Deanna Frost vs. La Pequena Luz vs. Kimberly Williams vs. Adam Allocco
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, July 6, 2023
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
1 of 2

July 1st, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Rise To Greatness is fast approaching and “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Willaims still does not know what she will be doing for SCW’s biggest event of the year. That fact doesn’t bother her too much, because she still has her most prized possession; the SCW Underground Championship. Kimberly can safely assume that whatever she will be doing at Rise To Greatness XX, it will involve her representing the Underground as its champion for a second straight year. Before Rise To Greatness, SCW Breakdown will roll into Cleveland, Ohio. There Kim will be facing the challenge of three opponents; all of whom are very familiar to the self-proclaimed Queen of the Death Match. First is Adam Allocco, Kim’s former Trios Partner. Next, one half of Light in the Darkness, La Pequina Luz, whom Kim has already defended the SCW Underground Championship against once already. Lastly in this four way is Deanna Frost, with whom Kimberly has a deep history with that goes back almost two years when she challenged Deanna’s wife Selena Frost for the SCW World Title in the Double Jeopardy Match and then last year at Rise To Greatness Kim defended her Underground Title against Deanna Frost. But a lot has changed since then and Kimberly is definitely not the same person she was back then. She has grown wiser and, in the view of many, become tougher. Since regaining her Underground Championship she has defended it successfully against La Pequina Luz, Kelsai Adamson, and Magical Cosmic Princess Yuyo. She also went for over an hour and a half in Taking Hold of the Flame. Kimberly has already built up plenty of momentum heading into the history Rise To Greatness event. Defeating the likes of Luz, Frost, and Allocco would just further cement her spot heading into this fantastic event.

Still, the upcoming Rise To Greatness festivities are the least of Kimberly’s concerns. She is still worried about the status of her nephew, Sean Connor Jones. Over the last several months, Kim and her twin sister, Sean’s mother Marie Jones, have noticed the behavioral changes in Sean. He had been skipping school, he let his grades suffer, he began to bully other kids, and get into a fight. Worst of them all, he broke into the school and vandalized it. Eventually Kim and Marie learned that Sean was being influenced by his new friends, Kyle, Max, and Jackson. Those three are beyond just simple schoolyard bullies; they are downright juvenile miscreants in the eyes of school officials. Kim cannot help but agree, especially when she learned from Sean himself that Kyle, Max, and Jackson put him up to everything, how they broke into the school with him to vandalize it. In fact, everything perpetrated has been their idea. Sean has just been brought along for the ride. It is the age old story of wanting to impress the kids that are either popular, feared, or a little bit of both. In the case of Kyle, Jackson, and Max, those three are just mostly feared as opposed to popular and Sean preferred to stay on their good side, especially when they started taking a liking to him. Unfortunately, their actions have been downright criminal and they pushed Sean over the line from childishness to criminal intent and all four of them were caught red handed. The difference between Sean and the other three is that he has no record. He had no history of problems. And authorities were willing to let it stay that way if and only if Sean was willing to cooperate with the authorities.

For every action there is a consequence. Sean’s actions got him in trouble with the law but his cooperation perhaps could get him back on track and save him from having a permanent record. Yet in cooperating with authorities, Sean has also apparently incurred the wrath of his now former friends Kyle, Jackson, and Max. Kimberly picked Sean up from school and noticed his black eye and bruised face. It didn’t take much of an interrogation from Kimberly to figure out that the bullies were taking their frustration out on Sean, the apparent snitch of the group.

“I’m gonna kill ‘em!” Kim says angrily as she paces the floor of her twin sister’s living room, dressed in a goth style purple plaid mini dress and black flats. A look of pure rage is etched across her face. Or instead of rage the preferred term could be righteous indignation? Kim is deeply loyal to her family and feels especially protective of her nephew. The fact that these three kids not only have been a bad influence upon him but are now assaulting him for apparently “snitching” on them has made The Woman Scorned very angry. She would do just about anything to protect Sean. It’s just up to Kim’s sister Marie to make sure that “anything” doesn’t mean going outside the boundaries of the law. This is why Marie Jones, Kim’s twin sister who sits on the cream colored plush leather sofa, wearing a black pencil skirt, black patent leather high heel pumps, and a red silk blouse, is watching Kimberly very closely and very carefully.

“Look, let the authorities handle it.”

“Oh like how they’ve handled it sooooo nicely thus far? How often has my nephew come in from school with a black eye?”

“I know its a lot, but…

“The evidence is there, Marie. He’s getting beat up on a regular basis because he was a snitch. We knew this would happen!”

“But he had no choice, Kim!” Marie exclaims. She motions for her sister to sit down next to her on the sofa. Kim reluctantly does agree to sit down. Marie sighs deeply and shakes her head. “If he stayed loyal to them, if he didn’t ‘snitch’ as you put it, he would have gotten charged. It would have gone on his record. At least now he’s still clean.”

“I get it, sis, he had no choice. But at least they could have protected him from those three clowns. Instead they forced Sean to go to summer school along with them!” Kim says indignantly. Marie again sighs.

“It’s frustrating, I get it, but once again Sean had little choice in the matter. His grades were so low that he had to go to summer school to make up for it.”

“Which puts him in danger of being assaulted on a daily basis by those idiots.”

“I’m sorry, Kim. But there’s very little we can do.”

“Oh there’s plenty we can do.” She smirks devilishly. “Rather, there’s plenty I can do.”

“No way.” Marie shakes her vehemently. “Out of the question.”

“Oh and why not?” Kim says, folding her arms over her chest and pouting like an upset, disappointed child.

“Because my son is in enough trouble as it is. I don’t need to deal with you getting into trouble as well.”

“Trouble?” Kim scoffs. “I spent years in a mental asylum. I’d be fine.”

“Exactly. You have spent time…most importantly, everyone knows WHY you spent time. Everyone knows what you have done. Those that don’t know at least have an understanding of how dangerous you can be just from watching you on SCW.”

“Which is why you should let me put the fear of Kim in those three clowns who are assaulting my nephew!”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims. “Listen to yourself! You are losing control!”

“And what’s wrong with losing control?” Kim asks curiously. “It isn’t like we’ve really had much control over this situation from the beginning.”

“Kim, I know how much Sean means to you. And I know how much you want to help. But think for a second, think about your own reputation and your own career. You have worked so damn hard since getting released from the mental ward to proving yourself, to making a name for yourself. Sure, there have been bumps in the road where you had setbacks. There have been times where your lost control for a moment and it seemed to the world as if you were regressing. But you would just fight back harder than before and prove yourself once again. Now look at you, you are a four time SCW Underground Champion and one of the most popular wrestlers in SCW. But you will throw all of that way if you decide to take the law into your own hands.”

The Woman Scorned remains quiet as she leans back against the middle cushion of the sofa. She lets out a long, disappointed sigh and nods her head. She realizes that her identical twin sister is right. She doesn’t want to admit it, but Marie is right. Kimberly would so love to teach those three bullies a thing or two in her own twisted way. Unfortunately in doing so Kim would put her own life at stake. If anyone got word that Kim was utilizing her own brand of vigilante justice in the world, the progress she’s made in SCW to prove to the locker room that even though she is crazy she is still dependable would all be lost. Worse still, she may end up fired or in trouble with the law herself. That is certainly not how she wants to make an impression heading into Rise To Greatness. Besides, with Rise To Greatness coming up she does need to maintain her conditioning. She needs to remain in top form. Breakdown in Cleveland is just the chance to do that. The Woman Scorned will be facing three of the best talents in SCW today; two new, up and coming talents and one SCW mainstay and former World Champion.

“I hate it when you’re right.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “I suppose I could find something else to keep me entertained.” She smiles as she holds up three fingers. “Maybe three things!”

“Good idea.” Marie says with a sense of relief as it seems like her twin sister is moving on, finally. “You do have a four way match at Breakdown. You have history with all three of your opponents, but one of them holds a victory over you.”

“A victory that I got back!” Kim sits straight up with a look of indignity on her face.

“Yes, but you didn’t pin or make Deanna Frost submit to win back that title.”

“A win is a win and that’s all that matters.” Kim says as she begins pouting again. Marie chuckles softly. She pats Kim on the back gently.

“I’m just teasing. But you DO have good motivation to face all of them. But the biggest motivator of them all is to show that you are the woman to beat at Rise To Greatness.”

Kim opens her mouth to respond when she hears the front door open. This can only mean the arrival of Sean Connor Jones. Kim and Marie turn to watch and see if Sean enters the living room. Instead they hear footsteps going up the staircase. Then they hear his door shut behind him. Kim turns her attention back to Marie.

“How is he doing?”

“As well as can be expected, under the circumstances. He’s having to attend summer school to make up for his bad grades. He’s under constant threat from those bullies. But on the bright side the authorities did live up to their promise.”

“Sean’s record is clean?” Kim asks for confirmation. Marie nods her head.

“Yes. This would have been his first offense of…well…any kind of law. He’s always been good and since the Jones family is rather prominent here in Massachusetts they were more than happy to cut a deal. I’m just grateful that they lived up to their word.”

“Sean’s lucky.” Kim points out. “Not every kid like him gets that kinda chance.”

“It does pay to be a Jones sometimes.”

“Yeah, but that last name isn’t helping him against those jackasses who corrupted him, influenced him, and got him into this mess.”

“Now calm down, Kim.” Marie states. “Remember what we discussed.”

“Don’t worry, I’m calm. I won’t maim anyone. But can I at least go talk to the kiddo?” Kim asks. Marie nods her head.

“Sure, go right ahead. I’m sure he’d love to see his favorite aunt.”

Now that definitely sounds like a good idea. Kimberly gives her sister a big hug before rising up off of the sofa. Kim then begins to make her way through the living room and out into the hall. She rounds a corner and immediately finds the staircase. Williams ascends the staircase quickly until she gets to the top. The Woman Scorned heads straight for her nephew’s room. She finds it unlocked and thus easily pushes it open. Kim steps inside and finds her nephew lying on his side, his back towards her. Kim smirks knowingly.

“I like how you’re pretending to be asleep, kiddo.” After hearing these words from his aunt, Sean turns around to face her. Kim looks at Sean and notices the black eye. She motions towards it. “You got another black eye today?”


“Not even gonna try to lie about it, huh?” Kim approaches his bed. She sits down on the edge of it. Sean shakes his head.

“What would be the point? You and mom know everything that’s going on.”

“This is true. But how are you handling it?”

“Not good, Aunt Kim. I’m nervous every day I have to go to school. I’m worried about facing Kyle, Max, and Jackson.”

“From the looks of that shiner you have a reason to be nervous. What is the school doing about it?”

“Not much.” Sean says, shaking his head.

“Just remember, kiddo, its ok to fight back. It is always ok to defend yourself. If these clowns come after you, go after them just as hard. I mean, I can teach you a few moves if you want.”

“That’d be great, Aunt Kim!” Sean says. He seems to perk up, seems to be happy even, for just a split second. But then a look of disappointment washes over him. “Oh but what’s the use? It won’t do any good.”

“Is that a knock on my wrestling ability?” Kim asks. “I can maim another human being in very creative fashion. Those kinds of skills will work perfectly for what you’re dealing with.”

“Maybe, but it would still be three on one. Those odds are insurmountable even for you, Aunt Kim. Besides…”

“Besides what?” Kim asks. She senses that there is more that Sean wants to say. Unfortunately he tries to remain tight lipped. He shakes his head.

“Nothing.” He quickly lays back down on the bed.

“Oh it doesn’t work like that, kiddo.” Kim says grinning from ear to ear. “You already said too much. Spill the beans.” Kim lies down on the bed, her eyes are locked onto Sean’s. She has a creepy grin on her face which makes Sean break.

“Oh…ok. But promise you won’t tell my mom.”

“You think I would lie to my own flesh and blood? You think I would keep something important from my sister?” Kim sits up, as does Sean.


“Right, ok, you got me. I can and will keep secrets from your mother…if they are worth keeping. Now spill…what’s up with you, kiddo?”

“Well…” there is a long pause, it is obvious that Sean is still hesitant to say anything, even to Kim, but eventually he does talk “ know Kyle, Jackson, and Max have been attacking me at school lately. Its all been about making me pay for being a snitch.”

“Snitches get stitches.” Kim points out. Sean nods his head.

“Now I know where that phrase comes from. Anyway, today was different…” his voice trails off.

“How so? What did they want?”

“Kyle suggested that…uh…”

“What? What did this idiot Kyle suggest?”

“He wants to meet later this evening. He says he wants to settle the matter once and for all.”

“Well that certainly sounds ominous now doesn’t it?” Kim says sarcastically. “Your pal Kyle is a real piece of work.”

“I’m sure Jackson and Max will be there with him. At school there are teachers and other officials to stop them. But this will be after hours. No one around to stop them.”

“Are you planning to go?” Kim asks curiously. Sean responds by shrugging his shoulders.

“I really don’t know. I know you and mom always taught me to never be afraid and to stand up for myself. And I know that all of this is my fault, and I probably should pay the consequences. But if I go tonight, I’m afraid I’ll just be getting into more trouble.” Sean seems genuinely confused. He obviously has no idea what he should do. Kimberly wraps an arm around his shoulder.

“You’re right, kiddo.”

“About what?”

“All of it. You shouldn’t be afraid, you should face your fears. You should stand up for yourself. And yes, if you go tonight you will probably get into more trouble.”

“So what you’re saying is that I should tell mom and let the authorities handle it?”

“Well…” Kim grins knowingly “...I didn’t necessarily say that…”

“I know that look.” Sean says. “You have a plan don’t you?”

“Who me?” Kim shakes her head and plays innocent. “I never have plans!”

This is a lie, of course. Kim almost always has a plan. And tonight, she does have a plan. She promised her sister that she wouldn’t do anything criminal as retaliation for what those three kids did to her nephew. That’s all she promised. Kim has a plan and her plan isn’t criminal, but it certainly involves karma. Because karma is a bitch and so is Kim.
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SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

The Witches of Alden


Frost ‘Forever Home’
Manhattan, New York
July 3rd, 2023

The Black Arrow Neighbourhood had been abuzz all this week with the upcoming fourth of July festivities. Several of the older houses were already decorated for the occasion. Some houses had their porches decorated with patriotic bunting along the rails. Others still had little triangle-American-flags attached to rope and running along their house as decoration, and others still had dozens and dozens of little/mini American-flags thrust into their yard, which Deanna Frost hoped that they stayed there and didn’t end up littering the ground when a strong breeze came up.

In short, the neighbourhood was prepared to celebrate the yearly holiday in style.

Not the Frost family. While Christmas/Yuletide and Halloween were times where the Frost wives would race around the house with their children, decorating it up and down, the ‘smaller’ holidays were a time where they remained, surprisingly, calm and detached. That wasn’t to say they were wet blankets. Deanna had already made enough food for the ‘neighbourhood party’ coming up tomorrow, a few pies and salads, and she always loved the fireworks, snuggling up with her children during the ‘early’ show and then returning with Selena for the smaller shows by the neighbours and snuggling up next to her wife as they watched from their spot on their backyard deck. But even so, there weren’t any massive decorations screaming the time of year on the ‘Forever House’ of the Frosts.

For a moment, Deanna looked up from her laptop, her eyes a little sore from staring at the screen for the last few hours. She had been working on a paper for her class with Mrs. Winthrop, discussing the various notions of seasons and moons in the Pagan/Wiccan – ‘Witch’, as it were – religion. Despite herself, her eyes flew over to the page number, satisfied with not only the number there but the word count as well. She was on track to getting the paper finished well ahead of time, including proofreading!

The knowledge of that, however, actually sent a wave of unease and sadness through her, not for her own sake, but for that of her wife, Selena. With a knowing sigh, Deanna shook her head as she pushed herself away from the kitchen table. She adjusted her gray t-shirt and black shorts – the spring humidity was in full swing in New York, and the air conditioners were on full blast.

She knew Selena hadn’t even started the paper yet… and it was due in two weeks! With Rise to Greatness at the same time. With another sigh, the redhead moved around the room to grab a glass to fill with cold tap water, letting herself, momentarily, enjoy the refreshment as she drank.  

She would probably have to write the paper for Selena. Or, at the very least, guide her through whatever topic Winthrop had put on the Snow Queen.

To say that the kind, old teacher was disappointed with the platinum-blonde’s performance as a student would be an understatement. With Selena’s attention solely on SCW, being the SCW world champion and dealing with everything that was happening there – taking everything so seriously and ‘close to the chest’ – she had slipped further and further from her studies, which had not gone unnoticed by the Alden families.

Worrying her lower lip with her teeth, Deanna stopped and sipped more of her cold water. So many of the Alden family wanted Selena to fail at ‘becoming a witch’, which Deanna still wasn’t even sure what that meant. But in order for Selena’s mother, grandmother, uncle and aunt to be ‘off the hook’ from all that past drama, Selena had to pass the course, take the tests (whatever they were), and become an ‘official’ member, or ‘witch’, of the Alden family. “Something she doesn’t even want to do.” Deanna sighed. She had lost track of how many times she and her wife had argued over the stupidity of this situation – hell, Deanna could almost quote the ‘argument high points’ by heart.

Why are we even doing this?
It’s the right thing to do.
We don’t owe them anything!
They don’t deserve to be punished.
I don’t want to be a witch.
Neither do I but they are counting on us.

Again, Deanna shook her head, reaching up with her free hand to grasp at her temples with her fingertips. Why the hell was she becoming the voice of reason in all of this? SCW, the Aldens, the drama with that Bailey woman and Selena slapping David – everything just seemed to be playing more and more on Selena and…

And Deanna didn’t have any idea how to fix it! If she wasn’t speaking for her wife at SCW or trying to keep her calm and focused, then she was helping the Snow Queen with her homework with the whole ‘Witchcraft thing’ (hoping her own stunning high grades would somehow ‘be enough’ for the Aldens as she was, technically, a Frost), to dealing with that Bailey woman a few weeks ago!

Without thought, Deanna’s free hand moved to curl a finger into her auburn locks, twirling the strands around and around. It had all sort of ‘hit her’ when she had spoken to Jaina Lancaster last Breakdown. She had absolutely meant what she had said about standing by Selena in all this… nothing was more important than that. But she had barely gotten to speak about her win over Adam Allocco, and it wasn’t like people were rushing to challenge her even with such a win–

And she still didn’t have a match for Rise to Greatness!

For a moment, Deanna’s emerald eyes slammed shut. The big show… with all the pomp and events, the meet-and-greets, all of it… was only twenty days away… Less than three weeks! Her mind thought with alarm. Less than three weeks and she still didn’t have a match on the main card. Hell, Bree Lancaster had TWO matches already set up, if D.’s command was to be believed. But for Deanna? Nothing. Not a feud, not an opponent – people were throwing challenges left and right to other superstars to get on the card… and she had nothing.

It was the opposite feeling of ‘safety’ that she had in regards to her upcoming essay for witchcraft. This? She felt like she was running out of time and options. Of course, she knew what her hope was. She wanted to be the one picked to face Bree Lancaster for the United States Championship!

She felt her breath hitch a little at the thought. Gods, it sounded so wonderful! To fight for one of SCW’s top titles on the biggest show? It had been what had motivated her throughout the U.S title tournament last month – what had driven her to beat someone like Glory Braddock in the first round! The idea of being in a championship match, not on the preshow of RTG, but on the main card! To prove to the world how far she had come from last year, just like she had proven in her match with Allocco… and what potential she had in the year to come…

Biting her lower lip again, the young woman stood there silently for several minutes. She had no idea what she was going to do beyond continue to keep Selena from having a massive breakdown on live TV. Could she ask O. for such an opportunity? No, she was sure the boss was so miffed about Selena and her ‘views’ that any request made by ‘the wife of Selena Frost’ would probably be dismissed. She could make a direct challenge to Bree… That one had SOME possibility. After all, countless matches were made with a simple “I challenge you”. Hell, that’s how her feud with Jenni Anderson had started last year!

Even so, she had made a challenge on Twitter when Josh Hudson had been the United States Champion and that had been ignored in favor of the larger challenge of Hudson challenging Owen Cruze. So, it wasn’t ‘guaranteed’. And she’d REALLY look like a fool if she made the challenge only to be told no by Bree, D., or the Board of Directors. Gods, the idea sounded awful – going out to the ring, laying down the challenge and meeting nothing in response?

“Lame…” Deanna scoffed at her options, finishing her water before placing the glass back on the counter to wash and dry later. With a shake of her head, she let her legs move her, choosing to do… well, something… as she made her way through the kitchen and downstairs. She heard her kids outside, playing and running around. She knew Gerda was watching them, because David had wanted to go swimming in the lake, which he couldn’t do without his mothers or Gerda watching him.

Carefully, Deanna stepped down the steps and into the basement, her eyes flicking to the large, windowed doors that lead to the backyard. Through them, the redhead caught quick glances of her children running around. Deanna watched them for a few minutes, performing a sort of ‘motherly check’ on all three. Elsianna was reading quietly as she sat on one of the lawn chairs next to one of the stone gargoyles that decorated the backyard, Amiliah was running around with one of her toys and Gerda was quietly following her, always keeping the child in her sights, while watching David swim at the same time. In short, the children were playing and getting some fresh air, allowing Deanna to give a nod of satisfaction before she turned back and made her way across the room and into the large hallway door.

She spied the door down the hall. She didn’t need any light to know her way, she knew this house inside and out, perhaps as much as her wife did. Quietly, the redhead walked the necessary steps to the door before quietly opening it just enough to slip inside.

The woman on the other side didn’t even notice her as she sat at her desk, her eyes, like Deanna’s had been, glued to the computer screen (though hers was a big, expensive computer tower where Deanna’s had been a laptop). For a moment, Deanna just studied the woman. She was still wearing the maroon nightgown she had slept in and her hair, usually immaculate and tied in its iconic braid, was simply tied loosely into a ponytail, with quite a few hairs out of place. Her posture was hunched over slightly, her shoulders rounded, but what really stood out to Deanna were the woman’s eyes. They were bloodshot red, which made sense considering the empty bottles of ‘5-hour energy shots’ that were littering the one side of the large, dark cedar desk she sat behind.

In short, the SCW world champion/her wife, Selena Frost, looked an utter mess, furthering Deanna’s worry but not surprising her in the least. Quietly, she watched the Snow Queen rub her eyes tiredly, the woman reaching for another shot of the energy booster but finding none that wasn’t empty. With a loud sigh of irritation and shake of her head, Selena turned her attention back to the screen. However, the temporary break was enough for the platinum-blonde to spy the redhead standing by the door, the woman’s sapphire eyes going a little wide at the sudden realization that she was no longer alone in her study.

“Morning…” she tried with a tired shrug.

“You mean, ‘afternoon’?” Deanna corrected with a sad tilt of her head, crossing her arms over her chest. Her question caused a bout of confusion within Selena, the woman turning her head to stare at the corner of her computer screen.

“Afternoon? Oh gods…” her eyes went wide as she spied the actual time. “How many- geez…” she groaned, reaching up to rub at her eyes.

“I’m guessing, given you’re still in your nightgown.” Deanna surmised. “That you didn’t get your workout or swim in?” the silence she received from her wife only further irritated the redhead. “What about a nap? Did you sleep on the couch at all?” Again, that same silence as Deanna eyed the couch at the side of the room while she dissected her wife’s activities today. “So, you woke up at 4am-“

“How did you-“

“Because I wake up whenever you leave the bed, Selena!” Deanna shot back quickly. “How many years have we been married and you still think that you can sneak out of bed without me knowing?” she shook her head in disbelief.

With a mixture of guilt and grump, Selena shifted a little in her seat. “You could have just gone back to sleep.”

“I did.” Deanna stated. “But I did so thinking you’d get some more sleep in – not coop up in here all day!” prompted mostly by her wife’s appearance and the situation, Deanna marched across the office room, around Selena’s desk to stare at the Snow Queen’s screen. “What the hell are you even looking at?”

Before her eyes, and to her surprise, was… Deanna could only describe it as a ‘digital mess’! There were many – DOZENS – of tabs littering the large screen of Selena’s computer. Tabs and tabs of YouTube videos, word documents, emails – just staring at it all was enough to almost make her cross-eyed and bring that headache from her own essay-writing back full force! It almost burned her eyes at how many things were displayed in front of her on the screen.

“What the hell-“ she half-gasped, her emerald eyes desperately searching for a place to ‘start’ her assessment. It took a moment before her eyes settled on the least ‘colorful’ tab, that of some sort of email discussing Selena’s ‘schedule’ for filming… in Toronto. Moving counter-clockwise, Deanna’s eyes took in the tabs of videos – all of wrestling matches… specifically of Kandis, including her most recent match against Glory Braddock. Next to those were dozens and dozens of websites with costume designs on them! Coats, color-palettes, pictures of snowflakes, crowns, a variable market of ‘attires’ – all of which followed by more videos of Kandis and a few of Selena’s matches. Lastly, Deanna spied the Word document, a long list of topics and ideas and statements strewn together in random typings with no real organization.

It didn’t take a genius like Ravyn Taylor or CHBK to put the pieces together – this disaster of a ‘collage’ an indication where Selena’s mind was. Rise to Greatness. Of course… Deanna thought without looking at her wife. Instead, her eyes trailed down to the line of tabs along the taskbar, her emerald orbs taking in the many Google Chrome ones until they landed on the Word document ones, specifically the one that read “Assig”, which was as much as Deanna could see with the limited space provided to each tab with the large number of them. Quickly, she clicked on it, and, again, wasn’t surprised when the document opened up to reveal nothing more than a blank word document with only an underlined title: Handfasting. Deanna recognized the title/concept immediately, but it was the lack of anything else that made her turn her head to Selena.

“Really?” she glared.

“What?” Selena shrugged. “I’ve got a topic.”
“And only two weeks before it’s due!” Deanna pressed. “Selena, you’ll fail Mrs. Winthrop’s class if you don’t do well on this paper!”

With a huff, Selena looked away from her wife. “I’ll get it done.” She stated. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind, okay?”

“Not okay!” Deanna pressed. “You know Winthrop is ready to fail you as it is!”
“Yeah, cause she’s bias and wants me to fail.” Selena countered. “Like the other Aldens.”

“SELENA!” Deanna pressed, earning her wife’s bitter attention. “She’s the only person that even gave us a chance to take these classes! She’s one of the few people that is giving you a fair shake! The reason she’ll fail you is because you’ve been a piss-poor student! You don’t study, you don’t do the homework, you basically make me do it!”

“I never asked you too!” Selena countered quickly. “And it’s not like I wanted this. Why are we even doing this?”
“Because you accepted it, Selena.” Deanna shot back. “Because it’s the right thing to do! Need I remind you of everyone counting on us? Including mother?”

“Yeah, you keep reminding me. For people- we don’t owe them anything!” Selena shot back, her bloodshot eyes glaring at Deanna.

“You agreed to this! We do owe them now!” Deanna rationalized. “They don’t deserve to be punished!”

“And I do?!” Selena responded. “By becoming whatever that is – a witch? I don’t want to be a witch!”
“Neither do I!” Deanna threw the answer back quickly. “But they are counting on us! They don’t deserve to be kicked out for all of this – and they sure as hell don’t deserve to be kicked out because you’re being lazy with your homework and assignments!”

“LAZY?!?” Selena’s nostrils flared at that. “Oh yes! Totally lazy, Deanna! It’s not like I’ve got the damn world title and SCW in its entirety to worry about with Rise to Greatness!”

“Which is why I am telling you to get this done now!” Deanna pressed, trying to make her wife see reason, maximizing the blank word document to take up the full screen. “Get it done and over with so we can focus on Rise to Greatness together.”

“You’re one to talk-“

“I AM one to talk!” the redhead countered. “I already finished mine!”

For a moment, sapphire eyes went wide at the statement, but even with their bloodshot nature, Deanna could see the slight jealousy in them before Selena scoffed a little, muttering under her breath.

“What was that?” Deanna asked, moving over to sit on the desk in front of her wife, arms, once more, crossed over her chest.
“Nothing.” Selena stated coldly, looking away.
“No, go ahead.” Deanna pressed. “You seem to have an answer for everything. What did you say?”

Watching her lips purse a little as she contemplated her words, Deanna almost flinched as she saw her wife’s head jerk back to glare at her. “I said that it’s easy for you to say. Seeing as how you don’t even have a Rise to Greatness match to worry about!”

Okay, ouch… Despite the jab she CERTAINLY felt, Deanna did her best not to give any sign of effect. It was a low-hanging branch and, perhaps in her exhaustion, Selena had gotten defensive again and reached for it. Didn’t make it hurt any less, even with Deanna seeing the shift of emotions: realization and guilt flowing across her wife’s eyes.

“You’re right.” The redhead nodded slowly. “I don’t have a Rise to Greatness match… yet.” she turned her attention back over to Selena. “But when I get one-“ she leaned over and closer, glaring at her wife coldly. “And I WILL get one – while you’re tripping over your own two feet trying to get everything done and too distracted to even cut a promo… I will be ready to win said match. Not just show up and break down again.” She gave a rather dark tilt of her head. “Can you say the same thing, ‘world champion’?”

“I…” Selena tried but her voice faltered as she sat back in her chair.

“Hard to argue when you’re the one still in their PJs risking a heart-attack with all that caffeine you consumed, huh?” Deanna spat back. “See that, Selena?” her voice gave a little growl. “I can be a bitch too.”

Pushing herself off the desk, Deanna turned and left her wife at her desk, heading towards the door. “When you’re ready to act like a damn adult.” She shot back, throwing a glance at her wife. “I’ll be with our children. Cause one of us needs to be the parent around here.”

She offered no chance for a response from Selena, closing the door behind herself and making her way back up the stairs. Yes, Selena’s words had hurt, but only until she got that match – Selena was in far worse shape than she was. Deanna could get a match, but Selena needed to fucking grow up!

“Mom!” the voice came from the backyard, causing Deanna to change her direction, exiting out through the massive doors, allowing the warm afternoon to fill her senses as Elsianna came running towards her. In her hands was a letter, which she handed to Deanna. “This was in the mail.”

“Oh, thank you.” Deanna smiled at her eldest before stepping further outside to sit under one of the large gargoyle statues. “Probably just a bill or somet-“ her words stopped as she recognized the waxen crest on the back – the red seal with a bat and an ‘A’ expressed – the Alden crest. Quickly, Deanna opened the black envelope and quickly catching the calligraphic card that tumbled out.

“Invited?” she asked, reading the big word written in golden letters.

“To what?” Elsianna asked, standing by her mother.

“To… to a festival…” Deanna remarked in surprise. “To celebrate Lughnasad…”
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Over the years, La Pequeña Luz had found herself in plenty of tough situations, a fair amount of them even being ones she'd gotten herself into. That said, she could confidently claim that she had yet to meet a situation she couldn't get herself out of, a true testament to her ridiculous resourcefulness that had left many in awe throughout her wrestling career. Even before she was old enough to compete, Luz had a knack for constantly finding ways out of rough spots that had even her most persistent bullies baffled. The benefits of an overactive imagination, she had always believed.

That said, even though she'd willingly put herself in this position and was confident that her plan would succeed, it was hard to ignore the fact that she felt more pressure than she ever had before.

Luz had wrestled her fair share of big matches over the years, all dating back to the very first one where she had become the first blemish on the then-undefeated record of her now-girlfriend Amelia. The two of them had put on an instant classic for the ages, pushing themselves farther than they'd ever gone before, and considering the friendship that formed after all was set and done it was hard to say that either one of them had truly lost on that night. In the years that followed, she'd competed in her fair share of title matches that all carried that aura associated with a big fight, including her and Amelia's attempt to become SCW World Tag Team Champions and her stab at trying to win the Underground Title. She'd even dare to say that her next match for the upcoming Breakdown in Cleveland felt like a big one, considering she was going up against three people she had a bit of history with and all of them still had uncertain paths with only about two weeks to go until Rise to Greatness, meaning a win for her could go a long way either for the big event itself or for whatever awaited The Light In The Darkness in the aftermath.

And yet, none of them held a candle to what she was about to do.

The day after the Breakdown in Buffalo, Luz had immediately caught the first flight she could book that morning and headed back to Mexico. This time, however, she wasn't alone. Despite the pain her recovering knee was in courtesy of Religious Wright and his affront to God by targeting her injury using the Bible he carried around, of all things, Amelia had insisted that she still be by Luz's side for the major challenge she was about to face and insisted that she could watch her back regardless of her injury. It had been extremely tempting for Luz to do the right thing and try to convince Amelia not to risk further injury by doing this, but she knew her girlfriend wouldn't be swayed and she'd be lying if she said she didn't appreciate the extra pair of eyes looking out for her.

As much as she wanted to believe she had plenty of those already, it never felt like enough when they were dealing with The Empire.

Just days prior, her plan had gone into effect. She'd convinced her old promoter to give The Empire what they wanted and allow Valentina to resume competing under her name and mask without restriction. Almost immediately, she had shown up to compete at the promotion's final show before their big event that Sunday, winning her match in convincing fashion before The Empire's Golden Prodigy had immediately demanded that she be booked for the one coming up. That was when Luz struck, surprising the entire live crowd and confirming once and for all that there had been two different versions of La Pequeña Luz and the one fighting for The Empire was a fraud, something the fans immediately got behind as they picked up on all the things that truly made Luz who she was and realized The Empire were the kind of group that would have the audacity to spit in the face of all of lucha libre's most sacred traditions. From there, Luz baited the trap by challenging her doppelganger to a lucha de apuesta, calling for the loser to forfeit both their mask and any right to the name and identity of La Pequeña Luz. Unsurprisingly, Henry White had taken the bait and immediately accepted on behalf of The Empire's Luz. Before Luz had left them that night, she and Valentina had locked eyes and the latter seemed to understand exactly what Luz was planning through that silent conversation, though they both knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Now, Luz found herself getting ready in her locker room at Arena México, the legendary arena also known to many as “The Cathedral of Lucha Libre.” It was an arena her father had main evented in plenty of times and now she found herself in that very same position for the first time. After all, in lucha libre there was no championship gold that could ever mean more than a luchador's mask, the very symbol of who they were, and she was about to end this show putting hers on the line in hopes of finally setting her forced twin free from The Empire's shackles. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that The Empire would do whatever it took to finally reveal her face to the world and claim full control of everything that she was trying to be... before her thoughts could start to spiral about what that scenario would look like in the months to come and how that would affect her in SCW, she felt a familiar hand take hold of hers, threading their fingers together before a soft pair of lips gently pressed against the back of it.

“I know what you're doing, mi amor,” Amelia gently said, “and I'm here to remind you that whatever you're thinking about won't happen. Valentina knows what you're aiming to do, and I'll be right there with you to help make sure these clowns don't try anything. You can do this... your mask, your name, everything that makes you who you are, it will still be yours by the end of this night.”

Luz silently nodded, taking a deep breath to help clear her head. “Thank you Ames... you have no idea how much it means to hear you reassure me with those words. But... what if...?”

“No 'what ifs' Luz,” Amelia firmly told her as she gently held Luz's face between her palms so she had no choice but to lock eyes, her fingers gently tracing along the sides of the mask she knew meant everything to her beloved. “You knew what you were getting into, and unlike any other time you've been in this position, this time you've got a plan. Even if that plan goes off the rails, I know you well enough to know that you'll make a way out that gets you the win and brings this mess to an end once and for all.”

Luz couldn't help but let her lips curl into that familiar smile that she knew Amelia loved to see with all her heart. “On the off chance this doesn't go the way we want it to... would you still love me if I no longer had this mask?”

Amelia looked like she was thinking that over, but barely ten seconds had passed before she seemed to reach a decision. “Luna Nevado, I love you. I've seen the beautiful face that lies beneath that mask, I know who you really are, and it doesn't matter to me what name you go by or if you wear a mask that symbolizes everything about you or not... nothing will change the fact that I love everything about you and you will always be everything to me.”

Luz let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, that reassurance having a much greater impact than she thought it would. Even though she knew Amelia had seen and known more about her beyond the figure she'd become in her culture, deep down there was always that little spark of doubt that had lingered for years, telling her that Amelia only loved La Pequeña Luz and not Luna Nevado. She knew it was ridiculous, but her brain always seemed hard-wired to take any self-doubt and magnify it into something that ate away at her until it felt like an undeniable fact of life. Amelia, however, knew this issue all too well and they had worked together to constantly help one another heal and move past this mindset, and it made Luz all the more excited for the secret project she'd been trying to work on in the times where the two had been apart in recent weeks.

All she needed now was a clear idea of what awaited the two of them at Rise to Greatness, something that she hoped would become clearer after this upcoming Breakdown. Having Amelia help her plan an elaborate entrance would be no trouble at all, considering they both wanted to make their first time competing at this event one to remember regardless of the end result. The challenge would lie in finding the perfect moment to pop the question that would ultimately bond them together for the rest of their lives, a thought that was equal parts terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

Before she could think about that, however, there was important business to take care of as she got word that her match was up next. With a deep breath to restore her focus, she and Amelia walked hand in hand to the gorilla position, her girlfriend giving quiet reassurances the whole way that she had this and they were going to pull this off. It was a little thing, but one that really helped Luz shut out the fears of this whole scheme blowing up in her face that would threaten to throw her off immensely when she couldn't afford to be anything less than her best.

“Ah, Miss Luz. And with the future Mrs. White by your side, I see.”

Both women froze, their skin feeling like it was crawling at the sound of a voice that Luz had only heard on TV up until now and Amelia had also heard over the phone, but hearing it in-person amplified the effect of how much it unnerved them. Finally taking full stock of the area around them, they found what looked like a rather large group of Empire members led by Henry crowded around their version of Luz, apparently going over final details of whatever plan they had hatched for this encounter. Standing in front of them, however, was the mastermind behind this whole operation, their very first face-to-face encounter with the mysterious Caleb White himself. Despite his age, the man clearly towered over both of them, the scars that were easily hidden by makeup in front of the cameras a lot easier to see up close, and the aura of confidence surrounding him was suffocating.

“It's a pleasure to finally meet you both in person,” he told them, extending his hand only to find that neither was keen on shaking it.

“We'd hardly call it a pleasure after everything you've done,” Amelia spat.

“Why, dear Amelia, all I've done is amass an army devoted to the noble cause of purifying the wrestling business from all these heathens who have corrupted what it means to be a wrestler,” he replied, the sheer sincerity in his voice shocking both women and making them want to throw up at how much he truly believed in every word that he spoke. His attention soon turned to Luz. “It's truly a shame what happened to your father, Luz, but I did promise him a long time ago that I would take good care of any protégé he found in this business and guide them down the correct path. That protégé being his own daughter truly couldn't have worked out any better... or, at least, it will once we eliminate this silly need for you to hide your face behind a mask and steer you away from the unnecessary acrobatics-”

“Not going to happen, anciano,” Luz sternly cut him off. “Just because you have a vision of how this business should be doesn't mean it's the only way. Why do you think every country across the globe has a different approach to this sport and all are accepted? That mish-mash of styles is what makes wrestling what it is today, why all those people out there pay their hard-earned money to watch us do what we do!”

Caleb simply scoffed at this. “You're too young to understand, but perhaps we can fix that once your both properly inducted into our little group.”

He looked like he was about to say more, but the familiar tune of “Believe In Tomorrow” by Sunflower’s Garden could be heard playing out in the arena, and with a snap of his fingers the group clad in white and gold parted in unison like the Red Sea, further unnerving both women as they cautiously made their way through so Luz could make her entrance. As they passed by Henry, he made an attempt to reach out and take Amelia's free hand, but she quickly snatched his wrist and gave him a very clear look that she wouldn't hesitate to snap it right then and there before letting go, Luz shooting him a disgusted glare of her own before Caleb said one final thing before she stepped out through the curtain and embraced the roar of the fans.

“There is only one proper way to define this business, and you'll find out the same way your father once did, Little Light.”

If Caleb was hoping the hints of his threat would get into Luz's head and throw her off her game, he would be surprised to find that they had only motivated her further to put an end to his entire mad scheme, starting with freeing Valentina from being forced to pretend to be her.

The match that would follow got off to a crazy start before the bell even rang when The Empire came out in full force for the entrance of their Luz, only to be cut off as virtually the entirety of the locker room emptied out to drag them backstage and leave only Caleb and his nephew to accompany Valentina for this tense matchup, the old veteran already visibly angry at the significant interference in whatever plans he'd hatched as Luz could hear him cussing out the culture of lucha libre and the people of Mexico anytime she ended up near that corner of the ring. It only added more fuel to the fire, however, as she threw everything she had at her doppelganger and took everything she had to throw back in return. A good amount of the match effectively felt like she was reliving her old clash with Amelia, using her speed and aerial tactics to counter her copy's more methodical technical style. Once it seemed like Valentina was starting to figure out a way to keep Luz grounded, however, the script would be flipped as Luz began busting out some submission holds of her own, many of which got the fans roaring as they recognized the submissions from Amelia's arsenal.

Her twin would finally get some semblance of a positive reaction when she resorted to taking some risks of her own to try and level the playing field. There was always a shakiness to it that worried Luz, but she managed to help make sure no serious accidents occurred in the landing, especially since seeing Caleb start to further lose his cool and resort to barking at his Luz to “stop disgracing herself with unnecessary risks and flashiness” led to her openly grinning at him once she regained control before mouthing “this is wrestling” to him, a chant that the fans would actually take to yelling in Spanish shortly after.

Luz finally reached a point where she managed to slip free of an attempted move by Valentina and dropped her with the Lights Out, the crowd reaching a fever pitch as they knew she would follow with the exclamation point that would seal the deal and finally return the wrestling world down to one La Pequeña Luz, the real deal. As she climbed to the top turnbuckle to go for Ilumina la Noche, however, she saw Caleb grab Henry by his shirt collar and jerk him close to say something to him. He nervously nodded before he started walking around the ring. Realizing exactly what was going on, Luz looked down and mouthed something to Amelia so she had the heads up, and while Amelia nodded and acknowledged the man approaching her, Luz found her footing knocked away by a recovered Valentina who then tried to pull her down only for Luz to resist.

“I'm sorry,” Valentina quietly told Luz, and she saw why when she was forced to look as Henry carefully took off his mask, exposing his scar-covered face for the first time in public as he blatantly flirted with Amelia and tried to pull her into a hug and a kiss, ignoring the sheer hatred the fans were showering him with.

“Me too, hermana,” Luz replied, shocking Valentina as Luz simply gave her a kind and understanding smile.

She soon realized exactly why Luz returned the apology as the fans went nuts over the sight of Amelia popping her not-fiancé with a european uppercut, confirming their 'engagement' as yet another lie once and for all. Henry angrily tried to go for Amelia's injured knee, but she jumped over Henry's attempt and violently pulled him to the ground into the Blight Choke. Luz then managed to regain control of the actual match going on as she twisted out of her predicament into a modified shiranui that she chained right into a Blight Choke of her own! Both Luzes saw Caleb start to climb up onto the apron, and Valentina flashed him a brief smile as she quickly tapped out before he could actually do anything!

It was a surreal feeling for Luz as she heard her music play while her arm was raised in victory by both the referee and her girlfriend, the two of them exchanging a kiss that further angered Caleb and made Henry look away in something they both thought resembled shame. Caleb angrily turned to storm off, barking at Valentina to forget about the stipulation and follow him. She started to do so for a moment, the crowd immediately showering her with hatred as the referee got in her way. She looked conflicted, and that's when Luz put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Don't worry... we won't let him hurt you anymore, I promise,” she reassured her doppelganger. “You're free now.”

Luz saw as Valentina took a good hard look into her eyes, but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't find any trace of deceit from the luchadora she'd been impersonating for months now. Slowly, the realization set in that Luz was telling her the honest truth, and with that revelation, she gladly pulled off the mask and handed it to who she felt was its rightful owner, revealing the face of a woman roughly Luz's age whose face looked similar enough that, under a mask, it made sense why Caleb thought he could get away with this whole scheme.

Luz and Amelia both stood by her side as they watched the now maskless Valentina tell Caleb and Henry to kindly fuck off, the sight drawing roars of cheers from the fans as Caleb looked about ready to explode. Henry said something to him, but Caleb gave him one look that caused him to shrink in on himself before the gave the three of them a look that made it clear this wasn't over, but he wasn't going to deal with it out in the public eye.

Luz took all of this in as she watched the two men leave before she celebrated her win a bit while Amelia and Valentina applauded her, eating up whatever time remained as the show went off the air. She knew this war was far from over, but tonight, she could take solace in the fact that a huge blow had been dealt to The Empire, one that she really hoped deep down would force them to back off for a little while so she could turn her focus to happier things on the horizon... like her very first Rise to Greatness, and attempting to propose to the love of her life on that grand stage.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)
2 of 2

July 1st, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

The dangerously eccentric ginger known to the SCW universe as Kimberly Williams is passionate about many things. Those who follow her career know that she values her SCW Underground Championship and that she takes great pride in her death match wrestling. The Woman Scorned takes her position as the leader of the Underground division very seriously, which is why is she is looking forward to the marquee match taking place on Breakdown pitting herself against the likes of Deanna Frost, La Pequena Luz, and Adam Allocco. A four way match of that magnitude with that kind of talent is just the way to build momentum heading into the historic Rise To Greatness XX event. The importance of such a match is not lost on Kimberly Williams. Still, as much as she values her current spot in Supreme Championship Wrestling, those closest to her recognize that there are a few things that she values even more than her precious Underground Championship. What could The Woman Scorned value more than her title?


So when she found out that her nephew was being manipulated, influenced, and corrupted by three juvenile delinquents at his school, The Woman Scorned made it her mission to try and set him straight. Kimberly did her best to talk some sense into him but it wasn’t until he got caught red handed perpetrating an actual crime, the crime of breaking and entering and vandalism, it wasn’t until Sean was faced with the prospect of real time in juvenile detention, that he was ‘scared straight’ so to speak. Sean finally listened to reason. He listened to what his mother and his aunt Kim had to say and he changed his ways. He even fully cooperated with authorities to nail his former friends, the same kids who manipulated him from the beginning. Unfortunately by cooperating with authorities, those three kids; Kyle, Jackson, and Max; are now making Sean’s life a living hell. And Kimberly just learned hours ago that they plan to jump him later on this evening in order to settle the matter once and for all.

These three kids may just be juveniles, but the wording is the same as any other gang. Settling the score once and for all means one thing and one thing only to those types; finality. They want to put an end to Sean with a ruthless beating unlike any other he has been forced to take thus far. What they do not know is that Sean has a guardian angel watching his back tonight, and that guardian angel is his aunt, the Queen of the Death Match Kimberly Williams.

This so-called ‘guardian angel’ is dressed in green camouflage as she crawls along the dense treeline that is situated just across from a large park just within the Boston limits. The demented ginger is even carrying her penguin Wasley, who is also wearing a camouflage vest for this occasion. Kimberly is wearing a military helmet, green, with a large shrub sticking to the top of it. Kim is crawling on the ground with Wasley, talking to the stuffed penguin about her plans for this evening.

“Ok Wasley, sixty five degrees north longitude west 55 degrees south latitude at a ninety degree angle facing fifty-eight degrees northeast and you see our target alpha beta gamma delta one.” Kim pauses and looks at the empty gaze on Wasley. Kim rolls her eyes. “What do you mean you don’t know who that is? Look!” Kim hoists Wasley up just over the tree-line so that the toy penguin can ‘see’ the park. Off in the distance, but not too far away, is Kim’s nephew Sean. Kim then brings Wasley back down. “Alpha beta gamma delta one is code for my nephew Sean! Remember?” Again there is no response from Wasley the penguin. Williams sighs out of frustration.

“I don’t even know why I bothered to bring you along, Wasley. You didn’t help me at Taking Hold of the Flame. Why would I think you’d help me now? Look, you don’t even need to remember any of our codes. Just sit back and relax and watch out for our targets; Jackass, Dumbass, and No Ass…” Kim smacks herself on the forehead “...oh, right, you don’t know the code. Dumbass is Kyle, Jackass is Jackson, and No Ass is Max.” Kim sets Wasley down and then picks up a pair of binoculars. She peers out from over the brush and looks out at the park, looking at Sean. “As soon ass Jackass, Dumbass, and No Ass arrive, the fun shall commence.” She turns her attention back to Wasley. “Don’t worry, Wasley. No one will get hurt….well, their feelings might get hurt. Its a small price they must pay for being stupid enough to target my nephew.”

The Woman Scorned looks back through he binoculars. She is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kyle, Jackson, and Max so that her fun can begin. She watches the park intensely. Sean is there already but he is clearly nervous, even though he knows his aunt Kim is not too far away. It isn’t long until Kim spots Kyle, Jackson, and Max approaching from the right. “Emergency! Emergency! Jackass, Dumbass, and No Ass arriving due east from a thirty nine degree angle! Go! Go! Go! Move! Move! Move!” Kim drops the binoculars, grabs Wasley and crawls on the ground, still within the deep wooded area just within the treeline so that she remains hidden, but getting ever so closer to the park, close enough that she can hear the discussion between her nephew and his three tormentors.

“Hey, bastard, we’re surprised you came.”

“I told you I would be here, Kyle.”

“Yeah? Well I thought you would be too much of a chicken to show up.”

“I’m not a chicken.”

“You were chicken enough to snitch on us!” Another kid, Jackson, snaps back.

“It was the right thing to do.” Sean answers back.

“See what doing the right thing gets you, dweeb.” The third kid, presumably Max, states angrily. While Kim is listening she crawls closer and closer, finally making her way behind a tree. There she finds a water cannon that she had placed earlier in the day. She takes the cannon and takes aim while Kyle, Jackson, and Max menacingly approach Sean.

“Ready…aim…WASLEY…err, I mean FIRE!” Kim pulls the trigger rapidly and water balloons are ejected from the cannon. They go nearly thirty feet. The first few miss their targets but finally one hits Kyle smack in the face. Another hits Jackson. Lastly one hits Max in the face. Another round is fired and another three balloons hit Kyle, Jackson, and Max. Kim laughs it up while firing off a third barrage, causing Kyle, Jackson, and Max to fall to the ground. Kim laughs hysterically before producing a walkie talkie. “Agent Kim to Sean, Agent Kim to Sean…get to safety, ASAP!”

Sean, who must be wearing an earpiece, nods his head and runs for cover in the ensuing chaos that Kim just created. She keeps firing water balloons, soaking Kyle, Jackson, and Max, until she runs out. Kim starts crawling away, with Wasley in tow, towards another tree. Meanwhile, Kyle and Jackson and Max struggle back to their feet.

“I bet that little shit set us up!” Kyle exclaims.

“Where did that come from?” Jackson asks.

“Over there!” Max exclaims, pointing to Kim’s former position, a position she has since abandoned. They charge towards the tree where Kim was hiding. Now Kim has already found a new position, safely away from that tree. She meets up with her nephew Sean just outside of the treeline.

“Aunt Kim, what are you gonna do?”

“What do you mean, kiddo?”

“Kyle, Jackson, and Max! They’re gonna find out!”

“Not likely.” Kim says with a smirk. “Those three dimwits are doing exactly what I hoped they would.”


“Just watch.” Kim produces a remote control while the three kids make their way towards the tree, Kim’s former position. Kyle finds a note there and picks it up.

“What’s this shit?!” He reads it out loud. “Ha Ha, got ya…” Kim hears Kyle read the note that she playfully left for him. Immediately she presses the button on the remote control. Suddenly a heavy net drops down on top of the three boys. They are struggling mightily in the net. Sean looks genuinely concerns but not Kim. The Woman Scorned is laughing hysterically.

“Ah you gotta love it when the bullies get bullied!”

“Are they gonna be ok, Aunt Kim?”

“Oh of course they will. I mean, they can’t escape that net on their own but they won’t have to. An anonymous call was placed to authorities warning them about possible trespassing. They should arrive imminently where they will find these boys, trespassing mind you, and will free them.”

“Do you think you and I will get into trouble?”

“Pffft…” Kim scoffs “...please, kiddo, you are talking to a professional here. I had an entire wrestling promotion run by that dimwitted Drew Bryant convinced that I was your mother, I had them convinced for a year that I was your mother. Hell, for a month I had your grandmother convinced that I was Marie. You are talking to a trained professional in chaos and anarchy. Trust me, kiddo, all of our bases are covered.”

“But do you think Kyle and his friends saw us?” Sean asks nervously. Kim shakes her head.

“Doubt it.” Kim pats him on the back. “Just enjoy the sweet taste of victory.”

“I admit that it was fun to see them get a taste of their own medicine.” Sean says, smiling for once. “But I am worried…” his voice trails off.

“What are you worried about, kiddo?”

“I doubt that this is over.” Sean points over at the net off in the distance. Kyle, Jackson, and Max are still struggling to get free. Sirens are heard off in the distance signaling the arrival of police. Kim takes Sean by the hand and guides him off to safety. “Kyle, Jackson, and Max won’t just forget about me that easily. They probably think I was involved.”

“Well, kiddo, you WERE involved.” Kim winks at Sean. “And you’re right, it isn’t over, it isn’t over by a longshot, but lucky for you I’m not finished yet, either.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Aunt Kim.”

“Me? Know what I’m doing? Never.” Kim says playfully as she shakes her head. “But answer me this, would you rather have just gotten your ass kicked tonight by those there goons? Would you have rather gotten beat up on a daily basis by those clowns?”


“Then just trust your Aunt Kim and trust the process.” She smirks knowingly. “Everything is going according to plan.”

July 5th, 2023
Cleveland, Ohio
On Camera

The camera feed opens outside on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. These are empty streets right now and the sun shines brightly overhead, creating the perfect setting. A few moments into the camera recording and we see a beautiful female figure entering from the right. This is none other than the Queen of the Deathmatch herself, the SCW Underground Champion Kimberly Williams. The eccentric ginger is dressed in a spaghetti strap cami style gray goth style sleeveless top with a flared waist high black mesh skirt. She is perched atop simple black flats and she has her HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt draped over her left shoulder and the SCW Underground Championship title belt draped over her right shoulder. Her long red hair is pulled into two pig tails in the back. A sinister smirk is etched across the face of The Woman Scorned.

“It’s funny how things work out, y’know? My path to Rise To Greatness began at Taking Hold of the Flame where I started the match and went to the very end, placing third overall, lasting an hour and a half.” She throws her head back and laughs hysterically. Eventually she regains her composure and continues. “Then my path got a little…fuzzy? Yeah, that’s the right word. Fuzzy. Cloudy. I had a defense of my Underground Championship against Kelsai Adamson and a certain Magical Cosmic Princess. I became an unlicensed therapist…seriously, no one should ever take any of my advice unless you are just freaking insane.” She winks at the camera. She holds up two fingers. “One, two…just two Breakdowns and then Rise To Greatness. And my path is just as cloudy as before. I still do not know much about my path. Sure, I know where my path leads. It is leading to Toronto and Rise To Greatness, but that’s just about all I know. I suppose it is a safe assumption that I will be defending this bad boy for the second year in a row.” She catches a quick glance at the SCW Underground Championship that rests over her right shoulder. “I mean, our favorite D just said on Breakdown that he’d like to see every title defended. But who would my opponent be? Who gets to be the lucky person to waltz into Kimmy’s Deathmatch Playground?” Kim pauses for a moment. Then she shakes her head.

“While this year’s Rise To Greatness may not be clear, the path may be rather foggy and I am unaware of threats that may be lying in wait ahead of me, there are a few things that I know for certain. Number one, I know for a fact that I am not the same person that I was one year ago. I have endured some major challenges, I have had to fight through some obstacles, overcome many trials, and those challenges, obstacles, and trials have all helped me to grow as a person and as a competitor. You may not like me, or my philosophy, but you cannot deny that I am one of the single most entertaining bitches on this roster, you cannot deny that I am arguably the toughest bitch on this roster, and you cannot deny the passion that I have for the Underground. I know who I am and I know that I have changed, I have improved, and I have gotten better.” She nods her head.

“Secondly thing I know is at least ONE obstacle that stands in my way, one teeny tiny little pothole on my road to Rise To Greatness.” She smiles with a hint of mischief and then shrugs her shoulders. “Ok, ok, I lied…THREE pot holes…and those pot holes are named Deanna Frost, La Pequena Luz, and Adam Allocco.” Kim waves frantically at the camera. “Hi there, girls and boy! How ya doin’? My name is Kimberly Williams, I am the Queen of the Death Match, and I will be the host for tomorrow’s festivities!” Kim takes the hem of her skirt and curtsies for the camera. She laughs playfully. “Oh but silly me? There’s no need for an introduction is there? We know each other quite well.”

“Deanna Frost…believe it or not, you are responsible, partially at least, for me being on this path that I am on today. It’s true because last year you put yourself in an elite class of people to have beaten me at my own game. You beat me to become SCW Underground Champion. I never did get around to congratulating you on that, by the way. I was busy those first few weeks after the defeat moping. It took my thirteen time former World Champion mother to give me a swift kick in the ass to help me to figure out that causing chaos simply to cause chaos is pointless. Chaos with a purpose, chaos with a benevolent goal, now that is different. Do what I do best but this time do it to help make SCW a better place, give the fans some wild as hell matches to cheer for and enjoy, to keep things fair for the entire roster so that its not just the same few people each and every time getting the same opportunities. In a way its like I’m using my own brand of chaos to help preserve and maintain the integrity of the sport.” Kim winks at the camera.

“See, Frost? We may have started out on the wrong foot but we’re not all that different. In the end, we have similar goals, even if our philosophies and personalities clash. We want the same thing. We want integrity. I have you to thank for that, Frost. So bravo!” Kim applauds enthusiastically. “Bravo, Deanna! Yaaaay! Give yourself a pat on the back. You started me on this path. You thought I wasn’t listening but I was. I heard everything you said. You thought I didn’t care about the integrity of the sport? Maybe I didn’t back then but over the course of this year, working side by side with my mother, someone who has been at it for twenty plus years, I have learned from that and from her. I am a second generation wrestler, Deanna, and I am proud of the wrestling heritage that I have running through my veins. Believe me, don’t believe me,” Kim shrugs her shoulders “really doesn’t matter. I know who the hell I am and what I am capable of, what I stand for, and what I am passionate about. We had a hell of a fight last year at Rise To Greatness. And yes, congratulations on that win. But what happened at Apocalypse? What happened when it wasn’t just you and me, but multiple personas and characters were involved?” Kim pats herself on the chest. “I came out victorious. I persevered and I found a way to win. Breakdown in Cleveland, Deanna, you face a different Kim than the one you fought at Rise To Greatness and Apocalypse. And once again I intend to find a way to win, no matter the cost to myself.” She points a finger at the camera.

“You should know all about that, right Luz? You know about the price I am willing to pay in order to be victorious. The last time we interacted you were questioning my claim to the Underground Championship. And hey, maybe you had a point? But I am the Queen of the Death Match and if I have to defend my throne then so be it. I put the championship on the line, I invited you into the Underground. Yes, you put up a hell of a fight, and yes, I can honestly say that you definitely have a place in the Underground if you ever wanted to return. But the real question is did you win?” Williams shakes her head. “No, you didn’t. You came close but in the end it was my chaos, my willingness to sacrifice my own well being that allowed me to retain the championship. Now here we are again, once again standing opposed to one another and you do have an idea of how I have changed, you have some notion of what I am capable of today. Because you did recently challenge me in my Underground. And while this may not be my Underground, do not think for one second that I am any less dangerous or deadly.”

“The same goes for you CoCo…” she winks playfully “...oh Adam, we were Trios Partners, along with The Onesie. And we went the distance. We won that tournament. For me it helped to prove to the world that I am more than just a Queen of the Death Match. I am a multi-faceted and multi-talented wrestler. It also gave me the power to shake things up in SCW beyond comprehension. But while I utilized my Trios Contract to make history, you did the most unoriginal and uncreative thing imaginable with yours…” she sighs “ just gave yourself a one on one world title match against little boy Owen. How did that work out for ya, by the way?” Kim shakes her head in disappointment. “Such a waste of a Trios. It’s sad. What’s also sad is that people thought that you and I were friends. I can work with anyone as part of a team, but for us to be allies? Not a chance. We are not on the same page, CoCo, and we may never be on the same page. You are only out for yourself. I actually want to leave SCW in a better condition than I found it. That’s why I refused to ass staple Syren during my Trios Cash In. I may not like her, but I think she’s actually trying to be better herself. But you?” Kim smirks. “A leopard doesn’t change its spots and neither do you. So it was appropriate for me that I stapled your ass to reclaim my title.”

“All four of us have history. That’s what makes this match oh so intriguing. You know what else we have in common, boy and girls? None of us are certain what we are doing for Rise To Greatness. Our paths to Toronto are not clear. Breakdown in Cleveland could be that time for one of us to break through and create an opportunity.” She pats herself on the chest. “I intend to make damn sure that I am the one who breaks through and snatches that opportunity. I am going to prove that I am more than just a chaos creator and a death match warrior. I am a wrestler, a damn good one at that. So bring your best…you’ll need it.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

The Guard Tower

The camera opens up to the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse arena in Cleveland, the site for tonight’s SCW episode of Breakdown as the road to Rise to Greatness continues. In fact, judging by the people, members of the SCW universe, beginning to enter the arena and take their seats, one would guess that Breakdown is only a short ways away.

But the site of the SCW fans filling the arena is a heart-warming one, which is shown in full as the camera shot changes to high above the masses, to the catwalks that house the lights…. And to the redhead smiling kindly at them all, unseen and unheard by them. The camera, however, catches the way her red hair shines in the nearby lights. How her clothes, her black wrestling attire with various colored leaves embroidered into it stand out amongst the dull gray of the metallic catwalks.

I love this view… Deanna Frost, the Queen’s Guard, smiles as she looks over the arena and people below her. All the problems seem so small from up here…

Despite herself, Deanna turns her head to see the large ‘Rise to Greatness’ decoration hanging just a ways away from her, seeming so big because of how high the sign is posted. Well, most problems anyway… she shakes her head before returning her gaze to below. You can think up here, try and consider your problems and consider your solutions. Like having a wife and world champion that continues to struggle to bring integrity into this sport. Or the inevitable misogynistic and sexists barbs we’ll hear from the only man in this upcoming match… again her eyes find the Rise to Greatness sign for a mere moment, but again, she looks away.

Or the monkey that’s been on your back for a damn year… Taking a moment, Deanna’s hands grip the rail as she rocks back and forth against it. And Adam Allocco, you know exactly what I am talking about.

I am talking about that infamous ‘Five Moves of Doom’ match that happened a year ago. I am talking about the match that sent my momentum into a freefall crash to a point where nobody beyond my wife believed that I was anything outside of a ‘supporting player’ in SCW. I am talking about the match that changed the trajectory of my next 365 days here in SCW. I am talking about the match that, try as I might, I could not shake. Until two weeks ago…

Two weeks ago, Adam, I took that problem, that burden, that shame, everything you buried me with and I made it smaller. I made the problem smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and then, with one swift knee, I emphatically and ultimately DESTROYED that burden!
Taking a moment to pause, Deanna glares at the camera.

In that moment, Adam, I will tell you exactly what happened in that ring between you and me. And it was almost as amazing a feeling as pinning you and beating you. It was that moment of realization in your eyes. Knots saw it, Sharper saw it, the SCW Universe saw it, but you saw it first. I could see it. That realization in your eyes. That dawning of fact that ‘five moves’ was no longer ‘good enough’ to get past Deanna Frost. That if you were to have ANY hope of winning that match with me, you’d have to go all-in just like you did with Selena. She smiles knowingly.

And Adam, there is not a joke you can make or an excuse you can conjure up in your twisted mind that will EVER take that away from me. Now? Rather than hold our first match a year ago on my back, I have the result of a year of training, of hard work. Kimberly talks about ‘a year of transformation’ while she is still clinging to her chaos and her skits and her Kimmymaniacs. Adam, that night was the true sign of what a difference a year can make! Because I took your best! I took everything you gave to the world champion, Selena Frost, and like her, I overcame it! I surpassed you! I BEAT you, Adam Allocco! I BEAT YOU! And more than that, Adam, I was READY to beat you! I was READY to be better than you!

A content smile whispers across Deanna’s features. And it wasn’t easy, Adam. It took everything I had – unlike you, I’m not going to insult you by discrediting what you can do in this ring. But if I ever needed a more emphatic statement that I am in a better place than I was a year ago, if I ever needed a more clear message that I am better than I was a year ago and that I deserve more than I had a year ago, if I could do anything to make such a statement devoid of ego, THAT was it!

Because I look ahead now, and while I try and be a support system to my wife and SCW world champion, I find myself still believing that I have earned more for myself than I had last year.

One more time, Deanna’s eyes flit towards the large Rise to Greatness sign.

And in that regard, Kimberly, you are not going to like what I have to say. But let me start by saying that I agree with most of what you said. I am not bitter enough to ignore the journey you’ve taken. The steps you’ve made to prove me wrong. To prove that you care about this place in your own way. Was I mad at you over that ‘chaos match’? Yes. Call a spade a spade? The fact that you continuously whined about not being Underground champion across social media and threatening not to show up until you got your shot at the title again – just like you did the year prior? The fact that you systematically made a match where all you had to do was score a point and you’d automatically be Underground champion? You know it and I know it, it has never sat well with me. I found it cowardly, I found it frustrating and a slap in the face of what I thought each title should be worth and what I gave to beat you last year to become said champion. You go further and then to have you turn my match with Owen Cruze into your little ‘game’ with him by throwing in weapons? That further bothered me because I didn’t see that ‘respect’ you spoke of. I saw you just playing your games. You just wanting to mess with Owen and I rather than give us a proper match of integrity and skill. There are countless receipts I could show you – debt that you owe me that I could fixate on…

she holds up a finger to pause any retaliation. Up here, looking down on it, Kimberly, it sort of makes sense to me. It sort of makes sense how, all this time, you were trying so hard to bring your ‘version’ of integrity back to SCW. I mean, the Underground title was defunct for years. It was brought back ‘on a whim’ and nobody knew if it could last. That was on your shoulders – or you took it upon your shoulders – to keep it alive and even thrive here in SCW. While some just touted it around or wore it as an ‘add-on’, you were fighting to put it on every card. You’ve made it into one of the ‘star attractions’ in every SCW show and for that, Kimberly, I actually get it and I respect it!

Deanna nods her head. And from such lofty and noble intentions, Kimberly Williams, comes a good heart and I can finally see that, even if you bother me as much as you do. I won’t ever fully understand you, I think, but I like to think that after the year I have had, the mistakes I’ve made and the people that have grounded me, including O. D., I can say I ‘sort of’ understand you.

a teasing smirk comes to Deanna’s face. You still have that tendency to say things that are just not true. Things that irritate me. And you, you went in front of a camera and spoke about your ‘path’ not being clear, even though it was. You spoke about not ‘knowing’ even though your destination is carved in stone!

I am talking about Rise to Greatness, Kimberly. I am talking about you acting like your future is unclear simply because, while you have a where and when, you don’t know ‘who’ is on the docket.

Deanna shakes her head knowingly. And no, Kimberly, this isn’t me challenging you for that spot or to answer that question. This is me calling you out on a bold-faced error in your assessment! Because, as you said, O. D. has made it law! EVERY title in SCW will be on the line as part of the main show! Every championship will be defended on this ‘Show of Shows’!

So for you to say that you ‘don’t know’ your path? It irked me, Kimberly. It irked me because, unlike you and the others in this fatal-fourway, I don’t even have a ‘date and time’ as you all do. For Luz, it would be an insult and a disservice for Light in the Darkness to be ignored in this tag-team storm that the tag-team champions, Rated X, has created.

My wife, Luz, wasn’t just blowing smoke up your rear when she said you and Amelia were ready to become SCW World Tag-Team champions. You and her watched the match Amelia and I put on, where she BEAT me! You continued to fight and improve in every match you have been in – you guys are READY – and if SCW does not add LITD to that list of tag-teams to fight for the titles with the other great tag-teams than it is a disservice to you, to the 20th anniversary of RTG, and it is a disservice to tag-team wrestling in the first place. It is clear as crystal, your place at RTG is secured.

And if Xander Valentine doesn’t finally get his hands on you, Adam…
she laughs a little. If, after a year of all of this mess, Xander Valentine doesn’t get his match with you to end this near-year feud?! Well, let’s just say that I wouldn’t bet against the Executioner. Your place on the card is DEFINITELY secured now. Just not your well-being. Cause you’ll either fight him, or he’ll beat you throughout the night in Toronto! I will be eagerly hoping to see that from a personal standpoint, Adam! She chuckles a little before her face suddenly grows serious.

But you, Kimberly, with your championship status, more than any of us, have secured a place on the main-card of Rise to Greatness!

I haven’t.

She sighs, leaning against the rail. And Kimberly, that is something that is driving me more and more as we draw closer and closer to that incredible event. As I feel the sands of the hourglass slip away – slip through my fingers – I am more and more driven to have what has been LITERALLY handed to you on a silver platter!

Because when I said the past year has made me realize what I have earned – THIS is one of those things. Last year, you and I filled the preshow and we stole it! We headlined it and stole the show but THAT is as far as we could go. Now? I don’t want to just be on the preshow. I don’t want to just be part of Selena’s entrance in the main-event! I want to be on the card! I NEED to be on the card! I HAVE EARNED a place on that card!

She takes a moment to collect herself. Because out of everyone in this match, I have beaten all of you. Kimberly, you know it. Luz, I proved it at Retribution when I pinned Amelia to show you how amazing the House of Frost was, and Adam – well, obviously. Again, a smile fills her features at the memory.

Out of the four of us, I can stand here and I say I have beaten all of you. So to be the only one whose future is completely unknown? Whose path doesn’t even have a hint of a direction in regards to the greatest show in SCW’s twenty year history?

THAT, Kimberly, is what makes me the most dangerous out of the four of us. THAT, Luz, is what makes me as I was last we fought, where I need to prove everything. Because I cannot afford to ‘go back’ or ‘rest on my laurels’ with a fate already secured. I don’t have that, so I have to fight for every inch, every centimeter, EVERY MILLIMETER to drag myself into the main card of Rise to Greatness!

The sign glows just beyond Deanna, though she doesn’t look at it. Because if I am going to try and carve my path to the card… she takes a slow, unsteady breath. I am not going to try for anything less than I believe I have earned.

And that’s the United States Championship.
she pauses for a moment, her eyes taking in the SCW Universe. Like I said last week, I plan to earn my spot on the Rise to Greatness card, and if I am going to do that, then I am going to aim for the highest spot I can get on that card! Allocco bragged not too long ago that he was ‘the only choice’ to being the next in line for the world title. she scoffs at the idea.

I don’t want to be the ‘only choice’ as D. looks through his notes for a challenger against Bree Lancaster. I want the man that called me out months ago to pick my name because I am ‘the best choice’ to challenge for the SCW United States Title! To further show what a year, and even what a few months, can do!

Slowly, Deanna releases a deep breath, her eyes, once more taking in the growing audience far below her. Do you understand now, Kimberly? Do you understand now, Luz? Do you understand now, Adam? I do not have any intention of being merely a ‘pothole’ for you, Kimberly, or another sign of ‘respect’ for you, Luz, or perhaps some sick ‘rebound’ for your ego, Adam. I am not fighting for all of your feel good moments while your paths become clearer and clearer. No! Tonight, I am fighting like my future is on the line! Like my hopes and dreams and chances are all on the line! Because I don’t want to just ‘put on a good match’ and ‘continue to show the world that I can hang with the likes of all of you’.

No… tonight, I have to show – I need to show – that not only can I hang, I can be better than the likes of all of you! That I can find a way to overcome Kim’s chaos, Adam’s experience, and Luz’s passion! That I can definitively, undisputedly not just be part of the United States title picture… but I can be the next person to CHALLENGE for the United States title!

Her tanned hand slams against the guardrail with gusto. I have spent a year battling my demons and the doubters and my own securities, but ever since our match on the preshow last year, Kimberly, I have never stopped believing that I would come back here and be good enough to be part of the main-events and matches of Rise to Greatness.

So do I believe I deserve a match at Rise to Greatness? Yes!
Do I believe that I am good enough to challenge for the United States Championship? Yes!
Do I believe that I am good enough to deserve such an opportunity on the greatest of shows…

Deanna takes a moment to inhale and exhale before she nods her head. YES! I believe that too! I have to believe it! Because I can’t go back to what I was, not after what I’ve overcome! Not after a broken arm and beating former world champions!

So tonight isn’t about just ‘winning’ and ‘feeling good’! This is not just about my past with you, Kimberly, or you, Adam, or you, Luz! This is not just about me looking back – this is about me moving forward to where I deserve to be! Where I need to be!

Finally, Deanna points a strong hand to the Rise to Greatness sign. I need to be there! On the posters, on the signs, on the graphics – I NEED TO BE THERE! And I am going to scratch and claw and burn my way through all three of you to get to it! If that is what I have to do, I will endure Kimberly’s weapons! I will endure Adam’s cheats! I will endure Luz’s skill and I will forge my way onto that show! I will carve my place onto that card, even if there isn’t a soul in SCW that believes I can do it!

Stopping for a moment, Deanna slows her breathing to a few long inhales and exhales. I deserve that. And come tonight? I am going to prove it!

Checkmate, bitches!

Turning, Deanna walks away from the camera, travelling the catwalks as the camera shifts to focus on the Rise to Greatness sign before fading to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
We open up on the sight of the beautiful Cleveland skyline, the buildings all lit up as the sun has set and people are out and about enjoying the incredible nightlife of the city that many have simply started calling The Land in recent years. Some arrays of lights in the distance imply the possibility that the Cleveland Guardians are currently at play somewhere deeper in the city. Regardless of what's going on, the city looks alive tonight and many are out and about enjoying all it has to offer.

One who surprisingly isn't joining them is La Pequeña Luz.

As we step back, it becomes clear that we're getting this incredible shot of Cleveland's nighttime skyline from the balcony of a hotel room. Just off to the side of where we once stood is the luchadora in question, standing at the railing and seemingly taking in the same view that we just were. A quick readjustment of our viewing angle, however, reveals that her focus is instead on what looks like a white and gold version of her mask that she's holding in her hand, almost as if she's unsure of what to do with it. Anyone who indulges in lucha libre and keeps up with Mexican promotions may already know the significance of this sight, but to everyone else it's an odd sight indeed. Luz doesn't seem to be bothered by us intruding on this moment of self-reflection, though. Instead, she just takes a deep breath before turning her head just enough to lock eyes with us, the exhaustion in her features clear even through the mask she's currently wearing.

“Rise to Greatness... we're a little over two weeks away from the crown jewel that SCW has built its entire wrestling empire around, the very show where everyone truly puts their best foot forward to not only leave a lasting impression on that night for the highlight reels to come in future years, but to also gain the momentum that comes with winning on what is well and truly the biggest stage that SCW has to offer. It's hard to believe that this will be the first year Amelia and I will get to compete on that stage, although in what capacity is still up in the air. As much as we'd like to walk into that pay-per-view and fulfill Selena's wish of becoming Tag Team Champions and fixing the damage that Ace and Ravyn have been doing to the tag team scene, I sadly doubt that will be on our agenda given that the two of them have been making sure to focus on virtually everything except the two of us. One would think that Selena telling us that she believes we're ready to take that mantle would be a declaration of open season for the two of them to mock and provoke us into playing along with their games, but I guess they prefer focusing on the contender list that's existed since Retribution of this year and figuring out how to burn through the rest of it as fast as possible since they don't have to do as much work in creating chaos to embrace.

Sadly, that sounds about right considering who we're talking about here.

So, here I stand, still having to wonder what Amelia and I are going to be doing for our very first appearance on the glorious stage of Rise to Greatness, and for its 20th incarnation no less. It's hard to not know about what awaits us yet on a night that special, but it's even harder to think that we could've made our mark on that stage two years ago had the course of history gone a little differently. Maybe then I wouldn't be sitting here figuring out where the road will take us next... maybe we'd have our answer already. Yes, there are still a few matches where the puzzle is just missing one piece to it, that being championships awaiting a challenger to be named, but then you have to ask if Mr. D feels Amelia and I have done enough to earn any of those opportunities, especially since there's still some concern over my girlfriend's recovering knee injury from Taking Hold of the Flame despite the fact that she clearly proved last week she's recovered enough to be able to get right back to work.

Perhaps that's what Breakdown in Cleveland this week is all about... a chance to maybe call my shot, either solo or on behalf of The Light In The Darkness, and make a statement that will shine through that fog and make this picture a little clearer. Just like the shot I called recently that already gave me an experience on part with a Rise to Greatness moment.”

At that, Luz turns to face us fully as she holds up the mask.

“Allow me to clear up some confusion: this mask I'm holding in my hands isn't mine, despite being a perfect replica of the mask design I'm known for. This past weekend, instead of taking a simple trip from Buffalo to Cleveland like many others in SCW to promote this week's Breakdown, I took a lengthy detour back to my home country to settle a bit of a score with someone who's spent the past several months in my old proving grounds pretending to be me and trying to corrupt everything that I stand for. I challenged her to what we call a lucha de apuesta, or a betting match. While there are many companies out there who take the idea of wrestlers losing their hair or mask or careers if they wager it in a match and lose with a grain of salt, in lucha libre putting your mask on the line is far more significant than competing for any title. Even if that show itself wasn't seen by many beyond Mexico as a huge event, I put the very thing that makes me La Pequeña Luz on the line for the very first time to show how important it was that I defend my mask and my name against someone looking to simply take it and use it as their own.

I think it's clear what the outcome of that match was... and hopefully it's clear to all of you just how much wrestling as a whole means to not only me, but everyone around me who helped me get to where I am today. With any luck, it'll also be clear to the three people I'm facing this Thursday night right here in Cleveland how much winning this match would mean to me, if not to make my Rise to Greatness picture a little clearer at long last, then to start building my case for whatever awaits me once that show is in the rear-view mirror.”

Luz takes one last moment to look at the mask before she hands it to the person behind the camera, the hand that moves into frame clearly belonging to Amelia. With it out of her hands, one deep breath later and Luz is looking a lot more pumped up despite how worn out she looks from all the flying and the extra match beyond SCW's schedule she took on.

“Quite a curious decision SCW has made taking three people whose paths heading into Rise to Greatness are still a bit uncertain, some roads foggier than others, and throwing them together to capitalize on the history they all have with each other. I'm not going to complain, however, especially when this match not only presents me with a major opportunity, but also a chance to turn some things around for myself in the bigger picture since I, admittedly, am coming into this match as a bit of an underdog. Maybe that sounds weird of me to say, but think about it: of everyone in this fourway, not only am I the least accomplished competitor when it comes to SCW, but all of my opponents can lay claim to some sort of big win over me that led to something much bigger, whether that be defending a championship or earning the right to challenge for one... even if that earned opportunity was tainted...

Let's start with Kim Williams, the reigning Underground Champion. Kim, when I challenged you for that title some time back, I challenged you to prove that you deserved to hold that title... it wasn't because I didn't think you couldn't hang in something that was clearly more your domain than mine, but because you needed that win to silence all your critics after the way you won it back. You wanted people to take you seriously, and I was willing to enter an environment that wasn't my proverbial cup of tea to give you that chance to legitimize your reign in exchange for not only proving my own adaptability but also calling my shot and following through on an opportunity I felt I had earned. You beat me on that night Kim, no question... I wasn't ready to lead the Underground division after barely being a part of it, and you got your wish.

I just hope you don't believe that means this outcome will be the same, regardless of the fact that we aren't explicitly competing in Underground Rules.

Even if this were a straight-up one-on-one match between us, I have no reason to take you lightly Kim. I know what you're capable of, and that means I have experience to draw from so I can adjust my gameplan accordingly. If you think this match is going to end the same way just because you have multiple people and an inherent chaotic environment to take advantage of, then maybe you can take solace in the fact that your title isn't on the line come Breakdown. You'll still be able to walk into Rise to Greatness to defend that belt... against who? That's the one thing you don't know, but that's still a lot farther along than the rest of us right now. How much that unknown is eating away at you, perhaps even convincing you that your next challenger could be someone in this very match if you happen to take the fall, is going to say a lot about you in this match Kim.

Do I want to challenge you again for that title, perhaps on SCW's biggest stage? It's not an option I'm going to rule out, but being able to prove that I can adapt to your brand of chaos and defeat you when push comes to shove is something I desperately need even if that's not where this road leads in the aftermath of this match.”

Luz took a moment to run her hand along her lower back as she remembered that Underground Title match and what she had gone through trying to capitalize on that opportunity. Considering how much that failed attempt had eaten away at her and could be considered the catalyst for the momentary rift that formed between her and Amelia, she wasn't sure if she believed she was ready to go through something like that again just yet. Maybe someday she'd be willing to take another crack at the Underground Title, but perhaps Rise to Greatness wasn't that day.

“The one person in this match who is definitely in the exact same boat as I am is Deanna Frost... long time no see Deanna. First off, I do want to thank you for the confidence you have in Amelia and I to do what needs to be done regarding the Tag Team Titles finally... as I said earlier, I wish Rise to Greatness would be the night where we can make yours and Selena's hopes a reality, but at this point it wouldn't surprise me if Mr. D passed over us for that spot even if we made our voices heard. Considering how much Rated X have been screwing with not only Bree and Datura that it seems like their finally taking their shot, but also Pro and The One as well, it's painfully obvious he would see the money in that match and go in that direction... the fact that Amelia and I haven't teamed together since our win over Simon and Amy back at Playing the Wildcard speaks plenty of volumes on its own, and without our respective title opportunities heading into Taking Hold of the Flame in the equation anymore it raises the question of whether Amelia's injury is playing into a lot of his decisions about us lately...

Regardless, the one thing I think we can both agree on is that this match could go a long way in finally figuring something out for the both of us. You've made it clear that you want to be Bree's first challenger for the U.S. Title... and, to be honest? Mr. D would be a fool to not give it to you, especially after the war you and my girlfriend put on that night for the tournament. I know I could be just as much an option for that opportunity, especially if I were to win this match, but... much like you've been very upfront about trying to support Selena with all the stress she's been under lately, I'm going to be upfront now and say that I do not want a U.S. Title match at Rise to Greatness. Maybe someday I'll earn the right to fight for that belt, but the idea of going after it the very next pay-per-view after Amelia unfortunately fell short and got hurt in the process doesn't sit right with me, Rise to Greatness or not. To me, facing you on Breakdown this week is more about testing how much I've evolved since our last encounter, just like Amelia did when she faced you in the tournament, and considering your own issues with our other two opponents, knowing where I stand matched up against you and Kim after my previous shortcomings is enough... for now.”

Luz loudly exhales at that, knowing that Deanna might not be too keen on hearing those words especially if Luz were to go on to win this match, but she knows that she will get her chances as long as she keeps getting better in that ring and adapting to whatever SCW throws at her. Even another setback here creates a learning experience that could paint a different picture the next time she and Deanna cross paths, regardless of what form that takes. That exhale, though, is just as much because of the last person she needs to address and the bad taste his mere presence leaves in her mouth.

“Rounding out our intrepid cast for this tightly interwoven story is none other than former World Champion Adam Allocco... and you have no idea how much it makes me sick to actually say those words. Believe it or not Adam, that has nothing to do with what you've done to your own son, although it goes without saying at this point how awful a human being you truly are for trying to milk what happened to him by your own hands for any sort of sympathy. Do you remember Retribution 2021? I wouldn't be surprised if you don't, honestly, considering the big deal that's been made of your struggles with sobriety between then and now. On that night, in a fourway just like this one only with teams instead of wrestlers competing solo, you and your old partner Bison Jones put my girlfriend and I on the shelf indefinitely. Amelia landed wrong on her neck after Bison powerbombed her out of the ring... unfortunately, he's no longer around to deal with regarding that. I, on the other hand, have every reason to want to pick a fight with you specifically. After all, you pinned me to win that match and earn yourself and Bison a Tag Title opportunity... after swiping the Unsanctioned Title that Kim was carrying around at that time and blindsiding me with it, concussing me in the process.

Now, I could have made it a point to pursue you as soon as Amelia and I returned, looking for revenge. We both feel its owed to us at this point, after all. But you already had... still have, actually, Xander breathing down your neck for all your sins. Plus, we're not the kind of people who are just going to make your life a living hell in retaliation even if you more than deserve it. I knew, eventually, that this moment would come... a chance to face you in the ring so I can pay you back the right way and net myself a huge win over a former World Champion in the process, because I know the blow your ego would take from that would hurt far worse than anything else I could do that would no longer make me feel true to myself. Ironic that I would get that opportunity in another fourway, but if I walk away from this match with at least one victory, then I can take solace in being able to finally pay you back for both the concussion you gave me years ago and the mental spiral that accompanied it.

I guess the real question for you Adam is how much this match means to you... considering you've recently fallen short twice in trying to regain the World Title and I doubt any title picture will have you in it come Rise to Greatness, what would it mean to watch you swallow the bitter pill of knowing that karma is finally paying you back for all the years you thought you were above it.

My path going into my very first Rise to Greatness, including whether I'll get to spend it working alongside my girlfriend or have to plan for a solo opportunity, may not be clear, but that doesn't change the fact that this Thursday night I have an opportunity to make a statement. Win or lose, I'm going to make it clear just how much being in SCW and fighting for my opportunities means to me, and whether it earns me something for Rise to Greatness or beyond, the evolution of La Pequeña Luz and The Light In The Darkness as a whole can't be stopped, no matter who you are.”

With that, Luz flashes a smile with every last ounce of confidence and determination that she has to give. Some out there may not be fully convinced by it, but Luz is more than willing to keep fighting until she's earned her place and made her mark, and she and Amelia Blythe will always promise their very best in the ring no matter what challenge awaits them.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)

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