Syren vs. Katie Steward
Katie Steward may want her World Tag Team Championship shot but she’ll need to deal with a hold over from her past actions when she, Gigi Steward and TJ Johnson attacked Syren three weeks ago. Two former World Championship clash here on Breakdown.

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

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I love AJ Allmendinger.
First RP for the week. CD only.


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The Syren Song: Verse 355
“Um, surprised? No shit”
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Double posted*
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SCW El Diabla | Katie Steward | "Goddess Supernatural: Seeking Power"

 Los Angeles, California at Autumn Daniels little shop that she owns. It’s a slightly popular place for the residents of the city that take up an interest in spiritual practices and stuff. Autumn stands behind the counter and leans up against it as she reads a book while waiting to ring up a customer. The door of the shop opens and a bell is heard ringing letting Autumn know a customer came into the shop. The young woman customer walks over to the counter where Autumn is. Autumn sets her book aside and looks at the customer.

“Hi, how can I help you?” Autumn asks the customer.

“Hey Autumn, it’s me, Maddy.” The customer tells Autumn and Autumn has no reaction to it.

“Maddy Steward. I’m Gigi’s friend. Gigi is Katie’s daughter…” Maddy tries explaining to Autumn and again no reaction from Autumn knowing her.

“Seriously?” Maddy blurts out in frustration to Autumn not knowing her.

“I’m sorry. Like with everything that revolves around Katie. It’s all mostly a blur.” Autumn explains to Maddy hoping she’ll understand. “Anyways what to you need?” Autumn asks her customer.

“I need some help. Do you have anything on Goddesses?” Maddy asks Autumn her question hoping she’ll have answers for her.

“Goddesses? Shouldn’t you be asking Katie about this? She has every book ever written about Women, Goddesses and inner empowerment.” Autumn says to Maddy. She’s a bit confused on why she’d come to her.
“No. I’m not looking to find my Inner Goddess. I want to know how to beat a Goddess. The Goddess hurt Gigi and I couldn’t do anything to help her. I can’t have that ever happening again. I need to be stronger. I need your help.” Maddy pleads with Autumn for anything that’ll help her.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re asking me. Katie has taken some losses, but she’s always bounced back. No one ever figured a way to keep her down and I don’t think there is a way to keep a Goddess down. Aside from maybe becoming a Supreme Court Justice. So maybe focus on a political career? Maybe?” Autumn quips with Maddy as she doesn’t have a solid answer for her.

“Thanks anyways for the help, Autumn. I’m glad you’ve given me time to talk with you.” Maddy thanks Autumn for doing her best to help her and then turns around and leaves the shop and continues her search in trying to become stronger for Gigi.

At Katie’s home in Los Angeles, California TJ Johnson arrives and walks into the house. He looks for Katie inside.

“Katie, are you home? I’m here. What’s the plan?” TJ calls out to Katie trying to alert her, but he doesn’t get an answer.

TJ wanders through the house looking for her. He walks into another room where Paris Dannon is sitting on the couch. TJ jumps back in fear for his life and ducks out of the room. TJ crawls around on the floor and takes cover behind the wall. He gets close to the doorway and peaks into the room and looks at Paris. Paris just sits in the room by herself and doesn’t even look at him. TJ stands up and walks back into the room. He checks on Paris who is just sitting there like a zombie.

“Paris? Are you alright?” TJ says with some concern.

“TJ.” TJ spins around to Katie who just walked into the room.

“Katie, what did you do to her? She’s quiet and not insulting me.” TJ tells Katie accusing her of doing something with Paris.

“I had to do something. She wasn’t listening to me and attacking me. I had no choice.” Katie explains her actions to TJ.

“So you did what to her to turn her like this?” TJ told Katie what it was that she did.

“I did what I had to do. I summoned my Horsewoman back to me. I needed my horsewomen back. The Queensblade has given me the power back. I have my Brats back. It feels so good again.” Katie gets a little emotional having her Brat family back together again.

“But Katie, Robin and Paris are lifeless zombies. You have to see what the Queensblade done to them.” TJ tries reasoning with Katie to make her see what the Queensblade is doing.

“I know what it’s doing, TJ. It killed me seeing what it did to Katelyn, but she’s given herself to my cause and I won’t fail her. I won’t fail my horsewomen. We are stronger together and together we will get what we deserve. You just don’t understand the power of my blade.” Katie continues explaining herself to TJ.

“So are you going to put me under its spell too?” TJ questions Katie’s actions.

“Oh TJ, the Queensblade doesn’t care about you. You’re a man. It’s a Goddesses weapon.” Katie laughs at TJ's ridiculous question. Like seriously.

“See that’s what I’m talking about. This is all really weird now. You set her perfectly to insult me and nothing.” TJ tells Katie as he looks at Paris who is still just sitting there.

“TJ.” Katie gets closer to him and holds up her hand to his face. “You trust me, right. To know what I am doing. This is all for the greater good.” Katie tells TJ while petting the side of his head.

“Yes. I trust you Katie.”TJ lowers his head and nods understandingly.

“Good, because I am the Goddess.” Katie releases TJ and turns away leaving the room. “The one and only. The one that’s not taking any more B.S. from anyone ever again. I am taking my power back and then some…” Katie is still heard out through her home continuing to talk about herself. TJ turns to Paris and still creeps out as he leaves the room.

The Halls of Reflection, Katie Steward lays down on the steps of the altar in the center of the room where the Queensblade rests. Katie’s arm is resting on the top step as she holds SCW licensed action figures in her hands. One hand has Gavin Taylor figure and the other hand Syren and Katie begin to put out a performance only she can pull off.

“My Goddess, can you believe that woman? Who does she think she is? She just shows up on Breakdown and tries starting shit.” Katie moving the Syren figure on the ground.

“She just thinks its all about her. The nerve of that woman. There are other people more deserving than her. What an egotistical bitch.” Katie moves the Syren figure across the ground, walking it past the Gavin figure.
“You’re right. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Hey, I just had a thought. I know it surprised me too, but how about we have a 30 minute match at Rise to Greatness. That’s what everyone wants to see. The two of us for 30 minutes.” Katie moves the Gavin figure around as she speaks in a heavy, but squeezer voice.

“I… LOVE… it! That’s an amazing idea. It’ll be the match of the year. We’ll get 10 Stars on Melt Man’s rating on Youtube.” Katie lays both figures down on the ground as she looks a bit disgusted. “Eww. Youtube Creator. That has to be like just barely edging out clowns on the entertainment spectrum.” Katie still looks sick and she looks at the figurines.

“Oh my Goddess, I dislike them so much. Critics are the worst. How did they not know?” Katie brushes the figures off to the side. Katie picks herself up off the steps of the altar and walks around the room circling the Queensblade.

“I make my return. I go out and have a chat with Syren. She of course is untrustworthy of me for our past and I understand that. We always have unfinished business of some sort. Gavin sticks his nose into women’s business and I’ve dealt with that. Then shockingly again upstages me last week by the two of them accepting a match for Rise to Greatness. They try so hard, but I still will not go away. Even if I did I’ll still be stuck in their heads and after I finish with what I am set out to do I will never leave their heads. Syren can go and attempt to do whatever at Rise to Greatness that she and Gavin would think would be a show stealer, but Breakdown Katie Steward will continue to put out the best performance. No need for 30 minutes. I could do what anybody can and while I’m not the favorite of their favorites. They can’t stop me.” Katie takes a breath. She throws her head back and glances at the Queensblade floating in the center of the room.

“It’s something I really need to thank them for. Not that they’ll listen to me or take me seriously, but it was a bit of a humble experience in realizing chasing internet opinions and made up stuff based on neckbeard influencers was no way to live out a career. There is no problem waiting for it…” Katie glances over at the figures on the ground by the altar. “But, then you’ll fall prey and start believing in the wrong ideals. Now instead of that, I am going to compete against Syren on Breakdown and do what I do best. Continue with our past animosity and if she falls to my Queensblade. More power to me.” Katie licks her lips a bit, tasting sweet victory in sight. She is once again ready to go into battle against one of her many nemesis’.
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Was going to do CD for this, but by the time I'd written the promo, there wasn't too many words left for a second CD.


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Vs. Katie Steward
[Image: syren2021.png]

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