Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway
September 18th, 2021
London, England
Off Camera

Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. It a wise old saying that has been passed down from generation to generation and it holds true in the case of “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock. She wanted to compete, she wanted a match and issued an open challenge, one accepted by Konrad Raab, member of The Jackals. What was supposed to be a simple match against the brutish thug precipitated into an all out war pitting Glory Braddock, Chris Cannon, Lucas Knight, and Christy Matthews against four members of The Jackals. Now The British Bombshell finds herself dragged into a war she initially was not part of; she now finds herself scheduled to face Drake Hemmingway of The Jackals at Apocalypse.

Most people would not appreciate being dragged into a war like this. Glory Braddock is not like most people. The British Bombshell thrives upon more than just competition, she thrives upon fighting to protect the dignity of the sport she loves. The Jackals represent a threat to the dignity and honor of professional wrestling. If there ever was a true tyrant in Supreme Championship Wrestling, it would be The Jackals, and just like Glory Braddock loves to say; ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’, thus always to tyrants. Therefore her match against Drake Hemmingway at Apocalypse represents more than just an opportunity to compete, it is an opportunity to help overthrow an existential threat to professional wrestling.

Fighting tyrants and lovers-of-chaos isn’t the only way Glory Braddock serves to protect the integrity of professional wrestling. The British Bombshell is the owner of a wrestling school in London that helps train the future generation of wrestlers. It is impossible for Braddock to be there every day to personally train each and every person who sets foot into her school but she has made certain to hire only trainers who share her vision, view, and respect towards professional wrestling. Those trainers will drill into those students principles of respect, honor, and tradition. This way Glory can focus on her active career as an in-ring competitor herself.

Still, every once in awhile she feels the need to stop by her school and make an appearance. She always puts in an appearance on graduation day so that she can give all graduating students the final speech. And there are also some occasions when Braddock finds a special student that she wants to keep track of. This is why The British Bombshell finds herself in London, England at her wrestling school on this Saturday afternoon.

Glory is sitting at her desk dressed in a pink knee length skirt, black t-shirt, and sandals. Her long blonde hair is straight and is pulled back behind the head. Sunglasses sit atop her head. Standing up looking rather nervous is one of the Braddock Wrestling Newcomers, a young lady named Fiona Osbourne whom Glory met months earlier when she was helping Kayla Jones-Snow with her then floundering modeling agency. Fiona was a model at the time and Glory helped get the agency back on its feet. But Fiona didn’t want to be a model, she wanted to use modeling as a springboard into professional wrestling. Now Glory Braddock is helping to make this young lady’s dream into a reality.

“I read Randal’s [Williams] report on your progress. He seems impressed.” Braddock says smiling warmly at Fiona.

“I suppose. There is so much to learn, though, Ms. Braddock.”

The British Bombshell scoffs and shakes her head. “Oh please, don’t be so bloody formal around me. We’re mates, alright? I’m Glory. Call me that ok?”

“Ok, Glory.”

“And please, don’t be so nervous. Have a seat.” Glory instructs, motioning to one of the seats in front of her at the desk. Fiona nods and sits down.

“So tell me, what exactly have you been learning so far?”

“Well I started with technical wrestling and submission moves with Mr. Randall Williams. Mr. Williams says that should be the basis, the starting point for any professional wrestler so that’s where I started and spent the majority of my time. Next week Mr. Williams informed me I will add striking to my training regimen.”

“Is Mark O’Brian still teaching the striking?” Glory asks. Fiona nods her head in affirmative.

“Yeah. He seems a bit...uh…”

“Frightening?” Glory asks with a knowing smirk. Fiona nods her head and Glory chuckles. “Don’t worry about his appearance, mate. He can be as gentle and cuddly as a teddy bear. Just don’t let him know I told you.”

“Sure thing, Ms. Bra...I mean Glory…”

“Just be sure to listen to what he says. He does have a bit of a temper.”

“Oh…” Fiona’s voice trails off as her nerves return. Glory is about to speak up when the door opens. Fiona and Glory turn their attention to the arriving visitor, who happens to be none other than Sophie O’Brian. Sophie is Glory’s childhood best friend and another trainer at the school. Sophie rolls her eyes upon entering the room.

“Forgive me but I couldn’t help but overhear what was just said. My brother may be a ‘cuddly teddy bear’ at times but he is also a stupid bear.”

“Fiona, have you met the wonderful human being that is my best friend Sophie O’Brian?” Glory says with a smile and sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Uh, I see her around but I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”

“You will get to me very well soon enough. If I am perfectly honest, I should be the one teaching you proper striking technique instead of my ignorant brother. But fear not, I will improve your technique and much more when you get to me.”

“What do you teach?” Fiona asks curiously.

“Arguably the most important aspect of this sport.”

“Huh?” Fiona is confused. She looks back over at Glory for answers.

“Strategy, Fiona. Sophie here teaches strategy. There is no better strategist in this sport than Sophie. She’s even better at strategy than I am. I can get emotionally invested in my matches. Sophie is able to turn that emotion off and focus only on the task at hand. That makes her the perfect strategist.”

Sophie nods her head. “I appreciate the sentiment, Gloria.” Sophie places a hand on Fiona. “Now, Fiona, if you do not mind I need to speak with Gloria alone for a moment.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Fiona stands up. “Thanks, Glory. See you later, Ms. O’Brian.”

Glory and Sophie nod their heads. Fiona turns around and walks off. She opens the door and exits, shutting the door behind her. As soon as Fiona is gone and safely out of hearing range, Sophie turns back to her best friend Glory and sighs. “You give me too much credit.”

“No, I don’t. You really and truly are a better strategist than I am. Like I said, you can turn the emotions off and focus only on the plan. I get too emotionally invested. It doesn’t happen often but if my buttons are pushed then I can get emotional. And I end up making mistakes.”

“Really? You managed to masterfully negotiate your way into total control over your business empire, eliminating all of your enemies on the Board of Directors. You did that without getting emotionally invested.”

“You’re right, I did,” The British Bombshell sighs “but that wasn’t me, that wasn’t Glory Braddock. That was someone else and I have been trying very hard to leave that person and that memory of what I did behind. Besides, look at the problems that my actions caused; my family was in jeopardy multiple times when rivals tried to gun us down. And Archie…” Braddock shakes her head “...poor Archie…”

“Don’t blame yourself for that one, Gloria. There is no evidence that any of your old rivals targeted you.”

“It makes sense though. Why else would my home be the target of a random home invasion?”

“Maybe those were just some punk kids looking to score a big heist?” Sophie suggests as she shrugs her shoulders. “It happens all the time, mate. Kids get some guns, pick out a home that they think belongs to someone very wealthy, and they rob the place. You have to admit, your Miami home is a very upscale, wealthy place, far better than your humble upbringing here in London when you were a child.”

Braddock nods her head. “I know, and I didn’t used to be like that. I always preferred to live on the bare necessities just like dad did...that is, until Aphrodite Noel came into my life. She taught me about the finer things in life. That’s one of many things I picked up from her that I will be passing down to Dawn.”

“You sound somewhat regretful.”

“It’s tough because I know Dawn will lack for nothing and that is good. Still, not having all of that luxury in your life, being forced to learn how to do without and make it on your own guts and fortitude, it can do a person some good. In that sense, I am grateful Melinda was raised before I got caught up in the lap of luxury. I am also grateful for Melinda spending time in London on her own. It forces her to figure things out on her own, it teaches her self-reliance. I want her to have that.”

“Funny you should mention young Melinda, because she is the reason I wanted to speak with you.”

“Oh? Is anything wrong? She didn’t get hurt in any of her matches did she?”

“Far from it.” Sophie says with a grin on her face. “Your young prodigy is still undefeated on the European circuits. Her aggressive style reminds me of her grandfather.”

“Oh…” Braddock frowns “...well if she isn’t hurt then what’s wrong?”

“It is nothing wrong with her directly. It is more...indirectly.”

Glory rolls her. “Quit being so damned cryptic, especially when my daughter is involved. What’s wrong?”

“Well we here at the school had a rather disturbing visit two days before you arrived back in London.”

“A visit from who?”


Glory Braddock’s eyes grow wide in shock. This was not welcome news for The British Bombshell. The ‘Tommy’ Sophie is referring to is Tommy Gage, Melinda Braddock’s biological father. Melinda’s biological father was brought up at an interview Glory gave for Forbes magazine recently. Glory informed the journalist that she would rather not discuss Melinda’s father because he ran out on her and Glory the moment he learned of Glory’s pregnancy. Tommy has not been a part of Melinda’s life ever since. And now coincidentally he shows up at the Braddock Wrestling School?

“What did he want?”

“He wanted to speak with you. He was disappointed when I informed him that you were not present and that you really did not wish to speak to him.” Sophie reaches into her pocket and produces a small envelope. She hands it to Glory. “He did, however, leave a letter for you. He asked that I give it to you.”

Braddock takes the envelop out of Sophie’s hand. Immediately she tears into the envelop and opens up its contents; a small letter. Sophie watches and studies Glory’s expression as she reads the letter. Glory’s eyes are still wide eyed in surprise at this sudden revelation. But Sophie also notices tears form in the eyes of The British Bombshell as well.

“What does it say?” Sophie asks.

“He wants to meet me.”


“Our special spot.”

“What the bloody is a ‘special spot’?”

“It’s a place in East Park. We would always meet there as kids.”

“Is that where you made Melinda?”

“Sophie!” Glory exclaims loudly and angrily.

“I think it’s a fair question, all things considered.”

“Sophie…” Glory sighs deeply with a sense of frustration “...we had a lot of memories there.”

“So you DID…”

Braddock rolls here eyes. “I did not say that.”

“You don’t have to. My question is, are you going to take him up on the offer? Are you going to go see him?”

September 19th, 2021
Southampton, England
Off Camera

It was a tough question asked by Sophie O’Brian. Glory didn’t have much time to think about it, either. Tommy Gage wanted to meet with her in East Park in Southampton the next day. Upon receiving this disturbing news, The British Bombshell took the rest of the day off and spent it at her familial home in London to think about her next move. Should she meet with Tommy at their old ‘special spot’ in East Park or should she just ignore the note and hope he goes away? Her instincts tell her to just ignore it and hope that the problem will disappear, that Tommy will just forget about her. But Glory knows that she won’t be so lucky. She recalls how deeply involved she was with Tommy. The two were deeply in love; or more accurately, in lust. They were inseparable. And if that spark has returned to Tommy, then it is unlikely he will give up so easily. Thus Glory Braddock finally decided that the next day she would go meet with her old ex-boyfriend, the father of her oldest daughter, and find out what he wants.

Glory Braddock finds herself in East Park at dusk. She is dressed in denim jeans, black boots, and a purple blouse. The British Bombshell is sitting underneath a tree, a tree that she recalls from her childhood, a tree that still has so many precious memories; but painful memories as well. The blonde haired beauty is anxiously awaiting on the arrival of Tommy Gage. She has already been here several minutes, but then again, she got here earlier than the note told her to arrive. Braddock wanted to arrive early. Whatever may happen, she wants to see it coming.

The British Bombshell checks the watch on her wrist. It is growing closer and closer to time. Tommy has always been punctual; not early, not late. So she expects him to arrive at any moment. Sure enough, she looks up to see a man who appears to be about her age, perhaps a little older but not much, with brown hair approaching. The man is dressed nicely in black dress pants and a white button up shirt. His facial features do bear a striking resemblence to Tommy but if this is indeed the same Tommy Gage then he has certainly changed a great deal.

Braddock stands up in preparation to greet him as he approaches. Tommy, assuming that this is him, smiles from ear to ear as he looks over Glory Braddock. “Gloria, my beautiful Gloria…”

“Tommy, is that you?”

He holds out his arms for a hug. Braddock is reluctant at first. She is married, after all. She cheated on Kurt once and was lucky that their marriage survived. This is now Glory’s ex-boyfriend. This is potentially a bigger threat. Glory is beginning to question her decision to meet Tommy but she is here now. There is no backing out. Still, just a hug won’t hurt. They may not be romantically involved any longer but there is still hope for a possible friendship. Glory accepts the embrace. They hug each other tightly. The embrace of Tommy Gage is enough to convince Glory Braddock that this is indeed her ex-boyfriend. After breaking the hug Tommy nods his head.

“Yes, but please, call me Thomas. It is a little more formal, which is the way I prefer things now. As you can see I have settled down into a much calmer and stable lifestyle than the one you may recall.”

“I gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting to see you like this, mate. The last time I remembered you, you were…”

“Crazy? A party animal?” Thomas chuckles. “Yes, I was indeed a wildman when I was younger. But then again, we both were quite wild back in the day, were we not?” Thomas brushes some of Glory’s blonde hair out of her face. “If I recall you were quite the prankster. You even turned it into a lucrative business.”

“Glory’s Prankster Service you mean?” Braddock can’t help but laugh out loud at Thomas reminding her of this nostalgic point in her past. “I played mean, nasty pranks but I played them on people who deserved it, people who were mean, people who bullied others just because they could, those were the ones I played pranks on. And it was hardly a lucrative business, mate, because I did not charge anything.”

“Yes, this is true. You always were an angel of justice.” Thomas looks around at his surroundings. He places a hand on the tree. He breathes in all of the fresh air. “And I am gladd you remembered our special spot. We have many memories of this spot. If my memory serves, this is where we first met.”

Braddock nods her head. “Yeah, you’re right. When you and I were kids, things were so different. Not just how we acted but how we looked. I mean, look at you now, all spiffy and nice. And me? I was a tomboy. I was more like my dad’s only son that his oldest daughter. And because of that I stuck out like a bloody sore thumb. Many in my class didn’t like me because of it. I put up a good front, I was strong in front of everyone but I was lonely. And somehow you could tell. Somehow you were the only one who knew that deep down inside I was hurting. That’s when you first approached me, and it was right here at this very spot at this tree.”

“I am astonished that this tree is still here.” Thomas remarks.

“You treated me like a princess. You filled that void in my heart and for that I am eternally grateful.” Glory kisses him on the cheek. “And Thomas, while I am happy to finally hear from you again, before we go any further you must first understand that I have moved on.” Braddock flashes her wedding ring. “I am married now.”

Thoms nods his head. “Yes, I know.”

“You do?” Glory asks, somewhat startled by this.

“You seem upset? Don’t be. I admit I have been keeping up with your career but then again, you are in quite a public limelight. You put yourself there, my little angel of justice. You are an active professional wrestler. You run a major company. And of course you are still extremely popular over here in your native homeland where I myself still live.”

“Fair enough.” Glory’s nerves ease up. Thomas brings up a good point. Glory Braddock has put herself in the spotlight. It is hard to avoid people finding out about her.

“Many here have kept up with your career and your sister’s for that matter. The Braddock family, after all, is popular here in England. I recall watching you debut in 2008. You had such quick success, I was astonished. I was disheartened yet happy for you when you married Randall Williams.” He smirks. “I admit, a part of me was somewhat happy to hear of your divorce to Mr. Williams. I even considered a return to your life at that point but my fear,” Thomas shakes his head out of frustration “I was too damned afraid to try. I thought…” he sighs and lowers his head in shame “...I thought you would still hate me.”

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“You know.” Thomas says pointedly. “For walking out on you, for running away and abandoning you when you needed me the most, when you became pregnant with our daughter.”

“Oh…” Glory’s voice trails off. The nostalgia of being here in this favorite spot with her ex-boyfriend brought back so many fonds memories that she almost forgot about that. But now that she remembers she also remembers why she cannot fully trust him. Thomas Gage ran out on her when she needed him the most. She can never fully trust him again.

“But then I heard about how our daughter was shot. Then I knew I just had to suck it up and try. I had to set my fears aside and confront you. You may hate me, and your hate would be justified, but she is my child as well, and I worry for her safety.”

“So is this what this is about, Thomas? Do you want a second chance to be a father after throwing away your opportunity to be a father when you first got me pregnant?”

Thomas sighs and nods his head. “Yes.”

“Unbelievable.” Glory frowns. “Do you even know her name?”


“Of course you knew. You knew I had two daughters and my youngest was too young to be yours. It was an educated guess by process of elimination.”

“Yes, you are correct. But…”

“But nothing!” Glory shouts with rage and anger entering into her soul as she spouts out venom “You had a chance to be her father but you ran off. You threw away any rights you had to be her father when you abandoned me.” Braddock glares hatred and vile back at Thomas. “You say you have been following my career. Then you should know people love to debate my greatest achievement. Some say my greatest achievement is being a fifteen time world champion. Others say my greatest achievement is running a successful company while at the same time being an active wrestler. But my greatest achievement is Melinda Braddock. My greatest achievement is succeeding as a single mother.” She pokes a finger at Thomas. “You had your chance and you blew it.”

There is an awkward pause as tears flow down her cheeks. The anger is still there, however. Thomas sighs and finally breaks the awkward silence. “All of that is true and I deserve all of that anger directed at me. But will you at least tell me how Melinda is doing?”

“Melinda is strong. She has had to overcome so much in her life but she has come out stronger than ever and a better person because of it. She is a beautiful young lady and a strong independent woman, no thanks to you.”

“Gloria, I admit that I messaged things up. Everything you speak is the truth, I did abandon my responsibilities. I abandoned you and if I could take it all back I would. If I could make it all right I would. But hearing about how our daughter was nearly killed and I never even got the chance to meet her…” a tear begins to form in his own eyes “ shook me to my very core, Gloria. And I just ask, please, just give me one chance. Give me one chance to be a father to Melinda.”

“I don’t think you deserve a chance. And definitely not with Melinda.”

“Ok, then not with Melinda, but how about one more meeting with you?”

“What?” Glory is stunned by this request. “Are you kidding me?!”

“You misunderstand me, Gloria. I ask only for one more meeting and I mean that in the literal sense. Give me one chance at a later date to convince you that I should get one more chance to make things up to you and Melinda for what I did wrong. Meet me one last time so that I can try and convince you to let me try and make amends for my past. And if I cannot convince you in that last meeting then I will leave once again and this time you will never ever hear from me.”

Glory is intrigued by this. She arches her brow out of curiosity. “One meeting?”

“Just one.”

“And if I’m not convinced you will leave me and my daughter alone?”

“I promise.”

The British Bombshell nods her head. “Fine. You will get more chance, one final meeting with me. And after that meeting I do not want to see you ever again. Are we clear?”

“Yes, although I believe that I can change your mind. I am banking on it.”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
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RE: Glory Braddock vs. Drake Hemingway - by Braddock - 09-20-2021, 11:28 AM

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