Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Goddess Noir/Case Closed(?)"

{The episode starts in Supreme City at Katie and TJ’s detective office. The scene opens to Katie Steward leaning up against her desk sitting on the edge in her white suit. Her jacket and fedora are on the coat rack behind her. TJ Johnson stands next to her and he’s in a dark suit. They are joined by Hurse who is sitting down in a chair in front of them dressed in a policemen uniform.}

Katie Steward: What were you thinking? Going into the bar like that? We were trying to get some information and you ruined it.

Hurse: I was helping. I was your backup. Is this just suppose to be you and TJ’s thing? That’s no fun.

Katie Steward: Well, yeah. It kinda is. We don’t mind the help, but you’re a cop walking into the bar almost ruined it for us.

TJ Johnson: What do you mean almost? Getting mauled about Polly wasn’t the plan.

Katie Steward: No. Though it was pretty cool getting to use this.

{Katie holds up her taser to show TJ and Hurse. She holds the button down as electricity flows between the prongs.}

TJ Johnson: Ok, but what information did we get?

Katie Steward: I saw the Goddess there. She looked different, but I know it was her. Whatever game we’re playing. She’s the mastermind behind it. She’s the one that took Mr. D’s championship title.

TJ Johnson: The Goddess. Your Goddess? The one we faced in her realm last year? The one that killed your daughter Ash. Is she upset you beat her?

Katie Steward: I didn’t beat her. She retreated and I knew we were finished. Now though we need to find her and close this case.

{Katie stands up off her desk and grabs her jacket and fedora putting them on. She walks out of her office with TJ following behind her. Katie turns around to TJ and talks to him as she backs out of her office.}

Katie Steward: Now that we know who is between all of this. It shouldn’t be too hard finding Mr. D’s title…

{Katie opens the door and steps outside. She doesn’t see the black bag on the floor outside and ends up tripping over it and crashes down on the ground. TJ jumps over it and checks on Katie.}

TJ Johnson: Katie! Are you ok?

Katie Steward: Ow. Yeah. I’m fine. Just a little sore from the fall. What did I trip over?

{TJ grabs the bag and unzips it. He and Katie go through it. The only thing inside is TTJ pulling out Mr. D’s title.}

TJ Johnson: Wow that was easy.

{Katie looks at it confused. She takes the title from TJ and he helps her back up to her feet.}

Katie Steward: That’s not right. Why would she just drop it off? This isn’t how it’s suppose to go.

TJ Johnson: Maybe we scared her. Maybe it was someone else. I don’t know.

{TJ helps Katie back into the office with title belt. Katie now has to make the call to Mr. D that they’ve closed their case as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to outside the building where Katie and TJ’s detective office is. Across the street The Goddess stands in an alley staring at the building in her white dress and a spiked leather jacket. She is joined by Glory Braddock.}

Glory: Why did you return the belt? Could’ve used it?

The Goddess: I didn’t expect them to find me so soon. She is rather good. I have other things I need to take care of though. I’m grow tired of waiting. People are in need of some diving intervention.

Glory: And America’s Sweetheart?

The Goddess: Good luck. You might know of the woman, but you don’t know the woman herself. You’re underestimate her. You know her moves. You know her accomplishments. You don’t know her power. She says she’s a Goddess, but she’s not. Not anymore. She’s changed and she’s become something else.

Glory: That just sounds like what everyone else says about her. She’s a bitch.

The Goddess: They don’t know. They haven’t seen what I saw. Farewell.

{The Goddess turns away and leaves. Glory just shakes the weird supernatural talk that Katie is. Just ridiculous. Katie can be beaten like anyone else. Glory turns back to the Goddess, but she’s already disappear and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes a few hours later back in Katie and TJ’s offices. They are joined by Sasha D. who is given back her dad’s first championship belt that was stolen.}

Sasha D.: Thank you Katie, TJ. I guess he was right about the title being stolen. I didn’t know.

Hurse: I helped too.

Sasha D.: Thank you everyone.

Katie Steward: It was nothing Sasha. We’re just happy we closed the case and got back what was stolen.

Sasha D.: I should get going. I don’t really have anything to do, but I’m sure you’re all busy.

{Katie walks Sasha out of the office.}

Sasha D.: Katie, do you know where Gigi is?

Katie Steward: Um, no. I actually haven’t spoken with her in a while. Weird. I’m sure she is busy with her own projects and stuff.

Sasha D.: Maybe I’ll swing by and check in on her.

Katie Steward: Good idea. Tell her to call me.

Sasha D.: I will.

{Sasha leaves the office and the scene fades.}


{The scene change to a studio for a late night show. Katie Steward sits behind the desk and TJ in the guests chair. A TV monitor sits on the table in between them showing the story that the audience watched.}

Katie Steward: Well that was quite a fun case. Did everyone enjoy it?

{Katie gets a loud ovation from the audience.}

Katie Steward: Thank you. I’m glad you all enjoyed it. I just loved being your sweetheart. It was a fun case and it doesn’t look to be over yet. Though we do have other busy for tonight and that pertains to Glory Braddock. I know everyone is excited to see this. It has to be another dream match that people have wanted for quite some time, but it hasn’t happened before. A marquee match up like this. Glory so better be ready for this. Everyone knows my accomplishments. My legacy, but then there is Glory’s…

{Katie sits up in her chair. She puts her arms on up on the desk and looks to the camera.}

Katie Steward: Glory came in and like everyone before her and after. They have no goals. Well the only goal is to win the big one. Because that just proves you’re the best, right? Titles and Trios and main events. It’s the dream. (laughs) Not really though. That’s not a dream. That’s 15 minutes. It’s a flash in a pan star that comes in shakes things up and disappears. You don’t climb the ladder to the top. Nobody climbs the ladder anymore. They just kick it and everyone else falls off of it. So everyone is just on the same level fighting each other. Glory vs. Katie Steward should’ve happen a long time ago, but then we wouldn’t have this. A lesson to be learned. We all know Glory. She is a very talented woman. She is one of the best. She is in the field where everyone at the top of their game. Best is not always better.

{Katie leans back in her chair and smiles.}

Katie Steward: Me saying I’m better than Glory is something you’ll expect me to say. I’m not trying to be mean here. I wish I knew more about Glory, but I don’t. I just know what she’s done and I know what I’ve done. It’s the ladder that I climbed that made me better. That makes me better. It’s the legacy I left better. Everyone can come and rush to the top as fast as they can. Win everything in the matter of minutes. That’s great for them. They deserve it. Glory though can’t glimpse my star. When I finally cross the finish line. Everyone will realize that they’ve all failed at being the best. Because the best is Katie Steward.

TJ Johnson: Well said, Katie. So you’re ready for Glory Braddock at Be Careful What You Wish For?

Katie Steward: I don’t know what that means, but I want to respect Glory. What she’s done is amazing. Minus what she did on Breakdown this week. That was not amazing. It wasn’t even ballsy. It also just to show that I have everyone’s ears. I command my audience and for the few that take issue. The people that think I’m delusional. Glory coming at me and trying to call me out. It’s not something that I haven’t seen before. I’m not sacred. I’m not wishing for anything bad to happen to Glory. If I’m who she wants. I don’t blame her. She’s going to get the Goddess, Katie Steward.

{Katie sits up in her chair and rests her hands on the desk. She takes a breath looking like her confident self as the scene and the episode fade.}

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Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward - by Konrad Raab - 04-26-2021, 05:52 PM
RE: Glory Braddock vs. Katie Steward - by Team Desire - 05-02-2021, 04:28 PM

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