Owen Cruze vs. Josh Hudson
Owen Cruze vs. Josh Hudson
SCW World Championship
SCW United States Championship

2 RP Limit
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, April 22, 2023
+++ 27th March 2023 – New York +++

Adam Allocco had done a major job on Owen’s leg, of that there was very little doubt. Since Retribution, Owen had experienced some real tenderness, and he was eager to know if there was an underlying issue. With Breakdown upcoming, and the shit storm that Kim had put together, even at his best health it was by no means a foregone conclusion that he would leave that event with ANY title, never mind the World Championship. But carrying an injury, those odds lengthened even further. And right now, he had no intentions of letting go without a fight, but if there was a problem, then there was potentially a chance that the fight was going to be taken from him. Although Owen had moved to Los Angeles, and then to Miami after, he still went to the same Doctor, a man who trusted. He also knew that if it was bad news, Drew, or Doctor Hutch that most people knew him by, would tell him the truth. He had also been Orlando’s doctor for a large part of his career, which Owen also found reassuring.

Drew: So how have you been Owen, been a while since I saw you?

Owen: Very busy… how long is it? Three or four years?

Drew: Four, I think. I think the last time was when I referred you to a psychiatrist.

Owen: Yeah, you’re probably right.

Drew: How did that all go?

Owen: It worked out again… I’m still here anyways.

Drew: That’s an accomplishment in itself.

Owen laughs, rolling his eyes.

Owen: You don’t know the half of it mate. It’s been an ‘experience’ that’s for sure.

Drew: All we can do is learn from those experiences Owen, no one can ask any more of you than that. And Kloe, how is she doing these days?

Owen: Good, in fact she’s coming to work part time for me.

Drew: For you? Oh… you still got that clothing company then?

Owen: No… you ever heard of ‘Next Level’?

Drew: Is that the wrestling school that employs the homeless and gives them shelter?

Owen: That’s the one yeah… I own that.

Drew: You do?

Owen: Yeah, and don’t seem so surprised bro.

Drew: I’m sorry, I don’t mean to patronize, but you’re a bit young to be running a place like that.

Owen: In that case I’m not going to tell you me and my fiancée are having a baby together

Drew: Jesus Christ… I can remember when you weren’t any taller than this.

He holds out his hand, holding it about three feet from the floor.

Owen: Well, I’m not that much bigger now. But time flies that’s for sure. Seems like a lifetime ago Dad passed away, but at the same time seems like five minutes ago. Does that make sense?

Drew: It does. I’m sure from what you’ve told me he would have bee proud of you. I’m certain in fact.

Owen: I hope so Doc. Shame he can’t tell me himself though.

Drew: I don’t think it would have mattered what you did Owen, he was always talking about you. It was quite boring actually.

Owen: Thanks

They both laugh at the Doctors attempt at humor, but for Owen it was even more reassuring, considering Orlando wasn’t his biological Father. He certainly didn’t want to be like that particular individual that’s for sure.

Drew: So, when is the big day?

Owen: The wedding?

Drew: Yes, you did say fiancée, didn’t you?

Owen: I did. And it was supposed to be June this year, but with the recent ‘addition’ making its announcement, we have cancelled till next year. Jen doesn’t want to look like a blimp in her dress, her words not mine by the way.

Drew: Not a comment you’d be likely to get away with.

Owen: No, especially as she was a World Champion wrestler herself.

Drew: Well, I hope that whenever you decide to rebook, it all goes according to plan.

Owen: I’m sure it will.

Drew puts on his glasses, clasping his hands and leaning forwards.

Drew: So anyway, I guess we’d best crack on, you’re not my only patient. What can I do for you?

Owen: Couple of weeks back I was in a match…

Drew: You’re telling me that this is a sports injury. Don’t you guys have physiotherapists for this kind of thing.

Owen: Bro, I’ve been coming to you for years… I trust your opinion more than anyone else’s.

Drew: Flattery will get you everywhere.

Owen knew he was joking, and that was partially the reason why he liked coming here. Drew wasn’t stuffy like most doctors, and anyway if it was bad news, he knew the SCW physios would potentially put him on the shelf, and he wasn’t ready for that. Just yet.

Drew: OK then, what’s going on?

Owen: One of my opponents really targeted the leg, put it through some real punishment, and ever since then, occasionally, I get a twinge behind my knee. Nothing too major, but I know it’s there.

Drew: And do you have to be putting weight on it, or can it happen anytime?

Owen: Mostly when I’m walking… but if I’m sat and bend it, it can happen then too.

Drew: Alright, let’s take a look then.

Drew gets up from behind the desk, as Owen lifts up the leg of his joggers. Drew feels around the joint, and straightens, and then bends the leg looking for any reaction from Owen.

Owen: Told you, it’s intermittent.

Drew: Well, as you can tell it is obviously bruised, and there is a certain amount of swelling as well. Think it might be worth taking a scan and making sure that there is nothing else going on not immediately apparent.

Owen: Like?

Drew: You know there are a multitude of things that could be going on. I’m not one to guess. But, going on what you have told me, I think the best course of action would be to rest and not put too much strain on the joint. So yeah, scan… and maybe a couple of weeks without having to compete and you should be right as rain.

Owen scratches the top of his head, giving the obvious impression that wasn’t something he was particularly pleased with.

Drew: That sounds like something you didn’t want to hear.

Owen: It’s not great timing that’s all.

Drew: I know you well enough to understand that you’ll probably ignore anything I say, but I have to warn you. You could be risking further damage if you don’t lay up for a while. I can only give you my professional opinion Owen, that’s what you came to me before, but whoever did that to you knew what they were doing. They were trying to take you out of action.

Owen laughs, that not being anything new to him. Adam’s obsession with him had reached almost peak levels in the run in to Retribution, Owen finding out about Alistaire had only made the situation worse. It stood to reason that even if Adam couldn’t beat him, he was going to make damn sure that any chance he had of keeping hold of the World Championship for a significant amount of time was shortened. And with this clusterfuck of a match coming up on Breakdown, he had seemingly achieved that.

Owen: Look Doc, I’ve not told many people this, but soon, very soon in fact, I’m going to stop competing. Long story short, I want to be there for my kid, and I can’t do that if I am travelling around the world, constantly chasing titles. I just need the knee to hold out long enough for me to be able to end this on my terms, and I can’t do that if I sit out this next event and end up being stripped of my title anyway. If I lose, then I’m going to go down fighting.

Drew: I’m not going to pretend I agree, but I understand how competitive you are.

Owen: Put it this way… is there a chance that everything could be OK, and I could see out the next month… two at a max?

Drew: There is always a chance.

Owen: And if the knee did go, we are not talking permanent, never walk again kind of damage, right? It could be fixed.

Drew: Without knowing the injury, no Doctor or Physio in the world would promise that, but most knee injuries can be resolved whether by surgery or rehabilitation, yes.

Owen: So, if I want to go down in a blaze of glory, rather than a whimper, it’s an option.

Drew: Who knows Owen? Only you know if the risk is worth it. As I said before, I can only give you my professional opinion.

Owen knew the clever thing to do. He knew that right now, in this moment, he should vacate the World Championship belt, and walk away, quite literally.

+++ 5th April 2023 – Los Angeles +++

Breakdown had come and gone, and as expected had been a royal shit show. There was no doubt that Kim had ‘shaken things up’, and she had also claimed back the Underground title which was he only intention. But Owen had lost the World Championship by the narrowest of margins… one fall. And although he had the United States title now, something he had never held, it was more certainly bittersweet. Owen needed to clear his head, and as far as he was concerned, that meant chatting with his Uncle, who knew exactly what it was like to have been beaten by a situation, rather than a lack of ability. After some initial small talk, of course the conversation landed at events from one of the most chaotic Breakdown’s in living history.

Shaun: So, how you feeling… must sting a little to lose the World Championship like that?

Owen: Honestly Shaun, I’m not sure how I feel about it. I mean, I have the US title now, and a rematch in the offing. Knowing SCW like I do, I’m fairly certain that they are going to do title for title, which I know Josh wanted.

Shaun: But you didn’t?

Owen shrugs his shoulders

Owen: Yeah, I did… I mean, I do. Facing and beating Josh would be real validation of who I am and what I’ve done. Don’t tell him I said this, but he is without question going to go down as one of the greatest who ever lived.

Shaun: But?

Owen lowers his head for a moment. It was true, his head was all over the place right now, and he wasn’t sure exactly where he went from here.

Owen: I’m giving all of this up Shaun. I guess, it’s all about dealing with the possibility that I could end my wrestling career with perhaps one of the most crushing defeats of my life. If it goes title for title as I expect and I lose and end up with nothing, just like before, I’ll be walking away not happy with the way everything ended. So… I guess what I am saying is would it be better to just walk away now.

Shaun listens intently as he always did, and fully understood the emotions that Owen was going through. Even now, Shaun still had moments, little pangs of guilt for the way his own career ended, and the way he walked away from his job as SCW General Manager. He knew exactly what to say though.

Shaun: And it ending like this is better… knowing that the reality is Josh Hudson didn’t beat you for the world championship? He just got more falls within a time span.

Owen: That’s the million-dollar question Shaun, I don’t know.

Shaun: Oh, I think you do.

It seemed like Shaun had something important to say, and Owen leans in closer, ready to take in what he hoped would be sage advice. Shaun had very rarely steered him wrong in the past, and Owen was now mature enough to understand that people weren’t interfering, they were helping.

Shaun: Owen, you are just like I was, just like your Dad was. For us, it is all about the spirit of competition, and proving yourself as the very best in the business. Josh Hudson has been a pain in your side for months now, and now he has taken the World Championship from you, without proving that he is the better wrestler. If you walked away now, you would always have that nagging doubt. You’d ask yourself constantly, did he really deserve to take that World title from you, and it would eat away at you, until it consumed you. At least if you step up, you take that match at the PPV, and you do what you do, you will do everything that you could. And if it wasn’t good enough, at least you would know.

Owen: Yeah, and be hearing about it from Josh forever more.

Shaun: And so, what?

Owen: What do you mean?

Shaun: So, what if he flapped his gums and told the world that he was the better competitor and more worthy of the world championship. What does it matter if it turns out that was the truth? You’re twenty-three years old and have achieved more than most people your age, why can’t that be enough? Look, in years to come, people are going to talk about these past eighteen months, and the struggles you and Josh had, just like they talk about me and Syren, and your Dad and Desolation. And believe me, Josh knows that.

Owen: He does?

Shaun nods his head emphatically.

Shaun: Damn right he does Owen. Every word might be disparaging towards you, but I promise you that Josh Hudson respects you. If he didn’t Owen, he wouldn’t be so obsessed with facing you on more time. You don’t see him saying that to anyone else, do you?

Owen: I guess not.

Shaun: He knows how good you are Owen, and he knows that this finale, if it is a finale, would be a spectacular end, no matter what happens next. That’s special, and not everyone gets to experience it. You walk away from that, not knowing, and I promise you that you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Win, you have that validation. Lose, and there is no shame losing to someone who will one day take their place in the Hall of Fame as one of the best technical wrestlers that ever existed. And it’s not just about validation for you, it’s about validation for Josh as well. He needs to know he is better than you.

Owen: Doesn’t he think he’s kicked my ass enough?

Shaun: That was then Owen. That was before you become World Champion. This isn’t about him believing you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and given chances he wasn’t. This is all about him proving that categorically he was always better than you. And honestly, I think you owe it to him.

Owen: Owe him, how do you figure that out?

Shaun laughs, recalling what he had said and how it sounded.

Shaun: Yeah, that came out wrong. He owes you too… it was obvious on Breakdown.

Owen: You’re going to have to provide some clarity here.

Shaun: Throughout that match you were constantly watching the other. Both of you wanting to get one up on the other. I’m going to be honest with you now Owen… when this is all over, the two of you will be at some wrestling convention somewhere and you’ll remember these as good times. Because the two of you have pushed each other to levels that neither thought they were capable of. You’re both of the top of your game not in spite of each other, but because of each other. And that’s special… whether you both want to admit it or not.

Owen: I never really thought about it like that.

Shaun: One more shot Owen, and believe me, win or lose you’ll be able to walk away with your head held high. Don’t do this, and you’ll always be wondering why… and you’ll never be happy in your ‘retirement’. No matter what you do next.

Owen: Well, when you say it like that…

Shaun: Give it you all Owen, prove you are better and then if you still feel the need, vacate the championship and walk away as the best in the world.

Finally, it all made sense. Although Owen had this injury niggle, he knew he had one big match left in him, and if that match proved once and for all he was at the very least Josh’s equal, that it was something that needed to be done. He was going to give it quite literally everything he had, and if it wasn’t enough… then so be it.

+++ 9th of April 2023 – New York +++

Owen was back in New York to tie up the final loose ends at the Shelter before he handed it over fully to Finch. Owen could have been nervous by the situation, but in actuality he was quite calm. Ever since Finch had ripped him off quite cruelly, led by Finn in a ruse that had ultimately failed, Finch had been every bit the loyal friend, and also a shrewd individual when it came to running the school. He had proven himself to Owen, and deserved the opportunity to really make something of himself, and to take school to even greater levels than it already was. This was good for Owen, he knew that his time in New York was over, and he needed to concentrate now on his new life in Miami. And he found himself in a really good mood as he sat at the computer and gave Finch access to files that previously he wouldn’t have been aware of. Even the knock at the door doesn’t fill him with any dread of what might be on the other side of it. Though, Finch’s face, and the two police officers stood behind him does make his heart drop a little, especially as he has already read the look on their faces, and this doesn’t seem like it’s going to be good news.

Finch: Owen… they would like a word with you.

Officer One: I’m Officer Brennon, and this is my colleague, Officer Taylor. We will only take up a few moments of your time Mr. Cruze.

Owen: Sure, come in… would you like a coffee?

Officer Brennon: No, that’s fine thank you.

Finch: Ok, I’ll leave you to it.

Finch pulls a face as he leaves, closing the door behind him. The two officers take a seat when offered by Owen who doesn’t stand.

Owen: So, what can I do for you?

Officer Brennon: I’m afraid to say we bring with us some bad news.

Owen: This is about Morris isn’t it?

Brennon nods, turning to his colleague who takes up the story.

Officer Taylor: As you know Mr. Cruze…

Owen: Please, call me Owen.

Officer Taylor: As you know Owen, Eric Morris was taken in for custody, based on the information that you gave us. Good work there by the way.

Owen shrugs, it had been a fortunate accident, but they didn’t need to know that.

Officer Taylor: Anyway, long story short, Morris was facing a very long sentence…

Owen: Was?

Officer Taylor: … Eric had some very high-ranking officials on his payroll, and information that was very useful in our investigations against them, including the Chief.

Owen: And let me guess… the State believe that information is more important than Eric Morris having killed a person?

Owen could see that he was right and was doing his best not to get angry.

Owen: So, what then? Are you telling me that he has walked away scot free?

Officer Brennon: No, thankfully that isn’t the case. But, he did negotiate a plea deal, and will now serve a lesser sentence than he would have got. You’ve nothing to worry about Owen, he’s going to be behind bars for a long time.

Owen: I guess that’s something. Still sucks though.

Officer Taylor: Unfortunately, that’s how it works. Yes, he won’t spend the rest of his life in prison, and one day will be a free man. But, because of that, we have blown apart corruption going all the way to the very top. I get you are angry, but we have to look at the bigger picture. I know that’s not what you wanted to here, but we thought it best you know.

Owen: Yeah, thank you. I appreciate that.

Officer Taylor gets to his feet, Brennon doing the same.

Officer Taylor: OK, so if you don’t have any questions, we’ll get out your hair. Sorry again Owen.

Owen: It’s fine… at least he’s not terrorizing the streets.

Officer Brennon: Exactly. Thank you for your time.

The officers leave the office, and Owen reaches into the desk drawer, pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels and pouring himself a generous measure. He doesn’t hang around, and downs the whiskey in one. It wasn’t the result he had wanted, but at least one way or another it was over and he could move on.

+++ 12th of April 2023 – New York +++

The news hadn’t been the best for Owen, but with Morris behind bars, he did still at least feel confident in Kloe and Finch taking over, and Owen not dropping them in the middle of a storm. This was officially the last day that he would have anything to do with the running of New York, and he felt relaxed in doing so, so much so Finch had believed there was something a little more, a ‘but’ that was incoming.

Finch: This still all seems a little weird to me bro, are you sure there isn’t more to this that you are not telling us.

Owen chuckles, he knew Finch had been a little on edge throughout the conversation, a lot less at ease with everything as Kloe had seemed.

Owen: What do you mean?

Finch: I mean just handing everything over. I’m glad that you trust me bro, it means everything that you’ve put me in total charge… and I promise I won’t let you down.

Owen: I know you won’t.

Finch: But it just doesn’t seem like you, handing over control of something that means so much to you.

Owen: I get that, but it doesn’t mean everything to me. Not in the same way Jen and the Baby do. And anyway, it’s not like I’m handing it over for you to run it into the ground. I’ll expect results, and if I don’t get them, we shall be having words.

Owen says it with a grin, although Finch knew he was only half joking.

Owen: So basically, that’s it Mom… Finch pretty much had control of everything else anyway so he can bring you up to speed with all of that. Just get a feel for the place, get your feet under the table and anything you need, give Finch a shout. Most of all I believe in the two of you, you’ve both got this. Do good things.

Finch: We will… so how’s Miami coming along?

Owen: Sale is complete and begin work on the place next week. Thankfully the set-up means there isn’t anything like the work we had to do here, it’s almost all in place anyway. Gonna get Pixie to do some of the marketing and social media to hopefully whip up some interest and hopefully open in two to three months. That’s the pan anyway. That will then give me a few months before the baby is born to get a Manager in place there, and then I’ll just sit back and watch the profits come in.

Laughing, he punches Finch on the arm.

Owen: Lots of profits OK Finch, this kid isn’t going to want for anything.

Finch: You got it bro.

Owen: So yeah, that’s it, back to work and make me some money.

Finch gets to his feet, but Kloe stays seated, catching Owen’s glance.

Kloe: Can I just have a quick word, Owen?

Owen: I know, you have a few misgivings working for Finch, but he’s not that bad honestly.

Finch: Hey…

Kloe: No, it’s not that I promise Finch.

Finch: No bother, I’m used to this asshole winding me up. I remember when he was shy and it was on the other foot so I guess I’ve learned to take it. I’ll leave you two to it.

Owen: Cheers bro

Finch leaves the office, leaving Owen and his Mom alone.

Owen: So, what’s up?

Kloe: It might be nothing, it’s just what Finch said. I’ve noticed it too.

Owen: What?

Kloe: You seem… uncertain about this whole thing. Like you’re not sure you are doing the right thing.

Owen: No, I am. Honestly Mom, this is the right thing to do, I know it is.

Kloe: So, what is it then? There is something, call it Mother’s intuition.

Owen: There’s just been quite a lot going on of late, I just want to be certain that you two are going to be ok.

Kloe: What does that mean?

It only seemed fair that Kloe knew what was going on, and what Owen had been through the last few months.

Owen: Look, if I tell you this, you can’t tell Finch ok? He’s got enough on his plate without dealing with that.

Kloe: OK.

Owen: There was a guy targeting this place, trying to buy me out, well trying to force me to sell actually. It’s been dealt with, I saw to that. But this guy knew a lot of people in New York and I don’t want to put you both in danger.

Kloe: Dealt with?

Owen: He’s in prison, and will be for a long time.

Kloe: I see. I don’t think I want to know how you made that happen.

Owen: Mom, I’d understand if you didn’t want to do this. But I’ve seen the things he is capable of, and it would be wrong if I didn’t warn you. You’ll have Jacob, and Jason, but this guy… he is something else. I don’t think he would do anything, not now. But I can’t rule it out.

Kloe: And that’s what’s been stressing you out?

Owen: Yeah.

Kloe: And here I was believing you were scared of becoming a Father.

Owen shakes his head emphatically.

Owen: No, not in the slightest. In fact, I’m doing all of this because I want to be a good Dad. I just don’t want to put you in danger simply because I want a quiet life. So yeah, if you want to change your mind, that’s cool.

Kloe: Do you even know me Owen?

Owen seems more than a little surprised with the question.

Owen: What do you mean?

Kloe: I was married to your Father for over a decade, do you really believe that I’ve never dealt with a little bit of danger?

Owen: I know, but

Kloe: No, seriously. I’m not going to let some wannabe gangster scare me when he’s locked up in jail. And if he does come looking, then he will get more than he has bargained for. You’re not the only tough nut in this family young man. So don’t worry.

Owen: Are you sure?

Kloe: Very. Go back to Miami and build a life for your family, that’s what’s important. And hey, if I do a good job here, maybe I can take the manager’s job at the new place.

Owen: You’d want that?

Kloe: I don’t know… we’ll have to wait and see won’t we? But, either way please don’t worry. You’ve got more than enough to deal with without worrying about me. Like you said, I’ve got this. And you know what Owen, so have you. Now, I’ll get back to work.

Kloe stands and kisses Owen on the forehead, before heading to the door and opening it.

Owen: Mom?

Kloe turns to face her son, nodding as she does.

Kloe: Yeah?

Owen: I love you.

Kloe: Love you too Owen.

And with that she leaves, the office door closing behind her. Owen feeling a little better with things, but still with that little bit of trepidation sat in the middle of his stomach, causing that familiar feeling of anxiety. He gets to his feet, taking one final look around the office and the picture of his Father on the desk. He picks up the picture, deciding then and there that it was coming with him to Miami. With a smile, he closes the door behind him, as the scene fades.

+++ 18th of April 2023 – Miami +++

Being back in Miami had allowed him to refocus and focus all his energies away from New York. That didn’t mean that he had forgotten about it, but with his Mom’s words ringing in his ears he had tried not to worry. Instead, with Jen in Miami they had spent some well-earned time together, knowing that soon all focus would be on the title for title match at what in Owen’s mind could turn out to be his last SCW PPV ever. He had of course kept up his training, planning to outlast Josh Hudson in a way he had never been able to before. But that didn’t mean that he hadn’t enjoyed his conversations with Jen about their future together, and where they saw their lives in five years’ time, even ten. Only two years ago, Owen would have struggle to believe he even had a future, never mind one as satisfying as that which he could now envision. One where he had everything he had ever needed. Right now, sat on the veranda overlooking the beach, this was exactly where he wanted to be, Jennifer looking as radiant as ever and really embracing her pregnancy, even the morning sickness which at times had been crippling for her. Owen sits, just looking at her as she reads, until he is interrupted by the house phone ringing. He instinctively looks at his mobile, with has no missed calls, and then head into the house and brings the handset out onto the veranda, He places it on the table, and presses the speaker button.

Owen: Hello…

Finch: Owen, its Finch.

Straight away, Owen senses a troubling tone in his voice, telling him that something was wrong.

Owen: Hey man, what’s up?

Finch: Are you sat down?

Jennifer puts her book down, also understanding Finch’s tone.

Owen: It’s not Mom is it?

Finch: No, it’s nothing like that, but are you sat down?

Owen: Yeah, what’s wrong Finch?

Finch: The school, it was broken into last night and it’s been ransacked. Serious Owen, whoever this was did a real number on the place. It’s going to cost a bomb to fix and we are going to have to close for a while.

Owen is silent, his mind already whirring with the possibilities.

Finch: Owen?

Owen: No one was hurt right?

Finch: No, doesn’t look like that was the intention. They didn’t break into the office, or steal the cash from the safe. It just looked like they want to cause as much damage as they possibly could. It would have been worse, but a couple of the residents disturbed them and they did one.

Owen: OK, well, figure out how much it is going to cost to put it right, and get an estimate on a revamped security system.

Finch: No problem, you reckon this was vandals?

Owen: Maybe. Or could be one of Morris’s goons looking to cause trouble. Might even be Kandis and Tommy for all we know. Not bothered about that right now anyway. Let’s just get it all sorted and get the place back open. Might be worth thinking about employing a guard or something. Just for the foreseeable.

Finch: I’ll look into it.

Owen: Ok, well thanks for letting me know Finch.

Finch: Err, that’s not all the news, I have for you.

Owen: You mean there’s more?

His mobile phone pings, Owen picking it up.

Finch: I’ve just sent you a link to a website.

Owen clicks on the link, and immediately his eyes widen as he focusses on the headline.


Owen then goes on to read the article that explains in vivid detail how Eric Morris was stabbed over seventeen times in his prison cell, and had died before the prison guards had got to him

Finch: Mad, isn’t it?

Owen: Seems someone didn’t like him in there.

Finch: By the sound of it, there wasn’t many who liked him out here.

Owen: He would have had his fair share of enemies that’s for sure.

Owen slides the phone over to Jennifer who reads as Owen continues to speak with Finch.

Owen: OK, well unless you have some other ‘good’ news to share?

Finch: No reckon that’s it.

Owen: I’ll leave you to it then… don’t worry about the cost bro, just keep the place safe ok?

Finch: Got it, talk to you later Owen.

Owen: Cool

The line goes dead, Owen looking up at Jennifer who is reading the article in some shock.

Jennifer: I mean, I guess it means he is out of your life now.

Owen: Yeah, couldn’t guessed this would happen. Someone like that in prison. I just thought he’d buy his way out of trouble like he always did.

Jennifer: You ok?

Owen: Yeah, it’s just Mom and Finch being there, it worries me.

Jennifer: So what you thinking?

Owen: Maybe I should just call it quits. Close the place down because it’s been more trouble than it is…

Jennifer: Worth? You don’t mean that surely. The people you help wouldn’t see it like that.

Owen: I know, but this is my Mom, I can’t lose her.

Jennifer: I get that, but there is nothing to suggest that this isn’t anything but some idiots, high on meth or something worse. Look, I’ll support you with whatever you decide to do, you know that don’t you?

Owen: Of course.

Jennifer: All I’m saying is have a bit more faith in them. They wouldn’t be there unless they wanted to be, would they?

Owen: I guess not

Owen’s phone goes off again, Jennifer eyes widening at the text message which she reads, and then passes the phone back to Owen biting her bottom lip. Owen reads it, a deep sigh escaping as he focusses on just three words from an unknown number.


Scene fades.
[Image: 270041540-258425806375597-7033161467703002046-n.png]
A History of Violence: Book III: Precium, Chapter One
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)
+++ FLASHBACK 15th of August 2010 – Newquay +++

There was nothing special about this day, I have no clue why I remember it so vividly. In fact, I could have picked many moments just like this one. Weird how the mind does that. I can remember, at ten years old I didn’t care about wrestling, didn’t even watch Dad on the television in fact. All I care about was my Xbox, and playing football, nothing else mattered. This memory though, I can remember kicking the ball against the fence because I had no one to play with. I was bored… so very bored, and I knew Mom didn’t like me doing that, so I was no real surprise when she admonished me for it.

Kloe: Owen, how many times have I told you not to do that?

Owen: Sorry Mom.

I stopped immediately, I had no intention of another admonishment by Mom, considering it was only a couple of weeks that a friend of mine had put the ball straight through the kitchen window. She must have recognized that I was bored, because she stopped hanging up washing on the rotary drier and walked over to me. I was now three weeks into the summer holidays, and she knew it was taking its toll. If there was something I always remember about Mom from being a child, she always knew what I was thinking. I guess that fact had never changed.

Kloe: Why don’t you go and call for your friends?

Owen: They are all on holiday. Why can’t we go on holiday Mom?

Kloe: We will… it’s just difficult finding time with your dad working.

Dad was currently a World Champion for the third time, not that it meant anything to me. However, I did know that he was quite important, and with that importance came a lot of responsibility. I didn’t care about that though; I was ten years old. All I wanted to do was go on holiday, to perhaps a waterpark, like most kids my age did. As far as I was concerned Dad’s job just got in the way. I wasn’t a bad kid though, I didn’t sulk about it, though inwardly I wished Dad wasn’t as special as it seemed everyone believed he was. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t his priority. I guess I still don’t. But I wasn’t the kind of kid to kick off about it.

Kloe: It won’t be forever Owen. A couple more years, and your Dad will be set for life. He won’t do this forever, he loves you, I promise.

That sentence now looked more than a little dated. I’ve no doubt that Mom believed Dad when he said he’s walk away, but history had shown that he never did. He couldn’t get the business out of his bones, he lived for the business and nothing else. And ultimately it had cost him his marriage. Dad thought he was doing the right thing, he believed he was making a good life for his family, a life that he hadn’t had. But he wasn’t. He was missing the most critical moments, time with a family that needed him, especially me. Ironically, he had not long since walked away when his heart broke down. He’d finally made a choice he probably should have made over a decade before. It was one of his biggest regrets, he’d told many people exactly that. But by the time he had realized it, it was too late.

Owen: I know. It’s OK.

Mom knew that it wasn’t OK, but she also knew how much the business meant to Orlando, and how hard he had worked to be who he currently was. I remember her ruffling my hair, wishing that she could do more, to make how I was feeling right now that little bit better. She couldn’t of course, there was only one thing that could make it all better, but that couldn’t happen, or at least wouldn’t happen. And both mom and I knew it.

Kloe: We’ll go to the shops in a bit, buy you that game that you wanted, how does that sound?

Owen: Sound’s great Mom. Thanks.

I tried to sound excited, but probably came across like a spoilt brat. I did want the game, but I wanted something else more. I remember feeling guilty about my tone, the look on mom’s face making me realize that she was trying.

Owen: I’ve got some games I could trade. There’s a lot I don’t play anymore

Kloe: That sounds like a good idea Owen. I’ll finish up here and then we’ll get ready. If you’re good, I may even take you for an Ice Cream.

Owen: At Mrs. Whippy’s?

That place was amazing and had Ice Cream to die for, and chocolate sprinkles that melted in the mouth. It literally was one of my favorite childhood memories and it was always a real treat for me to go there, but I can’t ever remember Dad being there too. I just thought it as something that me and Mom did, like most things actually. In fact, I know Shaun came with us a few times. Shaun was brilliant around that time, filling in the gaps that Dad left.

Kloe: Sure, but only if you’re good.

I was always good, never really in trouble at school, never really a problem for my parents. It always seemed like just something Mom said, but never really meant. As if she incentivized me, even though she didn’t need to. I went back to doing kick ups, and I was pretty good to be fair. At that point, I firmly believed I was going to become a professional football and turn out for Liverpool when I got older. I only supported Liverpool because Shaun did, and he had taken me to a couple of matches, leaving me obsessed with the noise and atmosphere. It’s something that I brought with me into wrestling, feeling the crowd and working with it. I understood how the fans basically sucked the ball into the net from the Kop End, and now know that on many occasions my fans had pulled me from the jaws of defeat.

Orlando: Morning

It didn’t matter, whenever Dad entered a room, or in this case the garden, he commanded it with his presence. Yeah, I wished he was around more that was for certain, but even so I worshipped him.

Kloe: Morning, Good rest?

Orlando: Yeah, think I needed it, the jet lag is killing me but that’s the job.

Kloe: Owen and I were thinking about going to the shops, do you fancy it?

I’ve no doubt that my heart skipped a beat. It was only the shops, but the thought of Me, Mom and Dad being together, it would have made me forget everything else that had done before. I turned from Mom, and faced Dad, and immediately I knew that wish wasn’t going to be granted, and he was going to come out with a well-worn excuse. The one thing about Dad was, he never lied. He was always straight forward and told it how it was. Even though it wasn’t what I wanted to hear, the words still came from his mouth like a bullet to my chest.

Orlando: I can’t Kloe. I told you. I’m driving to London this morning for a photoshoot. The company is really trying to push into Europe now and being the champion…

Kloe: It’s your responsibility to make sure you do everything you can to make it happen. I know.

I remember them looking at each other, though neither said another word. They had a few rules, and one of them was that they never argued in front of me. I’d heard them at night when I was in bed, discussing various things, sometimes me and on some occasions, it had gotten quite heated. But by the time Owen got up in the morning for breakfast it was as if nothing had happened. In this moment though, I knew that Mom was just as disappointed as I was. Dad knew it as well.

Orlando: I’ll make it up to you both. It won’t be forever.

Kloe: Yeah, we know.

Mom picked up her washing basket, and I recall he almost stomping into the kitchen, closing the French doors behind her. I don’t know for sure what happened next, but I’m guessing it involved her crying because I remember her eyes being red when we went to the shops about ten minutes later. I didn’t understand why at the time of course, I was more concerned about my ice-cream by then. It was tough back then, but that doesn’t stop me wishing I could go back because it was a great deal simpler than life is right now. It always is when you are a child, you just don’t see it for yourself until you get older. Dad knew he’d messed up but felt like he couldn’t do anything about it. As he stood there, just looking towards the doors, he should have gone after Mom, but he didn’t. I recall a lot of people saying that I must have the perfect family, but I didn’t. Far from it in fact. There were cracks, and I now see that those cracks had formed because of wrestling. I had no doubt that if Dad had never been a wrestler, their marriage would have lasted.

Owen: Can’t you come Dad. Just this once.

He obviously wasn’t ready for the question. His mind having wandered as to what he could do to make it better with his wife. He did however come down to my level and put his hands on my shoulders.

Orlando: Maybe next time Kid. OK?

I probably nodded my head; I don’t know for sure. What I do know is if I did, I didn’t mean it, and it wasn’t ok. Not at all. I knew he probably felt guilty, or at least I hope he did. I even knew he loved me; Mom would reinforce this every single time. So, if he said he would make it up to me, or next time he would come along, I always gave him the benefit of the doubt, because I didn’t want him to feel any worse than he probably did. I remember that it felt like he is prioritizing the business over me but accepting it as it seemed he didn’t have any choice. But he did have a choice. There is always a choice. Happy that I was alright, he then went off to try and make it up to Mom. I don’t know if he did or not, but in these moments, it always seemed like she only wanted to keep the peace instead of doing something about it. Five minutes later she came back out as I sat on my football, waiting for my trip to the shops that some of the glean had been taken from. I remember hearing the car start, I knew the noise of Dad’s car, the roar as he drove up the drive and away to London without even saying goodbye. Mom wiped away a tear that had escaped even though I’d done my best not to cry.

Kloe: It will be ok Owen. You and I will have the best day.

And I have no doubt that we did. By the time I went to bed that evening, not about to sleep because of the sugar in my system, there would have been no question that the day had turned out OK. It was probably the reason I remembered it so well. This cycle would continue throughout my formative years, up until I reached the age of fourteen and decided that maybe, wrestling was something I could do. Then, Dad and I had some common ground and spent more time together than we ever had. I never hated him, I couldn’t. He had given me a good life as promised and the best things. Of course, I came to learn he wasn’t my real blood Father, so I appreciated that he took me on when he probably didn’t have to. But in those early years, when it mattered, he hadn’t given me what I needed. And that was down to wrestling, no question. Remembering this day above all others, there was no way I was going to make the same mistakes. Not now. Not ever. No way.

+++ 19th of April 2023 – Miami +++

With this being quite literally the most important match of his life, Owen had asked Shaun if he would fly to Miami to help him train, to see if he could find any chinks in Josh Hudson’s armor that Owen hadn’t picked up on. As it had turned out, there were a couple of things that they had worked on, but in the main, Shaun had been surprised by how prepared Owen actually was. For Owen, it was a matter of course, he’d fought Josh that often, he knew him like the back of his hand, but in the past Josh had always prevailed. The minor details that Shaun had found could turn out to be the difference, and Owen was appreciative of that. But not only for training purposes, Owen was happy to have Shaun around. He’d already spoken of his next steps to Jennifer, and she was fully on board with everything that he had decided, as she promised she would be. But even now at twenty-three, he appreciated and valued Shaun’s opinion, something that hadn’t always been the case. With training over for the day, they now sit on Owen’s boat, which had been his fathers, Jennifer recently having reacquired it for Owen’s birthday. They both lifts their bottles of Coors, and clink them together before then taking long swigs, reward for their exertions. Shaun looks out over the water, remembering the many times he had sat in this exact position with his brother, appreciating the moment.

Shaun: I’ve missed this, Sun shining, sat on the water. Orlando loved this boat.

Owen: Yeah, I know, it was quite the shock when Jennifer bought it for me. Looking forward to when the renovations have done, and I can take it out.

Shaun: You going to take up fishing?

Owen: I think so… might need a refresher if you don’t mind?

Shaun: Mind? I’d love to. You’d have to have more time than you do now, so can I assume you’ve come to a decision about your future.

Owen: Yeah. I have.

Owen looks out over the water, it had been a difficult decision, but it was one that he’d given a lot of thought to. He wasn’t afraid to admit that he’d had a few sleepless nights, but having made the decision, he has then started sleeping like a baby.

Shaun: So, what you going to do?

Owen takes another sip from the bottle, before turning back towards his uncle.

Owen: After I lost the World title thanks to Kim’s little stipulation, I’ll be honest with you Shaun, I was ready to walk away right there and then. Since I fought Allocco at Retribution, I’ve been struggling with the leg he focused on…

Shaun: Is it bad?

Owen: Not really, the occasional twinges, but bad enough for Drew to tell me that I needed to rest up for a couple of months.

Shaun: He wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t true.

Owen: I know. But the more I thought about it, the more I went back to how it ended last time. The bad taste that was left in my mouth after what I did. So, I concluded that if I walked away after Kim’s antics, I wouldn’t leave feeling whole. I’d just be in another vicious circle and end up coming back again. Fact is, I need to know if I’m good enough to beat Josh one on one, with everything on the line. The knee will hold with an injection, I know it will, so there won’t be any excuses. He says he wants to prove he is better than me, and I can’t walk away without knowing that either. We BOTH need this match, a proper conclusion to all that we have been through these last two years. If I lose, so be it. There will be no shame in losing to perhaps the best pound for pound competitor in the world and at least I’ll know.

Shaun: And then?

Owen: I’m going to fight for my life Shaun. I’m going to give the best performance of my career to retain the United States Championship and regain the World title. But win or lose, my contract ends after the PPV, and I won’t be signing the new one they have offered. If I lose, I’ll walk away knowing I gave my all, but it wasn’t good enough. If I win, then I’ll walk away, vacating the Championships so that someone else can create their own legacy. But more important that anything Shaun, in either circumstance I’ll walk away content. And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?

Shaun nods, he would have only disagreed if it wasn’t obvious that Owen had contemplated this decision more than any other in his life. They had spoken many times of how Owen never felt that Orlando was there when he was younger, and it was obvious that Owen had no intention of making the same mistakes. Wrestling did take up a lot of your life, Shaun knew that better than anyone, and still even now, Shaun always had that itch to return. Owen seemed different though, he seemed committed to his decision and that’s all Shaun could ask. Shaun truly believed that Owen would never return to the industry.

Shaun: So, this really is it then?

Owen: For sure. When I first started thinking about this, I thought I might come back when the baby was older. But I remember Dad not being around all the way into my teenage years. He really only became a huge part of my life when I started wrestling. I don’t blame him though; he did what he had to. Wrestling sucks, the soul out of you…

They both laugh, it wasn’t quite that dramatic.

Shaun: It’s not easy flying all around America and the World that’s for sure.

Owen: But it’s not just that Shaun. If I’m going to commit fully to being a father, then there are other things that I need to remove from my life.

Shaun: Such as.

Owen: I’m going to sell my stake in ‘Next Level’ to Adam Lucas and let him do what he wants with it. I’m still going ahead with the gym here in Miami, but I’m getting out of all that crap in New York.

Shaun: What about Finch and Kloe?

Owen: I’ll bring them here, both of them made noises about it. Mom can be closer to the baby, and Finch will love it here, it’s just like LA but not quite as pretentious.

Shaun: Hey…

Owen: Jacob and Jason will be fine, and Reed has his own life now. I just can’t be done with the hassle anymore Shaun. I want a quiet life, a normal life, and I can’t do that with this hanging over me.

He slides his mobile phone across the table, showing the text that he had received the other day. Shaun’s eyes widen as he reads it.

Owen: That’s not from Morris by the way, he was murdered in his cell.

Shaun: Shit.

Owen: But still, ‘Next Level’ got broken in and vandalized, so someone still has an axe to grind or as taken on Eric’s mantle. I’m not putting Kloe or Finch in that position where they could get hurt. I can’t do that to them.

Shaun: But you will Adam?

Owen shakes his head, that not being the case at all.

Owen: No, I’ll advise for us to sell up altogether, sell the building and all the equipment together and hope that someone takes it on and does the same good work I was trying to do. If Adam decides to continue, I’ll give him all the facts and then it will be up to him. But he was never really much to do with it anyway.

Shaun: And the residents?

Owen: Like I say, I hope the place stays open, I really do. But the reality is Shaun, I’ve got to keep my family safe. I’m sorry for them, but it has to be the way.

Shaun: I understand that.

Owen: Maybe the State can do something for once… but I doubt it.

Shaun slides the phone back, Owen leaving it where it lays.

Owen: So?

Shaun: So?

Owen: This is where you tell me that I’m being selfish isn’t it?

Shaun shakes his head

Shaun: No, because you’re not. You’re doing this for your family. You’re doing this because you want to be there for both the baby and Jennifer. I’m proud of you Owen, and more importantly, I know Orlando would have been as well. You’re a better man than both of us.

Owen chugs the beer, and then pulls another two from the cooler, opening them and passing one to Shaun who downs his original and puts it on the deck. Owen picks up his phone and seems to be typing a text message.

Owen: Dad always said he wanted the best for me. One of the last things he told me was that he wanted me to be happy, and this way… I know I will be. I’ve had enough Shaun… right here, is all that I need.

He pushes the mobile back to the table, giving Shaun the opportunity to see the text message, his reply to the anonymous text he had received previously. Shaun looks at it and raises his bottle towards Owen.

“It IS over. I’m DONE.”

Owen’s finger hovers over the ‘send’ button, and he looks towards Shaun, a smirk on his face, as he returns the favor, raising his own bottle, before sending the message.

Shaun: To the future

Owen: To family

They clink the bottles once more, and both drink, as the scene slowly fades.

+++ 21st of April 2023 – Kansas City +++

Owen sits on a single seat, his leg raised on the footrest. This isn’t a promo filmed by the banks of a river, or in front of the arena. Owen had kept this simple, and purposely so. He didn’t want this to be about his surroundings, or the environment. His words were the only thing that mattered here. With a nod towards the camera, he starts to speak, his voice containing a ‘cracking’ in it, giving away just how emotional he was right now.

“Throughout my formative years, probably up until the age of fourteen, I never really took an interest in wrestling. Of course, Dad being who he was, I knew all about the industry and had spent a fair amount of time backstage at one of the many events he competed at. But being one of them, it never interested me. If you sat my mom down and asked her what I would grow up to be, I have no doubt she would have said a Soccer player, even to this day I don’t mind mixing it up on a five-a-side pitch, or an artist… she’d probably even mention singing, another of my ‘hidden’ talents. But a wrestler? Nah, not a chance. And anyways, compared to the likes of my dad and Shaun, I was always going to be too small to mix it with some unbelievably strong individuals who would break me in half. No, I wasn’t going to be a wrestler back then, and I have no doubt that Mom was glad about that. Dad, maybe not as much.”

Owen smiles, his dad had always held a hope that the bug would bite him, and eventually at fourteen it did, and then some.

“So yeah, I may well be a second-generation talent, and yeah, I’ve no doubt that there are people out there that even now believe I was given everything I needed to succeed, and that my success was inevitable. But that is a million miles away from the case. In fact, in some ways I probably had to work that little bit harder to succeed, because of what my surname is. It didn’t come easy. It never HAS come easy. And there have been many, MANY sacrifices made along the way. I hope that people now realize that.”

He lowers his head for a second, just composing himself a little before he continues.

“I know I’m not the only one who’s had to cope with those kinds of pressures. You only must look at some of the names that have walked these corridors, to know that I’m not trying to make my journey look in anyway unique. Streets, Helms, Cannons, all with their own second-generation talents. You ask any of them, AJ, Jennifer… take your pick of the Streets, and they will tell you the same thing. Breaking from those immense shadows is sometimes even harder than becoming the best in the World. I became World Champion at nineteen years old, way before I was ready to carry such an honor. Did winning that championship stop the comparisons with Orlando, and indeed Shaun? Nah, not in the slightest. And get this, only now have those comparisons faded to nothing more than white noise. With a second World Championship reign, and my first Unites States title I one hundred percent believe that FINALLY, I have formed my own legacy. Finally, I have claimed my own place in the history books. At last, the name Owen Cruze carries some weight. I feel that at last, it’s not just Orlando and Shaun’s surname that is filling arenas around the world. When I hear the ‘Cruze’ chant reverberate around those stadiums, no matter the country in which we are performing, I’m at peace with the fact that they are not chanting for a bygone era. I believe that at last, and after everything I ever did to try and displace their loyalties, they are chanting for me. And yet still Josh Hudson… because of you, that isn’t enough.”

Owen’s eyes narrow just slightly, as his emotions threaten to spill out all over the screen.

“The reality of this is simple. What happened on Breakdown a couple of weeks ago, that’s done. Kim got her ‘precious’ back so that she can lose it again in the next few weeks, you and I swapped championships, you become the World Champion and me claiming the United States version. But I’m sure you would agree with me, that no matter how important those titles are, they have become secondary when it comes to trying to explain what is about to happen on April the 23rd, at Playing the Wild Card. And I know, that sounds stupid doesn’t it? It sounds like I am belittling everything that those championships stand for. But the truth is, I cannot think of a better way of showcasing EXACTLY what they mean.

Look at it this way Josh, the SCW has always been about competition, and without it the company could never have thrived in the way it has. Those two championships, no matter their stature, symbolize what you and I have done over the past eighteen months to two years. I remember when this all first started, you thought very little of me right? You, just like everybody else believed that I’d been handed chances, just because of who I was related to. Now, you paint a different picture, one of needing to put me in my place one last time, to prove yourself better than me, and I have literally no problem with that, how could I?

That’s why coming into this match Josh, validation must be the buzz word. For you, proof that you were always better than me, a need bordering on obsession might I add. For me, no longer is about do I deserve to carry my surname. No, it’s about validating the fact that I AM the best in the world. Because even with that United States title, you still believed yourself better didn’t you Josh? Almost to the point of disrespecting what you had. Yes, the World and US titles are on the line, and the fans will pack that arena I promise you to see which of us walks about with both those titles and puts any other viewpoints to bed. But this isn’t solely about that, and if you don’t already understand that you need to catch up, and quick. It’s about proving that YES, I was good enough to stand in front of a camera with the World Championship strap draped over my shoulder and it wasn’t just a matter of circumstance. It’s about proving I was the right man to hold it and refusing to play ‘victim’ thanks to another person’s obsession with the Underground Championship. It’s about proving YOU wrong.”

Owen gets off the seat, and lifts the chair out of screen shot, making the scene even simpler.

“See I doubt that someone like you had ever been victimized, I doubt you would allow yourself to be, such is your strength of character. I think it is much more likely for you to be the aggressor, than the victim. I assume you are wondering what my point is? I’m going to tell you. Can you remember the first thing you said to me when I made my return? How I turned my back on the fans who made me? You remember, that right? I don’t know if you did that to anger me, but if you did it worked. Out of everything you have ever said to me, it was that one statement that hurt the most. And do you know why? You never once took into consideration everything I had been through. And even more damning, you simply didn’t care. I know what I did, I didn’t need reminding. What I needed was one of the most senior wrestlers on this roster to give me a chance. Even though I’d gone through my Father dying when I was young, even though I’d had Giovanni Aries in my ear for the best part of two years, you didn’t give a damn. All I needed was anyone to say, we all make mistakes, learn from them. But instead, you were hell-bent on using it to make a point for your own selfish gains. You used something so personal to me, to further you own claims. You used ME for your validation at my lowest ebb, you sanctimonious piece of shit… and now the tables must turn.

And when I get that validation Josh, I hope that finally you will give me the respect that I have undoubtedly earned over the past four’s years. I hope, that just like I have you, even though you may not like me, you will respect me for pushing your boundaries to places that you never thought possible. When I finally beat you in the middle of that ring, something that I have been incapable of doing thus far. When I make you pay for all that you have done for me, and the constant bile that has poured from your mouth because you were able to make me ‘tap out’, I’ll thank you. Yeah, that’s right. There will be no ‘told you so’s’ or sticking my tongue out. I won’t belittle you even further on social media, like you attempted to do to me. I’ll offer my hand, and I’ll tell you, genuinely, thank you. For being the man who pushed me right to the very end. And then beaten, ego bruised, you’ll have no choice but to watch as I vacate BOTH titles and walk off into the sunset.”

His face visibly changes to one of pure determination, and the crackling in his voice has all but diminished as he continues.

“Because yes, that’s right. The things that you were apparently ‘hearing’ backstage are true. No matter what happens at Playing the Wild Card, this event WILL be my last match. My contract runs out at the PPV, and I have already told Olek of my intentions to not renew. As you are more than aware, I only came back for my redemption, becoming World Champion was a bonus. Some things ARE more important than this business, namely my fiancée being pregnant and a child on the way. And I won’t make the mistakes of my Father. See, I’ve done the whole wondering when my dad was coming back from his latest trip, or why I couldn’t go on the same vacations that my friends were going on, all because of my Dad having to work. I’ve seen the stories of wives having to go through pregnancy and childbirth, because their husbands were chasing the dream. It’s not a weakness to tell you Josh, in words that even you’ll understand, wrestling has never been my be all and end all. In fact, it’s a strength. Because I always knew that I’d recognize when it was time to walk away and would never be someone who went past their sell by date. And the time to walk away is now, towards a better life with my young family. I’m going to be there for them, not sporadically but every step of the way. And just like you won’t be able to stop me from beating you this weekend, neither will you be able to stop me from walking away and you never having the opportunity to scratch that biggest of itch. And I know, that will get to you even more than losing those titles. And you know what fella? It couldn’t happen to a better guy.”

Owen laughs, making his thoughts clearly known

“Because you and Adam Allocco are pretty much cut from the same cloth. Your hatred for me and my family far surpassing anything to do with what I can undoubtedly do in that ring. For Adam it started with Dad consistently being a pain in his backside. For you Josh, it was Shaun taking the IWC Championship from you in a match that you weren’t ‘supposed’ to lose. Me, I was the unfortunate one, bearing the brunt of your two’s bruised egos, but not for much longer. On commentary last Breakdown the team suggested I hate you, when that most certainly isn’t the case. The same can’t be said for you though, can it? That hatred, you get one more chance to get it out of your system, and then I’m gone. But I’m sorry, because right now, I am more equipped to beat you than I ever have been. As my sands of time end, so do yours but not out of choice. As I go out at the top of my game, eventually you will leave with your powers on the wane. Because let me assure you, I’m glad that I am getting this final opportunity, and don’t think for one second that anything I have told you previously, is going to have any bearing on how far I will go to ensure that you leave with nothing this weekend. You might mistakenly believe that I won’t have what it takes because my mind is already made up, it would be a classic Josh Hudson thought process after all. That in some way I don’t care. That’s the logic that you will come up with in response, I’m sure.

But don’t you see Josh, if anything, I can fight HARDER than I have in my entire life, knowing that this is the last hurrah. I don’t have to leave some gas in the tank, so that I can defend those titles down the line, I CAN put all my eggs in the one basket. Because even if you win Josh, look what waits for you. Selena, Kandis, and Syren to name but a few. Me, I’ll have bottle feeds and late nights to look forward to, and I can’t wait. I don’t have to have any reserves or worry about laying my body on the line one more time. But you hold all the aches and pains from a brutal career. Frailties that I can tap into, knowing that I have legitimately none to worry about.

Do you really think that I’m going to leave all this behind without the biggest bang possible?

This is perhaps one of the biggest main events in years so you cannot possibly understand what that statement really means to me. A final match that will be remembered for ALL time. And when all is said and done Josh, who would be better than you? You’ll claim that this match is important purely because of you being in it, of course you will, but who would be better suited to share this stage with me one last time, than the man who taught me almost as much as Orlando and Shaun? It’s funny, isn’t it? How easily that rolls off the tongue. But the reality is, that it is the truth. Because of you, I have pushed myself to get better, and better. Breaking down the boundaries of what I believed I could achieve and becoming so much more. I can absorb punishment now that even after Daisy had done her thing, I still wasn’t capable of. I’m faster than I was. More agile than I was. And now, I find myself being able to go toe to toe with one of the most strategic wrestlers in the World in Adam Allocco. All that Josh, YOU had a say in it. You wanted me to become the best version of myself, well here I am. Better than I have ever been. The only question left now, is am I better than even you?”

His final narrative is coming to its end, and Owen has to pause, rubbing his eyes to hide their glistening effect as his emotions start to push themselves to the surface. He even bites his bottom lip to quell them, but he cannot hide it, and knowing that he looks directly into the camera, not caring any longer, and allowing everyone listening to see how raw this was for him.

“This is a question I have to answer for my own sanity. I CAN leave having not solved the equation, but I cannot leave having come so far, but not knowing that maybe I had surpassed someone who has become the benchmark for Supreme Championship wrestling. Make no bones about it Josh, I don’t care if I leave this company as a dual world champion and leave you with nothing. I don’t even care if you manage to pick yourself up and claim one of those belts back in a tournament or whatever way Olek decides to resolve the situation I will leave behind. I don’t even care if you don’t come back, and skulk off into an abyss, never to be seen again, though that would be a shame considering the good you could do for this industry. I DON’T CARE if you slowly die inside, knowing that your chance to claim revenge will NEVER, EVER come.”

Owen wipes his eyes with the back of his hand, given himself a wry smile at the moisture he sees.

“My entire career has been based around doing this for others. My time, in the main barring one faux pas, spent serving the betterment of this company. Now, at the end, I intend closing this chapter, my story, by doing something solely for myself. The final act… an apparent selfish act. The final gift being, one to myself… except of course, you are you are one of the many who would love to see Josh lose. The Icon is gone. The Impact Player had his day. At Playing the Wildcard, The ‘Legacy’ will be born…, and so.”

He takes on final deep breath.


This has been my journey. There will be no cliff-hangers, no bullshit finales or dream sequences, and only a dramatic, satisfying conclusion. So as Dr. Seuss said, don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

Owen nods his head, remembering some of those moments that flash through his mind at quick fire speed. He kisses his hand, and then blows it towards the camera, a gentle smile forming on his face.

“So, to anyone who ever paid good money to see me, or who chanted my name from home, I thank you. To those that bought my merchandize, or who maybe just simply came up to me and said hello. Know that I love you all. And I invite every single one of you to join me as I try to shock the world… one last time.

Regale in the moment, the fondest of farewells, as I finally put Josh Hudson to the sword, and become World Champion again. Taking my place in this companies’ folklore…”

He winks and then salutes the camera, a huge smile etched on his face

“…just like I was ALWAYS born to do.”

A final nod, and Owen walks off camera, leaving the now empty room. And it is on that image that the scene slowly fades.
[Image: 270041540-258425806375597-7033161467703002046-n.png]
OOC: Been at this almost a year, bro. It's coming to an end. Good luck. It's been a pleasurable pain in the ass.

A History of Violence: Book III: Precium, Chapter Two
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)

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