Josh Hudson vs. Owen Lee
Josh Hudson vs. Owen Lee

2 RP Limit

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Monday, May 2, 2022
OOC: Good luck to any and all in this tournament. Even you, Chris.

Josh Hudson, Chapter 16
[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)
3rd Jan 2022

With the End of Year Special over, Owen had immediately flown back to Miami to welcome back the builders to the house and go over a couple of changes that he wanted to make to the design. Thankfully, it was nothing too difficult, and nothing that mess up what they had already done, so they were more than happy to oblige. Over the course of Christmas and New Year, Owen had thought of nothing other than the kiss he and Charlotte had shared, trying to work out if it had meant something, or if it was just because of the festivities and seasonal joy. Not one now for standing on ceremony, the moment he arrived back in Miami, he had dropped his bags off at the apartment and then made his way to his local. Owen walks into Charlotte’s and immediately makes a beeline for the bar. Scott the Bar Manager is stood there cleaning glasses, and immediately he greets Owen with a smile.
Scott: Hey Owen, good Christmas and New Year?
Owen: A lot quieter than I’m used to in all honesty. But it was the peace and quiet I think I needed
He decides not to mention the altercation with Scott in case it got back to Charlotte.
Scott: Good, good. What can I get you?
Owen: Err, nothing thanks. Just wondered if Charlotte was about.
Scott grins, and nods his head.
Scott: Yeah, she’s upstairs. Do you want me to get her?
Owen: If it’s not too much trouble.
Scott: For you Owen, nothing is too much trouble.
He says it with a sarcastic grin, a knowing smile that made it seem like Charlotte had been talking.
Scott: Two minutes, I’ll go fetch her. Can you watch the bar?
Owen looks around… he was the only person in.
Owen: Sure, how hard can it be?
Scott: Won’t be long.
He makes his way through a door, Owen turning around, willing the door to stay shut and no one walk in. Thankfully no one does, and before he knows it, Scott returns with Charlotte in tow.
Charlotte: Hey
Owen: Hey
Scott starts to smirk, which makes the moment even more awkward, and then he even chuckles to himself.
Scott: Oh, you two are so cute.
Charlotte: Come on now Scott, behave yourself. Make yourself useful and bring us both a whiskey. Owen, you want to take a booth.
Owen: Sure, why not?
Owen walks towards the booths, all of them vacant, as Charlotte pulls a face at Scott which makes him laugh even more. Owen then sits, Charlotte joining him.
Owen: Can I ask you a question?
Charlotte: Of course.
Owen: Did there used to be something between you and Scott? Romantically I mean?
Charlotte laughs out loud, a laugh that even catches Scott by surprise
Owen: What’s so funny? Was only a question.
Charlotte: Owen, Scott is more likely to take an interest in you than he is me.
For a moment Owen doesn’t catch on, but eventually he catches up, a smirk snaking onto his face
Owen: Ahhh...
Charlotte: Yep, plus he has a partner and is about to adopt a child, so I reckon you’re safe as well.
Owen: I didn’t mean… I’m not homophobic or anything.
Charlotte: Just having a laugh with you Owen. I saw you on television the other night.
Owen: You watched my match?
Charlotte: Yeah, never watched wrestling in my laugh. But it was fun. And it seems like your pretty good. Well, everyone seemed to be saying so anyway
Owen: I try… still a way to go yet, but it’s a start. Was nice to get back to doing what I know though, just hope I made a good impression.
Charlotte: Well, I thought you looked cute in your little wrestling outfit.
Owen: That’s not the intention, but thanks.
There is another momentary silence, Charlotte looking at Owen almost questionably.
Owen: What?
Charlotte: You wanted to see me Owen… not the other way around.
They both laugh, Owen having lost his train of thought.
Owen: Oh… yes. I…
Charlotte: You want to talk about the kiss on Christmas Day?
Owen: Wow, a mind reader as well?
Charlotte: Just another of my many talents. You want to know if it meant anything right?
Owen: Well, yes.
Right on cue, Scott comes over with the drinks and places one in front of them both before doing a sarcastic curtsey.
Scott: Anything else Ma’am
Charlotte: How about you fuck off cheeky… go mop the floors or something.
Scott: Oh, when will Cinderella go to the ball? No guessing who the ugly sister is in this particular story.
As Scott walks away, Charlotte throws a beer mat at him which narrowly misses his head. Scott with a chuckle makes his way back to the bar, and then once again goes through the door to the back, leaving Charlotte and Owen alone. Charlotte holds her glass up to Owen, Owen doing the same and they both take a sip of their drinks. Charlotte holds hers in front of her, rattling the ice in the glass, her eyes returning to Owen.
Charlotte: For me Owen, yes it did mean something. Maybe I got caught up in the fact it was Christmas, maybe the festivities and egg nog had given me Dutch courage, but after it had happened, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I know a relationship isn’t on the cards right now, I know you’ve got a whole lot on your mind to process so I’m not going to turn into some weird stalker, so don’t worry about that. But I can’t lie Owen, I like you. You’re a good guy, and I don’t have a lot of those in my life…
Scott comes back out the door and gives them both a sarcastic wave
Charlotte: Well, at least straight ones. So there, you have your answer. Yes, it did mean something to me. I don’t tend to go around kissing randoms.
Owen nods, digesting the information.
Charlotte: So, what about you?
Almost immediately, Owen starts to feel a little flustered. He knew on asking the question it was more than likely Charlotte would want to know where she stood. But even expecting it, the question brings a heat to his cheeks as they visibly redden. He says the only thing that comes to his mind.
Owen: What?
Charlotte chuckles, knowing that he understood the question, but was struggling to find the words to answer. She asks him again, determined to receive an answer.
Charlotte: Did the kiss mean anything to you?
The point-blank question which he knew he had to answer this time or look even more foolish than he did already.
Owen: Yes.
Even saying the word makes him feel guilty and he lowers his head.
Owen: But it can’t ever be anything, can it?
Charlotte tries to keep her emotions hidden but cannot help but look disappointed.
Charlotte: Jennifer, right?
Owen doesn’t say a word but nods his confirmation. Charlotte takes another sip of whiskey as Owen tries to explain.
Owen: This past six months, all I have thought about is being a better person so that I could get Jennifer back. For a while she wouldn’t even talk to me, but we are back in contact now and I really think that she still has feelings for me. Everything I went through, it wasn’t just to be able to return to wrestling, it was to get my head straight and now I’m here, I can’t jeopardize any hope I have.
Charlotte: I get it
Owen: I’m sorry… I promised myself that there would be no more lies in my life, no more secrets. If I tried to ignore it, then I’d only be kidding myself and not being true to you. I do like you; you’ve been amazing since I moved to Miami…
Charlotte: And I like you too Owen. But I know what it’s like to lose the love of your life, and if you still have a chance then of course you must go for it. Don’t give it anymore thought Owen, truly. It’s all good.
Owen: And we’re all good?
Charlotte: Of course. I won’t go all ‘bunny boiler’ on you.
Owen: I never thought you would. You’re amazing Charlotte, and you deserve someone who’s ‘all-in’ and I guarantee you’ll find him.
Charlotte: Maybe you’re right… so when will I get to meet her?
Owen: You’d want to meet her?
Charlotte: Yes, why not. It sounds like we could be friends.
Owen: Well, she’s coming to Miami in a couple of weeks to see the house… as a friend obviously.
Charlotte: Good, then maybe I’ll get the chance to put a good word in for you, tell her what a nice guy you are.
Owen: If you’re sure?
Charlotte: Of course, bring her to the bar and I’ll tell her all about my new best friend Owen Lee.
Owen: OK, I’ll make sure we do that.
Charlotte: Nice one, now, unless you have any more reasons to break my heart?
At first, she keeps a straight face, but then she grins, Owen relaxing.
Owen: What is it with women wanting to tease me?
Charlotte finishes off her whiskey and gets to her feet.
Charlotte: Honestly bro, you’re just so damn easy.
She leans over and this time kisses him on the cheek, winking at him as she pulls away.
Charlotte: Take it easy Owen, and I hope I get to meet Jennifer soon.
Charlotte heads to the back, nudging Scott as she does who has been trying to lip-read the entire conversation whilst mopping the floors. Owen finishes his whiskey and then gets to his feet, waving to Scott as he leaves. As he exits the bar, and walks out into the sunshine, a huge smile forms on his face, his day thus far going well. Was this the beginning of a New Year, the BETTER year he had promised himself. As he turns and stares at the ocean, he certainly hoped so.
15th January 2022
When Jennifer had arrived this morning, Owen wasn’t sure how the day was going to go. They had agreed to be friends, and as such were acting like friends, but Owen was always aware of saying the wrong thing or implying that he still wanted more. After showing her the progress on the house, and the new plans he had, he had given her a tour of Miami, which she had obviously enjoyed. After lunch, they had then made their way to Charlotte’s bar, and predictably they had gotten on like a house on fire. After just enough to drink, they had said their goodbyes to Charlotte, after they had added each other on social media, and they had made their way back to Owen’s apartment. Once there, Owen had cracked open the Sherbet Lemon Gin he had been given as a Christmas present, and then they had settled down to watch Netflix. As the credits on the film roll, Owen had to admit to feeling a little drunk, and Jennifer the same. Jennifer rests her glass on the table in front of them and turns her head to face him.
Jennifer: I’ve had a really nice day Owen. I can see why you moved out here.
Owen: Yeah, I think it suits me, certainly more than LA.
Jennifer: And when the house is complete, it will be perfect.
Owen: True, I like this apartment, but I can’t wait to go to sleep and be able to hear the waves. Then when the house is done and I can live there I’m going to repeat the process, but this time rent it out until I’ve got a portfolio of properties all around Miami. Then, if my wrestling career bombs, I’ll always have something else to fall back on.
Jennifer: Really have got it all, together haven’t you?
Owen: I think so Jen. What I want to do more than anything is repay the faith that Daisy had in me when I was at my lowest. By the same token I want to be able to change people’s perceptions of me, and once again give them belief in what I stand for, and what I am trying to do. I let a LOT of people down, people that were really important to me, and I won’t rest until I make it up to them. ALL of them.
Jennifer looks forwards again, Owen though continues to look at her. If anything, he found her even more beautiful than he had when they were together. He’d always been punching above his weight; he’d certainly be told so countless times. But now, it seemed like someone like him should never have a chance with someone like Jennifer Helms.
Jennifer: Owen?
She looks back at him and he quickly looks away, not wanting to give the impression he’d been staring.
Owen: Yeah?
Jennifer: Why did you leave Los Angeles? Was it because of me?
The question was surprisingly direct, but fueled by the alcohol, Owen has no issue answering truthfully.
Owen: It wasn’t the only reason, but yes.
Jennifer: I’m sorry I made you feel like you had to do that.
Owen now turns back to look at her, and they find themselves almost nose to nose, only inches between them.
Owen: It wasn’t just you Jen. There was a lot of memories I wanted to get away from, and things that I wanted to forget. I needed my own space I guess to finally learn what it was like to stand on my own two feet without family or friends bailing me out whenever things went wrong. Taylor, Shaun, even Mom just couldn’t resist steering me in what they believed was the right direction and I needed to stop relying on that. The further I could get away from them, the better… so Miami was perfect.
Jennifer: And the further you could get away from me the better, I guess.
Owen: Honestly. Yes.
He reaches out and takes her hand, half expecting her to pull away, but she doesn’t.
Owen: After what I did Jen, to your Dad, disrespecting him like I did. After dismissing you and your feelings like they were nothing. I just couldn’t bare the possibility of bumping into you, or even Regan and Dave.
Jennifer: Mom certainly wanted to tear you apart.
Owen: And I don’t blame her. So, getting away, I thought it might allow you and your family to heal and to forget that I ever existed, so that you could all move on.
Now Jennifer does pull her hand away, as if bringing up that moment had triggered something in her.
Jennifer: You hurt us all Owen. It wasn’t just me, my parents believed in you as well.
Owen: I know. More reason for me to stay away.
Jennifer: So why did you get Daisy to contact me?
Owen sighs, bringing up old memories was hurting him too
Owen: I thought that by working with Daisy at the slaughterhouse, I’d be able to put all my focus into training and getting ready to return and make amends. But the more I worked, the more I realized that making amends to the company and its fans wasn’t as important as making amends to you. I guess your forgiveness became even more crucial to my development as I tried to be a better person, but I knew if I contacted you, you’d tell me where to go. Daisy can be quite persuasive.
Jennifer: That’s certainly true.
Owen: You, Peyton, Kelcey, even Aaron… I let you all down. And the more it became clear to me, the more I wanted to make sure that moments like this, sat with you guys watching films and just hanging out, weren’t a thing of the past. I’ll reach out to them of course, but you were the priority. I needed you back in my life more than anyone…
Jennifer: And here I am.
Owen: Yeah, here you are. And I couldn’t be happier.
They stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments, and for just milliseconds, Owen see’s the look that she used to give him when they were together. That look stirs up a million emotions, and with a mixture of alcohol, adrenaline and bravado the words leave Owen’s mouth before he can stop them.
Owen: I still love you Jen…
He leans forwards to kiss her, not knowing what to expect. He wouldn’t have dreamed of doing this if it wasn’t for the alcohol, but he still knew he was putting it all on the line, risking it all. His heart drops, as she immediately pulls away, Owen feeling like he had been hit with the ODE. He quickly moves into damage limitation; he couldn’t ruin this… he just couldn’t.
Owen: I’m sorry… it’s the alcohol… forget I said anything.
Before he can react, she leans forwards and cups his head in her hands, and they kiss, a long lingering kiss making up for months of being apart, both lost in the moment. As they part, Jennifer bites her bottom lip, and then says the words that Owen had been longing to hear since the day they had broken up.
Jennifer: I still love you too.
For a moment Owen is shocked and cannot react, finally he composes himself enough to speak
Owen: I thought it was just me
Jennifer: I’ve missed you Owen, every single day.
In the back of his mind, Owen knew that it was the alcohol talking, and although he didn’t know it, Jennifer felt the same, but neither of them cared. Jennifer gets to her feet, and holds out her hand, Owen taking it and getting to his feet as well. She leads him to the bedroom, and they stand at the bottom of the bed.
Owen: Jen, are you sure about this?
Jennifer gets to her feet and holds his hands in hers, and once again kisses him, this time perhaps even more passionately, before pulling away with a smirk.
Jennifer: Did that feel like I’m sure?
Owen nods, and turns, closing the curtains to the outside world, Jennifer laying down on the bed, as Owen joins her. Outside, on the pavement, Charlotte stands, Owen’s sunglasses in her hands that he’d left at the bar earlier. She smiles, happy for Owen that he has his girl, but unfortunately for her, her eyes give her away. She turns away, and heads down the road. She’d give him the sunglasses back tomorrow and listen to his excitement at having Jennifer back. And she would be happy for him. Because that’s what friends do. She takes the short walk back to the bar, Scott surprised as she walks through the door. He motions towards the sunglasses
Scott: Wasn’t he in?
Charlotte: Yeah, he was in.
Scott: Oh? So what happened then?
Charlotte: He was ‘busy’
Scott didn’t need further explanation, and he immediately turns, taking a double measure of Jack Daniels from the optic and sliding it towards Charlotte as she takes a seat.
Scott: You ok?
Charlotte: You know me Scott, I will be.
She lifts the glass and holds it up towards Scott, before downing the double in one.
Charlotte: I have to be.
16th January 2022
Owen runs down the beach, partially for training purposes, but also to get rid of the hangover that he had woken up with. Waking up with Jennifer by his side had been a situation that he thought he would never experience again, and he didn’t feel guilty about laying and just watching her for what had seemed for a long time. Leaving her there was difficult, but he’d already decided that once he got back to the apartment, he would make her breakfast in bed. He was on top of the world right now and with a spring in his step, and he wasn’t afraid to let everyone know it either with a cheerful ‘Good Morning’ to everyone that he passed. Stopping outside the apartment, he allows himself a moment to catch his breath, the smile still etched on his face. As he opens the door and steps into the apartment however, he is disappointed to see Jenni already in the kitchen, making them both coffee. Kicking off his running shoes he walk into the kitchen, Jennifer sliding a mug towards him. Owen leans in for a kiss, but she only offers her cheek which is more than a little strange considering what had happened last night, but Owen puts it down to her only just having woken up.
Owen: I was going to make you breakfast
Jennifer: It’s OK, I’m not hungry.
Owen: I am… starving in fact.
He walks over to the refrigerator, and starts taking out eggs, bacon and a few other items as Jennifer looks on.
Owen: You sure, it’s no trouble. I mean, we worked up quite the appetite last night.
Jennifer: Yeah…
Owen bends down towards the freezer portion and pulls out some sausages.
Owen: I thought we’d have breakfast, and then take in some more sights. You know, really give us the opportunity to talk about where we go from here.  Perhaps some lunch at a restaurant I’ve become quite partial too.
His excitement is obvious, Jennifer’s lack of even more so, even though Owen still wasn’t picking up on it. Owen shuts the door on the freezer and then turns back to Jennifer, a bag of hash browns hanging from his teeth. He places them on the counter and then smiles.
Owen: I don’t have any mushrooms. Do you want me to nip to the store? Will only take five minutes.
Jennifer sighs, there was no way of getting away from this. She pulls out a chair, and motions towards it.
Jennifer: Sit down Owen
Owen: I need to make…
Jennifer: Please Owen…
There is a seriousness in her voice that finally Owen picks up on, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.
Owen: What’s wrong?
Jennifer: We need to talk.
Owen: Yeah, I know… that’s what I said. But we gotta eat.
Jennifer: Oh Owen
The tone in her voice leaves no question to the seriousness of what she had to say. So rather than protest anymore he sits himself down.
Owen: Why do I get the feeling that this is bad news?
Jennifer plays with one of the rings on her fingers, twisting it around as she tries to find the words to as not hurt Owen.
Jennifer: Owen, last night was amazing
Owen: It was. Thank you.
Jennifer closes her eyes, that was the last thing she wanted to hear him say.
Jennifer: Don’t say that Owen.
Owen: Why not? I never thought I’d get a second chance, and yet here you are.
Jennifer: Yes, here I am. In exactly the place I shouldn’t be.
Owen scowls suddenly confused.
Owen: What do you mean?
Jennifer: I mean… last night was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened.
Owen: What? I don’t understand.
Owen’s expression changes from confusion to hurt, as the realization of what Jennifer has said starts to sink in.
Jennifer: I mean, we had a nice day, we got drunk and things happened. It doesn’t change our situation. It can’t change our situation.
Owen: I don’t get it, you said you still loved me.
Jennifer: And I do Owen. In fact, I probably always will. But we can’t be together, it’s just too complicated. Last night was wonderful, it really was, but it can’t happen again.
Owen bites his bottom lip to contain his emotions.
Owen: What did I do wrong?
Jennifer: Don’t blame yourself Owen
Owen: For God’s sake Jen… don’t give me the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ routine.
Jennifer: That’s not what I was going to say.
Owen: Then what Jen?
Owen hears the anger in his voice, but that’s precisely what he was. Angry.
Jennifer: My Mom and Dad… it’s not fair on them.
Owen doesn’t reply straight away. Every part of him wanted to say that it had nothing to do with them, but he knew how highly Jennifer held their opinion, and why she wouldn’t do anything to upset them. He takes a couple of breaths, knowing that getting angry wouldn’t solve anything, and he softens his voice before he replies.
Owen: OK, so it’s not fair on them Jen, and I get that. But what about what’s fair for us?
Jennifer doesn’t look away, and their gaze doesn’t break. She DID love him, and more than anything wanted to be with him. But what Owen had done to Dave, and indirectly Regan, that scar was still red raw, and she couldn’t do that to them. No matter how strong her feelings were for him right now.
Jennifer: I can’t think like that Owen. Mom despises you; it took everything to persuade her to not come after you when we split up and you took it out on Dad. If she found out that we’d even been together last night, never mind if we were back together, she’d kill you. And probably me as well.
Owen: And I get that, but if she gave me the opportunity to explain, I’m sure she’d see sense.
Jennifer shakes her head dismissively.
Jennifer: Come on now Owen, you know Mom better than that. When she’s got a grudge with someone it’s difficult to shake, especially when it involves family. It’s just not worth it…
Owen: Thanks
Jennifer: I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t see a way that it ends in anyway well, for any of us. It’s better just to let it lie.
Owen: And you’d be happy with that, considering how we feel about each other?
Jennifer: We don’t have any choice Owen. I’m sorry.
Owen: Yeah. Me too.
By now, Owen is far past hiding his feelings. Just when he thought everything had come together, now he felt like the rug had been pulled from underneath him and not only did he feel like he was back at square one, but he also now felt like he had very little hope. Owen knew how much Jennifer felt like she owed her parents, the annoying thing for him was that he was that she wasn’t even giving them a chance.
Jennifer: I know you’re hurt Owen, but it’s for the best
Owen: For who? You, Me? The only people I can see benefitting are Dave and Regan, and although I know I’ve wronged them both as well, I can’t see how this has anything to do with them. Surely, they want you to be happy.
Jennifer: Of course, they do
Owen: Then give me the chance, to show them that I’ve changed and I’m not that person anymore. I’ve persuaded them once, and I’ll do it again.
Jennifer: I don’t think this will be as simple as singing a song Owen.
Owen: OK, so don’t mention last night, tell them that you are thinking about talking to me. Tell them that you miss me and see how they react. Don’t just dismiss us Jen, that can’t be right. I know if we give it another chance, we can make it. I can’t let the last six months be in vain, I just can’t. It must mean something.
Jennifer places a hand on his cheek, and for just a moment it seems like she may be relenting. She leans forwards and kisses Owen on the cheek, Owen placing a hand on hers.
Jennifer: I’m so sorry Owen. I just can’t. I can’t do that to them.
She pulls her hand away, but still doesn’t look away from Owen. In fact, it is Owen who is first to break away.
Owen: OK fair enough. I don’t like it, but I do understand where you are coming from. I wish things were different, but I know how important Dave and Regan are to you. Like you say, it is how it is.
Jennifer: Thank you. Do you want me to leave?
The slightest hint of a smile forms on Owen’s face as he shakes his head.
Owen: No, of course not. We can still be friends, can’t we?
Jennifer: You think we can?
Owen: Yes, that’s the way we started after all. I need you in my life Jen, and if it’s just as friends then that’s gonna have to do.
Jennifer: As long as you are sure Owen, I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have.
Owen: It’s cool Jen, we’re good.
Owen turns back to the food that had been left on the side and reaches in the cupboard pulling out a frying pan.
Jennifer: Owen?
Owen turns, Jennifer pausing, changing her mind at the last second as to what she was going to say. She was going to confirm that she did love him. She was going to say how she wished things were different but knows neither would help. Instead, she says the first thing that comes into her head.
Jennifer: … I’m gonna get a shower
Owen forces a smile
Owen: No worries, breakfast will be almost ready when you’re done.
With that, and before it gets awkward, Jennifer turns and closes the bathroom door behind her, switching on the shower and letting the water flow, the sound ensuring Owen doesn’t hear her crying.

28th April 2022
Owen sits in his living room, the television switched off and no noise to distract him. He wanted to make sure this promo was delivered with the utmost respect whilst also getting the point across. He clears his voice, and then starts to speak.
“Josh, I’m going to kick off by levelling with you. I’m not going to sit here and be lectured on morals by someone like you, not a chance. Legend or not, I have a choice, and it has been more than covered since I returned, so YOUR opinion, you should understand what you need to do, because I don’t have the time to deal with it. I know full well what I did bro, I know what I ‘pissed’ over and so do those fans, but how is it that you were granted a second, third even fourth chance and yet you think that I shouldn’t? Saying that I need to be taught humility, it’s bad comedy coming from someone like you. And I’m not even going to lower myself and dispute what Orlando would or wouldn’t have thought about what I did. Cheap shots about him Josh? I really thought you were above that.
Turns out I was wrong.
It may also surprise you, but I’m not even spend too much time pulling you up for the blatant disrespect you showed me a couple of weeks ago on Breakdown. Truth be told, I don’t know how far you would have gone, but I’m not going to bang on about it when it was obvious to anyone that was watching that you had once again let your jealousy get the better of you, a more frequent occurrence of late. Like I said, you ARE one of the best wrestlers in the world, I’m sure that there are moves and counters that you’ve forgotten to make space for more. Every time someone steps into the ring with you, they do so knowing that the match can be over in an instant and having someone on the back foot in that way, it’s quite an advantage to have. But I’m sure you’ve heard that many times, I’m certain that there are not many would disagree with me, you are the bar when it comes to the technicalities of our sport. And THAT Josh, is why you couldn’t allow Asher to choose me for his Tactical Warfare team over you, even though I’d not even accepted, it was just an option on the table. People speak highly of you, no question. You yourself are never shy of putting yourself on a pedestal, and you know what? Probably deservingly so. But with that praise comes ego, and therein lies the crux of the matter. You saw Asher’s decisions as disrespect, and that’s why half my face was left scraped on the concrete floor that evening, because YOU felt disrespected. Nothing to do with my apparent failings like you trying to present. It’s all about the fact that someone with your standing, and your status in this industry could be looked over for a ‘pissant’ like me.”
Owen shrugs his shoulders
“Sound about right?”
He nods his head, knowing it to be such.
“I’m not going to lie to you Josh, and I know you couldn’t care less either way, but that night and ever since, all you have done is made yourself look like a dick and given ammunition to all those people who claim that your time is over, and that you should now take solace in the fact that the company wants to keep you in gainful employment even if it wasn’t as one of the talents anymore. What you did was basically the wrestling equivalent of playground squabbles after someone doesn’t get picked first for the team. I’m sure Olek knows you can still go; I know for certain that at the PPV I’ve got my work cut out for me and like I said, this is the biggest challenge thus far. But this is the thing isn’t it? When you’ve been showered with praise for pretty much your entire career. When everyone has had very little choice but to accept that there are very few that can hang with you inside that ring. Taking criticism isn’t easy. Whereas for me it was the foundation of my rehabilitation, you’ve never really had to take it on board. And THAT was why you reacted in the way you did."
Owen holds up his hands
“Now before you get all antsy again, because let’s face it, you do have a hell of a temper over the smallest things, please give me the opportunity to explain. I’m not going all ‘Konrad’ and making threats that I so obviously cannot back up with action. I DO respect you and all you have done, but if at the PPV you DO lose, what will have been the point? In fact, beating me this weekend, what is it that you would have achieved, if it hadn’t had been for the landscape changing and the tournament entering play. Proving Asher was wrong? I doubt he’ll lose any sleep over that. No, what you have done Josh is taken your stellar reputation in this industry and gone ahead and made yourself look just as much a whiny little bitch as our esteemed Underground Champion. Imagine THAT for second Josh, compared with someone like HIM. That is the barrel you scraped when you decided, even with all your experience, that you couldn’t bring yourself to understand why Asher would want to pick someone who has been on a tear since he returned. Someone who took his first Tactical Warfare match, perhaps the most important one in history and smashed it? Does that mean your career on the decline when I was obviously a legitimate option? I respect you too much to say… but I will say that you’re doing nothing to dampen the noise.
Because Josh, although I understand your actions, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be without consequence. And again, don’t misunderstand me, that isn’t an idle threat. I can imagine the laughter if someone like me dared threaten you. But what I am saying, is if I didn’t feel the need to beat you before, that desire has now multiplied tenfold. Proving myself against a wrestler such as you would have meant everything on its own, and now beating you and advancing with the chance to become the US Champion, that’s kind of special. Dropping the guy who felt the need to scrape my face on the floor without any kind of remorse for his actions… well, I’m sure you get it... that’s now become kind of a big deal for me. I don’t need to resort to the same tactics. I don’t need to make you bleed or any of that ‘Raab Rhetoric’. All I need to do Josh is beat the, in many people’s opinion, best wrestler in the world, sorry Glory and Gavin but it’s true, and then stand up with my music blaring and smile at you. That’s it. Because that will hurt you more than a sledgehammer ever could, and you know it. Embarrassing you, out-wrestling you, defeating you… that is ALL the revenge I need.”
He takes a moment to compose himself, not wanting his emotions to take over. He turns back to the camera, his voice even more determined as he continues
“And of course, I’m not stupid. I know full well I don’t just have to say it and ‘poof’ it will happen, as if sprinkled with fairy dust. I don’t need to pay $29.99 or whatever the price is these days for enlightenment because I’ve lived through it for the past year and believe me you can’t buy that shit with money. You obviously believe I’m beneath you, or else you wouldn’t have reacted in the way you did. So, knowing you are facing a former World Champion who, let’s face it, is MUCH more of a threat than when he won the title, it makes it even more puzzling that even now, you seem to be underestimating me, and not believing I am worthy of a place at Tactical Warfare. I firmly believe Josh, that you look at me in the same way Konrad did, as a child who has no place in this environment. Konrad found out a little too late that I am more than capable of playing by his set of rules. And Josh, it seems to me that we are heading towards the same conclusion, all because you are still of the belief that I’m a one trick pony with only speed in my locker and not a great deal else. ONE person has seen me for who I am Josh and prepared accordingly. That person being Kandis, the one individual to beat me since I returned. That isn’t coincidence Josh. That’s fact. A fact that it is transparent to me you haven’t even come close to recognizing. Allow me to ‘enlighten’ you, and best of all bro, you’re in luck… because I’ll do it for free.
Speed has always been the basis of both my offense and defense… no denying it. I’ve always taken pride in the fact that I could strike from literally anywhere and before an opponent realized, whilst at the same time having the reactions to get myself out of trouble if required. Speed is a great attribute to have, but the problem was during my first tenure in this company, I was reliant on it, and if it failed there was no Plan B for me to fall back on. I cannot deny it brought me success, but at the same time there was nowhere near the ‘evolution’ I was claiming at the time. I was gaining experience of course, but I wasn’t getting any more talented. That comes with mixing it up, changing tact, so that your opponent is on the back foot more often. That’s why when it became clear that I still wanted this… to be a part of this industry, I knew that this time, things HAD to be different. I still needed to be quick, of course I did, I’m only small in comparison to someone like Tsunami so I need to stay out the way. But there had to be other strings to my bow. That’s why when I started training in the slaughterhouse, I built a durability and a tolerance to pain I have never had before, so that when people tried to grind me down, I would be ready to take all that they had, before rebounding and striking back. I then developed the ODE, a move that even with my limited stature has still been able to take down individuals far bigger than myself, a move that can happen in a millisecond. Just like it did with Konrad. But more than anything, I started over. I learned how to wrestle again, but this time with a view to being a complete package. A hybrid of all styles, able to function in any situation.
A master of all? That’s what we are looking to find out.
Konrad brought the pain, and I prevailed. Alexis brought the pace, and I took it over and above the speed limit. Now Josh comes the litmus test, the final piece of the puzzle. Is Owen Lee able to go move for move, counter for counter, with the person seen as one of the greatest technical exponents in this industry EVER? I believe wholeheartedly that I can. But not only that, I believe that I can go all the way and become the United States Champion. Of course, there are seven others will say the exact same thing, you included, but as the famous movie once quoted, there can only be the one. That ONE Josh, I’m going to make damn sure it’s me. And I’m going to make damn sure you don’t stop me… with the bonus of showing you that ultimately, Asher was right, that I WAS the better option, and YOU are no longer the big deal that YOU believe you are. There is no question that Josh Hudson will always be a legendary name in SCW, but you believe yourself bigger that the company itself… when there simply isn’t a person alive who is. End of”
He delivers that last line in a very matter of fact way, making it clear that it was a belief he stood right behind. Josh’s reaction wasn’t all jealously, it was also a realization. A realization that it had become apparent he was unable to handle.
“So, digest this. You made this happen Josh. You made this bed, and now bro you will lie in it. The ‘kid’ grew up, and either you missed it, or in your elderly state forgot it happened. No matter. One thing I’ll guarantee, you’ll never forget losing to the next United States Champion.”
He salutes the camera, happy that his statement has been made.
“And that’s going to be something that will haunt you forever.”
Scene fades
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29th Jan 2022

Although the Estate Agent was speaking, Owen wasn’t listening to a single word. Selling the house in Newquay has always been a priority for him, and yet now, with him about to hand the keys over, he couldn’t help but have second thoughts. This house held a lot of memories, there was no questioning that, unfortunately most of them involved Orlando, and as such had been tainted, Owen still struggling to come to terms with what he saw as one big lie. But there were other times, fonder memories that he knew once the house was gone, he would soon forget.
Agent: Owen… is everything ok?
The question breaks him from his trance, and he turns to the guy who had been speaking to him for the last five minutes
Owen: Sorry man, miles away. Lot’s on my mind.
Agent: I understand… a house move is one of the most stressful things we go through in our lives. Especially if the house has been in the family for as long as this property has.
Owen: Yeah…
Agent: In my experience it tends to help with the process if you know that the house is going to be looked after, and I assure you that the family that have taken possession of the property will make the most of living here. Plenty of space to grow into and right next to the beach, it certainly is the perfect family home.
Owen: Well, I hope their happy… I know I was.
And he was, and he’d never forget that. It may well have been a lie he was living, but it was filled with laughter for many years.
Owen: Do you mind if I have one final look around the place?
Estate: Of course, I’ll make a few calls whilst you say your goodbyes. Take your time.
The Estate Agent makes his way through the front door, and Owen climbs the stairs, immediately making a beeline for what was his bedroom. In his mind he pictures sitting on his bed, playing FIFA against Shaun, as well as Orlando. Shaun was ok at the game, but Orlando had always been awful, but never seemed to care. Owen turns, and makes his way to the master bedroom, and pictures how it once was, Owen laid in the middle of Kloe and Orlando as they took turns reading parts of the story. Biting his bottom lip, Owen steps out of the bedroom again and makes his way downstairs, and through the kitchen, finding himself in the back garden, walking down towards the gate that he knew would lead to the beach beyond. He opens the gate, but doesn’t step through, and remains on the pathway, looking at the place where he had always built sandcastles, or played football. He closes his eyes, and there clear as a bell is Orlando’s voice, as once again he makes a mess of the simplest of passes.
Owen: Christ you were shit at football…
He turns again, puffing out his cheeks, and stopping at the French Doors he looks back, down the garden, where the swing set remained even though he and Ruby had long since grown out of it. He then steps back into the kitchen and closes the French doors, before then locking them. He then walks through the kitchen and opens the front door, turning and inhaling the smell of the house for the very last time, pausing, before slowly closing the door to. After a deep sigh, he spins around to face the Estate Agent, and holds out the keys to the house.
Agent: All done?
He looks over his house, at the number 21 on the door, and nods his head
Owen: All done
The Agent takes the keys, Owen walking past him and down the pathway.
Agent: Do you have any more questions Owen?
Owen looks up and down the house, in particular the window that was his bedroom, and then shakes his head.
Owen: Nah… just tell the family that I hope they are happy here will you?
Agent: I will Owen, take care.
The Agents phone rings again, and he motions a goodbye, Owen walking through the gate and then turning right, making his way towards where his rental was parked.
He turns, and see’s Dani, a old schoolfriend crossing the road, smiling to greet him.
Owen: Oh hey Dani… good to see you.
Dani: And you… I see you’ve sold the place.
Owen: Yeah, got a really good price for it as well… it’s gone to a good home.
Dani: Is it a family?
Owen: Yeah, kids, a dog… they’ll fit in well around here.
Dani: Yeah, well I hope you’ve warned them that there is a psychopath loose who hangs poor dogs from trees.
Dani was referring to the last time Owen was in Newquay, Owen scorning Maisie Phillips, Shaun’s ex-girlfriend, and her reacting by hanging his dog, Owen barely saving the dog in time, but Owen unable to find proof that she was at fault. Dani tilts her head, placing a hand on his shoulder
Dani: Sorry, I’m sure you didn’t need reminding of that. How is Virgil?
Owen: He’s good, I’m flying him out to Miami once the house is ready. Shaun is looking after him at the moment and he’s having the time of his life playing with Gerrard.
Gerrard was Shaun’s Labrador that he’d had for years now, For some reason, Dani looked concerned.
Dani: You ok Owen? I know what that house meant to you.
Owen: Yeah, I’m alright, it’s only bricks and mortar after all.
Dani: I know, but I always thought it would belong to the Cruze family.
Owen: Perhaps, but I’m not a Cruze anymore so…
He tries to force a grin at his sarcasm, but it falls flat.
Dani: You know what I mean
Owen shrugs his shoulders
Owen: Yeah, sorry… I do. I just thought it would be easier if I didn’t have those memories of Mom and Dad you know? I thought if I sold up, they would disappear.
Dani: And have they?
Owen: No, guess not. But it’s all still a little new. Sure, it will.
Dani: Are you sure that it’s what you want? To forget I mean.
Owen: Forget the lie? Yeah, damn right I do.
Dani: It wasn’t all a lie Owen, and you’re not stupid enough to think otherwise. Better to live with a lie than it is to live with regrets.
Dani for a moment looks away, Owen picking up on something else. He’d know Dani for years and could tell something was wrong.
Owen: Are you OK Dani?
Dani: Not really… my Mum died a few weeks ago.
The statement takes Owen by surprise, and as is the case in these kinds of situations he isn’t immediately sure what to say.
Owen: I’m so sorry… I didn’t even know she was ill.
Dani: No, neither did we until recently. It happened so fast which watching it happen was kind of a Godsend.
Owen: Fuck, and here I am bleating about my problems. Sorry
Dani: It’s OK, you weren’t to know. She didn’t really have time to suffer it happened so fast. I guess it’s the ones that are left behind that do the suffering isn’t it? I mean, you’ve been through it… with your Dad.
Owen: Both of them… which is kinda ironic.
It was a lame joke and Owen knew it. Truth was, he was really trying to hate Orlando, but over time it was getting harder and harder to keep a hold of the animosity towards him. Was he just getting more hardened to the facts, or, as was more likely, was he starting to understand?
Dani: I’ve found the hardest thing to handle is the guilt. Asking yourself if you could have done more, or all the things you’d wish you said but never had the opportunity.
Owen: You getting at something Dani?
Dani: All I’m saying is selling the house, trying to forget… none of it will make the situation any easier. Your Dad passed away, both of them…
Now it is her turn to tell the same lame joke.
Dani: But your Mom Owen, she is still here, and she wants to take away that pain. And no matter what you might think, anything that she did, she didn’t do it to hurt you. In fact, it was exactly the opposite. They may well have got it wrong, but all they were trying to do was protect you. To bring you up so that you became the man you are today. And for many years, that’s precisely what the two of them did. If your Mom died tomorrow, you’d have to live with those feelings forever. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could just let them go?
Owen shrugs his shoulders; thought deep down he knew full well that she was right.
Dani: That reaction tells me that you know I’m right. Go and see her Owen, and instead of shouting, ranting or raving, talk to her. Tell her exactly how you are feeling and put a line through all that has happened and move on.
She points over towards the house.
Dani: Selling the house and all those memories wasn’t ever going to change anything. Putting things right with your Mom, and letting that hate die, THAT will make the difference. And if it doesn’t, then at least you can say you tried.
It was Daisy who had given that advice early on in his recovery, but at that time he could only treat it with disdain, never believing he could find that forgiveness. And so, Daisy had never approached it again, and instead had concentrated on him finding Jennifer, and getting him back to a point where he didn’t let his career go to waste. Even back then, he’d known that Daisy was right, and right now Dani was confirming it. Was his Mom the final piece of the puzzle… the answer to everything.
Owen: I’ll give it another go. And I really am sorry about your Mum, she was an amazing woman.
Dani smiles, with relief more than anything that it seemed like she had gotten through.
Dani: Yeah, she was, but so is your Mom. She’s been through a lot, just like you have.
Owen: I know.
Dani: Just forgive them Owen… it will make your life a whole lot easier.
Owen nods his head, grateful for the advice which seemingly had finally sunk in. Being angry had been tiring, maybe almost a year down the line since he found at the truth, he was able to at last let it go.
Owen: Thanks Dani… has the funeral for your Mum taken place?
Dani: No, it’s in a couple of days.
Owen: Then if it’s ok with you, I’d like to attend and pay my respects.
Dani: Of course… I’d appreciate that
Owen: Then, I’ll see you there. And you’ll get through this, you always were a tough cookie.
Dani: I’ve had to be… but so are you.
With that they part, that final statement ringing in his ears. Owen had taken a lot of crap in his young life, his nickname ‘Calamity Cruze’ testament to that. But rather than be the albatross it once was, he now felt like those hardships were giving him strength. He felt ‘stronger’ than ever before. He felt ready… to finally move on.
15th February 2022
Los Angeles
Owen had taken Dani’s words to heart, and once the funeral had taken place, Owen had promised her that he would go and see his Mother and try to finally put the last twelve months to bed. He had arranged to go and see her in Los Angeles for his birthday and having arrived a few minutes earlier than he had expected, he finds himself in the car sat just around the corner of Kloe’s house, still rehearsing what it was he was going to say. He looks up at the rear-view mirror, looking at himself and even now wondering if it was the right thing to do. Before he can change his mind, he puts the car back into gear, and doesn’t stop again until he arrives at the top of the driveway where he kills the engine. Stepping out the car, he doesn’t even have time to close the door before Kloe steps out of the house to greet him. No words are said, but she holds out her arms, Owen accepting the hug. After a short while they part, Kloe stepping back and giving Owen space.
Kloe: Happy Birthday…
Owen: Thank you.
Kloe: Twenty-two. Wow, I feel old.
Owen: Well…
He smirks, Kloe stepping into the house and Owen following, surprised to see Ruby stood in the hallway.
Owen: Ruby, what you doing here? I thought you would be at uni.
Ruby throws her arms around him, Owen gratefully receiving the hug
Ruby: Wasn’t going to miss my big brothers birthday, was I?
Even though he wasn’t strictly her brother, he certainly didn’t feel like he was anything but. Even so, it was nice to hear her say the words.
Ruby: Anyway, now you’re here, I’ve just got to run a few errands and then I’ll be back so that we can catch up properly. It’ll give you and Mom time to talk.
Obviously, his Mom and Ruby had been talking, but Owen wasn’t bothered
Owen: Sure… gives you time to buy me a massive present as well.
Ruby: Dick… I’ve already bought it.
She sticks her tongue out at him and heads out the front door, Kloe motioning towards the kitchen.
Kloe: Shall we sit in the garden, it’s nice out?
Owen: Yeah ok
Kloe: You got get comfortable and I’ll bring us out some juice.
Owen nods, and heads through the kitchen and out into the back garden, sitting on one of the garden chairs. He moves the parasol slightly to keep the sun from out his eyes, and only has to wait a few moments before Kloe steps out with the drinks.
Kloe: Apple alright?
Owen: That’s fine… just sit Mom.
He didn’t know if she was stalling because on the call Owen had made it clear that he had something to say. But she does sit after passing Owen his drink which he thanks her for.
Kloe: So, have you had anything nice for your birthday?
Owen: Had some nice messages but not really seen anyone but you. I’m going to go round Shaun’s after here, and then Taylors so who knows.
Kloe: I’m sure they will have remembered. Do you want my present now, or do you want to talk first?
Owen: Let’s talk… present after?
Kloe: OK…
She replies with some trepidation, not sure what Owen was about to say
Kloe: So, what did you want to talk about?
Owen takes a deep breath, which concerns Kloe even more. He then quietly starts to speak.
Owen: I’ve been thinking a lot about the situation of late, what you and Dad went through, and how you both had to make some tough decisions. I’ve tried to put myself in your shoes, and although I think I would have dealt with it differently, I understand why you did what you did. Selling the house in Newquay, visiting New York… leaving Los Angeles, it’s given me time to think about everything, what I have lost and what I still have. And the importance of holding on to the people that are still around. I was talking with Dani, and she lost her Mom a few weeks back and I was imagining what that would be like if you passed away, all the regret and anger I would feel. And that’s not what I want Mom. I don’t want there to be any ill feeling between us anymore. It’s time for us both to move on.
Kloe: That’s good to hear Owen.
Owen: I’m not going to be changing my plans or coming back here to live. I still recognize that I need the space in which to grow which I’ll never have unless I stand on my own two feet. But that doesn’t mean to say I have to exclude the family I still have, and pretend like they don’t exist. It’s spiteful, and it’s not the person I want to be.
Kloe: So, you’re saying everything’s OK?
Owen: Yeah, you know what… it’s taken some time and some harsh words, but I think it is.
Kloe gets to her feet and holds out her arms, Owen getting to his and accepting the embrace, this time with a lot more feeling than before. When they part, Kloe wipes away tears, not of sadness but happiness, that finally she had her son back.
Kloe: Then, I guess I should go and get your present.
She walks back into the house and after only a few moments returns, the two of them once again taking a seat. She had over a package, wrapped in birthday paper with a red bow on the top. And then an envelope.
Kloe: Open the envelope first.
Assuming that it’s a card, he rips open the envelope and pulls out the contents which he realizes isn’t a card. Confused he opens it and finds two tickets inside. Opening the tickets his eyes widen…
Owen: Tickets to the World Cup final in Qatar… Mum this is amazing.
Kloe: Hotel and everything is booked, you just need to hope either USA or England get to the final. Had to pull a LOT of strings to make that happen.
He laughs
Owen: Not much chance either of them make the final, but this is brilliant thank you.
Kloe: You’re welcome. Now the other present…
She motions towards it and looks decidedly excited. Usually, Kloe left the best till last, but how could she top World Cup tickets. He rips off the paper, to reveal a scrapbook, he then opens it, the first picture he sees one of him as a baby.
Owen: That’s me… but I don’t get it.
Owen starts flicking through the pages and realizes that it is documenting his life. Cuttings from nursery school, photos from New York and Newquay, all of it is here, some pictures that Owen had never seen before. He reaches the back, the penultimate photo pasted into the book on of Owen and Adam Lucas at the Icon Wrestling School when, dated April 2016, the last photo one of Owen and Orlando stood in front of the school, Orlando with his arm around Owen, that one dated September 2016. Both taken when he would have been sixteen. Seeing that Owen is dwelling on that last photo, Kloe finally speaks.
Kloe: You like it?
Owen: I love it, but why are you giving this to me now?
Kloe: Because that book had nothing to do with me Owen. Orlando started that on the day you were born, and he kept it up all the way till the day he died. Every single newspaper cutting, every single photograph, Orlando pasted into that book.
Owen: Wow, I didn’t know.
Kloe: He wanted to give it to you when you got older, a momentum of how proud he was to have you as a son. See, it didn’t matter that he wasn’t your biological Father, he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, you were always his son just as much as Ruby was his daughter. You only have to look at that last photo to see that.
Owen nods, he could see it alright.
Kloe: Everything he did Owen, he did it for you. Like any Father should…
Owen knew she’d used the word purposely, and he lowers his head, almost with an element of shame.
Kloe: He would be heartbroken that you felt this way about him Owen. I don’t want to upset you, especially after today, but in WAS your Father. In every way bar one.
Owen: I know…
He brings up his hand to wipe away a tear but isn’t quick enough, and it drops onto the scrapbook, and in particular the photo. Owen wipes it away with the back of his jacket, before looking back towards his Mother.
Owen: I miss him Mom.
Kloe: I know you do; we all do. And if he was here, he’d tell you the exact same thing I have, but in his own eloquent way. Don’t hate him Owen, we were only doing what we thought was best. If he is looking over us now, all he’d ever want is your forgiveness. Do you think you can do that?
He nods, his bottom lip quivering with emotion.
Kloe: Biological or not, I see him in you every day. Nothing changes that.
They hug again, Owen doing his best to contain his emotions but failing. It had been a long hard journey, but finally he felt like he had arrived at his destination, ready to get off this train he had endured for the last twelve months. Where he went from here, he wasn’t sure, but what he did know was that it felt better with BOTH his parents beside him, whether that be physically, or in his memories and thoughts. They part, and Kloe wipes Owen’s glistening eye with her finger.
Kloe: So…cake?
Owen: You got me a cake?
Kloe: Oh, come on, when have I ever let you down when it comes to cake? I’ll call Ruby and tell her it’s safe to come home.
Owen smiles, nodding his agreement
Kloe: Oh, and Owen… thank you.
Owen: What for?
Kloe: Understanding
Owen opens his mouth to say something but decides this time that words weren’t required. Both knew exactly what the other was thinking so there was no need for words to be said. After placing a hand on Owen’s shoulder, Kloe heads into the kitchen, the camera focusing on Owen. A contented smile forms on his face, as the scene slowly fades.
29th April 2022
The scene opens with Owen on his rear patio area at night, the area illuminated by the lighting that he had only just recently installed. He wasn’t big on DIY, but this set up was probably one of his proudest DIY moments and sat under the lights gives the situation a certain ambience. Over his shoulders we see the ocean, and on the horizon several boats bob on the water, the owners either just say with a beer enjoying the moment or engaging in some night fishing. Peaceful would be a good word to describe what we see, and Owen raises a bottle of beer to acknowledge the cameras presence. He then clears his voice, and he starts to speak.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot since I delivered my first promo yesterday that was focused solely on Josh Hudson. When I returned at the End of Year Special, I’d love to be able to sit here and tell you all that I knew that from there it was going to be plain sailing. Truth be told, I didn’t have the first clue how it was going to pan out. I’m not just talking about results either… when I stood in that ring prior, explaining my actions and why I choose to target the Jackals, I always had a thought process in the back of my mind that I was going to be booed out of the arena for everything that I did. Thankfully, it didn’t turn out that way. I want to take this opportunity to thank you, the SCW ‘universe’ I guess we call it, for giving me this second chance at a career that I always wanted, even during those dark times when I lost my mind. None of you had to forgive me, but the majority certainly have, and I could never express how much I appreciate that. The results will look after themselves whether successful or not, but you can never take support for granted. I’m happy that even if I know I still have a way to go, and so much more I still need to prove, that I’m being given the opportunity to make good on everything I did to this company. It’s nice to know that even though so many bridges were burnt, they can be rebuilt… stronger than ever before, if you really stand behind your beliefs. I lost my way, there is no denying it. When I retire, leaving my boot prints on Olek’s chest will be one of my greatest regrets, something that there will be some that always remember me for, and I accept that. People pay their money, and so therefore have every right to make their choice. And although I know that there will never be a point when everyone has forgiven me, I’ll never stop trying. There is a massive different between the Owen that won the World Championship at the age of nineteen, and the guy that sits before you today. A whole world of difference. And although it was a tough period in my life, a period that without others who know who they are, I wouldn’t have been able to emerge from it. I’m the person I am now because of it. Tougher, stronger, more aware of myself and who I am. My own person, more capable of handling whatever this industry can throw at me.
But this is a results game, of course it is. For example, although Josh Hudson’s reputation precedes him wherever he goes, his career has ultimately been a success. I think we all know that even the world’s biggest asshole can become the SCW World Champion. You don’t have to be a nice guy, or kiss babies to succeed, and perhaps I didn’t understand that before. There is always going to be a time when you have no choice but to stand up for yourself, and until recently I couldn’t do that. In my eyes, being a champion, there is a responsibility to do what is right, but my opinion isn’t the only one. So even if you raise hell wherever you go, disrespect this company at every turn… if you’re talented, you’ll always find your way to success. You don’t achieve those goals by being a dick, although cheap shots along the way can help, of course it can. But it’s illogical to say anything else except wins equal another step up that ladder. Many wins, well they equal title shots.
Why do I feel the need to explain this?
Well, it would have been all well and good having people believe in me again, and the path I was now travelling. It would still have been great having people trust me again, just like Asher was going to trust me at Tactical Warfare. But if I would have lost every match since I returned, and had my ass handed to me every single week, would Asher have chosen me to be a part of his team because now I could be trusted? Perhaps. But the primary reason why Asher came to me was because since I returned to Supreme Championship Wrestling?
I’ve been kicking ass. It really is as simple as that.
Drake Hemingway was sent to do the Jackals bidding, and failed, and was soon eradicated from the SCW’s landscape. Polly got her knickers in a twist, got distracted and fell by the wayside, a common theme in her career, no matter which guise she presents herself. She could be my opponent in the next round, is there any doubt that result will be playing on her mind. Kandis, well she’s proven how good she is at this stage in her career, and simply put, I wasn’t ready for that standard. But Derek Adonis, a former Champion, didn’t have what it took to defeat this new and improved Owen Lee. Alexis Quinne was perhaps a turning point, the moment where all I learned seemed to click together. Sammy Thomas Davies, an inevitability thanks to him needing to do his ‘masters’ bidding. Konrad Raab, a current champion not able to keep up with the pace… my skills more than enough to put him away, predictably. SIX victories. ONE defeat. The common theme, on all but one occasion I have put away whoever I have faced, and even that defeat could have ended in a different way. It was lost by the narrowest of margins.”
He takes a sip from the bottle and wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve.
“But I look at those names, and barring perhaps two people, these are names that I HAD to beat you prove that I hadn’t been sat on my ass during my hiatus and I had in fact grown stronger over the course of that time. Without those wins, this return would have fallen flat, no question. Five of those names, and I exclude both Kandis and Alexis now, were all fighting to break through that ceiling and climb their way up the ladder, even Konrad, and I couldn’t let them stay above me. I WAS Main Event when I left this company, I’m not sure anyone could deny that as I’d just come runner up in Taking Hold of the Flame. So, with the greatest of respect for them, and ring rust or not, I had to ensure that I didn’t lose. I knew I was running the risk of just like those individuals, being lost in the shuffle. The belief people had in me again as a person, would have been ruined if I’d not put in those performances, bettering myself every time. EVERY match I have had so far, I feel like I have proven something. Whether it’s taking it to those disrespectful or beating someone on the same path. Even going as far as I can beat a current champion here in this company, regardless of the environment they place me in. I’ve been there, front and center. All a part of a process. A process that was always designed to bring me right here.”
He pauses for a moment to compose his thoughts. The preliminaries over, it was time to deal with the crux of the matter.
“Again, I will exclude you Kandis because you’ve shown the world precisely what you are capable of, and whether I like you or not, I respect that. The fact you were going to face Selena Frost is proof positive that right now, you are one of the biggest names in SCW, and considering where you once were, that is quite the achievement. I wish you well in your recovery, but the truth is, regardless of whether Konrad holds the Underground title or not, and even though he is a champion, my next opponent IS a massive step up. Because he IS one of the most technical proficient wrestlers in the world. There is no doubting that, nor would I ever.”
Once again, he pauses, lowering his head before bringing his eyes back to the camera.
“But that could be said for six others who will all have their eyes on the exact same prize at Holly-Wood of the South could it not? Some even call themselves the ‘Best Wrestler in the World’ so that says it all doesn’t it? Some of you are huge names in this industry that have seen and done it all, but none of you are guaranteed the title, no matter what I have to endure at the hands of Josh Hudson. No-one will get to the semi-finals and beyond fresh as a daisy. Everyone single one of us is going to have to dig deep to get anywhere near close to that belt. Gavin and Alexis… Gavin already had a taste of what Alexis can do last week. Glory and Tsunami is going to be a knock down, drag out affair no matter how much you hype it up. Amelia and Polly, Amelia trained by Glory, Polly as determined as I’ve ever seen her. Neither will be fresh as a daisy, as neither will Josh or I. None of them are givens, all will be hard fought. Whoever wins the United States title on that night WILL have earned it, of that there is no question. It could all come down to who wrestles the least. But are you all built to go through three matches in one night to seal the deal? I won’t answer for you, but I will for myself. The answer being categorically, and undeniably that I am. Is Josh Hudson, in his forties capable of wrestling three matches at 100% when he’s going to have to put himself on fast forward to keep up with me? Is Tsunami able to suck up enough oxygen to fill his huge body for what could be over an hour of competitive action, or will he be nothing more than a tired-out lummox after each round? Are Amelia Stone, or indeed Polly Playtime anywhere near the level of experience required to map your way through this minefield, ensuring that you always have something left for the next one. Will Gavin Taylor have enough left after trying to keep up with Alexis Quinne to then knock over Tsunami or Glory Braddock if that’s the way it pans out. And will Alexis manage to wrestle three matches without making the critical mistakes that have cost her recently? And finally, can Josh Hudson compete without losing his shit?”
He affords himself a smirk at the last one.
“Lots and lots of questions, too many in fact, and of course… there are similar allegations that could be thrown at me. Is my night going to be over whether I win or lose to Josh, having expended too much energy to continue? Can someone of my size use my skillset to take down a monster such as Tsunami when power wrestlers have always been my weakness? Right now, I can only surmise, but if I was to hazard a guess, I’d say that NOW, yes, I can. Before, I would have come up short because don’t forget, this is a man who WON Tactical Warfare in a match that defined the SCW’s future forever. Make sure you understand; I am a man who has never under-achieved in Taking Hold of the Flame and has always either been the Iron Man or come top ten, stamina and Endurance may has well have been my middle name. End of Year Battle Royal, yes that one Alexis… completed it. Just last year, second to Ace Marshal at the biggest and baddest of Battle Royales and by the width of a gnat’s testicle. Before my previous tenure endured, I was the child prodigy renowned for being able to wrestle forever. But now, I am even stronger, faster, BETTER. When I beat Josh, I’ll be ready for whoever. I beat them, I’ll be ready for the finals. I reference the theme song as I did in my previous promos, I’ve been preparing for this moment for years, and now it’s here I am NOT going to let it pass me by. Twenty minutes, Sixty, Hundred and Twenty… I’m prepared to go the distance. MORE prepared than I have ever been in my life. Undisputable”
His eyes narrow, and for perhaps the first time he shows the emotion that is bubbling within.
“How can I say that so confidently? I’ll tell you. Before, I was highly trained in this industry. I had, for my age at least, an excellent understanding of how to wrestle, and how to utilize the talents I’d been given. I’m not the biggest, I never will be, but it was all about wrestling smart, going high and using my speed whenever I could. Sometimes it worked, no question. I came close, so very close to becoming everything Orlando and Shaun thought I could, but always in the back of my mind was the belief that something was missing, the ‘X-Factor’ that could make all the difference.
The Slaughterhouse gave me that.
Josh can take the piss out of our relationship and claim that there is something else there, and yeah maybe he’ll get a cheap laugh here and there like a poor episode of Comedy Central. But the fact is, in that slaughterhouse and thanks to Daisy and Rachel, I learned the ‘dark arts’ required to help me succeed. They taught me techniques that before I couldn’t possibly have ever understood, techniques that have seen me put down people much bigger than myself. The Cruze mentality has always had a certain persistence, and ability to ignore pain and bounce back. But now that has been enhanced, and then some. And just like my first year, when I first burst onto the scene, nobody bar Kandis has recognized that. For some reason, once again I have become an unknown quantity. And the seven of you still don’t get that. Kandis beat me before she understood...”
He grins, winking at the camera.
“The seven of you won’t… because you don’t.”
He shakes head.
“Because not one of you will focus on what matters. Who I am.? Right now.”
He takes this moment to take another drink, looking up at the sunshine and adjusting his shades. He turns back to the camera, and apparently more relaxed continues.
“So, Polly, if you want to go ahead and make the same misconceptions that you did before, be my guest, but believe me when I say this, Amelia is thinking the EXACT same things I did when I faced you, and will no doubt be looking for the same result.
Climbing that ladder
Gavin, you got the shitty end of the stick, because you’re facing Alexis, and you’ll no doubt discount her just like you discount everyone, and she wants this bro… I can see it in her eyes, the desire that burns to climb that ladder once again. And she, like me, is going to take some stopping.
Determination on an entirely different level
Tsunami… you’re a beast bro, a powerhouse in every way, but can you take out the ‘Best in the World’ and then still have enough to go again… twice? And Glory, will there be anything left after facing someone known for taking individuals out? Can even the very ‘best’ withstand that amount of punishment?”
He shrugs his shoulders again, very aware of the many variables in play, and there being very little doubt that there were no guarantees.  
“As you can no doubt tell, I’m backing myself at the PPV. And not because the seven of you are in anyway less deserving of being United States Champion, or less talented to be able to carry a belt of that stature. Because each of you are. The main reason is, I feel like my return and consequent matches have brought me to this point, where I am on the verge of once again becoming a champion, and this time being mature enough to carry that honor. I look at the seven of you and I see heart, desire and determination in each and every one of you, but none of you are Owen Lee.
And some of you will be glad of that fact.
Listening to you Josh, I know you are, it’s undeniable. After all, who wants to be a whiny little kid huh? Who wants to be the guy who pissed all over this company and what it had given him? But there’s the thing, I’m not that person anymore. I’m more than capable of winning this tournament, and you know the biggest take away for you all, it wouldn’t be a shock for anyone. People are giving me props again guys because I’ve earned them. I’m in this United States Championship tournament because I earned it. Call foul all you want, make your claims of it being a handout from Shaun. Heck wax lyrically about all I did OVER A YEAR AGO if it makes you all feel better and gives you something to say
Don’t care.
All I care about is winning. Not for the seven of you, but for those people that matter, everyone that right now is taking in what I have to say. All those that stood by me and didn’t just discard me to the trash like so many. I want them to know that they backed the right horse, and that after all the trials and tribulations that are now firmly in the past, I am ready to take on the World. And I’m going to do precisely that, by becoming the United States Champion.”
He gets to his feet and looks out over the ocean, resting his elbows on the fence separating his garden from the beach and the sea beyond. The camera pans around to the side of him and he turns his head only to face it.
“So, before I go, let me give you one last morsel to digest. All of this…”
He holds his arms outstretched for a moment.
“It’s only words and more than most I am aware of that. To make a statement, you don’t do it here in front of a camera in your backyard, you do it between those ring ropes where legends like Josh Hudson, and Glory Braddock were made. I’m not asking anyone to take my word for it this weekend. I’m not even asking anyone to believe a word that has passed my lips. What I am asking is that when this tournament is over, and even with the talent involved. I STILL emerge as the US Champion; you remember all the words that came before. When I show you the truth, please I beg of you, never, ever adopt such a lazy approach ever again because hanging onto the past is nothing more than a fool’s errand. I learned that the hard way. Letting go of the past, turned me into the man I am today.
And ultimately more prepared than ever before.
This is the moment I have worked for. My career finally resurrected in front of the eyes of the world. The sole judge and jury. No pressure of legacy, no dread. Only excitement... and it’s feels good.”
He smiles, keeping all those emotions he was now feeling bottled up and away from the eyes of the world.
“Championship worthy in fact.”
With that Owen winks at the camera and gives his trademark salute before making his way into the house. He then turns and smiles once more before turning off the patio lights plunging us into darkness.
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Good luck once again

[Image: HUDSONnew-BANNER.jpg]
Josh Hudson Career Accomplishments
2024 Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2023 Feud and Match of the Year
2022 Feud and Match of the Year
2018 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
2013 SCW Hall of Fame
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(3x)
SCW United States Champion(3x)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW Tag Team Champion(2x)
2008 Tag Team of the Year award(Josh Hudson & Justin Davis)
Conquered Tactical Warfare 2010
HCCW World Heavyweight Champion (4x)
HCCW World Television Champion (1x)
HCCW United States Champion (1x)
XWE InterContinental Champion (1x)
XWE World Tag Team Champion (3x)
IWC World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
EAPW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
TNW World Heavyweight Champion(1x)
WWA United States Champion(1x)
Ended Xander Valentine's 25 Match Winning Streak (2005)

[Image: REEDnew-BANNER.jpg]
Scott Reed Career Accomplishments
SCW Television Champion(2x)

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