Konrad Raab vs. Regan Street
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An agonist threatening Konrad Raab part 3. Anaheim, California. Thursday, 2nd May. (Off camera)

It had been a lot of lows from the two matches he had in the companies he's in, but for the first time since before the tag title match elsewhere, he was returning home to Fizz. He didn't come back straight away because Erik told Konrad to do something with his body that will stay on him for the rest of his life.

Four hours after making significant changes with his body and having a carrier bag from a leather shop, he arrived home, and he notices something he was expecting when he came home. Konrad shook his head, wondering what was going on as he saw Fizz on the sofa and kissed her as Konrad with circles under his eyes, glazing around his home, biting his nails to say this.

Konrad Raab: "Where are the children?"

Fizz Raab: "They are at their grandfather's house. I wanted them home too, but after the letter, I saw in the letterbox, it was for the best for their protection."

Konrad Raab: "Damn it, I knew when we went away, Luca would write me a letter. It's making me lose control of myself. I'm doing things I'm not supposed to do to a nice person like Glory. I'm a psycho."

Fizz Raab: "You're not a psycho, you're having a tough time to express your emotions about the whole thing. You weren't focused on the match."

Konrad seethes through his teeth, bashing his fists against his head pretty hard and he screams on top of his lungs as he shakes both from anger and fear and he says this.

Konrad Raab: "How can I focus on my matches when Damien Angel and Giovanni Aries keep coming to my matches and distract me to encourage me to be Erik? Tell me how I'm meant to ignore that?"

Fizz Raab: "Yeah, I know it's difficult, and I know you don't want to be The Black Ice, but what I've seen, to be honest, you are like The Black Ice and without the mask too. It scares me what you're becoming."

Konrad Raab: "You think you're scared? I'm scared of losing you, my kids, my self-respect and losing my own life with that Luca, plotting his scheme to kill us. I can't take this crap anymore, and I'm scared I'm going to do more bad things to people because of Luca, Gio and Damien making me be an angry man."

Konrad sighs as he wasn't going to hold back on what he's about to say to Fizz which has come to his mind a lot lately.

Konrad Raab: "Most importantly, I fear I'm gonna relapse and drink beer non-stop again to remove the pain I'm going through. Let me see that letter."

Fizz gave the letter to Konrad as he would get unrecognisable handwriting, which was not usual from the norm. He crouched on the floor, water in the eyes before water drop from his eyes as he puts his knees right up to his face so nobody could see his face. 

It took a while before Konrad puts his knees down and it hurt Fizz a bit that Konrad was having thoughts of going on a beer binge like he's done in the past.

Fizz Raab: "Don't you even think you'll walk into a pub and drink beer non-stop. Do you know what happened last time when you did?"

Konrad Raab: "Yes, I do."

Fizz Raab: "Then don't do it."

Konrad nodded at Fizz, listened to her not wanting Konrad to relapse and drink beer non-stop as he saw the urgent read warning once again as he opens the letter and pulls the paper out of the envelope, shaking, dropping his whole body to his knees. Konrad grits his teeth before he reads the letter which says this.


Long time no write. I hope you're taking my threats seriously you stupid son of a bitch. I know how weak you've become, you know I've been in your head as well as those two other men, agonising you to lose yourself and become someone different. I want you to know that I happen to know someone who lives in Anaheim, California, area. I know a guy we went to school with. Do you remember a guy named Oskar Schneider?

He happens to know a friend who lives in Anaheim; knows where you've run and hide to. He knows where you live, he knows what your house looks like and he knows how to enter and break in your home as well. Bet you're crying right now, knowing we're going to attack you, your wife and your precious children, being in danger because of me, Oskar and his friends.

Oskar always thought you were weak and he has every single weapon you can think of, even to use a grenade and explode the whole family of you and burn the house down. I'll even rape Fizz while at it before stabbing her and killing her for life, without you being in the house because Oskar and I know you're never home on Monday's and Wednesdays.

Now you little bitch, I hope you're taking these threats seriously right now because myself, Oskar and his friends will make your life a living hell until you're forced to do things you don't want to do like you've been doing on Breakdown and that PPV where you faced Glory. We've been watching you, and we've made you explode.

You are forever a weak and pathetic son of a bitch who I'm sure has made you piss in fear because of using every weapon in the book to expose the wretched Raab family all of you are. I'm going to kill you all nice and painfully to satisfy the taste of Raab family blood. See you very soon Konrad and rest of the family.


Things are about to get worse right now, it terrified the hell out of him, and he went upstairs to his bedroom, slammed the door very hard, and he cries so loud, even screaming as Fizz went upstairs and walks into the room and he states this.

Konrad Raab: "He has a friend knowing where we live. He wants to rape and kill you when I'm out wrestling my matches. I'm terrified right now that your life and our kids, even our babies are in danger, and I'm too weak to do anything about it."

Fizz Raab: "Oh, shit, you're right. It's a good thing we have Markus and/or Samuel keeping an eye out on us when the worst happens when you're away from me."

Konrad Raab: "I have a bad feeling that Gio and Damien know these guys as well. I have a feeling they are going to destroy me. I've been completely unfocused and right now, I don't want to leave my home. I don't want to leave you, feeling you're in danger."

Fizz Raab: "You shouldn't let anything stop you from wrestling. He seems like a horrible sick son of a bitch."

Konrad Raab: "He is Fizz. He even said he'll throw grenades at our home. I need the loo because I'm petrified."

Konrad gets up from his bed as he rushes to the bathroom and uses what he needed it for, and he had thought about drinking beer non-stop because the pain in his chest was getting worse. Once he got out of the bathroom, he feels so dizzy due to the anger he's holding in, and Fizz says this.

Fizz Raab: "Everyone's right about you, you suppress your real emotions and feelings to a point, mistakes happen. If you got to let out what you feel, do it."

Konrad seethed through his teeth, refusing to let his emotions come out, especially after the past of him hitting his wife and hitting Glory. He shakes his head and aggressively says this.

Konrad Raab: "No."

Fizz Raab: "Why not?"

Konrad Raab: "Because I don't want to."

Fizz Raab: "Is it because you unsure and can't accept what you feel?"

Konrad shamelessly nods as he suddenly cries very hard, not able to feel what he does, always feeling guilty of letting emotions out and regretting his feelings. Fizz pats him on the back, comforting him as he needed a lot of support. He was feeling weak, psychically and mentally.

Fizz Raab: "Problem is you avoid alone time. Right now, I want you to go to your special room and feel the emotions you have and let them out. That's wh.........."

Konrad Raab: "I can't. I can't decide whether I want to be Iceman or Black Ice. I keep getting people to tell me to be Black Ice all the time. Maybe it's in my head, and everything is far too much for me to take."

Konrad goes downstairs before entering in his particular room, and he gets the cannabis cigarettes out, which is what he needed before trying to accept and embrace the feeling of pent up energy. He closes his eyes for a minute, taking time to reflect his emotion, even with the shakes he's getting.

Konrad Raab: "Maybe Fizz and everyone is right, I need to accept and not feel guilty for feeling my emotions. The problem is that I always do feel guilty and making me have thoughts on drinking beer non-stop again. It's hard for me to accept I get angry and lash out unexpectedly cos I don't understand it. I feel like I'm angry every day. I feel lost, deciding to be either Black Ice or The Iceman."

Konrad shrugs his shoulders because he was feeling unsure about everything, even the fear of him losing everything, even himself with his life and his relationships coming close to ending because of his actions and inability to decide who he should be.

Konrad Raab: "Scared is another emotion I feel every day because of Luca and Oskar wanting to kill my whole family and me. I need to be Black Ice because of that, but what if I explode and become The Black Ice without the mask? What if I'm a monster?"

Konrad touches his heart with his hand, feeling the beats of him being mentally confused with everything going on, even the bandages he has on his right shoulder and back he forgot about. He only notices these in the mirror and says this.

Konrad Raab: "Did Erik make me get these bandages? What are they doing in my back and my right shoulder? What do they mean?"

Konrad sits up from the chair, but before he can see Fizz, he goes into the cupboard and gets his cannabis stuff out. He smokes two joints before throwing them away and heads towards the door. He comes upstairs to the living room and sees Fizz standing there.

Fizz Raab: "Figured out what these emotions are?"

Konrad Raab: "Not really as I noticed these bandages in the mirror. What are they doing there?"

Fizz Raab: "They are there because you had tattoos done. Think of Erik, giving you a present and making you change. He told me he wants to help you gain confidence. Trust me; these tattoos will help you do that."

Konrad Raab: "What are these tattoos I got?"

Fizz Raab: "For the one on your right shoulder, Erik chose to place a light blue and black ice yin-yang. He said it's because he feels you need to accept your light and dark side which is something you're struggling to do. The one on your back is Iceman from X-Men. From what I've seen on gab.com, you look perfect."

Konrad nods as he finally finds out what the bandages were for, but he was lost, looking on the ground as Fizz sees Konrad's conflict on that and she says this while they sit down on the sofa with a soft moan from Konrad.

Fizz Raab: "What's wrong?"

Konrad Raab: "I never considered getting a tattoo. I'm not sure to be honest if they are going to help me with anything."

Fizz Raab: "It will help you cope with changes, it will help you to look at them when they are fully recovered and touch them. OK so you can't on your back, but you can see it. Trust me when I say you look good and make you feel confident in yourself."

Konrad Raab: "I do trust your word on it. I figured out the emotions I feel to answer your other question is I feel angry and scared. Angry because of Gio and Damien told me to go against being The Iceman. Scared because of Luca and Oskar doing anything possible to break in our home and kill you and our kids, needing The Black Ice to defend you all."

Fizz nods, knowing it's what she sees in Konrad each time he came home, at least now he acknowledges the emotions he feels. She knows how difficult it was for him to explain all of that and he does have concerns, and he asks Fizz.

Konrad Raab: "Is there a chance I could be Black Ice without the mask?"

Fizz Raab: "From what I've seen, yes you could be him as well as Iceman. Fact is sooner than later; you have to decide the man you want to be because there's no way you can be both. Only you can decide that, not Gio, Glory, Damien or even me. Only you can make the decision."

Konrad Raab: "I'm scared; that's all. I was feeling hurt for a long time and still do over this whole Luca and Oskar thing cos it's so real that they can break in and kill you and all of my kids."

Fizz Raab: "I think you need some relaxing time with me. Let's get these bandages off your back and let me help you wash the tattoos and keeping them clean before we'll do something I think we need to do desperately."

Konrad nods, it has been a very long time they last made love to each other due to everything's been going on with Samuel's father's death to tag title matches to even the conflict of who he wants to be. They head to the bathroom where Fizz removes the one on his back, while Konrad removes the one on his shoulder and Fizz carefully washes The Iceman tattoo and his right shoulder and places moisturising cream specifically for tattoos.

After they've done that and once the cream sinks in Konrad's tattoo skin to dry, they go to the bedroom and close the door to do what they need to do as you hear moans and screams for an hour before the room goes quiet as both Fizz and Konrad head off to sleep.


Unexpected title opportunity youtube.com shoot. (On camera)

"I'm not going to make excuses for what I did to Glory Braddock last week because there is none. I wish things had gone differently and me hitting Damien in the face, but I didn't. Maybe The Black Ice has a point; I want to take care of business for myself in dealing with Damien and Gio by myself and believing I meant what I said to Glory last week.

Now I move onto someone who's dealt with Gio as of late, beating him until there's nothing left of him and her quest of wanting to face Datura and Xander as of late, being one of the top wrestlers in SCW, the toughest wrestler I've ever met in this ring, the Adrenaline champion herself, Regan Street.

Everyone knows what she's capable of in the ring from destroying her opponents and believe me, that would frighten any wrestler that comes across, especially she's an angry individual, like me, but her anger outdoes mine by a mile. Her passion for this business cannot be overlooked as she's the most passionate wrestler I've ever come across in facing in my life and dedication to her family too.

Everyone sees Regan as if she's a bad person, but she's not, at least not in my eyes. The problem I have with the whole Datura thing is although everyone knows you want to face her, it doesn't look like she'll come back. I hope one day, you can forget about her, despite the things she's said and done to your family, which I don't condone in any way possible.

I think you should be more focused on other enemies in your ways like Xander and Gio, although Gio is my enemy too at the moment, considering he's making me go with my head more than my heart at the moment. I admit I need to be focused as well after what happened in my match last time out. I didn't expect to face you for the Adrenaline title after my actions on Glory the last few weeks.

I almost neglected I'm in the Taking Hold Of The Flame rumble and do you know why I'm in it? Because you had a point, Regan, I've never mentioned being in SCW for the SCW title in the main event match. Do you know why I haven't? It's because of two reasons, I haven't earned a shot for the SCW title, nor do I deserve one, and I want to be Adrenaline and US champion first before I target for the SCW title. Of course, however, if I do win, I will act differently about it and turn my focus on that instead.

There's nothing I want more than to win your Adrenaline title, and I need to win just as much as you do, but I need it a lot more because of the battle I'm going through within myself, and that can be taken away when I defeat you in the ring for that belt.

I've always wanted to be the high flyer wrestler I know I can be, but I have to outdo your high flying skills to beat you for the Adrenaline title which has always been the next title on my list to capture. I can't deny you're the most significant threat I've faced in a while, but you know I'm willing to do everything possible to beat you, even if the last two encounters with you taking the win.

That's not going to happen this time around because I've been busting my ass a total of eight hours in the gym every single day, being prepared for this match. I haven't spoken to my wife in a week now because of how focused I am to beat you.

One thing I want SCW management to do, I want Gio and Damien banned from ringside, so I can entirely focus on Regan and give her a five-star match she deserves to get out of me for the Adrenaline title. I want to have a solid match that's about two wrestlers going at it to be the top wrestler in the match so I can gain confidence without them banging in my ear about Black Ice all the time.

I will say I will bring everything I have towards you Regan because you deserve to have a focused and fully gamed Konrad Raab, but I will find a way after studying you as a wrestler over and over again, even how difficult it is for anyone, let alone me to beat you. Aaron and Kandis almost came twice to beat you, but I believe I can do it, and nothing or anybody will stop me from doing so. 

Bring it on Hellcat because this Iceman will bring his fight to you as well. Prepare to be Iceinated by your new Adrenaline champion when I'll pin you for the three count right here in Ottawa, Canada. See you in the ring Regan and may the top wrestler win."
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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Konrad Raab vs. Regan Street - by Konrad Raab - 05-17-2019, 06:06 PM
RE: Konrad Raab vs. Regan Street - by Konrad Raab - 05-21-2019, 11:58 PM

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