Breakdown writers - January 16, 2019
Giovanni Aries vs. Damian Angel
In a match that has as much to do with eliminating rivals as anything else, Katya has booked this match two weeks out. Giovanni Aries and Damian Angel have both made clear their issues with SCW’s management or SCW as a whole and Katya by proxy. They’ll clash on Breakdown. Undoubtedly, some interesting individuals, such as Casterillo, may be watching.
Writer: Ruppy
Sam Raine vs. Angelica Jones
Sam Raine and Crissy Gardner have some tag team aspirations and Angelica Jones holds the Tag Titles. It’s not hard to see what this match could be about.
Writer: Huddie

Autumn Valentine vs. Katie Steward
Autumn Valentine has links to Dark Fantasy. Katie Steward obviously has links to Team Desire 2.0 and decisions made by both sides make them enemies. Tonight, they face in singles action.
Writer: Jon 
“The Hellbilly” John Goddard vs. Peyton Rice
Katya ensured this match was filed and signed. Peyton Rice debuts on the SCW roster in a match that could put her young career in jeopardy against the debuting Hellbilly, John Goddard.
Writer: Jon

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Breakdown writers - January 16, 2019 - by supremecw - 01-14-2019, 10:51 PM

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