Embers and Ashes vs. Red Empire
Ash Harte & Ember Young vs Ruby Amarant & Scarlet Grey

4 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, June 25, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
ooc: Joint Red Empire effort, as usual from us in these tag matches. Apologies if it feels a bit disjointed. That's what happens I guess when we're trying to intertwine our respective ideas while I'm trying to play catch-up a bit with Ruby's stuff since she hasn't been booked in a while.

It feels like forever since I last wrote in this thing, and that's because it has been.

After detailing my exploits in the earlier days of being Ruby Amarant and playing my part for the Red Empire, I felt as though there was nothing left to share on that front. I could have started detailing previous exploits from further back, but there are many of them I simply do not care to remember or desire to share in any capacity at this point in time, as disappointed as I know some may be if they come across this journal at some point in the future.

There are plenty of secrets I plan on taking with me to the grave, as humans all desire to do with deeds that are better left in the blind spot of the public eye.

That said, I do find myself in a rather unique situation these days, one that I did not think would ever actually become an issue I must contend with. To some degree, it appears my past is slowly catching up with me, though I do not write this to imply it in a negative light. Quite the opposite, actually... near the end of my run as SCW's television champion I was asked to travel to Mexico to defend the gold I held hostage, and while there I happened to be reunited with an old acquaintance of mine from my previous identity who was originally a native of the country south of America's borders. I can't say the possibility was out of the question since she's found a way to track me down before despite changing everything about who I am, but this time around it just felt... right.

Mala Suerte... it's hard to say sometimes if her “other name” truly applies to me as well or not.

Maria is her actual name, and at one point in time she provided me with the same situation I currently find myself in with Scarlet. Granted, the difference between the two is that what I assisted her with had nothing to do with trying to change the thought process of the masses for a purpose that's honestly far greater than any of them have the mental capacity to realize. Rather, being with Maria gave me a chance to explore the... “darker” purposes my intellect could be used for, let's say. She's never exactly been the kind of woman to sit idly by while others have a better life for themselves at her expense, so she simply takes what she feels is rightfully owed to her. I wasn't always a fan of the tactic, but I can't deny a certain satisfaction that came with outwitting what are supposedly some of the best laid security plans and people just to prove I could. One such success did ultimately lead to the reason for our parting of ways and my need to become who I am today, but perhaps I have a reason to return to a past life for a change if the need arises. It seems like Maria is tiring of her old ways and feels inspired by what I've become in SCW, even if I could care less about the business or most everyone in it, so perhaps there could be an intriguing little twist on the horizon.

My real problem, however, lies in trying to lay this possibility out to a ticking time bomb.

Ruby paused in her writing as her eyes moved from her journal to the woman lying on the other couch near her. Scarlet seemed almost lost in her own little world as she bobbed her head to some imaginary music while texting with someone, likely a potential new hookup for later. These days it was getting harder for the more stable half of their little tandem to accurately read her sinfully twisted partner, and it wasn't hard to see why. Unlike Ruby, who'd been fairly quiet for quite some time now, Scarlet seemed adamant about making as much of a scene as she possibly could about her perceived bias from their current boss. There was some truth to it though, considering the lack of air time in general either of them seemed to get outside of being booked, not to mention the fact that it felt like an eternity since Ruby had last competed at all. Still, while Scarlet could be happy about her recent victory, there was still plenty on her plate to be frustrated over, which made a topic Ruby knew would need to be discussed sooner rather than later difficult to approach.

Unbeknownst to Ruby. Scarlet wasn't as blind to the whole situation as she believed. It was fairly obvious she was going out and about more frequently and spending time with somebody, and with the voluptuous vixen's own stance on VERY open relationships if Ruby was “getting some” then she had no reason to be upset. Still, the fact that they did seem to be growing a bit distant to some degree lately was weighing on her mind, and the text messages she was trying to ignore from her mysreious “guardian angel” weren't helping her to try and shape her own perception. If Ruby needed to share something then there was nothing stopping her, yet this idea that there might be any sort of problem at all was a possibility being brought up constantly that tempted her to simply smash her phone beneath her boot the next chance she got.

Grey: So, looks like I'm all set for the night. How about you Rubes?

Ruby raised an eyebrow at her partner as she sent the last text message needed to secure her date and “after party” for the evening. Scarlet couldn't help but smirk at her partner, who looked like something kind of flew right over her head.

Amarant: I'm pretty sure my plan for tonight is-

Grey: Don't even overlook the actual point and say anything regarding our upcoming match, because you know as well as I do there's nothing to say about two little girls who don't stack up to us in any fashion. You've been hanging out an awful lot lately Rubes, and if it's with the same person then you're starving me of juicy details!

Amarant: I have no idea what you're talking about.

The subtle glance away is all Scarlet needed to pounce, practically leaping off her couch to straddle Ruby as the less curvy of the two women quickly slammed her journal shut to hide its contents from prying eyes. Hoping to try and further entice some answers, Scarlet couldn't resist going into a light grind.

Grey: I'm not blind or dumb Ruby, I know you haven't been hanging around here as often when we're not on the road, and I can't see any excuse you could concoct that I'd be interested in buying. I'm hungry for info and I'll only let you up if-

To Scarlet's disappointment, Ruby managed to shove her enough to create the separation needed to slip away and to her feet. She couldn't help but pout a bit, trying to produce the puppy dog eye effect to get Ruby to talk.

Grey: Come ooooooooooon Rubes, you know you don't have to hide THAT kind of info from me. I won't see you any differently, especially since it's not like you're just abandoning everything we've worked for.

Amarant: Scarlet...

The tone of voice Ruby responded in combined with her surprising hesitation in going forward beyond her partner's name caused Scarlet's good mood to drop almost immediately. Naturally, the red-headed temptress began to assume the worst, but before she could start moving towards a full-scale meltdown, she heard Ruby take a deep breath and exhale in a sigh.

Amarant: Scarlet, I didn't want to address this yet, mostly because I can't give you a straight answer. I'm not going to deny the possibility of the end of the Red Empire as the tandem of the two of us, but I can promise you that I'm not simply walking away from the commitment I made to you. I've poured so much of my own time into this that it would be foolish of me to simply abandon everything at this stage of the game. I'm still working out some details with an old... friend, of mine, and once we get it all figured out I promise you that not only will I introduce you and at least shed some light on some fragments about me I know you've been desperate to learn, but we'll figure out what the next step is together. You have my word on that, Scarlet Grey.

Scarlet blinked as Ruby's words churned in her brain. It wasn't exactly the answer she was expecting, but it also wasn't really her worst fears coming to life either. It was a middle ground answer meant to placate her, but at the moment she could see it was the best explanation Ruby could provide her with as she was telling the truth about not being entirely certain of everything just yet on her end. Scarlet stood up and slowly walked over to Ruby, some tension lingering in the air, before she kissed her intelligent partner briefly before nodding and walking away, pausing only briefly to glance at something on her phone before shaking her head and disappearing into her room to prepare for her evening plans.

Ruby breathed a sigh of relief as she quickly retreated to her study before this got any more awkward for her, especially since emotions never were her strong suit at any point in her life. She'd bought herself some time with something that was at least half-true, but sooner or later she would need to confirm with Scarlet on where it all went next. Perhaps SCW would make things a bit easier on her in that regard, but for now she knew there were some loose ends she needed to tie up if anything was to truly be set in stone.

For the glory and plans of the Red Empire... even if she didn't exactly bear that branding anymore down the line.


As our shot opens, we get a sight that's probably worth watching only to a small portion of you out there, but never let it be said that fantasies of all kinds aren't fulfilled when it comes to these two. We're up close and personal with a female foot slowly and sensually being massaged by a pair of female hands. As we pan back, we find that Scarlet is the one massaging the foot of Ruby, who's seated in a chair in what looks like a fairly lavish hotel room. Both women are clad only in fairly revealing lingerie, which Ruby doesn't seem to mind, though whether by choice for once or simply playing along with Scarlet's games is a mystery still unresolved. Regardless, Ruby looks like she's feeling very relaxed as she gets us started while Scarlet continues her task.

Amarant: You'll have to forgive us if this isn't your proverbial cup of tea, but the fact of the matter is I want to be sure I'll actually be able to walk down to that ring to compete come Breakdown. After all, it's been what feels like ages since I was last put in a position to compete, and I don't want my feet to fall asleep on me at the worst possible moment all because of how long it's been. Then again, to save Scarlet here some of the complaining, perhaps it wouldn't have been this way had Sasha decided that finally losing the TV title was a perfect enough reason to try and mail me off into obscurity. There's another reason I'm letting Scarlet do this for me though, considering I can easily foresee a response from Sasha herself or someone trying to defend her bringing up concerns over the ankle injury I sustained near the end of last year that relegated me to the sidelines at the start of 2019. Never mind the fact that I won and defended the TV title with no proverbial rest for the wicked and can still walk perfectly fine, but if we're playing the health game then I think it's safe to say my partner here can promise you my ankle is one hundred percent.

Scarlet's massage stops long enough for Ruby to rotate her foot at the ankle a few times to prove her point, even smirking at the camera as she stands up and walks around a tiny bit. It's certainly a display, given her lacking attire, that seems more along the lines of a Scarlet move, but the other redhead certainly has no problem with enjoying the sight before rising to her feet and turning to face the camera as Ruby continues showing off how “hurt” she is right now. It does block a bit of our view to Ruby, but it's hard to really argue at the sight we're getting from a woman who looks about ready to simply burst out of her underwear.

Grey: I think what I find funny about this whole thing is the fact that no matter how many times I call her out on her bullshit, Sasha simply thinks she can ignore me and keep playing this game as though my voice is no louder than a mouse squeaking at her feet. I could care less about what else she's got on her plate because the fact of the matter is, as much as she probably thinks otherwise, I'm just as much of a problem she can't ignore as whatever daily drama we're getting from the “Beauty” Factory and the world that wants to burn them alive or this wonderland acid trip that got old months ago or whatever's supposed to be a big hot button issue in the wrestling world right now. I hate to break it to you babe, but just booking me every now and then because you remember that I need to earn a paycheck from you and trying to otherwise make SCW operate like I don't exist just isn't going to work. I'm not simply someone who will just take their ball and go home, and the more you think you can push me the more I promise I'll grow into an issue that's impossible for you to just forget about. After all, I paid you back for all your lovely little attempts to screw me over in regards to battle royals and big opportunities by making your new rock star my bitch, and so long as Ruby and I are a team we've got a whole division worth of toys we can happily break en route to forcing you to do something you really don't want to do for your precious Rise to Greatness card.

Scarlet steps aside as Ruby resumes her seat, though now turning the chair so she can directly face the camera. Scarlet can't resist seductively strutting her way around until she's behind her partner, taking an ample amount of time to let the viewers take in that equally ample ass of hers, before she leans down to not only sensually massage her partner's bare shoulders once the bra straps are pushed out of the way, but also give a treat in the form of her own vast canyon of cleavage for your viewing pleasure. Ruby simply holds her bra against her own sizable chest to keep from being fully exposed, but aside from mild amusement her expression barely changes in response to any of this as it just happens around her.

Amarant: It does seem intriguing that in the midst of everything you can concoct as an answer to how we're being treated and used around here, it's especially forgotten that we are a team. I hate to break it to you all, but the Red Empire has not dissolved, nor have we ignored the fact that things in the tag division seem to be opening pretty wide as of late.

Scarlet can't resist a giggle as she continues her massage, but Ruby barely flinches at the dirty thoughts clearly going through her head as she rolls on.

Amarant: I have no reason to believe the arguments against where we believe we should be won't be pouring in now that you all have this little reminder, but allow me to lay out all the puzzle pieces for you to consider. Beauty Factory or no anymore, the Trueloves just failed to become champions fair and square and therefore have no reason to deserve further consideration in the immediate future, teams such as Raine and Gardner or the Stewards have fallen before us too many times to bother counting anymore, and a combination from Infamous is more likely to be tied up with the Jones sisters at this point since everyone apparently wants their hands on Ravyn these days. Now, teams such as Autumn's reborn alliance with Ryan Watson and Kandis' “friendship” with Tommy Valentine would likely be petty booking to try and pit an alliance that has seen straight through Sasha's games against one another in the hopes we'll throw it all away and solve her problems for her...

Grey: By the way, here's to you and Tommy getting the job done on Breakdown so we can truly make Rise to Greatness a red hot affair Kandis!

Scarlet can't resist pausing in her partner's massage to pay an obvious ode to her friend and brief tag partner once upon a time by turning her back to the camera and kissing her palm before smacking her ass with it, hypnotizing the audience with the jiggle of her cheeks before she returns to her originally scheduled efforts to help Ruby feel good and relaxed. To her credit, Ruby, aside from a glance over at the display for you to interpret as you will, continues to be visibly unfazed.

Amarant: ...it truly feels like there's very little reason to ignore the Red Empire finally getting their due in regards to an honest tag title shot.

Grey: Unless we're going to use the excuse that lies in the existence of two women I know I've seen hanging around with that useless Gardner chick that I guess are part of the roster now. Why not, right? They surface in the battle royal with no rhyme or reason and now they're conveniently our latest obstacle towards the top of our mountain. But can we be honest for a second? Does anyone actually care about who these women are or why they're supposed to be seen as a threat to us aside from whatever they can scrape together over revenge for how many times we've embarrassed their friends or whatever? No? Huh... I didn't think so.

Amarant: The fact of the matter is, Ash and Ember exist for the same reason Lucy Sixx did not that long ago to Scarlet. They are fresh faces being fed to us in the hopes that we will be satisfied and Sasha can keep her eyes on other affairs as the pressures of running her father's business continue to consume her until it's all driven straight into the ground and his legacy dies along with it. I'm sure you girls are more than ready to tell us all about how much this business means to you and why you're going to kick our asses, but the simple truth of the matter is that you're dreaming about the best case scenario under the assumption you stand a chance to begin with. The entire tag division right now is nothing more than a statement just waiting to be made to prove our point, and you're just the first team of many whose expense it will be against because we have a purpose right now... and that purpose goes far beyond anything the two of you are able to comprehend in this or any lifetime.

Grey: But the very least you could do is try to give us a challenge. That way, maybe you'll at least get to walk away knowing you were relevant for the first time ever while we get to have our fun before leaving you buried in the dirt, where your careers belonged from day one.

Scarlet's massaging hands slowly move down to try and push Ruby's bra out of the way, but the more composed of the two isn't going to be completely exposed if she has anything to say about it. Still, it does leave us an intriguing visual to fade out on as we ponder what might happen in the aftermath and what we can expect when Breakdown comes around.

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