Wanted to get this out of the way before it was too late, even though I'm not 100% sure of the schedule for this period as we await RtG. On Labor Day weekend (August 29 to September 3 to be more exact) I'll be out of town on my usual vacation to Seattle for the PAX West gaming convention, and while I will be bringing my laptop with me to maintain internet access (especially to try and watch AEW All Out that Saturday night) I'd rather spend my time enjoying the trip than having to worry about writing anything. I'd be good to be booked for a potential 8/28 Breakdown since the deadline would be before my trip happens but I'd like to have the 9/4 Breakdown off as by the time my flight comes back in on Tuesday, there's a pretty good chance I'd have absolutely no time to write or post anything before deadline, especially since I know from past years I'll be jetlagged to hell. I doubt there will be a PPV falling on that weekend since there'd be so little time to build for it pending when RtG is posted, but if there is I should be able to do something as long as I'm aware of being booked early enough to get something written before I leave.

In Summary:
Potential 8/28 Breakdown - Good to be booked
Potential 9/1 PPV(?) - Good to be booked, would prefer to know in advance if I am so I can write something even if a match isn't "officially announced" right away
Potential 9/4 Breakdown - Need off
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]

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LOA - by Ruppy - 08-07-2019, 11:50 PM

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