my hands back from her.  For once she does completely stand up, gives me one last look, and then leaves slowly.  I watch her parting back, thinking she would turn around to get one last look, but instead she completely disappears from my view.  I stay seated, as to be blunt and honest, I am surprised with what she just showed me and how easily she has just left me alone.  Perhaps she is a youngster that is growing up.  If so, she is definitely one of the scant few.  I will see in the coming times.  For now though, I am left befuddled, wondering if there are any other additional powers that I may truly have, that I have not yet discovered on my own.  For the first time, maybe Shadron is right...

No.  I just do not see how she is.  Even though she may see me as petulant towards her, it is because of her that I am the way I am.  Really now though, after what she just told me, without just seeming like an annoying little girl, she has struck a chord with me.  Will she get the symphony that she yearns for though?  No.  Just... no.  Even though she feels I have much to learn from her, she definitely has a lot to learn when it comes to me.  That is if I deem her worthy to let in.

If her youngster characteristics all melt away, maybe.  Maybe.  For now, I consider tonight one minute step in the right direction as far as she goes.


Yes, it was an interesting... confrontation.  That is what I will deem it as.  However Wednesday night's confrontation between myself and Owen Cruze will be anything but that.  To me, this is an opportunity to fully close an old matter.  You all should know what I speak of, being Owen was one being bothered and bruised by Goth and his runny dog.  Owen showed weakness, while I knew I would have no problem with disposing of the two of those wastes of space, those two lies.  I knew I would outlast them here in Supreme Championship Wrestling, just like I outlasted them in Goth's own company.

I cannot help it now to put on a rare half smirk as I feel like dispensing my thoughts out loud.

I knew this night was coming Owen.  You are the last piece to the first puzzle I was destined to complete here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It was my mission and my destiny to completely eliminate two old children that you just could not get rid of yourself, namely Bill Barnhart and Goth.  Bill was never a smart one, as evidenced here as he took his beating against me.  Goth was always cunning and always never fulfilling promises.  That said, I knew he was going to run.  He did not want to face me at Rise to Greatness or on any other day or night for that matter.  Thus both of us got to move on from them.  I was headed in a completely different direction, as I was going to make it adamantly clear that I wanted to take on and take off the head of the resident God around here, that being Chad Evans.  Beheading Beard was only a smokescreen.  I was going to stab Chad right where it hurt and then take him on it Apocalypse, but again, like Goth, Chad ran for the hills, as he too clearly is not 100 percent stupid at least.

So that said, the question of the night is this.  Are you going to be stupid Owen?  Because if you just go on to state that I am a rookie and that you have been wrestling longer than me, you would not be correct.  Just because I took a few years off from wrestling here in the States and headed back to Northern Europe to be by myself does not mean that I was not competing at all.  I have not gotten rusty and all my appearances in that wrestling ring prove that.  I have not once been a disappointment, nor will I ever be one, even if by chance one of my opponents finds a way to get what will ultimately be an empty victory.

You however did disappoint your fans at Rise to Greatness.  I could even see it in your eyes when I was backstage Owen.  You were nervous to have to go out on a big stage such as that and take on someone the caliber of Blake Mason, who definitely showed you that he knew what he was doing.  You may believe you have grown over the past year Owen, but that night proved otherwise.  You were a little kid out there that was just outright scared and outright outclassed.  That same fate awaits you right here in Las Vegas, except for the fact that I will not be Blake.  I will not be showing any mercy.

I pause to take a moment to myself.  In this moment I can only say to myself that anyone who acts like a youngster does not deserve any mercy.  Not one single drop of it.

This one will not be for those that are faint-hearted.  If you or anyone else thought what I have done to Beard is cruel, just wait to see the rest that I can bring, because I am not going to take it easy on you Owen, nor will I be taking it easy on anyone going forward.  That includes our newest returning youngster, that is correct, youngster, in Chris Cannon.

Owen, you and Chris, even though I bet you do not know one another in the slightest, are very similar.  You are both youngsters, even though it is in different ways.  You are a youngster because you have not been wrestling for only a couple of years, while Chris is a youngster because is just returning from a long hiatus.  I will not bore you with the reason for why I attacked him though, as Wednesday night is truly all about you Owen.  It is all about how you have yet another chance before you to prove yourself.  Go ahead.  Blow it like you did at Rise to Greatness.  Because the second you look weak to me, I will not hesitate to behead you and then Claim you for the Dark.  Your fans out there, especially the young ones, though who am I kidding, all of them act young, will be frightened for you, to death.

The point is made.  Wednesday night Owen will either grow up, even if just a little bit, or he will show that he will forever be a youngster, until the end of his days.  Claiming such a child you may think is very cruel, but if he does not change, it must be done.
Owen #15 versus Casterillo

Another one I enjoyed writing that follows on everything going on right now and brings me back to date to around two weeks ago. Enjoy and good luck. As this is all my characters, no thanks needed lol :-)

Good luck bro

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