Gavin Taylor vs. Jay Gold
For singles: 2 RP Limit

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, March 15, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Gavin Taylor stars in

A St. Claire Management Agency production

Also Starring
Jack Barker
Karl Barker
Gavin Sattler

(click the title link above)
DATE:  Sunday, March 15, 2020
TIME:  3:00 PM
LOCATION:  Somewhere in Nashville, Tennessee

"I can't believe the world has come to this."

[I never thought I'd be saying what I'm about to say.  The world has changed though, forever.  This isn't about the past.  This is about the present and what hopefully will NOT become our future too.  I find myself lowering my head before looking back up at the video camera I have positioned on the table that is several feet away from me.  There is no one behind the camera.  It is just me and me alone.  This is something I don't think I have ever done, but this must come out and into the open...]

"This is not a time for jokes.  People have been getting sick left and right throughout the globe and any single one of us could be next.  I know many are trying to lighten the mood and I am usually okay with that.  But then there are those like Gavin Taylor who are trying to jokingly delve into SCW history just as a means to try and get to me, just to gain some sort of psychological advantage going into our wrestling match at Retribution here in Nashville.  There is one key word in there.  That word is WRESTLING.  The entire world could use the break from what is going on, yet you Gavin, YOU are administering your own virus by doing what you are doing.  Since you want to be famous, congratulations, you are responsible for GAVID-20.  Now this virus is nothing like what is currently plaguing the world.  There will only ever be one person in this world that will be infected by it, and that is you.  Maybe, just maybe, your associate Ava St. Claire should take a step back and realize how much of an ASS you really are.  Better yet YOU should be the one to look in a mirror and see it for yourself."

"It is people like you that will never be able to have a serious moment.  You clearly don't know the seriousness of the current situations that surround you.  Simply put if COVID-19 doesn't get a grip on you Gavin... I WILL!  Look into my eyes right now Gavin.  I'm not playing around.  THAT is how Xander Valentine and I are the most similar.  Despite him being declared the victor in our recent matchup that you and Ava shamelessly put together, I am completely fine.  You were hoping that Xander would be put me out and that I would just disappear yet again from SCW.  You couldn't have been more wrong."

"To add onto that, I STILL respect Xander Valentine, because when he and I faced, I got him to do exactly what he should be doing.  Wrestling.  Not playing games of psychological warfare.  When he puts his mind to it, he is still one of the best, which is why I am okay with how things panned out.  I didn't tap out.  I didn't pass out.  The referee did what he thought was right at the time.  You however Gavin.  You wouldn't have lasted 30 SECONDS against Xander.  The way I feel right now you won't be lasting that same amount of time against ME!  You admitted how you weren't ready for me the first time, yet here we are several weeks later, and from what I can see, you are STILL NOT READY!  You thought what Xander did to you was heinous?  I'll say this.  Those people around the world that do watch Retribution tonight?  They will be GASPING by the time the cameras dim on our encounter.  Unlike how I did not pass out against Xander, you WILL pass out!"

[I keep my eyes to the camera, with a stone cold look on them.  I feel different.  My only hope is that the fans out there won't think differently of me after what is done to get rid of GAVID-20 this weekend, before it is allowed to spread towards the SCW Adrenaline Championship, towards even the SCW World Championship, and far worse... throughout the entire world.  It is then that each and every single one of us would truly be dead.  It stops tonight at Retribution, before it can even have a chance at picking up steam.]

"When you do wake up Gavin, hopefully you will realize that you need to change.  Trust me when I say that you aren't the only one.  I've done my necessary changes, as has my wife, which whom you don't know one DAMN thing about her!  I know everything about her and she knows everything about me.  We are VERY happy together, and as a matter of fact, it was her and our daughter that wanted me to return to SCW.  Sarah is potentially interested in wrestling in the future herself, but wanted to see what she would have to deal with.  Well, Sarah my daughter, I know you'll hear this from me, and I'm sorry about any curse words I have said before the world, but I speak the truth, as scary as it might be sometimes.  But what you will have to deal with is bullies, pigs, chauvinists, and quite simply put, and yes I feel you are old enough to hear the word... assholes!!!"

[I know what I have just said and no, I'm not looking to take it back.  You can't take back the truth, even if it hurts.]

"Martha, Sarah, I'm sorry.  This is however what SCW has sadly become, and Sasha is just acting too blind to see it.  She is just simply giving people like Gavin what he wants, without seeing what's hidden behind his desires.  I will bet if I asked Sasha for something, I would be turned down before I even finished asking the question.  She would think like Gavin Taylor, that it would just simply be something that would only be beneficial to me.  Speaking of which, in regards to Liana Lewis, Gavin, you have NO IDEA what you are talking about it, as I tagged with her long before you even touched a piece of wrestling gear.  Liana came to ME as she had an issue with Michael "Silkk" Carrington and Jamal "Shyne" Jackson.  She WANTED to use her Trios Contract to tag team with me in order to get a measure of revenge against them and take the SCW World Tag Team Championships from them.  I agreed because she and I both hated the both of them!  I saw it as an opportunity to not only share the tag team titles with her, but I saw it as a chance to do what I could to help someone younger than myself to be successful.  Though I will say this, she was talented and could also handle her shit on her own!  Most importantly Gavin, I have NEVER considered Liana a footnote!  Reminder that Mono Loco and I had held the SCW World Tag Team Championships a couple years prior to that.  It was the SCW Hardcore Championship that I won last to become SCW's first Supreme Champion.  Figures, something else that Sasha just can't seem to get right."

"But you know what Gavin?  Tonight is NOT about history.  I don't want it to be about history.  Going forward to me it's about the here and the now, because who knows what could happen tomorrow.  Tonight as far as I'm concerned, all my past wins, titles, and accolades go out the window.  Tonight I am NOT SCW Hall of Famer Jay Gold.  Tonight I am NOT SCW Supreme Champion Jay Gold.  Tonight I AM going to be a man that wants to make sure SCW's future is safeguarded, from a disease like YOU Gavin!  You need to know that I'm not back for me.  I'm back because my girls wanted me to come back, and while I'm here, I will do my damnedest to make sure that those who deserve their own championship opportunities actually get them!  I will help them along the way if its needed.  I'm not selfish like you have claimed me to be.  If I was selfish like that, I would have made NO PICK for the Trios Tournament at all, but I put ego aside and selected Xander Valentine because I know what he is capable of when he truly puts his mind into what truly matters... competing to the best of his ability.  That night he showed me and the world that I was right.  You however screwed it all up because YOU... WERE... LAZY!!!  You want all the opportunities in the world to just be given to you, instead of actually earning them like several of the roster.  Ones like Selena Frost, even though I know she doesn't like me for my decision to team with Xander for Trios, she has earned everything she has ever gotten.  That is where she and I are cut from the same cloth.  Both of us don't like taking shortcuts to get what we want.  Same as Aaron Blackbourne.  Same as Jake Starr and Asher Hayes, even though they have had checkered pasts, they have all seen the light, and have benefited for it!  You though Gavin, you will NEVER be like ANY of them!  As long as I'm around, I will make sure you do NOT get back to the SCW Adrenaline Championship, nor ever get to anything else that you desire!  It's the only way to cure this disease that you are trying to spread around to all of us."

[To say I'm not in a good mood is an understatement.  But at least the world is forewarned.  What currently is going on is not funny.  Not funny at all.]


DATE:  Saturday, March 14, 2020
TIME:  9:01 PM
LOCATION:  Gold Family Household

[It is the night before SCW Retribution and Martha Gold can be scene pacing at home in her magenta colored nightie, clearly anxious about something.  Unfortunately it is enough to wake up her own daughter Sarah Vixen, who joins her in the hallway and also begins to pace, wearing a rather cute pink nightie.]

"Sarah, I'm sorry if I woke you.  I'm just..."

"It's okay.  I haven't been able to fall asleep yet.  I'm worried about daddy.  And with that virus going around and all, well, you know..."

"I know.  I'm more concerned that he hasn't called tonight.  He hasn't done that in a LONG time Sarah, especially when I was expecting a call.  He texted me earlier and said he would."


[Sarah Vixen looks down to her bare feet and nervously wiggles her toes.  She then lifts her own head up and looks at her mother.]

"Um.  Um, I still feel really about how much of a brat I was a few years ago.  I was always getting you and daddy angry with me.  But now at a time like this, I realize I was petty and that I should be listening to my parents.  I'm so sorry mom."

[Again she has her head down, but Martha does what mothers do best, pulls her daughter in for a warm hug.  This seems to soothe her daughter down, even if only just a little.]

"You were growing up and learning, and we all still are.  Don't worry about it.  That was then.  This is now.  And you've grown up a lot right before our very eyes.  Your dad and I are both proud of you."

[She is able to get off a genuine, but weak smile.]

"Thanks mom.  I'll continue to do my best, but I too wish to hear from daddy tonight.  Maybe we should call him?"

"I just...  I just don't know if he wants to be bothered, being he's likely getting ready to take on Gavin Taylor tomorrow night."

"A bully that deserves whatever daddy does to him.  I understand mom.  But... daddy loves you.  I'm sure he'll call.  Maybe he just got held up with s-"

[The phone rings.  Both girls rush to the closest one in the house, but Martha grabs the receiver first.  She immediately puts Jay on speaker, seeing the call is from his cell phone number.]

"Hi honey!  I hope you're doing okay!"

"I am.  I'm sorry I didn't call earlier, but I was busy training.  I know both you and Sarah want me to do well."

"Sarah couldn't sleep.  She's right here with me."

"I'm so sorry daddy.  I know that used to make you so upset."

"Hey, it's okay.  We're all nervous with what's going on now.  Just like how your mother and I were nervous about those bully girls at your school that came after you.  When you're a parent in the future, you'll understand."

"I think I already do."

"We know you do.  You should probably try to sleep though.  I know it won't be easy, but please at least try.  And don't worry, I'll be thinking about both you and mom."

"We'll be thinking about you too daddy.  Stay safe."

"You too."

"Goodnight daddy."

"Goodnight Sarah."

[She heads back into her room as Martha takes the cordless phone and slips into the master bedroom.  After shutting the door it is then that she speaks exclusively with her husband.]

"I miss you.  Please stay as safe as you can."

"I know, and I will.  I miss you too and love you.  Always have and always will.  You know that."

"I do.  You've already made us proud Jay.  Now go out and beat that bully.  You've done it countless times before.  Gavin really is no different."

[There is a brief pause before Jay replies to her.]

"He actually is.  Martha, SCW has changed.  We've both seen it by just watching television.  Seeing it live and close up, I find myself disappointed.  Not disappointed with my in-ring performance since I've returned, but disappointed at many of those around me.  It's like... people want to be bullies just because they think it's cool.  I look around and virtually 75 percent of the roster is that way.  There are very few that I can actually relate to and go figure I've disappointed one of them already."

"Selena.  I know.  I saw.  But you made a tough decision that you felt need to be made.  Talk to her.  I'm sure she'll eventually understand why.  I'm moreso just glad to hear from you tonight, and that you're okay.  You said it earlier and now I'm saying it back.  I love you and always will, no matter what decisions you make... good, bad or questionable."

[Some color comes to Martha's face as she blushes.  Something she has done for years upon years now, when it comes to speaking with her husband.  The pair really were meant for one another.  That is something many won't understand.  Unconditional love.  Something Gavin Taylor will never truly feel.]

"Thanks Martha, for everything.  I'll take your advice and talk to her when I have the chance.  For now though, it's about taking Gavin down.  I just can't let what he stands for spread any further than it already has.  I'll come back home, probably via rental car, either Monday or Tuesday."

"We'll be waiting for you.  I love you."

"I love you too.  Goodnight."

"Goodnight.  Bye."

[She hangs up the phone as he hangs up his cell phone simultaneously.  Both stand exactly where they are, both of them sighing in unison.  Times like these are tough, but hopefully it will all work out in the end, in the way it should, with the virus(es) completely defeated.]

DATE:  Sunday, March 15, 2020
TIME:  6:45 PM
LOCATION:  FedEx Forum in Nashville, Tennessee

"Look.  I have tried to calm down from earlier.  I really have.  I even thought back to the conversation I had on the phone last night with my dear wife and daughter.  Even that hasn't helped.  I just know sadly that Gavin Taylor just won't get it.  He has outright said SCW should be focusing on its future and not its past relics, yet he is the one that brought up the past first.  The past happened... yes, great.  I'm very willing and very able to push all my past successes and failures behind me and focus on what really truly does matter... SCW's future.  Because right now most of it does not look so bright.  And no Gavin, it's not because I have returned full-time to the ring.  I'm not one of the problem children on the roster.  You are though.  Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann are.  Syren is.  Bree Lancaster is.  And so on and so forth down that line.  Unlike everyone whom I've just mentioned, I can act like an adult and the wrestling veteran I truly am.  However you don't seem to want that at all.  You just think I don't belong in this 2020 SCW.  And so, since you're not going to get the message verbally, I guess I have to show it to you graphically instead."

[I move towards the camera I have and reposition it so it can view the poster that I have created and set on an easel that belongs to the arena.  As everyone can now see, on top of the poster is the subject "2020 SCW".]

"So, as you can see, our current champions are all up near the top Gavin.  All of them have earned those positions, even if some have been by questionable circumstances.  As I look at these names and faces, I'll tell you exactly what I see.  I for the most part see veterans that can and have been successful without hi-jinx before.  Ravyn and Christy being the exception as far as those veterans go.  The only member of the youth movement I see up there is Kimberly Williams, but she did go through quite a bit to get that SCW United States Championship.  I've seen her get used.  Hell I myself have been used Gavin, and we don't have to look back to far to see who did the using.  That's right.  YOU!  And what's worse?  You used Xander to try and take me out.  How well did that go in the end for you?  As far as I can see, I'm still here, and I'm here tonight to take you out!"

"But that's to come in a little while.  I want you to see more of this poster as it works like a sort of flow chart.  I see all the challengers to the championships now and yet again I do see the potential that is in those current slots.  It's just saddening that many of them want to flaunt their assets or use "whoa as me" tactics to try and pretty much steal the championships away from those that are clearly more deserving than themselves.  Yes, sadly I feel Jordan Majors is starting to fall down that path.  I really hope she doesn't in the end, as she is a fine young talent, much like how Jake Starr used to be, when he wasn't being an ass.  Anyways, you and I fall right below both Jordan Majors and Marie Jones, as potential future challengers for the SCW Adrenaline Championship that you already lost to Asher because you were full of yourself, and sadly still are.  You're the Adrenaline Division's carbon copy of Syren Swann, which is why it is best for SCW's future if we just do this..."

[I simply rip his picture off the poster and let it fall to the floor.]

"But who knows Gavin.  Maybe it will take tonight for you to realize that I DO have a place here in this current SCW.  If I have to prove it and earn it, by all means, I'm up to that challenge.  Make no mistake about it though, from what I've seen from you over these past number of weeks?  Where your picture currently lies is where YOU belong in 2020 SCW, at least that is until shape up your act and do here what we ALL were supposed to come here to do... wrestle.  Wrestling is the only way for SCW to get to its Golden Ages.  All this glitz, glamour, whining, and bitching has turned what was once really great into a watered down version of what SCW used to be.  That is where MY place is in SCW Gavin.  Not only is it above you, but it's also to HELP SCW be SO MUCH BETTER than what it has become!  Tonight here at Retribution, it's time for the torch to be passed to those of us that actually flipping care!!!"

[I stomp away from the poster and simply shut the camera off.  Honestly I can't wait to get out there.  I really can't.  SCW deserves so much better than what it is now.  So much, and I'm going to do what I can to ensure that the viruses like Gavin Taylor at least get pushed to the back of the line, where they belong, where they can do no further damage to the health of SCW's future.]

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