Breakdown Card - January 4, 2024
Breakdown – January 4, 2024 – Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio

Dark Fantasy (Syren & Ravyn Taylor) vs. Twisted & Sadistic (Brittany Lohan & Glory Braddock)
Dark Fantasy are arguably the greatest team in SCW history and they want their rematch against Light in the Darkness. Twisted & Sadistic, meanwhile, have been damn near unstoppable since Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan came together as a team. While this would be for the number one contendership, one would have to think this would help make some decisions for CHBK and the SCW World Tag Team Championship.

Xander Valentine vs. Holly Adams
Holly Adams made a powerful enemy, literally, in Xander Valentine, first by taunting his daughter, and then the Holly Adams Brand made it personal, going after Artemis and Trinity Valentine. That said, it seems like Xander Valentine has desired to end this, demanding this match and getting it. Why? He is focused on returning to World Championship ranks. The kicker though – Holly Adams would likely love that too. So could she come motivated to play spoiler?

SCW World Tag Team Championship
??? & Diamond Steele vs. Light in the Darkness (Amelia Blythe & La Pequena Luz)

Light in the Darkness is handing out a late Christmas gift. After Diamond Steele happily took a virtual handicap match win over Amelia Blythe, Blythe and Luz decided to give Diamond an opportunity to do it again. This time though, she can find her own partner and if she and her partner win, they’ll be World Tag Team Champions. So who will Diamond choose and can she repeat against Amelia Blythe? One rumour floating around – The Enigma has left haunting messages to various members of the booking and live events team, almost trying to be named the partner. Have the same messages been sent to Diamond Steele?

Bree Lancaster vs. Sarah Wolf
Bree Lancaster is seemingly back on her focus on singles glory and the Adrenaline Championship remains a focus. Sarah Wolf meanwhile has made sure to be a thorn in the side of the now-injured Alexis Quinne and Polly has been someone who has targeted Wolf after Wolf targeted her. Polly, provided she’s been found and is capable of showing up, will be watching this match. But who else may be watching Bree, especially as the Adrenaline Championship has the eyes of many too?

Matt Hodges vs. Ace Sky
Matt Hodges is back. Although what condition will be in? Hodges was last seen having been assaulted by his (now former?) team, Feast of the Ascension. He’ll presumably be in the ring and facing off against the veteran Ace Sky, someone who will have no problem taking a win against a former World Champion to start his 2024. Then, add…what about the Feast of the Ascension? Will they be watching? Will we get answers?

”The One” Kirsten Scott vs. “The Rebel Princess” Cassie Wolfe
Breakdown in 2023 did not end as Kirsten Scott nor Cassie Wolfe wanted. While Wolfe is not the Underground Champion, Scott did not get the sea change she not only hoped for, but was fighting for herself. In the past, she has lashed out at those who have prevented her vision from coming through and it appears Cassie Wolfe is in her sights. Wolfe has slowly gained more and more attention given her high-flying and explosive offense, but Scott may be about to show how vengeance can take different forms to start 2024.

“The Devil Incarnate” Kevin Hunter vs. Religious Wright
“The Devil Incarnate” Kevin Hunter, unless he debuts at the End of the Year Special Open Invitational (We don’t know who will be in it!), will debut on Breakdown and it seems like a match made in heaven…hell? We’re not sure. But one of them when he faces off against Religious Wright. Wright seems to still be believing Selena Frost can help him, but his prayers have not yet been answered. They may however be responded to by the Devil Incarnate.

2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag; All matches, except World Tag Team Championship, have a word limit.
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, January 3, 2024

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Breakdown Card - January 4, 2024 - by supremecw - 12-26-2023, 09:56 PM

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