End of the Year Open Invitational
End of the Year Open Invitational
Winner receives $250 000*, a new car* and will become the SCW World Champion

To enter, simply roleplay.

If the character is not in SCW, the handler will need to agree to roleplay for a potential World Championship defense at the first SCW pay per view of 2020 (January 26, 2020)

1 RP Limit
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, December 29, 2019

*Prize entirely in-character. I don't have cars or money to give you in real life.
For Jake Starr, his reunification with his sister has been one that has given him a lot of positive hope in his life.  Growing up he always wanted a sibling, and after being informed by his parents of Jordan's existence, part of him has truly wanted to live that "older brother" lifestyle.  It's been a struggle for both.  Both grew up in vastly different environments, and have very opposing outlooks toward their birth parents.  Jordan wants to have her older brother, but does still harbor a lot of anger toward her parents, whereas Jake wants one big happy family.  Both know that his viewpoint probably stems from his near death experience, and that the reality of what could be or what would need to happen long before any feelings change is extensive.

For now, they've simply decided to move forward, and enjoy taking the time getting to know their respective siblings.

In SCW, people have gotten to see this all play out on air.  They've gotten to see the contrasts in humor and personalities both mesh and contrast, but ultimately somehow work.  They've gotten to see Jordan exposed to a, what seemingly looks like, a revitalized Jake Starr who has gone out there and started to simply be himself again.  Many have deduced that Jordan wasn't quite ready for the endless sarcasm and lack of seriousness with Jake, and one always has to wonder if there is a point she will get in his face and tell him enough is enough.  Jake has begun to pick up on this possibility, himself, and decided that it was time to bring some happiness, inspiration, and a true sense of himself to his sister.  He hopes that be expressing himself, opening himself up, being vulnerable, will show her who the older brother is that she has only just begun to know.

He asked her to meet him on the outskirts of the Des Moines Metroplex, and allow him to take her for a drive.  He freely tells her it's going to resemble a drive as if they were going to a premature location with a deep pre-dug grave.  He also assures her that this is not the case, and said if it was he wouldn't be driving himself but instead surprise her there with a clean getaway vehicle.  Part of his morbid humor doesn't always go over with Jordan, and she knows that Jake wouldn't put her into any danger.  She hasn't forgotten, however, Jake's "teaching" tactics from the ladder match, but figures if that's the worst Jake can get, she survived it already.

As the two drive on a desolate road and come to a stop outside a dark and rundown church.  Jake parks the car, and smiles.  He looks over at Jordan who is just staring up at the building.

Jake Starr: Here we are!

Jordan Majors: I thought you promised I wasn't going to die?

Jake looks confused, and then looks back at his sister.

Jake Starr: What do you mean?

Jordan Majors: You've brought me to the Bates Motel.

Jake looks up toward a window on a top floor.

Jake Starr: ... Nah... No rocking chair, you're good... C'mon!  Trust me the exterior is just a facade!

Jake hops out of the car, and Jordan mutters under her breath.

Jordan Majors: Yeah... Right...

She gets out uneasily and Jake makes his way toward the front door.  He takes a couple steps up onto the porch of the building and reaches out to grab the handle, which immediately falls off in his hand.  Jordan walks up and sees the exterior now breaking into Jake's hands.

Jordan Majors: ... Just a facade, huh?

Jake Starr: Hey!  This is a popular place.  The knob gets a lot of use.

Jordan Majors: First time you've said that, huh?

Jake goes to reply, but pauses, realizes Jordan just threw shade back at him in a very Starr-esque manner.  He's almost proud, but instead simply turns and pushes the door open and walks in.  Jordan smirks, realizing she shut her brother up, and follows him.  As the two get inside, they walk through a lobby area to another set of doors, and Jake immediately opens, and they enter.  Inside is a creepy, dusty, cobweb filled, old church.  The pews are slid in very unparallel rows, and one light shines through a broken roof board on the pulpit.  Jordan scoots a little closer to Jake, ensuring if she is grabbed by anyone, she can grab him in return, or at least kick him.

As the two approach the pulpit, Jake sees a random bell and rings it, slowly leaning his head in, smiling, and shaking with a stupid grin on his face.

Jordan Majors: What in the HELL are you doing?

Jake Starr: SHHH!

From the darkness, an ominous laugh slowly begins to emanate.  Jordan begins to see a figure walking toward them, and as it steps into the light, the man exclaims...


As the man becomes fully illuminated, it is revealed to be none other than the infamous Gary Busey.  Jordan looks over at Jake confused, as Gary and his gigantic teeth smile at them.

Jordan Majors: Umm... Who's the guy with the Chicklet teeth?

Gary Busey: Jackie, don't worry, I got this!

Jake Starr: It's Jake, I know it's been a while...

Gary Busey: That's what I said...

Jake Starr: You said... You know... Ok...

Gary looks over at Jordan to introduce himself.

Gary Busey: Hi... I'm Chet Steadmon...

Jordan Majors: And?

Gary Busey: And?  AND?!  I'm Chet Steadmon.  Mr. Rock and Fire.  Mr. High Stinky Limburger!  Stepdaddy to Hammerin' Hank, who I must say has grown up to do a lot of good in this world, especially after we won the World Series.  Nah I'm just joshin' with you, Miss, I'm actually Buddy Holly.

Jordan Majors: I thought he was dead?

Gary Busey: That's how powerful I am.  I brought him back to life.  All through the power of LOVE.  You know what love means, right?

Jordan Majors: Umm... To care about someone a lot?

Gary Busey: HA!  No... It means Letting Other Voices Echo.

Jordan is completely lost and confused.  She looks over at Jake.

Jordan Majors: What in the hell is he talking about?

Jake Starr: Jordan, let me introduce you to my guru.  The man who helps me get a better grasp on LIFE!

Gary Busey: LIFE!  Looking Into Future Events!

Jake Starr: See!  That's deep!

Jordan Majors: ... -ly disturbing...

Jake Starr: Jordan, I get it, he's kind of different, but this is THE Gary Busey.  The one and only!  He's had an experience far more intense than mine, and now I realize, having been there even for a few minutes, what he's getting at here.

Gary Busey: I died for two hours...

Jordan Majors: Impressive?

Gary Busey: I met Jesus and we had some wine and crackers.  It was Passover so it was those Jewy cracker things, and the tea tasted like water, but we all know Magical Jesus and what his water becomes, amirite?!

Jordan's patience is running thin.

Jordan Majors: Seriously, Jake, why are we here?

Jake Starr: To embrace the knowledge...

Jordan Majors: What knowledge?  What can I possibly garner from him?

Jake Starr: I mean, I've learned a lot.  Plus, he's Gary Busey.  He's a legend AND an icon.  I mean, look at him...

The two turn back to see Gary biting one of his fingers, and shaking his head like a dog.  He then pulls his finger out and taps on one of his front teeth before scraping it, and then licking his finger.  He then looks up at the pair, looking back at him.  He smiles and points to his teeth.

Gary Busey: Good news, they're still there and still solid.

Gary looks at Jordan.

Gary Busey: Want to sniff my finger?

Jordan throws her hands into the air.

Jordan Majors: AND I'M DONE!  I'M... DONE!

Jordan turns and immediately begins storming toward the back.  As she approaches the door, she quickly realizes the door is now being blocked by two large, male figures, who come into the little light there, smiling, and revealing themselves as Tommy Valentine and David Helms.  David clears his throat while Tommy motions for Jordan to turn around and return to the front.

Jordan Majors: What are you two doing here?  Out of my way!

David smirks even bigger.

David Helms: OH no!  You're not going anywhere.

Jordan Majors: And why the hell not?

Tommy Valentine: Because... We had to endure this crap, and now it's your turn!

David Helms: Yup... Once we heard he was bringing you here, we had to come watch this trainwreck, and how long you actually last...

Tommy Valentine: So turn around... Back back you go... Ha ha ha...

Jordan Majors: You two are fuckers...

Both David and Tommy shrug as she turns and walks back up to the front with Jake.  Jake is surprised, and looks to the back, catching a glimpse of The Next Level propping their feet up and watching.

Jake Starr: OH!  Hey guys!

Both men just wave, and Jake turns back around.

Gary Busey: Well back Little Philly!

Jordan Majors: My name is Jordan, OK?!  Jor-dan!

Gary Busey: Prophetic name, Jor-DAN... Jesus Ordered the Rapture Denying Atheists Nourishment.

Jordan Majors: Wow... Really...

Gary Busey: Oh yeah...

Jordan looks back at Jake.

Jordan Majors: ... Ok Jake... Ha ha... You've brought me into your fun zone.  Hooray.  I appreciate it.  Not really, but can we go?  This is simply a waste of my time, and I have more important things to focus on.

Gary begins to smile and shake his head.  His arms outstretch and appearing to "feel" something.  As he slows down, he looks at Jordan with a look that actually looks mentally stable and his words come out in a much more somber tone than before.

Gary Busey: Jordan Majors... Your body and soul aren't feeling as if they are wasted.  They are causing you to sense FEAR.  False Evidence Appearing Real.  You're starting to FEAR your relationship with Jake is going to be a SIN on you.  Well you're wrong because a SIN is Self-Imposed Nonsense.  It is part of who you are but you're so worried about the PAST, or Preoccupation About Spent Time, and that you don't look at it with a sense of FAITH, a Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him.  You have the one thing in front of you that you've always wanted.  That you've always dreamed about.  That you've always wished you could have like everyone else.  It's the one thing you also are scared of the most based on where you've come from, am I wrong.

Jordan pauses.  For once Gary's ramblings have actually made sense, and have her thinking like she was hoping to not have to do.

Jordan Majors: What's that, Mr. All Knowing?

Gary Busey: Feeding A Miracle In Loving You... A FAMILY!

Jordan goes to respond but freezes, knowing Gary has just hit a very sensitive area in her life.

Gary Busey: Your past has taught you to fear that word.  Well today is the END of that.  Today is your EXCITING NEW DIRECTION!

From the peanut gallery in the back, David whispers to Tommy.

David Helms: That was deep...

Tommy Valentine: Mmm Hmm...

Jordan stands there quietly, with her arms folded.  Somehow Gary has gotten her to think.  Jake can see this, and thinks of it as a miracle.

Jake Starr: I told you he was a guru!

Jordan, still with the words running through her head, responds very directly.

Jordan Majors: I'm ready to go now...

Even Gary realizes not to push his luck further.

Gary Busey: I shall have my Acolytes show you out then...

Jake Starr: Acolytes?

Gary Busey: Yes.  They prefer that term to "squatters" I am told.

Two men emerge in druid-esque outfits from the back, and flank Gary on both sides.

Gary Busey: Frank... Beans... Would you escort our guests out?

One of the druids, presumably the one refered to as "Beans" is heard sniffing.  His head lifts up, and Jake's eyes widen.

Jake Starr: Oh no...

Jordan is confused.

Jordan Majors: What?!

"Beans" exclaims, echoing through the entire Fellowship Hall.

Star Wars Kid: HE'S HEEEEEEEERE!!!!

"Beans" rips off of the druid outfit to reveal himself as Star Wars Kid, and quickly grabs an old flagpole and makes a B-line for the back of the room.  Tommy's eyes widen, as do David's.

Tommy Valentine: Oh shit!

David Helms: Why do we always get involved in this somehow?

Tommy tries to jump up, but is quickly stopped by the point of the flagpole in his belly.


Jake turns back toward the other druid, who unsurprisingly reveals himself to be Numa Numa Guy.  Jake, Jordan and Numa Numa Guy make a brisk walk toward the back and Numa Numa Guy quickly tells Star Wars Kid to heel.  Star Wars Kid slowly removes the flagpole from Tommy's stomach and backs off.

Numa Numa Guy: Good boy... Good boy, you found him!


Everyone looks around, and David offers him the leftover popcorn from the bag he was eating.  Star Wars Kid smiles gleefully and snatches the bag.  He shoves his face literally into the bag, and begins eating.  Numa Numa Guy looks over at Jake.

Numa Numa Guy: Does this mean I get to go home now?

Jake Starr: You know, I think so.  I mean, his mission is complete, finally.

Jordan Majors: Well what am I supposed to do about him?

Jake Starr: Umm...

Jake turns back to the front.

Jake Starr: Hey Gary... Kid here wants to stay and protect you, using his lightsabre!  That OK?

Gary Busey: That'd be A Wonderful Experience Showing Others Magnificent Energy!

Jake turns back.

Jake Starr: Kid... New mission!

Star Wars Kid pulls his face out of the bag which is now covered in butter and random kernels stuck to his face.

Jake Starr: You protect Gary!  He thinks you're special and would be an AWESOME protector!

Star Wars Kid: MEEEEE?

Numa Numa Guy: You're the only one of us who knows how to wield that lightsabre properly.

Star Wars Kid: YOU STAY TOO?

Numa Numa Guy: Not this time.  This time you're the strong one.  I'll visit sometime though.

Star Wars Kid: ME MISS YOU!

Star Wars Kid gets choked up and hugs Numa Numa Guy to where he can't breathe.  As he lets go, he nods at Jake, and frantically runs up to the front and stands in front of Gary, swinging the flag pole around.

Numa Numa Guy: Part of me is going to miss that kid.  He was good to fetch things for me.

Tommy Valentine: Does this mean I don't have to worry about him stalking me anymore?

Jake Starr: Nope... He finally found you!

David Helms: Is it OK to leave then?

Jordan Majors: God I hope so...

Jake motions with his head for everyone to follow him out.  Each go to their respective cars, with Numa Numa Guy getting a chunk of cash from Jake and a ride from David to the airport, so he can head home, finally.  As Jake and Jordan start to drive off, Jake looks over, smiling from ear to ear.

Jake Starr: So... What did you think of that?

Jordan Majors: You have fucked up friends... That's all I have to say about that...

She goes back to looking out the window and actually thinking about everything that Gary said.  Jake realized she didn't want to talk and decided to not press the issue further.  Jake ultimately returns Jordan to her vehicle and heads off himself, while Jordan sits in her car for a few minutes reflecting.  With Jake long gone, she realizes she's still alone in kind of a desolate area, and alone, and realizes she had better get the hell out of Dodge herself.  She fires up her car and speeds back to town, passing Jake in the process.


Jake Starr: Ladies and gentlemen, it is honestly my pleasure to welcome you to this momentous day in the world of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  No, folks, Mr. D hasn't finally gotten his wits about him and given me my full ownership rights to the company, but I would say this runs a close second.  Why?  BRANDON!  CUE THE MUSIC!

Out of nowhere the "Mexican Hat Dance" and Brandon and Thoren are seen on camera for a rare appearance dressed in very stereotypical Mexican garb.  Jake waves off screen multiple times, before pulling Jordan in, who is annoyed to also be anointed with a sombrero.  Jordan stands still while the others dance around with maracas celebrating something.  Finally, Jordan has had enough.

Jordan Majors: OK!  STOP!

The record scratches to a stop, and everyone freezes in place.  Jake looks over in her direction?

Jake Starr: Why you no celebrate with us?


Jake Starr: Well... Duh... Isn't it obvious?  We are celebrating our first victory in SCW together!

Her eyes go wide.

Jordan Majors: You're shitting me, right?

Jake Starr: Well, no, but...

Jordan rolls her eyes, and throws the sombrero in the air.  She then walks toward the camera, ultimately off screen.

Jake Starr: Well I guess the party is over, guys...

Brandon and Thoren collectively groan, before walking off of the screen as well.  Jake, still wearing a tiny sombrero under his large one, turns back to the camera, and continues.

... Well anyway, as I had said it was just a matter of time before the forces of the Emaciated Penguins, or Entitled Unicorns, or Exclusive Hamsters, whatever aired on TV actually did what they were capable of and WON.  Yes... It was by a DQ, and yes it was due to a couple of entitled hoodrats who seem to be obsessed with me.  Nevertheless, the record books show a win.  And I can say this... Those two Blue Waffle hoes would be lavishing in a DQ win because it would just have that magical letter W next to their name.  So I figure, why not do the same?  Why not embrace the victory and embrace the fact WE WON, and THEY LOST!  And in all honesty, no matter the how, it was something that Jordan and I needed to feel.  We needed to feel that sense of victory and knowledge that, by hook or crook, we can emerge victorious and get ourselves ready for 2020.

Speaking of 2020... What does that hold for she and I/  Where do we go?  Who do we set our sights on?  I'm going to be blunt and say our eyes are fixated on the two who have seemingly the same obsession with us.  Yeah... Infamous... Our eyes are on you, and those Tag Team Championships.  Normally I would say we would get in line for our opportunity.  But this situation has Infamous seemingly OBSESSED with the two of us, and our business.  It seems they want a piece of us, just like we do them.  So in 2020, I have a distinct feeling the way they seem to magically appear anywhere we are, we start putting the shoe on the other foot, and playing the same game of peek-a-boo that they are.  See, Jordan and I, while different in our methods, are so similar in how cutthroat we can be when you fuck with us in the wrong way.  And this little obsession you two have is beginning to borderline on that type of "wrong way."  So I would suggest making yourself a New Year's Resolution... Avoid the Eclectic Aardvarks like the plague.  It would behoove you both, and your stale run as champion.  Or make the wrong decision, and end up crying to one another when you are taken down, AGAIN by Jake Starr and company!

Jake clears his throat.

Now speaking of stale champions, let's look at that World Championship Belt.  Let's look at the game of hot potato it's effectively played between a few select individuals over the past few YEARS.  SCW has fallen into a slump where there has been this small handful of individuals who have been able to legitimately challenge for its most prestigious prize.  In some places, it's a matter of talent.  In SCW's case, it's a bit of a self inflicted wound.  Why?  SCW has a few who seem to dominate the headlines.  They seem to dominate the screen time.  They are the ones who SCW feels it is the "right move" to push here or there, and ultimately what we see is a revolving door of the same name.  The excitement wanes until there's that one moment when someone appears through the cracks, wins out of the blue, and makes those usual suspects turn into bad imitations of Jake Starr and Greg Cherry, demanding they are next in line.  The difference, not only are they next in line, they're next in line on very specific terms that put the ball back in the revolving door, and begin to shun those others who could conceivably have a chance at contending for the prize they so covet.

But then you also have those who see this, and decide to just blow the revolving door to shreds, and send those usual suspects into epic tantrums because now they don't control the flow, and instead, EVERYONE is calling the EQUAL shot... Hence the End of the Year Special!

Since I first walked into SCW, the End of the Year Special has been a night where the World Champion was put with his back against a wall in some form or fashion.  2009... I was the World Champion, and I had to walk into that arena and defend my title against Justin Davis, who yeah I had dominated in the past, but was on a fucking hot streak from hell.  And if I had beaten him, I was stuck against the guy everyone in SCW believed was truly unbeatable, in Hurse.  In 2010, I was the World Champion again, and what had become a mark of the year for me, I had to face my best friend for the World Title.  This time it wasn't Tommy, it was David.  Then comes 2017 where I face another guy on a MAJOR hot streak, and if memory serves me right, someone who had already taken me down, Ikiro Yoshida.  Now, I bring this up because I was World Champion in each of those instances.  I didn't have a say in ANY of the people I faced, or the situations that were put in front of me.  Instead, I had to simply suck it up, walk out there, and prove I was the World FUCKING CHampion.  Did I want to face Justin AND Hurse in one night?  Did I want to face David at all?  Did I want to face someone I hadn't beaten?  NO!  But I did it.  And not all went my way.  I lost against David.  But I still went out there and performed.

So what's my point?

Why this diatribe?

Why this history lesson?

The 2010s are being ended with as much of a clusterfuck of a match as I threw at the world when I did my Trios Gauntlet in the Chamber.  This time, some lunatic decided to not only cash in his Trios contract for the End of the Year Special, but he did so giving THE WORLD an SCW World Championship shot inside it's traditional End of Year Battle Royale with Cheese.  You know what that means?  IT MEANS I GET A WORLD TITLE SHOT TOO!


This time "La Cucaracha" begins to play and Thoren and Brandon return to the scene.  The three dance around until it's assumed Jordan cuts the music behind the camera.  A collective "awww" comes from the trio, and Brandon and Thoren leave with their heads slumped.

Apparently my sister isn't in the fiesta mood at the moment, so I guess we will save that for another time.  Anyway... So we have another battle royal in SCW with a lot on the line.  It's a moment that can end the 2010s with the biggest moment it has seen.  Let's be real... Like I said we have only seen a handful of champions.  It's as if they have a timeshare on the title, and simply are in agreement when they each get to play with the toy.  Well as far as I'm concerned, the days of the "Timeshare Champion" are over in SCW.  It's going back to the days when people EARNED, WORKED, SCRATCHED, and CLAWED their way up the ladder to be given matches like I had to endure, triple threat matches for the number one contender, hell Chamber Matches for the World Title, it's time SCW goes back to the days of stiff competition, and not a few commanding the man.

You see, when I came to SCW, competition was REAL.  Competition was TIGHT.  Jason Wheeler, Christian Savior, Shawn Winters, James Exerer, yes, myself, Thomas Valentine, David Helms, Greg Cherry, the list was LONG for those in line for a crack at the big prize.  EVERYONE had a chance to make their case and then go out there and prove it.  It's time to end this decade and end the constant back and forth and allow SCW to be a bastion of competition again.  This battle royal gives it that opportunity.  Since the early 2010s we've been subjected to this.  Since the early 2010s we saw SCW shift.  Well that decade of dullness is coming to an end and you know, this old man plans on going out there and showing why ANYONE on ANY NIGHT can compete, if given the shot.

Because now I have that shot...

I have a shot to become World Champion and end a DECADE as its final champion.  I also have a chance to go out there and do something that I don't know if anyone else has, and that's transition the World Championship from one year to the next on FOUR separate occasions.  It could have been done.  I don't know the exact stats on it.  But I know if it has been done, it would have had to have been done by a very select and few number of individuals.  Now, honestly before this was even an option, I wasn't planning on competing.  I was planning on relaxing.  I was planning on continuing to ease my way back into SCW's regular schedule, but this is something I couldn't pass up.  It's something I couldn't ignore.

So why me?  Why Jake Starr?  Yeah, it's a battle royal, so anyone could get lucky enough, so why me?  What makes me special?  Like I said earlier I am one of the few who understand that the End of the Year Special and the World Championship come with a lot of unexpected twists and turns.  I know that I can't expect there not to be more thrown into the mix.  But I can expect to go out there and fight it like any other battle royal.  And honestly... Part of me thinks this is my chance to FINISH what I started at Taking Hold of the Flame.  I got caught out of position and eliminated.  It's the nature of the situation.  I wasn't screwed, I just made a mistake that, had I been a little wiser, may have led to another outcome.  So here's my chance to go out there, do what I did then, but then focus on not making the little mistakes that can lead to that unwanted outcome.

This time, I can focus on doing everything right!

Now to you who threw the world into chaos, and made those usual suspects throw hissy fits, cheers to you!  That's what I like to see.  To those who think they are one of the few entitled to the World Championship, your days of doing a Harlem Globetrotter's weave with it are over.  This decade ends with a conclusion to the game of tennis you bitches have going on, back and forth and back and forth.  There are a number of us who WANT it.  There are a number of us who CRAVE it.  But let's be real...There is only one person in this fight who can make history by bookending an ENTIRE DECADE as the beginning and ending World Champion...


2009, Hurse and David... 2019, the World... The result, AND THE SCW WORLD CHAMPION, JAKE STARR˙
------>Let's get Jolly in this Mother Fucker<-----
Here's my El Lucho Venti effort. Not expecting to win, but haven't been booked in a while and can't let Grande be having all the fun, can we? Hopefully a Trenta rp to follow tomorrow at some point. Enjoy, si?

Better Call Saul Lucho
[Image: gAzoPXn.png]
Marie Jones effort titled "The Aftermath: Part 1"

[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

Kimberly Williams effort titled "The Evil Inside Me"

Don't really expect to win with either Marie or Kim. Mainly wanted to get a head start on these stories because Marie and Kim each have their own separate stories...though I'm sure they'll become intertwined eventually...but I am VERY excited about both of these stories and I want to get them started. This Kimberly piece is going to be a pretty risky story for me, actually, but I think it'll be fun.

[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

SCW Princess of Wrestling | Giovanna Steward | "Uncanceling Christimas and a Trip to Purgatory"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at the sight of Katie’s church of her Lady Goddess for a night time mass for the Christmas Holiday. A large gathers outside as they wait in a line to file inside the church. Inside the church, people and fans find their seats to watch Katie’s sermon. Sitting in the front row is Katie’s Brats Katelyn Buehler and Autumn Daniels. Katelyn has her girls sitting next to her as they’re all dressed in their best clothes. Autumn looks uncomfortable as she continues to fix the collar of her dress shirt.}

Autumn Daniels: I can’t believe you made me come.

Katelyn Buehler: You’re fine. You didn’t even sizzle this time walking through the doors. Katie also needs our support. That’s why were here and the girls wanted to see the show. Check it out, it’s a packed house. She’s killing it.

{The camera pans over to the other side and a couple of rows back to Gigi and Maddy Steward.}

Madison Steward: This is exciting. Katie hasn’t done a Christmas mass before. What do you think she’s going to talk about?

Giovanna Steward: I don’t know. It’s probably going to be the same as all the other Christmas masses. Importance of giving, family and love. You know, Goddess stuff.

Madison Steward: (nods) Oh, cool. I’m sure it’ll be a good service then.

{The camera moves off Gigi and Maddy and shows one last shot of the crowd gathered in the church. The scene changes to the back room where Katie Steward is getting ready. She dressed in front of her mirror and putting on her white and pink robe. She gives herself one last look over and fixing her hair to make sure she’s perfect for tonight. Someone knocks on the side door and TJ walks in to check on Katie.}

TJ Johnson: Hey Katie, how are you doing? We got a packed house tonight. Everyone is wanting to hear what the Goddess has to say.

{Katie lowers her head getting a little nervous. She’s scared that someone is going to figure out that the Goddess abandoned her and that she’s faking it tonight. She puts on a smile and raises her head up at TJ.}

Katie Steward: Yeah, TJ. It’s going to be a good night.

TJ Johnson: Great. I’ll go ahead and play you out.

{TJ leaves the room so Katie can finish getting herself ready for tonight’s service.}

{The scene changes back to the church as they’re ready begin. TJ plays the church organ for Katie to make her way out for her people. Katie opens the door and steps out into the church. She is wearing her beautiful white and pink ring robe. She looks at the crowd gathered and smiles at them nervously. She walks her way to the altar. She can feel everyone’s eyes watching her and this time it’s different. Not like her acting or on SCW TV. She just has that sense that they know what is up. Like this all read it on a news site. Katie steps up to her podium and looks down at her sermon that she had prepared for the night.}

Katie Steward: Good Evening, everyone. It’s nice seeing you all here for tonight’s service. I’m sure, we all want to heard the Goddesses own words over this Winter Solstice. So I’m going to tell you…

{Katie fights to keep the smile on her face while she thinks about what the Goddess would say. She looks at the words she’s written down for her sermon. Nothing feels right to her. She questions if this is really what the Goddess would want.}

Madison Steward: G, is Katie feeling ok? She seems to be stumbling through her speech.

Giovanna Steward: Oh Goddess, if she pukes she’s definitely gonna go viral. She’s going to hate that.

Katie Steward: …

Katelyn Buehler: I think Katie has stage fright. Something is wrong. Do you think I should go up there and do something?

Autumn Daniels: What are you going do? Katie’s fine. It’s probably some dramatic exercise that she’s doing to build suspense. You know how she is.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. She is really good. She has me fooled like she’s frozen in fear.

{Katie stares at her sermon as so many thoughts fly around in her head and she just doesn’t know what to do.}

Katie Steward: I’ve been fighting for so long. I’ve been fighting in her name and it’s all been for what? Nothing. We have an Iron Angel as a World Champion who can’t handle any and all challengers. A Patriotic Champion that the fans are revolting against and it’s no wonder why the Goddess as abandoned us.

{The crowd in the church let’s out a collective gasps.}

Katie Steward: We have failed the Goddess and now we’re all paying the bitter price for it. The end if indeed come and there is no escape. I can’t save you. No one can save you.

Katelyn Buehler: Is this part of the show?

Autumn Daniels: (smiling) I hope so. Katie might just convert me.

{Autumn just chuckling at the obvious disaster she is witnessing.}

Katie Steward: There will be no Merry Christmas for any of us this year or whatever it is that we celebrate. It’s all canceled. We have all lost our faith and the Goddess and need to find our way again.

Katelyn Buehler: I think we should do something.

{Katelyn finishes her sentence as Gigi and Maddy run by and get Katie away from the live microphone.}

Katelyn Buehler: I knew it. Now we got beaten to the punch and it looks like we don’t care.

Autumn Daniels: It’s not a competition, Katelyn.

Katelyn Buehler: I know. Still I’m here too.

{Gigi and Maddy run up to the altar and pull Katie away and try to calm her down. Gigi takes the microphone and announces to the church that the Christmas has to be postpone and an apology. TJ gives up and helps escort the people out while the Steward girls take care of Katie and help her to the back room.}

Giovanna Steward: Katie, what in Goddess Heaven was that? You’re freaking us out with that little stunt.

Katie Steward: I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t lie to all those people. They wanted to heard from the Goddess and I.. I couldn’t… she’s abandoned me.

Madison Steward: Woah seriously? She just given up on you. Is that where the Sienna and Bree came up in your speech right now? Are they like two of the seven sins?

Giovanna Steward: I’m sure it’s not that serious. It’s ok, Katie. I know you’re under a lot of pressure. We’ll take you home and you can rest.

{Katelyn walks into the room to check to see how Katie’s doing after the incident.}

Katelyn Buehler: Is she doing ok? I didn’t think that was part of the show.

Giovanna Steward: She’ll be fine. We’re just going to take her home and have her get some rest. Hopefully nothing that happened here ends up online.

Katelyn Buehler: I can have Autumn go and collect phones.

Giovanna Steward: No Katelyn, that’s ok. We don’t need Autumn handling the situation with her own unique touch. Maddy and I will just take her home.

Madison Steward: If you want Katelyn, we could call you later and tell you how she’s doing. Or you could swing by her favorite restaurant and bring it to her.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok, I could do that. I promised my girls some Burger King after church. I could bring Katie a paper crown. She loves those.

Giovanna Steward: Does she through?

Katie Steward: Nothing is real anymore. Paper crowns, fake gold, cubic zirconia… It’s all one big lie.

Madison Steward: She’s really a downer, isn’t she?

Giovanna Steward: Let’s just get her home before TMZ shows up.

{Gigi and Maddy continue to help Katie make it out of the church as they try their best to make this night end in the least embarrassing for Katie as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to Katie’s home and Gigi and Maddy help her inside. Katie breaks free and is the first through the door. She isn’t too happy with Gigi and Maddy bringing her home like she’s some teenager out passed her curfew.}

Katie Steward: Stop it. I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly fine. You’ve stop me from giving the most important speeches on my life.

Giovanna Steward: You mean telling everyone they’ve been abandoned and there is no hope for anyone?

Katie Steward: It’s the truth. I couldn’t stand up there and lie. I could feel their judgmental eyes watching me. Like they knew already. Of course they already knew they have eyes. They can see the terrible world we live in. Did you know leading up to my match against Bree for the US Title that Impeachment was trending on twitter? Everyone was behind me and I let them down.

Madison Steward; She’s right. It was trending all week.

Giovanna Steward: I know it’s been frustrating for us. All of us. This isn’t what we thought 2019 would be, but we can’t give up or lose our faith over it.

Katie Steward: (laughs)…

Giovanna Steward: We can’t let them beat us. We still have a lot we’d like to do in SCW. We’re not going to let them win, right.

Madison Steward: No. I’m with you, G.

Katie Steward: Whatever.

{Katie turns away as the positivity doesn’t look like something Katie is too interested in for the moment. She heads to her bedroom.}

Madison Steward: She is really a mess, isn’t she?

Giovanna Steward: Something is really bothering her. I think I’ll stay her for the night and watch her. Maddy, you can head home. I can do this on my own.

Madison Steward: No. I can help.

Giovanna Steward: I know, but I think it’s best if it was just me and Katie for the night. She might open up if it’s just the two of us.

Madison Steward: Oh ok, I’ll talk to you later.

{Maddy wishes Gigi and good night as she heads out letting her handle the situation. Gigi heads to her old room to fix it up for the night as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes a couple of hours later. Katie is in her bedroom asleep and Gigi is in her room asleep as well. The camera focuses in on Gigi and become a bit wavery fading into a surreal dream. The scene changes to Gigi walking into a foggy field surrounded by dead forest. The entire atmosphere is colored in a dark gray. Gigi walks across the field she ends up kicking a heavy rock and stubs her toe on it. She lets out a cry and hops on her other foot a couple of times trying to shake off the pain.}

Giovanna Steward: Ow.

Ash: That looked like it hurt.

{Gigi hears the voice from a familiar face. She spins around to see her sister and Katie’s other daughter Ash there. Gigi grabs her and hugs her tight not letting go.}

Giovanna Steward: Oh my Goddess, Ash I missed you.

Ash: I missed you too. It’s funny, but as a Goddess think I’d had ascended by now and not be stuck in purgatory like this.

Giovanna Steward: Stuck? What do you mean?

Ash: I don’t know. Something’s not right here. Something is missing. There is no gatekeeper here. No one sending the dead to heaven or hell. It’s just… stuck in purgatory.

Giovanna Steward: So you can leave?

Ash: I don’t know. I’m stuck here. I’ve been surviving here for months trying to figure what is going on. There are some bad people that pass on that get stuck here.

Giovanna Steward: That’s terrible. Are you sure there is nothing I could do to help?

Ash: Like I say, something is wrong and people are just stuck here. I think it’s possible to enter this place from the living world, but I don’t know how.

Giovanna Steward: I think I know. I think I know just the person.

Ash: How’s Katie doing?

Giovanna Steward: Honestly, I don’t think she’s the same person since you’ve been gone.

Ash: I was afraid of that.

Giovanna Steward: What does that mean?

{Before Ash can respond to Gigi a noise is heard off in the distance that distracts her. She turns to Gigi and ushers her along.}

Ash: You gotta go. It’s not safe.

Giovanna Steward: What? What is that? I can help…

{Gigi is pushed away she doesn’t see the rock she hit on her way into the field and she again hits it causing her to trip. She falls forward into the ground and that causes her to wake up in her bed. She lies there wondering if what just happened was real or not, but it doesn’t matter. She’s going to find a way to help her sister. Gigi gets up from her bed. She’s still in her clothes from last night and she hurries out of Katie’s house. She opens the door and catches Katelyn there who was ready to knock.}

Katelyn Buehler: Hey Gigi, I got my girls down so I came by with some food for Katie to check on her. Is she awake?

Giovanna Steward: I don’t know, but you can check and keep an eye on her. I got to go do something. Thanks Katelyn.

{Gigi rushes pass Katelyn leaving her to watch Katie as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to outside of Gigi and Maddy’s apartment. Maddy walks on the sidewalk to her apartment. She notices a van parked on the street with it’s side door open. The beaded string hanging in the door frame catches her eye. She stops and checks out the van with some artsy paint job on it and a sign by the open door that reads “Mystic”. A blonde woman in a white dress walks around the van as she sets up her mobile business. She notices she has Maddy’s attention.}

Lady: Hello. You look like you may need some advice on something really important, right?

Madison Steward: No. I mean yes, everyone wants some kind of advice on important things. Is this how cold reading works?

Lady: (laughing) No. This isn’t a trick. You just look like someone who is a bit lost looking for some guidance.

Madison Steward: Oh, well I guess. Things are really crazy right now.

Lady: (smiling) Well I think I can help you. It’s nothing, but it might be what you need.

{The woman turns and brushes the beads away as she reaches into her van for something. She takes out a stack of giant sized tarot cards and hold them up for Maddy.}

Lady: Here’s a gift for you. Take one.

{The woman fans out the cards in her hands for Maddy. Maddy looks at the cards trying to pick the right one. She grabs one and slides it out of the deck. Maddy flips the card over to reveal it’s a “resurrection” card. }

Lady: Oh. That’s what’s bothering you. You lost someone very important.

Madison Steward: Yes. I did.

{The woman reaches for Maddy’s hand and turns the card over revealing the backside now has text on it.}

Lady: Well, go now and get them back.

Madison Steward: Like magic?

Lady: It’s magic. Whatever is happening in this crazy world. You know someone is listening.

Madison Steward: (laughs) Thanks.

{Maddy holds onto the card and she turns around and heads to her apartment. The woman stands there and watches. She smiles feeling good that she could do something nice for Maddy and the scene fades.}

{The scene opens in Los Angeles, California at Autumn Daniels’ shop. Gigi walks into the shop heads straight to the book section. She looks around trying to find the book that needs about purgatory. She finds her way to a dark corner of the shop with some old books that looks like their centuries old. One of these books have to hold some kind of secrets on purgatory. She rolls her finger through the roll of books not knowing which to choose. She comes to one book and stops. She can hear Ash’s voice guiding her. She grabs the book and opens it up to check it out. She looks over a couple of pages when Autumn shows up.}

Autumn Daniels: Gigi, I didn’t know you were here. What are you doing in this section? It’s kind of off limits to customers.

Giovanna Steward: I’m sorry I didn’t know.

Autumn Daniels: What do you have there?

Giovanna Steward: It’s an old book I found on the shelf. It’s looks to be about a Goddess, Life and Death.

Autumn Daniels: You mean The Morrigan. I am very familiar with her. Why are you curious about her?

Giovanna Steward: Ok, I’m going to be honest with you.

Autumn Daniels: A very wise decision.

Giovanna Steward: I’m going to go into purgatory and bring Ash back. She came to me in a dream. It felt so real. She’s been in dangerous for months. I can’t leave her there.

Autumn Daniels: You want to bring someone back from the dead. That is a very tricky subject. I don’t think I need to tell you. It’s also very dangerous.

Giovanna Steward: I know, but I have to do something. Could this Morrigan help?

Autumn Daniels: She is a Goddess of War and Death. People go to war for her and they’ll see her in the next life.

Giovanna Steward: So this book could take me to purgatory?

{Autumn walks over and take the book from Gigi. She checks it out.}

Autumn Daniels: It could, but you might not find her. Purgatory is a big place and different views and beliefs people have. It’ll be quite a gamble.

Giovanna Steward: I guess that is where faith comes in. Saving Ash might be what Katie needs for hers.

Autumn Daniels: Huh, well then good luck on your journey. If I can be honest though. The service at her church was pretty good one.

{Autumn laughs and hands the book back to Gigi so she can continue on her quest and the scene

{The scene opens back inside of purgatory where Ash is running away from something. The camera follows her as she manages to find a trench to jump down and hide in. She listens for the sound of whatever is chasing her so she can launch her attack. She can hear it getting closer to her. She crouches down in the trench and pushes her ear to the side of the ground listening closer to the foot steps. She then strikes popping up and grabbing they’re legs and pulls them into the trench. She pins they to the ground and pulls back her fist about to knock them out.}

Ash: Gigi?

Giovanna Steward: (struggles to breath)…

{Ash climbs off Gigi and helps her up.}

Ash: What are you doing here?

Giovanna Steward: I told you I was going to find a way to save you and I found my way here.

Ash: Please tell me you didn’t slip into a medicinal induce coma and Maddy is waiting by your bedside to pull you out when you found me.

Giovanna Steward: Is that how it’s done?

Ash: Honestly it’s a very common troupe. Actually ran into a few people doing that trick.

Giovanna Steward: Oh my Goddess…

Ash: So how did you do it?

Giovanna Steward: I borrowed a book from Autumn Daniels about the Morrigan and help navigate me through a rift.

Ash: The Morrigan. She’s a pretty powerful Goddess. I haven’t seen her. Maybe that’s the balance that’s a bit wonky and why it feels like I’m stuck her.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah well you’re not going to be stuck for me longer. We should get going.

{A raven is heard flying around near them. The sound of it alerts Ash and worries her.}

Ash: Maybe though she’s just wanted to make a fashionable appearance for us.

Giovanna Steward: She’s the raven?

Ash: She commands them. Ravens are carriers of souls to the netherworld. Don’t you know that? Didn’t Katie teach you any of this Gods and Goddesses stuff.

Giovanna Steward: Well, she says a lot of things.

{Ash and Gigi hide in the trench as they watch the raven to see what it does. Raven just sits on a branch turning its head. It screeches a couple of times, but it does nothing.}

Giovanna Steward: Maybe this one when rogue or something?

Ash: I don’t understand. This place is so confusing.

{Rain begins to pour from the sky and soaks the ground. The raven flies away as the rain drops splashes dirt and mud at the girls. Ash wipes the water and dirt from her forehead. She realizes what is happening and shouts at Gigi to get out of the trench.}

Ash: Oh, no. No, no, no… Gigi we gotten get outta here.

Giovanna Steward: What happening?

{Ash climbs out of the trench and turns back and reaches to Gigi to help her out. Gigi goes to grab Ash’s hand when a hand breaks through the dirt under her and tries grabbing her. Gigi let’s out a scream. She turns to Ash and jumps for her hand, but her hand fades through it. Gigi falls back into the trench. Ash looks at her hand as she begins to fade away.}

Ash: What’s… happening to me?

Giovanna Steward: Ash?

{Gigi gets up and jumps up and climbs out of the trench. She reaches to Ash, but she’s too late and Ash fades away.}

Giovanna Steward: Ash… did she cross over finally?

{Some more hands pop out of the ground around Gigi along with bodies. Gigi stands up and she kicks a few of them and some hands and heads go flying. She turns and takes out running back to the way she came. Gigi forgets about the rock from earlier and ends up tripping out it and flying to the ground knocking herself out.}

{The scene jumps back to the real world. Maddy Steward sits in a graveyard in front of an open grave as she is reading the text on the back of the tarot card the lady from earlier handed her. Francis Evans stands by with a shovel in hand as he helped dig up Ash’s grave. She followed the instruction and that’s when she hears pounding coming from the grave.}

Madison Steward: It worked. Francis, help me open the coffin.

Francis Evans: Ok, but what if she’s a zombie.

Madison Steward: She’s a Goddess, Francis. Her corpse is probably incorrupt one. It doesn’t matter through. We got her back.

{The coffin is opened and Ash springs up from it. Maddy is right there to grab her and hug her.}

Madison Steward: Ash. You’re alive. Do you have a hunger for brains? Francis will make a run for something.

Francis Evans: What? Why me?

Madison Steward: Because you drove me here.

Ash: Maddy… where’s Gigi?

Madison Steward: What do you mean? She’s not here.

{Maddy and Francis help Ash up and out of the grave.}

Ash: How did you bring me back?

Madison Steward: I had help. This lady I met on my way home and she offered me a gift which was this card that would bring you back and well, here we are now.

Ash: What lady?

{Maddy takes a second to remember the lady, but she doesn’t take to long as the lady is there in the graveyard watching them.}

Madison Steward: That lady.

{Ash looks up at the lady and gets immediately defensive. She takes a couple of steps back to get Maddy who is holding her away from the lady.}

Ash: Get away from her Maddy. She is no lady. That’s Katie’s Goddess.

Madison Steward: Katie’s Goddess? The one that she thinks abandoned her?

The Goddess: Now, now I come in peace. I just wanted to see how things were going and here you accepting my gift. I’m so happy.

Madison Steward: Yeah, thanks. I got Gigi her sister back and Katie her daughter. Now maybe she will have her faith back no thanks to you.

The Goddess: Well I’ll let you go then, but first since you accepted my gift I was hoping you’ll be kind enough to give me one of your own.

{The Goddess pulls out from one of her pockets and gold amulet and tosses it to Maddy and it falls at her feet.}

The Goddess: All I ask is for one demon’s soul.

Madison Steward: What? How am I suppose to get one of those?

The Goddess: She knows.

{The Goddess smiles as she knows Maddy will deliver on the gift as she turns and leaves the graveyard.}

Madison Steward: What does she mean by that? Is that why she wanted you back? So we could get her a soul and where do we get it?

Ash: It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in on the way home.

{Ash and Maddy walks away from the grave site as she fills Maddy in on Katie, Katelyn and Autumn's journey earlier in the year and the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to Los Angeles, California to Katie house. The camera shows Gigi Steward walking up to the front door. She is a bit of a mess from the rain and mud and she limps up the step after kicking the rock and taking a tumble. She just appears to be defeated. She goes to open the door when she hears a familiar voice. Gigi stops and turns around to see Maddy heading to Katie’s. She also sees Ash walking with her.}

Giovanna Steward: Ash. You made it back?

Ash: Yeah. Maddy managed to deliver a nice séance and accept a gift that she probably shouldn’t have, but she didn’t know and her heart was in the right place.

{Maddy gets closer to Gigi and she smells the unwashed Gigi.}

Madison Steward: Oh Goddess, G. You smell like death.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah well I just spent the night in purgatory. What do you expect?

Ash: I’m see you guys inside. I’ll go surprise Katie.

{Ash steps pass Gigi and walks into Katie’s home.}

Giovanna Steward: Seriously, you did that? That’s amazing Maddy.

Madison Steward: Well I kinda of got tricked into doing it. You know Katie’s Goddess. She wanted me to bring Ash back because Ash knows about Katie and a demon soul that’s possess her.

Giovanna Steward: What?

Madison Steward: Yeah. Katie apparently burned down this web thing that Moirai made that tells a person entire life through its threads. Robin and Paris got a job working there. Anyways, when Katie burned down the web she changed everyone’s fate including hers. I guess that created this demon inside of her. The Goddess wants it. Ash has seen it and apparently Katie is scared of it. Why she hasn’t told us about it.

Giovanna Steward: Ok… wow… uh, Maddy. Are you serious?

Madison Steward: Oh I don’t know miss girl that just spent the night in purgatory. Is this too much for you?

Giovanna Steward: You’re right. I’m sorry. Thanks for bringing Ash back. So how are we going to do this?

Madison Steward: Apparently with this…

{Maddy takes out the amulet that the Goddess gave her and she shows it to Gigi. The two Steward girls check it out as they plan out how they’re going to tackle their next adventure together as the scene fades.}

{The scene opens to Gigi Steward sitting in her dining in her apartment. She has a pen in hand and a Christmas card on the table. She looks at the front of the card with is just Maddy and herself posting together as they travel on tour with SCW. The picture makes her smile. She turns the card over and writes out her letter.}

Giovanna Steward: Dear SCW Family, as 2019 comes to a close I know that I haven’t done enough to prove myself that this was a year that would belong to your Brat Club leader. It has just be one long strange adventure with my partner, Maddy by my side as we look for any and all opportunities that come our way. Now thanks to Kellen Jeffries who taken a shotgun to the end of the year title shot approach and gifted anyone a chance… Well I have to say thank you, Mr. Jeffries. I don’t know and we have never met before, but this is indeed a special and I promise I won’t waste it. I know all to well of what it takes to win a championship in a battle royal and it takes smarts and not force. My first Rise to Greatness was my best career defining moment and winning the SCW Women’s Championship was something special. Now I look to recapturing another moment almost 10 years later.

It’s not going to be an easy road to travel. Sienna Swam will be defending her title and she’s not too happy. It’s not like she’ll get a rematch or the title back two, three months later. For someone who gloats about being the best. Someone who taken an Iron Angel monkier to heart is spouting off twitter that it’s unfair to her. Maybe Katie is right about her. Maybe is nothing, but B.S. and faking it to the people. Maybe this End of the Year battle royal is exactly what SCW needs. A break from Sienna Swam.

Owen Cruze, probably more than likely SCW’s male superstar of the year. The one that deserves to win. The one that the fans want to see. He won last year’s battle royal so he’ll probably do it again this year.

James Evans, He’s had a year of big matches getting ever so closely to winning the SCW Title again. If he wasn’t so creepy maybe he’d be more favored over than Owen, but the fans are smart. Hopefully smart enough to see through Sienna one day.

Syren, an old enemy from the past that seems our path may cross again. I’ve grown much since then and I might not be the best in the world to some people’s eyes. I am the breath of fresh air that people want.

To the Tag Team Champions, though you may or my not show up in this battle royal, but just know that Team Desire is always watching.

The US Champion, Bree Lancaster, Katie might’ve failed with her Impreach 51 campaign and you know thought of a double champion is too pleasing for someone in the position of United States.. Champion. Katie was right about her too. The people are starting to see right through these champions.

2020 is going to be the change that people want. I doubt that I’m the one that leads the charge. I doubt that I last even five minutes in this match, but it doesn’t matter. What I learned in the last few days is people get second chances. Even if this is my first shot at the SCW Championship. I’ll make my Brat Club this promise. It doesn’t matter what happens in this battle royal. I will fight with everyone of you in my mind because 2020 will be the year of change. I probably not going to be SCW Champion. Maddy and I will have the best jounrey of anyone and you’re all all invited for the ride.

{Gigi finishes with her Christmas card and makes it out to her SCW Family and Fans as she is prepared for the End of the Year and the New Year as it’s going to be a time for change for everyone. The scene and the episode ends.}
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]
Good luck everyone!

Regardless of how she performs, I absolutely LOVED writing this next chapter in Glory Braddock's story. And that's what's most important. The part I had the most trouble with was finding a good title lol I went with "Finishing Father's Work"...

[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
[Image: YUYOFORUM.png]


1x EMERGE Spirit Champion 

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