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SCW Television Championship
1 RP Limit for singles
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, March 10, 2020
I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.
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OOC: Best of luck Fizz. I hope you enjoy and everyone else does too.
The Times They Are a Changing
Hello! Hello! Hello!
And how are all my lovelies doing this week? What a difference a week makes to, am I right? Last week, I am getting ready for another opportunity to be a champion, and this week?
This week, I am the champion baby, the two-time SCW Television Champion to be exact, which is definitely exciting for me, and hopefully it is exciting for all of you also. Busy, busy, busy as ever though, that is what professional wrestling is keeping me nowadays, but if I am completely honest, I can’t get enough of being on the road and getting meet each and every one of you wonderful fans at every city I am going to next. Just this week for example I am going to be in Nashville, Tennessee for SCW Breakdown, Sunday in Memphis, Tennessee for the SCW Retribution pay per view, and then finally next Tuesday I will finish my busier than usual week even for me in Montreal, Quebec, Canada for GCW Livewire.
Do you think that sounds like enough to keep me busy?
I love being busy because if I wasn’t busy I would be with Victor all of the time, and while that might sound enticing initially, I don’t really believe that two people, even people who are in love like Victor and I are can be around each other 24-7, it just is not practical. Sometimes I would be getting on Victor’s last nerve, and just like I bet that there are other times that Victor would be on my last nerve too, though you would be hard pressed to get me to admit that to him. It is just the way of the world though, men and women are different, even two people in general are different and sometimes those differences can and probably will cause disagreements.
So, I have enough to keep busy and then some. Like as soon as SCW Breakdown in Denver was over last week, I flew straight to Nashville, which I have already mentioned is the site of SCW Breakdown this Wednesday. Nashville is of course a place that is near and dear to my heart, because my Daddy spent sometime there growing up, it was where he went to high school even. So, I like to tour through different places in Nashville and imagine what it was like for my Daddy before he became famous.
Unfortunately, I was not in Nashville for a good reason last week because I there and in Cookeville, Tennessee also helping to clean up from the tornadoes that ravaged the area last Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning. 25 people lost their lives, and another 88 people were injured in the storms, and numerous buildings were completely destroyed. Victor and I were on the ground in both cities, helping with the cleanup and just meeting people and trying to spread love to communities that desperately need it amidst a lot of change, change that these people obviously did not want.
The thing is about change whether we want change or not, it going to happen. I personally hate change for the most part, as I grow very accustomed to doing things a certain way, like a set routine and I am not fond of being forced to change things. Recently, people have suggested to me that I make some changes in my career and as you can imagine, I do not like these changes either, but like I said changes are going to happen all of the time whether I like them or not, and people I trust are going to need to help me in getting prepared for them.
That is exactly what was happening this morning too, while I was working out with Amy at BlackOut Academy, when I received a surprise….
*Off Camera*
BlackOut Academy
New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday, March 9, 2020
7 am
Kelsai: So just for reviewing, what you are telling me is that you think that it is a good idea for me to start telling people how I really feel in all of my shoots even if it might make people upset with me?
It is the early morning hours and so like we often are during that time, Amy and I are the only ones at BlackOut Academy. I take a couple jabs at the heavy bag, while Amy begins to answer me, not mincing any words, just like normal.
Amy: I think that you have to be smart, but yes, even if it means making a few people upset you need to start really letting people hear how you feel, ok?
I keep working on the heavy bag, trying to collect my thoughts, and make sure I have exactly what it is that I want to say before I continue to discuss things with Amy.
Kelsai: You have always told me though that I should trust my first instincts because they are usually correct. If I were being honest then, I would have to say that my first instinct is to keep doing things the way that I always have.
It is not very often that we disagree on things like I can already tell we are going to now, but when we do, it usually ends up with me not liking it. I take another shot at the heavy, working out a little frustration as I do.
Amy: That is just the thing though Kelsai, you can't keep doing things the way that you always have, because if you do that you will never evolve and reach your truest potential.
A swift kick right into the heavy bag and at least I can say that I am getting a good workout, regardless of whether or not I like where this conversation is currently heading.
Kelsai: Why are we so concerned about whether or not I am reaching my truest potential? Last week, a just defeated Damian Angel to become a two-time SCW Television Champion. What is the matter with just letting enjoy that?
As usual when we are discussing things, Amy is like I was afraid of, not backing down without a fight. It is a trait that I always admire of hers but also drives me right up a wall in the rare occasion that we are not taking that same side of an issue.
Amy: Sure, you are the two-time and reigning Television Champion, but haven’t you given any thought as to anything you might want to be next in SCW?
Kelsai: I am not sure what it is that you mean Amy?
I fire another kick into middle of the heavy bag so hard that Amy who has been holding it, stumbles backward and nearly falls to the floor. I quickly come to her aid, though she really doesn’t need it.
Kelsai: Oh no, Amy!
Amy: Relax, relax, I am fine sweetie. I just wish that I realized you were going to start kicking the bag so hard. Why don’t we go over to the table over there where can’t talk about stuff for a few minutes alright?
Kelsai: Yes, that would be good. Are you sure that you are alright?
Amy: I told you sweetie I am just fine. Just a little startled. Let’s go over here and talk away from the bag for a bit.
Amy leads the way as we go over to sit down at a nearby table. I am still very upset with myself for playing a role in Amy nearly falling to the ground as I take my seat directly across from her.
Kelsai: I am really sorry that I alm….
Amy immediately interrupts and without her saying a word I know what I have done wrong already.
Amy: How many times do I need to tell you not to apologize to me for something?
Kelsai: It is a bad habit of mine I guess, and one that I am trying hard to correct.
Amy nods her head in agreement, and I know that we are going to have another teachable moment here. Amy and I have a lot of teachable moments together, but that is why she promised my Mom, her best friend that she would look out for me if anything happened to my her, though at the time Amy did not know that would be happening as soon as what it did
Amy: Yes it is, but I only say that because I care about you Kelsai. I want you to be confident in yourself, and when you always feel the need to apologize for what you are saying or what you are doing that does not sound confident. I told you that I was fine, we have gotten past it, plus you didn’t do anything wrong, so let’s just move on.
Kelsai: Alright Amy. So what did you want to discuss?
I had a pretty good idea of what she wanted to discuss with me already, but I figured that I would go ahead and let Amy take the lead here, because if on the off chance that I was wrong, we could avoid this discussion, which I would be more than happy to do. Amy smiled looking across the table while taking my hand in hers in the motherly way that she does with me sometimes and I knew that I was screwed. This was going to be a discussion that I wanted to avoid, and I would not be avoiding it today.
Amy: Kelsai, I don’t think I need to tell you how much you mean to me, or just how proud I am becoming of you.
Yep, darn it, we are going to talk about change. Nothing do I loathe talking about more than change. I swallow my pride, and encourage her because I really have no other alternative.
Kelsai: Yes, of course, and thank you. I have been trying really hard to continue to improve with every single match.
Amy: That really shows in your wrestling too. I have not told you this before now, partially because there is just so much going on at Breakdown anyway, and then you wanted to make sure that you talked to Peyton backstage, but I am so proud of you for regaining the SCW Television Championship. I want you not to lose sight of that because now I think it is time that we talk about your approach and your attitude.
My attitude? What are you talking about, Amy? I don’t understand what exactly you are talking about here.
Kelsai: My attitude? Have I been giving you the wrong impression here? I still love you and most people actually. That’s not going to change. I am who I am.
Amy: Yeah, your attitude toward other people has not changed at all, and that is what I wanted to discuss with you actually. Your are incredibly nice, and you are just one of the sweetest young women I have ever known. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t agree with that either. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time someone has said to me something to the effect of “Kelsai, isn’t she just the sweetest thing?” I could probably retire by now.
I laugh because all things considered Amy probably could retire if she really wanted to. Despite the fact that Amy never broadcasts it, she does have a considerable amount of money that she made in wrestling. Amy just smiles at me and continues.
Amy: I know why you are laughing and I get but my point is this; You are working way up at both GCW and SCW and as you work your way up there are going to be things that be expect from you, certain responsibilities that you will be expected to take on, and I just want to be sure that you are going to be ready for that.
Kelsai: What kinds of responsibilities are you talking about?
Amy is deep in thought for a moment, and I know that what she is thinking about must be serious.
Amy: Ok, I know how much you love other people, including the other people that you work with and there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a lot of politics that get played in wrestling backstage. I know that you have an opinion about some of this because we have talked about different things before. I think that the time has come that you need to let everyone know that you have an opinion, and that opinion does matter.
Kelsai: So, you think I need to stop being so nice to people then, right?
Amy: I believe that it is alright if you want say things like “Let Love In” or “Kelsai Loves All of You”. It’s what you are known for and you live it too. You really do love other people as much as you can, and it is one of things that people have come to expect from you so I will not take that away from you. I still want you to be you. The trouble becomes however, if you are never speaking you mind involving things are happening. Them people start to believe that either you don’t have an opinion, or that you just don’t, and like I said I know that neither one of those is true because we have talked about things here between the two of us.
I started to think about everything that Amy was saying. She was right, I did have an opinion about a lot of things, both in GCW and SCW. However, I was also 23 years old, one of the youngest people on in roster, I have wrestled for a little over 14 months in wrestling total, and about 10 months in SCW. Would people even listen to someone who was so inexperienced? Maybe it was time to find out what Amy thought, and if it was, Amy was already a step ahead of me.
Amy: Tell me what you are thinking sweetie?
Kelsai: I haven’t really been in professional wrestling for that long, and I am really young for a professional wrestler. With so many other people that are older and so much more experienced, whose is to say that people will even start to listen to me, if I started to give my opinion?
Amy: Kelsai, you are one of the most loved people in all of professional wrestling. People adore you no matter what arena we go to in the United States or around the world for that matter. What you say about different things will matter to these people who listen to you and there are droves of them, because you matter to these people. I don’t think this, I know this.
I start to think again. I have talked with Victor about this some recently, but only Victor at this point. There are several things that I would like to get off of my chest, but I also realize that if I start to talk about how I feel about things than there is going to be no holding back.
Kelsai: I am not even sure where to begin honestly. Do I start giving my opinions about different things that are going in my promos?
Amy: Yes, that is exactly what I am talking about. Though, I do not expect you to throw yourself into this all at once. You will learn to how to tell people how you really feel as time goes on.
Kelsai: Alright, but where do I begin? Because honestly there are a lot of things going on in both GCW and SCW that I would like to tell people about how I feel, I just don’t know where I should begin?
If I was not listening so closely for what Amy was going to say next, I almost never would have heard would it was that this other person who must have joined us behind me had to say, but luckily I did hear him.
Voice: How about you start with everything that you felt when Blake refused to join your team for Trios when you go to talk to him later on this week.
I turned around and standing right there before me was my husband Victor. I got up and gave him the biggest hug.
Kelsai: Baby, what are you doing here and how long have you been here?
Victor: Amy told me that I could come into the Academy told workout if I wanted to get ready for my match against Dustin in GCW and I have heard must of the conversation between you and Amy. I stand by my suggestion too. I think that when you go out to California and see Blake later this week in between Breakdown and Retribution, you need tell him how you really felt about him refusing to join your team for Trios.
Amy: Kelsai, what is Victor talking about?
I turned around and looked at Amy with Victor where he always is, by my side.
Kelsai: I have been angry with Blake ever since he refused to be apart of my team for Trios. I was lucky enough that I had Jason to be there on my team for me, but I am still very bitter toward Blake about that, but I still have not told Blake how I really feel.
Amy: Well, I am never going to tell you what to do…
Victor: And neither am I.
Amy: But I think that you just for you need to tell Blake how you really feel.
Both Victor and Amy look at me now, though my mind is still not made up, as I have a lot of love for Blake too, he is my brother, and I do not want to say or do anything to jeopardize that.
Kelsai: I don’t know what I am going to do honestly, but I will at least consider it.
As we continued to walk and talk together, I couldn’t help but think how this week could change everything, even as I admittedly hate change.
All I Want
Hellooooooooo Nashville!
How are all of my Lovelies there in the music city and every place else doing tonight?
I would like all of you to know a few things as I get ready for SCW Breakdown Wednesday night. First, I hope that all of you now even without me telling you just how much love I have for all of you. Yes, it is true that I would say that to every city in the world that we would be going to for Breakdown, but Nashville has a special place in my heart. As you know my Daddy went to high school here and I have spent a lot of time here trying to experience a lot of the same things that my Daddy experienced, in one of the most amazing cities in the world.
Second, I spent a lot of time in Nashville late last week, along with my husband, trying to help all of you pick up the pieces after the tornadoes the came through there the first part of the week. It has been such a tough time for me, because I did become a two-time SCW Television Champion last Wednesday in Denver, and I did challenge one of the best wrestlers in the world Peyton Rice to a match this coming Sunday at Retribution. I did both of those things knowing that as soon as that was over I was going to have to not go anywhere to celebrate my victory, but instead I was going to get on a plane and come to a wonderful city that has been in a lot of way a second home for me a see it completely and utterly destroyed.
Needless to say that was not a very fun plane ride at all for knowing what I was going to be walking into once the plane touched down, but then I started to think to myself if this was so bad for me, how had it been for all of you who had to actually live through the experience? Honestly, while I have gone through some pretty tough times in my life, I can honestly say that I have never imagined anything like that, and so no, I really do not know how all of you feel nor will I insult your intelligence and tell you that I do know how you feel. I can only say that just like I was late last week, I will try to listen to you when you tell me how you really feel, and you will always have that special place deep inside of my heart Nashville, and I know firsthand from last week already just how strong this music city can be, so I know that Nashville is going to comeback stronger than ever.
One of things we can do as entertainers is provide an escape for people dealing with time of trouble like the tornadoes here in Nashville last week. Nashville of course has a long history with people who are entertainers, though normally when we talk about entertainers in Nashville, we are talking about music and particularly country music, not professional wrestling. Tomorrow night however, SCW Breakdown is going to make our scheduled stop at Bridgestone Arena and we will be competing in some of the best professional wrestling that you are going to see anywhere in the world bar none, but I really hope that everyone that goes out to the ring tomorrow night remembers that we are entertainers that night in particularly. Because that might be the think that people in Nashville who do make it tomorrow night is entertainment, the chance to not think about all of the terrible things that have happened there recently, at least for a couple of hours.
My part in all of this is that I will be defending the SCW Television Championship against Konrad Raab. I know that this is a match that you have wanted for a very long time Konrad, because I was once it your shoes not to long ago, still having never experienced what it was like to taste gold in SCW. So I know just how badly you want not only to be in this match, but how much you would like to win this match also. You are also someone who I have a ton of respect for, someone who I am proud to call a friend and someone who I know has a great friendship with my manager Amy Chastaine, going back to her days as a competitor in SCW herself. In fact, were you not facing anybody else except for me tomorrow night, there is every chance that I would be pulling for you to get that first taste of gold in SCW.
The thing about it is Konrad, tomorrow night you are facing me, and I can’t cheer for you to win, to get your first taste of gold in SCW at my expense now can I?
Oh no, don’t get me wrong, I will be pulling for your Konrad to have the very best match that you can possibly have, because one of the thing that I want is every time out I want to have the very best match on the card. Every time out Konrad, and tomorrow night that might be even more true because of the connection that I have with the people of Nashville and all that they have been through in the last eight days. No, I am not conceited enough to think that even for a second that a victory by me might be comparable to someone who has just lost their home or worse, but what I need you to understand is because of those people and all that they have lost recently that will mean that I will have something a little extra tomorrow night, entertaining all of them.
I might jump just a little bit higher, or run even faster than normal. That doesn’t mean that I am discrediting what you bring to the ring tomorrow night either. You are a powerful man, and you have a wealth of experience. I am the champion though, and I will try to do everything in my power to make sure that I stay away from your power, that your experience does not become a factor, and I believe that unlike the last time when I was the SCW Television Champion that I will be successful too.
As much as it pains me to say so in one respect, I do believe that as after tomorrow night that will still be looking for your first taste of gold because I plan to walk out of the Bridgestone Arena the SCW Television Champion.
More importantly to me though, I sincerely hope that I am walking out the Bridgestone Arena still your friend too. I hope that we go out to the ring tomorrow night and between the two of us we have the best match on the card. I want for us to go out there in front of all of those people in Nashville and….
…to some people that need it so desperately.
And when the match is over, I truly do hope for you Nashville that Konrad and I have made some memories for you together because maybe more than I have ever met this before….
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03-10-2020, 11:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2020, 08:02 PM by Konrad Raab.)
![[Image: xyKCnrl.png]](
Discovery of him being set up. Anaheim, California. Thursday, 5th March. (Off Camera)
Konrad from the word of a doctor came straight home from Denver, Colorado after discovering his wife was giving birth to a baby. He got a taxi straight to his apartment in Anaheim after taking an early flight to Los Angeles airport to go straight to California. Konrad pays the taxi driver for rushing him back home with his stuff before grabbing his case and slid the card key to open the gates. Konrad recently got extra security due to the threats he obtained from a prisoner, saying Drexel was on the hunt for him and Fizz.
As he opened the door, he dashes in the home, only to discover Fizz was sitting on the sofa, watching TV. Konrad shook his head, knowing it was all a lie. He clears his throat, which even Fizz who wasn't expecting Konrad to come home and says this.
Fizz Raab: “What are you doing home?”
Konrad Raab: “I had a phone call from a doctor, saying you were giving birth.”
Fizz Raab: “What the hell? I wasn't giving birth. Why would a professional doctor of all people lie to you like that?”
Konrad Raab: “God knows. I'm not happy to come home and not even see you with our baby in your arms. You don't look like your in pain of any sort at all. Your waters haven't broke yet, have they?”
Fizz Raab: “I wish they were so I'd be able to go to attend the testing in Alabama on Monday and Tuesday, but no. Do you think somebody in SCW has set you up?”
If there's something Konrad did not think about, it's the set up of someone trying to expose Konrad on being a terrible father. He shook his head, relaxing from nearly having a panic attack due to rushing to get himself home because of Fizz giving birth to their baby. They don't know the gender of their baby as they wanted to keep it a secret, but things were not looking good for them as Fizz is in tears due to Konrad shaking, more due to anger he has inside.
Konrad Raab: “I have no idea, but I will find out if someone has. I didn't think about that. I was more concerned about missing the birth of our baby. That was on my mind intentionally. I'm so angry with the doctor who called me on the whole lie of you giving birth when you haven't.”
Fizz Raab: “Who the hell would do that to our family? I'm angry someone lied to you. I mean, I can't think of anyone who would stoop that low in SCW at least to do this to us, especially your worrying and panicking about me over nothing.”
Konrad Raab: “It has to be someone in SCW because there's nobody other company that knows about us. I know it must be frustrating for you that you'd have to take our baby should it be born to attend a motorcycle test for interviews and photo shoots.”
Fizz Raab: “I am, but I'm honestly more disgusted someone lied to you, especially when you have a ton of matches coming up as well.”
It was a lot for Konrad to take in, more he wasn't able to be angry, well not without The Black Ice mask anyway. Konrad's shaking, gritting his teeth, gripping his fists in and out. He couldn't let his temper out in front of Fizz, not at all when she was due to give birth, although he felt kicking from the baby in her stomach. Konrad smiles, although not a happy, satisfied smile he usually does. Fizz can sense Konrad's attempt of being angry, and she says this.
Fizz Raab: “Look, if you want to go down to the basement and let your feelings out, please do because right now, you're suppressing your feelings and do you remember the last time you suppressed your anger? You exploded on everyone and made so many mistakes.”
Konrad Raab: “No because if I do, what happens if you give birth when I'm The Black Ice? What happens if something bad happens to you? I can't take that risk, not now. If you scream out your waters have broke while I'm The Black Ice, god knows what I'll do to you. I don't want that to happen.”
Fizz Raab: “My brother is here. I've told you that. He's picking the kids up from school at the moment. Please, go down to the basement and let your feelings out. I know you're afraid of your anger, but you have to. I can tell by your shaking, gripping your fists, gritting your teeth, breathing heavily your suppressing being angry. “
Konrad Raab: “I don't want to. I worry I'll hurt you if you're giving birth. I don't care for my anger suppression; I care about your and the baby's safety. I don't care about anything else right now, not even matches I have in the next few days.”
Fizz Raab: “I do care because it's clear you need to let it out. Dean will be coming home in a minute. You need to, holding it in does you no favours. I know you don't want to get angry cos of your worries about me, but you have to. Do it for me.”
Konrad still shook his head, refusing to let what he feels out, but as Dean walks through the door, he felt a lot safer, still holding back his feelings. However, Dean looks like he's seen a ghost, seeing Konrad home already and he asks a question while kids were running around the house after coming back from school, looking at Konrad's complete body language before saying this.
Dean (Fizz's brother): “What's going on?”
Fizz Raab: “A doctor called Konrad at a wrestling event, saying I was giving birth. He came home, panicking and worrying about me, only it turns out to be a lie. I'm trying to get him to go to the basement and let his feelings out.”
Dean: “She's right; you do need to have time away from us and let your feelings out. I understand your concerns and worries about Fizz giving birth without me, but I'm here now so Fizz will be safe.”
Konrad did feel a lot safer with Dean coming home just in time before they explode as he nods and pats Dean on his back before attending with Fizz and the other children. Before Konrad went, he said hello to his kids and hugged them, before going straight down to the basement to unlock the door and opens it before closing it and locking it up.
As he picks up the mask and places The Black Ice mask on his face, he screams, punching the bag Fizz got Konrad for Christmas in the basement with his bare fists. He was hitting and screaming non-stop.
Black Ice Raab: “I'm going to find that son of a bitch and beat the shit out of them next Wednesday for setting me up to come home and be lied to. They'll be decimated.”
It would've crushed any man's heart to be so excited to come home and see Fizz at home with a baby, only it wasn't to be. He screams so loud, pouring tears from his eyes, from the fault of being an SCW star. Konrad dropped to his knees, like passing out due to the amount of pain of how he felt. He got back up and imagined someone stepping in front of him. Konrad threw a punch out of nowhere and said this.
Black Ice Raab: “Get the fuck away from me you son of a bitch. I hate you did this to me and crushing my heart to pieces. I will hurt and destroy you. I will make you bleed in SCW. Have the guts to come out and tell me you tore my heart in pieces because I was screwed.”
While Konrad breathes heavily with his knees on the floor, after being sick and twisted, there was a knock on the door. He hoped it wasn't Fizz because he's made the mistake of beating her before. He asked before opening.
Black Ice Raab: “Who are you?”
Male voice: “It's Dean, Fizz's brother.”
Black Ice had no clue who Dean as if he hadn't said who he was with as Black Ice gets up from the floor and unlocks the door as he allows Dean to come in and does the one thing Konrad can't do and Dean can. Dean takes the mask off his face as it took a while for Konrad to come to be his usual self.
Dean: “You feel better?”
Konrad Raab: “What did I do?”
Dean: “I don't know, but you were screaming, and from the looks of things, you've cried and sworn a lot. I don't know what that mask does to you, but you don't act like yourself, you act like you want to hurt someone.”
Konrad Raab: “I feel hurt, yes. Because I was lied to from a doctor, I'm going to find out who did this and they'll regret what they've done to me, Fizz and even you sooner than later.”
Dean: “But the doctor should be the one to blame, not anyone in SCW.
Konrad Raab: “You know a lot of what goes on in the motocross business, but the wrestling business is a whole different story, how low people would go just to provoke you. It's happened many times with me and Fizz before in situations like this. The doctor wasn't to blame; it's whoever it was in SCW that got the doctor to phone me for no reason. I was so angry. I was crying about it.”
Dean gets the story, although because he was a motocross rider like Fizz's dad was, he didn't have a clue about the wrestling business, turning out it's far different than motocross business. Konrad grabbed his fists once more before Dean pulls out a stress ball Fizz gave to Konrad covered with FC Koln on it. Konrad accepts it and squeezes so hard on it.
Dean: “Come on, let's go upstairs and spend time with your kids since your home. At least you'd be home if the baby does come now.”
Konrad Raab: “I appreciate you being here with Fizz. I couldn't leave her on her own, not when that Drexel is coming out to hunt us down. You're right. Hope the baby is born before Sunday so Fizz can do interviews and photoshoots for MotoAmerica testing coming up in Birmingham, Alabama on Monday and Tuesday.”
Konrad eventually calmed down a lot, after letting his feelings out, squeezing the stress ball he has as he goes up to the living room and played with his kids during the day. The baby wasn't moving throughout the day on any chance of Fizz giving birth at least today. Who knows if it happens tomorrow or even worse, Saturday when he had to go and wrestle. His mind hasn't been on the TV title match, until Sunday when he did extra hours in the gym to prepare for many matches he has coming up this week.
A respectful opponent to face once again shoot (On Camera)
“I don't know how to react right now, to be honest. I'm going to find out who set me up and broke my heart in pieces when I rushed home because of my wife giving birth. I talk more about that nearer the time, and when I found out who did this to me and my family, you'd be wishing you hadn't crossed the damn line.
Sorry, I had to get those thoughts out there because that's extremely personal. However, I'm facing someone who I know wouldn't stoop that low, someone I respect and always wanted a rematch with. That someone is Kelsai Adamson Mason. Congratulations for winning the TV title against Damian Angel as I know from experience, he's not the easiest guy to beat in the ring. I know you seem to be angry as well, what your brother Blake did to you, stood you up to no show for the Trios tournament.
It's unfortunate some people, even family members you can't rely on. You didn't deserve that treatment and thought it was disgusting how he tried to take advantage of your sweet nature. Do you know why I wanted a rematch with you? Because I didn't beat you fair and square, Casterillo decided the match. You have a bright future in this sport, Kelsai and it's my honour to face you for the TV title, despite me not deserving the shot the way my win and loss record has been going this year, it's dreadful.
That's not a bad thing when I've tested my mettle against many top wrestlers and will cherish for the rest of my life. You can only learn from wrestlers who are top class in the sport, including yourself. I always feel you're a threat, especially how angry you are, well likewise with me as well.
I will give you everything I have to show the world what a competitive match truly is like, you saw what I could do against Alistaire, and I won't beat around the bush again because I've said it enough times how much I owe him. You're an angry and determined competitor, well I expect that coming from a wrestling family, guiding you to the top which you are right now. I won't trash you because your such a nice girl that I wouldn't dare to do that because you earned and deserved my respect.
I'm so excited to wrestle you, tearing the house down to be competitive with one another, wrestling non-stop, until one of us gets the win and in this case, the TV title. I loved being the TV champion because although I think the TV title should be defended in PPV matches as well as Breakdown shows, I love the competitive aspect of defending titles every week. After all, that's the kind of wrestler I am. If I didn't want to defend a title every week, I shouldn't be here. I even tried to convince Mr D to have TV title defences at PPV's, but he denied that straight away.
I can see that with you as well, being a proud champion to bust your butt every single week to defend it, even if your first defence is against me. I will push you hard, doing everything I can within the rules to win against you, tearing the house down to wrestle just for the fans to root us on. You are the future of wrestling. I can see success written all over your talent in the ring.
While you have plenty of years ahead of you to accomplish being champion multiple times, I don't, and that's why I need and want to win this match. I will bring you a respectful fight of the top two wrestlers going at it for the honour and pride of this sport we both love being apart of. We will have everyone talking about our match after tomorrow night in Nashville, Tennessee, and I will gladly shake your hand before and after the match.
But sadly for you, as much as it pains me to say this to a nice girl like you, you won't be walking away from this match as the TV Champion as much effort you will put against me which will be one hundred per cent from both of us, I will pin you to be the new TV champion for the third time. Because I'm capable of doing so, although I'd like to get Adrenaline and US titles too, TV title is in front of me. Sadly, you're in the way of that. I will still say this regardless if I respect them or not, prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow.”
I love AJ Allmendinger and Louis Deletraz.