Jessica Lasiewicz vs. Bison Jones
SCW Television Championship

Bison Jones is the new TV Champion, although the celebration could have been much different if Adam Allocco was in any degree of sobriety. Meanwhile, he faces Jessica Lasiewicz. Some insiders have been curious about this decision. Rumours have it that Jessica herself asked for it. Why? Some believe it’s a way for them to return to the tag ranks and Jessica is trying to refocus Vengeance heading into Rise to Greatness season. We’ll see what happens with TV Gold on the line!

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, May 27, 2021
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
May 20th, 2021
Mexico City, Mexico
Off Camera

Once again Breakdown turned into an all out warzone for the duo known as Vengeance. Last week Jessica Lasiewicz battled Owen Cruze in what was supposed to be a simple one on one match. The Wonderland got involved, which led to Jessica’s half-sister Kimberly Williams also getting involved, and all out chaos ensuing on the outside. The Archangel is not one to make excuses and will not even attempt to claim she was distracted. Owen beat her. She should have been better prepared, she should have been better equipped, and she just was not good enough on that night.

Tonight in Mexico City the Vengeance ladies were looking to put an end to their dealings with The Wonderland once and for all. In what was billed a Lizard championship spectacular (whatever the hell that means) Kimberly Williams went to war in an unsanctioned fight with The Wonderland’s leader himself Giovanni Aries. Did Jessica expect this to be normal? Nothing involving Kimberly is normal and Aries never travels alone. Cain and Alice did get involved but Jessica was there to provide backup. But was anything truly settled? Did the Wonderland really get crushed?

It’s hard to argue that anything worthwhile was accomplished in tonight’s melee and that, among other things, is what has the Polish grappler frustrated beyond any reasoning as she paces back and forth outside the trainer’s room. The Archangel is dressed in black denim jeans, black boots, and a black top. Her long blonde hair hangs unrestrained to past the shoulders. She is frustrated not just because of what happened tonight but because she couldn’t do more to help her half-sister. This wasn’t her fight, this wasn’t her war, but she still blames herself for what happened to Kimberly.

Watching from a few feet away is the mysterious Sorinah Floreschu, a woman who has taken it upon herself to be the manager for Jessica and Kimberly. Originally of Romanian descent, Sorinah is very knowledgeable in business affairs and has managed to convince the sisters to give her a chance at being their manager; albeit more of a silent manager who sticks to the background and does very little publicly. That’s how Jessica likes it and prefers it because she still does not trust Sorinah.

Sorinah’s presence here is troubling to Jessica. She is trying to hard to ignore the Romanian woman wearing a black and white business skirt suit and heels. But her presence is difficult to just cast aside. To get her mind off of Sorinah, Lasiewicz begins muttering angrily to herself.

“Dlaczego, do diabła, mnie nie wpuści?! Co to trwa tak cholernie długo?!” Jessica is fluent in Polish but typically uses it only when she is angry. The fact that she is speaking in Polish signifies her intense rage.

“Ms. Lasiewicz, I am sure your sister is fine. Let the medical staff do their j…”

Merely hearing the voice of Sorinah Floreschus is enough to cause Jessica to snap. She stops pacing and immediately turns to face the Romanian woman. She starts stalking her menacingly. Even if Sorinah had enough time to react she couldn’t run far while wearing those heels. Jessica easily catches her, grabs her by her shirt collar, and slams her up against a nearby wall.

“Do NOT try and advise me!”


“Do NOT talk! Just listen!”

Sorinah slowly nods her head, indicating that she is willing to stay and quiet and listen to whatever Jessica has to say. The Archangel then lowers Sorinah back onto the floor.

“Kimberly is my sister and for some ungodly reason she trusts you. But me? I do not trust you. I’m giving you this chance because you have Kimberly convinced that you are different, that you have changed. But you haven’t proven to me that you have changed.”

“What do you want from me, Ms. Lasiewicz? I am keeping myself away from your public affairs while handling your business dealings privately. Just as you asked.”

“Yes, that is what I asked. I asked you to stay away from the arenas, to stay away from the ring, to stay away from MY world and keep to YOUR world and do YOUR business. So what the hell brings you here tonight?!”

Sorinah weakly motions to the trainer’s room. “I watched the fight between Kimberly and Aries just as everyone else did. I have great concern for her condition and I had to make sure she was ok.”

“You expect me to believe that you care about my sister’s condition?” Jessica laughs sarcastically. “You may care about her because you view her as an asset but you do not care about her as a human being or for her physical welfare.”

Lasiewicz sighs as she resumes her pacing. Sorinah just watches on, careful to formulate the next words appropriately so that she does not further infuriate Lasiewicz. Eventually, after a lengthy pause, she does speak up.

“I do care about your sister. I care about you, as well.”

“Because you view us as assets.”

“No; I truly do care.”


Floreschu sighs. “Damn it, Jessica, I am trying to do anything and everything I can to earn your trust!”

This burst of anger takes Lasiewicz by surprise. But she isn’t startled. She is just surprised because she has never seen Floreschu lose her cool in this way before. The Romanian woman has always been so calm and collected. The Archangel smirks as she turns to face Sorinah, who braces herself for whatever Jessica may say...or

“You need patience, because with all of the history you and I have together it will take a long time for you to earn my trust.”

Sorinah opens her mouth to speak but is stopped when the door to the trainer’s room opens. One of the medical staff emerges. Jessica points at Sorinah and glares with hatred at the Romanian.

“You promised you would stick to handling business and that you would stay away from the arenas? Then do that. Leave.”

“But I want to see Kimberly.”


Floreschu pauses momentarily. She is reluctant but eventually does abide by the wishes of the enraged Archangel. Sorinah turns and walks away. Once she is out of sight, Jessica turns and approaches the member of the medical staff.

“Is she ok?”

“She’ll be fine. That really was quite a confrontation out there.”

“Confrontation is one word for it.” Jessica says as she rolls her eyes. “May I see her?”

“We’re done so yes, of course you can see her.”

The medical staffer walks away. Jessica then bolts inside the training room and finds her half-sister sitting there on the examining table. Kimberly Williams is still wearing her wrestling gear and she is also sporting some bumps and bruises from the war with the Wonderland tonight. Despite the gauze on her forehead, the rest of her face and even arms and hands, still sport the appearance of dried blood. Kimberly grins ear to ear and starts clapping.

“That was fun! I wanna do it again!”

“Are you nuts?!” Jessica exclaims. The Polish warrior walks over and embraces her sister in a tight hug. Upon breaking the hug Jessica looks her over for any other damage. “Are you ok, Kim?”

“Of course! It’ll take more than a deranged lunatic to take me down…” she pauses momentarily to think “...but then again, who am I to call anyone else a deranged lunatic, am I right?”

The Woman Scorned thinks this is hilarious and is laughing it up. Jessica Lasiewicz, however, doesn’t think this is very funny at all and slaps her across the face. This immediately quiets Kimberly down, because she did not expect that reaction from her sister.

“You could’ve been hurt.”

“I could have been hurt but I’m fine.” Williams winks playfully. “You should’ve seen the other guy.”

“Yeah, I know. You cut him.”

“I carved ol’ Gio up like a Thanksgiving Turkey! And I bit him like a Thanksgiving Turkey. That’s what he gets for ruining my Lizard Title belt. Speaking of which, I really need to get a new one made now, don’t I? Stupid Wonderland.” Kimberly folds her arms over her chest and pouts like a tantruming child.

“I really think you sould drop this whole Lizard Championship nonsense, Kim.”

“It is NOT nonsense! The Sanctioned Unsanctioned Lizard Kingdom Championship is a very prestigious title!”

“Really?” Jessica asks, almost daring Kim, who eagerly nods her head.

“Of course it is!”

“Kim, the title isn’t even recognized. Second, you ‘won’ it in an Ass Stapling Match. Third, you lost it to, among others, a pizza delivery guy and a cardboard cutout.”

“But I won it back!”

Lasiewicz sighs out of frustration and rolls her eyes. “You’re not getting it. My point is that this has become a distraction for you. You did this just to taunt Giovanni, just to lure him into a fight, well you got that fight. So can’t you just drop it?”

“I suppose you’re right, it has been rather distracting and stressful having to defend it every second of every day.”

“Thank you…” Jessica says with some relief, thinking that her half-sister has finally come around. But no sooner does she get those words out before Kim shoves the larger shard of the broken Lizard Title belt into Jessica’s hands.

“Therefore I forfeit the title to you!”


“Congratulations to the NEW Sanctioned Lizard Unsanctioned Title winner!”

“No! No I am not and…” Jessica pauses to think about what Kim just said “...wait a second, SLUT?! First SULK and now SLUT?!”

“It was a decision made by the Lizard Worker’s Union. The title will be renamed and the new champion is you.”

“There is no Lizard Worker’s Union!”

“Sure there is! Granted it’s just Dautra but still!”

“And when the hell did you find time to talk to Datura?!”

“It’s called Twitter, Jess.”

Jessica sighs out of frustration. She begins pacing the floor yet again. “Kim, I appreciate the thought, but defending a championship that isn’t even recognized by any legitimate company is not my thing!” She looks at the shard she is holding and it happens to be part that has the imprinted image of Tommy Wasley’s face on it. She snickers and hands it back to Kimberly.

“Besides, if I WERE Lizard Champion, I would want a belt with my husband Kyle’s face on it, not your boyfriend’s face.”

“So you are officially forfeiting the title?” Kim asks quizzically. Jessica nods her head.

“Yes, I am forfeiting the title back to you.”

“Awesome!” Kimberly leaps off the examination table in joy and clutches the shard close to her chest. “I missed being lizard champion! Thank you, Jess! Your title reign as short lived but at least you can hold your head high knowing you were the champion of the lizard people!”

“Yeah, I’m sure my dad will be real proud of that one.” Jessica gently walks Kimberly back over to the examination table. She motions for the deranged ginger to sit back down and she does. “Look, what I’m trying to say is that this Lizard Title and this war with the Wonderland, all of that is distracting you and me. It is becoming a distraction for both of us. While we were preparing for war with The Wonderland you know what Doom & Groove along with Lexy Chapel and her clowns were doing? They were fighting for an opportunity at the tag team titles. That could have been us, Kim.”

Kimberly sighs and nods her head. “I know and I’m sorry if I’ve gotten us off track a little. I just like to have a little fun every now and then, especially at the expense of those who deserve it. So don’t worry about Crazy Kim. I can handle myself, ok? You focus on yourself. You’ve earned a break from me after dealing with my insanity. I mean, you got a Television Title Match coming up next week right?”

Lasiewicz nods her head. “I do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you by my side. Win, lose, or draw next week, my main focus is still on you and I, my main focus is still on Vengeance.”

A genuinely sincere smile crosses Kim’s face. “Do you mean that?”

“Of course I do. You and I didn’t always see eye to eye in the beginning and I admit that I didn’t think this experiment of you and I teaming up, this thing called Vengeance, I didn’t think it would work out. But you have proven that underneath that crazy exterior lies a tried and true Jones, just like me.”

Jessica leans over and embraces Kim in a tight hug. While they are hugging Kim speaks in her ear. “Did Sorinah drop by?”

“Huh?” Jessica wasn’t expecting the question. Did Kim know? “Uh, yeah...yeah she did.”

“You ran her off didn’t you?”

Jessica sighs as they break the embrace. “I don’t trust her, Kim.”

“You didn’t trust me once upon a time and now look at us.”

“This is different.”

“Is it? I was once a really evil person. You once thought I was beyond redemption. And yet here we are. You should give her a chance.”

“It’s hard, Kim. You have no idea of the history she and I have.”

“People change. I have and so can she. Give her a chance, just like you gave me a chance.”

May 26th, 2021
On Camera

The camera rolls and we are in an undisclosed location. It is dark and there is very little light. A voice echoes, piercing the darkness…

“Do you know what the term ‘workhorse’ means in our business? It means you are more than just a hard worker, more than just a good wrestler; it means you are constantly fighting, constantly in the ring, going up against any and all challengers. Being the workhorse means you want to face anyone at anytime. It means that Mr. D and SCW can just line them up for you and you will do everything you can to knock them all down. Week in and week out, without break, without respite, you will keep going until you just cannot go anymore. That is what it means to be a workhorse in our business.”

The camera catches a female silhouette stepping out into the dimly lit area. A spotlight suddenly shines down upon the female figure. We can see that this is Jessica Lasiewicz. The Archangel is wearing a black long sleeve dress with a hemline that stops just at the knee, black patent leather high heel pumps, and a hooded black leather jacket.

“May 14th I celebrated my tenth year as an active wrestler.” Lasiewicz chuckles. “Yeah, I started very young, but so did my mom and so did my dad. And you know what else I got from them? I got the mentality of being a workhorse. Being a one company person has never been my identity. I want to compete all over the world against anyone and everyone. I want to be fighting every damn week because that is my mentality. I have the mentality of a warrior, the mentality of the Polish Eagle. You can knock us down and we will keep getting right back up. You can beat us up, bludgeon us, leave us for dead, and we will pick ourselves back up, and look you square in the eye, and ask if that’s all you got.”

She smirks knowingly. “Then we’ll punch you in that arrogant face of yours.” She points a finger at the camera. “But you, Bison Jones, you are still young. You are still green and new. In fact, you just had your very first singles match on Breakdown against Christy Matthews and in that match not only did you win but in doing so you became the SCW Television Champion.”

The Archangel applauds, though it is uncertain if she is sincere or not. “For that I congratulate you. You have all of the tools and skills necessary to get the job done. Your power is matched by very few. The fact that you are a double champion at such a young time in your career is evidence of your skill set. But you are still young and you are prone to mistakes. I would argue that one such questionable judgment call is your allegiance with that immoral drunkard Adam Allocco.”

Lasiewicz shrugs her shoulders. “But who cares about him? This is about you and me because now that you are the Television Champion, you have to become the workhorse, and I mean that in every sense of the word because you didn’t just win any championship, you won THE workhorse championship of Supreme Championship Wrestling. Every week there’s a title defense. Every week you will be in action. No breaks, no rests, nothing but nonstop fighting. Are you ready for that kind of a schedule? Or will you be to busy partying with your mentor?”

Jessica chuckles. “Don’t worry, Bison, I will gladly take the burden of having to defend the Television Championship off of your shoulders. I don’t mind one iota because like I said, I am a workhorse. It is in my blood. And beating you on Breakdown, it will be my genuine pleasure. And then defending the Television Title each and every week on Breakdown, that will be my genuine pleasure as well.”

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SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
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Big Bad Bison Jones
Singles: 4-3-0 Tag Team: 9-11-0

- SCW World Tag Team Champion (as the Golden Boys w/ Adam Allocco, 05.02.2021-06.12.2021, 0 Defenses, 42 Days)
- SCW Television Champion (05.20.2021-06.26.2021, 1 Defense, 37 Days)


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