Katie Steward vs. Bianca Evans
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A PUB Brawl and a Woke Goddess"

{The episode starts with Katie Steward and her party of Katelyn Buehler, Autumn Daniels and Hurse on their journey. They walk through a road in the middle of a town and come to a Pub. They walk up the wooden step and step into the pub. Autumn and Katelyn go their separate ways and Katie and Hurse find a table nearby. Katie pulls out her chair and moves the Claíomh Solais, The Sword of Light that in a seethe on her belt to the side so she can side down.}

Katie Steward: So I did it. Are you proud of me? I got the sword. I even found the Lia Fáil stone and made it back here. Come on now if that doesn’t prove that I am every bit of a Goddess still. I even have my own party.

{The camera changes to Katelyn surrounded by men in her sexy leather armor and then to Autumn over at the bar whom gets checked out by a gentlemen and her butt slapped and she in turn knocks him down and bashes his head on the bar.}

Hurse; I can see that. They are aware that you’re wanted by the King’s men for theft, right? Attracting attention is something we don’t want to do.

Katie Steward: You’re right. I’ll have a talk with them later. So what’s next? What’s my next trial that you’re going to put me through to prove that I am still every bit of a Goddess I was.

Hurse: I have no idea.

Katie Steward: What? What do you mean you have no idea? You’re the High Druid. The Goddess send you to deliver this message and you have no idea what’s next?

Hurse: To be fair, I didn’t think you’ll make it this far. You stole the sword, almost lost your hand while doing it. Who honestly could’ve thought you’d be here?

Katie Steward: Well, I did and I came back to win. So do whatever it is that you do and find out what’s next.

Hurse: I’ll see what I can do?

{Hurse stands up and bids Katie a farewell before he shape shifts back into a rat and runs off. There are a few screams from patrons in the pub at the sight of a rat. Katie just shakes her head.}

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess…

{Autumn walks back over to Katie and takes Hurse’s spot joining Katie at the table. She doesn’t look to thrilled to be there.}

Autumn Daniels: This place is terrible. Just a bunch of drunks drinking cheap beer and treating us like wenches. What did Hurse say?

Katie Steward: He’s was as helpful as he usually is. No information and surprised I made it this far. So I have no idea what to do now. Maybe another treasure? What do we have left?

Autumn Daniels: Well there are two treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann left. A cauldron and a spear and I don’t know where either one would be.

Katie Steward: If only we had a way to find out how to get information that we need.

Autumn Daniels: I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it. She might though.

Katie Steward: What?

{Katie looks up and over at Katelyn who is now having a couple of soldiers flirting with her.}

Katie Steward: Oh no, this isn’t good. Hurse said I was wanted by the soldiers. If they catch us then we’re all going to be punished.

Autumn Daniels: I’m sure Katelyn is fine. It’s just a couple of drunk soldiers. She has a knife on her, right? And know how to use it?

Katie Steward: I don’t know, I don’t think there is a place to hide it with her armor set.

Autumn Daniels: Not a problem, just more fun for me.

{The door of the pub swings opens and a few more soldiers walk inside.}

Katie Steward: Do you still think it’s going to be fun?

Autumn Daniels: Sure, it may get a little messy though.

Katie Steward: No. Autumn, we can’t. We can’t cause any attention to ourselves and get into trouble. I almost lost a hand.

{Suddenly the drunk who Autumn knocked out earlier wakes up and picks himself up leans against the bar. He finds Autumn and screams across the pub at her getting everyone’s attention and falling the room into silences.}

Guard: Wench.

Autumn Daniels: I didn’t know he was a soldier.

Katie Steward: Didn’t really matter much at the time. He got what was coming to him.

Autumn Daniels: Very true.

{Katie and Autumn stand up out of their seats and prepare for what is about to come. Katie holds onto the sword as the soldiers noticed.}

Captain: Claíomh Solais! Arrest her on the King’s orders.

Katie Steward: So much for staying unnoticed.

{Katelyn suddenly pulls out a knife from wherever she was keeping it and stabs one of the soldiers next to her and turns and fights the other. Autumn pulls out her knives and takes on the soldiers as well.}

{The Captain makes his way to Katie drawing his sword and she draws the Sword of Light to defend herself.}

Captain: That does not belong to you.

Katie Steward: Yeah, well The Goddess sent me to get it so maybe you should recognize your Queen.

{The Captain aggressively swings his sword at Katie as she does her best trying to block with attack with the sword of light. The Captain pushes forward forcing Katie back with each attack and causing her to fall tricking over her own feet and crashing to the ground. She grips her sword tighter not letting go. She closes her eyes trying to think of something encouraging. Unfortunately the last thing on her mind is her conversation with Hurse and remembering how he was shocked that she even made it this far. Not quite the words of encouragement she was looking for. Katie takes a breath and lets it out. She lies on her back on the ground. She tilts her head to the side and sees a black guy whose working at the pub as a waiter. She recognizes him as TJ Johnson.}

Katie Steward: TJ…

{Katie moves her head and she moves closer to TJ and Captain lunges his sword down missing her head and clingy sound rings. TJ gets up from under the table and runs away. Katie gets up and tries to chase after him. The Captain grabs her by the shoulder and she swings her elbow back and upwards connecting with his face. Katie then pops her fairy butterfly wings from her back knocks the Captain back and colliding with a handful of other soldiers knocking them to the ground. Katie forgets the brawl happening and she instead chases after TJ running after him and exiting the pub through the back door.}


{The scene changes to outside of the Pub and Katie running out of it. She holds the Claíomh Solais in her hand and she stands out back in her cloth gown and floral crown. Her beautiful pink and white butterfly wings spread out. The couple of people who loiter around see her and quickly turn and hurry away from her muttering something about the fae. She ignores them as she is busy searching where TJ went. She finds climbing up a side of a building.}

{The camera changes to TJ as he makes it to the roof of the building and rolls his body over on top of the building. He breathes heavily after such a feat and slowly continues onward. He gets back up on his feet and walks across the roof. He gets closer to the other side where Katie flies up to surprise him. He stops and tries to turn back, but stumbles over to the ground. He drops a pouch that falls to the ground and coins spill out from it. Katie lands on the roof and with her other hand offers it to TJ.}

Katie Steward: TJ, it’s me. It’s Katie. Don’t you recognize me?

TJ Johnson: Get… Get away from me…

Katie Steward: It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you. TJ, what happened? Why were you in the pub? How did you get here?

{TJ freaking out. He rolls over on his knees and tries to pick up the coins that spilled putting them back in the pouch. Katie walks over and checks on him.}

Katie Steward: TJ, you were just working in there as a server. You were their slave...

TJ Johnson: I was bought from Africa. They had me work here. I remember it so visibly. The mistreatment. The beatings, but somewhere in the back I just knew someone would come.

Katie Steward: It’s ok now. I’ll take you away from here because if I’m going to do this journey. I’m going to need you by my side.

{Katie reaches down and picks up the pouch to hand to TJ. So she can let him know she’s there for him. She notices the coins in the pouch.}

Katie Steward: You were stealing from the drunken soldiers, were you? That’s why you ran when I noticed you. You didn’t want to get caught by them. Didn’t want to lose your hand. I can relate to that feeling at least.

{Katie helps TJ up and they walk together back to the pub to join Autumn and Katelyn.}


{The scene changes back to the Pub where Katelyn and Autumn finish up with their brawl with the King’s soldiers. They moves to the center of the room moving through the bodies on the ground.}

Katelyn Buehler: This was fun. I wish Katie had more adventures like this where she can bring us along. Wouldn’t that just be the best?

Autumn Daniels: Meh, it all seemed fairly too easy. Maybe because most of them were drunk, but something doesn’t feel right.

{They hear a Banshees wailing outside of the pub.}

Katelyn Buehler: What was that? Is it a ghost?

Autumn Daniels: It’s not a ghost. It’s something far worse.

{Black smoke enters the pub and floats around the room. It moves from body to body of the soldiers on the ground. It circles around Katelyn and Autumn as they watch it carefully. It stops in front of them and morphs into a person. Its red glowing eyes turn to normal eyes and Bianca Evans stands before them.}

Katelyn Buehler: Woah, that’s a cool party trick.

Autumn Daniels: You must be Bianca. I hope you were looking forward to this as much as I have been. This is going to be fun.

{Autumn sizes Bianca up and grips her knives in her hands tight. In Autumn usual quick fashion she goes to strike, but Bianca is too overpowered and dodges the attack. Bianca kicks Autumn in the back as she flies by her and crashes into some tables. Katelyn watches on with her eyes wide in shock. Autumn gets back up and pushes the table away from her. Now Bianca has made her angry. Autumn charges back into the fight and throws fist out trying to cut Bianca in the face. Bianca ducks it and just leg sweeps Autumn with her arm knocking her to the ground in front of Bianca. Autumn lays on the floor as she tries to figure out where she is. Bianca kneels over her and holds her hand out over Autumn’s chest. Bianca then seems to begin to suck the life out of Autumn. Autumn gasps for air. Katelyn jumps in saving her interrupting Bianca’s cast jumping on her back. Katelyn goes to stab Bianca in the neck with her blade and she gets so close, but Bianca pushes her off. She turns and open palm shot to Katelyn’s stomach launching her across the room. Bianca turns her attention back to Autumn recast draining the life from Autumn. Autumn gasps for air again.}

{Katie and TJ return walking through the backdoor of the pub and find Bianca draining Autumn’s life force. Bianca senses Katie’s presence and stops her cast and Autumn just rolls away. Bianca stands up and turns to Katie who steps in front of TJ to confront the demon.}

Katie Steward: Sorry, was I interrupting something.

{Katie steps out into the room and walks around Bianca very carefully. Bianca stares a hole through her just wanting to murder her. Katie pulls out the Sword of Light and aims it in Bianca’s direction. Katie can see the slight change in Bianca as she gets a little nervous around the blade. Katie smirks thinking she has a weakness in her hands for defeating Bianca. Katie now feeling she is the one in control of the situation. She charges at Bianca looking to run her through with the sword, but Bianca vanishes and Katie crashes to the floor and eats from dirt. Katie splits out the dirt from her lips and picks herself back up. She looks for Bianca, but she’s gone. Katie looks a bit annoyed that Bianca ran away from the fight. Unfortunately for Katie Bianca returns appearing right in front of her. She’s too close for Katie to use the sword and Bianca grabs Katie by the throat and lifts up up off her feet. TJ runs over and starts hitting Bianca with a couple of clubbing blows, but all it does is get her attention. Bianca lets go of Katie and drops her to the floor. She looks at TJ and a smile appears on her face. She is going to enjoy devouring his soul piece by piece. Bianca hits TJ with a haymaker and knocks him flat out on the floor. Bianca leans over his body and begins to absorb the life from his body.}

{Katie picks herself up off the ground and stands back up. She watches Bianca and just unleashes a scream at her to get her attention. Bianca stops her cast on TJ and turns back to Katie.}

Bianca Evans: You can’t save your pet. He’s not going to be around to save you this time.

Katie Steward: No. You’re wrong. TJ wasn’t saving me from you. What he did was save you from me. You’re the one who has place me on my current path. The Goddess has lost her faith in me and I’ve fallen from grace because of it, but this journey I’ve proven to myself that I can overcome whatever is put in my way. I’m not going to be defeated by my demons. Someone who thinks they can just wipe me out of existences. You’re not special, you’re not the first person whose thought of it and like the rest you’re definitely not going to win the battle either.

{Katie with all the rage and determination flowing through her throws her sword high in the air and runs at Bianca. She slices the Demon’s arm and leg and follows through with one last strike through her chest. Katie jams the blade deep and comes face to face with Bianca. Bianca just smiles at Katie and kisses her on the nose before the demon turns to dust. The kiss only seems to fuel Katie’s passion as she doesn’t stop and just swings her blade recklessly at the dust left by the demon. Katie eventually tires herself out and collapse to her knees. Her Brats are down, but still breathing along with TJ. She seem to have defeated her demon that haunted her, but she doesn’t feel the Goddess within her. Her journey still must continue.}


{The scene changes from the fantasy world and back to Hollywood on a studio lot. Katie is sitting in her director’s chair in her white and gold ring robe. She sits in front of a green screen and she appears to be contemplating murder.}

Katie Steward: People don’t just look at me. They look at me up and down and still that’s all they do. Until my back is turned and then they have a lot to say. I’ve never had a lot of friends. Even as a kid and when I just causally tweeted that Chad and Bianca seemed happy oh so long ago. It just felt right. I was nice. Yes, that’s right your Goddess, you Queen was actually nice. I am in fact a very nice person in real life. I know it’s hard when most try to drag my name in their mentions to score an ounce of fame. It’s never bothered me that much. Until I realize that’s what made me weak. That’s what made me lose my Goddess self. I was weak. I should be feared. I should be celebrated. I should be Supreme Champion. I should be World Champion, but I’m not. I’m instead facing God’s whore. Someone who would be picking apples from a tree and stuffing her face and not someone who is so delusional that she believes she shares anything close as even footing as me. I’ve listened to the outside voices dictate to me how things should be and they’ll change the world around me. I rely on TJ too much. TJ saved me from myself the last time. I wasn’t seeing Bianca as a true threat. I blocked out everything around me. I didn’t know what to think. I had my own set of goals and I wasn’t even thinking of Bianca. We lost the Tag Team Titles and she attacked me and I just stood silence. She attack Maddy and I was silence. Gigi is upset with me for being silence. My Brats aren’t around for backup and I’m all alone. Except for TJ and Bianca knows that all too well.

Katie Steward: Now I’m awake. Bianca can be a Goddess all she wants, but her mistake is she got greedy. (laughs) She lived up to her name. The Goddess of Greed wanted it all and she’s poke the bear and when you poke a bear enough times it wakes up and when it wakes up it mauls you. I don’t care that you’re a Goddess or let’s be honest a wannabe. You’re just nothing more than a spoiled brat that didn’t get what she wanted and now she’s throwing a little fit. From one Brat to another I recognize a temper tantrum when I see one and someone is going to be in for a spanking at Bound by Blood.

{Katie smirks a little bit as her mind begins to wander a bit.}

Katie Steward: But no, it’s not a strap or a paddle hanging from a pole. No Bianca was my tiara on a pole so she can take it and be treated like she should be. Well I accept it. Bianca is going to come face to face with a Woke Goddess and she’s going to know who the real Queen B is. I’m going to give her the tiara that she wants. I’m going to take it and I’m going to snap the thing in half right in front of her. Bianca if you want to see Katie Steward as ruthless. You’re going to get Katie Steward at her best.

{Katie slides off her director’s chair and walks off the set. The studio lights turn off and the scene and the episode end.}
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Katie Steward vs. Bianca Evans - by Team Desire - 11-17-2018, 04:34 AM
RE: Katie Steward vs. Bianca Evans - by Team Desire - 11-24-2018, 10:47 PM

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