The Light In The Darkness - Fatal Fortunes RP Thread
We open up to find ourselves in a gym, though it's not the home gym we're used to seeing. Rather, this looks more like a professional gym, with several young wrestlers hard at work perfecting their craft or gaining the strength they need to perform the feats they wish to pull off. A few notable things we pick up on are the abundance of lucha libre posters lining the walls along with a large Mexican flag, making it clear that despite the upcoming Breakdown emanating from Canada, we currently find ourselves as far south from there as we can go while still being in North America. After a few moments of wandering through this gym and seeing future wrestlers preparing to take that next step, we reach a specific ring to find Amelia Blythe and La Pequeña Luz in the middle of what we can assume is a sparring match, though the speed they're going almost feels like a proper match is playing out before our very eyes. We see Amelia take Luz down, only for Luz to reverse the position and attempt to apply some sort of arm submission, which results in Amelia pulling her into a victory roll pinning position. Luz quickly kicks out, sending Amelia into the ropes before she tries for a european uppercut that Luz ducks by throwing herself to the mat and then immediately kipping back up. The two of them turn and stare one another down, ready to keep going, but out of the corners of their eyes they catch us watching them in action and nod to one another that it's time to take a break as they proceed to roll out of the ring right in front of us and take a moment to get some water. Once they've had a chance to rehydrate, Luz is the first to begin speaking while Amelia steps out of our field of vision for a moment.

“I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions right now, and at the forefront of your mind is probably this: 'Why are The Light In The Darkness in Mexico right now? Isn't Breakdown in Canada this week?' You'd be correct, and we have our reasons for being here, but I promise you that we'll be in Calgary in time for Breakdown this week. A big part of the reason we're here is because of some... issues, that have been going on outside the ring for Amelia and I. If you know or have an idea of what I'm talking about, then you know. If you don't, then that's all I'm comfortable saying on the matter right now. It's something we're hoping to maybe talk with CHBK and the SCW staff about before or after Breakdown this week just to try and help put some things into place that will ease some of our troubles. I'll say this: it sucks when things get out of hand to the point where you're finding it hard to feel safe just living your life, and no one should ever have to feel that way no matter how capable you are of defending yourself. Ames and I will get this dealt with as best as we can, but the fact that we've still been able to set foot into an SCW ring week after week and give you guys the very best we have to offer should speak volumes about what this sport means to us and how hard we will fight to keep walking our own path.”

It's at this point that Amelia returns to Luz's side, and we can see that she's retrieved not only their World Tag Team Titles, but also Luz's Television Title. She hands Luz her belts before they take a moment to properly rest them over their shoulders, wanting them to be seen since they're well aware of how much of a focal point these belts are going to be for the next few weeks at least.

“Aside from the issues my fiancée just touched on, we also felt it wouldn't be a bad idea to return to someplace familiar to help prepare us for the challenges that lie ahead. This gym is not only where Luz was first trained to become the luchadora she is today, but it's also where we first began training together to become The Light In The Darkness. This place is special to both of us because of that... it's the place where she first earned her mask and the identity of La Pequeña Luz, the first place where I felt like I could train to become something more than just another link in my family's legacy. This gym is almost like another home to us for that reason alone, and sometimes it helps to look back to the more positive moments of your past to help you focus for the future... especially when that future is unknown and the only certainty we can count on is that the two of us have a big target on our backs because of these titles resting on our shoulders right now.”

“Last week, I fought a man I used to respect in Simon Lyman, and while he claimed to still respect me despite the desperate vitriol he had to spout about my heritage and where I come from, he found out the hard way that I'm far more than what I appear to be. That's the biggest benefit that's come of Amelia and I being a tag team for as long as we have and the passion we both share for this sport: we have so much we can teach one another to evolve beyond what I can do with my speed and acrobatics and she can do with her grappling and technical prowess. We're always pushing ourselves and each other to get better, and that was all the motivation I needed to add another successful defense of the Television Championship to my name. As of this upcoming Breakdown, I will have held this title for just a little longer than my partner has-”

“And that, in and of itself, is motivation for me to keep putting my best foot forward. After all, I could find myself with an opportunity at another piece of singles gold... maybe even that TV Title you're holding right now, hermosa.”

“It'll take more than flattery to pry this title away from me, Ames, but I'll gladly welcome the challenge if that's how things play out.”

The two of them turn to stare each other down, but the grins they're wearing are all we need to know we're not suddenly on the verge of watching The Light In The Darkness fracture before our very eyes. They've made it clear time and time again, and this time is no exception: they have no problem with having to face one another if that's what it comes to because they both have no much passion and respect for the wrestling business that they can give each other the fight of their lives and will still happily leave the ring hand-in-hand regardless of what the end result may be. Even ignoring the fact that they're engaged, it's a level of respect that runs deep and one you may be hard-pressed to find these days.

“That's the thing, though... for the next two weeks, we don't know how things are going to play out. We don't know who Luz will defend the TV Title against or in what kind of match, and the same holds true for our Tag Titles as well. It could come to pass that Luz and I may find ourselves competing twice on both shows if that's what fate has in store for us. Our titles could be on the line, future title opportunities could be at stake, we could defend the Tag Titles against a team composed of two people who would rather rip each other apart than set aside their differences to give us the first defense we'd be hoping for... that is the unpredictability that is Fatal Fortunes, a concept where every detail of every match for the next two Breakdowns is decided purely by random chance. You won't know who you're facing until you step out into that ring, and while there are some who will probably take issue with this concept and deem it unfair, Luz and I are two individuals who welcome this kind of challenge and will gladly throw everything we have against whoever we find ourselves up against, regardless of the stipulation that may be at hand.”

“We know there may be a possibility we find ourselves in some crazy kind of match that we might feel uncomfortable doing for one reason or another, but we know that things aren't always going to play out in our favor. Adapting to any situation put in front of you is one of the biggest challenges of being a wrestler, and that's just one of the reasons why Amelia and I are always pushing ourselves and asking to be put in those kinds of impossible situations to see if we can do it. Amelia found herself winning this TV Title earlier in the year by wrestling inside of a ball pit, we were part of the first ever 12-person tag match in SCW history teaming with a bunch of people we weren't too keen on working with but were willing to put those differences aside, I challenged for the Underground Title even though that style of wrestling isn't normally who I am or what I'd find myself doing... heck, don't forget that Amelia and I willingly asked to start the gauntlet of tag team turmoil to see if we could go all the way. Those are just some of the situations we've tackled this year alone!”

“And not once did we complain about any of them. We simply adapted to the situation and made it work to the best of our abilities. That's why we look at those who may get upset about a specific scenario they could end up in to embrace it and make it work for you. Teams who only wish to compete as a team may find a chance to further prove themselves and legitimize their message by showing they're just as capable on their own as they are being part of a team. Those who prefer a more hardcore style of wrestling may get the chance to silence the critics who believe they 'can't wrestle' because of it. Those who are more technical in their nature like I am may be asked to embrace that violence and show how tough they truly are, or those who aren't known for being technical might find themselves having to win only by submission and realize the aptitude is there if they just dig deep. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what Fatal Fortunes could bring in Calgary this week and San Jose next week, but the key thing to take away from this is that we all have a chance to prove ourselves more capable than anyone may have thought before in one form or another. Embrace it, own it, show the world what you can do, because that's how people take you seriously and know that you're truly here to be part of the strongest wrestling roster in the world today... not willing to throw in the towel and run because something didn't go your way when this is far from the only situation where you could be asked to do that.”

It's clear by the look in their eyes that there are a few possibilities Luz and Amelia may not feel comfortable having to do if that's what fate has in store for them, but there's also a familiar fire in those gazes that makes it clear they aren't afraid to fight regardless because they know if they don't there's a very good chance they could end the year without any gold to their name. As they slide the titles they hold off their shoulders and hold them up for us to get a clearer view, we can see how much pride they take in calling themselves champions and everything that it means to be in this position.

“If you count the Tag Titles as one championship, then between the two of us, we hold about a third of the active titles in SCW right now. Just based on past Fatal Fortunes events, I know full well that I will probably have to defend the TV Title on each show, guaranteeing that at least one of the next Breakdowns will see me pull double duty. You might think that this works against us, that I'm letting my fiancée down by making her do all the work if I defend then TV Title and then have to turn right around to defend the Tag Titles with her. To those who may think that, let me ask you something... do you remember when I made a point of bringing up Amelia and I asking to start tag team turmoil a few months ago and getting our wish? True, we didn't go bell-to-bell on that night, but the fact that we wrestled three matches in a row and were pushed to our limits every single time, fighting for over half an hour with very little breaks between matches in the gauntlet, proves that I know full well how this could play out and I know I have the stamina necessary to wrestle twice in one night if I have to... whatever it takes to make our own fate and make sure we keep all the gold we walk in with using every last skill in our arsenals to succeed in that ring.”

“A lot has been made over the past few weeks about the difference between hunting for a title and then defending it... Kirsten Scott brought it up after Luz dethroned her for the TV Title, and here she is several weeks later still proudly holding that title. Ravyn Taylor has not been shy about mentioning it since we overcame her and Syren at Under Attack, and we've been eagerly awaiting our chance to prove that we're ready to be Tag Team Champions for a long time, challenging everyone in SCW to step up and go beyond their limits if they want to take the dual throne from us. We couldn't ask for a tougher challenge for our first defense than not knowing who we're facing or what kind of match it'll even be until it's time. To say nothing of Luz having to also defend the TV Title, or me having to wrestle another match as well, potentially to bring more gold to The Light In The Darkness or earn the opportunity to do that at a later date. These are the kinds of things that allow us to thrive together.”

“It was once said that we can't control the hand that life deals us, but we can accept the obstacles placed in our path. Those who choose to stand in the face of that adversity are forever strengthened and forged by life's most difficult challenges. This is why we stand here today, as The Light In The Darkness... it's more than a fancy name, it's who we are, being that beacon of hope and inspiration to so many others to fight through the adversity in their own lives, no matter how tough it may be.”

“We want to push the SCW roster, especially the tag division, to greater heights however we can. We want these titles we hold, and any titles we may hold down the road, to mean something when the day comes we finally lose them. We're here to carve our own legacies not just in SCW, but wrestling as a whole, and when the time comes for us to finally hang up our boots for good, we can leave this business behind knowing that it's much stronger than it was when we left it. There's only so much we can do on our own, though... hence why we challenge the SCW roster to step up, embrace fate, and give us everything you got throughout Fatal Fortunes. Let's give Calgary and San Jose a show they'll never forget and remind the world that SCW has, without a shadow of a doubt, the most elite wrestling roster in the entire world.”

Luz and Amelia simply grin as they hold their titles high, ready and willing to combat whatever Fatal Fortunes has in store for them and come out the other side stronger than ever, regardless of whether they win or lose. The message is clear: they aren't going down without a fight, and being drawn against them means you'd better bring your A-game because they're hoping for nothing less. With that, we see them gently set the title belts aside and exchange a brief kiss before rolling back into the ring and resuming their full throttle sparring session, giving us a brief glimpse of what could be if that's how the cards fall on either Breakdown, but this is where we fade away, respectfully not wanting to spoil such an epic clash too soon.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Light In The Darkness - Fatal Fortunes RP Thread - by Wisteria Waltz - 12-09-2023, 06:31 PM

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