Slayter McKinney vs. Scarlet Grey
Slayter McKinney vs. Scarlet Grey
2 RP Limit for singles; 6 RP Limit for six person tag
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, November 13, 2018
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The Long, Hard Road Out of Hell

I’ve been down this road before.

The miles of concrete split by a single yellow line stretch out for miles into the darkness, and I just keep driving hoping to see the end of it. I get lost in the darkness ahead of me.

I glance away from the road for a moment to search my phone’s music player and hit shuffle. The bluetooth connection sends the chorus of Whitesnake’s ‘Here I Go Again’ through the car speakers and I exhale and shut the car stereo off.

Too on the nose.

It’s me and the darkness, and the steady hum of the Ford Focus’ engine.  I know, it’s not glamorous, but I’m not exactly upper tier in the SCW talent pool. Performances like mine of late don’t exactly net you bonus pay enough to even rent a Lamborghini. I’m slowly becoming the thing I set out not to be: middle of the road, mediocre, common, just like anyone else, nobody you pay attention to, good enough for B-List status.

I should be a champion. It should have been me facing Selena Frost, not Owen Cruze. It should have been me. I’ve earned this. I’ve come farther faster and I’m still nowhere I want to be.

Why does it seem like even when I win I lose?

I got signed. I started over. Right at the bottom. I signed the contract of my life with the company I dreamed of working for since I first started eight years ago. And here I am, three months in, still at the bottom, no further along than when I started.

Cracks are beginning to show.

The cell phone buzzes on the car seat and I look at the screen. It’s Shannon, my son’s guardian and carer while I’m on the road.

I don’t have time for that, right now.

I’ve got bigger fish to fry. The road in front of me unfurls, winds and curls. It’s endless.

What if I drove the car off the road, into the ditch, or over the cliffs to my right?

Would anyone notice I were missing?

Would SCW care, or would they replace me with another low to mid card talent with the same face and loads more potential?

The officer at the side of the road waves his arm to direct traffic past the flaming wreckage of the accident I’m considering making. Move along, nothing to see here, folks.

She’s done.

My fingers grip the steering wheel and I press my foot down on the pedal, my eyes peering into the darkness in front of me determined to keep going.

It’s just that I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.

I met this guy, out of the blue. Jack Hugg. Said he used to wrestle. Said he was familiar with SCW. Said he liked what he saw in me. And then, after one loss, he walked away. Told me I wasn’t what he was looking for. Rejected. By some guy already scraping the bottom of the barrel. He approached me, I didn’t call him up and tell him to scout my performances. I’ve been managing my own career just fine, thank you very much.

But I’m not.

Am I?

The engine revs and purrs at a steady buck twenty threatening to inch up to one thirty as my foot presses down on the pedal.

One veer to the right and steel crashes through guardrail and the car free-falls, a senton bomb into the water below. Crash and burn.

Slayter McKinney’s career and life come to an end in poetic fashion no one cares to turn into a poem.

The phone on the seat buzzes again.

Dammit.” I growl and flip the screen over so I don’t have to see it.

My son’s Dylan. He’s 8 verging on 9. Shannon took him to the doctor in my stead. I need to work my way through this.

I’ve got a career to resuscitate.

I’ve done it before, you know?

Look at me now.

The engine hums, as my foot depresses the pedal.

Okay, that’s depressing.

No. No don’t think on the past. Only the present and where I’m headed. The darkness in front of me. The road that I’ve yet to travel.

The Ford picks up gas yet again.

Scarlet Grey. That’s who is in front of me.

Not Jack Hugg. Some old guy who walked out of my life as quickly as he’d come. Who cares? That rejection is nothing. Nothing compared to missing out on Selena Frost. I beat Konrad Raab. I could’ve gotten past Owen Cruze. I could’ve taken Selena Frost.

But there’s always a next time.

All I’ve got to do is get through Scarlet Grey.

My mind’s an encyclopedia of Scarlet Grey right now.

I can tell you anything off the top of my head. I’ve been watching her tape, reading her bio, looking ahead.

She’s six foot. No kicks to the head unless I want to take that risk. Beware the foreign object. She’s not averse to its use. You got this, Slayter. You got this.

Slay, queen, slay.

My foot hits the gas as I take a winding turn and feel my heart soar. It’s either over or it keeps going. One wrong turn.

Move along, folks, nothing to see here.

I decide.

The phone buzzes and I angrily lift it to glare at the screen to see what I already know: Shannon is texting. As I hold it the phone starts to ring. She’s calling me now. I hit the phone’s off, and let it slump back down to the seat and press the pedal down to its limit.

I don’t want to go back there, to being the single mother with child. I had a job, you know? A stupid job. Grocery clerk. Worked evenings doing retail sales at a department store. Left me dead inside.

I don’t want to be just momma Slayter. I want to be Selena Frost. I want to be Sienna Swan. I want to be bigger than the both of them put together. I deserve that.

I sweated through years of nothingness and emptiness. I didn’t do it to be at the bottom rung of this ladder. I won’t stay here. I can’t stay here. It’s too important.

The phone rings again.

Fuck off, Shannon!” I growl and feel my feet easing up off the pedal. The tires kick up dust as I let the vehicle veer onto the shoulder and come to a full stop.

Nine times out of Ten I’m there for Dylan,” I blurt to myself, to the Shannon that’s not here. “Nine times out of ten, Shannon. All I ask is for one fucking minute’s worth of peace to clear my head. This is important.’’ There’s no one here, but by now the words are flowing and my mouth is ranting, and the words are sprawling out in front of me like the endless highway. “My career, which I’ve put on hold for that damn kid, is important. I am important. I need this. I need it. Dylan, and you, and whatever’s so GOD DAMN important can wait for just one. Fucking. Second.

My fingers are squeezing the soft rubber grip of the steering wheel and I’m staring out into the night, and the car’s not moving anymore. Just idling. Only my mouth is moving now. It’s like I’ve put on the gas. This needs to spill out.

All his life it’s been about him. This is my time. It’s about ME. I have worked my ass, Shannon. You think I want this? To be stuck here? In one place. Watching the line move ahead of me. People I could have beaten. And I didn’t. It’s been eight years, and I finally come back to this and it’s like I keep standing in one damn place! I’m through putting my life on hold for that fucking kid!

Deep breath.


And another.

Calmly now, I lift the cell phone up to my face, and wince at the brightness of the screen before beginning to tap out a message to Shannon.

Sorry. Out of Range for service. Heading home now. Hope everything went well for Dylan at the Doctor’s office.

And I set the phone down on the seat and think of myself as I pull back on to the road and keep driving. Just a little longer. I need to clear my head. I’ve got a big match coming up.

Scarlet Grey. I know everything there is to know about Scarlet Grey.

Come Breakdown?

I’ll prove it by keeping her shoulders down on the canvas for three taps of a referee’s hand on the mat.
[Image: gbrocLu.png]
Scarlet's practically dancing around her hotel room, giddy with excitement. To perhaps the surprise of no one, she's in the nude, although curiously her bed is virtually buried beneath a wide array of different bikinis. If there was a camera filming right now, people would probably believe it's just Scarlet being Scarlet considering summer weather is long gone, but this time the curvy vixen actually has an ulterior motive behind the madness. Still, nothing wrong with "being Scarlet" to pass the time in the meantime as she grabs different ones from the pile and checks them over.

Grey: Hmm... too skimpy for TV... too skimpy for TV... also too skimpy... ugh, why do we even have standards and practices bullshit ruining TV anyway? Too skimpy... this one could work, but I'm not a fan of the color for this occasion... this'll pass, but it doesn't show off enough of my ass...

As annoyed as she's starting to get, perhaps it's for the best that she's pulled away from debating with herself over this when her phone rings, and she can't help but scream like an overexcited teenage girl before scrambling to collect her phone, already knowing who she'll find on the other end. After all, there's only one person she knows would actually call her even though she wishes a second person would indulge in that pleasure as well.

Grey: Rubes!

Amarant: Hello Scarlet. Please tell me you haven't gotten into any trouble over in Europe.

Grey: Of course not! Do you think I'm some kind of toddler who needs checked up on every few hours?

Amarant: Considering ever since I came into your life something bad seems to happen whenever I'm not around to help pacify you in some fashion, you'll have to forgive me. Need I remind you of how hesitant I was to walk away from you mid-meltdown just a few months ago?

Scarlet just sighed at this reminder. Truthfully, whenever she did have such a meltdown her memory of everything that happened during it would be fuzzy, and when the pieces did fall into place later it'd usually be enough to trigger a relapse purely out of self-loathing that she actually did snap like that.

Grey: I've been a good girl Ruby, I promise. Might not be able to keep it when Breakdown rolls around, but we'll see. Speaking of Breakdown... did he beat that lizard freak or whatever it is that nutjob worships?

Scarlet can almost hear Ruby chuckling on the other end of the line, no doubt in amusement of one unstable person calling another out on their issues. As they chat about the Breakdown that should've just ended over in Australia since the headache of time zone differences means Scarlet won't be seeing it on TV just yet, Scarlet grabs a snakeskin bikini out of her pile and thoroughly examines it, feeling enticed just because the word "lizard" came out of her mouth.

Amarant: You'll be glad to hear that he did. He looked like he got hurt a bit in that match, but he seemed alright when I saw him later.

Grey: I knew he could do it. Seriously, how messed up does a guy have to be to see nothing but lizard people surrounding him everywhere he goes? That sounds like an awful nightmare if you ask me. What about our naive little friend?

Amarant: ...can we just skip that?

Ruby being hesitant could only mean one thing, and Scarlet just about threw her phone in response before stopping herself, realizing she still needed it to continue this chat. Instead, she threw the snakeskin bikini over by her bag, questioning to herself why she even bought one in the first place.

Grey: Rubes...

Amarant: I'll give him credit: he's as good of a technician as he claims. I tried to have a little too much fun pushing his "wrestling purist" buttons and I got caught. Can we please move on now? You know how I feel about discussing failures with my name directly attached to them.

Grey: Alright, alright... maybe I can try to have some more fun with him down the road then. On the subject of innocent guys...

Amarant: I did talk with him, and management allowed his girlfriend backstage again since you're not here like the hypocrites they tend to be. He even pulled the same stunt Alistaire did and questioned why, as your friend, I let you do the things you do.

Grey: I thought everyone knew by now that it's because you love me.

Even if that's the public picture they want people to buy, deep down Scarlet is hesitant to actually accept that reason. True, the two of them are prone to partaking in some passionate lovemaking despite that being the norm for the red-haired goddess, and something about Scarlet seems to have made her a morality pet of sorts for the normally emotionless Ruby, but how caring they could be and how much they could truly call each other friends was about as much of a riddle as their respective lives tended to be.

Amarant: Regardless, I did give him your little suggestion, like I promised. I couldn't resist reciting it to him my way though, but it seems like he got the hint quickly enough.

Grey: Did they accept?

Amarant: No... resistant as always. I did seem to get his attention with the suggestion that it might calm you down if he gave you a fair chance, but of course he doesn't like the idea of potentially letting you have so much as one date with him.

Grey: I'm not surprised. I still don't know what he honestly sees in that plain old nobody he's with, but whatever it is he can't see the true beauty that lies beyond her.

Amarant: I don't want to rain on your parade Scarlet, but as intriguing as this approach is I don't think it's going to work. He'll never agree to it as long as he has to risk giving you any sort of chance, and even still, you should know by now how iffy SCW's higher-ups will be in this day and age about devoting air time to it.

Scarlet lets out a low breath that normally signals she's giving some serious thought to something as she looks over another bikini from her pile. A brief look of discouragement indicates it's not going to fit whatever she's actually looking for right now, but a light bulb does seem to go off moments later in her brain as she sets it aside for now.

Grey: I'm not too concerned about the suits. I'd like to think if we had a chance to just... "discuss" the situation with them since that old man probably won't pull the trigger to "set a good example" for his daughters or whatever, they'll overrule him and allow us some air time for it. You can't deny we're pretty persuasive when we want to be.

Amarant: That still doesn't resolve your main roadblock.

Grey: Oh, leave that to me. I think a simple change of targets is in order to solve this little dilemma. Even if HE's still resistant to the idea, I'm sure I can get HER to bite. You saw how she reacted when I gave Aaron the chance to compare us in person. She tried to hide her inadequacy behind her pride knowing that if she didn't get confrontational he was going to finally upgrade. If I keep prodding, she'll accept herself, and with no ability to derail things and less clothing to give him the best comparison he'll ever get, I'll crush her once and for all.

Amarant: Huh... you may actually be onto something Scarlet. Just promise me two things: don't go overboard and risk ruining this plan prematurely, and don't forget about your own match on this tour worrying about the immediate future.

Grey: I'm not going to ruin things after coming this far Rubes. Even I'm not that reckless. And don't worry... I'm facing what amounts to a poor excuse for a hooker that doesn't even know the basics of avoiding the one thing that'll ruin her life. A big step down from a former world champ, sure, but at least I'll get the job done.

Ruby starts trying to argue, annoyed that Scarlet's trying to use her most recent failure to get under her skin, but Scarlet ends the call before she can really get going. As far as she's concerned, she one-upped Ruby this time and she'll cling to this rare victory for a while. Silencing her phone in case Ruby tries to call back, Scarlet goes back to her digging before she pulls one out that seems to catch her attention, almost like a diamond buried among dulled hills of gold. She stands up and holds the pieces against her body before a big grin plasters itself onto her face.

Grey: This is it... this is perfect! But first...

Scarlet makes sure to set this bikini aside from all the rest before grabbing the one she set aside earlier. As much as she has an issue with the idea of not being able to have a more "natural" appearance for something that'll go on the air, despite the fact that people see each other naked plenty of times in their lives and revealing clothing is pretty common out in public as a poor substitute, she'll still keep from getting into trouble while getting her point across loud and clear.


The first thing we see when we get picture is an ass clad in a black and gold thong... this ass is the most perfect ass any of you have ever seen. Many women can claim to have an ass like it, especially a certain chick in a lesser promotion who built her entire identity around her flabby, oversized rear, but there is no woman on the planet with an ass like this, both big and well-shaped, lacking in wrinkles and flab and any imperfections and the envy of every female across the globe. We slowly pan up this goddess-like body as it slowly turns around, stopping at her chest. This set of breasts barely restrained by a small black and gold bikini top is the most perfect pair of breasts you have ever seen. Again, many women can claim to have tits like these, but there are no women anywhere on earth with tits like these, soft and huge and perfectly round and, most importantly, all natural, unlike the pair riding the chest of a certain blonde crybaby desperate for main event status that might be the closest you will ever get to a truly perfect pair like these.

Now that every guy watching has something to please themselves to and even the straightest of women have now discarded their former sexual identity, we pan back to see the woman who possesses these perfect curves, the assets that are the envy of the entire female population. Naturally, it is the goddess known as Scarlet Grey, a smirk gracing her ruby red lips as she stands posed for her adoring audience. While it may not seem important compared to what we've already seen, one very interesting thing to note is that she's done her hair up in a very familiar looking ponytail... well, familiar to a certain artist anyway, and he and the woman this ponytail style is normally seen on may be the only ones to notice since they're so resistant to the beautiful body gracing everyone else's immediate line of sight.

Grey: I know, this doesn't exactly seem like anything new coming from me at this point, but at least I'm consistent in how I present myself. I'm sure there are tons of you out there who appreciate that... and at least one who I would think appreciates the creative ways I try to present myself. Still, there's no denying that when it comes to the female anatomy, you aren't going to get any more perfect, or natural, than yours truly. It doesn't matter what gender you are... you know I'm your greatest fantasy, don't be afraid to admit it. That goes for you too Aaron, since I know you're watching even if you claim it's just to "keep ahead of me."

Grey: I know you're probably afraid because you got yourself in too deep with this little girl and you're too nice to hurt her feelings, but I actually want to speak to her for a change if you don't mind. Liane, was it? Listen Liane... I know you feel threatened by me, you've made it perfectly clear, and I'm sorry for that. It's hard for women to look at someone like me and not feel envy that I was born a perfect goddess and they just weren't. I can't help it that this is the hand the world dealt. You're not alone... Ruby's the only one who will share a locker room with me because the entire female half of SCW can't sit in my presence for more than five minutes without taking a hike because they just can't handle the truth. I give everyone an excuse to leave their partners behind for a chance at something they'll never see again in their lifetimes, but I'm afraid right now my eyes are for one person only... my only problem is that you're clinging to his arm.

Scarlet begins to pout over this, though buried in her acting is a genuine irritation with this turn of events that she just wants to go away. Still, she manages to maintain her composure as she assumes a thinking face, purposely bending over in the process to share with the camera an endless abyss of cleavage anyone would love to get lost in. A smirk begins to grace her lips as she wants to make sure she has Liane's undivided attention for what's coming next.

Grey: I don't think you fully understand the opportunity you have Liane, and I'm not refering to the handsome demon whose heart you think you've won over. I know Rubes tried last Breakdown to appeal to Aaron, but I see you need a bit of convincing as well. Think about this for a moment: how often do you find yourself with the chance to try and match up with the only real goddess/angel/well beyond perfect ten/etc. to have ever graced an SCW ring? Even though it's futile, let's be honest here, you have a chance to show the entire world that some possibility might exist that you could be considered better than me, and you aren't even part of this company which would give you something to hold over everyone else's heads around here. You get a chance to try and prove something even when it's all in vain, and I get my wish of allowing Aaron to truly compare us, in all our glory, to understand who is the better fit for him.

Grey: I know, I keep making it seem hopeless and that doesn't sound too enticing. But if you ask me, I think you're doing Aaron a disservice by turning this down. I get it, you're afraid he's going to abandon you for someone leagues beyond you, and I would be afraid too if our positions, and bodies for that matter, were switched. But not only does this prove that you're simply ashamed of your own body to at least TRY, which makes you less of a woman than any one of the insignificant names I could rattle off that, at the very least, proudly show what they have every single week for this company and the ones they love, but worst of all... this proves you have little faith in your boyfriend to try and prove to me, once and for all, that true love does indeed always win in the end. You can try to tell me until you're blue in the face that he will always love you, even if you're afraid to share the goods with him, but I'm practically giving you a chance to prove it and make me back off once and for all... and you're both going to turn it down? I'm not even asking for much in return even through Ruby on my behalf... just one date, that's all. Unless you're that afraid to trust in love all because I want a fair shot... what have you really got to lose?

Now THAT is a valid argument and Scarlet knows it, if the grin she's now wearing is any indication. She knows exactly how this will all end, there's no other possible outcome and if you think otherwise you're more mentally out of it than she seems to be at times, but she knows well enough that no woman will take getting called out like this and still refuse to fight back. Her point having been made clear and knowing she's given a lot to think about, she saunters over to her room's bed, giving her ass a little wiggle for the camera for fun, before swinging it around and plopping it down on the edge of the bed. Even though that's all she really wants to say right now, she knows there's more business to tend to, and her annoyance about this immediately makes itself clear.

Grey: Now that I'm done addressing the issue I truly care about, I guess I should make something else perfectly clear for future reference: SCW, please don't EVER split Ruby and I up for one of these things EVER again, OK? I get it, you've made it no secret you have a problem with me trying to win a battle for someone's heart by any means necessary and want to be fair to Aaron, even though he's proven he's doing perfectly fine in the ring regardless. As much as I'm annoyed about being forced to stay on an entirely different continent than him, by splitting me away from my partner you've denied me the ability to preoccupy myself with someone I'm comfortable around to at least cope with this fact. Did you ever stop to think about what it would mean to leave me all by myself in a locker room that either envies me for obvious reasons or is afraid to come near me because they might not be able to restrain themselves?

Grey: Well... you saw what I did to that one chick just because Aaron saved her from going through a table, and that was with Ruby trying to hold me back.

Grey: Trust me when I say that what she said last week to Aaron isn't just more of her usual tricks you've all come to know and love. SCW thinks they have everything under control just because they gave me a match to pacify me, but did they ever stop to think about what they've done to the career of poor Slayter McKinney? I mean, if I'm being fair she already ruined her own career a long time ago if you ask me, but putting her against someone like me when you've tried so valiantly to put me in a vulnerable position is just begging for someone to come along and question the business skills of several people around here. Sure, maybe you think Slayter's going to simply outwrestle me and I'll learn some kind of lesson and back off or whatever, but if it hasn't already been made perfectly clear: when I want something, I get it, end of story. And right now, what I want is to use dear Slayter to pass along a very important message to the two people I would much rather be dealing with right now to help their decision be made much easier.

Scarlet's face can't help but show more disgust as she continues to talk. Sure, she should've seen this all coming, being separated from Aaron and even Ruby and having to go it alone, but that doesn't mean she has to like it or even accept this match as a consolation prize. After all, Slayter has nothing on her as far as she's concerned, and just because she might have been considered the “next big thing” once upon a time doesn't mean that fairy tale was meant to have a happy ending. After all, Slayter doesn't have the single-minded passion that'll get the job done, the biggest reason why she will never get what she wants while Scarlet always follows through on that promise. Still, she briefly manages to put her happy face back on as her finger traces out a heart on her left breast, obviously trying to direct a certain someone's attention down there, before that fades and she's back to business.

Grey: You know what's sad Slayter? Even if I didn't already have someone who's stolen my heart, you've got enough going for you that maybe, just maybe, I could've taken it easy on you. I mean, it's certainly not on my level, but you've got quite an ass on you babe, and you've got this look to you that just screams you're the type of girl that wouldn't mind getting into trouble if it came calling. There could've been some serious fun to be had, you and me, and you wouldn't have to worry about being afraid of going in that direction. Trust me, I have that effect on girls and I have no problem making sure anyone that spends time with me will remember it for the rest of their lives. Hell, Ruby's usually as emotional as a brick and she still hangs around with me if that's any indication.

Grey: But... you kind of had to go and have a kid, didn't you? That's a deal breaker for me, I'm afraid.

I know it sounds crazy, but Scarlet's not stupid. As sexually active as she is, she made sure a long time ago that there would be no chance of kids clinging to her ankles that would ruin a lifetime of fun down that avenue. Granted, there's been several moments over the years where she's found herself regretting that decision, but it's easy to move past that thought process when you can easily throw yourself into bed with anybody without fearing about the consequences. If you ask her, more women should give it a try before passing judgment on her. If you ask anyone else though... they might be grateful to know that this woman won't be able to have a child calling her “mommy” at any point in her life.

Grey: I know, I sound like I'm going into forbidden territory here, but when has the Red Empire ever cared about ruining people's lives as long as we're satisfied? I mean, depending on how much of a “purist” you want to pretend to be, just look at what I've done to get a very creative man all to myself that's far too good for the “ordinary” girl he somehow ended up hitching his chain to. Then again, I'm sure you can tell us all about how right I am, can't you Slay? After all, if it wasn't for the whole “child” thing, you could be standing before me gloating about how I'm going up against one of the absolute best to ever grace a ring and rattle off all these facts to back it up like most of these idiots seem to love to do. Maybe I'd be more inclined to believe it, and you'd certainly be far more interesting at least. But you ended up spending so long away from the ring... now the only valid question I should be asking is why I should be afraid of a woman who can't even figure out for herself where everything just seemed to go so wrong.

Grey: I think your answer's more obvious than that Slay, but of course that lovely little thing called “morality” has to come into play because what kind of a monster would dare to admit that having a little bundle of joy ruining her future, am I right? I can just imagine all these parents and child services people scrambling to get their torches and pitchforks now, and wrestling and what could've been still ends up being the last thing on your mind. Oh dear... maybe my words are sparking some kind of fire within you right now, since I dared to go after somebody who you hold so dear, and now you're going to twist me and break me in response both for him and for your revitalized career. Perhaps I've made the biggest mistake I could possibly have made right now.

Grey: Except... I know I haven't. Come on Slay, I can tell how frustrated you are that your career hasn't gone farther since coming to SCW. You may try to please those people, but I've seen the signs that you're jealous you weren't able to just waltz in here and immediately become world champion because you know deep down you're just that good. You know it should be you in the main event, perhaps replacing Aaron's plucky little friend in teaming with a man who owes me more than he'll ever admit and another who should be informed right now is a terrible host alongside his wife for daring to throw out the life of their party. Perhaps you should be in discussion for who should challenge the pretend angel next for her throne instead of facing this chick who's clearly out of her mind and head over heels for someone she's keeps being told she can't have. But of course... no matter what, you're looking past me, and you can't help it because you're too tied in what should be that you don't know how to simply take it like I do. And that, dear Slay, is why that beautiful rear of yours is going to end up with the sole of my boot tattooed on it as a reminder to you and a message to everyone else that simply overlooking Scarlet Grey and her ambitions is a fatal mistake. After all... time and time again you've all been warned I will get what I want somehow, and while you've never fully figure out how in time you'll accept that those words are never hollow.

The scene comes to an end with Scarlet winking and giving a little kiss to the camera, bringing her arms together to bring attention to her squished chest one last time before we lose picture. It's not entirely clear though easy to guess who that was specifically for, but the message is loud and clear and London is about to find itself being painted red, claimed in the name of the Red Empire as a sign of their global conquest during this tour.

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