Alexis Quinne vs. Owen Cruze
+++ 7th of February 2023 – New York +++

Having informed the staff about Jacob Laymon’s appointment, all that was left now was to make it official by introducing him to everyone, including the students. Owen had to laugh when one of the students didn’t know who Jacob was, but the legendary figure had taken it in good grace. Owen knew that the students would know soon enough who Jacob was and be better for it. Having completed the tour, including the shelter, and the plans for expansion, they had retired to the office, to go through the necessary paperwork. With everything signed, Owen pulls out a bottle of whiskey, pouring them both a measure before raising his glass, the two of them downing the contents.

Owen: Good to have you on board Jacob, and thank you for stepping in.

Jacob: Well, it’s not like the wrestling world has been banging down my door with job offers, is it?

The joke brings a smile to Owen’s face, which he quickly gets rid of when he recognizes that Jacob is only half-joking, and there was an element of bitterness in the statement.

Owen: Their loss is my gain.

Jacob: That remains to be seen kid… I haven’t been involved in training for a long time. What if my methods are a little… antiquated?

Owen: I’m sure you’ll be fine; I’m more interested in you giving them the mentality to succeed that anything else. What you went through and those experiences, if you can share them and prepare the students for the struggle, that’s all I’m really looking for.

He smirks.

Owen: The abilities, Adam and I can give them all that they need. After all, we have been successful this decade at least.

Owen’s joke breaks any tension that was hanging in the room, Jacob resorting to a belly laugh that takes a while to subside.

Jacob: You always were a cheeky little shit, and now you’re a cheeky little shit with a World Championship you’re even worse. You remind me a lot of your Dad, but I’m guessing you hear that a lot.

Owen: Not as much as I’d like. But thanks, it’s always nice to hear.

Jacob: He always thought you’d make something of yourself, went as far as to say you had a much more mature head on your shoulders than both him and Shaun. But this place, it’s impressive and you should be proud of yourself. I’ll do my best to ensure the students get what they need.

Owen: I know. And who knows, maybe if it goes well, we can make it permanent, if you’d like too of course.

Jacob: Like I said Owen, it’s not like I’ve been doing much since Motor City closed, and IWC disappeared into the ether. It will be nice to get off the Golf course, though over the years I have gotten pretty good.

Owen: OK then, so classes start next week, and we’ll look at it again in a couple of months.

Jacob: Sounds good.

Owen: Just don’t go sparking out any of the students Fathers huh?

Jacob laughs, he more than knew the story of why he was here and who he had replaced.

Jacob: I’ve had my altercations with Jason in the past, and truthfully, I’m surprised that you even employed him in the first place.

Owen: He’d changed… Willow as well, they both did a lot of good for this place. To be fair to him, he was only looking out for Finch.

Jacob: Well, I guess you know him better than I do these days. But the Jason I knew, it’s surprising it took this long. I guess what I am saying is you have nothing to worry about from me. I’m way to long in the tooth for shit like that, I’ll always leave it to the authorities.

Owen laughs, he’d heard that exact statement not that long ago.

Owen: Yeah, I think Shaun is in the same head space as well

Jacob: There’s a lot to be said for the quiet life Owen.

Owen: Perhaps, but I reckon I’ve got a few years left in me before I make any decision to step back. I always said that I wouldn’t wrestle into my thirties, and that’s still my intention. This place, this is my future. I won’t be one of those broken-down men who went on too long. If there is something Dad taught me, it’s that family is everything, and when I’ve got the wife, kids… that’s when it will be my time to walk away.

Jacob: Aren’t you getting married this year?

Owen: I am… so who knows? Maybe the end is closer than I think. It’s why I came back when I did… I couldn’t let the way it was be the end, not the way it was left. Now I have my respect back, and the redemption I worked so hard to achieve. If my story ended now with the World and Underground titles my final act, I know I’d be happy. I wouldn’t be back and forth like a yo-yo like Shaun was. Once it’s done… it’s done.

Though he didn’t say the words. Jacob was more than impressed with Owen’s outlook on life. Recognizing that his redemption had been the most important thing to him and now he had that, it would be enough said a lot about the man. He was SCW World Champion right now, and that fact alone would change most people. But for Owen, it was like winning the World Title again had brought everything full circle. And every day he woke, the first thing on his mind wasn’t the industry, it was Jennifer. And the rest of their lives together.

Owen: Anyway, is there anything else you need to know, any questions about the place?

Jacob: No, just want to get started really.

Owen: OK, then I’ll let you get on with the rest of your day. Apartment hunting, I take it?

Jacob: Yeah, got a couple of places nearby that I’m going to look at. Oh, hold on, I do have one question.

Owen: Fire away

Jacob: The wrestling school on the corner… you have any bother with them. Is there any rivalry I should know about?

Owen laughs, he’d expected that question way before now.

Owen: Believe it or not, it used to be Icon… it was taken over by Tommy Valentine and David Helms who owned Ante Up. The two of them fell out and now it’s Tommy and a woman called Kandis’ place.

Jacob: Kandis?

Owen: Yeah, she competes in SCW as well.

Jacob: In that case, I guess that answers my question.

Owen: Honestly, I thought it would all kick off when we opened, but thus far, it’s been quiet. Kandis has recently returned after injury though, so who knows what the future holds?

Jacob: Fair enough.

Jacob gets to his feet, just as a knock at the door is heard.

Owen: Yeah…

The door opens, Chloe looking at Jacob almost apologetically.

Chloe: I’m sorry Jacob, I thought you had left.

Jacob: Actually, I’m just leaving.

Owen: Do you need something?

Chloe: Just five minutes of your time if that’s ok?

Owen reaches over and shakes Jacob’s hand.

Owen: I’ll see you next week

Jacob: You will… see you both soon.

Jacob leaves the office, and Owen motions towards the chair.

Owen: What can I do for you?

It doesn’t take long for Owen to realize that this wasn’t going to be good news, the look on Chloe’s face making it clear. She seemed almost hesitant.

Owen: Is something wrong?

Chloe: No… I mean, not really.

Owen: So, spit it out then. I think we’ve known each other long enough for us to be able to tell each other anything.

Chloe sighs deeply, Owen getting that familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach telling him that something was seriously wrong. He knew Chloe’s Father hadn’t been very well, so he hoped it was nothing like that. He knew how it felt to lose a Father, and Chloe was just as close to hers as he had been to Orlando.

Owen: It’s fine Chloe… you can tell me.

She bites her bottom lip; it was no good she was just going to spit it out.

Chloe: I applied for a job in Italy in an art gallery, and they replied to me this morning. They want me to start right away…

For a moment Owen is speechless, which doesn’t help Chloe’s worry any. He digests it, and then slowly a smile forms on his face.

Chloe: You’re… smiling?

Owen picks up the bottle, and again pours a shot of whiskey each, sliding the glass across.

Owen: Of course, I’m smiling… a job like that is all you ever wanted. It could be the beginning of something special. This was always just a stop gap for you, and we both understood that. It’s amazing that someone has finally recognized the talent you have.

Chloe: But what about this place?

Owen: What about it? That’s why I have Finch… and if it gets too much for him, I’ll hire him an assistant. When would you leave?

Chloe bites her lip again

Chloe: Tomorrow…

Owen: Wow, that soon?

Chloe: Is that a problem? I can tell them to hold off if you want.

Owen: No, not at all… we’ll cope. This is everything you ever wanted, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t let you chase your dreams? Just remember me when you are some famous artist.

Chloe: I don’t think there is any danger in that.

Owen holds up his glass, the two of them downing the contents just like Jacob and Owen had earlier.

Owen: Can’t believe you thought I’d be angry.

Chloe: It’s just, with Jason and Willow…

Owen: Let me worry about that. Change can be a good thing. Change can bring about new ideas. I was never going to be the one to hold you back.

Chloe: And I appreciate that. Well, I guess I’d better tell Finch the good news.

Owen: He’s going to be gutted… thought you two might have become a thing.

Chloe: We have phones you know… I’m sure he’ll appreciate my nudes.

Owen: For God’s Sake Chloe… I do NOT need that image burned on my retinas.

Chloe: Oh, come on Cruze, you’ve seen me naked on more than one occasion.

Owen: I try to forget.

Chloe gets to her feet, a grin on her face, Owen doing the same. The two hug, Chloe wiping away a tear as they part.

Owen: Knock ‘em dead Chloe… love you.

Chloe: Love you too Owen… drink tonight to say goodbye.

Owen: You got it.

Chloe kisses Owen on the cheek and heads out the door, which shuts behind her. Owen takes a deep breath, and puffs out his cheek, before letting the air exhale. He stands there for a moment, digesting it all, his face more than a little trouble. Change could be good no doubt, but it could also be a sign of things starting to unravel. He wouldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t. And thus, he knew the perfect person to bring into the fray.

+++ 2nd of March 2023 +++

Owen peers from in front of a camera lens, sat on a singular sofa chair, with both the World and Underground Championships draped over the back, situated either side of him. Since he had beaten Xander Valentine nearly three months ago, his career had been a whirlwind, and with the Underground Championship added to his resume, it showed no sign of slowing down. Owen wasn’t one to complain however, and he would be a fighting champion for as long as either reign lasted. He was also more than aware that holding both, was detriment to the other. But he would make the most of it, the honor of being a dual-champion one of his greatest achievements to date. And just like he did against Kim, he would continue pushing the envelope until the day arrived when he had nothing else to push. This was more than he had ever imagined, his redemption now having turned into something much more. This was now about legacy, and he was doing everything he could to ensure that legacy was achieved. He nods, before he starts to speak, his tone as assured as we have ever heard it.

“Let’s not make any bones about it, Body, Heart and Soul were potentially the most important night of my life. Of course, facing someone as talented as Kimberly Williams, with not just one, but two belts on the line was a massive undertaking. Defending the World Championship, whilst at the same time trying to claim the Underground version, something that some wouldn’t be able to achieve. I’ll admit it, I thought quite a lot about what it would like to hold two belts at the same time. I went through the whys and wherefores in detail, as well as the pros and cons. Ultimately, it all came down to one thing, that being if I wanted to continue to be the World Champion, the Underground Championship was a part of that. Leaving the event with neither couldn’t be an option. And although I understood it ‘could’ have transpired, I did everything I could to ensure that it didn’t.”

Owen nods his head agreeably, recognizing that just a couple weeks back, he had done something that many people believed he wasn’t capable.

“And I got that, truly I did. And in no way am I looking to demean either of those Championship belts I have behind me, I respect this industry and this company way too much than to ever do that. As claiming my ‘redemption’ had been the most important thing in the world, more important than becoming a dual champion, was the way I did it. I didn’t want it to be easy, and thus I stepped right into my opponent’s domain. I took my reputation as being a one trick pony, capable of only a quick, high-risk offence, and shattered it into a million pieces. I showed that not only could I compete in the Underground, but I could also thrive in it. More than any rabbit hole, I got down and dirty with most definitely the greatest exponent of the chaos that division exudes, and walked away from the carnage with BOTH belts, exactly how I said I would. I showed that I didn’t stay at the Slaughterhouse for a vacation. I suffered, more than most will in their entire careers. Beating Xander Valentine should have been proof positive that I was one of the most durable individuals on this roster. I exampled in glorious technicolor what I am capable of when I snatched that title from his grasp, but Kimberley William chose to ignore me. I stepped into that ring at Body, Heart and Soul, ready for whatever she threw at me… and I’ll openly admit, it was everything but the kitchen sink. Should a rematch occur down the line if I am able to continue this path, perhaps I wouldn’t have that element of surprise. But it wouldn’t matter, because I understand that although I’m not some King of the Underground, or even a Prince… I can compete in that, or any environment. At Retribution, I’ll go again. This time to show that not there isn’t a thing I can’t do, including beating one of the most technical wrestlers in the world in Adam Allocco. All to serve one purpose, that I am one of the most rounded, capable wrestlers in the world, no matter the situation. All to build my OWN legacy, instead of trying to maintain that of others. But Retribution is for another time. I’m sure Adam Allocco will wax lyrical about how I’ll be losing sleep having to face him again, when the reality is that it’s a far different story. Truth is, someone as good as he is, as technically proficient as he is, that’s the kind of challenge I’ll always embrace, even if it does mean that my championship reign comes to an end. Much in the same way as Josh Hudson, I’m not scared against anyone of that caliber, I love to see just how equal a field I am playing on. But I’m also someone that will only ever focus on the next match. And although I am extremely proud to be the World Champion, I am equally proud of being the Champion in the Underground. I’ll fight anyone that steps up to either title. Especially when that opponent is none other than Alexis Quinne.”

A glimmer of a smile forms on his face, Alexis being someone that he knew very well. The last time they had faced off it had been a barnstormer. An exhibition of rapid-fire offence that had left the fans gagging for more. Over the course of the last few months, Alexis had been in some high-profile matches, but with a Championship Belt on the line, Owen was certain she would come at him like never before.

“So, Alexis, with the utmost respect, I hope that isn’t what you are going to come at me with. This theory that my mind is already drifting towards Retribution and a long-awaited rematch with someone who has shown his ‘issues’ with my family that will never disappear. Fact is, it would be easy for a person to make that mistake, or for someone to allude to that misinterpretation, but I sure as hell wouldn’t expect that level of ignorance from you. You, more than most know the DNA that the Cruze family are built on, your dalliance with Shaun way back when giving you an insight into how our minds work. So, with that in mind, you should know more than anyone that I only deal with that which faces me. And that person this week on Breakdown, is YOU. I didn’t head into Body, Heart and Soul, without giving my situation a great deal of thought. I knew that there was every potential that I would end up fighting for both titles on the same night, or maybe even at the same time. At least on this occasion, Breakdown and Retribution are two weeks apart. Preparing for both will be mutually exclusive. Right now, I don’t have to waste any thoughts on Adam Allocco. Right now, unless he gets involved on Friday night, he isn’t of any consequence.

In this moment, holding both belts isn’t to my detriment, but I’m not naïve enough to think that situation can last, because holding one, or even both could cost me. I don’t shy away from it though Alexis. I’m not spending this time talking to you to excuse any potential failure that may or may not happen. The situation I am in, is a situation whereby my eyes are wide open to the consequences, but those consequences are none of your concern. I AM a fighting, Champion. I AM the Underground Champion. And at Breakdown, regardless of what is to come, I will be busting a gut to make sure things stay that way. But you know that don’t you? You know from experience that even when I am down, you can never be sure that I am out. Last time we faced each other, the tide had turned in your favor and yet I only needed one opportunity to put you away. One mistake, and I snatched that victory from you, and it took less than a second to do so. You seemed to have doubts before about me, but do those doubts remain? Or did you as I hope, learn a thing or two, and get the answers that you crave?

See, that’s the thing I never understood before, when I last stood on this pedestal as the SCW World Champion at the age of nineteen years old. I’m not stupid enough to not recognize that back then I didn’t believe I needed anything else but speed to get the job done. When I beat Alistaire Allocco, I did so by grinding him down with my offence, but even so, there was still a huge element of luck. After losing the title in the Elimination Chamber, I still stayed true to those beliefs. I still believed that with my speed, I could beat anyone. Defeat after defeat. Heartbreak after heartache. The event of taking Hold of the Flame was the result of several years of that same naivety. The moment when I realized that I did indeed HAVE to change.

So nowadays Alexis, I realize that evolution is a constant, and the moment that evolution comes to a half, that is when you lose the capability to surprise. I recognize that with the talent pool in this company, you must have several ways to win any match, or the likelihood is you will end up on the wrong side of the result. Of course, you learned a thing or two the last time we were in that ring together. Of course, you walk into Breakdown believing that you have the tools to complete the job and leave as the Underground Champion. And I wouldn’t expect anything less. But I’m here to tell you right now, I’m not the person that beat you several months ago. I’m not even the person that defeated Xander Valentine, Hairless Penguin and Kimberly Williams. With each one of those victories, I have produced a new, different string to my bow. Against Xander, I came at him from all angles. Hairless Penguin, I outwrestled him. Kim, I went to the Underground and walked away intact. How will I beat you, Alexis? Of course, I’m not going to give you an insight into my strategy, that would be foolish. All you need to know is that I will find a way. If I must battle, if I have to dig deep… or even if I have to take to the skies, that is what I’ll do. I’ll adapt, and you know what, that is the single greatest attribute that I now have in my possession. Before, you spoke of us putting on a fast-paced classic, and you know what Alexis, we did that. This time though, we are in the Underground, and although I’ll never make the mistakes that Kim did and claim that you are out of your comfort zone and give you very little chance, what I will say is that I have proven my worth in this environment… to take this title from me, now you must do the same.  

Do you have what it takes?

That’s the million-dollar question isn’t it, because until Friday comes around, we won’t know. What will happen for sure however is I will prepare, knowing that there is every chance that you DO have all the tools to succeed, and bring my reign to a shuddering halt. Kim’s biggest error wasn’t not being good enough… it was believing that Owen Cruze wasn’t good enough in her domain, one of the most critical mistakes of all. And I’ve not done that with any of my opponents, and I think you know me well enough to know that now, at the top of the mountain, I have no intention of starting that trend. I’m riding the wave of momentum, and I’m going to stay stood upright on that board for as long as I am able. If you manage to stop me, then I promise, I will be the first to shake your hand. But of course, I don’t think you will manage that task. I’m not unbeatable, far from it. But to beat me you WILL have to go to places you’ve never been before. Do you want to be Underground Champion that much? We’ll see.

Owen stands, and walks around the back of the chair, leaning with both arms between the belts. He looks at them both with a huge grin on his face.

“So, Alexis, you can rest assured that no matter what Adam Allocco, or Josh Hudson, or anyone else who says they want either of these belts comes to the party with, there are a few facts that they have to get their heads around first. I’m not the ‘kid’ who bought a living with his surname. Defeating Xander Valentine last year wasn’t a fluke. I am the real deal, and if anyone is going to take these belts away from me, they are going to have to come through the fight of their lives to claim them. That is your quest on Breakdown Alexis, and I wish you well, let’s once again put on a classic that the SCW Universe can be proud of. Let’s once again steal the show. But know this… the rules state I can do anything to keep this title, and if it comes to that, that is exactly what I am going to do. I got the ball, and I’m running with it. And as my Uncles theme music used to say, if you don’t already, by the time I’m through you will ALL know MY name. THIS is only the beginning.”

Owen nods towards the camera, the scene slowly fading.
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Messages In This Thread
Alexis Quinne vs. Owen Cruze - by Konrad Raab - 02-27-2023, 07:44 AM
RE: Alexis Quinne vs. Owen Cruze - by Owen - 03-02-2023, 02:47 PM
RE: Alexis Quinne vs. Owen Cruze - by Owen - 03-03-2023, 08:23 PM

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