5 on 5 Elimination Tag Match
5 on 5 Elimination Tag Match
Trinity Street, Kennedy Street, Donovan Kayl, Chris Cannon & Dylan Howell 
London Truelove, Paris Truelove, Ikiro Yoshida, Xander Valentine & Dante McCaffery
3 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag; 10 RP limit for the elimination tag;
Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Saturday, November 24, 2018
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Note: I was tired as fuck....so this is promo only. Good lck and Enjoy!

[The scene opens...Dante McCaffery sits down across from a marble table, dressed in a grey suit jacket with matching pants. Dante eyes the camera.]

Dante: Some things change and some things....never do.

[Dante looks around.]

Dante: One thing that'll never change is all of you believing you know what the fuck is going on. Just because you read about it online or because you've seen similar things, you believe that you know what's going on. And how many times have I shown every single one of you that what you think you know? Means shit.

[His eyes narrow.]

Dante: Some of you will say that what Laura Stenback and I have established, a partnership, a working relationship with one another, is just like all the past groups before. Infamous, Monarchy, Pinnacle....PUNK HAZARD. And that's when you're wrong. See, this has been brewing for months. Laura and I have been talking for months about setting this in place because we both have investments ad we both have things that we care about in this "business" and like anyone who has something of investment, we want to look after it. We want to make sure that we are getting everything that we've invested and more. We want to ensure that what we're putting in...we're getting back.

And so...the Beauty Network.

[Dante runs a hand through his hair.]

Date: If there's one thing none of you can say about me is the fact that I'm always, consistent. Since the minute I arrived here in SCW, I made my intentions clear. I've told all of you what I desire and what I'm aiming for. Three and a half years later and none of that has changed. Throughout the history of this business so many people have come close to truly sitting on top. So many groups have come close to truly running the wrestling ecosystem but one way or another it's come crashing down every single time. Whether it's greed or betrayal or whatever, everyone has fallen short.

And what do I mean by sitting on top? I mean being the main influencer in the entire business. being at the spot where the entire wrestling business pivots to you and go through you. We're talking true power here. People think it's just all about titles. it's just all about the big matches. Sure, they go a long way if yo desire that type of thing. But Silas Mason, Aiken Frost, Laura Steinback, these people have dominated this business without laying a finger. I said it the first video I spoke to all of you, when I faced Syren that I was going to follow Aken's footsteps and do what he almost did. And that's sit on top.

[Dante eyes the camera.]

Dante: And that means not just running things in SCW, but EMERGE, GCW...all of it. I am only aiming for the top because when you're at the top, yo have all the power. yo have all the control. Everyone knows my life wasn't made for this shit. I wasn't planning on being in the wrestling business. I had my life made for me. I had the woman I thought would become my wife in my life. I had an entire vision, a promise of how my life was going to be. And one by one it was taken away from me. Everyone knows what happened with my parents. You all read the news. So you know what I'm saying is the truth. I was promised an inheritance from my parents and they lied to me. The woman I thought I would marry left me. The dreams I had of my life went up in flames, all things that I couldn't control.

I was powerless.

See, none of you understand how all of those events hurt me and the wound it left on me. But you'll say I'm exploiting the business. That I am what's wrong with this business, when the companies exploit the physical primes of their wrestlers to make the most money for themselves. I understand how that works. It's business. None of yo motherfuckers do because most of you will never be able to experience that level of power over your lives. And so as the company sqeezes all of or physical prime, I am simply doing the same and getting everything that I'm worth.

I am doing what I need to do n order to live the life that I want.

I am making sure the same pain that I felt never happens again and the only way I can do that is if I have the power. If I have control over my life.

Because might controls everything. And without it, you can't protect the things you care about. Let alone yourself.

[Dante pauses.]

Dante: I'm invested in this business. Laura is invested in this business and so we're working together to help one another. We have come together to get everything that we can. We have come together to show everyone that we are the ones in control. We are the ones that wield the power and we are the ones that are the epicenter of everythng that goes on in SCW. The Beauty Network. And of course, people want to take that power away from us. People want to go against us.

So this  on 5 Elimination match.

The Street Family right? Donovan Kayl, Chris Cannon, Dylan Howell and Trinity and Kennedy Street against Ikiro Yoshida, The TrueLove Twins, Xander Valentine and myself.

[Dante sneers.]

Dante: And so this match officially marks the first in which this union, the Beauty Network, is official. And while I would prefer to be watching from the sidelines. Everyone knows how I feel about that. This is different. This is important and I can't think of a better place to be for Bound by Blood than in the ring. See when you make an investment, you want to see the fruit and what better way to see the fruits than to be in the action? What better way to see the fruits of your labor than by doing the work yourself?

It;s funny to me, I guess, that you, Kennedy, keep getting in my way. You keep inteferring in my business. You keep getting in my way. You will claim that i am damaging this great business that I am someone who does't belong. It's annoying and it pisses me off because it's convenient, to me at least, the battles you choose to fight Kennedy. It's ironic and maybe even hypocritical of the battles you choose to fight.

[Dante scoffs.]

Dante: You're so proud of your family. You will fight to the death for them when, if you look in the history of this business, the Streets have been mainly the oppressors than helpers. How many careers has you ended Trinity? How many times you witnessed first hand Monarchy kicking your ass Donovan? Everyone thinks the Street family and they look at the titles and the awards and shit but no one talks about how the Streets have always been oppressors. The Streets have always been the ones, historically, that do more harm than good.

And let's even talk about the link between you me, Kennedy. Someone we both care and love for. Cindy Todd. My mentor, your best friend. How many times have you watched her hang people? Drive bare wire baseballs bats in someone's flesh? How many times have you see her end career after career after career? How many times have you defended her for acts that most people would say are heinous? How many times have you watched ad haven't batted an eye? Your defense is always that she saved your life and Cindy Todd is a life saver. No uestion but honestly, your whole 'justice" kick seems to be hit or miss.

But it's not, actually. It makes sense. You're a passive person.

Yo're a reactionary person.

You react, not think.

I'm probably pissing you off now. That's my point. You can beat me in the ring, like yo have. Yo're one of the best in the business. But I can rile you up. I can make you angry. I can make you react, which means I have power over your emotions. If I wanted to drop more truths about what the Streets have done, all the things that I know, it wold make everyone's head spin and it wold make people think differently about your family. And that makes you mad, doesn't t?

That;s my point.

[Dante pauses.]

Dante: You can bat me as many tims as you want, clearly, all I keep dong is rising. That might make you mad, bt everything I said I was going to do when I first got here in SCW, I've done it. And now I'm in position to gain more ad more power. It's all about security. That's all it is. That's the American Dream, correct? I'm Canadian so many I got it wrong. Actually, I don't. All  want for my lfe is security and all I want is to be able to row my own boat in this business. So many people like Donovan Kayl rest on ther awards and they're great bt when he dies, none of that shit will go with hm. Same with Chris Cannon. all of those awards are temporary. But being able to dictate your own path. Being about to not have to rely on what people think of you because you have a foundation, that's what important. That's what matters.

Xander is one of the most dominate people to ever walk into SCW. And yet, not to long ago, Mr. D was having him find random Average Joes to prove he belonged. Xander Valentine found out, i that moment, that his reputation could only get so far. But, I've given him freedom. I've given him a chance to not worry about people disrespecting him. Now he has that security that he's been looking for.

But he's not the only one.

Ikiro is no longer pandering to all of you because he understands. The TrueLove Twins have always had a clue despite what people think of them. Together, all five of us are motivated, not by family, but power. Our futures are at stake. We are all looking at how we can build one another and how we can help one another prosper. When have the Streets ever tried to build anyone up other than themselves? Historically, the answer is never. But of course, all of you will boo us and all of you will side for them.

By all means.

[Date lets out an annoyed sigh.]

Date: At Bound by Blood, I will do my point to send a message to anyone coming against me, the Beauty Factory or the :Network" as we allow yo to call us. I will show everyone that we are going to be the first tot ruly sit on top. We are a force that can not be stopped. One by one we will eliminate you Kayl, Dylan, Chris, Trinity, Kennedy and we'll give yo a first hand demostration of what's going to happen when you keep trying to mess with us. And that's the beauty of this whole thing. What you see isn't even a fracture of what we can do.

You know my reach knows no bounds.

I've proven it time and time again.

The Streets might be an institution but I am in the veins of professional wrestling. And my connections run deep.

Sunday night is only just a sample, when ym team wins.

And if you guys want to contnue coming after us?

I'll show you we're not bluffing.

OOC: Played a Little Catch Up Here.

The Views Expressed by The Truelove Twins Are of Their Own and Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
'[Image: 2a7agsl.jpg]
Tag Team Record - | W - 11 | L - 02 | D - 01 |
Overall  Record -     | W - 13 | L - 03 | D - 01 |

OOC: Been sick all day, but managed to get something up.


Warning: The Comments and views expressed are those of Kennedy & Trinity Street and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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(Click Title)
[Image: Kennedy-Street2021.png]
Kennie's Achievements Honey:

- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 3x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 2013 SCW Star of Tomorrow

Kennie's Singles Record - |W - 080 | L - 10 | D - 03|
Kennie's Overall Record - |W - 107 | L - 21 | D - 03|

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