Will Westgate


Wrestler's Alias
Will Westgate


“Will the Thrill”
"Worldwide Will"
“The Trending Topic” 
“Young, Dumb and Successful”
“The Product of the 90s”
“Balenciaga Papa”

Wrestler's Real Name
William Springer II 

Twitter Handle

Pic Base
Chris Bey


182 lbs

March 2, 1996

Birth Place
Essex, Maryland

Current Residence
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Billed From

Physical Description
Westgate is a young, good looking guy. He sports black dreadlocks with blonde highlights, has a variety of tattoos on his arms and torso, and is usually spotted dressed in designer clothing or whatever duds currently have a lot of hype. He is known to wear sunglasses, jewelry and expensive (usually limited quantity) kicks. Inside the ring, he wears full length tights usually inspired by designs from well known fashion brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermès and Dolce and Gabbana, but with slight differentiators. Westgate is also known to wear boots with kick-pads to match the color scheme of his tights, as well as white wrist tape. 



Wrestling Style

Alignment (Face/Tweener/Heel)

Years Pro

Theme Song
Can’t Tell Me Nothing - Kanye West

Tamagotchi Bomb - Blue thunder bomb
Touch The Sky - Frog splash transitioned into elbow drop (Mark Briscoe’s Froggy Bow)

Signature Moves
Bridge to Terabithia - Bridging double chickenwing (Bryan Danielson’s Cattle Mutilation)
Gravity Hammer - Basement clothesline
Keyblade - Swingblade
The Millennial Falcon - Falcon Arrow (occasionally done as an Avalanche Falcon Arrow)
#NoFilter - Leg drop bulldog

Common Moves
Backslide pin
Crucifix pin
Discus lariat
Diving bulldog
Monkey flip
Pump kick
Reverse STO
Snap suplex
Split-legged moonsault
Springboard dropkick
Tornado DDT
Wheel kick

Risk taking

Slight build


The lights in the arena dim to near darkness, as over the PA system comes the opening lines of Kanye West’s Can’t Tell Me Nothing...

La, la, la la
Wait 'til I get my money right

As the beat drops, red lighting effects overtake the arena. Bright white flashes cut in, synchronised with the soulful sample that loops in the beat. An exuberant Will Westgate emerges from the back, with his arms spread wide, imploring the audience to shower him with affection, which they do not. In fact, most of everyone is booing the arrogant self-proclaimed “Trending Topic” but that does nothing to curb his hubris. He signals to the nearest cameraman to come in closer, as he models his outfit and flashes his jewelry. Westgate continues down the ramp, acting as if the fans are applauding him, as he smiles, waves and bows. 

After he’s adequately aroused the fans, he walks up the ring steps, coming to the middle of the apron where he stops. Westgate removes his expensive shades and stares straight down the lens of the camera with a deadpan expression, before cracking a charming smile and entering into the ring. Finally, he removes all his entrance attire and jewelry, handing it off to a ringside crew member and making sure to remind them that his clothing is very expensive, so they better not lose it.


Will Westgate is, more or less, the archetypical 20-year-old modern male. He is fit, fashionable and sociable. His personality is constructed around always appearing as cool and put together as possible. He fancies himself as being forward thinking, and always on the cutting edge of society. Meanwhile, he shows a lack of respect for the establishment, is not good at taking criticism, and oftentimes proves to be out of his depth when faced with real adversity. 

The crux of his personality is a love and admiration for the 90s and 2000s, the era that he grew up in. Westgate believes he comes from the best generation and is a staunch proponent of the pop culture of the time. Aside from that, another crucial element of his character is his tendency to always dress to the nines. Some have called him a hypebeast, as he is known to ride whatever fashion trends are currently the hottest on social media. He has a vast collection of sneakers and designer shades that he is particularly proud of.

Before breaking into wrestling, Will Westgate was attending Lehigh University on a basketball scholarship, though he was not getting playing time with the squad. Due to his good looks and personality, however, he rapidly gained a huge following on Instagram. Eventually he would leave the basketball team, using his new reputation to become a local club promoter and DJ. Nowadays when he isn’t wrestling, he has multiple side hustles, working as an Instagram influencer, event promoter, DJ and amateur model. 

Sample RP



Handler's First Name



The EC#9413



OOC NOTE: If I am intruding on anyone's gimmicks, moves, names, etc. please just let me know and I will adjust accordingly. 

Messages In This Thread
Will Westgate - by McGrady - 08-04-2021, 08:51 PM
RE: Will Westgate - by supremecw - 08-08-2021, 08:46 PM

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