End of the Year Open Invitational
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Overcoming his fears of telling Sebastian his family life. Las Vegas, Nevada. Friday, 20th December. (Off Camera)

Although everyone in SCW had time off from wrestling lately because of the Christmas holidays coming up, Konrad didn't have time off at all as he had to wrestle against Xander Valentine and placed himself in the battle royal for the Cruiserweight title. He didn't fail to impress, but he has signed a couple of contracts to wrestle in two other companies, although one of them was only for the Junior Heavyweight division.

Today wasn't about those companies as he sits in Alliance Mental Health specialists, as usual, waiting for Doctor Schneider to be ready for him. It was a bit quieter in the waiting room today since rarely anyone wanted to discuss their problems during this time. Still, because Konrad had missed a few sessions as of late, he had to come in today, especially his adopted son Sebastian kept asking Konrad questions about his family life quite a lot recently. Konrad shakes his head while having his head down, looking at the floor and says this to himself in the waiting room, already wearing the white overalls he has to wear each time he came there.

Konrad Raab: "Why can't I tell Sebastian about my family life?"

As the door opened for someone to come in, while they saw Konrad shaking his head, a man known as Doctor Schneider sees Konrad shaking, panicking on what he said. Schneider walks closer to Konrad, and he says this. 

Doctor Schneider: "Because you're afraid of telling him. Come on, let's go."

Konrad thought what Schneider said and part of what Schneider said was right, he was afraid of telling Sebastian of his family life because he doesn't like to talk about it. Schneider knows that's what they need to talk about, Konrad's fears in life as he picks himself up and drags himself to Schneider's office. Konrad sits down, having his head looking at the floor again, even shaking a bit.

Doctor Schneider: "Is Sebastian, your eldest son, you adopted?"

Konrad Raab: "Yes."

Doctor Schneider. "I always wondered what his name was. Yes, what I said is true; you are afraid to talk about it. I sense that you're afraid of showing your emotions towards your son."

Konrad Raab: "It's apart of that, yes, but I also have no idea how I can explain something so graphic you know to a fourteen-year-old boy. What if he doesn't understand me?"

Doctor Schneider: "I suggest what you'd do is tell him not necessary the graphic parts of what your dad did to you, but just small bits like the beatings you used to go through and burns on your face. If he asks questions a bit more about it, only then you tell him what happened."

Konrad Raab: "I don't want to tell him the graphic parts or want to tell him at all. I don't like to cry in front of my kids. Heck, they've never seen me angry because I don't let them see the ugly part of myself."

It's something Schneider nodded at as he went through all the notes of Konrad's life and it matches what Konrad said; he wrote down his fears of crying in front of his kids which has always been difficult. It was one thing to tell his eldest daughters from his previous relationship what happened as they were adults, but telling a teenager is another story altogether.

Doctor Schneider: "You have to tell him. Do you know how old you were when you started attempting suicide?"

Konrad shrugs his shoulders, shaking his head to Schneider as he says this after reading notes on the age Konrad started to do things on trying to end his life.

Doctor Schneider: "Fourteen so yes, you need to tell him now."

Konrad Raab: "What happens if I cry in front of him? What happens if I get angry in front of him?"

Doctor Schneider: "Then you let it all out, let him see you cry, let him see you angry."

Konrad Raab: "He will never see me be angry. I go away from him to let my anger out because I've told you what happened to my mum and Fizz when I got angry. They got hurt. If I hurt Sebastian, I wouldn't live with my kids ever again and to be honest, would attempt suicide if I attacked Sebastian or any of my kids."

Konrad doesn't like to be angry, not even during the sessions he has with Schneider as he knows what his anger is like. If he were able to do the things Konrad's done with Fizz and his mother, it would be the same with Sebastian; only he feels it would be worse due to his fear of having his father rights taken from him. Schneider writes it down and sees tears running down from Konrad's face, knowing he can't ever be angry in front of them.

Doctor Schneider: "There's no need to cry, Konrad. I agree, being angry is never good for your kids to see, sorry I went too far with you there, but Sebastian's old enough to know about your family life. Sebastian asks because he wants to know more about you, especially since he was adopted."

Konrad Raab: "I know he has every right to ask, but the problem is I need to be away from the other kids to tell him, and I haven't had the time to tell him alone."

Doctor Schneider: "I understand with your wrestling schedule, but you need to tell him before he starts to doubt if you love him or not. I agree you need to tell Sebastian away from other kids. If you cry, don't worry about it, it will show and teach Sebastian that even parents have emotions and it's natural that he does too."

Konrad nods on the part of him feeling fine to cry in front of his son if he forced himself to go there and sure, there are things Konrad didn't know about, but after the last session of him being explained in full of his DID, he fully understands now and even brought more books to know more about it. Schneider writes everything Konrad says and does in the room. Konrad grabs a plastic cup full of water and drinks it.

Doctor Schneider: "I would like for you to tell Sebastian either before or after Christmas Eve and Day. Those aren't perfect days to tell him, but other times, you can. I also want you to tell him before you come here next time. He needs to know. Do you think you can do that?"

Konrad gulped, when being told to tell Sebastian about Konrad's family life right away, especially Fizz, has already told Sebastian her side of the family. It's why in Konrad's mind Sebastian has been asking Konrad every other week. Konrad moves around, feeling very uncomfortable of what Schneider asked for Konrad to do, but he says this.

Konrad Raab: "I think so."

Doctor Schneider: "Konrad, I want you to tell Sebastian, and I want you to be confident in doing so as well. You don't have a choice; you have to tell him. I think so is not the answer I want to hear. I ask again and say it with confidence, do you think you can do that?"

Konrad Raab: "Yes."

Doctor Schneider writes down what was said and Konrad's body language of twitching and uncertainty he can overcome his fear of telling a teenage boy about his life. If there's a good thing to come out of all of these discussions, it was knowing everything before his other kids were teenagers to know about Konrad's family life. It was a hard one, even if the session today was meant to be planned for Konrad to cope with his anger on the past being hidden from him, but it was clear Konrad got distracted by asking himself a question.

Doctor Schneider: "I still sense your anger of you not being told about your past with your dad earlier. That's another reason why I want you to tell Sebastian because so he doesn't end up here."

Konrad Raab: "I can't guarantee that because he hasn't had an easy life growing up and he doesn't know anything about his real parents as they died when he was four years old and his grandparents didn't want to know Sebastian or felt they could take care of him."

Doctor Schneider: "I understand, of course, but I meant to say your other kids won't end up here in the future. You need to let go of the anger on secrets kept from you. It will take you time I know, and I'm sorry your mother was unable to tell you earlier, but that's something you learnt from. Never keep secrets from your kids."

Konrad Raab: "I'm still angry inside on my mum not telling me, but I get why she didn't on me losing my temper with her and go on a full attack, like last time."

Doctor Schneider: "Yes, it was down to that, and if you could cope with it, which was clear when you were told about your DID, you couldn't. I think that's all we have time for today. Before we end the session here, I need to ask as I always do in every session, how are you sleeping?"

Konrad Raab: "Everything is fine in that department, even if Jerry and Fizz sometimes remind me to take it before I go to sleep because I nearly forgot a few times, but it's all good. No nightmares of my dad and Drexel, nothing."

Schneider nods and writes down Konrad's sleeping habits not being a problem since he went on the tablets permanently which now he takes for the rest of his life due to Konrad's violent outbursts in the night he used to do in his sleep. Konrad finishes the cup of water before he pulls the chair back and gets up to leave the room. Konrad goes to the changing rooms to change into his clothes again as Konrad goes to the reception to collect his personal belongings. He leaves the building to drive back home with Fizz and his kids around him.


Konrad finally tells Sebastian his family life. Anaheim, California. Friday 27th December. (Off Camera)

It's a hard road for Konrad for him to know everything he needed to know about his dad and the amount of bullying he had to endure himself when he was a young boy. Christmas has finished with them mostly spending time in America with Konrad's twin brother, Konrad's twin brother's husband and their kids and they not long got home. Due to the holidays, his frequent hospital visits are cancelled, but he had the perfect chance to talk to Sebastian, alone about his family life.

Before he tells him, Konrad manages to play with his younger kids of the toys they got for Christmas and them along with Konrad were happy, especially when it involved putting lego pieces together to make vehicles. It was a Christmas Konrad enjoyed with his family, even if Markus and Samuel came back with them for protection in case Drexel and Osker came to kill Konrad and his family.

After he put his younger kids in bed, he whispers to Fizz's ear on him telling Sebastian about his past, alone. She nods and kisses him as he went downstairs and sees Sebastian watching wrestling on TV, inspired to be a future wrestler. After the show finished, Konrad pats him on his back, and Sebastian turns around to Konrad and says this.

Konrad Raab: "Sebastian, I need to speak to you alone in your bedroom."

Sebastian: "What about?"

Konrad Raab: "Something you've been asking me a lot lately, and I'm ready to tell you now."

Sebastian said ahhh to himself, knowing what Konrad was talking about as he got up from his sofa and they walked upstairs to Sebastian's bedroom. Sebastian's bedroom were maroon coloured walls, having many posters of Konrad both as a wrestler and a footballer on the wall as they took a seat on his bed, having FC Koln duvet and pillows as he was a fan of the team, like Konrad as well. Konrad sighs before he speaks.

Konrad Raab: "I had to tell you away from every one of my family life story because unlike your mums, although tragic as it was her mum dying at a young age, it's nothing like that with me and my family."

Sebastian: "So what happened?"

Konrad Raab: "My dad, he wasn't good to me. He never wanted me in his family, so he used to beat me up every day, even without the alcohol as my dad was an alcoholic. He always said things like I'm an ugly boy and a devil, even a few times, he burned my face over the cooker. My mum, she wasn't able to do anything, not even call the police because if she did, my dad would've burned the house down with me inside of it."

Sebastian: "Why did he beat you?"

Konrad Raab: "I don't know why but he never wanted me to defend myself, being treated like a piece of garbage, saying how much of a woman I am and how I should have never been born. This entire time, even when I was at school, he wanted me to be bullied and hurt in the playground and classrooms."

Konrad tries very hard not to let tears come down on his face, feeling afraid to let Sebastian see how much it hurt Konrad to explain the family story to him. The next part was going to be the hardest as Sebastian sees his father shaking, covering his face to be ashamed of himself on how weak Konrad was as a child. The worst is yet to come as Konrad uncovers his face, seeing tears run down his face.

Konrad Raab: "It was so bad that at your age, I started to attempt suicide, wanting to end my life because of what I've gone through. I was sent to an army camp because my dad wanted me out of his house at fourteen, and I was afraid because I didn't know how to fight and defend myself. Now I discovered, it was never to toughen me up, or I wanted to serve my country, it was because my dad wanted me shot dead, removing me from his life."

Sebastian: "Oh my god, I'm sorry for forcing you to tell me."

It was at that point, Sebastian hugged his father, letting his dad tears run down his face, the first time Sebastian saw his dad cry. Sebastian began not feeling bad about himself on the anger he feels every day, wondering what happened to his parents as it took Konrad a while to come around to say this to Sebastian.

Konrad Raab: "No, I should've told you a lot earlier, but I didn't know if you would've understood the amount of hell I went through as a kid to get where I am now."

Sebastian: "Trust me, dad, I understand. I understand why you acted the way you did in your early days if your dad was a drunken idiot. Do yo…………………."

Konrad Raab: "Yes, but my dad wouldn't allow me to do karate or any martial art, let alone wrestling. When I think back, I should've been a wrestler in the first place. Problem is it's not easy to be a professional wrestler in Germany."

Sebastian: "Yeah, that's what I thought as you and Markus are the only German wrestlers I knew. The difference was I wanted you as my dad because you're a nice guy and getting to know you as my dad, I knew I picked a perfect father and mother in my life, knowing I can be a professional wrestler."

Sebastian hugged his dad pretty hard, although he wished he didn't force his dad to tell him, it's still something Konrad needed to do and was lucky as well to at least say to another child, besides his eldest daughters from his first marriage. Konrad didn't like to pour tears to his kids, but he had to as Sebastian says this.

Sebastian: "You're a kind dad because you want to be nothing like your dad. It explains why you were trying so hard to adopt me, so I don't end up growing up like your dad."

Konrad Raab: "Exactly, and I also told you this story because I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me or your mum if you feel suicidal. You must tell us right away if you do so we can get you help for it. I didn't have support for that because my mum was too scared to do anything, but she loved me a lot which is why I'm still here."

Sebastian: "So how did you become a professional wrestler if it was difficult to get there?"

Konrad Raab: "You know I told you I saved Fizz's life to get her life back on track after being left for dead? Well, she saved my dreams from going away and getting me involved in the professional wrestling business. I would have never made it if I wasn't going out with your mum. I hope I can change that in Germany, to open up a wrestling school there so people can be professional wrestlers easier via progression and get other wrestling companies to sign them up."

Sebastian nods, smiling at the idea his father had, opening a wrestling school in Germany is an excellent idea as he claps his hands and Sebastian says this.

Sebastian: "I like to be apart of that as well, helping wrestlers get their start. It seems like we were both lucky to be or in my case, near enough to be professional wrestlers because of my mother being involved. Shame she doesn't want to be involved anymore."

Konrad Raab: "It is, but at the same time, my wrestling career grew so much more without her. If we were still wrestling, we wouldn't be together. She didn't want my career to be overshadowed with her's. It was also during the time she lost complete interest in the sport. She did MMA, but she didn't go far with that, and there are no MMA companies who'd sign Fizz. That's why now after she's had the baby, she's going to be a motorcycle rider next year."

Sebastian nods, acknowledging his father and his mother not wanting their relationship to collapse or their careers to overshadow one another. It gave Sebastian hope on Fizz getting herself back on track with her job of doing what she dreamt of doing, being a motorcycle rider which not many people dared to do. However, Sebastian got off track and talked about something on his mind.

Sebastian. "What's the deal about the battle royal coming up with the SCW title on the line? That's unusual to me."

Konrad Raab: "In Supreme Championship Wrestling, every year in the company, three members of randomised teams take part in what we call trios tournament where six teams compete for a prize to earn themselves a contract that lets wrestlers do what they want. This year, the team of Regan Street, Glory Braddock and Kellen Jeffries won the Trios tournament. Kellen Jeffries decided to go for the SCW title in the battle royal."

Sebastian: "That takes guts for him to do something big like that. Are you going to wrestle in it?"

Konrad Raab: "Yes because being in that match against Alistaire Allocco changed my competitive nature, big time. I had this belief in myself of never being able to win the SCW title because the goal was too far of a reach for me. While it was the last of my goals in the past, it no longer is because of Alistaire giving me the opportunity and wanting to go for the belt, consistently."

Sebastian once again hugs Konrad, but a happier hug as it was not as tight as before, but both of them smile, knowing they were able to keep each other happy, especially Sebastian hearing his dad, wanting to compete in the battle royal. It bothered Konrad a lot on him not competing at a PPV event since the win against Casterillo back in September. Fizz knocked, and Sebastian comes to the door and let's Fizz in, seeing Konrad wipes his face due to his tears earlier.

Fizz Raab: "Is everything alright?"

Sebastian: "Yes, mum. Dad was telling me about his family life."

Konrad nodded, feeling shaky about telling him. Still, due to the age of him attempting suicide, the age Sebastian is now, he had to before Sebastian even started having thoughts on it and that Schneider told him he wouldn't get any support until he does. She sits on the bed with Konrad and Sebastian.

Fizz Raab: "I'm glad. For your dad to explain his family life was hard, especially him crying in front of you as I imagined."

Sebastian: "He did cry, but at the same time, I understood everything my dad said, it's why he wanted to adopt me, treating me and my other brothers and sisters equally and wanting to be a wrestler, so he doesn't end up like his dad."

Fizz Raab: "Yes, that's right."

Sebastian: "Dad said he will compete in the battle royal coming up."

Fizz Raab: "Your dad already told me, and I understand because he wants to be an SCW champion so badly. He may not say it, but he does when you look at his body language, not to mention the hours he spends in the gym is more than I ever did. That says a lot about your dad wanting to be champion badly. Now, I think it's time for you to go to sleep."

Konrad raises his head, nodding at Sebastian, agreeing with Fizz to go to bed as Fizz and Konrad leave Sebastian, but not without them equally hugging him with Sebastian receiving a kiss on his left cheek by Fizz herself. They said good night to each other and Sebastian closes the door as Konrad finally lifting his head, smiling towards Fizz as he got the difficult part of telling his eldest son of his family life out of the way. They walked to their bedroom and closed the door behind them to have a bit of loving time together before they went off to sleep.


Earning my entry to be the SCW champion youtube.com shoot. (On Camera)

"There's a lot of reasons for wrestlers to enter in this match, including myself because you see, back when I first competed here, winning the SCW title was the last goal I want to achieve. It all changed when Alistaire Allocco wanted to face me for the title; it gave me the competitive spirit I was missing. Therefore I will compete, regardless because opportunities like this do not come around every single day.

Especially a few wrestlers who rarely get opportunities for SCW title who worked their butts off to earn one their entire SCW career. Most people from what I've heard have been criticising Kellen Jefferies for making a match like this. If he competes in this match for the SCW title, that's one gutsy wrestler. If I were an SCW champion, I would love the chance to test myself against the top wrestlers in a battle royal with my title on the line because I love competition and would make sure I'd work for my title reign as well.

How many of you would dare to force yourself with odds stacked against you in a match like this? I praise Kellen for having the guts to do something not many wrestlers would do, putting himself in the deep end to work for the title at higher stakes. Who knows if Kellen would compete? If he does good on him.

If not, that's when I'll question why Kellen set up this SCW title match when he didn't compete in it. Why would he waste the opportunity away to others? That would be the only thing I have against the match. I get those who already question it on him giving it to undeserving wrestlers like Syren as she doesn't deserve a shot at all, but instead of complaining about it, why not be in the match yourselves to stop her from capturing gold? How does anyone know Syren will be in the battle royal?

I'm in it because there's nothing more I want than to not only win the SCW title but to compete to win the SCW title again. I've not wrestled on a PPV event since September and to be honest, that has bothered me a lot, but I use my frustrations out on my opponents in the ring because complaining about certain things gets you nowhere.

I believe in balance, and that's why I see advantages and disadvantages in Kellen's decision to put the SCW title on the line in a battle royal match. We all have earned shots for titles, no matter what title it is and I respect wrestling and the business-like anything, but none of you will see the positives as I do.

I know I've not spoken about what an individual wrestler has done to me lately, but I hope Gavin Taylor will enter this match because I want my revenge on him after everything he's done, not to myself, but to Asher as well. Cheating his way to winning the Adrenaline title isn't considered to be a champion. I will get my hands on Gavin first chance I get to teach him a thing or two about the respect he lacks in the sport, possibly a match for his Adrenaline title will be down the road sooner than later because he's the most undeserving champion in SCW right now.

Nor is a champion, despite their talent in the ring to work to win the SCW title who exploited Kelcey's baby and pretending to be the mother to Kelcey's son either. What right does Sienna have, naming Kelcey's baby without her consent? That's disgusting and wrong. That's one of the reasons why I do not support Sienna as champion. I won't deny her in-ring talent, that's not in question for debate whatsoever as Sienna's in-ring ability is why she's champion, it's the way she got there to exploit Kelcey's baby and her health I have a problem with.

Point is I will stop these undeserving wrestlers of Syren and Gavin should they enter and sick wrestlers like Sienna from getting anywhere near the SCW title again. Things did need a change around here and who knows will compete in the match. You will know one thing; I will be in the match to use my frustrations out on lack of PPV matches I've had since September and will attempt to throw out anyone I can in the match to win the SCW title.

I know when I win the match, I would have earned the title win, the way I would love in a battle royal situation, upsetting and overcoming the odds against me. Everyone in the match will look back and say, damn Konrad took advantage of something he wouldn't do in two thousand and seventeen and win the SCW title. I will be the last person standing, and nobody can stop how much I've been craving for another opportunity like this and will take advantage of it.

All of you will prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow because I want to be the top wrestler in this company and will make an impact, showing everyone I have what it takes to get there with all the hard work I've done this year to get where I am now. Never been happier and confident to believe I can and will win the battle royal and be the SCW champion. See you all tomorrow night and may the top wrestler win."
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

Messages In This Thread
End of the Year Open Invitational - by supremecw - 12-18-2019, 10:59 AM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Ace - 12-27-2019, 11:29 PM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Konrad Raab - 12-29-2019, 03:50 PM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Huddie - 12-29-2019, 11:02 PM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Owen - 12-30-2019, 12:27 AM
RE: End of the Year Open Invitational - by Syren - 12-30-2019, 12:59 AM

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