Again, work on the show is still coming together. I appreciate the patience as I'm trying to make these shows as strong as possible to reflect a lot of the strong work many of you are putting out. A couple of things to look forward to.

- Breakdown (July 8, 2020) - I hope to have it up tonight, but potentially tomorrow morning. I have some work related things I need to focus on too so how long those take will determine things.

- Breakdown card for July 15 and 22 - I will be posting the complete card for both shows tonight regardless. This again is to allow everyone to start focusing there. Please note that there will be more on the show that normal and unless specifically stated, it will take place at some point in the next two shows. I'm doing it this way so basically after the deadline on July 14th, everyone can turn their attention to Rise to Greatness (or take a moment to breathe) and I still have enough content for two full shows.

- Rise to Greatness card will be confirmed, in full, after the July 15 Breakdown. Many matches will be added this weekend after the July 8 Breakdown is up, but just in case people are checking things out there.

Thanks again.

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Breakdown/Updates/Cards - by supremecw - 07-09-2020, 11:27 AM

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