8 Person Tag Match
PRE-RP NOTE: For all intents and purposes, treat everything present in a G-Money Production as on-camera and public knowledge. Whether or not your character actually WATCHES his YouTube Channel, however…

Pay MORE money to see G-Money make that money, fam!
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/24/2021 [REC.] 

The camera rises up inside the airport. The location: Denver, Colorado - the Mile-High City in a state where marijuana really is legal. 

“Heh… I guess this really is the Mile… HIGH… state, right baby?”

The handheld, held by Gianni “G” Money, moves away from the baggage claim. G-Money’s best gal, C-Honey, isn’t paying too much attention, too busy typing away on her own cell phone to give her man much more than a token gesture, a dry grin, and her attention returning to where it had been previously. But G doesn’t take it to heart. Instead, carrying the camera beside him, he positions it in front of him so he can keep walking as he speaks to the camera.

“Hey, what’s up fam? It’s your boy, G…”

One clapping sound effect is edited in through the magic of post-production.


It was followed up by two post-production claps. Clearly, as G-Money has at least one hand occupied, his doing the claps live and in person wasn’t going to happen. 

“Me and my best girl, C-Honey… say hi, babe…”

The camera moves towards Honey, who gives a small smile before again returning to the world inside her phone. G-Money thinks nothing of it and continues. 

“...are out here in Denver, Colorado! Why? Well, it’s not because G-Money is a fan of the ganja. Oh, I have nothing against those who do. You do you, fam. But the only taste G-Money longs for is C-Honey!”

He turns the camera to her again, hoping for a reaction. There is none. 

“We’re here because SC-dub has a pay per view broadcast, Apocalypse, coming out of here Sunday night! Ain’t that wild? That means that if you want to see me wrestle for the first time since that “loss” a couple weeks ago, this here… this is your chance.  You just gotta put some green out there to do it. But that’s okay… because you know your boy is gonna hook you up throughout the night. I’ll be live on my Twitch stream after my match so we can do live reactions to the rest of the show. I ain’t gonna leave you guys out in the dark, after all. Of course, when we do that, I can’t actually show you the feed I’m watching, but if you buy the show, we’ll be able to react together. Old school. But right now, G and C gotta get to the hotel, unpack, get our business on…”

He holds the camera back to C-Honey, who again chooses not to react. G points the camera back to himself. 

“And get ready for this Apocalypse party! See you on the flip side, fam!”

And G-Money actually turns his camera off. The scene cuts…



THE G-MONEY VLOG - Party, Bitches!
G-Money attends an SCW roster party because a party ain’t a party without G-Money!
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/25/2021 [REC.] 

G-Money’s Uber drops him off at an unspecified location. After all, the information on the invitation G had received was very coy not to provide an address - after all, with the very public nature of the party invitation, he assumed the host didn’t want a bunch of normals crashing the party like a bunch of party crashers (G-Money also wasn’t very good as his similes). Still, as he gets out of the Uber, providing payment through the app on his phone, he begins talking to his again-running camera. 

“What’s up, fam… it’s G-Money here at the SCW talent party. I’m about 85% sure this is an official company function so, like a good team player, I figured I’d chip in a bit. C-Honey wasn’t able to make it for this party - said she got a bit of jetlag after our flight out here and wanted to just hang back at the hotel, so G-Money is flying stag tonight, baby!”

G almost howls at the moon, but the moon has not yet risen. 

“Oh… so without C-Honey coming out for the party, she gave me her blessing to bring…”

He reaches down beside him.

“Her case of White Claws. You know, it ain’t exactly my kind of drink. I’m usually more of a Smirnoff Ice kinda guy. But if it’s got alcohol, it’s a good thing, you know what I mean?”

G-Money fist-bumps his camera. Or punches you through it. You can decide which. 

“But yeah, G-Money is gonna get LIT tonight, fam! You know what I’m saying? I don’t mean I’m gonna wake up with another lady beside me. G-Money is totally loyal. But this is my chance to get to rub elbows with some of the greats in the company, yaknow? And more than that, it’s THEIR chance to get to rub elbows with one of the future greats of the company and the internet… G…”

He sets his phone aside and claps once.


He claps twice after hollering the rest of his name from his position. He bends over and picks the phone up. 

“Alright… let’s check this shindig out… mother-fu…”

G-Money looks through the window of the place, seeing Chicago rapper C-Money. His eyes become awash of… envy? Star-struckedness? Hunger? G-Money wouldn’t figure out what it means until he went inside... 



THE G-MONEY VLOG - The Morning After
G-Money attended an SCW roster party and now has a headache on the day of the big match… oops?
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

09/26/2021 [REC.] 

The camera turns on, focused on the unconscious body of Gianni “G” Money. Wielded by G’s girlfriend Candy “C” Honey, it’s her hand that comes from behind the camera, pushing G’s shoulder. 

He groans. 


She pushes him again. 

“I don’t want to go to school…”

“G, it’s Sunday.”

He rolls over, trying to go back to bed. 


“No… Sunday as in the day of your match. Your PPV debut?”

G-Money springs to his feet.

“Well shit!”

But as soon as he popped up, G-Money falls back onto the bed. 

“I feel like a long-ass blackened nail just ripped through my sternum… how much did I have to drink last night?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t there, remember? But knowing you, this is probably about three Smirnoff Ice’s.”

“Good night…”

G smiles, nodding his head as drool slips out of the corner of his mouth. C takes a new tact… jumping onto the bed and mounting on top of G-Money, the camera pointed right down at him. G rolls onto his back, looking up at the camera. 

“We doing some OF content today?”

He gives a wry smile, but her fist comes from behind the camera, punching his shoulder. He lets out an audible “Ow”, rubbing his shoulder. And, as quickly as this short started, it cuts out… 

Probably for the OF content. High five? High five!



Apocalypse Edition
© 2021, G-Money Enterprises, yo!

The camera comes on with the chatroom that you’re in off to the right. In front of the camera, a weathered but no longer hungover G-Money sits in the locker-room at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. With the camera trained on him, he begins speaking to his live internet audience. 

“Hey, what’s up fam? It’s your boy, G…”

He claps once.


He claps twice in rapid succession. 

“And this is it! In a few hours, I’m gonna be strapping up the boots and getting to the ring for SCW Apocalypse. I’m feeling better after last night. I went and had a Denver omelet… seemed appropriate. Do you know that if you ask for jalapenos in your Denver, they’ll fucking DO it!? Blew my mind! Of course, I regretted the decision a few hours later, but I’m past that now thank God, and what a ride it was! But you know what else is gonna be a ride? Apocalypse! 

Again, fam, if you haven’t paid for the show yet what’re you waiting for? This ain’t like one of those shows that we encourage each other to find streams for. You KNOW that the shit on THIS show is worth the money. Otherwise we would’ve just tried to find a big mainstream company to buy the rights to air all SCW PPVs from one streaming service. I mean who the F does that, am I right? Of course I’m right. 

But even though I have this HUGE match tonight… and really, look who I’m gonna be around. Kennedy Street? That chick’s been in HOLLYWOOD MOVIES. Adam Allocco is gonna be my partner and I’m about 64% certain he invented Brazzers. Or at least was an early subscriber. Bison Jones… Jessica Tremor… Kimberly Williams. There’s a lot of star power in this match, and that kind of power is only gonna rub off on G-Money! I don’t know what kind of vendettas are out there among my partners and opponents, but for me it’s all about the shine of the spotlight and the green that comes with greater exposure. G-Money is well on his way, fam! Gonna be a big timer soon enough! 

But even though I have this HUGE match tonight, I wanted to come on here and do a quick Live to let you guys know that you ARE my fam! You were there from the beginning of G-Money, and I hope that you’ll stay through until the end of G-Money. And don’t become those snobby “Well I was a fan from the very beginning” types of fam. There’s room on the G-Money Train for everyone! And get ready, cuz this train is a bullet train and we’re about to get moving fast! Woo-woo!”

He pumps his arm like a train conductor pulling the whistle. As he does that, G leans forward and shuts off his camera, bringing the live stream to an end. 


[Image: vJXLyBV.png]

Messages In This Thread
8 Person Tag Match - by Konrad Raab - 09-19-2021, 03:33 PM
RE: 8 person tag match - by The Matt - 09-22-2021, 11:20 AM
RE: 8 person tag match - by Jessica Tremor - 09-22-2021, 07:56 PM
RE: 8 person tag match - by Jessica Tremor - 09-25-2021, 08:19 PM
RE: 8 Person Tag Match - by lich house - 09-25-2021, 10:08 PM
RE: 8 Person Tag Match - by HARDStyle - 09-25-2021, 10:26 PM
RE: 8 Person Tag Match - by Corner G - 09-25-2021, 11:07 PM
RE: 8 Person Tag Match - by HARDStyle - 09-25-2021, 11:24 PM
RE: 8 Person Tag Match - by Kennedy Street - 09-25-2021, 11:45 PM

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