Donovan Kayl vs. Katie Steward, Gigi Steward & Maddy Steward
SCW Queen of Queens | Katie Steward | "Rise to Greatness Premiere; By a Better TV Production Company

{The episode starts at the arena for Rise to Greatness XVI. Outside the arena fans are gathering for SCW’s biggest show and inside SCW’s crew runs around trying to get everything ready. The scene opens to Katie Steward is strolls through the backstage as she is wearing a beautiful gown and greeting people backstage like she’s walking the red carpet. She stops by each passing person and gives them a brief interview and she continues to walk towards her dressing room.}

{Eventually Katie does make it to her dressing room. She steps inside and walks pass her bags that TJ had already brought in for her. Also waiting for her inside are her Brats Robin Brooks and Paris Dannon.}

Katie Steward: Robin, Paris oh good you made it.

Robin Brooks: We got your message and thought it’ll be fun to be at a Rise to Greatness. Still not entirely sure why you wanted us here.

Paris Dannon: Robin, she is celebrating her big premiere tonight. Don’t you know how important this is to her. She’s spare no expense to bring us and she’s bought out the good stuff for tonight.

{Paris grabs an already open bottle of charade and pours herself another glass.}

Katie Steward: Alright Paris just take it easy on the celebrating for right now. I need the two of you ready for tonight.

Robin Brooks: Why?

Katie Steward: Because I don’t trust Donovan. He’s going to do something that spoils my vision for tonight and wreck my chances at an Emmy. he’s already start by making this a gauntlet match. I can already hear the critics now. Yeah sure you beat Donovan and ended his career, but he just went through two other matches. Disgusting. He did this to me on purpose.

Robin Brooks: I’m sure Donovan didn’t mean to do it in that way.

Katie Steward: Are you kidding me right now? He’s done this to me every time his slings back into SCW…

{The scene flashes back to a random episode of SCW Breakdown years ago. Katie is backstage and dressed in her wrestling gear. She had just finished an interview segment and she is heading to the ring. On her way she can hear the whispers and laughter in the shadows. She turns her head to peak of her shoulder and the scene cuts for a second to the shadows.}

Robin Brooks: Uh how does that prove anything? You don’t even know it’s Donovan. Also Katie I feel it’s very important to point out that everyone’s whispers aren’t always about you.

Katie Steward: (laughs) Yeah, right. I know about Donovan, Lenne, Selena… They all want to believe the myth that they create that I am the Evil Queen of SCW, but none of them know the first thing about me and that is what exposed them as the people they really are.

{The scene flashes back again for another time jump. This time we head back to teenage Katie at her high school. It’s lunchtime and the kids are in the cafeteria. A young Katie finds herself walking around and handing out flyers to the other student for school and trying to get them to come to the show.}

{She does manage to get a few handed out. She is joined by her friend, Gina who walk over and hands her a handful or more flyers.}

Gina Pierce: Here.

Katie Steward: Oh, they made more. Wow I didn’t think they’ve gone so fast.

Gina Pierce: Uh, yeah that’s what happened.

Katie Steward: What do you mean? Gina, where did you get these?

Gina Pierce: No. You’re going to cry.

Katie Steward: I’m fine.

Gina Pierce: Alright. They were in the trash on the way out of the cafeteria.

Katie Steward: What? Are you serious? I can’t believe everyone. This is an important moment for the school. Not only am I starring in it, but I’m playing the male part in it.

Gina Pierce: We’re you the only one that tried out for the part.

Katie Steward: Yeah and I got it because of how damn good I’m going to make it look. Maybe I should start crying. Then they can actually see how good I am.

Gina Pierce: Hey, I agree with you. It is a pretty big step, but maybe a little too big. I’m sure once we’re older and you’ve made it in Hollywood everyone will be more open minded about gender swapping roles.

Katie Steward: That’ll be so amazing. I can’t wait for that day.

{The scene fades back to reality and Katie is in her dressing room with Robin and Paris and her brats just look at her.}

Katie Steward: What? I was progressive back then.

Paris Dannon: So what you’re saying is you’ve always at least had one friend to stand by your side.

Katie Steward: No. I’ve always been misunderstood and what I can’t stand is everyone thinking Donovan Kayl is a great person. Where was that guy for me? He doesn’t exist and doesn’t deserve to go out like this.

Robin Brooks: So what do you want us to do?

Katie Steward: Oh I’ll give you your scripts. You’re going to make sure everything goes down the way it’s suppose to be. Maddy gets her first Rise to Greantess win. She deserves it. Then Gigi is going to show the world what her Brat Club is all about. Finally, we get to give Donovan the fitting end to his career.

Paris Dannon: That’s it. We can do that.

Robin Brooks: I’m still not sure I completely follow you, Katie.

Katie Steward: Fine. Then I’ll just show you.

{Katie grabs a tape from her bag and pulls a monitor over. She pops the tape in for Robin, Paris and everyone to watch.}

{The scene changes to Hollywood, California for the last time and we catch up with Katie Steward this time sitting her director’s chair on the set. She holds her phone in her hand and checks social media while looking completely disgusted by it.}

Katie Steward: And there is the problem. (laughs) Everyone has their opinion and everyone seems to believe that Donovan will win at Rise to Greatness. What a great poll by SCW and thank you for putting it up. It’s great to see just how gullible and naive we have for fans. Though it’s not surprising. I mean look at the real world. It’s all just one big land of make believe. No one wants to see the truth of their heroes. I guess that’s my advantage. I’ve never been seen as a hero, but always a villain. That’s what Donovan saw at least. I mean the man is a complete stranger. He just show up and harasses me and then leaves. Maybe if he was a bit more creative and smarter is whole TV production would’ve had any sort of life to it, but instead that man is just lazy and jealous. Katie Steward is the best actress that this world has ever seen and the man can’t admit it to himself. He hides it behind his male ego and comes of the witty lines like Katie Steward should be doing porn instead of winning the US Title.

Katie Steward: If that is not envy then I don’t know what is. I’ve gone on and because a legend in this company and still people question me on why in my fantasy world do I deserve things. Why does Donovan Kayl? He wants to retire and end his career at Rise to Greatness and make himself out like some big deal. It’s not surprising to me that the man thinks this way. Of course everyone wants to believe in him so badly.

Katie Steward: Now what is Katie Steward doing? I bet she’s making this all about herself, right? What a bitch, huh? It would be great if Madison Steward, she been in the company for a few years now. Maybe shine the spotlight on her? What about Gigi? No that’s clearly not in my script of how Donovan Kayl’s career is going to end. It’s just going to be Donovan beating Maddy and Gigi and then Katie cheats and beats a helpless Donovan souring on everyone’s Rise to Greatness weekend. Your fairy tale sickens me to no end.

Katie Steward: Donovan is not the hero of the story. He’s not the cowboy riding off into the sunset like everyone’s fantasy scenario. The man is going to be beaten by the better person. It’s me. It’s always been me. I deserve this moment more than him. A thousand times over. Katie Steward is just better and everyone should know this by now. In fact, you know something Donnie. Your career won’t be in vain. You won’t die for your sins for no reason. Just know this when I get rid of you. Katie Steward will be the SCW World Champion once again. A Supreme Champion. Don’t you love it Donnie. You are actually contributing to the betterment of SCW. Donnie you’re no better than Kara whatsherface from a couple of years ago. She thought she took challenge me and I ended her. Just like her. You too will be a never was.

{Katie stands up from her director’s chair. She fixes her ring robe and walks off the set as the scene and episode end.}
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RE: Donovan Kayl vs. Katie Steward, Gigi Steward & Maddy Steward - by Team Desire - 07-20-2019, 09:18 PM

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