Full update, schedule, state of SCW
Hi all,

First, before I update you on everything, I wanted to thank people for their patience. SCW in 2023 has had its struggles and mostly because of me. I've got many, many irons in fires, and having a bout of COVID didn't help, and all of that has led to a repeat problem of late shows which leads to a changing schedule and just a lack of consistency. That's all on me.

I hope to change that. But first, I need to talk about the two immediate shows - Breakdown for March 10 and Retribution. First, Breakdown on March 10 - it will be a summarized show. I just finished reading roleplays moments ago. I hope to have the show up tomorrow morning between work I have to do. Retribution's full card will be posted shortly after. I will have a deadline sometime early next week to allow people plenty of time to roleplay.

This is where things, hopefully, will be for the better. I am going to a conference this week and I am taking the train. I'm hoping I can use that time to write a good chunk of Retribution and actually get ahead of things. I have to do some prep for the conference (and another talk I'm doing), but I'm hoping all of this will allow me to get Retribution up fairly quickly after deadline. I will then be getting to the end of my term and while I still am working on a book with a ridiculous deadline, not teaching five classes will be a great improvement on my time. That said, I am going to do everything I can to get the first Breakdown post-Retribution on time and set a tone. A tone I hope to keep up with through Rise to Greatness.

In the meantime, for those who have been around a while, you know we'll get back on track. For those new, please don't let me inconsistencies take away from the special things we can do here. And for everyone, please encourage other people to give us a shot. I'd love to keep injecting new blood as some of the new faces have both made the Discord have some more buzz, while also offering fresh characters and matchups on the shows.

As SCW reaches 20 years in operation, let's get back to doing what we do. You all have held up your end, even with your own challenges, by roleplaying and helping out. I need to get back to holding up my end by not only providing good shows, but getting them up on time.

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Full update, schedule, state of SCW - by supremecw - 03-13-2023, 11:32 PM

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