Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
The Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal 2021

Entrants (This is not the order):
1. Reserved
2. Reserved
3. Reserved
4. Reserved
5. Reserved
6. Reserved
7. Owen Cruze
8. Reserved
9. James Evans
10. Josh Hudson
11. Bree Lancaster
12. Kandis
13. Minerva
14. Gavin Taylor
15. Brett 1
16. Adam Allocco
17. Bison Jones
18. Reserved
19. Shilo Valiant
20. Konrad Raab
21. Vihaan
22. ABeautifulMind
23. Ace Marshall
24. Jordan Majors
25. Drake Hemingway
26. Asher Hayes
27. Alexis 1
28. Alexis 2
29. Alexis 3
30. A Steward
31. Reserved
32. Reserved
33. Dawn Lohan
34. The Chuke
35. Cassidy Carter
36. Beard
37. Justin Davis
38. Reserved

Winner receives a SCW World Championship shot at Rise to Greatness.

2 RP Limit
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Friday, June 11, 2021 **NOTE - this is a different deadline from other matches**

For those booked in more than one match, roleplays can be used for both matches but NOTE THE DIFFERENT DEADLINES.
OOC: 1 of 2. This one continues the story of Cid and Asher in a pretty cool way, I believe. I hope those who read this, enjoy. I laughed way more than I probably should have, while writing it.

SCW Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(1X)
2023 Male SCW Superstar of the Year
SCW Supreme Champion (2023)
SCW Adrenaline Champion(2X)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW United States Champion(1x)
SCW Underground Champion(1x)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (2x-W/Rachel Foxx as Bad Company; W/ Cid Turner as A/C Unit)
First and Only Commonwealth Wrestling Champion
SCW 24/7 Hardcore Champion(5x)
2009 Feud of the Year
2009 Tag Team of the Year
SCW World Tag League winner (A/C Unit w/Cid Turner)
2021 Stable of the Year (A/C Blondetourage Unit w/Cid and Holly)

1 of 2. Middle section picks up where my last James effort ended. Enjoy to those who will read it.

James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

1 of 2. I had something planned but ended up changing my mind on Hudson’s arc. The CD is more of a personal thing for me.

[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)
May 30th, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

It’s been two days removed from SCW Breakdown when Glory Braddock successfully defeated Gavin Taylor. The arrogant All-Star pushed her even further and proved to be an even tougher challenge than when they did battle at Under Attack. A part of The British Bombshell would like to think that some of her words did sink into the rather thick skull of Gavin. She would like to think that maybe what she said did some good. People in this business do not change all that often and Glory isn’t holding her breath on Gavin Taylor changing his stripes anytime soon. This match against Taylor, just like her match against Katie Steward at Be Careful What You Wish For, is just more challenges for Glory and more preparation for what is in store for her next, the biggest challenge of the calendar year for Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Taking Hold of the Flame.

Braddock admittedly wasn’t certain if she would enter the yearly match or not. In previous years she was obsessed with being world champion and that obsession led her down a dark path. But that obsession has since subsided. Does she still want to be World Champion? Of course. If you are not in this business to be World Champion then you are in the wrong business. But it is no longer an obsession, it no longer defines her reason for living. Being World Champion for Glory Braddock now is about making the championship respectable, and in turn making SCW and all of wrestling respectable, by holding it and defending it to the best of her ability. She had a brief taste of it thanks to Ace Marshall’s Trios Cash In only to lose it to Chris Cannon. But now she is ready to win it back. Winning Taking Hold of the Flame would cement her spot in the main event of Rise To Greatness and guarantee her a world title match.

Currently work is the furthest thing from the mind of Glory Braddock. She is lying on her king sized bed wearing a flirty pink polka dot baby doll chemise nighty with a ruffled hem. She is waiting here on her husband, Kurt Logan, who is putting their other child, eight year old Dawn Aphrodite Logan, to bed. As soon the beautiful blonde hears the door knob begin to turn, she puts a seductive grin upon her face. Braddock watches the door open and Kurt Logan enter the room.

“Well, Dawn is…” Kurt stops his talking immediately upon seeing his wife in this sexy attire “...uh…”

“Cat got your tongue, love?”

“...something like that.”

Glory turns and eases herself off of the bed. She approaches her husband and plants a kiss on his lips. “You were saying about Dawn?”


“Our daughter.”

“Oh! Yeah…” Kurt says chuckling “...she’s asleep.”

Dawn Aphrodite Logan is the daughter of Kurt Logan and Glory Braddock. Dawn is actually Kurt’s only biological child. Melinda Braddock, Glory’s eldest, is from another relationship when Glory was much younger. Kurt still treats Melinda as his own. Being a father is something Kurt enjoys but he also enjoys the private alone time he gets with his lovely wife.

“Did I do something right?” Kurt asks gazing at his wife almost lustfully. Glory shakes her head.

“Nothing at all, Kurt. You just being you is enough. Fact is, you and I have been through hell the past couple of years and I have to admit that most of it is my fault. This family feud with my sister? My fault. How I got us in trouble with organized crime? My fault. Mason Van Stanton and Ronald D. Kennedy both trying to ruin us? My fault.”

“If this is your way of apologizing then forget it. You don’t need to apologize for anything, Gloria.” He looks her over again and smirks. “Not that I’m complaining about any of this.”

“I think I do need to apologize and I do need to do something...this specifically? Maybe it’s just a start of correcting an error on my part.”

“What error?”

“I have been putting myself and my interests ahead of our marriage. And if you recall, it almost ended our marriage.”

Kurt sighs deeply. This isn’t a memory he wants to revisit. “Yeah, I remember.”

“Well all of those items on that list, those things I said were my fault? All of them can be attributed to the fact that I was selfishly putting myself and my career ahead of this family. That changes starting now. Family is first, work and my career is secondary.”

Glory and Kurt begin to passionately kiss. The kiss goes on for several moments before they finally come up for air. Kurt is grinning from ear to ear, as is his lovely wife. “That’s fine but, I don’t want to hold you back. I mean, you do still want to be a World Champion don’t you?”

“Of course I do. Kurt, I still have goals in SCW and becoming a sixteen time World Champion is right on up there on that list of goals. But I have never held the United States Championship, the Television Championship, or the Tag Team Championship. I would love to see what I can do if given a chance at those. But I am not going to achieve those goals at the expense of this family. You, Melinda, and Dawn are my life and my most important priority right now. Especially, Melinda…”

Glory sighs as she walks back over to the king sized bed. Kurt can tell something is bothering her. He follows her back to the bed and sits down next to her. He wraps a comforting, loving arm around her shoulders.

“What’s wrong, Glory?”

“Melinda graduated from the wrestling school.”

“Yeah, I heard you telling me about that. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

“It is, I suppose. I was hoping she would take me up on my offer to negotiate her a contract with SCW, MWE, or even GCW. But she would rather follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and compete on the European circuits first.”

Kurt smirks. “Yeah, Mel is definitely a lot like you. Stubborn. She wants to do things her way.”

“You can say that again.”

“Is that what’s bothering you? Are you worried about her competing in Europe instead of being under your watchful eye?”

Braddock shakes her head. “No, of course not. She can handle herself. She was near top of her class as far as wrestling skill and mat strategy go. And she has a great support system up there ranging from my sister to my good friends Sophie and Mark [O’Brian].”

“So what IS the problem?”

“Melinda isn’t using any of them as her support system. She’s been using Archie.”

“Archie as in Archie Van Stanton, Henry’s son?”

Glory nods her head. “That’s the one.”

Kurt sighs deeply. He begins to massage his wife’s shoulders. “I can see why that would bother you.”

“I don’t trust him, Kurt.”

“Because of who his father is?”

“Precisely. His father took my company away from me. Archie’s uncle tried to destroy our family’s good name. And Archie’s grandfather is the one who ended my father’s wrestling career with a back injury.”

“I get it. Your father has been feuding with their father, you and your sister feuded with Henry and Mason, this is a generational blood feud. It is a grudge you can’t quite let go of.”

Braddock jumps up off of the bed and starts pacing. “This isn’t just a grudge! I have good reasons to distrust that whole family!”

“But what has Archie done?”

Glory stops her pacing and turns and glares daggers right through Kurt’s heart and soul. But The British Bombshell still remains silent. Kurt smirks knowingly. “That’s what I thought.”

“He hasn’t done anything yet, I’ll grant you that, but I still don’t trust him.”

Kurt rises up off of of the bed and embraces Glory in a tight hug. She begins crying on his shoulder. “I know you hate the Van Stanton brothers. And you have good reason to hate them. They’ve done terrible things to you and your sister. But just because Archie is related to them doesn’t mean he is like them.”

Glory looks up at her husband through tear filled eyes. “How can you be so sure?”

“Do you trust Melinda’s judgment?”

“I think so, yes.”

“Well she seems to trust him.”

“She’s crazy about him.”

“Exactly, and that’s my point. Melinda does love this boy and the more you try to push him away without even giving him a chance the more you will push her towards him. You should at least give him a chance, prove to Melinda that you are willing to at least be open minded to Archie, that he may be different from his father and uncle.”

Glory wipes some tears from her eyes. “I did promise Mel that I would give him a chance…”

“Even more reason to live up to your word.”

Glory pauses for a moment to think about what her husband said. Then she kisses him again, passionately on the lips. Upon breaking the kiss Kurt smiles. “What was that for?”

“For just being you...and for reminding me of the promise I made, not just to Melinda but to you.” She takes Kurt by his hand squeezes it tightly. “Now come on, like I said, I’m going to start putting this family first.”

Glory Braddock walks back over to the bed and slides onto it. Kurt follows suit. They begin to cuddle and then passionately kiss. Kurt then reaches up for the light switch and turns off the lights.

June 1st, 2021
London, England
Off Camera

It has been a little over a week since Melinda Braddock, oldest daughter of Glory Braddock, completed her lessons at the Braddock Wrestling School, an academy of wrestling knowledge originally built by her own late grandfather. It has also been little over a week since The British Bombshell learned that her daughter was still dating Archie Van Stanton, the son of her arch rival Henry Van Stanton. The fact that her daughter and her rival’s son are seemingly crazy about each other is a tough pill to swallow but Braddock has promised to put her family ahead of her own selfish desires, and in this case if Melinda truly does love this Archie Van Stanton, then Glory is willing to give him a chance.

Still, the bad blood is there. Henry’s father ended the career of Glory’s father. Henry and his brother Mason both in various ways and methods tried to ruin the careers of both Glory Braddock and her sister Julia Braddock. This is a blood feud that has spanned two generations, but now the third generations of this dating. It is a story right out of Romeo and Juliet, or maybe a better metaphor would be the Hatfields and McCoys? Either way, Glory realizes that accepting Henry’s son Archie will be quite a challenge but she is willing to give it a try for her daughter and for the sake of the family.

Right now The British Bombshell finds herself in a small gymnasium on the outskirts of London, England. This place is playing host to a small wrestling event that her daughter, Melinda Braddock, is competing in. The sights and sounds of a small but lively, passionate wrestling crowd brings back memories of her own childhood when she watched her own father, the late Glenn Braddock, compete in small venues like this to small crowds like this crowd. Making money and becoming famous wasn’t important to Glenn Braddock. He just was passionate about the sport and was passionate about competing. Competing in small venues like this all over Europe is how he got his start and now his granddaughter is determined to follow in his footsteps.

Braddock’s seat is near the back, near the entrance. She could have secured better seats closer to the ring but she hopes that once her daughter’s match is over she can sneak back and quickly meet up with her to talk to her about the match itself. Melinda wants to do this on her own but Glory cannot help herself, she too is passionate about wrestling and will always be a coach. She is also a mother and cannot help herself when it comes to advising her daughter.

Currently she notices that her daughter is what appears to be considerable danger, locked in a tight rear naked choke from her much larger opponent; a tall, muscular powerhouse female with blonde hair. Melinda appears to begin fading away from the move that cuts off the blood flow to the brain. Most parents would be concerned at this point but not Glory. She has every confidence that her daughter knows how to escape.

Melinda reaches down towards the ankle of her opponent. Glory smirks knowingly, sensing what her daughter is about to attempt. Melinda manages to wriggle free and get enough leverage on her opponent to grasp the ankle and begin twisting. It takes some time but eventually her larger opponent does manage to relinquish the hold. Glory Braddock grins from ear to ear. She taught Melinda that escape.

The powerhouse lunges forward with a lariat that floors Melinda. She pulls Melinda up off the mat and whips her into the ropes. Melinda rebounds and her opponent attempts a tilt-a-whirl but Melinda counters it into a ddt. Melinda’s mother smiles with pride, another brilliant counter from her daughter. Melinda pulls herself and waits, measuring the larger opponent as she pulls herself up. Melinda spots her mother in the crowd and points at her. She then strikes her opponent with the double knee strike Glory calls Gloria In Excselis Deo. Melinda then applies the Indian Deathlock, the variation her mother calls Glorify Thy Name. It isn’t long before her opponent taps out.

Glory begins applauding for her daughter as she watches on with pride as Melinda’s arm is raised in victory. The ring announcer then makes his official announcement “Here is your winner, Melinda Braddock!”

The British Bombshell continues to applaud and whistle loudly for Melinda Braddock. She continues to applaud loudly even as Melinda makes her way back up the entrance ramp. She stops at her mother, leans over, and embraces her in a tight hug. Melinda then turns and exits into the back. As soon as her daughter is out of sight, Glory Braddock backs out through the crowd and begins to head towards the back as well. She approaches two security guards who do not even stop her. They recognize her immediately and smile and nod in her direction.

“Your daughter was great out there, Ms. Braddock.”

“Thanks, mate.” Glory says to the one guard who spoke. Braddock walks past the guards and further into the backstage area. She makes her way towards the dressing room area where she is nearly floored with a charging embrace and subsequent bear hug from her eldest daughter.


Whoa, hold on there, love, you almost knocked me down!”

Melinda chuckles as she releases the embrace. “Sorry, I’m just so excited!”

“Why? It wasn’t like that was your debut or anything. You have had a few matches already, am I right?”

“Yeah, of course, but this was the first time I competed in front of you. To be honest with you, I was kinda nervous knowing you were out there watching me. That probably caused me to make some mistakes.”

The British Bombshell ruffles her daughter’s hair. “Could’ve fooled me, love. You looked damn near flawless out there tonight.”

“Eh, I dunno,” Melinda shrugs her shoulders “I nearly got caught with that rear naked choke.”

“So you nearly got caught? So what? It happens to everyone in every match. This is wrestling, this is real life, and there is no such thing as a flawless victory.”

“You had to bring my favorite game, Mortal Kombat, into this didn’t you?”

“Maybe I did, but you’re too much of a perfectionist like your grandfather. You need to learn that you will get caught in these matches. And while your career has been successful thus far, you will eventually get caught and lose. So prepare yourself for that.”

Melinda frowns. “I thought we had agreed that I would do this on my own?”

“Sorry, my mistake.” Glory says chuckling. “I’m your mother, I can’t help myself.”

“No, no, it’s ok, I was just messing with you anyway.” Melinda says, gently and jokingly shoving her mother. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind receiving some pointers from the Best in the World.”


“Yeah. I mean, you were out there, you watched the match, what did you see that I did good and what did you see that I can improve upon?”

The British Bombshell pauses to stare into the loving eyes of her oldest child. She does want to help her and offer her advice. Though she promised her not to butt in. Yet, now it seems as if Melinda wants her advice, as if she wants her to butt in. Glory grins and nods her head.

“Ok, one thing I saw out there is that you are a tremendous counter wrestler. Everything that woman threw at you, you seemed to have a counter for. That is what ultimately led to your victory tonight. Skills like that will help you in the future. But on the flip side of that coin, being a great counter wrestler sometimes isn’t enough. Sometimes you get an opponent who is just as good at countering and can counter your counter. Or maybe they are good enough to stop your counter?” Glory sighs as she wraps an arm around her daughter’s shoulder. “If I could offer one bit of advice, one criticism that you could work on improving, it is to try to avoid getting in those positions in the first place. I mean, you got out of several dangerous spots there, Mel…”

Braddock holds up one finger “...but your opponent only needed to connect once, to be effective once, and it could have been over. You needed to be able to counter every time. Having the ability to counter is good but it will serve you even better if you can minimize the times you have to utilize those skills. Do you understand, love?”

“I think so, mom.”

“Great.” Glory kisses her on the cheek. “You’re doing great, love. You are going to have a great career. Now how about you go and get changed so we can go and celebrate? I know a few places to go out and enjoy ourselves.”

Melinda always has been more of a party girl and her mother expects her to be absolutely thrilled with the prospect of her mother endorsing a night out partying. But much to her surprise, Melinda just sighs and shakes her head.

“Uh, actually, I think I’d rather just go on and get to bed early tonight.”

“Are you sure? Is it because I’m here, because if you’re embarrassed of your mother then I can always just leave you alone. I trust you.”

Melinda smiles warmly “I appreciate that, mom, but I’m serious, I’d just rather go to bed. And, if it’s ok, I think I’d like to stay with you tonight, wherever you’re staying.”

“Of course it’s ok, love. You never have to ask if it’s ok to stay with me. I’m staying with your aunt at your grandfather’s old place. But I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning to catch a flight back to Miami.”

“I understand. In fact, I was going to talk to you about that.”

“Oh?” Glory arches her brow out of curiosity.

“Yeah, I have two more matches in the next two days. Then I am on a bit of an extended break before my next match. I would love to fly back to Miami. I haven’t seen Kurt and Dawn in forever, so seeing you guys would be great.”

The British Bombshell grins from ear to ear. She has missed seeing her daughter. She enjoys spending time with her. Still, there is one other item that Glory has almost forgotten about. She sighs and nods her head. “Uh, that sounds great Mel, but…”

“But what?”

“...but what about your boyfriend?”

“You mean Archie? Well, I know how you feel about him. He will probably want to stay behind with his dad anyway.”

Glory shakes her head. “Then change his mind.”


“I want you to bring him with you to Miami.”

Melinda’s eyes grow wide with surprise. She isn’t certain she believes what she is hearing. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am serious.” Glory places a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “You love him, I can tell. And while I admit that I still do not entirely trust him, I do love you. And as I said, I trust you. If you love him, clearly you must trust him, and if you trust him then maybe I should give him a chance. So bring him to Miami, both of you can stay with us for awhile and that will give me plenty of time to get to know him.”

Melinda is stunned into silence, still unsure if she heard her mother right. Finally after finding the right words… “Seriously? I mean, are you sure?!”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Melinda embraces her mother in a tight hug. “I love you mom! Thanks for giving him a chance!”

“Anything for you, Mel. Anything…”

June 6th, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

Glory Braddock immediately had some concerns and nervous feelings after promising her daughter Melinda Braddock that she would let Archie Van Stanton stay with them for the duration of her break from competition on the European wrestling circuits. It’s one thing to say that she will put her family first and be a better person but to actively put it into action is another thing entirely. Deep within her heart she knows that giving Archie a chance is the right thing to do. But her mind tells her otherwise. She cannot forget the nightmarish feud she has been enduring for years with his father and uncle, Henry and Mason Van Stanton. The British Bombshell also cannot forgive what Archie’s grandfather did to her father, Glenn Braddock. It is a hard thing to simply forgive and forget something that horrific, especially when it was her own father’s career that was ended. But what makes this an even more difficult memory for Glory, and what makes this grudge even harder to let go of, is the fact that she was present and in attendance the night Glenn Braddock injured his back. Glenn was not just her father, he was her hero, and she had to watch her hero writhing and screaming in agony. And now Glenn’s granddaughter is dating the grandson of the man who ended his wrestling career. She promised she would do anything for her daughter; but that’s easier said than done when a Van Stanton is involved.

Braddock picked her daughter up on Saturday June 5th from Fort Lauderdale International Airport. Part of Glory had hoped that Archie’s father would have said no. In fact, she was partially expecting to hear from Henry Van Stanton about this arrangement for Archie to stay with them in Miami but Glory never did hear from him. Her best guess is that he trusts Archie’s judgment or he just doesn’t care. While the radio silence from her nemesis Henry Van Stanton was unexpected, the arrival of his son Archie by Melinda’s side as they descended from the airplane was most definitely expected. The British Bombshell had been mentally and emotionally preparing herself for this moment in the days leading up to June 5th. She does not trust his family and therefore does not trust him, but for whatever reason, her daughter seems to like him and she is determined to give this a chance. She doesn’t want this to turn into a tragedy similar to Romeo and Juliet.

Things were well prepared by Glory Braddock’s standards and liking. There was a guest bedroom, but she wasn’t about to let Archie stay in their home. A very nice camper that Glory and Kurt had bought years ago was set up just outside the home. Considering the luxuries contained within the camper, she thought that was good enough. Kurt wasn’t exactly thrilled with his wife’s refusal to let the kid stay in the home but she had put her foot down on that one. He would get to spend plenty of time socializing with the family. Tonight would be one of those nights.

Glory Braddock finds herself in the kitchen, pacing back and forth impatiently and nervously. She is dressed in a knee length pink dress with half-sleeves and her patent leather black high heel pumps click across the marble floor. Her husband, Kurt Logan, is trying his best to ignore his anxious wife as he puts the finishing touches on their meal tonight. A meal of chicken, baked potatoes, and corn, fit to serve five people; Glory Braddock, her husband Kurt, their daughter Dawn, Glory’s oldest daughter Melinda, and Melinda’s boyfriend, Archie Van Stanton.

“Careful babe, you’re going to create a trench.” Kurt says as he chuckles under his breath. Braddock either doesn’t hear him or just chooses to ignore his sarcastic comment.

“This is going to be a disaster. I don’t know why I even agreed to it.”

“Because you are a mother who loves her children and wants to support them?”

“If I wanted to support her I would end this damned relationship between her and Van Stanton’s spawn.”

Kurt sighs as he steps away from the stove and steps in front of his wife, stopping her from pacing. He puts both hands on her shoulders. “We’ve been over this.”

“I know, we have been over this many times. I should give Archie a chance. My heart knows this but my logical mind can’t help but remind me of what his grandfather did, what his father did, what his uncle did…” Glory shakes her head furiously “...look, there is a history here that we cannot ignore!”

“You’re right, there is a history that we cannot and should not forget. But just because his family wronged you doesn’t mean he will too. He could be different. And that’s what this is all about, trying to find out if he is different, if he can earn our trust and if he is worthy of Melinda.” Kurt runs his hand through his wife’s long blonde hair. “Melinda may not be my daughter biologically, but I have watched her grow up through the last eight years. I was there practically through her entire teenage years. I love her as if she is my own. You remember what I wanted to do to Clyde Sutter when I learned about how he treated her?”

Braddock smirks. “You wanted to, and I quote, ‘tear his fucking head off.’”

“I wanted to tear his fucking head off? That’s ALL I said I would do? Wow, I was tamer than I remembered.”

“I could have forgotten something.”

“Maybe, but the point is I love Melinda and I would fight to the death for her. There’s a kid out there sitting in the dining room whose father, whose uncle, whose grandfather has some past with your family. But I’m willing to give the kid a chance. You keep saying you’re willing to give the kid a chance but you still seem unable to do so. You wouldn’t even let him stay in the house, you made him stay outside in a camper.”

“It’s a bloody nice camper!”

“That’s not the point.”

“Right, the point is that I’m not letting that boy and my daughter stay under the same bloody roof!” Glory pulls up a chair and sits down. Kurt sighs as he goes back over to the stove and checks on the potatoes and corn. Then he looks back over at his wife. He grins from ear to ear.

“You really should stop complaining, Gloria. This could be a lot worse.”

“How could it be worse?”

“You’re lucky at least ONE OF US knows how to cook, otherwise we would have to have some pizza delivered tonight!”

Braddock rolls her eyes. “Thank God for small miracles!”

Kurt chuckles. “So what is bothering you, Glory?”

“You weren’t there when I picked them up from the airport. Archie has changed a bit since the last time I saw him. He looks a lot like his father. And so every time I see his face, I see the man who tried to brand me as a lunatic so he could steal my company out from under me.”

“That was Henry, not Archie.”

“I’m having a difficult time differentiating right now.”

“How? How is it so hard? Henry DID try to steal your company. That kid in there has been very polite. He had every right to complain about being made to sleep in the camper but he seemed perfectly ok with it. Even Melinda hasn’t batted an eye about any of this.”

Braddock nods her head. “Fair enough, love, he has been acting like a proper gentleman so far.”

“So can’t you at least admit that maybe you were wrong about him?”

“Sure. I could be wrong. But there’s still a long way before he fully earns my trust.” Glory rises up out of her chair and marches towards the exit. Kurt sighs and shakes his head.

“Be polite, Glory!”

“I know!”

Braddock exits the kitchen and walks just out in the hall and then into the dining room. There she finds an eight year old Dawn Logan sitting side by side at the table with her older half-sister Melinda Braddock. Noticeably missing is Archie Van Stanton.

“How is London, Mel?”

“Oh it’s great, Dawn. You’ll have to get used to the different accent, since you were born and raised American and all.” Melinda chuckles. She takes note of her mother standing there just inside the dining room. “Y’know, mom, you should bring Dawn with you to my next match. She hasn’t been to London that much. It is our grandfather’s home.”

“It’s also where I grew up.” Glory says, smiling warmly at her two daughters as she approaches. She sits down next to Dawn. “I think I can arrange for you to come with me on my next trip, Dawnie.”

“Thanks, mommy.” Dawn says happily. Glory gives her a kiss on the cheek. Then she looks over at Melinda.

“Where’s Archie?”

“He just stepped out to use the bathroom. Anything wrong?”

“Oh, nothing.” Glory says, shaking her head. “It’s just, uh, Kurt is about finished preparing the dinner.”

Melinda stares deeply into her mother’s eyes. There is a deep skepticism in Melinda’s eyes. “You don’t like Archie, do you?”

“Do we have to do this now? In front of Dawn?”

Melinda sighs. “Sorry, mom.”

Glory shakes her head. Then looks over at her youngest daughter. “Why don’t you go help your father in the kitchen?”

“Sure, mom!” Dawn quickly hops up off of the chair and rushes out of the dining room. Glory turns and looks over at Melinda.

“He’s been very polite. He has been good to me. And despite your negativity he’s been good to you.”

“My negativity?!” Glory exclaims. Melinda nods her head.

“Yes, everyone can tell that you’ve been in a piss poor mood ever since me and Archie came back from London. Even Archie can tell, he just doesn’t say it to your face because he’s trying to be polite. So what else do you want from him, mom? What is it going to take for you to like him?”

Braddock shakes her head. “It isn’t that I don’t like him. I don’t like or dislike him. I just don’t trust him.”

“But do you trust me?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then prove it. Trust my judgment.”

That is quite a loaded challenge from Melinda Braddock. Glory ponders the statement but isn’t sure how she should respond. Luckily she doesn’t have to respond as Archie Van Stanton enters the room, immediately breaking up the moment.

“Oh, hi Ms. Braddock. You and your husband have a lovely home.”

“Thank you, Archie.”

Just then Dawn Logan and her father Kurt enter through the other entrance. Kurt has the food with him and Dawn has a tray with the drinks. “Dinner is served!” He looks over at his wife and winks. “Thanks for sending me a little helper, Glory.”

Everyone takes their places at the table while Kurt and Dawn pass out the food and drinks. Melinda and Archie sit next to each other on one end of the table. Glory sits on the other end of the table with two other seats reserved, apparently for Dawn and Kurt. While this is going on, Glory decides to make conversation with Archie.

“So, Archie, what do you plan to do with your life?”

“I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Braddock, for awhile I wasn’t sure, but after shadowing my dad with this project he’s been working on in England the past few months, I think I’ve decided that I want to learn more about business law and maybe become an attorney.”

Glory nods her head. “Wise choice. Attorneys make good money and, I have to admit that your father does have quite the legal mind himself.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide to get into the business side of wrestling?”

“Well, Archie, I always knew I wanted to give back to wrestling in some way. I give back as an active competitor, I give back by continuing to run my father’s wrestling school, and I give back through my business.”

“Very noble and selfless of you, Ms. Braddock.”

Glory puts on a smile; she hopes that it at least has the appearance of being real even though it is faked on her part. In fact, The British Bombshell cannot help but feel that much of this conversation is faked. Archie seems overly polite. But then again, maybe he just is a good kid? Maybe Glory has read him all wrong?

3 Hours Later
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

The remainder of the evening went off without one single problem. The meal was delicious, conversation was made, Archie and Glory were polite to one another. It almost seems too perfect for Glory’s liking. She cannot help but sense that something is wrong and that sixth sense is eating her alive as she sits next to her husband Kurt on the living room sofa watching television. It has been three hours since dinner and Dawn, Melinda, and Archie have all gone to bed. The television is tuned in to the evening news but Kurt can tell that his wife is just staring blankly ahead. She isn’t paying one iota of attention to what the reporter is saying.

“What’s bothering you, Glory?”

“Huh?” Glory says, somewhat startled.

“You’re quiet. What’s up?”

“Me? Nothing. Nothing at all. I’m fine.” Braddock again puts on a fake smile, hoping to fool Kurt. “I mean, why wouldn’t I be fine? The dinner went off rather well, don’t you agree?”

“Oh I agree that it went very well.” He smirks. “But you are a terrible liar and it is obvious to me that something is bothering you.”

“Bloody hell!” Glory exclaims.

“Everyone got along brilliantly. As far as Archie himself goes, he was very polite, friendly, and seems like a great kid. He treats Melinda like she is a goddess.”

“I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

“Like with Sutter?” Kurt asks, again bringing up Melinda’s first love, Clyde Sutter. “Sutter didn’t give a damn. He treats all women like sex objects. Archie seems to genuinely care about Melinda. Not only that, but he cares for your feelings as well. Notice he never once kissed her or cuddled with her all night, all because he knew how awkward it would make you feel.”

“You don’t understand, Kurt. The Van Stanton family poses a different kind of threat than Sutter. With Clyde Sutter you have someone who lacks the ability to be subtle. He will make it obvious what he wants out of you. With Mason and Henry Van Stanton? They are more conniving, more strategic. They can hide their true agenda and their true feelings. They can put on a show for a short period of time just long enough to get what they want.”

Kurt looks over at Glory and frowns. “Aren’t you being a little paranoid? Archie is just a kid.”

“But he’s a Van Stanton. What they’ve done to my family…” she shakes her head “...I cannot forget, and I will not forgive. That’s why I have trouble trusting Archie.”

“But it’s been almost two days since he’s been with us. You have to admit that he’s done nothing to raise any red flags.”

“Yet…” Glory says. Kurt rolls his eyes and finally loses patience with his wife.

“Damn it, Glory, are you going to actually give this kid a chance or did everything you told me a few days ago, and everything you told Melinda over a week ago, was all that just bullshit?”

“Fine! I admit, I am warming up to the kid. So far he seems sincere. But I still can’t let my guard down. His family has done so many horrible things to my family that I cannot just go in and blindly trust him with my daughter.”

“Our daughter.” Kurt says, correcting his wife. “She is my step-daughter, after all.”

“Fair enough.” Glory clears her mind and then smiles genuinely, warmly at her husband. “I’m sorry, Kurt. This is just all very hard for me, you know? These are memories that I cannot easily forget about. Those wounds do not heal so quickly.”

Kurt embraces Glory in a tight hug. “I know, Gloria, I know. But trust me, everything will be fine.”

“I hope you’re right, Kurt. I do hope you’re right.”

June 11th, 2021
St. Louis, Missouri
On Camera

The camera begins to roll and we find ourselves in a park. The bright blue sky with the sun shining overhead creates quite the beautiful scenery. It also serene, with an empty and quiet background. A few moments later “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock emerges into view from stage right. The blonde is wearing blue denim jeans, black boots, and a royal purple t-shirt. Her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. A look of confidence is etched across her shoulders as she begins to speak, with the camera following her every step of the way.

“Welcome to St. Louis, the city which will host the annual Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal.” She allows a light chuckle to escape her lips. “I suppose this is the time where I gloat about being The Best in the World and how this is just the beginning of my journey towards regaining the SCW World Championship and becoming a sixteen time World Champion in the process.”

She shakes her head. “Not today. That was the old Glory Braddock. That was the arrogant brasser from last year who made everything about herself. That was the monster willing to do anything and everything just to pad her record and build herself up, to make herself look great.”

The British Bombshell comes across a black bench. Braddock walks over towards the bench and sits down. “What a difference a year makes, am I right? Last year I thought I was bigger than the business. Last year, I thought I alone was the sole judge of what was right and wrong in professional wrestling. I believed that I alone had the proper moral compass to determine what was best for professional wrestling. Looking back I see how wrong I was. I wasn’t looking out for the best interests of wrestling, I was looking out for my own best interests. I was a fraud, a hypocrite, and I did not care about what was best for professional wrestling. Hell, last year I didn’t even compete in Taking Hold of the Flame, because I couldn’t be bothered with it. I had a Trios Contract that guaranteed me a world title match anytime I wanted anywhere I wanted, so I didn’t see the point in competing in the Flame.”

“But I missed the entire point of the Flame. The Flame isn’t about entirely about becoming World Champion. I mean, sure, that’s part of it; because the winner does get a guaranteed world title match in the main event of Rise To Greatness. But the even bigger, more important point behind The Flame is competition. Yourself pitted against thirty nine of the very best to lace up a pair of wrestling of boots in a battle royal scenario; and the last person left standing can truly call themselves the best of the best in Supreme Championship Wrestling.”

She nods her head. “That’s what wrestling is all about. It is the spirit of competition; facing the toughest of competitors, the stiffest of challenges, and seeing just how you measure up. Can you hang with the best or will you fold under pressure? Last year I folded under the pressure. I didn’t want to bother risking myself and my precious reputation in Taking Hold of the Flame when I already had a Trios Contract that guaranteed me the same damn thing that winning the Flame would guarantee me. So I balked, I did the weak and cowardly thing and walked away from the Flame, and called my shot when I felt I was good and ready. And I remember quite well how that turned out for me.”

“I called my shot against David Helms, the man who would WIN The Flame last year and go on to successfully defeat Bree Lancaster and become World Champion. I challenged Helms at Apocalypse, truly believing that my strategy of waiting, biding my time, would work…” she sighs and shakes her head “...I was wrong. I was beaten and humbled. I failed to become World Champion.”

Another light chuckle escapes her lips. “It was the second year in a row I wasted a Trios Contract. But as humbling and embarrassing as that moment was, it was also the reality check I needed. I looked back at David Helms, last year’s Flame winner, the man was nearing the end of his professional career and he knew it but he still felt the competitive flame deep down inside that would not be extinguished, he still wanted to test himself against the best; that’s why he enter the battle royal in the first place. And then when he won, he would go on to prove himself yet again by winning the World Championship on the biggest stage of them all.”

“Now how does all of this tie in to me? Quite frankly, I am looking to challenge myself and test myself. That’s what wrestling is all about, isn’t it? You want to challenge and test yourself against the best to see how good you are. And you cannot and will not find a greater challenge in this business than Taking Hold of the Flame. So this year I refuse to walk away. Instead I am going to march right into Taking Hold of the Flame and redeem myself.” She smirks knowingly.

“Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean I’m guaranteeing victory. Bloody hell, I know the kinds of odds I’m up against. First of all, I am up against thirty nine other competitors. Many of those thirty nine other competitors are world champion caliber athletes. Secondly, I could end up having to do battle against lady luck herself. I mean, I could get real lucky and get a late entry, I would be fresh and the odds would be in my favor. But look at Syren and Gavin, entering at numbers one and two respectively. They have the tallest mountain to climb if they expect to win it all. But what if I draw number three? Or four? Or any other early number? My endurance could end being tested like never before depending on how lady luck treats me. I have wrestled for over sixty minutes before, but with thirty nine other competitors I may have to go much longer than sixty minutes.”

“But whatever I have to do, whatever obstacles I have to overcome, all of it will be worth it. No matter the outcome, all of this will be worth it. Because by challenging myself against some of the best the SCW has to offer in its most difficult of matches of the calendar year, I will be able to measure just how good I am. I have fans who call me The Best in the World.” Braddock shakes her head. “I don’t call myself that any longer, but some of my fans still do. And in a match like the Flame, I can prove whether or not I rate up their amongst the best wrestlers to compete in the squared circle. And that, ultimately, is what The Flame is all about; competition. At its heart and soul, Taking Hold of the Flame is all about competition.”

Braddock pats herself on the chest. “And that’s all I have been seeking these past few weeks. I want competition. I want to face the best of the best. I want to prove myself in front of the entire world. Taking Hold of the Flame is the singular night where I have the opportunity to do that. And should I win Taking Hold of the Flame, I will main event Rise To Greatness, I will get another opportunity at the SCW World Championship. Only this time I will have earned it the hard way, the way of the grappler, the way of the warrior.”

Glory shuts her eyes. “Sic Semper Tyrannis...the tyrant has fallen,” she opens her eyes and smiles “all that remains is me, Glory Braddock, and at Taking Hold of the Flame I promise to give each and every one of you everything I have; my heart, my soul, everything...because that is what this business and competition is all about.”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
OOC: CD only for this one. Little shorter than my usual offering but serves the story I think.

Taking Hold of the Flame 2021 #1
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):

-------84------- Click me

Things are going to get wild. It's been fun, should have the other up tomorrow. Been writing up a storm. Good luck everyone.
THOTF 2021 Part 1: Nowhere Left to Go
[Image: JORDAN1.png]
OOC - Good luck everyone. Enjoy Part One


Diary Entry – 20th May 2021

Once again made it clear

This isn’t some whim; this is exactly what I had to do to get ahead.

Watching Giovanni perform at Breakdown made it even worse. That people could actually believe I would align myself… with HIM.

I get the anger, I get the judgements but that… it was just like the blind were leading the blind and I hope now that everyone was feeling more than a little foolish.

If I had agreed with Bree would I get the same reaction?

What about Sienna?

James Evans?

Exactly… it was all because it was Giovanni, but the thing was he was only saying what everyone else was thinking

THAT was what people couldn’t get into their thick heads

22nd May 2021
Los Angeles

Everything had passed by in a blur. Having decided to put the house on the market to see if there was any reaction, within a few days the house was on the company’s website and already he had his first viewing. Owen had thought about leaving the realtor to it; however, he was interested in who would be living there after he had gone. Right now, Owen sits in the back garden with Kloe, as the realtor shows the couple around. Apparently, he was an architect, and the woman stayed at home with their two children. It kinda made Owen feel good that this could become a family home. If he could sell quickly, it would be beneficial to him as Taking Hold of the Flame was just around the corner, a match that he had every intention of winning, and he needed to be more focused than he had been last year… a year he believed he’d let himself down. Owen looks out over the hills, glass of juice in his right hand, and takes in the scenery.

Owen: Tell you what, I might not miss this house, but I will miss the view… oh, and the cinema room. I love the cinema room. Big screen FIFA.

Kloe: You’re such a kid… have you told Finch that you are leaving?

Owen: Yeah, I told him, and he wasn’t happy. Until I told him he would have his own bedroom at the new house and could come and stay whenever he liked. I think he thought it was just a little shack by the sea until I showed him pictures and that it’s almost as big as this place. 

Kloe: It’s a nice house with many memories.

Owen: And good ones as well

Kloe: We were certainly happy there.

Owen: Yeah

It was easy for Owen to reminisce about those times. Playing soccer, or football dependent on where you were from, on the beach with his Dad and Shaun, his Dad being awful and Owen and Shaun constantly laughing at him. His mind wanders to barbecues on the beach, and the times that they would all stay up late and look up at the stars. It was easy being a kid, with no responsibilities. Adulting was hard, and although he’d never admit it, Owen knew he’d not done a particularly good job of it thus far.

Owen: I’ve got massive plans for the place.

Kloe: You do?

Owen: Yeah, I’m going to extend to the side, buy the land that no one has used, and build a summer house, with a bar, games room… the works. I’m going to turn it back to how it once was Mom, a house for a family to grow old in, just like we did. Games on the sand, walks along the beach… that’s what I want Mom. Simpler, quieter times. I’m done with the need to be cool, living in a place like New York or LA. Newquay is where I always feel at home, where I belong. It’s where I’m going to stay.

Kloe: Well, it certainly sounds like you have it all figured out.

Owen: I do. Nothing good ever came from living in America. There’s nothing to keep me there now. Here I can concentrate on myself and building my life in my way.

Kloe: Oh thanks…

Owen: No, I don’t mean it like that. You’re one of the few people who haven’t turned their back on me and you are welcome to stay for as long as you like. It’s not like I’m not going to have the room. I’ll even build you your own space if you like, right next to the Summer House. What I’m saying Mom is I’m not going back to my old life, and my old friends. They don’t need me apparently, so why should I concern myself with them any longer?

To Kloe, it just sounded like Owen was kidding himself, that this ‘quiet’ life was something he wanted, when in fact it was more that he hadn’t been given the choice either way. At least however she wasn’t being cut out of his life so that was something.

Kloe: Can I chose the décor for my new house?

Owen: Course you can… whatever you want. After selling O-Cru and the LA house I reckon I can afford it. It’s gonna be amazing Mom, really is. I can’t wait to get started on the plans. Might even ask the guy buying this place if he can draw some up for me. I’ll knock some off the asking price.

Owen laughs, there was no doubt he seemed to have it all figured out, but Kloe knew most of it was bravado.

Owen: I just want to forget the past few years Mom, at least personally anyways. I’m proud of what I’ve done in SCW, but away from the ring it’s been one hard slog after another. Things will be different in Newquay, you’ll see. And after all, the views are spectacular there as well.

Both turn their heads back to the hills, and their attention from them is only broken by the realtor, Janine, coming out through the kitchen doors.

Janine: Oh, I’m so sorry Owen, I didn’t know you were out here.

Owen spins around to face her, and the couple as they step out.

Owen: It’s all good. This is Kloe, my Mom.

Janine: Hi Kloe… this is Donovan and Katherine.

Owen waves.

Katherine: You have a beautiful home.

Owen: Thank you. I’d love to claim credit, but the décor was mostly down to my ex-flat mate and ex-girlfriend.

Katherine: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…

Owen: Honestly, don’t worry about it, it’s all good

Donovan: Wow, what a view

Donovan stands looking over the fence towards the Hills.

Owen: Breathtaking isn’t it? Many a time spent sat out here having Breakfast and taking it all in. And it’s all fully fenced off as well, so no need to worry about the kids. You’ve two, right?

Donovan: That’s right… and the cinema room. That’s amazing.

Owen: I know right, my favorite room in the house. Video games on the big screen. You just don’t realize how good it is until you’ve experienced it. 

Janine: Shall I go… you seem to be selling it all by yourself here Owen.

Katherine: Actually, do you mind if we ask you a few questions?

Owen: Sure, go ahead.

Katherine: Is the area quiet? I mean, do you have cars speeding up and down the streets at all hours.

Owen: In the main, no. People are respectful around here. You do get the occasional idiot, but yeah… it’s rare.

Katherine: And are there any other children living in the area.

Owen: Oh yeah… tons of them

Everyone laughs.

Owen: It’s just a nice area… you’d love it, you seem like the kind of people that would fit in. 

Donovan: Please don’t get offended, but if it’s so nice… why are you moving?

Owen smiles, it was a very good question. 

Owen: I got some bad memories living in America and had a tough time of it.

Donovan: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.

Owen: No, it’s OK, my Father died, and my Uncle committed suicide in front of me. It just wants to start again you know.

Donovan: Yeah, I get that. Was your Uncle sick…

Kloe gets to her feet, kissing Owen on the cheek.

Kloe: I just remembered, I gotta be somewhere. Taylors, yes… nice to meet you guys and hope you buy the place. Bye everyone.

Kloe makes her way across the garden and out the back gate, Owen scowling but apparently the couple not thinking anything off it. 

Katherine: Your Mom seems nice.

Owen: Yeah, she’s not had it easy either, she’s coming with me when we move.

Katherine: I see.

Owen: Anymore questions?

Donovan turns to his wife, and both shake their head.

Donovan: No, I don’t think so.

Janine: OK, so are you interested? A house such as this will not be on the market for long.

Donovan: We are… but it’s right on the edge of our budget.

Owen: OK, so what if I knocked two hundred thousand off the price? I want a quick sale, you guys obviously love the place.

Donovan: You’d do that?

Owen: Sure… go have a think about it and let Janine know. It would be nice to know that someone cool bought this place.

Donovan: OK we will… thank you for your time Owen.

Owen: Not a problem, hope to speak soon.

Janine: I’ll show you both out.

Owen gets to his feet and shakes the couple’s hand, and watches as they leave through the house. He hoped that they put an offer in, and it would be nice for him to think that someone was raising a family in the house even if he now never would. His phone vibrates, and he pulls it out of his pocket, the message preview staring him in the face.

‘You’re running away?’

22nd May 2021
Los Angeles

The message had come from Jennifer and although every thought was telling him not to reply, he still did. He didn’t answer the question, his response consisted of ‘Meet me’ and to Jennifer’s credit, and Owen’s surprise she had agreed. They had chosen a café that both loved as the place to meet, and only two hours after the text, Owen found himself walking inside, and immediately spotting Jennifer sat at a table just outside the main building. He walks through the café and arrives at the table, Jennifer looking up from her phone as he arrives.

Owen: Hey.

Jennifer Hey…

Owen takes a seat, already sensing the atmosphere.

Owen: How have you been?

Owen instantly regrets the question when he sees the look on Jennifer’s face.

Owen: Forget that… stupid question.

Jennifer: Yeah, stupid question. Seems like you’ve been having a lot of fun though.

Owen remembers the tweet and shakes his head.

Owen: No, not really Jen. It’s been tough.

Jennifer: Oh, well I am sorry for that…

“Can I take your order please Sir?”

The waitress takes them both by surprise, Owen ordering a strawberry milkshake.

“Coming right up.”

Owen then turns back to Jennifer.

Owen: I didn’t come here to argue Jen. 

Jennifer: Well, it seems like you are out of luck then Owen, because that’s exactly what I came here to do. How could you do this, turn your back on everyone? Turn your back on me? And not show a single ounce of remorse for it. And instead, lord it over everyone, about how great your life now is.

Owen holds eye-contact even though every ounce of his being was telling him to look away. He wanted to say that he hadn’t, that it was her that walked away, but this was Jennifer, and he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 

Owen: I had to Jen… I just had to.

The waitress walks over and places two strawberry milkshakes the two of them having ordered the same, though neither of them mentioned it, whilst still thinking it. Jennifer puffs out her cheeks, no matter what she thought of Owen right now and how much he’d let her down, the truth was she didn’t want to argue either. 

Jennifer: I just don’t get it Owen. You had everything going for you. Career, House, money… you had the lot. You had friends that loved you, family that loved you… I loved you, and you turned your back on it all and for what? So that you can do what you want? People looked up to you, and now they boo you the moment you step into an arena. You’re not telling me that is what you wanted Owen, because if you try, I won’t believe you. I used to know you Owen, but now I don’t have the first clue how your mind works. And then yesterday I drive by your house and you’re selling up? So, what’s the deal huh? Everyone’s turned on you so now you run away. It’s like New Orleans again isn’t it… running away. At least that time it was understandable. 

Owen takes a sip from his milkshake, wiping the excess from his mouth with the back of his hand.

Owen: Ever since Dad died, people have been helping me. Shaun, Taylor, David, Simon and so many more have had a say in what I have achieved, and the person that I have become.

Jennifer listens as he speaks, wanting to understand why the man she loved was being like this.

Owen: I signed for SCW, and man… some of the sacrifices I have made for that company, and specifically for the Drachawych family. Well, you would have thought that I’d have been treated a little better. You know how frustrated I was Jen, that it seemed like no matter who I beat, or what I did for the company, I wasn’t getting anywhere. It was beginning to look like I had become nothing but than an afterthought… that my only accomplishments would be repeatedly facing off against those that threatened the company. Nothing more than a glorified foot soldier. 

He lowers his head and sighs.

Owen: I knew full well there would be some fallout from what I did to Shaun. I knew that people would see it as the ultimate act of disrespect towards someone who had been more like a brother than an Uncle to me. But that wasn’t just a kick to the balls of Shaun, it was a kick towards anyone who still believed that they could control me, and mold me into the person that they wanted me to be, Captain America fighting fires for the rest of my life. I needed to show them ALL that I was more than that. Jen, yes… if people have turned away from me because of what I did to Shaun, I can have very little argument and I understand. But I honestly don’t believe that’s the case. People now shun me because of some supposed alliance with a guy that has pretty much been the bane of my existence for my entire time in SCW. That misinterpretation has got nothing to do with me and is based on their own assumptions. Gio’s a dick, no question. What he did to me, to Peyton and many others cannot be excused. But if you listen to the message, strip away the bullshit with regards to lizards and Kingdoms, you see someone who has the current situation in SCW spot on. Tell me Jen, is it right that just because I agree with the logic, I’m treated the same as he is? Well, if that’s the case, why is your Dad treated with the same disdain. Because he knows just like I do, that the SCW is on its backside. You only must look at Breakdown a couple of weeks ago and Selena Frost just being handed a World title shot to see what I mean. What’s she done the past year that I haven’t… that’s why I had no choice but to do what I did. And yes Jen, I’m in a better place for it. My ONLY regret is hurting you in the process. THAT’S why I must leave LA Jen… I ain’t running, I’m doing the best thing for everyone. Just like I’m trying to do the best thing for SCW, whether anyone believes me or not. I just needed to explain that to you Jennifer and see you one last time so that I could say that yes, I am sorry for hurting you, and that I hope one day you can forgive. Because YOU are the only person I will apologize to. Everyone else… well, I’ve made it clear what I think about them.

Now it is Jennifer’s turn to sigh. Although she couldn’t ever agree with him, she had to admit that her own frustrations had nearly boiled over when she was competing in EMERGE. She hated the person he had become but knew that the Owen Cruze she had loved was still there, although now buried deep. His explanation changed nothing, she couldn’t be with this new version… arrogant, egotistical and so much more. But here, in this café, it was like talking to the man she thought she would eventually marry, but now never would because the line had been crossed. She still didn’t agree with Owen, but she now realized that the way Owen felt, to him it did make perfect sense in the here and now, and that perhaps this wouldn’t always be the case. Maybe it was something that he needed to work through… she only hoped that he didn’t burn every bridge in doing so.

Jennifer: So, when do you leave? Not as I care, obviously.

Owen scoffs, it was obvious she didn’t want to talk about it anymore, and to his mind probably still didn’t understand. 

Owen: Someone just came to see the house… a couple, and it looks like they are really interested. Doesn’t really matter though, I have somewhere to go.

Jennifer: You do? You’ve bought somewhere already?

Owen: No, I’m moving to the house in Newquay.

Jennifer: Wow, leaving the country?

Owen: Yeah, I just think it best if we all got a fresh start. That ain’t going to happen living on each other’s doorstep. Gonna extend the house, build a house for Mom, try to forget about my time in America…

He clocks the look on her face.

Owen: Well, not all of it… some of it was good.

Jennifer finds the slightest of smiles, Owen reacting with one of his own.

Jennifer: I hope you find what you are looking for Owen.

Owen: Thank you, and I’m sorry if it seemed like I was rubbing it in your face. I’ll try to not do it again.

Jennifer: You’d better not… Mom isn’t quite as forgiving as Dad.

Owen: I know… why do you think I’m getting out the country?

Jennifer: I thought you weren’t running.

Owen: Well, maybe just a little where Regan is concerned.

Jennifer finishes off her milkshake and grabs her jacket, getting to her feet.

Jennifer: We’ll, I guess I’ll see you around.

Owen gets to his feet, and for a moment there is awkwardness, but then Jennifer holds out her arms, and the pair embrace. Eventually they part, and Jennifer kisses him on the cheek.

Jennifer: Please… be happy Owen.

Owen: I’ll try

And with that she walks away and doesn’t look back not even once. She couldn’t, as tears were filling her eyes. Owen was glad of that however, because if she had turned around, she would see that his eyes were glassy too. Not necessarily all with sadness either… it being mostly regret.

24th May 2021

Donovan and Katherine had put an offer down on the house, and as expected it had come in at exactly 200K under the asking price. Owen hadn’t hesitated, and on receiving the call from Janine he had accepted straight away, assuring the new owners that he would be out by the end of the month without fail. From that moment things had gone by in a whirlwind, as arrangements where quickly made, whereby Owen and Kloe could go back to the house in Newquay and make sure everything was in order, Owen’s belongs and Kloe’s that she was bringing to follow later. No one had taken up the tenancy in a couple of months, and so they had to make sure that it was at least livable, and the previous tenants hadn’t left the place in a state. As it turned out they needn’t have worried. The whole house was practically spotless, Owen glad of the news as it was one less thing to think about, Taking Hold of the Flame now hurtling ever closer. Having left a note for himself on the kitchen side to ring up the gym and start his membership there… the Newquay house didn’t have its own gym, not yet at least, one for the summer house perhaps. He and Kloe are now stood by the back gate, both staring almost wistfully at the waves crashing to shore barely one hundred yards away, the sounds of boats returning into the harbor clearly heard not too far in the distance. 

Kloe: I’ve missed this place.

Owen: Me too, I mean I know LA had its positives but this… it’s just so peaceful. 

Kloe: I know… you can hear yourself think and things just seem slower.

Owen: I’ve made the right decision Mom; I know I have.

Kloe: Yes, I think you have Owen. If you can be half as happy as we were here before, then it’s got to be good for you. I just hope it puts a smile on my boys face again. 

Owen forces a half-smile, Kloe putting her hand on Owen’s cheek, sensing the hurt still so obviously there. It was going to be a while until Owen was truly at peace and she knew that, but she firmly believed that this was a start.

Owen: So how was Ruby when you told her?

Kloe shrugs her shoulders.

Kloe: Ruby reacted exactly the way Ruby always does. Without a care in the world. She’s going to see out this year, and then in the Summer I’ll go back, and we’ll decide what to do next. Think she’s excited about having the house to herself.

Owen: She’s clued-up Mom, probably more than I am to be fair.

Kloe: I know… I trust her, but even so Taylor’s going to do me a favor and keep an eye on her. And Ruby knows she can call if she needs anything. Reckon if she has plenty of food, she’ll be ok… but she understands you need me right now. At least for a little while. But if you ever want me to leave you to your own devices, you only have to say so. Deal?

Owen doesn’t say anything further on that subject. Part of him resented that for all his independence, he was the one who agreed to Kloe coming over with him. But on the other side of the coin, he was glad she was around. Just in case he broke down which if he was honest with himself, he knew was a possibility.

Owen: I’m going to get a live-in housekeeper Mom; I don’t want you having to come over here and clean up after me. 

Kloe: It’s OK, I don’t mind. It will give me something to do while you are off touring.

Owen: I have to admit its not just you I’m thinking of

Kloe: Oh?

Owen: Yeah, I’m going to buy a dog… and if you go home, there will be no one here to look after him while I’m away. I loved having Buck around the LA house, walking him around the hills was so relaxing. Not fair though to get one if no one is around. 

Kloe: That’s a good idea… and OK, I won’t clean. 

Owen: You can make yourself useful by doing the interviews for the housekeeper though if you want?

Kloe: I’d like that.

Owen: Sorted… see, new country and already I’m adulting better.

Kloe: Ha-ha, what by learning how to delegate?

Owen: Exactly.

Kloe turns to head back to the house, Owen taking hold of her hand.

Owen: Mom, can I ask you something?

Kloe turns around.

Kloe: Sure, what’s up?

Owen: Don’t take this the wrong way, but recently, every time Finn is mentioned, you seem to go into your shell, or react all weird. I mean, even when he was still alive, you always went out of your way to avoid him. What’s going on?

Kloe: Nothing…

Owen: There’s something, I know there is… I mean, the mention of his name makes me shudder. But it’s like there’s something you’re not telling me. 

Kloe: Honestly, Owen, there is nothing going on. I promise you, it’s just because of what he did to you, leaving you so you needed treatment by a psychologist at the age of nineteen. I’ll never forgive him, not ever. In fact, I’m glad he blew his brains out. So yeah, if I react at the mere mention of him, I’m sorry, but he was a bastard, and never deserved to call your Father ‘brother’.

Owen rubs the back of her hand.

Owen: I’m sorry, I never realized. I kinda got caught up in myself with the whole thing. Guess I didn’t realize how it had affected anyone else. 

Kloe: Yeah well… can we not talk about him now? Fresh start, right?

Owen: Yeah, fresh start.

“Owen, you’re back.”

Owen turns on his heels, seeing an old school friend he’d meet again for the first time about eighteen months ago. Dani had been at the same Primary school, and the two of them had shared a primary school crush.

Owen: Hey Dani, you remember my Mom?

Dani: Yes, Kloe right? You baked the best cookies.

Kloe: That’s right, I remember you too. You’re Belinda’s girl?

Dani nods

Dani: What you doing back here Owen?

Owen: Err, me and Mom are moving back here actually. Had enough of America and looking for the peaceful life. 

Dani: Really? That’s amazing… we should catch up?

Owen: Yeah, we should.

Owen passes her his mobile

Owen: Give me your number and I’ll drop you a text once I’m settled.

Dani puts in her digits and passes him the phone back.

Dani: Make sure you do… bye Kloe, bye Owen… speak soon.

Dani makes her way back down the beach, Owen noticing Kloe’s look

Owen: She’s just an old friend Mom… nothing in it

Kloe: Yeah… I’ll believe that when I see it. Come on, let’s go get some lunch. Before you find yourself another girlfriend and I don’t get to spend any time with you again.

Owen: Mom…

Kloe is already walking towards the door

Owen: For God’s sake.

He follows her up the pathway, the scene panning away and back to the beach, finding a woman sat on a bench just out of sight. That woman… being Maisie Phillips, a grin on her face.

31st May 2021

Owen takes another box out the back of the van, lifting it and straining under the weight. He strains with a smile however, because if Kloe wasn’t planning on staying in England, there was certainly a lot of boxes she had brought over. Luckily, there was plenty of room to store them, and Owen didn’t mind anyway. Having her around hadn’t been as bad as he thought it might have been, and by accepting his decisions, she had grounded him somewhat. As the last box is removed from out the box, Kloe thanks the driver, Owen standing there with his hands on his hips having placed the box on the floor. As the van drives away, Kloe turns and see’s Owen’s unimpressed face.

Kloe: What?

Owen: He only drove the van, and he gets the thanks. Who unloaded the damn thing?

Kloe rubs his hair sarcastically.

Kloe: Aww, little Owen feeling unappreciated again?

Owen: Yeah, dead funny… there goes another rib.

Owen picks up the box and heads into the house, standing at the bottom of the stairs as a dog comes running up to him, Owen putting the box down again to fuss his new pet.

Owen: Hey, you being a good boy Virg?

Kloe: Still can’t believe you called the poor puppy Virgil.

Owen: Well, it was either that or Salah… and I think Virgil is cool.

Having decided on getting a puppy, Owen had rescued a Broder Collie from a local Dog Rescue, Virgil having settled in almost instantly. Virgil was nearly two years old and had been in and out of the Rescue Center two or three times due to his excitable behavior. Owen just saw that has character, and thus far Virgil had been fine. The dog rolls onto his back, showing his tummy to Owen who immediately gives it a tickle.

Owen: Good boy… you wanna go fetch your ball?

Virgil immediately jumps upright and runs through the house and into the garden.

Owen: By the way, thought you weren’t stopping long? How many boxes?

Kloe: Who knows? We’ll see… but I like to have my creature comforts around, and I might need some of the documentation at some point.

Owen: Yeah ok, I believe you… look after Virg for me whilst I sort the room out will you?

Owen rolls his eyes and heads up the stairs.

Kloe: Sure, I’ll put the kettle on, shall I?

Owen can’t help but smile as he hears his Mom’s laughter, and he heads into the room and places the box on the floor, the lid forcing itself open. Owen looks inside the box, and see’s a bundle of papers, and then underneath them a photo album, which he pulls from the box, sitting himself down.

Owen: Wonder what we got here…

Owen turns opens the album and is immediately faced with a picture of himself as a baby, and more hair than any baby should really have.

Owen: That’s embarrassing 

Kloe shouts from the bottom of the stairs

Kloe: Do you want a cuppa Owen?

Owen: No thanks

She must sense the happiness in his voice, as she continues the long distance conversation.

Kloe: Everything OK?

Owen: Yeah, just found some old photographs and going through them.

Kloe: Oh cool, I’ll be up in a minute.

There was nothing more that Kloe liked than going through photographs of when her kids were little, and Owen realizes that there ain’t going to be much unpacking done now.

Owen: OK…

He shouts back and turns the page, a picture now of him in a red pedal car, a huge smile on his face. 

Owen: Love that car, wonder where it went?

He turns another page, and he recoils at a picture of him in a yellow jumpsuit, looking every bit like a Teletubby, a television program from back in the day.

Owen: Ewww, what was they thinking?

He turns the page again, and this time something falls from the album, Owen assuming it’s a loose photo, but finding it to be a piece of paper. He unfolds it, his eyes at first narrowing, but then opening wide.

Owen: What the fuck?

He stares at the paper for a while, not making sense of it all, and folds the paper up again, shoving it in his back pocket and putting the album back in the box. He then jumps to his feet and hurries down the stairs, and through the front door, just as his Mom leaves the kitchen.

Kloe: Owen?

The door slams shut before he can hear her, and he hurries off down the driveway and then the street, breaking into a run until he finds himself at another entrance to the beach. There he stops, bending over to catch his breath, baring able to contain his anxiety that was building. He takes long, deep breathes, trying to calm himself.

“Hey Owen…”

Owen looks up, and is stunned to have been greeted by Maisie.

Owen: What the… 

Maisie: Happy to see me?

Owen: How did you know I was here?

Maisie: Shaun mentioned that you were moving back to Newquay… and I didn’t want you to be all alone so I thought you’d like me to join you.

Owen: What? That’s crazy

Maisie: Oh come on Owen, it’s obvious that there is something between us. If your bothered what Shaun will say don’t be.

Owen: I couldn’t give a fuck what Shaun says. But Maisie, I don’t want you here

Maisie: Don’t be a silly Owen

Owen: I’m serious Maisie, you’re acting like some kind of stalker

Maisie reaches forwards and put her hand on his home

Maisie: You seem tense, let me make you feel better

Owen snatches his arm away, staring straight at Maisie.

Owen: NO!!! Get off me.

She reaches out again, Owen this time pushing her arm away.

Owen: I said NO. Whatever you think this is… it doesn’t exist. I came here to get away from all the bullshit, not to find more.

Maisie: Owen…

Her eyes start to get glassy, obviously upset but by now Owen just doesn’t care.

Owen: Leave me alone Maisie. I don’t want you… is that clear? 

She looks at him but doesn’t respond.

Owen: No, ok let me make it crystal. Fuck off. AND GO HOME!!!

Maisie turns and quickly walks away, her tears now falling freely. Owen shakes his head in despair, not believing what had just happened, and on top of everything else as well. Maisie had lost her mind, and as for what he had just found back at the house, that couldn’t be true. Could it? It was beginning to look like no matter where he was in the world, trouble would always find him. Maybe Sienna was right… maybe he was indeed Calamity Cruze.
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