Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs. Katie Steward
SCW Television Championship

1 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, January 21, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Renaissance Fair and a Love/Hate Show"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at Autumn Daniels’ shop. The scene opens to Autumn behind the counter and she is with Katelyn Buehler. Katelyn talking to Autumn and expressing her concerns about Katie as she is worried about her.}

Katelyn Buehler: It was really scary, Autumn. You didn’t see her. The whole Goddess stuff is driving her crazy. Her Ash walked in and she freaked out. Thinking it was some kind of trick the Goddess was playing on her.

Autumn Daniels: You mean, Ash? Katie watched her die in front of her, by the Goddesses own hand. It’s not surprising that it’ll do a number on her.

Katelyn Buehler: It’s just really hard seeing her like this. She’s so defeated. I mean, check this out…

{Katelyn pulls out SCW’s TV Title to show Autumn.}

Katelyn Buehler: She doesn’t really care about the TV Title. This is her title. I don’t think that she feels deserving enough for it.

Autumn Daniels: I’m sorry, Katelyn. I don’t know what to say. I know you want to make her feel better, but her issues with the Goddess and it’s something we can’t even begin to comprehend.

Katelyn Buehler: Because we’re not Goddesses?

Autumn Daniels: Sure, let’s go with that. Where is Katie now? Did you leave her alone?

Katelyn Buehler: No, of course not. She’s with TJ. He was doing something today and it might help Katie clear her head. Have some fun again.

{Katelyn seems to settle down a bit knowing TJ will probably help Katie.}

{The scene changes to a park in Los Angeles in the middle of the afternoon for an event in the park. The camera changes to show Katie and TJ walking around as they just arrived. They’re dressed in old renaissance clothing for the fair. Katie is wearing a brown cloak with the hood covering her head. Katie is confused as she doesn’t know what they’re doing at the fair. She stops TJ to get her answers.}

Katie Steward: TJ, what are we doing here? And why am I wearing this?

TJ Johnson: Come on, Katie. We’re at a Renaissance Fair. I thought you’d enjoy this. You get a chance of playing a character. It’s what you love doing. She said it’s what you needed.

Katie Steward: Who said? TJ, who put you up to this? Was it Gigi? Katelyn? Are they talking about me behind my back?

TJ Johnson: No, they would never do that. Though they are worried about you.

Katie Steward: Yeah, of course they are. I don’t need them worrying about me. The only thing I need is the Goddess and I don’t have her.

TJ Johnson: I know that not having your Goddess powers makes you feel lost and you feel like you have nothing to turn too, but your Brats still care. You also have me. Also you’re the TV Champion so clearly you still have some of you Goddess powers.

Katie Steward: The TV Title? Are you serious right now? I was TV Champion. I was a damn good TV Champion, but then I was canceled. Replaced by someone younger and everyone thinks is better. TV is just disgusting.

TJ Johnson: You always prove them wrong in the end. This will be another one of those times. This is you reboot series.

Katie Steward: (annoyed) Nobody like reboots TJ!

{Katie shakes her head in frustration as TJ’s help isn’t working for her.}

TJ Johnson: I’m sorry, Katie. I know you’re scared right now and the last thing you need is everyone coming at you with trying to make you feel better. We are here at the fair, maybe getting into character is what you need. It’s what you love to do.

Katie Steward: (looks around) Well it does look like a fun event. It also looks a lot like my quest last year where everything when to shit for me and my war with the Goddess. Seriously TJ. Just another reminder of Ash’s death and how the Goddess is screwing with my head now.

TJ Johnson: Ok, I can see you’re in one of your impossible to work with phrases now. So I’m just going to give you what you want and let you find the answers yourself.

Katie Steward: Thank you TJ, that is the first helpful thing that you’ve said to me today. I don’t need you hiding me under this cloak and bringing me to your nerd event because I will ruin your cool status with them.

TJ Johnson: That is so… not what I was doing…

{Katie and TJ look at one another as they’re both upset. They turn away and part ways.}

{The camera stays with Katie as she walks around the fair. She tries to clear her head and calm herself down after her fight with TJ. Something catches her eye as only it can, jewelry. Katie walks over to the display and checks out the designs of rings, brooch and necklaces on display. One of the brooches catches her eye.}

Lady behind the table: It’s nice, isn’t it? It’s from the Game of Thrones collection. That is a replica of the piece Tyrion Lannister wears in the later seasons. It was to show that he was the Hand of the Queen.

Katie Steward: Yeah, well it’d help with my Hand was being a pain in my ass, right now.

{Katie turns and walks away from the table. She walks around the fair and checks out the fair goers having a good time. It’s just the complete opposite with what she’s feeling at the moment. Unfortunately for her it’s not going to get any easier…}

{Katie stands in the crowd of people and the sound of trumpets begin to sound alerting everyone’s attention to the event starting. Everyone makes there way over to the show except for Katie. She listens to them announce the King for the proceedings as King James. A name that seems to haunt her lately. Katie starts to breath heavily as she spins around to check out the show. She catches a break as it’s just an actor playing King and not the James she’s thinking of. Katie turns away and lowers her head. A kid walks by with his mother and looks at Katie and smiles at her.}

Boy: Cool. Mommy, can I get my face painted too?

{Katie looks confused wondering what he’s taking about.}

Mom: Sure, we’ll find the table after we get you a Snow Queen Cone.

{Katie cringes as she hears more words that she really not wants to hear right now. Katie walks out of the fair and stands outside. She takes out a small mirror and shes checks her face. Half of it is darken with white lines drawn around it. Her demon is beginning to show itself with Katie’s feelings going deeper into the dark. She closes her eyes and remembers her yoga breathing as it calms her down and the demon side disappears.}

{TJ walks out of the fair following Katie’s trail. He finds her and hands her a snow cone.}

TJ Johnson: Katie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything that would upset you. Just thought you’d like to check out the renaissances fair. So I brought you a peace offering.

Katie Steward: Is that a Snow Queen cone from the fair?

TJ Johnson: …

TJ Johnson: Ugh.. no. It’s a Queen of Queens cone. See it’s bubble gum flavored so it’s pink.

{TJ smiles at Katie thinking he’s pretty funny with his excuse. Katie ends up smiling back at him and laughs as she accepts his offering.}

Katie Steward: You’re lucky they had pink.

TJ Johnson: So do you wish to accompany me to the fair, M’Lady.

Katie Steward: No.

TJ Johnson: …

Katie Steward: I wanna overthrow the King.

{Katie turns back and walks into the fair.}

TJ Johnson: Ugh, that’s not really part of the scpirt… Katie… Oh, we’re rewriting this.

{TJ chases after Katie as they get back to the fair and the scene fades.}

{The scene changes to Hollywood, California at a studio on a Hollywood back lot. Inside is a live taping from a show in front of a studio audience. Katie Steward walks into an apartment set to jeers from the audience. She looks a bit confused by the reaction.}

Katie Steward: What? Where did you people come from? Where did this set come from? Where is my chair?

{The audience laughs at Katie’s confusion. Someone walks through the door of the apartment. The actor shares a striking resembles to Kelsai Adamson-Mason and the crowd cheers at their arrival. The applause eats away at Katie as she figures what’s happening now.}

Katie Steward: Alright, I get it. I see what’s going on…

{Katie walks to the front of the set and stands next to the actor playing Kelsai.}

Katie Steward: This is what everyone wants, right? I don’t blame you. Kelsai is a nice girl and we want only the best for her. We want to see her win the TV Championship and go on and star in Everyone Loves Kelsai on SCW Breakdown every week. It’s a great story that we want to believe in.

{The audience applauds and cheers at Katie’s lines as it’s what they want.}

Katie Steward: Unfortunately that’s not how it works. Kelsai has cute and fun as she is and I do like her. She’s got a lot of potential and I’m really looking forward to our match and much like last week it’s not going to be what we all visualization in our minds. See while everyone loves Kelsai, the problem lies in everyone wants a piece of Kelsai. Everyone wants to be friends with Kelsai and every single person on the SCW roster is very bad news. If Kelsai wins the TV Championship all her show is going to be is a dark comedy on how awful everyone is around her. Is that what you want for her? We want the lovable family comedy that is never going to happen.

{The audience returns to their jeers and dislike Katie’s comments.}

Katie Steward: See I’m the professional here. I know what this buisness is like. From Hollywood side of things to the Wrestling and I’ve had an agent that’s looked out for me and a manager that’s been my best friend since high school. So I was well protected to study my craft and make the most out of it and look at where am I now. The Katie Steward show is now defending herself against the delusional fans like yourselves.

{Katie turns to the actor next to her and sizes her up like she’s Kelsai.}

Katie Steward: Now I’m completely sincere in what I say when I tell you I adore Kelsai. She is a great personality. She reminds me a lot of when Gigi first started and also the energy that Madison brings to the table. Luckily for Gigi and Maddy, they don’t have the wrong influences hanging around them. That is why we’re going to have to pass on the Everyone Loves Kelsai show.

{The audience turns hostile as the boos get a bit loud against Katie.}

Katie Steward: Yeah no one wants to hear that, but you all loved to hear it from my lips and I get to see your true feelings come out. That is why on Breakdown I’m going to face Kelsai and I will retain my television title. Gigi and Maddy will be hanging around in case someone decides to show up again like last week and attempts to hijack my airtime. This TV Title deserves me and you all deserve to watch me.

{Katie smirks at the audience as they continue to show their displeasure with her. Katie spins around and tosses her hair over her shoulder as she walks off the set with the other actor and the scene and episode end.}
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]
]Hello, Hello, Hello!
So Happy 2020 to everyone! I think that this is going to be a huge year for everyone especially my husband Victor and I because we are planning to start our family the two of us by having a baby! Now I don’t want that to cause any of you wonderful fans of mine to be alarmed hearing that. Victor and I are going to be parents, but it is not because I am not leaving the squared circle anytime soon. Instead of becoming pregnant, which would cause me to need to take off close to a year from wrestling after giving my body plenty of time to recover from having a baby, something that Victor and I agree would not being in my best career interests right now when my career is just really starting to take off, we have decided to adopt a baby!

There are many, many babies who do not for a variety of reasons have a good home to go home to with parents that love and support them growing up. Since I was one of those babies and things turned out as well as they did for me, adopting a baby just seems like the right thing to do, and after discussing the possibility of this with Victor and finding out that he agreed with the idea, we are going to move forward with our plans to become parents hopefully sometime in the new year. I can’t think of a better way to spread love to as many people as possible than to have a child who I know will be raised to the same, no matter what they grow up and be in this crazy little world…

Speaking of that crazy little world there is my best friend (other than Victor, of course) Jaina. Jaina is of course the oldest child of my manager and mentor Amy Chastaine, and though Jaina is not crazy by any means (quite contrary, Jaina is intelligent and beautiful) the fact that she knew my biological mom when she was younger and I did not, that is crazy, at least to me. Because of this though, Jaina and I have spent a lot of time talking, with her trying to fill in the gaps for me concerning my Mom along with Amy, at least as best she can, after all Jaina was a very little girl when my Mom passed away. I love to spend anytime with Jaina though, just talking and laughing about life, and that is definitely what you are supposed to do with your best friend, right?

2020 is certainly starting off on the right foot for me and I hope that all of you can say the same as well, and as always please remember that Kelsai loves all of you!

Home of Wyatt and Amy Lancaster
New Orleans, Louisiana
Friday, January 10, 2020
5 pm

Upstairs in the attic of her parents’ home, Jaina Lancaster has her room, and it is also here that Jaina likes to spend some quality time with friends privately to talk about anything under the sun so to speak. However, as Jaina’s friend Kelsai Adamson-Mason is about to find out Jaina while talking to Jaina, sometimes you can take every precaution and privacy is still a rather hard thing to achieve, a lesson that will have a profound impact upon Kelsai.

Kelsai: Victor and I are ready to start the adoption process, and I have to say that I more than just a little bit nervous Jaina.

Tilting her head to one side as she lays down on her bed, Jaina inquires after considering the statement carefully.

Jaina: What do you have to be nervous about? The people at adoption agency are going to tell you everything that the two of you need to be aware of, and then you will go from there. You don’t have anything to worry about.

Seated Indian style at the top of the bed, Kelsai starts to bite her nails, to which Jaina just shakes her head.

Jaina: I can tell you also that biting on your nails is not going to help you feel any better about this. You just need to calm down. What are two going to do first?

Kelsai: We are going to several adoption agencies next week, but the more that I hear about the whole process from other people, selecting an adoption agencies to go through is really just the start.

Looking at Kelsai with both a bewildered and confused expression, Jaina presses the point further.

Jaina: Kelsai, hon what exactly did you expect the adoption process was going to be like?

Kelsai: Well, I don’t mean to sound dumb, even though that is exactly what many people think of me, but I just thought that when Victor and I were going to adopt a baby, that we would just walk into to an agency, let people do I quick background check, and when then when checked out we would be able to pick our baby and go home parents….

Jaina just watches dumbfounded, but unsure of what to say next as Kelsai continues.

Kelsai:….but let me tell you sweetie, that is just not how the whole thing works. There is so much that goes into it.

Jaina: Hon, you do know what goes on at adoption agencies, right? Those people have important decisions to make, decisions that will affect those babies for the rest of their lives. Of course, there is a lot that goes into it. If they make the wrong decision, they could be setting a child up for a terrible life Have you ever talked with your Mom and Dad about everything they needed to go through when they decided to adopt you?

Hearing Jaina say this, Kelsai starts shaking her head back and forth no fervently

Kelsai: No, I didn’t, but I am starting to think that perhaps Victor and I should have discussed with them their experience when we decided that we wanted to adopt a baby.

Jaina: I can’t believe that your parents wouldn’t have discussed things with the two of you when they heard about you and Victor wanting to adopt a baby of your own

Kelsai swallows huge as soon as Jaina makes this comment, a fact not missed at all by Jaina, her eyes narrowing as she stares at Kelsai.

Jaina: Kelsai?

Kelsai: Yes, Jaina?

Jaina: I know that you have had your issues with your Mom and Dad since finding out about your own adoption, but Kelsai please tell me that you have shared the news about you and Victor deciding to adopt?

Kelsai looks like a small child who has just been found out.

Kelsai: I swear Jaina, it’s not like that, not at all. I was trying to find the right time to tell them about it, then after discussing things with Victor, we decided that we would make it a surprise for them.

Staring at Kelsai intently, Jaina continues to press for more details, knowing that there is something clearly wrong hear, as Kelsai and secret generally do not go together at all.

Jaina: What do you mean that you and Victor are planning the adoption as a surprise for your Mom and Dad. A birthday party can be a surprise sure. A grandchild? Not so much, especially for you. What is going on, Kelsai?

Thinking silently to herself for a few minutes, Kelsai finally spills the beans about everything that has been going on with her parents

Kelsai: If I am being completely honest, I have not been talking to Daddy and Mama all that much in the last 6-7 months.

Sitting right up on her bed now, Jaina tries to reason with Kelsai.

Jaina: I understand that you have been going through a lot of things with them since last summer, but they are still the Mom and Dad that raised you. Everything that they have done for you hasn’t changed just because they are not your biological parents.

Kelsai: I understand that too, and of course I love them to the moon and back. But they also made the decision to lie to me for basically my entire life, and yes I am having a little of trouble wrapping my mind around all of that, and where I go from here with them because of it.

Jaina looks at Kelsai suspiciously.

Jaina: A little bit of trouble you think?

Kelsai: Ok, a lot of trouble I guess. You have to understand the way I was raised growing up though Jaina. My Daddy and Mama were always really big telling people the truth. Now I have found out the that meanwhile the were lying to me about who I was the entire time? Yes, I am having a lot of trouble with this. I feel betrayed in a since, I guess you could say.

Despite the fact that Kelsai is over four-years-older than Jaina, there are many times that Jaina is much more mature in the way that she views the world, like right now.

Jaina: I understand what you are saying babe, but do you realize that because your parents lied to you about your adoption you are going to in turn lie to the two of them about you and Victor trying to adopt a baby?

The realization of what she has been doing hits Kelsai like a hard slap in the face

Kelsai: You must think that I am a terrible human being right now.

Jaina just looks at Kelsai and shakes her head no, before laughing a little

Jaina: Kelsai, a terrible human being the last thing I would ever call you alright? I just think that maybe in this instance, you would do yourself well to try and see this issue from your parents’ perspective rather than just seeing things from your own perspective only. You are an only child, so that means you were the only chance that your parents had at being parents also.

Kelsai nods along with what Jaina says slowly thinking about everything that she has said

Kelsai: And I was the only chance that my Daddy and Mama had at making a mistake being a parent.

Jaina: That is definitely true too, though what I was thinking was that your parents were probably scared, because what if you had decided that you to go look for your biological Dad even after you had learned that your biological Mom had already passed away? You could have just forgotten about them, especially if you found your biological and he turned out to be a great guy who wanted to be a big part of your life. I don’t know how they might have felt Kelsai, but I that if I thought there was going to be a chance that I was going to lose a daughter like you that I would do everything in my power to keep that from happening.

Getting her trademark smile on her face, Kelsai starts to laugh

Kelsai: That is just silly though Jaina. They are my Daddy and Mama. I love them both and I am never going to forget about them.

Jaina: They don’t have any way of knowing what type of person you are going to be though when you are born though, so that had no idea that you were going to be the loving person that you usually are.

Realizing what Jaina meant by saying usually, Kelsai just nods again

Kelsai: Alright, I am going to consider sitting down with my Daddy and Mama and having a talk with them. I have really missed talking with them other than just being civil with them since they are living in the same house with Victor and I still.

Jaina is startled by this revelation

Jaina: Your parents are still living with you and Victor, Kelsai? They have been there for quite a while now, I would have thought that they would have wanted to move out by now, with privacy issues for both the two them as well as you and Victor.

Kelsai: Victor and I have huge house Jaina, so there really is no issue with privacy.

Jaina: I am guessing that none of you have had a problem with someone “walking in” on them?

Clearly, Kelsai has no idea what Jaina is talking about, but she tries to play along.

Kelsai: Well, we just make sure that before we walk into any room we always knock on the door and stuff if it is closed.

Jaina starts laughing even louder now, peaking Kelsai’s interest.

Kelsai: What did I miss sweetie? I feel like there is a joke, but nobody told me what it was.

Calming herself down at least to where she can talk again, Jaina tries to tell Kelsai why she is laughing.

Jaina: Ok, so Jordan and I, we are a couple just like you and Victor are a couple and sometimes couple like to do things without anybody else around if you know what I mean…

Jaina looks at the confused expression on Kelsai’s face and realizes that she is just going to have to come right out and say what she needs to say rather than implying anything.

Jaina: I am talking about sex Kelsai, sex alright?

Kelsai tries to play this off like she knew what Jaina meant all of the time.

Kelsai: Oh yeah I knew that, I was right along with you all of the time.

Internally, Jaina is not buying any of that, but she is not going to embarrass her friend any further right now either.

Jaina: Right, well anyway not too long ago during the holidays Jordan and I were
Upstairs alone initially and Jordan was “spreading some holiday cheer” when my Aunt Bree decided to walk right to my room here and she got to see a little more than what she had bargained for.

Kelsai is so horrified that she almost cannot speak.

Kelsai: Bree walked in on you and Jordan doing the adult?

Jaina: That’s right. That why I was so surprised when you said that your parents are still living with you and Victor. You never know when somebody is not thinking and then a surprise can happen.

With that, Kelsai checks at her watch and is off of the bed like a shot, despite the fact that she was planning to spend the next couple of hours with Jaina before having a late supper at home with Victor who is working.

Kelsai: I really need to be going sweetie. Victor just text me and something just came up!

Jaina: Oh no, is everything alright?

Kelsai: Yeah, yeah, we will be just fine, just something has come up that demands my immediate attention. I can’t really talk about right now, I will catch you up the next time that I see you.

Kelsai comes and gives Jaina a quick kiss on the cheek which is customary for the two of them and then she is gone with the scene fading as Jaina not even realizing all of what has happened says along to no one as Kelsai is already gone

Jaina: Bye?

Home of Victor Mason and Kelsai Adamson-Mason
New Orleans, Louisiana
Friday, January 10, 2020
5:18 pm

Victor Mason is busing working at home in his office when there is an unexpected visitor is his home, as his wife Kelsai’s parents are gone away this evening and Kelsai herself was going to be over at a friends for the next couple of hours. Victor looks up from his desk however, and he sees Kelsai in the doorway looking very flustered.

Victor: Kelsai, you weren’t expected to be home for a little while yet, is something wrong?

Kelsai is beside herself with anxiety, which is very unusual for her.

Kelsai: They are not here right now, are they?

Victor: Who?

Kelsai: Daddy and Mama Victor, that is who!

Victor does not have any idea what to think at this point

Victor: No, they were supposed to be gone tonight remember? Are you alright Kelsai?

Kelsai: Good thing that they are gone because I think that it is time that you and I have a talk mister, because I think that we are going to have to kick them out, it is the only thing we can do!

Victor: Who are we going to have to kick out?

Despite making virtually no sense at all, Kelsai is adamant

Kelsai: We need to kick out my Daddy and Mama…and maybe our children later on too!

Now Victor is very concerned and he gets up from his desk and goes over to comfort Kelsai, while he tries to figure out what is wrong, but Kelsai pushes him away, frantic.

Kelsai: No mister! There is stuff we must discuss first if you think there is ever any chance of you touching my hoo ha again! Now obviously we can’t just kick them out tonight because they are Daddy and Mama, so we are going to have get bells ready for them when they get home because we are going to force them to put the bells on their ankles Ok?! That way, we will always be able to know where they are at inside the house and we will have no surprises even if they forget to knock on the doors! Now, get ready and help me go to the store and get some bells now!

In a flash, Kelsai is gone with Victor calling after her as he tries to catch up with the scene fading

Victor: Wait, Kelsai, what has happened to you? Your hoo ha? Bells on their ankles? No surprises?

Motor City Madness

So, first of all, before I go any further here, I want to tell those of you who are watching this in Cleveland, Ohio just how sorry I am for what you had to witness last week. I have been around for nearly eight months now in Supreme Championship Wrestling and so when I say that I like to approach this sport a little bit differently than anybody else in SCW well, I really don’t think that should come as a shock or I seriously doubt that most of you would not agree. When I say that night in and night out I want to go out and have the very best match on the card that night, and it does not matter to me who my opponent is I still want or match to be the very best it can be, a really mean it. Yes, I want to win a championship, more so than anybody could possibly ever know because I have been so close now on so many occasions, both here and in GCW, but more important to me is to have that best match on the card.

Because when I look out into the crowd anywhere around the country and even around the world and I see fans cheering for me, so incredibly loud I am struck be one thought: Out there in the crowd could be your little girl, who has wanted to go to see this professional wrestling show for who knows how long and this show might be the only show she ends up seeing for the rest of her life. That why my match to me isn’t so much about and losing as much as it is about making memories for all of those little girls, memories that will last a lifetime for them, just in case for whatever reason they do not ever get to come back. That is why I am apologizing to all of you Cleveland, Ohio, because while I cannot speak for my opponent in that match, I can most assuredly state that what happened in that ring last Wednesday night was not the best match on the card, not even close!

There is a fire that we can see deep inside the eyes of Kelsai, and she actually has to wipe away a tear, before she can continue

What, do you think that I wasn’t going to cry after what happened during our match Katie Steward?


I am furious because you and you sisters Gigi and Maddie have robbed the fans in Cleveland, Ohio of what should have been an outstanding match between an SCW legend, an icon, the first female SCW World Champion in history and a rising star in SCW, a match that dare I say could have been the best match on the card and three of you turned it into a joke! More importantly though you could have taken some little girls shot that she will ever get to see a professional wrestling show and you took what could have been the best match on the card and you turned it into a farce, and that makes me cry, because I can never give all of those little girls their moments back!


Is any of this getting through to any of you Maddie, Gigi, or Katie? It is not about us damn it, it is about all of them! You should never steal from them, because without them coming out to watch all of us none of us what get the chance to be who we are, professional wrestlers, entertainers, athletes who get to make a living by doing what it is that we love to do. So again, to all the fans in Cleveland, Ohio, I am truly sorry by what you saw happen last week and I really wish there was something that I could do to take that farce and turn it into the best match on the card that I could have been, but unfortunately I can not do that. Just like I can’t take all the little girls who were there and create some more memories for them knowing full well that might be the only time they get to come to a professional wrestling show, because if I could know that I would!

You know what I can do though? I can promise to all of the great fans in Detroit, fans that might  be getting to see their first and last wrestling show with little girls with memories that will last a life time that what happened in Cleveland won’t happen again in Detroit. So, to Maddie and Gigi, all that I have to say to you is stay in back and let the two people who are actually on this card in the Motor City decide this match in the ring.

As for you Katie? I don’t want the Blonde Bombshell, The Goddess of Desire or even the Queen of Queens. I don’t want you, or your sisters or TJ trying to goad my manage Amy Chastaine into a fight when everyone knows that she has a bad leg. I want Katie Steward, the first female SCW World Champion, the first person ever to hold every singles championship in SCW, the woman who is only an SCW World Tag Team Championship away from being an SCW Supreme Champion. Because I still believe that you and I can make some memories happen for all the little girls in Detroit, they we can be the best match on the card tomorrow night.

But in order for that to happen, I need for the right Katie Steward to show up.

Will she? We shall see, because one thing is for certain though and that is to you fans in Detroit you will be reminded that…..


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