Tommy Valentine vs. Casterillo
OOC:  Looking to go in a far different direction going forward.  It was hinted at leading into Apocalypse.  Continuing here.


Chapter 5:  Can Change Happen?

I am alive.  I am here.  While it is true that Konrad Raab was able to best me at Apocalypse, it is what it is.  Three seconds does not define me, him, nor anyone else.  Three seconds is just that, three seconds.  I am okay with Konrad getting a victory that he so desperately wanted.  Considering the fact that I almost died hours prior to Apocalypse even happening, it was a blessing to even be in the arena that night.  Shadron, she did not want me to compete, but even she saw that I just wanted closure.  It is the same thing I want this Wednesday night against Tommy Valentine.  Meanwhile I bet Tommy just wants a win, no matter in what way it comes.  If he is happy with that, if he can live with himself if he cheats, so be it.  It is no sweat off my back.  I do not wish to be like that.  Heck, I do not even wish to hurt others anymore.  I have seen what psychological torture is and have felt it far too much in my life.  Physical torment pales in comparison to it.  The majority of battle scars can heal, but emotional wounds never go away.  That is something I have to face for the rest of my life.

Casterillo sighs.  That is all he does, at least until he moves onward.

But Shadron, she has proven herself.  She has been there and has at least tried to ease my pain.  Yes, I have thanked her for that, and will continue to do so.  I know none of YOU will believe it, but she is right.  I can be a good being when I want to be.  And yes, I DO want to be.  Which is why I ask you all now this simple question.  Why the HELL do you all make it so god damn difficult?!?!?  And also why do some of you claim to be good, only to be rotten to the core?Hell, many of you proclaimed good guys act far worse than I ever have!

This is why I was swayed to become the way you all know me as.  As I look back on it, I hate that I was like that.  But you know what?  The heavens above gave me a second chance and I DAMN sure will be taking advantage of it!  Will I be a good little Casterillo and follow the leader though?  No.  I am still not willing to follow Sasha's lead or even give her a pat on the back, at least not until she becomes the true leader that she knows she can be.  She will not become that leader that the whole roster needs until she steps back and stops playing favorites.  It does not matter to me how much time it takes her.  That is her own business.  I will deal with mine.

Casterillo steps out of the shadows and into a pond of light that is being provided by a street lamp.  From the look on his face it just looks like he has seen God.  From the look on his face it just looks like he is ready to move forward and accept whatever comes next.  To him whatever comes next just cannot be worse than what he has dealt with up to this point in time.

The beginning to the rest of my life begins this Wednesday as I get this opportunity to take on and take Tommy Valentine out of this United States Championship Contendership Tournament.

Tommy, listen, I have heard what you had to say, and yes, I was the way I was because it is what my father made me out to be.  He tossed me away like garbage, which led me to many years of solitude, and when I chose to emerge and take up fighting for a hobby, I discovered wrestling.  I discovered this way of physically hurting people.  Now, I will not apologize for taking that victory on Taking Hold of the Flame weekend, as I did what I had to do.  I saw an opportunity and seized it, just like I will be trying to do against you this Wednesday.  ALL of us do that Tommy, including you.  You are not a perfect angel either.  But there is such a thing called moving forward.  I understand that now, after all I have been through.  Please though, do not call me Junior.  I am not some little boy.  I am still a powerful being, that now has God above to thank for this second chance.  I am changed Tommy and in our match, you will see that.  To me it will not be about punishing you and maiming you just because I am bigger than you.  No, I see this contendership tournament as a brand new start.  I know you will not forgive me for past transgressions, but maybe as soon as you see me in action Wednesday night, you will see things differently.  I am not anywhere near what you claim to personally be, you know, a Jackass.

Do not blame me for bringing it up.  You are the one that wants to be known as such.  Meanwhile I am not happy with what I have been.  I do not want to be known as a monster or someone that just assaults people from behind.  I CAN and WILL change Tommy.  You may not care now before our match takes place, but perhaps you will see that the impossible can come true.  No matter what the outcome is, I will be able to move forward and be exactly who I want to be.  Meanwhile others like you, like Glory, like Konrad, will all continue on as you have, hiding behind masks and not being who you truly should be.  THAT is why I do not mind the loss to Konrad at Apocalypse, Tommy.  In the grand scheme of thing it is no big deal to me.  Losses happen.  It is why I have not been focusing on winning championship belts, because even if you win one, it is inevitable, you will eventually lose it.  It is called easy come, easy go.  As a veteran you should know all about that.  I sure do.

With that said, I will give it my all against you in this first round of the tournament.  But will I be focusing on the SCW United States Championship while in that ring against you?  No, because it is not on the line.  You however are clearly focused on that belt and on Bree Lancaster, believing that you will just breeze right to Bree.  Overconfidence is such a deadly enemy to have Tommy.  You should know better.  Just look at one of your past tag team partners in Jake Starr.  The two of you are very much alike.  You are both just too brash, but hey, it is what it is.  You are who you want to be.  I am not forcing you to act like the way that you are acting.  That is all on you.  The way I act from now on will be on ME, and not based on all the bullshit I have had fed to me in the past, especially in my childhood.

Thus, the tough guy act?  That is NOT all that I am.  If I have to prove that to the world, I shall.  Soon everyone will see ALL that I have to offer, not just what they have seen.

I speak the truth to you Tommy.  I have been in the presence of the omnipotent one.  I have tasted my own glass of Holy Water, and now I have come back to right all of the wrongs.  It is about to begin.

Unlike what he would normally do, Casterillo stays out in the open, not slinking back into the shadows.  He begins to move forward in the night, until he gets to where he is going.  Where is that exactly?  Well, he is moving on...


He has arrived back to her and the two of them are just about to turn in for the night.  Normally he would turn away from her and sleep with his back to her, but tonight is not one of those nights.  Shadron looks surprised as he looks her right in the eyes.

I owe you.  I always thought that you were just this young woman who just wanted a man in her life.  You proved me wrong, and now I want to prove the world wrong.  I want you to see that you were right, and that I can change for the better.

You know, I never thought I would hear those words from you Lawrence.  I just...  I know it's coming because of your near-death experience.

No.  I am being sincere about it.  That is not the only driving factor Shadron.  YOU are too.  I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined I would meet someone like you.  YOU have turned out to be exactly what I needed.

She looks at him like he must be sick, but he is not in the slightest.

Are you okay?

This is the best I have felt since I was a little boy.  Please do not ruin it.  Shadron, I CAN change.

Yyyyes, you can but-

He leans into her and kisses her, meaningfully.  He keeps his eyes open and on her, experiencing her reaction.  She is left wide-eyed, unable to fall asleep now.  Though the same could be said for him.

I love you.

It is almost as if she is in heaven as her eyes soften.  She has truly won him over, and he does not mind losing himself to her, as she is the one who has made him far better than what he once was.  She returns fire with a kiss of her own now, one that is soft and caressing.  From Casterillo's reaction, he seems happy for once.  A happiness that he is embracing.  A happiness that the world never thought would overcome him.

For Casterillo he is likely looking for his passionate side to come through.  Right now he is having that chance.  Wednesday night he will be looking to continue on that path, whether SCW and the world are ready for it or not.

Messages In This Thread
Tommy Valentine vs. Casterillo - by Konrad Raab - 10-03-2019, 08:00 AM
RE: Tommy Valentine vs. Casterillo - by Jay Gold - 10-08-2019, 11:25 PM

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