Marie Jones vs. Derek Adonis
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, March 23, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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March 9th, 2024
Worcester, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Retribution was a roaring success for Marie Jones. The Phoenix managed to defeat The Rebel Princess via submission, which puts Jones right back where she wants to be; in the winner’s circle. Marie has been on a generally upward trajectory since her return to Supreme Championship Wrestling shortly after Body, Heart, & Soul. She has won every match, with the exception of one loss to Deanna Frost, and seeing as Frost is a former Underground, Tag, and United States Champion, there is no shame whatsoever in that defeat. She recognizes that while winning isn’t always the most important thing for this particular redemption journey she is on, it definitely helps to keep the drive and the motivation alive. Winning definitely inspires one to continue fighting onward; because she knows that bigger and better things await if she does keep to her winning ways. And after her victory over Wolfe at Retribution, Marie Jones finally feels a sense of optimism about her wrestling future and now she looks to build even more momentum in her next match against Derek Adonis.

While her in ring future may seem bright and while she may even feel confident going into battle against the KABLAM Master, Jones still has other problems with her redemption journey; namely, the deeply personal one with her family. Wrestling fans are quick to forgive and forget, that’s what makes them so great. But family is different. Family is not so easily ready to forgive and forget, especially when they’ve been betrayed. Marie Annabelle Jones knows all too well how deep seeded her betrayal lies within her family. She lied to them, manipulated them, and left them twice now for a charismatic cult leader and his Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat. Despite the mental and emotional trauma that may have led to these actions, The Phoenix still burned a lot of bridges and lost the trust of her family. She will have earn that trust back. Yes, she has been making some slow and steady progress. Still, there is a long way to go before they will fully trust her again. Yet even in the darkness there is a shred of light shining through. There are hints that trust is being earned. One such hint lies with the fact that Marie Jones is right here on this day in Worcester, Massachusetts in the home of her lover and fellow former Inner Peace member, Julianne Buchanan.

Julianne is not trusted by Marie’s sister Kimberly Williams or their mother Angelica Jones. After all, it was Julianne who convinced Marie to join this cult on both occasions. While the trust for Julianne is not there, the fact that Marie was finally up front about it and told them about it helped matters. As a sign of their trust for Marie, Angelica and Kim both gave her their blessing to spend the entire weekend with Julianne. This explains Marie’s presence in Julianne’s luxurious home this Saturday morning. Marie Jones walks down the hall carrying a silver tray with breakfast items on it. The Phoenix is wearing an elegant and sensual pastel pink hued one-piece frilly satin lingerie with intricate lace along the neckline and hemline. Tiny bows adorn the straps, adding a hint of flirtatious charm. She steps in through the already open door of her and Julianne’s bedroom. She tiptoes in, trying not to disturb the slumber of Julianne. Marie immediately spots the blonde beauty lying there in the bed with only a matching lace black bra and panty set. Slowly Jones makes her way over and then sets the silver tray of food on the empty nightstand next to the bed. Then Marie climbs over onto the bed, sitting on top of Julianne. This is enough to finally awaken the blonde. Her eyes flutter open and she turns her head to look up at Marie, who smiles down at her.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

“Good morning.” Julianne repeats, stifling a yawn. “You definitely seem very chipper today.”

“Chipper? How about this?” Marie leans down and begins to passionately kiss Julianne on her lips. This continues for several heated seconds before eventually breaking the embrace. Marie smiles devilishly. Julianne soaks it up before returning the favor with a passionate kiss of her own. She rolls over on top of Marie. They break the embrace and Julianne smirks knowingly.

“Yeah…that’s a little more than just chipper…” Julianne admits.

“Do you like it?”

“What do you think?”

Marie grabs Julianne’s head and begins to passionately kiss her again. Marie rolls over onto Julianne. Again, after a few seconds, they break up the embrace. The two women share a few moments of laughter. Any and all worry or stress of previous events are no longer there. They only think of one another.

“That’s not all.” Marie reaches over towards the tray of food. She finds a slice of buttered toast and pulls it over. “Breakfast in bed for my sweet?”

“I thought YOU were my breakfast in bed.”

“Shush!” Marie smirks as she offers her the toast again. Julianne opens her mouth, allowing Marie to gently put the toast in her mouth. Julianne bites down and then takes the toast from Marie.

“What do you have to drink?”

“Wine…or orange juice if you’d rather not drink this early in the day.”

“Juice for me.” Julianne says as she takes another bite of the toast. “You are the one who likes to get drunk early.”

“What can I say? I love my wine. Almost as much as I love you.” Marie reaches over and grabs herself a slice of toast and begins to eat. Jones rolls over off of Julianne so that she is lying down next to her on the bed as opposed to right on top of her. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, after breakfast maybe we could take a dip in the pool? Afterwards we can come back to bed for some more…fun…” Julianne winks knowingly “...and then I thought about taking you out to this fancy restaurant. Easily a five star place. You will love it, Annabelle.”

“Isn’t that what we did YESTERDAY?” Marie asks with a chuckle. “Minus the restaurant, that’s new. Yesterday you took me to a McDonald’s.”

“Sorry about that, but I didn’t expect you!” Julianne smirks. “Speaking of which, I’m not complaining, but I am surprised you not only managed to make it up here but make it up here for the entire weekend.”

“Julianne…” Marie begins with a loving gaze “...I haven’t always had my priorities in order, I admit that. You have been very patient with me in these past few weeks and months as I have tried to, well, find myself, for lack of a better term. What happened with Inner Peace it was…”


“Yeah, tragic.” Marie nods her head. “It was tragic and I haven’t exactly been myself since then. But I feel that I am finally on the road to recovery. And since you sacrificed so much of your time with me so that I could recover, I wanted to reward you with some time together that we have so desperately missed.”

“That’s so sweet, Annabelle.” Julianne kisses her on the cheek. Then she frowns, looking much more serious now. “But seriously, how did you pull it off? Again, I don’t want to sound like I’m not grateful, I am soooooo damn glad you’re finally here with me for an entire weekend, after so many weekends of ignoring me…”

“I know.” Marie remarks quietly, feeling guilt wash over her. She already knows where Julianne is going to go with this. The blonde sits up in bed and stares at Marie with her piercing blue eyes.

“...and I get it, your mother is a control freak and that sister of yours who claims to be this wild and crazy animal, she is pretty much a control freak too. Yet you’re here, for the entire weekend with me. How did you pull this off?”

“Well it’s simple.” Marie sits up as well. She sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “I told them.”


“Look, they were going to find out eventually anyway. So I told them you and I were dating. I also told them that I was going to spend this entire weekend with you.”

“And they were ok with it?”

“They approved, yes.” Marie nods her head.

“I don’t believe you.” Julianne chuckles. “There has got to be a catch of some sort.”

“There is no catch.” Marie insists but she can tell that Julianne is not convinced. The blonde shakes her head as she slowly gets up off of the bed. She grabs a glass of juice from the tray and begins to drink it. Marie sighs as she climbs off of the bed and quickly joins her lover’s side. “I swear, I’m telling the truth.”

“They hate me and they hate our relationship.” Julianne insists. “There must be a catch.”

“You’re wrong about them, babe.” Marie says vehemently. “The only problem they have ever had with our relationship is the fact that I lied to them about it. There was a definite issue of trust when they found out every ‘promotional tour’ or ‘business meeting’ I went to was actually a romantic rendezvous with you. Once I started being up front about…well…about us, I earned their trust and they were ok with all of this.”

“Marie, sweetheart, you are naive.” Julianne turns to face Marie, shaking her head. “People never do things with no strings attached. There’s always a catch. Sure, you can go see your girlfriend, but to prove that you are trustworthy you need to do this…or that…” she tilts her head to one side, staring a hole through Jones “ what did they want from you?”

“Well…” Marie considers lying to her, perhaps she could get away with it? But lying and manipulation is what got Marie in trouble in the first place. She decides to be honest. “ mom did ask that I start seeing a psychiatrist.”

“Oh for the love of God!” Julianne explodes in anger. Immediately she sets her glass of juice down and storms out of the bedroom and down the hall.

“Julianne! Wait!” Marie runs off after her. Marie eventually finds her at the end of the hall, still fuming. Julianne turns towards Marie and shakes her head in disgust.

“Don’t you see? They think something is wrong with you just because you are sleeping with me, another woman. They are prejudice against you, against US!”

“That’s not it at all!” Marie snaps back. “They are concerned about PTSD, post traumatic stress! Twice now I turned my back on my family to join a cult, we BOTH did Julianne, remember? And do you recall the incident that lured me to Inner Peace in the first place years ago?”

There is a pause for a moment as Julianne continues to stare daggers at Marie. But then as Julianne starts to remember, her features soften. She sighs and nods her head. “Yeah, I remember.”

“My fiance killed himself.” Tears begin to form in Marie’s eyes. “I blamed myself for that and I never got over it, not really. That’s how I was so easily manipulated into joining the Inner Peace cult. I was desperate for peace in my life and I was willing to try anything to get it.”

“I…know…” Julianne shakes her head “...I’m sorry.”

“There are still issues that I haven’t fully recovered from. There are still traumatic events from my past that I haven’t recovered from. That’s why I need to see a psychiatrist. I have refused to see one for so long because I was afraid; my mother and my sister both spent time in a mental hospital. I didn’t want to admit that maybe I needed help. I wanted to think that I could deal with it myself. So I ignored everything. I bottled up my problems and pretended they didn’t exist. That is why I was so easily manipulated by Raul and Inner Peace. And whether you believe it or not, I do need help.”

“Sorry, Annabelle.” Julianne smiles softly and hugs Marie tightly. “Sorry for not believing you. It’s just that…”

“No, no, say no more.” Marie says after breaking the embrace. “I get it. People can be mean, awful But my mother and my sister are two of the least prejudiced people you will ever find. My mom is bisexual and my sister has had her own fair share of flings as well. They’re not opposed to our relationship.”

“But…” Julianne motions to herself “...they are opposed to me, aren’t they?”

“No.” Marie shakes her head. “They just…they find it hard to trust you.”

“Just like they don’t trust you.” Julianne smirks. “Don’t you find that convenient? They find it difficult trust either one of us?”

“Give them a break. We were both involved in a very shady sex cult, a cult that convinced both of us to turn our backs on our families. I can see why they wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to see the two of us still involved with one another after all of that. But they will learn to trust you, and me, and they will accept us. It will just take time.”

“How much time?” Julianne asks.

“I don’t know.” Marie shrugs her shoulders. Julianne sighs as she wraps an arm around her lover’s shoulders.

“Annabelle, listen to me, your family may care about you, but my God woman, you are grown! You do not need your mother’s permission for anything. You definitely don’t need to ask that psycho sister of yours for permission. How many crimes did she commit for a judge to throw her in a psych ward? Same question for your mother. But you and me? What crimes did we commit as Inner Peace?”

“We betrayed our families and our loved ones.” Marie answers quietly.

“That was a mistake. But it wasn’t criminal. Most importantly, though, did we have fun?”


“You guess?” Julianne smirks as she plants another passionate kiss on her lips. “Did we have fun?”


“Sweet Annabelle, why don’t you go on back to bed?”

“What are we going to do?”

“We need to finish that breakfast you slaved over. Then I am going to remind you of just how much ‘fun’ we have had together.”

Some refer to it as that angel on your shoulder, voices in your head, or just simply a guilty conscience. But Marie has a bad feeling about this. She cannot put her finger on it, but for some reason this feels wrong. But in that moment she doesn’t really care about right or wrong. All she cares about is what she wants and she wants Julianne. She wants her right now. Marie turns and starts to walk back down the hall towards the bedroom, just as she was told. Julianne follows closely behind.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

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March 15th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been a week since Marie Annabelle Jones’s weekend getaway at her lover’s home in Worcester, Massachusetts. It was an eventful weekend that helped Marie and Julianne grow closer together, enjoyed themselves and their company again. They went out club hopping, they went to fancy restaurants, and they spent a lot of time in the bedroom showing their signs of love physically. These romantic getaways used to be commonplace for Marie and Julianne but then Marie was confronted with the reality of how she had hurt her own family. She realized that she and Julianne both had been manipulated into rejoining the Inner Peace Cult and thus their lies and deceit had caused them to turn their back on their own families. Strangely enough, Julianne didn’t seem to care about her family and she didn’t seem to know why it bothered Marie so much that she had hurt her own family. Still, Marie was bothered by the way her lies and deceit had harmed her family. She was willing to do anything to earn the trust of her family once again, she was willing to do anything to repair the bridges that she had burned and make things right. In doing so she knew that she had to cut back on how frequently she decided to skip town and see Julianne. Her family, namely Angelica Jones and Kimberly Williams, do not trust Julianne. Marie understands why; Julianne is the primary reason why Marie joined the Inner Peace Cult not just once but twice. Convincing her family that her relationship with Julianne is a healthy one will definitely be a challenge and she knows that it will take time and patience. It will also take Marie doing her part to prove that she is willing to work with her family and willing to do whatever it takes to heal any and all wounds created from her experience within The Inner Peace Cult. Among the sacrifices Marie is going to make will be a trip to a psychiatrist.

Honestly, Marie Jones recognizes that she probably should have been to a psychiatrist long ago. The whole incident with Inner Peace started years ago with the suicide death of her then fiance Arthur Pond. Marie had blamed herself and went into a deep depression. She never went to see a psychiatrist about her depression because of her own fear about where that might lead. Her mother, Angelica Jones, had been institutionalized. Her twin sister, Kimberly Williams, had been committed. Marie was deathly afraid that something like this might very well run in her family. She knows it is illogical, that it is impossible, but she still was afraid to see the psychiatrist. As a result Raul Alfaro of The Inner Peace Cult and his follower Julianne Buchanan were able to step in and recruit her to their ranks. After leaving Inner Peace the first time, Jones still refused to see a psychiatrist. She knows she should have had therapy to help deal with the trauma of her Inner Peace experience, but she refused for the same reason she refused therapy the first time; fear.

This time will be different, this time it has to be different. Marie knows that she must provide a sign to her family that she has changed, that she is different, and that she deserves their trust. Seeing a psychiatrist, the one thing they know she fears, is one big way she can achieve that. This is what brings her to the office of Dr. Jennifer Warren, a psychiatrist well known to the Jones family. Dr. Warren worked as a staff psychiatrist with Global Division Wrestling before it folded, she got her own practice, and now works part time as the staff psychiatrist for Global Championship Wrestling. She has been a longtime friend and confidant of Angelica Jones. Angelica helped set this meeting up, knowing that Jennifer would be sure to keep everything confidential.

Marie sits in the office wearing a knee length floral print black skirt, sheer black stockings, black high heel pumps, and a red silk blouse. The office itself exudes calm and professionalism, obviously with the express intent of putting patients such as Marie at ease. The office is spacious, with soft, neutral-colored walls that promote a sense of tranquility. Large windows allow natural light to filter in, adding warmth to the space. Jones herself sits upon a comfortable sofa, upholstered in a soothing shade of blue. Across from the sofa, two armchairs are arranged around a small coffee table. A bookshelf lines another wall, filled with an array of big thick books. Lastly there is a desk that occupies a corner of the room, neatly organized with a computer, notepads, and pens. The Phoenix is lost in thought as she takes in all of this; this is definitely a difficult thing for her, and after this is over she still has to focus on the next SCW Breakdown, her next match against Derek Adonis, and keeping her winning ways alive and well. Marie’s thoughts are suddenly interrupted when she hears the door opening. She looks up to see Dr. Jennifer Warren entering the room. Jones smiles politely as she stands up to greet the approaching woman with a handshake.

“Hi Doctor Warren.”

“Oh please, we’ve been family friends for a long time now, Marie. There’s no need for the formalities. Call me Jennifer.”

“Sure, Jennifer.”

The brown haired woman motions for Marie to sit down. Marie sits back down on the sofa while Jennifer takes her place at the desk. Marie watches as the psychiatrist prepares herself with a pen and a notepad, ready to take notes on anything and everything Marie might say. Jones is still worried about what she should or shouldn’t say. But then she reminds herself to just be honest. Honesty is the only way to heal the wounds of the past. Warren then looks back up at Marie and smiles warmly.

“It’s funny. I used to see your mother for sessions such as this all the time. I also have had visits from your sisters, both Kim and Jessica, but I haven’t spoken with you very often. Is there any particular reason why?”

“Call it apprehension.” Marie states. Jennifer nods her head.

“Fair enough. Trust me, it takes courage and bravery to admit that you need help and then to seek out help. But the only way I can help you is if you are completely honest with me. Can you do that, Marie?” There’s that word. Honesty. Marie knows how important honesty is to her recovery and redemption. Immediately she nods her head to confirm that she and Jennifer are on the same page. “Wonderful. Now then, I know this has to do with a group known as The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat. I heard that its charismatic leader, a Mr. Alfaro, is in some legal troubles.”

“That’s uh, that’s correct.”

“So, why don’t you just begin by telling me what’s wrong? How did you get caught up with Inner Peace?”

“Sure.” Marie sighs. “I have lost my family’s trust. It’s all my fault, there are no excuses. But I betrayed them, I had been lying and deceiving them, for years now. And it dates back to an event, a very terrible event, that I would really rather forget.” Tears begin to form in her eyes. Jennifer reaches out with a tissue and hands it to Marie. “Thank you…uh, so where was I? Oh right, the terrible event that I would rather forget, that I tried to forget…was when my fiance, Arthur Pond, killed himself. And I…I took it very hard. I went into a deep depression.” Marie nods her head. “I know, I should have made an appointment with you or some other psychiatrist. But I was afraid.”

“I’m not judging you, Marie. Please, continue.”

“Ok…well, as I sank further into despair, eventually I met Raul Alfaro and one of his followers, Julianne Buchanan.” Marie’s eyes brighten up at the mention of Julianne. “She and I had instant chemistry. We became fast friends. And whether it was my connection with Julianne, or the depression I felt from Arthur’s suicide, or a combination of the two, I had allowed myself to be manipulated into joining Inner Peace.”

“But you left, correct?” Jennifer asks. Marie nods her head.

“Yes, I did. My sister managed to convince me and Julianne that Raul never really cared about us. So we both left. But we stayed in touch with one another. We remained friends and, eventually, our friendship grew to become much closer. I confided in Julianne a great deal. And when my career as a wrestler went on a downward spiral, and I sank back into depression, I confident into her my own personal feelings of uselessness, as if I had no purpose. It was then that I learned that Julianne had secretly remained with Raul in Inner Peace all along.”

“Did it bother you that she had lied to you about leaving this group?”

“No.” Marie shakes her head. “In fact, I joined Inner Peace again, just to be with her.”

“But you left again. What prompted you to leave the second time?”

“The thought of losing my family, specifically my son, was too overwhelming. I confided with Julianne and she agreed to help me. Together we found that Raul had not changed one bit. He was still the conniving con artist he had always been. So we left a second time, only this time we informed the authorities of his illegal business dealings.”

“Ok, now I have a question. What is the nature of your relationship with Ms. Buchanan?”

“Well, uh, very…romantic…” she blushes in embarrassment. Jennifer grins and shakes her head.

“No, no, not in that way. I mean, describe your relationship. Would you say you are equal partners? Is this a dominant-submissive relationship? Are you laid back and relaxed or a couple of wild children?”

“Oh…” Marie thinks for a brief moment before shrugging her shoulders “...well, when we first met we were fairly equal, fairly laid back, but we were both in Inner Peace and we just did whatever Raul asked us to do. But then later after we left the group the dynamic changed. We went out partying to all hours of the night.” Marie grins as the fond memories return. “We would lose track of the time, hell, even lose track of the days! It was so incredible and wild! That’s partially why I got in trouble with my family. I would ask my sister to babysit my son, I told her I would be back at a certain time, only I’d be several hours late. Sometimes I would be days late.” Marie frowns. Jennifer takes note of Marie’s change in demeanor. “I…definitely skirted my responsibilities, that’s for sure.”

“So whose idea was it?”

“Excuse me?”

“Whose idea was it to go out partying?”


“Did you feel guilty about skirting your responsibilities?”


“Would you say that was entirely your fault or were you pressured by Julianne?”

“Well…” Marie hesitates “...I admit, I felt guilty about it, but Julianne insisted that we continue to enjoy ourselves and, well, I didn’t want to disobey her.”

“I understand that certain things have changed recently.” Jennifer begins. “You have tried to resume your responsibilities. You have repaired broken bridges in SCW and even earned yourself a new contract. And your family life has been improving. You are earning the trust of your family. Tell me about that.”

“I admit that it is good to be back in a wrestling ring.” Marie grins again. “I’ve had quite a good run so far. I beat Aisling…I gave the current United States Champion one hell of a fight, probably the toughest she’s had if you don’t mind me bragging…and I just beat Cassie Wolfe at Retribution. Now I got Derek Adonis on Breakdown and if I beat him, and if I continue to win, well, who knows what opportunities might be coming up for me?”

“And what of your personal life?”

“It definitely is good to be bad in my sister’s good graces, as well as my mother’s. It feels great to get to see my son again, even if it is just for visits. Sean is the reason I’m doing this. I don’t want to lose him, y’know? I want him back in my life.”

“How has this impacted your relationship with Julianne? I am sure you have had to tell her “NO” quite a few times if you are being honest with your change of heart.”

“I won’t lie.” Marie shakes her head. “It feels…wrong to reject Julianne. It feels wrong to tell her no, to say I can’t do something with her. But I try to make up for it when we do go out together.”

“And when you spend time with Julianne, does she ever let you decide what to do?”

“Uh…” Marie shakes her head “”

“So Julianne makes all the decisions?”


Jennifer Warren sighs and sets her pen and notepad down. “Marie, love is an equal partnership with give and take from both partners. I have never met your girlfriend, so I cannot judge her, but just based solely on what you have said today, I do worry that you are letting her take advantage of you.”

“It isn’t like that.” Marie insists, though secretly Jennifer’s words strike with a hint of truth.

“Maybe I am wrong. I hope I am. After all, I have never met Julianne and I cannot make that judgment call without knowing her. What I will advise you to do is show more self-confidence.” Jennifer smiles warmly. “You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman.. If Julianne truly does care for you then she will respect your wishes.”

March 22nd, 2024
On Camera

It really is funny how things turn out, don’t you think? Never once in my wildest dreams did I expect to find myself back in Supreme Championship Wrestling. Yet not only is The Phoenix here, but The Phoenix is indeed rising back to the top just as I promised. In my first three matches since Body, Heart, & Soul, I have beaten Aisling and now Cassie Wolfe at Retribution. The one lone defeat was to Deanna Frost and after the impressive run she has had as of late, I do not think there is any shame in losing to her. Do you? It is funny to think that at one time it appeared as if my career here with SCW as apparently over and yet now I am back and I am making that slow but steady climb back to the top of this promotion.

Make no mistake about it, though, I do not expect to be hot shotted right back to the top just because of who I am and because of my experience here. Yes, I have held my fair share of gold in SCW and yes I still have certain achievements and accolades that I want to accomplish. But I am prepared to fight and claw back to where I once was; I am prepared to be that workhorse, to be here week in and week out, competing whenever and wherever I am asked, against anyone that CHBK deems appropriate to put in front of me. Because this is my redemption journey and I am not going to take any shortcuts while on that journey. This is a brand new Phoenix, ladies and gentlemen, you’d better believe that.

Do you know what else is funny? After Retribution was over immediately I began to think about the next match. What happened in the past is in the past. There’s no use resting on my laurels. I have another opponent, someone else who thinks they can stop my ascent, someone else who thinks that they have what it takes to stop the rise of The Phoenix…

…and his name is Derek Adonis.

That is funny, Derek, because once upon a time I would have thrown a tantrum about this booking. I once thought very highly of myself, I was very arrogant and condescending. I would not have been pleased with having to share the ring with someone like you with your comic relief shtick. Man Mountain? KABLAM? All this sexual innuendo is enough to drive any serious student of the game insane. Trust me, I know. My sister “lovingly” called me a prude back then because I didn’t really have a sense of humor. And I know other wrestlers who take this wrestling industry entirely too serious, who just cannot take a damn joke. They wouldn’t have liked you much, either. But after I got through with my tantrum, I would have verbally berated you, I would have verbally tore you to shreds for making a mockery of professional wrestling.

But you’re in luck, because we don’t have to go down that road. That was the old me. That was the egomaniac who called herself The Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling. Being down in the dumps, down in the abyss of irrelevancy, it tends to open your eyes. It tends to give you a new outlook on life. And I recognize that if there is a place for someone like my crazy sister who carries a penguin plushy with her to the ring and talks to it as if it were her baby, then there is certainly room for a big man like yourself with his innuendo, his jokes, and of course his KABLAMania…

…that’s it, right? KABLAMania? KABLAMNation? KABLAMANIACS? Feel free to borrow any of these if you want. Just give me a nickel for every time you use those terms.

Yes, there is a place for entertainment in this sport. It doesn’t have to be super serious all the time. That’s one way I have grown and changed since you last saw me, Derek. But that’s not all. The old me would have looked at your funny, entertaining antics and maybe laughed just a little, but ultimately would have dismissed you as nothing but a comic relief act.

I know better.

Derek Adonis is a two time former SCW Television Champion. Just like me, by the way. To win and to defend that Television Title is one of the most difficult things to do in this company. It is the workhorse title, which means while some of us get a week off once in awhile, the Television Champ has to compete and defend every single week without a break. And you, Derek, accomplished that feat not just once but twice. That is impressive and it shows that you are more than just a mere comic act. You are talented. You have great potential. Unfortunately you can only get so far on potential alone, Derek. That KABLAM stuff can certainly move a lot of merchandise and make you some money, but to succeed and win championships in SCW you need to take your potential and turn it into actual success. Thus far you have been unable to break through beyond the Television Title and into greater success.

That’s where you and I differ. I have managed to guide myself beyond that Television Title. I have been a tag team champion and a United States Champion. The only two titles that I lack, that are keeping me from being a Supreme Champion, are the Adrenaline and World Championships. And yes, that’s my goal, Derek. I hope that sometimes, before my career with SCW is truly over, that maybe I can make that elite Supreme Champion list. I’m not making it my number one priority like Glory Braddock, but hey, it is certainly something I am aiming for.

What is your goal, Derek? To sell the next line of KABLAM Merchandise? I hope that doesn’t come off as condescending because I do not mean it that way, but honestly Derek, you do give off the impression that the merchandise and the comedy is what you care about the most. But I do know that the potential for you to be great is there, that is why unlike the old me, I am taking you very seriously. I am looking at you as a legitimate threat because who knows? My words just now might have woken up a slumbering giant.

I hope I did motivate you, Derek, because I think the fans deserve one hell of a match between you and I. But regardless of how motivated you are on Breakdown, I still plan to drop you on your head with an Ave Maria and pin your shoulders to the mat for a three count. Or maybe like with Cassie I’ll twist you up in the Angel’s Arch and make you tap out? Either way, I will walk away from our encounter as the winner and this Phoenix will continue to rise.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
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GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
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HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
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SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
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UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
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