Kimberly Williams vs. Owen Cruze
+++ 29th January 2023 – Los Angeles +++

With the final Breakdown concluded before Body, Heart and Soul, Owen was taking advantage of the week off to allow his body to heal, but also to check in with Jennifer in Los Angeles, and how the wedding preparations were going. In a couple of days his preparation would begin in earnest, as he formulated a strategy to get past Kimberley Williams. But until then he was enjoying a well-deserved few days off. Jennifer had headed out with her mom to check out some dresses, which allowed Owen to go and see Shaun, who still hadn’t decided what he was going to do after being relieved of his position at SCW, or at least resigning from it.

Shaun: Why shouldn’t I take some time out with the family? It feels like I’ve been doing ‘something’ for the last ten years. Don’t you think I deserve a break?

Owen: That’s not what I said… you’re not the kind of person to get idle, and you’re always part of some project or another. I thought you’d throw yourself back into work the moment you had chance… I don’t see you as the house husband type.

Shaun: And maybe I’m not… but Dorothea is loving having me around, Angyalka as well. Impact Media pretty much runs itself now, so I’m a spare part there as well. Way, I see it is I’ve been working for the best part of a decade, now seems the perfect time to just take a moment and relax.

Owen: And you’re happy doing that?

Shaun: What? Seeing the cash roll in whilst doing nothing… damn right I am.

Owen: Well, if you’re happy?

Shaun: I am yeah, I’ve done the whole six am meetings and busting a gut to succeed, whether it be competing, or with Impact Media. It’s time for me to sit back and let you young ones take your turn. It was one of your Dad’s biggest regrets, not stepping back when he could have, and I’m not going to make the same mistake he did. After all, you never know when your time is going to be over.

Owen: Cheery thought.

Shaun: But it’s true isn’t it… you never know what’s around the corner.

Owen: Like Dad you mean?

Shaun: Yes, exactly like Orlando. He was finally happy. He’d stepped away from the business and was about to start a new life, and then in a heartbeat… pardon the pun, it was all over. You don’t get this opportunity again Owen, so if you can, you’d be stupid not to make the most of it. I’ve worked hard to get here, so now I’m going to enjoy it.

Owen nods his head, knowing that Shaun was telling the truth, and not covering up his true feelings.

Owen: So, a life without stresses huh? That’s the goal?

Shaun: That should be everyone’s goal Owen, no matter who you are. Put in the hard work, and then reap the benefits. Keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll probably be able to walk away even earlier than I did.

Owen: I can’t imagine never competing… I had to think about that once before.

Shaun: Come back and tell me that once you are married, and you start having children. I’m telling you right now your priorities will change and travelling from place to compete won’t be the thrill it no doubt currently is. I’ve seen you with Jennifer, and nothing is more important than her not even the business. I couldn’t have said that about someone at your age, and neither would Orlando if he was still around. He was totally obsessed with the business, me as well but not quite as much. You, your obsession is Jennifer, and there is nothing wrong with that. It makes you a better person that we were that’s for sure.

Owen: But not as much a competitor?

Shaun: Let’s just say, if you got injured tomorrow and could never compete again, you’d put a positive spin on it and focus on the fact you were World Champion twice and throw yourself into your business. Orlando and I, we would have probably drunk ourselves into a stupor… in fact he probably did. It may not have always been the case, but you have a wise head on young shoulder. Much wiser than Orlando and I ever were. Ending your story on a high was all you ever wanted. You’ve managed to turn around that narrative, and anything from here on in is a bonus. That’s a measure of the man you are, and a direct comparison with the men that Orlando and I couldn’t be.

Owen understood what he was saying. Right now, Owen was focused only on defending the World title, and being the best competitor, he could be. He agreed however that opinion could change, it once very nearly did. And if anyone would be the catalyst, it would be Jennifer, his fiancée.

Shaun: Anyway, before I forget, I’ve got something to show you. Let me just get my laptop.

Shaun gets to his feet and retrieves his laptop, bringing it back to the table and opening it up.

Shaun: You haven’t forgotten pre-Christmas have you, the brick put through my windscreen?

Owen: Yeah, not the best present in the world.

Shaun: No… well, a neighbor down the road was archiving footage from his CCTV system, and as he was doing so, he came across this.

Shaun hits the spacebar, the footage starting to play, Owen watching as a figure approaches the car, and then throws the brick through the windscreen. Shaun then pauses, as the individual stops and turns to look down the street, before then zooming in. Owen steps forwards for a closer look, his eyes widening as the face becomes recognizable.

Owen: That’s Comer… Pixie’s ex.

Shaun nods his agreement.

Shaun: Yeah, it is… no doubt about it. Seems he took matters into his own hands after I spoke with Pixie. Took it out on my windscreen.

Owen: What a dick

Shaun: I know… but part of me doesn’t blame him, after all, because of me, Pixie did take away her investment. As someone with anger issues, it would be kind of hypocritical of me to say I wouldn’t have done the same.

Owen: Yeah, but still… hold on.

Owen looks a little closer at the footage, squinted his eyes as if he would get more detail from doing so.

Owen: Do you get a better look at the car?

Shaun: Yeah, hold on.

Shaun allows the footage to play a little longer, Owen bringing his hand to his mouth as he recognizes the car.

Owen: Mother fucker…

Shaun seems a little taken aback by the reaction but allows Owen to continue.

Owen: Dude’s been stalking my house, keeping watch on things while I’ve been away. Wonder if he has plans for me as well?

Shaun: You were the person who first got suspicious of him… it stands to reason that he’d be looking for revenge on you as well

Owen: So, what we going to do, kick his ass? Make him wish he’d never crossed us?

Shaun: After what I’ve just been saying Owen? Nah, I’m going to let the cops know, and I’d suggest you do the same in Miami.

Owen: And let him get away with it?

Shaun laughs, it was an expected reaction and reminded Shaun that Owen was still so very young.

Shaun: He won’t get away with it, the cops will deal with it. It’s best to leave it to them.

Owen scowls, more than a little confused.

Shaun: You don’t agree?

Owen: I mean… it’s not how we have done things in the past?

Shaun picks up a picture, showing him, Angyalka, Dorothea and Gerrard their dog. It looks like the perfect family photo. It was the perfect family photo.

Shaun: No, it’s not. But look where taking matters into our own hands has gotten us in the past. Orlando almost got life imprisonment for dealing with Shinzan Valfane when Russell Nash Blade was put on the shelf. I could have lost everything when I put my hands on Taylor when she was pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. And you Owen, you’ve only just come back from the brink… stuff like this, it’s not for us to deal with. Whether it be a disgruntled fan, or a prick like Comer, there are people who dealing with things like this is their job. We’ve enough on our plate, so why pile on more.

Owen: Jesus, what happened to you over Christmas?

Shaun: Nothing… I’m just getting too old for this shit. I want a simple life, a normal life, away from the wrestling industry, the rat race, the whole nine yards. I won’t get that if I go all gangster on someone who’s only acting out. I’d rather just laugh at him to be honest, than get my hands dirty. And if you take my advice, then you’ll do the same. Report him, and then move on. You’ll be a lot happier for it I promise you… focus that aggression into title defenses.

Owen: OK… still feels like he’s getting away light

Shaun: And if he does… so what? I was insured, windscreen cost me nothing except a phone call. His reputation takes a hit, he loses his business… that’s better than a bust lip don’t you think?

Owen: I guess.

Shaun: And if he can’t hurt anyone else… then we win. And that’s all that matters.

Owen: You paint a good picture for a normal life

Shaun: Good, because one day, you’ll have that to. The most important thing Owen, is knowing when this…

He turns the photo towards Owen

Shaun: … is more than you need. Then, you truly do have everything.

Owen understood what Shaun was saying. Wrestling was an amazing life, but ultimately it would take its toll, especially the way he competed and his high-risk strategy. One bad injury and it could all be over, just like with AJ, and the reality was, it could happen at any time, fate had no deadline. If the worst happened, doing what was best for him, and more importantly what was best for Jennifer was something he would always put first no questions asked. At nearly twenty-three years of age, it may have seemed strange to be contemplating such a thing, but preparing for it, was different to accepting it. And he hoped he wouldn’t have to accept it for a long time yet, whilst at the same time, knowing that if fate did indeed intervene, he could.

+++ 31st of January 2023 - Miami +++

Back in Miami, his training could begin in earnest. That meant a lot of stamina work, knowing how durable Kim Williams was, whilst also watching a lot of footage, showing Kim at her best, AND her worst. Trying to work out a strategy that would avoid her strengths, whilst focusing in on her weaknesses. Owen often thought himself one of the quickest, if not THE quickest on the roster, but Kim wasn’t a million miles behind. He couldn’t go hell for leather like he did with Xander or focus on outwrestling her like he had with Penguin. Both those individuals had been predictable in their offense. What they did, they did well, and tended to never deviate from that plan. What Kim was, was potentially the most unpredictable wrestler on the roster, and she could come at him in many ways. Owen had to prepare for all eventualities and give her as many issues as he possibly could. Like never before, his time in the Slaughterhouse would be put to the test, his newfound pain thresholds giving him the edge. Kim had claimed she was all business, but Owen wasn’t naïve enough to think that couldn’t change… and Kim bring out the staple gun to claim that which she most definitely wanted. With his training for the day over, now he was headed into something he was dreading much more than Body, Heart and Soul. Sat in the Visiting Room of the Miami-Dade County Women’s jail, he was waiting for Charlotte to come through the doors opposite, not knowing what reaction he was going to receive. She’d accepted the visiting order so that was something but was that just to give her the opportunity to give him a piece of her mind. As she walks through the door accompanied by a guard, the look on her face gives him the answer. The answer that he didn’t want. Her face was one of thunder, and it doesn’t change as she takes a seat opposite him. The guard steps back, and stands next to the wall, no doubt still within earshot, but not listening to every word. There follows an awkward silence, Charlotte staring directly at Owen, making him even more uneasy. He finally speaks, if only to break the tension that is building to unbearable levels.

Owen: Thank you for seeing me Char… I’m sure you would have preferred not to.

Charlotte: Really… why would you think that?

Her response wasn’t even tinged with sarcasm, it was full to the brim with it, and she almost spits the words back at him.

Owen: I just want to try and explain.

Charlotte: What’s to explain Owen… you broke my trust, and grassed me out, because you lost your nerve.

Owen: That’s not true.

Charlotte: Really… are you calling Starling a liar? Police Officers are sword to tell the truth, and he tells me it didn’t even take you a few hours from receiving the letter to make sure they had it in their possession. In fact, you couldn’t wait to pass it over, so that they knew where I was.

He starts to say he’d had the letter for way longer than that but decides against it. Sensing Charlotte’s mood, she wouldn’t hesitate to inform Starling of the truth.

Owen: I didn’t know you were still in Toronto.

Charlotte: Don’t give me that, you really expect me to believe that you didn’t see me in Toronto… I wasn’t anymore that ten yards away from you and you ignored me. I was about to come over to you and Jennifer when I saw two police officers and got spooked.

Owen: I promise I didn’t see you Char.

Charlotte: Yeah, well excuse me if I have very little trust in you right now Owen. I’m here because of you, because you didn’t have it in you to wait a few more days.

Owen bites his bottom lip, only taking this because he knew that he had told the cops about her, and she had every right to be angry.

Charlotte: So, is what Starling said true?

Owen: He said a lot of things.

Charlotte: They were looking to charge you as an accessory, so you caved in?

Owen: Look Charlotte…

Charlotte: It’s a simple question Owen… did you grass on me to save yourself?

Owen: No, I didn’t. I gave them the letter, because it was the right thing to do. I gave it to them to keep you safe.

Charlotte laughs, Owen starting to see a side to her that he’d never seen before. She’d always said that she wouldn’t last in prison, and it seemed like already it was starting to take its toll, a sneer accompanying every word she speaks.

Charlotte: Safe? You think it’s safe in here?

Owen: It’s safer than having to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life.

Charlotte: But that was my choice to make Owen. MINE!!!

She raises her voice slightly, the guard giving her an admonishing look.

Charlotte: I made the choice to get out of your life, and to get away from those people I’d hurt that wouldn’t be satisfied with me being in a place like this. Me being dead… it gave Scott’s family some closure. It gave them some peace, now you’ve brought it all back.

Owen: And what about me huh? What about the secret you wanted ME to keep?

Charlotte: I wanted you to help me. Exactly the way you always said you would.

Owen: I have helped you, Charlotte. I stopped you before you got yourself into even more trouble. Do you really think you could have run forever?

Charlotte: We’ll never know, will we?

Owen: I know you hate me right now Charlotte, but I didn’t do this for me.

Charlotte: Bullshit. If you think I’m going to clear your conscience by telling you it’s OK, it ain’t happening.

Guard: Language Byers.

Charlotte: I’ll never forgive you for this Owen. Never. You’re only here now, because I wanted to tell you that I never want to speak to you again. You enjoy your privileged life, whilst I rot in here… and I hope you sleep well on your thousand-dollar mattress. I just feel sorry for anyone else who ever believes you’re their friend. Guard…

The guard walks over, Owen holding out his hand to grabs hers, Charlotte shrugging him off.

Owen: Charlotte…

Charlotte: Just fuck off Owen. We’re done.

Charlotte is led through the exit door, Owen left at the table alone, fully aware that people are looking at him having heard the altercation. He lowers his head, and takes a deep breath, before standing, looking directly at someone who hasn’t stopped staring at him.

Owen: Shows over…

Owen then leaves the visiting area, knowing that Charlotte meant every word, knowing that his actions had cost him a dear friend. He shakes his head as he steps through the door… it seemed that right now losing friends was becoming an unwanted habit.

+++ 3rd of February 2023 - Nashville +++

As far as Owen was concerned, there was nothing like the build to the Marquee events that Supreme Championship Wrestling presented, Body, Heart and Soul one of the main examples. Even more so, was the excitement of defending a World Championship that he had worked so hard to get his hands on. A Championship reign that he was doing his best to ensure it meant something, by taking a chance and entering his contender’s domain… the Underground. After messing up his first attempt, this one HAD to matter, and he was more than getting the opportunity to make it happen. Contenders were queuing round the block for a shot at him, it seemed like it grew every week, but it wasn’t a challenge that he feared nor shied away from. To be remembered positively for his reign, he had to face every challenger the way he had faced his own oblivion no more than eighteen months ago. Head on. There could be no half-measures in anything he did from here on in. And so, arriving in Nashville, knowing that the eyes of the world were on him, he was inevitably under pressure, but unlike recent years, it was a pressure that he was thriving in. A pressure that had given him a focus, a knowing, of what he needed to do. So, in a filming booth, set up not too far from the Arena, Owen awaits his cue, and when he gets it from the crew present, he starts to speak, in his usual quiet, yet supremely confident tone.

“Well… I guess you could say that was the perfect preparation. First, I have nothing but respect for you Deanna, you came at me with everything you had and a bit more besides. And although I did claim the victory in an ‘impromptu’ Underground match, it cannot disguise the fact that this next year is going to be pivotal for you, and it would be no surprise to me that before long you are challenging for this prize that I am honored to hold. If of course Selena doesn’t beat, you to it. Keep doing what you are doing Deanna, because last week you showed me, and everyone else that there is a toughness to go with the obvious skill, and that no one should take you for granted. As I hope you understand I didn’t, not once. Thank you, not seriously thank you. Because if Kim wanted to see firsthand what I’ll be bringing to the table at Body, Heart and Soul, you helped me achieve that. Because she must understand that I’m serious too. About becoming a dual champion in the greatest wrestling company in the world.

And that said, I think the one question that has been thrown at me over the last couple of weeks, is why the heck did I decide to make this Underground Rules, and in essence enter Kim’s domain? I mean, Olek even asked me on Breakdown, if I was sure, and if I knew that I was doing. And you might think that I had some secret desire to add the Underground Championship to my resume, but I assure you that isn’t the case. Of course, the Underground Belt is a prestigious award, it symbolizes something, something that Kimberly exudes in spades. It symbolizes courage, heart, desire… and a never say die attitude to keep on fighting, no matter the injuries, or no matter the blood loss. So, I would never dismiss the relevance, or indeed the honor it would be to be Underground Champion, but the argument isn’t valid here I’m afraid. No, to fully understand why I did this, why I didn’t just enter the lion’s den and instead clambered inside and set up residence. You must go back to Rise to Greatness 2022. You must go back to Josh Hudson, and a Submission Match for the United States Championship. You must go back to my darkest day since my return… the night that Josh Hudson made me tap out.”

Owen bites his bottom lip, remembered that moment with crystal clear clarity, a night he had been reminded of constantly.

“Rise to Greatness is one of the biggest, most spectacular nights on the wrestling calendar. It’s an event in which nothing can be left in the locker room, but it’s also a show in which legends are made. Heading into that match, I’d already had Hudson squealing like a stuffed pig as the end credits rolled on an edition of Breakdown, and I was most definitely confident I was going to get it done. And not only get it done, but get it done in Josh’s domain, his specialty. I was looking for a Rise to Greatness moment, something I would be remembered for… and you know what, I accomplished that, but in an entirely negative way. I got schooled that night, no question, but ultimately, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth knowing I could and should have done better. I went to the well too early, and Hudson was waiting. ONE mistake cost me. ONE mistake cost me my moment.

So, from that point, I set my sights higher, knowing how much it would rankle with Hudson’s ego if I achieved something even greater than he had accomplished. I went after the World Championship, the Elimination Chamber giving me my opportunity which I  took. Ripping the title from Xander Valentines grasp was a pivotal moment, defending it against Penguin in the face of such odds took an astronomical effort. And yet, because of that loss at Rise to Greatness, the naysayers continued to have a field day. Rise to Greatness was months away… I needed to put some respect on this Championship reign. I need to show that the soft center that was once a weakness, had hardened into what was now one of my greatest strengths. When it was confirmed that Kimberly Williams was my challenger, I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to throw down that gauntlet and enter that lion’s den once more. But this time, instead of succumbing, I had to take that lion… and rip out its throat.

See, I know I’m not known for this, I’m more than aware that this kind of match isn’t the kind in which I made my name. I know that if you are speaking of Kimberly Williams, the exact opposite is true, and at Body, Heart and Soul, we will most definitely be playing her kind of game. The game in which she has shown countless times this season, that there are not many better. It’s not just about proving a point guys… it’s about existing in a place where others believe I can’t, another step towards building my own legacy and being remembered for all time. For the right reasons. There’s no doubt… this could explode, quite literally, in my face. Just like it did at Rise to Greatness. And I could be left with nothing… well, nothing but the reputation of taking on a challenge that I didn’t have to or was capable of overcoming. Stupidity that had no bounds. But I wouldn’t be doing this, if I didn’t wholeheartedly believe I could win. I wouldn’t undertake this task if even with Kim reputation, I wasn’t totally convinced I’m going to walk, yes walk away from Nashville tomorrow night with both the World AND Underground Championships in my possession. This is all about me proving to those who still have doubts, that the name Owen Cruze means MORE. This is about proving I’m not just ‘a’ Champion, but ‘THE’ Champion."

Owen shifts his in seat, for the first time the camera panning out and revealing the SCW World Championship belt draped across his lap. He rests his right hand on it, tapping it without even realizing as he continues.

“And I know what you are thinking Kim, and I address you directly now. I’m guessing that you are wondering why I’ve taken what you will no doubt see as an extraordinary risk, and put myself in a situation that, let’s face it, I didn’t have to. I understand that if I win, having to defend the Underground Championship at the same time could put an end to my World Championship. I get that. In fact, I think that is what Olek was getting at when he asked the question. Going into a straight up wrestling match I may well have gone in as favorite being the title holder, perhaps not. But giving the match hardly any boundaries, it could be argued that the mantle of favorite is passed to yourself, and thus, as Champion, I placed myself in the position of underdog. Is that what you are thinking Kim? I saw your eyes light up when I offered the stipulation, you where loving life weren’t you? Did you believe, as so many posts on social media believed, that I had given you the very best chance of every becoming World Champion, a position you claim to be one hundred percent serious about?”

Owen pauses, tilting his head to one side as he grins.

“Then you can’t be that serious Kim, because you can’t have done the homework. If you do believe that this has opened a pathway for you Kim, then you are only working with half the story. If you are entering this match, believing that I’m coming into this match underprepared for all that you will bring, you are most definitely mistaken. I wasn’t sat on my backside during my hiatus. I wasn’t just clearing my mind, and refocusing on my realities, and how I was going to come back even better than ever before. YOU believe you are the Queen of Hardcore, the most uncaring, horrific wrestler on any roster… ‘Stabby, Stabby’ can’t be matched for pure brutality, that’s your opinion, right? You seem to believe that you defined this division, and you are its epitome, when in fact you are did nothing of the sort. You’ve heard of the Slaughterhouse, right? You’ve heard of Rachel Tatum Lee? How’s about Daisy Lee? Those factors are the EXACT reason why I can walk into this match with very little fear. THIS is EXACTLY where Owen Cruze belongs. They are the reason why no matter what you throw at me, even if it is quite literally the kitchen sink, it will be nothing like what I endured to get back to this company and redress the wrongs of my past. Staple Guns, they seem to be your weapon of choice, no matter how many times they pierce my skin, I have gone through much, MUCH worse. When Konrad Raab was threatening me, I hear the two of you have got a certain amount of respect for each other. What I did during my hiatus were the exact reason why, I laughed in his face. He has literally NO CLUE what I had to become to have any chance of existing once more at the highest levels in this company. Kim, are you about to make the same mistake? Underdog? Oh please… you are stepping into the ring with someone who has been through MUCH worse that you have ever exampled here on SCW television, things that wouldn’t be ALLOWED on SCW television, nor would even your warped mind think of.”

He chuckles to himself, his eyes narrowing a little as he shakes his head.

“So, I hope you are listening to me Kimberly because nothing else matters at this point than my victory, and I’m more than ready for literally anything you can throw at me. In fact, you can count on the fact I may well be expecting more from you than you can even come up with. Don’t for even a singular second assume that I have conceded the advantage to you. Because I most certainly have not.”

Owen gets to his feet, the camera panning backwards as he slides the Championship belt on his shoulder. He was going to fight tooth and nail to ensure that the next time he appeared on camera there was a belt on either side.

“Now, I know that by the time you listen to this you may decide the best course of action is to dismiss my words and treat them with disdain. You may well decide, just like Xander Valentine did, that I am not capable of carrying this World Championship for any length of time and that ultimately, I will falter. I’ll wholeheartedly agree that if I win the Underground Championship, that will most definitely make my situation harder, and it could lead to my downfall. But that’s the thing isn’t it… it’s the difficulty that makes it worth doing. It’s the situation that I found myself in by proving myself each week that will help this championship reign be remembered. I won’t come out here and say that I want this more than you Kim, I think that comment is quite dismissive. No, instead I’ll be preparing for you as if you do indeed want it more than I do, and you heart and desire doesn’t indeed surpass mine. I’ll be working with the fact that on many occasions I have seen you become reckless and make a crucial mistake that had cost you. And here’s the thing Kim, something you do need to recognize about me more than anything else. It's that I can win a match from quite literally anywhere. Staging, turnbuckles, the Body Heart and Soul signage… if I can use it, I will. I’m not someone who needs a multitude of mistakes. I don’t need many, many chances. When I lost to Hudson, my one takeaway was don’t go to the well too early… wait… just wait for that moment. Kim, you are a more than capable wrestler, you’ve shown that over the past few years. No longer do you sit in the shadow of your sister, like you did back in the IWC years. But you DO have mistakes in you. You DO have a flair for the dramatic. You lose concentration for ANY reason, just once Kim. And I’ll have you. One moment of madness, the slightest relaxation, and I will kill the match stone dead. You MUST know that Kim, you have to. You need to understand that in a heartbeat, I can beat you. But in understanding that undeniable fact, you must deal with the desperation of knowing that defeat is just around the corner. And with desperation Kim, comes even MORE mistakes. That is how I will beat you Kim, for all your attributes. I’ll use your characteristics against you. In a domain that you call your own.

Because, although you have gone to great lengths to explain to me how you feeling, and I do believe you Kim, I have no choice but to, because this is always serious business to me. There were moments when the mask started to slip. ‘Little Boy’ Owen… Owen Cruiserweight. Cheap little barbs, carelessly delivered, these are comments from someone who certainly hasn’t understood the journey that I have been on this past eighteen months that have brought me to this point where I hold the most prestigious title in the world and will fight tooth and nail to keep a hold of it. Can’t you see Kim, even now you’re not giving me the respect I have earned, calling me by my surname… Cruze. Even now, before we have even stepped foot in that ring you are reverting to type. Have you redeemed yourself? I don’t know Kim, that isn’t a question that I am qualified to answer. All you should know is that for others, these dismissive comments would be a distraction… a distraction that you have thrived on with so many people, those people you mentioned in fact. But for me Kim, it has very little consequence other than a belief you’ve not changed. Not really. And yet you say you respect me? Nah Kim, you don’t. You can’t. Or you wouldn’t act that way?

Because if you did Kim, you’d know full well that if I win, the Underground Championship will be in the hands of someone who for the years or so has fought for his own redemption. Legacy has been the buzzword for many years, and now I am in the process of building my own, do you think that means going through hell only to vacate a title the first chance I get? I’ve disrespected this company Kim, I know I have, perhaps even more than yourself. I know what disrespect is, and I did everything I could to make up for all I did. You can shout and rant all you like Kim, I don’t need the raised voices. I know what this means to you, and I’d never dismiss that for a second. But I don’t THINK I have what it takes to put you down Kim, I know. And very soon, you’re going to be finding out for yourself. Lose your shit in the way you just did in your promo, and I PROMISE you I will take you down. You’re careless… and it will cost you."

Owen takes a moment to look away from the camera and at the belt, his name inscribed on the plate. Was this it, the last time he would be seen on camera with the belt in his possession? He hoped not. Even if he did, he knew he had accomplished so much, but in defeat, would it be enough? Only time would tell. After a deep breath, he the delivers his final words

“So, Kim, let it be said that I welcome this challenge with open arms, and have no delusions that when all is said and done, I could well be left with nothing but the memories of taking the title from Xander, and one successful title defense. Of course, when I look back over my career, it will have meant a lot more than that. But until the ‘rawness’ of defeat has diminished; those are the emotions that your victory would fix in my brain. The emptiness that losing the World Championship brings, an emptiness I have felt before, yet this time am far more prepared for. Kim, you have a huge opportunity to show that you are far more than just a gimmick. A chance to show just how talented you really are. Don’t pass by this opportunity to show the SCW universe that you are nothing like the joke that some perceive you as. But hear this Kim, when all is said and done, and no matter how much you seize this opportunity and show how you are one of the top superstars in Supreme Championship Wrestling, it isn’t going to be enough. Owen Cruze IS the real deal, and at Body, Heart and Soul, I’m not going to leave a single person in any doubt. Your legacy, your birthright, it’s going to have to wait.”

He taps the world title.

“This belt isn’t going anywhere… in fact, when the show comes to an end, it will have itself a new best friend.

And I’ll be Owen Cruze… World AND Underground Champion. And proud of it. You? For that we will have to wait and see.”

Owen salutes the camera and follows it up with a wink. A grin then forms on his face as the scene slowly fades.
[Image: 270041540-258425806375597-7033161467703002046-n.png]

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Kimberly Williams vs. Owen Cruze - by HardyGirl - 01-31-2023, 08:28 PM
RE: Kimberly Williams vs. Owen Cruze - by Owen - 02-02-2023, 01:59 PM
RE: Kimberly Williams vs. Owen Cruze - by Owen - 02-06-2023, 03:14 PM

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