Sam Raine vs. Scarlet Grey
Sam Raine vs. Scarlet Grey
2 RP Limit for each singles matches; 2 RP limit for tag matches
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, September 18, 2018
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This wasn't how Scarlet had planned to spend tonight, and it clearly bothered her.

As far as she was concerned, Apocalypse wasn't about some self-perceived model flaunting her inferior body for the mindless masses they failed to see REAL perfection when she was present, or whether or not any of the champions would be able to survive with their title reigns intact, or even what hell would be unleashed when a lunatic sought to behead a false queen in the name of his imaginary kingdom. No, Apocalypse was supposed to be about her, and more importantly what she could offer to a certain special someone that he would never be able to get from some run-of-the-mill little girl that could only dream of being in the same league as the one and only undisputed most attractive female not just in SCW, but walking the earth today.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Aaron Blackbourne still didn't seem to understand that, and Scarlet was starting to get irritated over figuring out why. The only thing that made any sense to her was that he was way too preoccupied with playing around in his own head that he was losing touch with reality. After all, somehow it seemed to work with several others, so maybe forgetting reality was even a thing was the best way to go? Of course, many would claim Scarlet was already in that boat between her claims and more than half of what she desired for herself. That still didn't explain why such a nice and clearly open-minded guy wouldn't at least satiate his curiosity by accepting her invitation, even if for only a few minutes because that was all the crimson bombshell needed. But no, she was laying in this hotel room watching the show's closing moments all by her lonesome, as opposed to some innocent (well, as innocent as you can probably get with her) naked cuddling to show someone how deep her desires ran.

Amarant: He never showed, did he?

Scarlet slowly turned her attention away from the chaos that ended the show over at the arena, her face wearing a mask of annoyance. Sure, they'd both booked rooms at this hotel and Ruby had taken precautions to have access to Scarlet's room if necessary, but that still didn't mean she wanted to see her right now or hear her go on and on about how she was right, as usual. True, always proving she was right and overall mentally superior to people was what made her who she was, and Scarlet always admired that, but even if she'd toned it down around her fellow red-haired beauty it still wasn't something she wanted to deal with right now, or the fact she'd entered her room without a sound like some kind of sexy ninja.

Grey: No, he didn't. I'm guessing you're here to gloat about being right, as usual?

Amarant: I could, but gloating over facts just doesn't satisfy me like it used to. Some people out there just love to take the fun out of simple pleasures.

Grey: Then why don't you go bother them? I'll be fine for the night.

Amarant: And even if I believe that, what about the next time? I gave you space when you asked for it, even if I still feel it was against my better judgment, but as much as I know you just seem to shrug things off you'll eventually lose it if you don't keep getting your way. I don't have to bring up the self-destructive rampage you went on that led to our temporary leave of absence from SCW in the first place, do I?

Considering the mention it just got, it was a rhetorical question, and it was another thing Scarlet wasn't interested in right now. She just turned over in the bed to take her focus off her partner, hoping the sight of her glorious ass would give Ruby the hint to either do something with it herself to make up for getting under her skin or to simply take a hike. All she heard was a sigh and the gentle sound of footsteps on the plush carpeting before an extra weight was introduced to the bed. Scarlet could feel her hair being stroked in a comforting way, like she was some kind of cat or dog being petted, and did her best to relax when it became clear Ruby wasn't simply going to let her be until she knew for sure the more sexually active and emotionally unstable of the two of them wasn't going to do anything life-threatening to herself all because she got stood up tonight, a rarity in and of itself considering the woman in question.

Grey: What does he see in this girl that he keeps telling me he's in a relationship with? I don't see any girl hanging on his arm when he's backstage or lounging around when he's in front of a camera, so how do I know what my competition is so I can crush it in the most ruthlessly satisfying fashion and claim my prey?

Amarant: I can promise you that whoever she is, she has nothing on you Scarlet. And I'm not saying that just to put your ego at peace; compared to just about any woman in the human race, you truly are a goddess among women, which is one reason all its own why I continue to linger around you even if some circumstances dictate I'm better off walking a different path entirely. You are a truly special entity, and I don't make such claims lightly.

Grey: Does that mean you'll fill in all these blanks about yourself one of these nights Rubes?

Amarant: ...maybe someday I will Scarlet. Right now I don't feel comfortable doing so, but I promise it's more for your safety and nothing more. I will say that I did manage to acquire something through one of those “blanks” for the next Breakdown, but I need you to do something for me with it, alright?

It was worth a shot, but Scarlet knew she'd be getting that tired old answer the moment the question caused Ruby's hand to freeze and leave her head. As much as she was going to make it clear to SCW and especially Aaron that when she wanted something, she would find a way to get it no matter what it took, she wanted Ruby to know that as well. Not even she was an exception to that rule of the life of Scarlet Grey, no matter how much she saw herself as a superior individual in the human race. Still, hearing that whatever Ruby got involved with when the two were separated from one another had secured something got her attention as she turned her head, taking careful note of the timid look that briefly existed in the maroonish eyes of the normally unshakable genius. She quickly replaced it with her default expression, but Scarlet had already filed the sight she needed away in mental storage until she might need to call upon it again.

Grey: I'm listening...

Amarant: I managed to get some strings pulled in a sense to make up for our return being spoiled, no thanks to your head being more on this “masterpiece” you're trying to create for yourself than the goal of the Red Empire, which I should remind you is more your goal than mine. I may be able to pick apart anybody, but like it or not I'm still bound by human limitations and I can only do so much against two people without some help.

Grey: I said I was sorry when we got back to my castle, didn't I?

Amarant: The point is this: I agreed to give wrestling another shot because you still want to get something out of it. Wrestling is your little passion project at present and I'm simply helping you to mold it to your heart's content, even if neither of us really need the business as far as I'm concerned. If we're going to continue to bring your kingdom to life in this area, then I need to know I can trust you to stick with it. If you're losing interest like you have other endeavors, tell me now so I can get this company off our backs permanently.

Ruby is caught off guard a bit when Scarlet suddenly shoots up, a fire in her eyes that she's only seen in her partner when she's truly hellbent on getting whatever she's after. This look signifies Scarlet at her most dangerous, and this is all Ruby really needs to see. Even still, Scarlet makes sure she hears it as well to ensure all doubt is eliminated.

Grey: Look, I get it. I fucked up by hoping I could get Aaron's attention so he could have a front row seat to my own little display of creativity as well as the Red Empire's grand return, and it cost us. I'm starting to see that whatever he's doing to convince himself that I'm not worth simply kicking this other girl to the curb for isn't as easy to break as I thought. Can you blame me? Most men, and women for that matter, take one look at me and the next thing you know I've got them wrapped around my finger. If I can't get his attention by playing his game, then maybe I can do it by putting on a performance I know he can't ignore. He's a former two time champion after all, so surely he'll start giving the proper attention to a winner.

Amarant: Not exactly the wording I was expecting, but at least you're in the ballpark I was hoping you'd be in. I sincerely hope that Sam Raine chick and her “best friend” aren't riding too high with that fluke win they scored over us due to you allowing yourself to be blinded by infatuation, because she's going one-on-one with YOU come Breakdown. If you really want to make it clear that this is still the game you want to play, then go out there and make sure the only way she returns to the locker room is in defeat with someone helping her remember where she even is. Do that, and I'll back off a little bit on how harsh I've been over this whole ordeal... maybe you'll even get your wish and your new little “boy toy” will start paying attention.

Grey: ...I want something from you in return.

Ruby raises an eyebrow as Scarlet rises to a stand. She's not going to lie that the passion and intensity that's radiating from her right now has her intrigue at a rare all-time high, especially being the kind of aura that actually contradicts with the fact that she's still lacking any sense of clothing right now. In this moment, Scarlet doesn't care what she is or isn't wearing. All she cares about is putting her own spin on Ruby's offer to make it crystal clear just how badly she wants this... both the success she craves like a drug and the creative individual she's currently pining for.

Grey: I'm not going to let him or all those mindless morons have any idea otherwise, but I'm done full-on playing the “puppy love” game and simply expecting him to fall head-over-heels with anything I do. If Aaron starts paying attention to what I'm going to do to that wannabe mental patient, that simply saves me some trouble. I'm not expecting him to bite the hook though, but he'll soon realize that what I said in that little interview was not some throwaway comment or even a minor threat. I'll embarrass Sam and reclaim our rightful win to put your brilliant mind at peace, but in return for having to request that of me at all I'd like a little bit of help making sure that Aaron understands this thing between us will only ever end one way: with him becoming mine. Consider it a case of conquering a man who's held championship gold twice to our present zero to help boost our stock if you need to for motivation.

Ruby and Scarlet just stare one another down, the fury of the latter starting to feel so intense it could burn down the entire hotel if it could actually manifest into a physical flame. The former finally cracks a smirk, even chuckling to herself over the thought of having flipped a switch on Scarlet that very few even knew existed, especially with how much she's preferred to play around to some degree without Ruby present to keep her on the right track. But if unleashing this more dangerous side of Scarlet would be beneficial to them both and what they were after, Ruby could only say one thing before leaving her partner alone for the night to piece together her latest lust-themed scheme.

Ruby: Deal.

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