Ricky James in action
Morning of October 7th, 2020:

An Uber pulls up to the loading dock of the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, site of this week’s Breakdown. Ricky James steps out of the back seat of the vehicle, on his phone.

Ricky: Yeah….that’s Jay...Gold. Pretty sure that’s his real name. Little twirpy looking old man. Check out the cities in New York…...Yup…..claims he’s from Albany. I’d check the New York City Antifa chapters. Pretty sure I’ve seen him in those riots…...yeah of course he was wearing a mask. Little coward attacked me from behind last week…….of course…...well hey, I just got to the arena. I appreciate the help, Joe. Take care.

Ricky hangs up the phone and walks up to the loading dock door. A security guard is standing outside. Next to the security guard is a large man, large enough to make Ricky look pretty small. The man is wearing black pants and a black SCW polo, arms folded against his muscular chest.

Ricky: Gentlemen….

Large Man: Mr. James…I’m here to escort you to your dressing room.

Ricky: Oh really? Usually if I have an escort she’s a lot smaller and better looking than you. But I didn’t ask for any escort….

The man cuts Ricky off.

Large Man: Mr. James, I am here to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. You’ve been causing nothing but trouble over the past few weeks.

Ricky starts to get infuriated and begins to scream at the man.

Ricky: EXCUSE ME?! Who the hell are you?! Who sent you here?!

Large Man: My name is Lance. I work for SCW security. I -

Ricky cuts Lance off.

Ricky: LIKELY STORY. Who are you an agent for? China? Russia? I knew this company was suffering and the management was weak but I didn’t realize they were so STUPID to let a foreign agent work for them….

Lance: Mr. James, I’ve been employed by SCW for several years. I am American. I was sent here by the SCW Board of….

Ricky again cuts Lance off.

Ricky: Oh so it was CANADA! You know, the media doesn’t focus enough on you Canadian Commies. You’re becoming a huuuuuge problem. But luckily SCW now has people like myself and Lucy Huckabee Sanders to EXPOSE you and your plot.

Lance: Mr. James, stop being ridiculous. We have you on camera attacking officials and other superstars. You have been disciplined before. Rather than let you continue with this behavior, management decided to have me step in. Perhaps if you can behave this week, we can talk about letting you escort yourself around again.

Ricky: This is ridiculous.

Ricky attempts to shove Lance, but Lance quickly pushes back, nearly sending Ricky to the ground.

Lance: You don’t want to try me.

Ricky stops and takes a breath, seemingly realizing he’s met his physical match. He regains his composure and continues.

Ricky: Look, I don’t know what kind of doctored footage you’re talking about. All Lucy and I have done since being here is exercise our freedom of speech to educate people on the evil doings of this administration. You want to “escort” someone? Try Jay Gold. HE is the one who attacked ME from behind.

At this point Lance pulls out his phone.

Lance: Mr. James, I can show you right here what happened last week. Undoctored footage. Care to watch?

Ricky, looking annoyed and defeated, shakes his head.

Ricky: No. And you will never convince me that the footage is undoctored. But since you like to play cameraman, would you like to record a message from me? You can show it to all your comrades in the SCW front office.

Lance smirks and then holds his phone up to Ricky.

Lance: Sure, go ahead.

Lance hits record as Ricky runs his fingers through his hair, takes a deep breath, and begins.

Ricky: This is not an Emergency Press Conference. This is a message to everyone in SCW, particularly Shady Sasha, Do Nothing D, and of course, Jay Gold. You all can continue to treat me unfairly. You all can continue to push your Canadian Communist Marxist agenda. But you will not stop me. You will not stop Lucy Huckabee Sanders. We will continue on our mission to EXPOSE SCW and rid it of its socialist scum. Lucy and I are not the only ones who feel this way and who have been unfairly treated. Sienna Swann, Bree Lancaster - stand back and stand by.

Ricky stops and mysteriously walks away from the arena as Lance stands there with his phone out, completely perplexed
[Image: QEi4Ejt.png]

1x SCW Television Champion

Wins:12 (Jobber, Jobber, Derek Adonis, Konrad Raab, Blake Mason, Tommy Valentine, Kelsai Adamson-Mason [TV Title win], Jay Gold [title defense], Maria Salvatore [title defense], Ace Marshall [via DQ], Gavin Taylor, Cid Turner/Selena Frost/Purity Pixie [w/Ace and Kandis, Trios 2021, pinned Purity])

Losses: 8 (Gavin/Powers, Jay Gold, Asher Hayes, Last Laugh 2020 Battle Royal [Last eliminated by Asher Hayes], Crystal Zdunich [TV Title loss], Retribution 2021 Scaffold Scramble, RTG 2021 TLC Match for Adrenaline Title, UA 2021 EC for Adrenaline Title)

Messages In This Thread
Ricky James in action - by Konrad Raab - 10-02-2020, 06:05 PM
RE: Ricky James in action - by Ricky James - 10-06-2020, 06:13 PM

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