Total Terror vs. Billy Breakdown
Am I Ready.....   Am I ready......  No the Question is


Years have passed, and Total Terror was hidden in obscurity.  Left to die from days past, and forgotten to the realms of  man. 

Until Today.

The scene opens to Total Terror in the backstage area of SCW Breakdown. His is picking at his clothes, and grumbling to himself.  

Terror:  How did I ever wear these things before?  I got to get my s**t together here.  I'm pitted against this guy Billy Breakdown.....some intergalactically Chumpstain or something...... I mean I have to start at the bottom  I get that, but I figured I've at least go up against Donovan Kayl.  Well Billy Breakup, or Break dance for breakfast, or whatever the hell your name is, the only breaking that will happen is when I break your face with the Terrorizer.  You'd think I'd be nervous, but I'm not.  the only thing I'm nervous about Willy flipflop is whether or not Bree Lancaster, Jennifer Helms or any of the Street girls are coming to watch me kick you a** all over the ring. 

Terror turns to walk away, remember a thought, pauses and turns back. 

Terror:  The only thing you should be thinking of Billy Brickabrack is,  Is he serious about making a comeback?  And if he is.... Do I want to be the guy he proves himself on? So the question remains Willy wonka......


Messages In This Thread
Total Terror vs. Billy Breakdown - by Team Desire - 08-24-2018, 03:52 PM
RE: Total Terror vs. Billy Breakdown - by joceton - 08-29-2018, 10:24 AM

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