Alistaire Allocco vs. Ruby Amarant
Alistaire Allocco vs. Ruby Amarant

2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, November 6, 2018
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Ended up going promo only for this, and I apologize for it. While Ruby being separated from Scarlet is normally no problem, I've had some difficulty in figuring out a way to continue the story I've been telling for Ruby while she's also in Australia, so I made the decision to hold off on that for now and simply try to give the best effort I could without a proper story this time.

It wouldn't come as a surprise if we saw our scene open up right now to the sight of Ruby Amarant seated inside the St. Mary's Cathedral in Sydney, the city where the next Breakdown is set to take place. Given who she's facing and the location, the opportunity was almost too good to pass up. Maybe a certain someone is having a heart attack at the fact she was allowed in, but we all know the bible states “judge not, that ye be not judged.” Before she even begins speaking, Ruby can't help but let out a yawn before finding her voice.

Amarant: Is it wrong to feel as though I'm stuck in a rut of dealing with the same tired nonsense week in and week out at this point? It seems like the last few times I was asked to compete all on my own that I find myself crossing paths with someone who wants to be the hero, taking the moral high ground to demean the wrongdoings of people like myself while standing atop their pedestal believing they are infallible because they are pure. Oh, blessed be the ignorance of those who are so lost to their own glory that they fail to realize they are about as far away from unbreakable as one can get. Last Breakdown should be a prime example of this, as we all saw a man who claims to be THE moral compass of SCW striving to save the sport from itself be led astray by the charms of a woman who wasn't exactly lying when she asked for his help. Of course, as much as he blames himself like the good little boy he wants to be, he also seeks to cast blame upon us for daring to expose the fact that he's still just a naive little boy lost in a world filled with people who simply cannot and do not wished to be saved.

Amarant: Scarlet would find this and his entire reaction to the situation at hand adorable. I, on the other hand, simply find Alistaire Allocco to be pathetic.

Ruby goes to continue, but suddenly stops herself. She takes a moment to gaze at her surroundings, even allowing the camera to pan around the beautifully impressive architecture of this ancient church that would put most of the ones back on American soil to shame. Once the camera focuses on her again, we see that she's examining herself thoroughly, even going as far as to bounce her fairly ample chest in her palms in a manner reminiscent of something Scarlet would be more likely to do, before finally shrugging her shoulders and giving a smirk towards the camera.

Amarant: Huh... I'm not sitting here having burst into flames. Either that means I'm not the devil like he proclaimed, or the idea that some deity exists and put us on this earth to treats us like his oversized game of dolls is nothing more than just another fairy tale told to little boys like Alistaire to give him false hope.

Amarant: I would assume you're likely foaming at the mouth now that I've dared to question your faith, but I've always found the concept of religions and gods and higher powers to be a joke, regardless of what your beliefs are. I prefer to dabble in what I know for certain is fact, and one such fact is that your attempts to try and piece together exactly what I am are as amusing as this idea that atonement for last week is going to automatically ensure I fall to your righteous tactics now. In a way, it's almost like I'm having to address Herr Raab all over again, except you are actually worth my time in a sense.

Amarant: Let me ask you something Alistaire: even if I were to keep Scarlet on a leash so she didn't try to defile your precious sense of purity and potentially screw you out of a win over the man she has her desires so badly right now, what benefit does that give me? In case I haven't made it clear already with how little I truly care for the wrestling business, outside of keeping Scarlet happy I'm only going along with it because I can treat it like one big chess game, constantly testing my impressive wits against the various characters that line the board around here. With the end goal being the success of the Red Empire by any means necessary, letting Scarlet do what she did so you could fall victim to temptation moved your piece on the board exactly where I wanted it to go: in my crosshairs. After all, by ending up on the same tour as me while I'm forced to hope Scarlet doesn't do anything reckless while unsupervised in an entirely different continent, I knew you would seek revenge if you came to your senses, presenting me with the opportunity to break a former world champion and make the ultimate statement to the roster in regards to why our dominance is simply inevitable.

Ruby can't help but pantomime the motion of moving a chess piece to a new space on the board to help illustrate her point, knowing that no matter what tour Alistaire ended up on he would no doubt be gunning for retribution against the Red Empire. No offense to Scarlet, but she's glad it ended up this way, because she felt this victory would do more for her in the long run in managing things than it would for Scarlet so long as her primary focus remained the artist that refused to be as easy to break as the self-professed saint had been.

Amarant: You asked me if I feel anything at all from watching Scarlet do what she does, and the fact that you even had to ask that question at all should be all the answer you need. Emotions are a sign of weakness, and they are the reason why humanity is slowly destroying itself and is beyond saving no matter how hard people like you believe otherwise. As for my relationship to Scarlet... you're better off not trying to assume you know anything about it or who I am, because the very concept of my being goes against everything that makes you feel like this world has any semblance of hope left to it. I let Scarlet be Scarlet because it's simply better that way if I'm going to be a part of her life, and in return I am allowed to embarrass people like you by showing that no matter how passionate you are about something there will always be someone out there who is always superior to you even if they could care less about what makes you happy.

Amarant: Make no mistake Alistaire: I am nobody's lackey. I am the brilliance that gives life to the chaos that follows us, and making people like you understand that is simply a hobby to someone like me. But by all means, join me in the ring to back up your claims of being this superior technical wrestling machine come Wednesday, and in return I'll show you exactly how a real machine operates to further destroy this naive little vision you believe best suits the world around us.

Having made her point but wanting to simply irritate Alistaire even more, Ruby takes a moment to stretch out before laying back in a way that makes it seem like she's going take a nap here in this sacred church for a while, and his is the shot we fade out on, leaving it a mystery whether or not she truly went through with it or if it was simply one final middle finger towards the young competitor and his faith.

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