Abigail Lindsay vs. Gigi Steward
Abigail Lindsay vs. Gigi Steward

Following their win of the SCW World Tag Team Champions, Abigail Lindsay and Dawn Lohan will be riding high. But Abigail Lindsay will now make her singles debut for SCW and face off against the former SCW Women’s Champion Gigi Steward. Given that Katie Steward and Gigi Steward just came off an impressive win against Sam Raine and Crissy Gardner at the Rise to Greatness Pre-Show, could this be an opportunity for the Stewards to paint themselves as challengers to Lohan Country? 
-2 RP Limit for singles matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, August 14, 2018
[Image: 3zThvbB.jpg]
SCW Demi-Goddess | Giovanna Steward | "Their War Games"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at the apartment of Gigi and Maddy Steward. The scene opens inside the living room where both the Steward girls sits on the couch and chill after a hectic and fun Rise to Greatness event SCW put on it. They have a PS4 controller in hand and play some duo games in Fortnite. While they’re playing Gigi’s phone buzzes getting a call from someone.}

Madison Steward: Whose calling you?

Giovanna Steward: It’s probably Katie checking in again. She’s been bugging ever since Rise to Greatness and our win over Crissy and Sam. It was exciting don’t get me wrong and if it gets us closer to maybe getting a Tag Team Title shot then it’ll be amazing. To be champions with Katie is a dream.

Madison Steward: Yeah, I bet it’ll be something.

Giovanna Steward: There is still plenty of time for us, Maddy. I know Katie would love to win the titles with me first. That is why she is currently bugging me by calling me every hour.

Madison Steward: Well let’s finish this game and you can get back to your tag team partner.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah, let’s do that.

{Gigi and Maddy continue to play their duos game in Fortnite as they’ve survived to the last 20 people in the royale.}

Madison Steward: So what do you think of the new champs and SCW being in Lohan Country.

Giovanna Steward: I’m happy. I know things didn’t go the way of friendship with Dawn a long time ago. My Goddess, that feels like forever. Only means I’m even more happy for her and Abigail. It also means I got to be at my best.

{Right as Gigi finishes her sentence her character in the game gets kill.}

Madison Steward: Are you serious right now?

Giovanna Steward: Sorry.

{Maddy exits the game as there isn’t a reason to continue to go against ten other teams.}

Madison Steward: Wanna queue up again?

Giovanna Steward: In a minute, I need to do a couple of things.

Madison Steward: Ok, I’ll wait.

{Gigi sets her controller aside and she gets up off the couch and leaves the room. Maddy waits for Gigi to return and she sits up on the couch and stretches her arms.  She leans back on the couch and continues to wait. She begins to think about all kinds of things. It is usually not a go thing for a Steward’s mind to wonder as they’ve been known for some rather devilish things. However this time things are well just about the same as Maddy gets a thought. She grabs her phone and opens up twitter and sends out a tweet.  She finishes the tweet  and puts her phone down and smiles as she is quite proud of whatever it was she sent out. Gigi returns back into the room and rejoins Maddy for another round of Fortnite. The game matches them up with their next royale  and they fly into battle. Gigi’s phone begins to buzz.}

Giovanna Steward: My Goddess, are we streaming on Twitch or something? It’s like she knows when to call when the game begins.

Madison Steward: I guess you should’ve called her back when you had a minute.

Giovanna Steward: I guess.

{Gigi’s character glides down into battle she has a minute to check her phone. She grabs it and sees what is happening. There is the call from Katie from earlier, but she’s now flooded with messages from twitter.}

Giovanna Steward: Woah. What’s happening? Why is @ing me?

Madison Steward: Maybe we really are being streamed. What do you think about that. G?

{Gigi ignores the question as she is busy trying to figure out what is going on. She checks her and Maddy shared twitter account and notices a tweet send out a minute ago to Dawn challenging Lohan Country to a special Fortnite war game.}

Giovanna Steward: Why is Dawn calling me out saying I’m really asking for an embarrassment this week?

Madison Steward: Did she see the tweet? We’re going to surprise them when they remember it’s not just Katie and you with the target, but I want some action too.

Giovanna Steward: Ok I get that, but why does she think I send out the tweet? She’s coming after me?

Madison Steward: What? It’s probably just a little trash talking. It’s nothing we haven’t heard over comms in this game.

{Maddy picks up her phone and checks twitter again. She laughs it off.}

Madison Steward: She’s is so funny. Come on G, this is some fun rivalry we can do. Before Breakdown we can have a little Fortnite Battle Royale against Lohan Country. Get you some momentum heading into the show.

Giovanna Steward: Well that does sound pretty nice.

Madison Steward: Of course it did and you’re welcome. I’m your partner, G. I’m always looking out for you.

Giovanna Steward: We’re not going to freebird rule the tag team titles.

Madison Steward: Didn’t hurt to try.

{Gigi and Maddy turn their attention back to the game as they exit the battle as they died minutes ago from being AFK and the scene fades.}

{The scene opens up backstage at SCW Breakdown where Gigi and Maddy are wandering around. Gigi questions Maddy how this is going to work with Lohan Country and their Fortnite battle.}

Giovanna Steward: So where do we need to be?

Madison Steward: In Mr. D’s office.

Giovanna Steward: Why?

Madison Steward: It’s the only place in the arena with the best internet connection to do this. It’s weird,  but isn’t that how it always is?

Giovanna Steward: Anything else I need to know?

Madison Steward: Not really. We got TJ as the referee between our teams and it’s just a couple of quick teams to call a winner. Then when we total beat them. You can make Katie proud by beating Abigail on Breakdown.

Giovanna Steward: Sounds simple enough. Nothing is simple though.

{Gigi and Maddy make it to Mr. D’s office and walk inside. TJ is already there with some techs from production setting things up for the games. It’s a fun youtube video for SCW channel so SCW can make some money on views. How Mr. D so easily agreed to his office being hijacked. The girls turn their attention to the other side of the room where Abigail and Dawn are hanging out. Though they are also joined by Katelyn Buehler and Ikiro Yoshiro and they all look ready to compete.}

Giovanna Steward: Maddy, why do they look like a Fortnite team? You did say this was a duos match, right?

Madison Steward: No. I just made the challenge. I guess everyone just assumed its a regular Fortnite game.

{Gigi walks over and grabs TJ to talk.}

Giovanna Steward: TJ, what’s happening? Isn’t this a duos game?

TJ Johnson: It’s suppose to be duos? No one told me. We’ve been setting up for a normal 4 on 4 battle.

Giovanna Steward: But we don’t have an extra two to play with.

TJ Johnson: You still have time. You can find someone.

{TJ goes back to the techs to help out.}

Giovanna Steward: We are so screwed.

Madison Steward: Wait. I have an idea.

{The scene switches to inside Katie’s dressing where Gigi and Maddy watch Katie sitting in a chair with her bag next to her.}

Giovanna Steward: Your idea was getting Katie on our team?

Madison Steward: At least I’m thinking.

Giovanna Steward: If this was something more her speed like Mario Kart or Nintendo then I’d be for it., but there is no way Katie can handle Fortnite.

Katie Steward: Hey. What are you girls doing over there and whispering? Come on over and talk. I’m more than happy to share my new perfume.

Madison Steward: Say Katie, we’re kind of in a pickle here. We have a Fortnite battle in a few minutes and we need 2 extra people to fill our team.

Katie Steward: And you’re asking me? Oh My Goddess, I’m so touched. Wait, this isn’t a last minute thing where you already asked like a dozen people and they all said no.

Giovanna Steward: I wish we asked a dozen people.

Madison Steward: G!

Giovanna Steward: What? I told you. Katie’s not that good at Fortnite.

Katie Steward: Fortnite? Is that that shooter game where you build stuff.

Madison Steward: Yeah. Do you know it?

Katie Steward: I saw it on my Nintendo Switch. Katelyn was telling me about it. That’s who you should get for your team. Katelyn is really good. She’s plays with her girls all the time.

{Gigi turns her head and gives Maddy a disappointed look.}

Madison Steward: Ok, so I made a boo-boo. Lohan Country actually got decent players.

Katie Steward: What are you two talking about?

Giovanna Steward: Maddy challenge Abigail and Dawn to a Fortnite game and it turned into a 4 vs 4 battle and we’re 2 short. They got Katelyn and Ikiro on their team and you just know Ikiro is an master builder.

Madison Steward: Come on, G.

Giovanna Steward: What? I didn’t mean cause he’s Asian. I’m not racist. I mean it’s Ikiro. The man loves playing games.

Katie Steward: I’ll join your team.

Giovanna Steward: Thanks Katie, but you don’t have too. We’ll just talk to Lohan Country and tell them the truth.

Katie Steward: Oh G, have you learned nothing. You never give in to your opponent.

Giovanna Steward: What do you mean?

Katie Steward: You just leave it too me.

{Katie being to think of a plan to help Gigi and Maddy out of their bind.}

Giovanna Steward: See Maddy, this is why we have to think before we go about asking for Katie’s help. This is terrifying right now.

{The scene changes to outside Mr. D’s office where Gigi and Maddy wait for Katie and the battle to begin. They still look desperate in finding a 4th player.}

Madison Steward: Hey Mr. D, are you any good at Fortnite?

Mr. D: I was just coming to check to see if you were done with this game.

Giovanna Steward: It’s going to be over pretty fast.

{Katie walks over and joins the girls outside the office. She is joined by a random person she brought for their partner.}

Madison Steward: Hi Katie, whose your friend?

Katie Steward: This is Simon. He’s from somewhere in Europe. I don’t know. He doesn’t speak English. He’s here with his friends visiting, but here is where you care. He’s really good at Fortnite.

Madison Steward: Is this allowed? Can we just get a random fan to be our 4th player?

Giovanna Steward: At this point sure we can. It’s just going to lift my spirits up any for this.

Katie Steward: I also I more news for you G. I did get the Fortnite game on my Nintendo Switch and gave it a couple of tries. So I got this.

Giovanna Steward: I wish we had Ash here for our 4th player.

Madison Steward: I know you do G, but she is back home in LA.

Giovanna Steward: Let’s just get this over with.

{Gigi turns around and walks into Mr. D’s office as her “team” follows her inside.}

{The scene changes to inside the office and Gigi and team take their places at their respective stations. They glance over to Lohan Country and glare back and both sides throwing their shade.}

Madison Steward: Remember G, just have some fun. This is suppose to be a respectful friendly competition between us. It’s what will make our chase for the tag team titles memorable.

Giovanna Steward: You’re right, Maddy. Just take a breath and relax. It’s just a game. The real fight is in the ring.

{The battle begins and Gigi’s team spreads out across the map. Gigi and Maddy land together as they do, but Katie ends up landing with Lohan Country and after a minute Katie’s character is killed. Katie immediately complains to TJ and blames the game poor functionality. Then Gigi’s 4th player lags out of the game and TJ has to stop the battle.}

TJ Johnson: Sorry everyone, we have a lag out. We need to restart the battle.

{The techs set up the games again for Round 2.}

Madison Steward: Maybe the internet isn’t so great in the office.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah, must be.

{The battle starts again and everyone glides down to the map. Katie’s character again drift away from her team and again their 4th player lags out of the game. This time Lohan Country starts to get a little antzy and throw accusations at Gigi.}

TJ Johnson: Settle down, people. We’ll take a break and find out what is going on.

{Gigi sets her controller down and gets up. She grabs Katie and pulls her aside as her team huddles outside the office.}

Giovanna Steward: Katie what’s going on and where did you get this guy?

Katie Steward: It’s not my fault. The controller is not what I’m use too and don’t blame Simon. The plan is working out perfectly.

Madison Steward: What to you mean plan? The plan is to beat Lohan Country. So just can go into Breakdown with some momentum and also to show Abigail that she’s fun and great,

Katie Steward: Yeah that’s what I meant.

Giovanna Steward: Katie, what are you doing?

Katie Steward: Ok fine, you seemed worried so I got Simon to get a way to get these games thrown out.   So you can save face.

Madison Steward: Yeah, but lagging out is one of the shadiest things a gamer can do. It’ll just upset Abigail and she’ll take it out on Gigi in their match. I mean this is turning into personal feud instead of a friendly rivalry.

Katie Steward: Can we just play Mario Kart 8 instead?

Giovanna Steward: Screw it. I’m just going to tell TJ and if Abigail and Dawn have a problem they know where to find me on Breakdown. I’m willing to face the firing squad.

{Gigi turns and walks back into the office by herself to face the consequences of Maddy and Katie’s interference.}

Madison Steward: She’s always the martyr. G, wait for me…

{Maddy chases after Gigi as she is going to stick up for her tag team partner.}

Katie Steward: Where in Goddess Heaven did they learn to take responsibility for their actions? (shaking her head) G, Maddy wait for me…

{Katie joins her girls and walks into the lion’s den to face what is sure to be an argument with everyone shouting accusations. Simon is left outside the office and he just turns the other way and walks off as the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to backstage in the interview area where Gigi walks in front of the green backdrop. She is wearing her black leather and a bandana pulled down under her face.}

Giovanna Steward: It’s a new season and there are new champions in SCW. Just because things are new doesn’t mean things change. I’m still me and I still have the same goals in mind. I still have my sights set on becoming Tag Team Champion with, well the two best partners anyone can ask for. At Rise to Greatness the Stewards kicked off the show and Abigail and Dawn stole it. They became SCW Tag Team Champions. Abigail walks in and just gets handed the SCW Tag Team Titles. Everybody gets handed everything in this company. Now Abigail is making her Breakdown debut against me and she’s going to want it to be a big one. What does Lohan Country have plan? Are they going to continue with their winning ways? No it’s not. I’m not happy. I see Abigail and Dawn just coming in and winning the Tag Team Titles like they’re nothing and they shouldn’t be nothing. You want a real moment? You want a moment that the fans are going to wear down the rewind button on their remote control. Or ask Alexa to play a thousand times. They want to see the Stewards winning the tag team titles. I don’t ask for much. I don’t ask for anything, honestly. Katie, well yeah Katie asks for things. It’s what got her into trouble and you know what. She finished that at Rise to Greatness. Now it’s my turn. It’s my time. I’m calling my shot. This Brat is finally finding her voice and she’s going to be screaming and wailing at the top of her lungs until she gets what she wants. Abigail congratulations on making your Breakdown debut tonight. I promise it’s going to be special. You have a match against the angriest person on the roster. I know that is saying a lot about me. Everyone in this company is pissed off at someone else. I’m just upset that I’m constantly over looked for everything and I’m done with that life. They say it’s a new season in SCW. There are new stories to tell. I’m sorry yours is going to come to a short conclusion. I’m just standing here and telling you woman to woman. I want what you have and the target has been acquired.

{Gigi holds up her hand in a finger gun matter and aims it at the camera and fires a shot. The scene and episode fades to an end.}
[Image: 3zThvbB.jpg]
Rise to Greatness worked out perfectly. Beyond competing on the biggest stage of her life to help her sister become one half of the World Tag Team Champions, the eccentric member of the Lohan family’s appetite for being right was satiated. She warned Dante not to mess with her sister. Winning the tag titles ensured that Dante wasn’t going to get paid by Laura Steinbeck. Mission accomplished. As night fades, the day rises, the high from being right doesn’t last long. For every mission that is accomplished a new one must replace it.. Growing stale is the enemy of evolution, or in Abigail’s case, resting on her laurels is the enemy of growing restless.

Abigail informed Katelyn that she needed to take a short detour before she hopping on a plane to fly back to California. Kate asked Abigail what did she need to take care of. In response, Abigail reassuringly told Kate everything is going to be ok. She would meet her back at their home in a couple days.

From Toronto to New York City Abigail traveled. She didn’t need to rent out a cheap motel to stay in. She knew exactly where she wanted to rest her head... in her old apartment when she was employed in IWC. Not exactly old, current apartment. The bulk of her time is spent in California for obvious reasons. New York will always hold a special place in her heart. She vowed never to let the apartment go, in good faith she made a deal with the landlord to ensure no one else rented out the place.

Abigail is in the area designated as the living room. There is no couch. No television. Nothing in the vicinity to paint the picture this was an area people come to watch television, shoot the breeze, otherwise make themselves at home, in fact, the only real furniture Abigail kept in the apartment is the bed in the bedroom. She sat on the floor in silent contemplation. A knock on the door breaks her out of her trance. She rises off the floor. Reaching the door she looks through the small hole in the door. With a smirk she opens the door to welcome her guest.

It is none other than WILLOW WILKES, former stablemate, former lover/ex girlfriend. Willow was always a stunner in Abigail’s eyes, today is different. Willow looks like she literally walked out a Vogue magazine. To literally see a model, literal model, standing in front of her, Abigail wasn’t quite sure what to say. So she said the only logical thing that made sense to her.  “Hi...”

“Cat caught your tongue?” Willow half smirks.

After taking a deep breath, Abigail steps to the side. “Come on in. Sorry for the lack of personality, our former establishment is not quite the way we left it.”

With each step Willow methodically takes she scans the near empty living apartment. “No, it definitely isn’t.”

Abigail closes the door behind her. “All I got is the folding chair in the corner, you’re welcome to it.”

Willow nods, appreciating that Abigail wasn’t going to let her sit on the floor. The current half of the World Tag Team Champions lightly jogs to the folding chair leaning next to the window. She grabs it. Bringing the chair to where Willow is standing, she unfolds the chair to offer Willow a place to sit. Abigail doesn’t bother sitting back on the floor.  She opts to stand in place.

Willow breaks the ice; “It is interesting what you’ve done with the place.”

“You know me, always going against the grain. Plus if I ever get convicted of a crime those pesky profilers won’t find anything of real use. Not much to profile from an empty apartment.”

“Assuming you commit a crime in New York. You don’t have a good reason to be here a lot these days.”

“Depends on your definition of a GOOD reason.”

“Reconnecting with your ex qualify?” Willow tilts her head to the side. “So what are you up to Abigail? We could have met at a coffee shop or a museum. You chose the apartment we used to live to strike up a conversation a few days after winning the World Tag Team Titles. Congrats by the way.”

Abi smirks. “Don’t think your pals in the Beauty Factory will appreciate that.”

Willow lightly chuckles. “When have I ever cared what other people thought?”

“I kid. I kid. Thanks. Means a lot coming from you.”

“Back to the million dollar question.” Willow crosses her legs. “Why the suspense, Abigail?”

Abigail nods, not wishing to delay her motives a minute longer. “It is times like this that force me to reflect on a conversation I had with mommy dearest when I was fifteen. Growing up I knew I was different. I didn’t react to catastrophic events in the same way other kids did. Being the curious bee I am, I forced my mommy to admit why I was different than the other kids. In her timeless wisdom she warned me I would never be able to live a normal life. I have been driven by this need to prove my mother wrong. So what she is a PHD in Psychology. We were able to prove the Earth is round, not flat despite what those flat earthers say... I was gonna prove to my mother I could live a normal life.”

Abigail sighs.  “Yet here I am still looking for answers. The natural solution I can think of was to ask my ex girlfriend. Doesn’t qualify as normal, don’t you think?”

“No, it doesn’t.” Willow laughs.

“GOOD. Just wanted to make sure.” Abigail shrugs. “Is my mother right, Willow? Am I capable of living a normal life. I woke up next to Katelyn. Everything appeared perfect. I started brainstorming about our life with the kids. Is a girl like me going to be able to be that woman who goes home, sees a bunch of rugrats running around, enjoying the type of life Disney and fairy tales force down our throats. It is not a matter of do I love Katelyn and the kids. I do... you are one of the few people who gets me. Tell me if I am going to screw this up again? Am I capable of... the life.”

Willow takes a moment to decompress everything Abigail dropped on her. She lightly smirks. Abi didn’t know exactly what that meant, hopefully she didn’t bore her ex. “Interesting. You come to me for dating advice.”

“Oprah wasn’t available.”

“You would have gotten a new car out of the deal.”

“I would have donated the car to charity. Or drive it of cliff. Sell it on ebay?”

“Burn it?”

“Homicidal triad isn’t my cup of tea. Come on Willow, I’m serious. Tell me I’m not going to screw up.”

Willow runs her hands through her sleek auburn hair. “Sorry, I don’t have an answer for you. I would tell you life is what you make it, but I am not a fan of cliches. You aren’t either.”

“See. You get me.”

“To be fair, anyone you spend time regularly could tell you that.”

“Maybe, but they won’t tell me this.” Abigail drops down to both knees in front of Willow. With a sigh, she continues. “We are more alike than we are different. Our nurturing may have made us different women with the same temperment, aside from different upbringing, what drives us is the same. Curiosity. Boredom. Isn’t that the reason you became a model? This new glammed up version of you drives men and women to their knees. Not that you care about any of at. You don’t. You never will. But you are looking for something Willow, something that being Wicked can’t provide. Time for a change as they say. That is the root of it. For now I don’t need to know the exactly why you took this path. I do understand, believe me, I know. I know you just as much as I know my own name.”

Willow stoically looks at Abigail. “Interesting theory.”

Abi tilts her head to the side, “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Willow blinks, “You’ll find out soon enough.”

“I might keep tabs on you long enough to find that out.” Abigail giggles.    “Hm. That sounded creepy.”

“From anyone else, yes. I expect that from you. It is what it is.”

“Cool. Wouldn’t want a me too situation on our hands.”

The me too joke shouldn’t be funny, that doesn’t stop Willow and Abigail from sharing a laugh. The laughter dies. Abigail pushes forward.  “I want the best... for both of us. Kate and Jason are great people. Both of them went through a lot...”

Willow cuts Abigail off. “Say that again?”

Confused, Abi ask, “What?”

“You actually said Jason is a great person?”

Abi narrows her eyes. “Don’t ruin the moment.”

This forces a light hearted laugh out of Willow. “Wish I brought tape recorder.”

Knowing her point has gone off the rails, Abi tries to get the train back on the right track. “Alright. Our respective lovers are great people. If anyone deserves happiness it is those two. We have a chance to give it to them. Kate adores me, Jason adores you. They give us exactly what we need right now. Is that always going to be the case? Can we actually live the conventual life, for the rest of our lives? Will all the love and adoration on the planet be enough to sustain us for a lifetime? We weren’t actually born to fit into a neat little bow. Grant it, you were made Wicked. I was born Serenity. Does it really matter how we got here? These people give us a reason to be somewhat human. Will that ever be enough?”

“There were times I thought Jason was a fool. He should not have stood up to Cindy. But he did. Now we’re getting married. Imagine that.”

Abigail looks at the ring on Willow’s finger. She learned of their upcoming nuptials on Twitter. She wasn’t shocked, it was bound to happen. Didn’t make seeing the news on social media any easier. She looks back in Willow’s eyes.  “I never formally congratulated you about the wonderful news.”

Willow shrugs. “I never expected you too. ”

“Would you believe me if I said congrats?”

“Do you mean it?”

“Are you happy?

Willow nods. “Yes.”

Abigail looks at the ring one more time. A smile breaks out. “Congrats.”

“Thank you.” Willow uncrosses her legs. “To answer your question Abi. There is some truth in what you said about us. What I also know, we don’t need to live life by the script society created. We can be the architect of our own destiny..”

Abigail rises to her feet. Placing her hands on her hip, she says, “A dog can’t become a cat, Willow. What if that is the case with us, as much as we try to become cats, we’ll always be dogs.”

“The world should proceed with caution, then.” Willow flashes the wicked smirk Abigail once found charming. Still does.

“They should now.” Abigail smiles. “Can’t take the Wicked out of the girl no more than I can get rid of Serenity. I would take a page from the Venom trailer and call Serenity a parasite. Saying We are Serenity doesn’t roll off the tongue.”

Willow simply nods. “True.”

“No answers huh?” Abigail frowns brief. In a moments notice she turns her frown upside down. “Hey, not a complete waste. Got to spend time with you.”

“Same here.” Willow looks at the expensive watch on her wrist. Shrugging she says, “I need to go.”

Abigail nods. “I understand. Catch you later.”

Willow walks to the door.  Once she reaches the door, she turns around. Folding her arms, she says, . “Oh... one last thing. The real reason you keep this apartment around; you have a hard time letting go of the past. I believe you when you said that you are happy for me. Anyone would question why you’re holding on to the same apartment you used to stay in with your ex when you are barely in New York most of the time. Does make it convenient in the likelihood you’re single again. Always have a back up plan. ”  

Willow pauses momentarily. “Between me and you, you knew the answer to your question long before decided to get in contact with me. You may present this image at times that you are this spaced out girl who is completely silly, flirts with everything that moves, behind that mask of yours, your mind is always working. So what is the real reason you asked me to come here.”

Abigail walks over to join Willow at the door. She leans in ever so slowly. Whispering in Willow’s ear she says, “To spend time with you, silly.”

Abigail takes a step back to exit Willow’s personal space. She wanted to see how Willow would react to that. As expected, Willow’s facial expression didn’t betray her thoughts. “Never change Abi.”  

Abigail reaches over to unlock the door. “Stay glammed up, Willow.”

Willow waves. “Ta ta.”

Abigail half smirks. “Hey, that’s my line.”

“I know.”

And with that Willow exits their former apartment. Abigail stood there reflecting on the experience. Willow is right. She did know the answer to how committed to Katelyn she truly is.

Abi didn’t stay in the apartment long. She had her own engagement in a couple hours. She caught a flight out of New York. Using the time on the flight to use her Kindle to catch up on some much needed reading, she knew that Willow was right. The answer is crystal clear in her mind. She didn’t bother calling Kate to let her know she was on her way back to LA, the element of surprise is important to someone with her temperament, with the flight complete, she hailed a cab. Informed the driver she where she wanted to go. Off she rode to the home of her girlfriend. Instead of knocking on the door like a normal person, Abigail decided to go to the back window. She saw Katelyn was asleep. Abi proceeded to break into Kate’s bedroom through the back window. Didn’t figure Kate would mind.

Abigail slid into bed next to Kate whose back was turned to her. She poked Kate’s shoulder. Initially Kate was jumpy, upon seeing who it is, Kate didn’t hesitate to kiss Abigail.

“Always the minx.” Kate smiles.

“A wise person told me to never change. Sounded like sage advice to me.”

“How did your trip go?”

Abigail stokes Katelyn flowing black hair. “I don’t want to beat around the bush too much. Kate, there is nothing to worry about. I want to assure you, no matter what happens in our lives, you are not going to lose me again. I kinda need you. I don’t like the person I am without you in it.”

Hearing Abigail say that made a tired Katelyn perk up. “Good. I can’t imagine my life without you either.”

“You are a GOOD person. Better than I’ll ever be. I’ll do the occasional noble thing like stand by my family. And you. What will always stand out to me Kate is I didn’t care about Connor’s feelings. Still don’t. I saw him as this person standing between me and who I wanted more than anything.”

Abi pops Katelyn on the nose. “You do care, you care about a lot of people. Even those you shouldn’t; like Ace. Rise to Greatness doesn’t truly settle anything, one win can’t solve the world's problems. He is still in Kierra’s life. For better or worse. In any event, you have one of the biggest hearts I know. That’s infectious. Lets be real, I am not the paragon of goodness. I’m bad. I’m reckless. I am willing to grey up the line. After consulting with my spirit animal, I doubt I can be the 2.5 kids and a picket fence type girl. I love your kids. The traditional life? Just not me. If it is ok with you, I want to keep this simple. We’re lovers. No matter how much you love me, the kids will always come first. Come on, I’m a terrible role model for children. I’d get them to be more like me. We don’t want that.”

To ease the tension a bit, Abigail giggles. Doesn’t take long for Kate to nod in agreement. “Whoever told you not to change, I agree one hundred percent. I accepted who you are a long time ago. That is one of the many reasons I love you. You’re fun. Sexy. Willing to live life the way you want. I’d never ask you to be anything else.” Kate smiles. “Do you. Be Abi. Promise we don’t grow apart.”

“That’s one promise I can keep. Pinky swear?”

Abigail extends her pinky. Kate locks her pinky around Abi’s. “Your corny.”

“Was either this or a blood oath. Didn’t think you’d go for that.”

“Shut up and kiss me.” Katelyn said with a mischievous smile.  

Abigail smirks. “I got a better idea.”

Abigail buries herself beneath the sheets. The rest is self explanatory.  


<The scene opens inside a dimly lit bedroom inside of a hotel. In the bed leading up against the headboard with a white sheet covering her chest is Abigail Lindsay. The lights come fully on. Abigail smiles fully for the audience watching.>

“Golly gee, don’t we have a lot to talk about?”

<Abigail pulls out her half of the World Tag Team Championships from under the sheet. She showcases the championship for the camera.>

“Dante, are you watching? Just want to make sure, sweetie. I have had your attention for the past four, five years? Maybe longer? Why should it stop now, you do forgive lil ole me for being one half of the reason you are not getting paid.”

“Riddle me this, are you formulating a plan to make it up to The True Love Twins? Are they the apple of your eye now? Do you want to prove that your whole Network scheme is not completely worthless? Is there a Plan B, sweetie? More importantly, are you gonna pay me back for ruining your plans?”

< It is quite clear that the frown Abigail sports is sarcastic in nature. >

“The one quality, among others, that you admire about me is my intelligence. I admit, I can come across like a goof at times. People think I am out of my mind with the way I come across on Twitter. You saw through all of that, didn’t ya? You view me how I see myself, as a strong intelligent woman who knows exactly what she is doing. True, I am all of that and more. But if you are wondering why there will never be an US, allow little ole me to fill you in on a little secret. Get your pen and pad ready, take notes. This may be the last time I address you, unless you try me again, lets not make any assumptions, shall me?

“The reason why there will never be an US, you are not as smart as you think you are. All of this could have been prevented IF you let my sister go along her merry. She said no. You should have found another way. Instead, you wanted to show you were the big man on campus, flex your muscle; make deals that weren’t going to pan out. What? You didn’t think Dawn would come to me? Be lucky Dawn didn’t go to Britt... Max would have wrestled his last match at Rise to Greatness if Dawnie called in the Big Dawg.”

“Here is your problem, you never think two steps ahead. Not only did you fail to deliver on your promise, making The Network look bad in the process, you lost a friend. And to most laughable part about all of this is you put your faith in an even bigger megalomaniac in Max Kane? Seriously Dante? You put your faith in Max?

Not exactly the move of a genius.

< Abigail mockinly laughs at the notion Max Kane was trusted to bring home the money. Once the laughter dies down she shakes her head. >

I expected a little bit more Danty, wanty. After all these years you were under the learning tree of Cindy Todd, gesh, you disappoint. There are no words to describe how bad of a look this is for you. Rise to Greatness was not the rise to much, was it? At least you have Ms. Budde there to whisper in your ear that everything will be alright? Hope so, because it won’t be me.”

< Abigail wags her finger. >

“With Rise to Greatness in the books, the next logical question is what is next for Lohan Country? The road to RtG was simple. Chasing championship is academic. It’s like glancing at the hottest girl on the other side of the bar. The first time she lays eyes on you, her gaze is enough to make you forget what day it is. Takes you a moment to  regain your composure, once you do, you summon up the courage to walk the green mile. You say something, anything, hoping she goes back to your hotel. There are odds, obviously.  Her friends try to block you. The pesky voice in your head tells you you’re not good enough. None of the distractions matter. All that does is bringing the girl back to your hotel to give her the greatest day of her life. Waking up in the morning you are reminded of the famous George W Bush battle cry, mission accomplished. Bravo. Good for you. Here is what most people don’t think about...”

“What happens next?”

< Abigail taps her chin  >

“That is what it is like with most championship reigns. Dawnie and I knew why we wanted to become World Tag Team Champions. Laura Steinbeck needed to learn you can’t buy greatness. Dante learned screwing with me comes with consequences. We got the girl. Now we need to decide what to do with her. This isn’t a one night stand. Contrary to popular belief our time with our girls won’t be .”

“Obviously defending the championships is academic. We know exactly what we want to accomplish as champs. That is the next step. I could easily tell you what we want to accomplish as your brand spanking new champs,
can’t give away everything. Where is the fun in that?”

<She winks.>

“My first singles match on Breakdown is not a simple fly by night debut where I show the entire world what I am capable of, duh, you already saw what I am capable of on the biggest stage in all of professional wrasslin, Rise to Greatness.  A singles match on Breakdown should be a piece of cake. August 15th is all about setting the tone for all the fun that is in store.  Raleigh North Carolina is not a simple audition of my amazing skill set. As your reigning, defending half of the World Tag Team Champions, I am coasting into Breakdown as the hunted. All the tag teams in the back.

From Brotherhood of the Sith.

To Crissy and Sam.

To Starsky and Hutch.  

The Red Empire...  are they still employed?

To the ever lovable, delectable, adorable, tasty  True Love Twins. Not that I’d know. Rumors and innuendo.

“... all the tag teams in the division will be watching how little ole me performs. Sizing up my strengths. Attempting to map out my weaknesses. I’m getting excited already. What girl doesn’t like being watching? I watch people all the time. Just ask...”

“Hm. Best not to go there.”

< Abigail giggles.>

“Here is something you don’t hear everyday Gigi Steward, I find you interesting. A large part of the reason why I signed a contract to become a wrestler in this company was to have my sister’s back. It is what family does, nothing special, I would hope through thick and thin family comes together in the end to protect their own. There are those who would argue me and Dawnie are as different as night and day. They are not lying, she is the champion of hope, I am in love with chaos. She is the GOOD Lohan. I am a, eh, don’t want to use the B word, gimmick infringement, I am Not the GOOD Lohan, is that fair? Dawnie is a role model. One could make the case I might belong in a padded cell based on my unmistakably history, despite all those differences, what we both want will never interfere in the others progress.

Can you truly say the same about Katie Steward?  

Face facts Gigi, the only reason you were scheduled for a match at Rise to Greatness is because Katie needed someone to remind Crissy and Sam of their place in the world, which isn’t too hard, considering Sam has been a doormat her entire tenure in S C W.

See. Bad Abi.


Bad. Abi.

< Abigail winks. >

Bravo on getting the job done. Can you help me understand why a former SCW Women’s Champion. A woman who has shown she can compete with the best this company has to offer, why are you so dependant on Katie Steward nowadays just to remain relevant? You do realize if you happen to score the upset victory over little ole me this will in effect become the Katie Steward show? For years Katie Steward has been on this quest to become the first woman to win all the established championship. Somewhere in New Orleans I can hear a certain red head say she is the first female Supreme Champion. Technically that is not true. Women like Katie Steward, my sister, now Regan who made her intentions clear, have won the Women’s Championship. In my humble opinion no woman in this company has truly made history. By my calculation Gigi, Katie Steward needs the Television and the World Tag Team Championships to complete the Supreme Championship distinction. It may be nice Gigi to be champion again for the first time since the stone age, but it won’t be your story. You will be a passenger on the Katie Steward express. Do you really want to dedicate all this hard work. All the hours in the gym. Studying wrassling footage. All in the hope of becoming just another footnote in the legacy of the only Steward worth talking about?

<Abigail raises an eyebrow.>

“That is what is going to happen in the long run as long as you serve your Goddess. It interest me why you would settle for this role in life. You can become a lot more than you are. Dawn has hope. I do too. On second thought, I don’t.

< Abigail rolls her eyes. >

I do welcome the opportunity for you to prove me wrong. I doubt you can. But I am interested to see you try.”

“Ta Ta for now.”

<Abigail blows a kiss as the scene fades to black.>

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