Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward
April 22nd, 2021
Nashville, TN
Off Camera

Be Careful What You Wish For is quite a name for the next Supreme Championship Wrestling pay per view event. Not only is it a mouthful but it carries a great deal of meaning with it. It is an old saying and the complete version is “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.” This saying rings true for “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock who will be challenging Katie Steward at the event. Braddock has been seeking out new challenges and tonight on Breakdown she seemed to challenge the self-proclaimed Goddess’s dedication to professional wrestling. In Glory’s mind, Katie hasn’t been taking things very seriously lately, almost to the point of becoming a joke. Clearly offended, Katie attacked The British Bombshell from behind, which now sets up their match at Be Careful What you Wish For.

Glory Braddock still isn’t completely over the attack, which is obvious based upon the fiercely angry look etched across her lovely features as she sits on a blue steel folding chair in the backstage area of the Bridgestone Arena of Nashville, Tennessee where Breakdown has recently come to its conclusion. Braddock is wearing a knee length black pencil skirt, black patent leather high heel pumps, and a royal purple blouse. Her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to just past the shoulders.

The confrontation with Steward isn’t the only cause of The British Bombshell’s angst. She may be hiding it through this mask of anger across her face, but she is also concerned and more than a little nervous about her recent business venture into the modeling industry. To be perfectly honest, Glory Braddock never cared to get involved in modeling but she chose to get involved when she heard that her cousin, Kayla Jones-Snow, was on the verge of having to shut down her agency due to financial problems. Braddock wanted to help, mostly because Kayla is her family and she always sticks by her family, but also out of a desire to help. This modeling agency was Kayla’s dreams, not Glory’s, and it was on the verge of coming to an end. There were also many models within the agency whose livelihoods were threatened by this potential shutdown.

Braddock recognizes that their dreams are not the same as hers but she also recognizes that she has been selfish and viciously pursued her own materialistic goals without concern of who she may hurt in the process. She has worked hard to redeem herself and this is a chance to redeem herself even further by helping others fulfill their dreams. In this case, she will help her cousin and her cousin’s clients keep their dreams alive. That is the only reason Glory Braddock ever decided to venture into the modeling business in the first place. But as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Glory wanted the chance to keep these dreams alive but now she faces a major threat to achieving that goal and that threat’s name is Ronald Duane Kennedy.

RDK for short.

RDK knows nothing about the modeling business but was working in finance for the agency. It turns out he was sabotaging Kayla and her agency all along in an attempt to take it over. Glory had hoped that swooping in and buying the agency out from under him would stop him. But Kennedy was too stubborn to quit. He was also very cunning and devious, devious enough to provoke Glory’s husband and retired professional wrestler himself Kurt Logan into attacking him in public. RDK filed a lawsuit against Glory and Kurt. The financial damages of the lawsuit didn’t matter to RDK, he just wanted to use the bad publicity to lure models away from Kayla Jones and Glory Braddock and into his waiting arms.

The strategy is working. Models that were working with Kayla and Glory have been dropping like flies and going to RDK’s new startup agency. Glory now sits in this dressing room at the Bridgestone Arena thinking not about what to do next because she already knows what she needs to do, she just isn’t sure if she wants to do it. She isn’t sure if helping her cousin and the modeling agency is worth it any longer. Because in order to save her cousin’s modeling agency, Glory will have to return to a dark place she had swore to never go back to. RDK is playing dirty, very dirt, and Braddock realizes that the only way she can beat him is to play equally dirty.

“Glory…” Braddock, who had been in thought didn’t even notice the door opening and her husband, Kurt Logan, entering the dressing room. He is wearing blue jeans, black shoes, and a plain black t-shirt. Glory looks up at her husband who seems a little concerned himself, but he is hiding it well.


“The car is ready, your bags are in the trunk. Are you ready to go back to the hotel?”

Braddock sighs deeply and nods her head. “I suppose.”

“Look, babe, don’t let the crap Katie Steward pulled get to you.”

“I’m not worried about that trollop. If I hurt her feelings then too damn bad. I stand by what I said because what I said was true. She needs to start taking things seriously and if what I said lit a fire under her pretty little ass then great, maybe we’ll have a good match. If not then I’ll smoke her and choke her out. Either way I will deal with her at Be Careful What You Wish For.”

“Good, because you did kinda have that coming to you.” Kurt says smirking knowingly. Glory doesn’t find it funny at all and is quite shocked.

“Kurt?! What?!”

“I agree with what you said about her, but come on, you should have expected her to jump you like that. People like her, that’s all they know.”

Braddock sighs and nods her head. “True, you’re right. I probably should have seen that one coming. It’s just that my mind isn’t in the right place.”

“What’s bothering you?” Kurt asks his wife this question but gets no response. A few moments later he presses the issue. “It’s RDK, isn’t it?”

“Yeah…” Glory answers her voice trailing off.

“We have plenty of time to think about what to do with that asshole.” Kurt says, his own voice growing angrier and more fierce as his temper begins to flare with the thoughts of RDK.

“No, Kurt, we don’t. RDK has the perfect ammunition to wage a public relations war against the modeling agency I now own. Our models are slowly but surely leaving us, going to RDK.”

“But Fiona is talking sense into them, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is, but she is just one person. Sure, there’s Kayla, but she’s part of the authority with the agency. Plus she’s my family. Fiona is one of them, a model herself. They do trust her but she’s just one person, Kurt. For every one person she convinces to stick with us there are two or three more who are drinking RDK’s kool-aid. We cannot wait much longer, Kurt. If I want to help my cousin and Fiona, then I need to take immediate action.”

Kurt frowns and shakes his head. He knows exactly what kind of action his wife is referring to and he doesn’t like it. “No, absolutely not.”

“He’s playing dirty. I have to play dirty too in order to stop him. That’s the only way.”

“I already heard about your idea of playing dirty. You tried it against Jennifer Alan and her family, you tried to stop them by getting mixed up in organized crime. And that nearly got you in trouble with the federal government. You can’t risk doing that again.”

Braddock sighs and nods her head. “I admit that it is risky and I admit that I have considered using that particular weapon against him. But there is another way I can play dirty, a legal way I can play dirty…”

Kurt shakes his head vehemently and shouts. “I absolutely refuse to let you do that!”

“You cannot stop me!” Glory stands up, confronting her husband. “I’m sorry, Kurt, but you cannot stop me!”

“Think of the progress you’ve made, the work you have done to fix things, to make things right, are you risking all of that for the modeling agency? You were never even interested in modeling to begin with!”

“You’re right...but I’m not doing this for modeling agency. I’m doing this because I love my cousin and I am doing this for a young woman named Fiona who needs help.”

There is a loud knocking heard at the door. The noise of the pounding knocks interrupts Kurt and Glory’s brief argument. Glory goes over and opens the door and much to her shock and eventual dismay Ronald D. Kennedy makes his way inside. “There she is!”

“How the hell did you get back here?!” Glory demands. Kennedy smirks as he waves a backstage pass.

“These bad boys are easy to purchase if you have the money.”

“What do you want?” Glory asks, rolling her eyes. RDK chuckles.

“I don’t want to see you.” He turns and approaches Kurt Logan. “I wanted to see your husband. They say you should face your fears and after the traumatic incident when your husband physically assaulted me, I felt I should face my fears head on.”

He motions to his face and then presents it to Kurt, almost as if begging him to hit him again. “Go ahead, Kurt. Don’t you wanna show me how tough you are?

“Yeah, I do…”

“Kurt, please…don’t…” Glory says sternly. RDK chuckles nastily.

“Oh come on, Kurt! Be a man! Don’t listen to your wife! Hit me if you want to!”

“Kurt!” Glory says, raising her voice just a little. Kurt really does want to hit RDK. That much is clear based on the intense rage in his eyes as he stares hatefully at Kennedy. But thankfully, and to Glory’s delight, Kurt shakes his head, refusing to hit him.

“No, I won’t give you what you want, Kennedy.”

“I guess that means Konrad Raab isn’t the only gimp in this building right now, am I right?” RDK says this hoping to provoke Kurt but still Glory’s husband refuses to take the bait.

“Kurt, just leave.” Glory tells him. Kurt looks over at his wife.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

With that, Kurt nods his head. He turns and walks past Glory and exits the dressing room. This leaves The British Bombshell alone with RDK. Kennedy arrogantly struts over to Braddock and snickers nastily. “You have him whipped, Braddock. I’m impressed.”

“Shove it, Kennedy. Just get to the point and tell me what you want.”

“Maybe I wanted to get a little more intimate with you? Show me some of those ‘wrestling’ moves you are so famous for?” RDK winks playfully. Braddock isn’t having any of it and she shakes her head.

“I know what you’re implying and it makes me sick. But go ahead and try it, mate, because that’s sexual harassment and if you do that then I am fully justified in kicking the ever loving shit out of you without concern about legal reprecussions.”

RDK is taken aback by Glory’s stern warning and backs off. “Fair enough. I will get right to the point. I am here to give you one final chance to give up.”

“Give up?!”

“Yes, give up and just let the modeling agency die. Or better yet sell it to me. We both know that despite having the body and looks of a model you are still at the end of the day a wrestler. You aren’t interested in modeling. So why go through this trouble of fighting a losing battle against me? Just give your stupid cousin’s modeling agency to me and end the pain.”

Braddock chuckles lightly. “You really are deluded, mate. I have made many mistakes in my past and some would even say that there were times I was an outright monster. But even at my worst I would never abandon my family and if you think I will abandon my cousin in her time of need then you are crazy. Besides, your victory isn’t a foregone conclusion.”

“I assume you are referring to Fiona and how she’s been rallying the troops? Yeah, I heard all about that. But you know as well as I do that Fiona won’t be enough. Your reputation with those models is tarnished thanks to your husband physically assaulting me. Kayla Jones may be running the agency but you own it and they will never feel safe or comfortable there so long as you own it. The only way that agency survives is if it is no longer in your possession. So sell to me and get it over with quickly or just wait it out and let it die slowly. Either way, I will win.”

RDK winks again and then walks past Glory Braddock and exits the dressing room. Once the door is shut and Braddock is standing there alone she lets out a quiet sigh. She realizes now that RDK is right. The modeling agency will not survive if Glory Braddock is still the owner. And her cousin Kayla doesn’t have the finances to buy it back and keep it up herself. There really is only one solution.

April 26th, 2021
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

In life sometimes you are forced to make tough decisions. Oftentimes life gives a decision that is not only very tough but on top of all of that, none of the options are very good. This is the place “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock had found herself when it came to her cousin Kayla Jones-Snow’s modeling agency. Her husband, Kurt Logan, physically assaulting Ronald Duane Kennedy brought about bad publicity that threatens to ruin the modeling agency she just recently purchased from her cousin. Glory had been agonizing over what to do for weeks about a potential solution, but none of the solutions seemed very favorable. It has been several days since Glory Braddock’s most recent confrontation with Ronald Duane Kennedy. The conman known as RDK, for all of his faults, has done one thing right; he did open the eyes of The British Bombshell to the one thing she knew she had to do but was too afraid to do if she wants her cousin’s modeling agency to survive and thrive. Braddock no longer agonizes over her decision, she is calm and at peace realizing that this is the only decision she could make. She only hopes that it works.

Braddock sits in her corporate office at Miami, Florida. Her large wood oak desk is littered with paperwork; clearly The British Bombshell is having a busy day. The majority of her morning has been devoted to patching up the final pieces of her final decision to settle this issue between herself, the modeling agency, and RDK once and for all. The gorgeous blonde is wearing a royal purple summer sun dress, and sandals. Her long blonde hair hangs unrestrained and straight to past the shoulders. She has a document in her hand, which she is reading carefully and thoroughly going through all of the details contained within its fine print. Unfortunately her focus is broken when the buzzing from her phone is heard signaling that her secretary is trying to call her. Glory pushes the speakerphone button…


“Ms. Braddock, I apologize but…”

“Let me in! Now!” That voice belongs to her cousin Kayla’s. Glory laughs lightly and quietly so that Kayla and the secretary do not hear. Kayla has an infamous red-headed temper and clearly something Glory did has pissed her off.

“...Ms. Jones-Snow is here and she is rather demanding about wanting to see you but I see that she didn’t make an appointment and…”

“Bloody hell,” Glory says as she cuts off the secretary “Kayla is family. She can come in whenever the hell she wants.”

“Are you sure?”

“Let me in, damn you!” Kayla exclaims loud enough that she is heard on the other end. Braddock chuckles.

“Yes, I’m sure. Let her in.”


The British Bombshell has a sneaking suspicion that her solution to the RDK problem is what Kayla is so upset about. She braces herself as she hears the door unlocking. Then the door swings wildly open and Kayla Jones-Snow comes storming in, stomping and huffing and puffing, waving her fist like mad.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Sit down, Kayla.”

Kayla walks over to Glory’s desk and pounds her balled up fists on the desk. “I trusted you!”

“Would you please sit down?” Glory asks again, still maintaining her patience and composure. She motions to an empty chair near the desk. Kayla sighs and sits down in the chair. But she is still fuming mad as she glares angrily at her cousin. “That’s better. Now would you mind telling me why you are so upset?”

“You really don’t know?”

Braddock has a feeling she knows but plays dumb. “No, but please tell me.”

“You really want to play this game?!”


Kayla rolls her eyes. “Fine! I heard rumors that you were selling the modeling agency?!”

“Oh that rumor. Well it isn’t a rumor, it is fact. I am selling.”

“And that is why I am pissed! I told you that I wanted to do this on my own, but I reluctantly sold to you on the agreement that you would let me run the agency on my own, that you would stick your nose in! But now here you are selling my modeling agency to someone else?!”

Braddock sighs as she maintains her composure. “It was a tough decision to make, Kayla, but it was the right decision. The agency was going downhill. It was going to die out slowly if I didn’t sell.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Models and other employees were quitting left and right because they didn’t trust me as their boss.”

“But I was the boss!”

“Right, and I was your boss. I owned the agency. And because of the crap RDK pulled, throwing mud on my good name and Kurt’s, we lost their trust. The only way to maintain some semblance of trust within the company was to sever ties with the Glory Braddock name. And that’s what I did. Your models were at risk of losing their jobs if that agency didn’t survive. I had no choice. What I did will allow your models, your employees, and especially the one young woman we both care deeply about to keep their jobs.”


“Right.” Braddock nods her head. Kayla sighs as she slowly starts to calm down.

“So who the hell is the new owner? Tell me you didn’t sell to RDK!”

“Are you crazy? Of course I didn’t sell to RDK.”

“Then who?!” Kayla raises her voice a bit. “I think I deserve to know who my new boss is!”

Braddock smirks knowingly. “You already know her.”

“I do?” Kayla asks. Glory passes the document she had been holding over to Kayla, who takes it and begins reading. Glory is still grinning from ear to ear as she waits for a response from her cousin. It isn’t a very long wait. Kayla puts the document down and stares curiously across the desk at her cousin. “Lindsey Noel? Who the hell is that?”

“Before I answer that let me tell you how difficult this decision was. See, Kennedy decided to play dirty. He waged a public relations war against the Braddock name. The whole company took a hit, but thanks to the efforts of Tabatha Silverstone who operates the wrestling promotion, Randall Williams who runs the wrestling school, and the amazing PR work of Francis Taylor who is the overall president of our company, the damage was minimal. But RDK wasn’t targeting them anyway. His target was the modeling agency. He actively slinging mud at me and using his charm to convince the models that your agency was untrustworthy so long as I owned it. I knew I had to play just as dirty as him in order to beat him.”

“What did you do?”

“First cue I took was from organized crime.”

“What?!” Kayla asks. Glory chuckles and shakes her head.

“It isn’t what you think. You know how the mafia may have front companies to hide its illegal operations? That’s kind of what we’re doing here, only what I’m doing is perfectly legal. Your modeling agency is completely separate from Glorious Golden Enterprise. It could not have any ties to my name or my company; and now RDK’s public relations campaign cannot impact you in any way, shape, or form.”

“Ok, so it is its own separate entity, owned by Lindsey Noel? Who is that?”

“Pick your favorite author, that’s who I borrowed the idea from, because authors do this all the time. It’s called a pseudonym. Organized crime may call it a fake name or fake identity but again, there’s nothing wrong with having and utilizing a pseudonym.”

Kayla furrows her brow. “So Lindsey Noel is…”

“She’s me.”


“Many consider Aphrodite Noel a monster. I do not, because I learned a great deal from her. I wish she had used different tactics but I do not regret what I learned from her. You remember how Aphrodite Noel had managed to damn near psychologically break both me and my sister Julia, right? Well we both broke. I broke so badly that I became a monster, something ugly, and I had to start seeing a psychiatrist in order to recover. I’m not sure if Julia ever did fully recover. But the fact is we were both broken, broken to the point that we willingly accepted Aphrodite as our new family, as our surrogate Mother. Julia even chose a new name for herself…”

Kayla nods her head. “Yeah, Chastity. I remember that.”

“Everyone does. But no one outside of myself, Julia, and Aphrodite ever knew that I too had a new name. But I never did use the name. I guess I wasn’t quite as broken as Julia because she took on a new name and identity. I never did take on the name given to me. Lindsey is the name I damn near took on as my new identity, but I never did because I wasn’t that broken yet. I am taking it on now so that I, under the pseudonym of Lindsey Noel can own your modeling agency and continue to let you run it all the while allowing it to remain completely separated from the name Glory Braddock.”

Kayla remains quiet for several moments as she lets this knowledge sink in. “I remember your issues with Aphrodite Noel. I also vaguely remember you telling me about the psychiatric sessions. This is risky, it’s a threat to your mental health.”

“It is a risk but it is a risk I am willing to take. Besides, I think the sessions have been very successful and I think I am strong enough not to let anything from my past bother me.”

“Are you sure you want to do it this way?”

“It is the only way. But tell me, is it working?”

Kayla sighs and nods her head. “I think so. Ever since the rumors of a new owner starting spreading the resignations also stopped.”

Braddock smiles warmly. “Then yes, I am sure that I want to do this.”

“Well...thanks, Glory. I’m actually very embarrassed right now that I made a fool of myself out there, being so angry when things clearly are not as bad as I thought. I should have trusted you.”

“It’s ok, Kayla, I haven’t exactly been a perfectly trustworthy person in the past. I do want to make up for my own crimes and betrayals, in order to redeem myself and to earn back the trust of the people who once supported me. I knew going in that it would take time.”

“Are you sure RDK won’t find out what you’re doing?”

Braddock smirks. “I’ve covered my tracks far too well. He will never find out. Or at the very least it will take him a long time before he figures out what I’ve done and by the time he does hopefully your agency will be on some solid enough footing that you won’t need to worry about being connected to me.”

“That’s good to hear. Thanks again, Glory, for everything.” Kayla rises up out of her chair and is about to turn and leave when Glory stops her.

“Wait, one last thing before you go.” Braddock picks up a smaller document, about the size of a ticket, and hands it to Kayla. She inspects it carefully and looks back up at Glory with confusion on her face.

“This is a ticket to London.”

“Yes it is.”

“Who is it for?”

“It is for Fiona. Modeling was never her big dream. She enjoys it and it pays the bills but it isn’t her dream. Her dream is to be a wrestler. You and I both know this. You said yourself that Fiona reminded you a lot of yourself because you both used modeling as a springboard to get into wrestling. I want to help Fiona’s dream come true and I am honored to use my influence to make that dream a reality.”

Kayla looks back down at the plane ticket and then back up at Glory. “You are a wonderful person, Glory. Don’t let anyone tell you different.”

May 1st, 2021
Pittsburgh, PA
On Camera

We open with the iconic imagery of Fort Pitt Bridge in the background, indicating that we are in the city of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Many of the tall buildings that tower overhead, decorating the Pittsburgh skyline can also be seen. A few moments later and “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock steps into view from stage left. The beautiful blonde is wearing black dress pants, a black blouse, and a black overcoat. A black fedora rests upon her head and her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past her shoulders.

“Be Careful What You Wish For, isn’t that right Katie? And that’s more than just the name of our next pay per view for Supreme Championship Wrestling. I think that echoes with such truth. Now you, Katie Steward, may think that the whole ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’ message would apply mainly to yours truly. After all it was me who ridiculed you and questioned whether or not you were taking this seriously, and then you blindsided me after.” Braddock chuckles as she nods her head.

“I should have seen that one coming, so I’ll give you credit for what happened on Breakdown. But you won’t fool me twice, brasser and you definitely won’t get one over me at Be Careful What You Wish For. But if you ask me, I think the whole meaning of Be Careful What You Wish For applies much better to someone like you?” Braddock points a finger at the camera, as if pointing at Katie herself. Braddock smiles confidently as she continues.

“Let’s examine this very carefully little miss Goddess; I thought Ricky James was a crock of shit with his Canadian agenda Shady Sasha bullshit. But then you start running around blatantly ripping him off with a Nebraska agenda and you don’t like it because I called you out? Now I won’t call you old or washed up because let’s face it, you are one of the all time greats in SCW history, and as a student of the game myself I know that any good veteran with a fire lit under their ass can take on the world. But you are going to rip off someone like Ricky James who is a legitimate laughing stock and then expect yourself to suddenly be taken seriously?”

Braddock shakes her head. “No, that’s not how you get taken seriously, the way you get taken seriously is stepping up, putting out your best performance, and winning big when it counts. You haven’t had gold in awhile now have you, Katie? You haven’t had much of a reason to be calling yourself a legend or a goddess. And I called you out, and that bruised the one thing you care about more than anything else…” Glory smirks

“...your ego. Then again, I did more than hurt your ego, am I right? I think I lit a fire under your ass because you attacked me on Breakdown. That tells me that somewhere deep down in your heart and soul I think you know that I was right about you and you want to step up, you want to prove yourself, that you still got it. Well be careful what you wish for, Steward, because you definitely got your wish in spades. I am not just any opponent and I am not an opponent who will underestimate you nor will I consider you a joke inside that ring, even if you do act like a joke outside of the ring. I am the type of the competitor who takes each and every match very seriously and I fight every match as if it were my last. I fight every opponent as if I were fighting the very best in the world. So right here in Pittsburgh, the Steel City, you will get the very best of Glory Braddock and if you survive the onslaught, then you can walk out with your head held high. And if you manage to win, then you really have something to crow about.”

The British Bombshell shakes her head. “Unfortunately for you that’s just not going to happen. See, I do not believe that you have learned a damn thing. If you still want to prance around and get treated like divinity and make a bloody fool of yourself then do so on your own time but if you pull that shit at Be Careful What You Wish For then I swear to God that I will make you tap out or choke you out. That isn’t a threat, it is a promise. And you can’t blame a Nebraska and Devil Agenda on that; you can blame yourself for not stepping up and you can also blame me, Glory Braddock, the bitch who will kick your ass in the Steel City!”

Braddock shuts her eyes. “Sic Semper Tyrannis…”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
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Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward - by Konrad Raab - 04-26-2021, 05:52 PM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward - by Braddock - 05-01-2021, 07:07 AM

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