SCW World Championship Gauntlet
SCW World Championship Gauntlet
Ace Marshall
Glory Braddock
Sophie James
Ravyn Taylor
Kimberly Williams
Jordan Majors
Holly Adams
Selena Frost
Asher Hayes
Chris Cannon
Katie Steward
Giovanni Aries
Bree Lancaster ©

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, February 17, 2021

This match will judged in that each individual match will “self-contained.” (So if Datura vs. Glory Braddock starts, to use any example, their roleplays will be used to determine the win and so on.). Order will be announced on the show.
February 6th, 2021
Undisclosed Location in Massachusetts
Off Camera

Darkness is a familiar drug for “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. All of her life from infancy up through early adulthood she was raised in the darkness of her “foster” parent, “guardian”, or whatever term you would want to give to the mysterious woman known Emma Floreschu Storm. Kim just knew her as Emma and it was Emma who passed everything she knew down to Kimberly, including her hate, her anger, her bitterness and rage, and the violence. Every manipulative, deceitful tactic Kimberly has ever utilized in her life she learned from Emma. The ability to lie, lie in such a clever way that she manipulates others to do her dirty work for her, all of that she learned from Emma. Kimberly’s willingness to go to any extreme just to get what she wanted; that is what she inherited from Emma. This is the darkness she inherited from Emma Floreschu Storm.

There is a more literal feel to the darkness that is so familiar and friendly to The Woman Scorned. For in a way Kimberly was raised in complete darkness. Emma secreted Kimberly away at birth to the wilderness of Massachusetts. It was there that Kimberly remained, mostly by herself, lonely and frightened with no one to turn to. Sure, there was Emma, but Emma still had an attachment to the finer things in life. She would spend a few days with Kimberly but then leave back to her estate in Boston. Little Kimberly would be left behind with enough sustenance to keep her going but without anyone to make her feel safe. Kimberly was afraid and lonely. The mind of young Kim was vulnerable and in need of answers. Why would anyone abandon her like this? What had she done wrong to deserve this? The answer from Emma was a half-truth, but most would consider it an outright lie; Emma blamed Kimberly’s biological mother, Angelica Jones. The feeling of abandonment, by Emma and by Angelica, caused Kimberly to grow bitter. Her mind became darker, hateful, and more accepting of the vengeful thoughts that Emma sought to put in her young head.

Now Kimberly is no longer afraid of darkness. In fact, darkness is a familiar face that welcomes her with open arms whenever Williams herself is lost and without answers. On this night of February 6th Kimberly is lost and without answers. The emotional distress of her family feud and the coming conflict between Kim’s twin sister Marie Jones and their mother Angelica is stirring up intense feelings regrading the divided loyalties Kimberly has between these two women very close to her heart.

Twigs snaps loudly underneath Kim’s feet. The terrain is rough and a difficult climb but The Woman Scorned is used to it. Her eyes have quickly adjusted to the dimming light around her. She can almost see the trees, whose leaves are for the most part dead and lying amongst the dark path she walks along. Despite the feeling of death there is also clear evidence of life; birds native to the area are chirping loudly with their songs, making it evident that they are near. It is a symphony of life surrounded by the death of this harsh and bitter cold temperatures. It is a stark contrast to say the least.

Finally the terrain begins to level off. Just in time, Kimberly things as she notices that the sky is growing more and more grey. Darkness will soon descend and despite Kimberly’s familiarity with the area, she wants to camp out before the sun drops behind the clouds for good. Luckily The Woman Scorned has been through this path long enough to know that her destination is nearby. There is a problem, however, but it has gone completely unnoticed by Kimberly. She has traveled this path before. But this has taken her longer than it should have. She’s gotten lost a few times and had to find the path again. What has slowed the eccentric ginger down?

Bear in mind that Kimberly is feeling extremely upset over the pending feud between her twin sister Marie and their mother Angelica. She is torn as to whose side she should take. Who should she remain loyal to? On the one hand there is her twin sister, Marie. When Kimberly was locked up in an insane asylum Marie and only Marie would come visit her. Even when Kim would cuss, swear, and try to tell her to leave her alone, Marie still kept visiting until they not only reconciled but Kim finally got the mental help she needed; all thanks to Marie. Kim wasn’t even fully accepted by the Jones family after being released from the insane asylum. Marie, though, went to bat for Kim and convinced the family to give her a chance. Kim owes a lot to Marie and thus feels fiercely loyal to her. On the other hand there is their mother, Angelica Jones. Out of everyone in the family who had no reason to give Kim a chance Angelica is the primary one. When still deranged, psychotic, and under Emma’s control Kim tried to murder Angelica, tried to murder Marie, and ultimately did kidnap Marie and replaced her for several months, all before being locked up in the mental ward. Yet when Marie went to bat for Kim, Angelica was among the first to open her arms and give her daughter a chance. Angelica not only gave Kim a chance but she treated Kim just as lovingly as a mother should treat her daughter. Kimberly had never felt true love, for Emma had only treated Kim like a weapon. She felt love for the first time from Angelica...and Marie.

Now the two people she cares about most are at odds. Kimberly doesn’t know how to handle it. In all honesty, she doesn’t really want to handle it. She doesn’t want to have to pick sides. She doesn’t want to figure out who is right and who is wrong. She wishes this would just go away. Logic tells her that she will have to make a decision eventually but Kimberly has kicked logic to the curb and turned towards drugs to hopefully escape from this. Approximately thirty minutes into the hike Kimberly began to take some classic hallucinogenic drugs; acid, mushrooms. She didn’t care about the potential side effects. She just wanted to forget about the pain. She wanted to turn off the emotions she has been feeling. And lately turning off those emotions has proven difficult. But drugs? Yes, drugs will help turn those emotions off.

Unfortunately these drugs are also inhibiting her other senses. The drugs have begun kicking in but not fully, thus Kim has been able to finally navigate herself to a clearing where she finds a campsite she had already set up not too long ago. It is a simple tent now sitting amongst the rubble of what used to be a cabin, the same cabin where Emma had kept Kim in the wilderness of Massachusetts.

“Home sweet home.” Kimberly mutters silently before approaching the tent. The Woman Scorned pushes the flap open and sticks her head inside. She is greeted by the pungent odor of rotting feces and immediately she can see said feces from some animal right on the floor of the tent. It’s clearly from small rodent but still there’s enough of it to create a bad smell, even for someone on the verge of an acid trip. Kimberly steps away from tent and scowls.

“Fuck! Marie was right, I should NOT leave this tent out here! It’s just not smart!” Kimberly chuckles. “But hey, no one ever accused me of being smart, am I right?”

Kimberly stretches out her arms in a crucifix like pose and screams out at the top of her lungs for anyone and everyone around, human, animal, whatever, to hear: “I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!”

She laughs, like a pompous royal would laugh at a peasant. The Woman Scorned then drops her knapsack down onto the ground. She squats down on the ground then reaches inside the knapsack, producing a ham sandwich wrapped up in plastic wrap. A wry grin forms upon her face. “At least I won’t have to go scavenging for food. But then again…” Kim reaches back into the knapsack and produces a sharp shank. She smiles devilishly.

“I may go out hunting for sport! Hell, I could kill a bobcat. Or I’ll just fucking kidnap one and name it Lynx Rufus and give it to Jessica as an early birthday present.” Kimberly sets the shank down. She unwraps the ham sandwich and then takes a big bite out of it. As she begins to chew she can sense something is wrong. Is she being watched? Is she being stalked by someone or something? There are bears and other predators out here. Or is this just Kim’s senses slowly beginning to deceive her as the drugs she took a little over half an hour ago are taking hold.

Williams ignores these sensations, imagined or not, because quite frankly she doesn’t care. Whether a drug induced feeling or her own true feeling, either way she just doesn’t want to deal with anything right now. She definitely doesn’t want to deal with her family drama. She came out here to this place to be alone. She came here for the quiet and seclusion that the wilderness provides. No one even knows of this place except for a select few near and dear to Kimberly’s heart. She should have her peace and quiet here.

As Kim continues to chew on her sandwich the senses begin to change. It isn’t just a strange feeling anymore, now she hears strange noises in the forrest. Twigs are snapping all over and every direction. She can hear bobcats hissing and bears growling. Her eyesight, though, is clearly deceiving her as the entire scenery seems to sway back and forth. It causes Kim to get disoriented enough that she drops her sandwich to the ground. Kim tries to stand up but almost immediately falls back to the ground. Williams tries to get up again but this time cannot. The environment around her is still swirling until finally, after what seems like forever, things settle down.

“Is it over?” Kim asks out loud, almost sounding disappointed. “Some fucking acid trip...I could have got that at Disney.”


The voice comes from the forrest. Kim is startled, primarily because no one knows about this place except a select few. And Kim told no one she was coming here. Williams listens closely as the sound of footsteps approach. Williams smirks as she spots none other than an exact copy of herself emerge from the woods and step into the clearing. This clone is dressed all in black and her hair is dyed black as well. A sneer is etched across her face. Kim, however, responds with a light giggle.

“Now this is more like it! I always wanted to see myself and I must admit, seeing myself from the other side, I really am hot. Wow, that’s narcissistic isn’t it? I don’t wanna be like Bree.” Kim slaps herself. “Bad, Kim! Stop or else you’ll end up dating a llama.”

“You’re weak.” The other ‘Kim’ repeats. The Woman Scorned tilts her head to one side and frowns.

“That’s the second time you said that. Did I piss in your cornflakes or something?”

“I’m just telling the truth.” The other Kim walks over and jerks Kim up to her feet. “You are weak!”

“Rude. Do you always see rude people when you’re on an acid trip? I should ask Gio about that.”

“You’re rambling again.” The other Kim shakes her head. “Pathetic.”

“I am rambling but I am not pathetic!”

“You are pathetic. I am what you used to be. Strong, deadly, smarter than everyone else in the world. But look at you now. You are an emotional wreck. You are falling apart before my very eyes, all because of a stupid family feud that is none of your damn business.”

“It’s my sister and mother so it kind of IS my business…” Kimberly’s voice trails off. The clone isn’t thrilled.

“Silence! My point is you were better off without them. The moment you let them back into your life, the moment you got in touch with those pointless emotions, you exposed a vulnerability. You were United States Champion at one time. You should have taken that shank and gutted that narcissistic bitch Bree and had her fucking guts for dinner after. But instead you got beat. Now you’re what? The Lizard Champion? That’s cute. And that’s all you are now. An adorable psychopath entertaining the masses.” The other Kim smirks nastily as she makes a circle around The Woman Scorned.

“Emma was right about us. We are a weapon, nothing more. You should tell the fans to shove it, you should tell SCW management to shove it, and you should tell your family to shove it. Cut yourself off from these emotions, these feelings, and become what you were truly meant to be.”

Kimberly stares deep into her clone’s eyes. She is unsure what to say next or how to react to any of this. “I am…”

“You are trying to be human. You are trying to be normal. But you were never meant to be normal. You were meant to be a monster.”

A tear begins to form in Kimberly’s eyes which she reaches up and wipes away. “No…”

“You know I’m right. You can trade that dumbass Lizard Championship in for the SCW World Championship if you are willing to do what is necessary, if you are willing sacrifice this pathetic little soul you have and return to what you know.”

The words ring all too true for The Woman Scorned. Kimberly Williams has long been viewed by one and as simply Crazy Kim; the nutcase willing to use staple guns, shanks, knife gloves, and other assorted weapons upon the opposition. For Kim these insane antics have always been a front, a ploy to fool her opponents. But it has also been a method of spiritual healing. Kim uses this persona of Crazy Kim as a method of escaping the human emotions that are very difficult to deal with. If she just permanently severed ties with her emotions, if she just became a sociopath, wouldn’t it be so much simpler? Before Kimberly can react another voice rings out…

“Your family is important to you, Kimberly.” From out of the woods emerges another clone of ‘Kimberly Williams’. This one is dressed exactly like the other only this one is all in white as opposed to all black. Also her hair is the red color Kimberly herself.

“Ok, now there’s three of me?” Kimberly laughs. “That’s exactly what the world doesn’t need.”

“But your family needs you, Kim.” The woman dressed in white says. Her counterpart turns and glares angrily at her.

“Don’t be a fool. Do you really want to be a part of a family like the Joneses? I mean, look at your sister and mother. They are fighting now but is that really anything new? How many times has Marie betrayed her? This wasn’t the first and it damn sure won’t be the last. Do you really want to be associated with that insanity?”

The Kimberly dressed in white approaches Kim and smiles warmly. “Think about when you and Marie first reconciled. What thoughts were going through your head?”

“Well, um…

“Don’t answer that.” The other Kim says.

“You had your turn!” The Kim dressed in white snaps. She turns back to face Kimberly. “Now please, what were you going to say?”

“It felt awesome. I was kinda jealous of Marie for a long time, thinking she was the favorite, but she was also my twin. You don’t get much closer than that, y’know? Finally having her in my life not as an enemy but as a sister was special.”

“And what about when your mother accepted you as her daughter?”

The tears once more return to Kimberly’s eyes. “I had never had a mother, not a true mother, no one to love me.”

“And Jessica? What does it mean that Jessica Lasiewicz, your half-sister who for a long time held out and didn’t trust you now trusts you with her life?”

The emotions are overwhelming. Tears are flowing freely from her eyes as Kimberly weeps, not with grief or sadness but with joy, joy that she is accepted by her family. She is silent, though, because she is having difficulty finding the right words to express herself. Just as she is about to speak she is suddenly knocked to the ground. A wave of pain rushes through her body. She isn’t sure if this is still part of the acid trip or if this is really happening but she does make out a massive hairy, brown figure slowly approaching her.

“Fuck...a bear?!”

She may be on an acid trip but some of her natural instincts and training are still available and quickly kick in. She scrambles to her feet and has but moments to act; luckily she fell near her knapsack where she dropped her shank. Will it work against a charging bear? She looks and the bear doesn’t seem that big. Maybe a juvenile? Still deadly enough. But maybe, if Kim is lucky, she got the sharpest shank she has and will be able to kill it.

“Here goes nothing…” Kim leaps towards the knapsack and snatches her shank. The bear reacts and changes direction, charging towards her again. The bear stands on its two back feet and Kim ducks and drives the shank deep into the bear’s throat, causing it to shout out in pain and agony. Kimberly doesn’t relent. She takes the shank and drives it into the bear’s throat a second time.

After the second blow the bear runs in the opposite direction. Kimberly isn’t sure if she just wounded it or if the bear will actually die but she isn’t taking any chances. She goes limping off back towards the path, knowing that she needs to get as far away from this bear as possible before it comes back for a second attack. She is in pain, and this leads her to believe that the bear was indeed real and not a figment of her acid induced imagination. She continues to limp on down the path further and further but stops dead in her tracks when the Kim dressed all in black steps out onto the path in front of her.

“Make a decision.”

“What?! No!” Kim turns around in another direction but standing there is the Kim dressed all in white. She utters the same phrase her counterpart just said...

“Make a decision.”

“No!” Kim exclaims loudly, shouting as another bolt of pain shoots through her body. At this time Kimberly then falls to the ground. She slips into unconsciousness.

February 7th, 2021
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Time has been hard to measure the past few hours for Kimberly Williams. Hell, it could have been days for all she knows. Ever since collapsing in the forrest her sense of time and space has been all but gone. She would wake up to a bright light, nothing but this bright yellow light, and it was a painful light for the brief time she was awake before falling back into slumber. She would wake up again to the light only the next time it was accompanied by a familiar fragrance. Ordinarily someone as cunning and smart as Williams would be able to immediately pick out that fragrance where she knows it from but her mind just isn’t cooperative. Again, The Woman Scorned would go back into a deep sleep. They say that the third time is the charm and this is the case for Kimberly Williams. Her eyes flutter open and she expects the same bright light only this time there is no bright light where she is; wherever she is.

Kimberly tries to sit up but finds it challenging as pain shoots through her body. She does manage to turn her head to take appraisal of where she is; it is someone’s bedroom. There is a lamp on the nightstand next to her that is turned on. A simple brown wood door is shut. She looks upward and sees a fan with a light attached to the fan. Kim makes the safe assumption that the bright light must have come from the overhead fan. Obviously Kim has been transported out of the woods and into someone’s home. But whose home is she in?

The turning of the doorknob startles Kimberly. She turns her head in time to see the door opening. She sighs with some relief as she realizes that this is Sorinah Floreschu, a recent confidant and Emma’s sister. Sorinah, dressed in a simple green sleeveless dress with a pair of black high heel pumps to boot, approaches Kim’s bedside.

“You are awake. I was beginning to worry about you.”

“How long have I been out?”

“At least eight hours, because that’s how long you were out since I brought you here. I found you in the woods though, so I have no way of knowing how long you were unconscious on the ground before I found you.”

“How…” Kimberly rubs her forehead due to the pain of a headache that shoots through her head “ did…”

“How did I find you? You must not forget who I am nor should you forget that Emma was my sister.”

“She told you about it? About the cabin and…”

“No.” Sorinah says, cutting Kimberly off before she can finish her thought. “She never told me about the cabin in the Massachusetts wilderness. But just as Emma taught you everything she knew, I taught my younger sister everything she knew. So it wasn’t difficult for me to find out about the cabin and eventually your connection to it.” Sorinah sighs deeply. “Although I noticed it was gone. Your doing, I take it?”

Kimberly smirks. “Yeah...burnt it down several years ago.”

“Good riddance, then. Those were not good memories for you and it should not have remained standing.” Sorinah sits down on the edge of the bed and gently clasps Kimberly’s right hand. “Now tell me, what do you remember about the night before?”

“Um, you really wouldn’t believe me Sorry.”

“Try me.”

“Well, I was...uh...I was talking to myself.”

“Talking to yourself?”

“Yeah. There two versions of me out there. One with red hair and another with black hair. But both were me. It was freaky but so real…” Kim’s voice fades off as she tries to recall the incident. Sorinah just nods her head, seeming to understand completely.

“That makes sense and doesn’t surprise in the least, considering you were under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs.”


“I found Lysergic Acid Diethlamide in your knapsack, dear.”

“I didn’t have that! It was acid!”

Sorinah sighs with frustration but instead of correcting Kim she just nods her head in agreement. “Right, well I found that in your knapsack.”

“Oh, well maybe…” Kim tries to move but is still in pain and her face contorts, showing the pain “...damn! Acid trips aren’t supposed to hurt are they?!”

“You have a few minor physical injuries, Ms. Williams. I suspect you were either attacked by another hiker...or maybe you attacked them…”

“A bear!”

“I suppose it could have been a bear. Though if you survived a bear attack then I truly am impressed.”

Kimberly smirks knowingly. “Emma taught me everything I knew.”

“Fair enough. You do need to get your sleep but I hope you can answer a question for me before I leave; what were you doing out there?”

This is a question Kimberly has been running away from for a long time now. She isn’t even sure she wants to answer it now but gazing into Sorinah’s eyes tells Kim that she isn’t getting away from this one very easily. The Woman Scorned sighs and leans her head back onto the soft pillow. “I just wanted to get away.”

“Get away from what?”

“The emotional pain. My sister, Marie, she attacked our mother on live television back in early December. Now I have no damn clue what her intentions were, I don’t know if she meant to do this or not, but all I know is that her attack was so brutal it gave mom a concussion. It was so bad that mom was nearly ready to retire which is what Marie wanted from the start. She kept taunting her from the moment of the attack, trying to convince her to quit. But now after the provocation and the taunting, I don’t know what she’ll do. I’m afraid she may retaliate now.”

“A family feud?”

“Yes and I do not want to pick sides if a fight between those two breaks out.”

Sorinah pauses as she studies the pained expression upon her study’s face. Clearly Kimberly is upset and bothered by this. Sorinah has never seen Kim like this before. “What do you feel is the right thing to do, Ms. Williams?”

“That’s the problem. I know in my heart and soul the right thing to do. But doing the right things means choosing a side and that means I will ultimately alienate one of the two people I care about the most. So I figured hell, if I could just try and forget about it...if I could just turn off these damned emotions everything would be fine…”

“That’s why you had the drugs, isn’t it?” Sorinah asks. Again Kimberly nods her head in confirmation of what Sorinah had suspected.

“It used to be really easy for me to just flip this mental switch in my head and become a sociopath. Every single time I set foot inside a wrestling ring I flip that mental switch, turn off the emotions, and become a cold blooded killer. When the match is over, I flip them back on. It’s a talent I’ve developed. But lately I can’t flip that switch anymore. Or at least I can’t flip it as easily as I once could.”

“That’s because you are finally being loved and cared for like a normal human being. You are receiving the love, affection, and acceptance that you should have received all your life, but that love was denied you thanks to my sister.”

“I’m becoming human. It’s what I always wanted. It’s what I dreamed of when I sitting in the mental ward. Now I have it but that thing I wanted, that wish is becoming a curse because I don’t know how to deal with these emotions.” Kimberly is starting to cry again. Sorinah reaches over to the nightstand and finds a tissue which she hands to Kim.

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. A part of me wants to just give up my hopes of being normal and just be that monster, be that sociopath, and never again try to feel human emotion. A part of me wishes to be that cold blooded killer.”

“That would be the easiest solution. But is it the wises solution?”

Kimberly arches her brow out of curiosity. “I don’t know...what should I do?”

“I cannot make that decision for you, Ms. Williams. Only you can decide the path that you shall take.” Sorinah rises off of the bed and turns to walk away. “But I promise you that I will stand by your side every step of the way, regardless of the path you choose.”

Sorinah opens the door and exits. Once she is gone Kimberly breaks down into tears and bawls for the next few minutes until sleep again overtakes her.

February 17th, 2021
Cleveland, Ohio
On Camera

We open in front of the backdrop that is the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. It is bright and sunny today, a light blue sky is our firmament alongside a warm yellow sun that beats down upon the currently lifeless and empty building that will within twenty four hours host SCW Breakdown. As the camera cuts down to a ground level shot we find a black iron bench near the arena, appropriate for sitting when thousands of fans are waiting to pack inside the building. Instead of thousands of fans we are greeted only by the appearance of one single individual: “The Woman Scorned” Kimberly Williams. The eccentric ginger is dressed in torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black t-shirt which reads “All Hail The Lizard King” on the front in hot pink lettering. She carries a championship belt with her; the Lizard Championship belt. The center plate is a gold lizard head. There are four side plates, two on either strap; one is the image of her boyfriend Tommy Wasley, the other is of a penguin, a third is of a Dalek, and the fourth is of her good friend Abigail Lindsey. The self-proclaimed “Lizard Champion” sits down on the bench and places her title belt on her lap.

“If anyone is tuning in expecting to see the typical Crazy Kim shenanigans then you are going to be highly disappointed. I mean, this bad boy right here?” She pats her Lizard Championship belt. “I meant it, I will defend it anytime, anywhere, anyplace. And maybe I’ll proudly be a good Lizard Champion next week. But right now and tomorrow night, no games.” She drops the title belt onto the ground. “And if I’m going to be truly serious for a moment, if I am really going to be honest to goodness fucking serious right now, then maybe I should drop the Lizard King stuff...if only for tonight and tomorrow…”

The Woman Scorned reaches down and takes off her shirt. Unfortunately for you pervs out there she is still wearing a plain white tank top underneath. There is a stoic gaze upon her face but you can almost sense that evil intentions are in her mind.

“Tomorrow night in that arena behind me something monumental will happen. Something that will shake the very foundations of Supreme Championship Wrestling will be taking place tomorrow night in that Quicken Loans arena behind me. The fans of SCW recognize this and that is why I will forever be indebted to the fans of this great business that have always stood by me and supported me, the fans who have held me up during the dark times when I once walked away from this company vowing never to return, those were the fans who kept encouraging me. Do you think I was ignorant of the “STABBY” chants I heard in arenas? There was this one time I was hanging out in a restaurant with my cousin Glory Braddock and a fan came up to her, asking for her autograph. Then that fan...a young boy named Chester...Chester turned to me and asked when Stabby was coming back to SCW, because he missed Stabby. Don’t you think that brought a tear to my eye?”

Tears are forming in the eyes of The Woman Scorned as she recalls this incident. She passionately pats herself on the chest. “I can turn off the emotions and by a psychopath when the situation suits, but deep down inside I am a human fucking being and the words of that fan and so many others from all over the world touched my heart and soul. You fans are what brought me back to Supreme Championship Wrestling. You have no idea how much it means to me to know that someone cares. Thank you!”

“And those fans, those fans who brought me back, they are the ones who realize more than anyone else the severity and importance of what is about to happen tomorrow night in that building behind me. You know who else understands and definitely appreciates the importance of what is going to happen? Asher Hayes, Jordan Majors and Datura.”

“These three tremendous talents have never held the SCW World Championship. World Title shots in this business do not come all that often but Jordan, Hayes, and Datura, they have the rare opportunity to turn their lives and careers around with a world championship victory, all thanks to the Trios cash in of Ace Marshall. They didn’t have to work for it, they didn’t have to earn it, but they know that they can prove that they belong and DESERVE TO BE World Champion tomorrow night.”

“Speaking of Ace, the man of the hour who made this clusterfuck possible, do you think he understands the gravity of this?” Kimberly pauses to let the viewers consider her question. Kimberly then shakes his head. “Sorry, Ace, you’re an awesome guy, thanks for the opportunity, and hell, we can even play another few rounds or three of Strip Poker with a drunk Sophie James and Bree Lancaster if you want, but you do not fully grasp the weight of what’s happening. To you this is a game. This is your chaos you’ve created and you have fun creating chaos. That’s why you and I continue to gravitate towards each other, because we both love chaos. But you also don’t appreciate the opportunity you have. Well, maybe you understand it a little, but you don’t appreciate as much as others would. You can’ can’t because you have already been SCW World Champion. What’s another world title win to you?”

“My friend Sophie James, she has been a former world champion but do you know what else she has been? She has had an injury that threatened to end her career. Drug issues that threatened to end her career AND her life. To have this chance to return to the ring on one night and become World Champion, do you think she appreciates this? I know she appreciates this.”

“Then you have another group of individuals; the comedic group. Katie Steward who fancies herself a queen, Holly Adams who fancies herself as everyone’s favorite wrestler. Giovanni Aries who is fighting a never ending war against the lizard kingdom. Do you think they appreciate the opportunity they have tomorrow night? I’ll reserve my thoughts for Adams and Steward but I can tell you for damn sure Aries doesn’t give a shit. He already trashed the United States Championship and tried to declare everyone a United States Champion in some pseudo-psycho-socialism in wrestling crap.” Kimberly pauses to think for just a moment. “Does that make me a two time United States Champion?”

Kimberly smirks. “Sorry, couldn’t help but add a tiny bit of comic relief in what would otherwise be a tremendously serious and depressing promo. And when talking about Holly, Katie, and Gio, I felt the comedy belongs right there with those three.”

“Then you have Syren, Ravyn Taylor...the Infamous bitches who use whatever deceptive means available to stay in the title hunt. Glory Braddock who may not have won a SCW World Title yet but has had many opportunities already and is a fourteen time former World Champion from other promotions. Selena Frost who has held championships galore in SCW, the frozen bitch is a Supreme Champion for God’s sake, she’s done it all and she continues to do it all. Chris Cannon, a main event player who has had opportunities at championships at all levels. They have always been around the main event spotlight, they have always had opportunities, and they always will have opportunities. Do they appreciate it as much as others in this match?” Kim shakes her head with a definitive no.

“Then there’s our world champion. I see Bree is still as arrogant and condescending as ever. She acts as if she isn’t even sweating this match and you know what? She has no reason to, because someone like her, IF she does lose the title tomorrow night, she will somehow manage to find her way back in the title picture even though that self-absorbed bitch doesn’t deserve it. Ever since she won the title from James Evans it’s basically been Bree and someone else month in and month out because either Sasha isn’t very creative or just plain doesn’t give a damn about giving other competitors a chance!”

Williams points into her eyes. “Look into my eyes! Look into my eyes Bree and I hope you shit your fucking pants as you realize that I am the same bitch who beat your ass for the United States Championship and I can and will whip your blonde ass all over that arena behind me and strip that World Title out of your cold dead hands!”

“And Sasha, I want you to look into my eyes too and I want you to listen to me very carefully. Because I am going to fight like hell tomorrow night. I am going to leave my body and soul in that ring tomorrow night. Yes, I do want to be a World Champion, but I don’t want to win it for me. I want to win it for everyone in this god damn company who has been overlooked in favor of the same old people week in and week out! I am fighting in this gauntlet for the new blood who have never been to the top of the mountain and are itching to have their very first taste of greatness. Yeah, some of those individuals are in this gauntlet, and I wish them luck, but there are so many more who have never been given a chance and who are still missing out on this rare opportunity. There are many more still on the outside looking in. I am fighting for them, because if Crazy Kim can do it, then anyone can do it! So know this Sasha, I am entering this gauntlet and I will either win or I will die trying.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

CD Only. Enjoy.

[Image: ZbBQHbf.png]
OOC: As I already said on Discord, this rp actually closes out an arc I started when Sophie was active in SCW last time. I started it but then didn't get the chance to finish it, but now because of Doug and the gauntlet, I have. It also explains why Sophie went heel last year and why her attitudes changed considerably. Know it won't win, but it was nice to finish off her last story instead of bailing on it like I had done, even if I depressed the fuck out of myself when writing it! Already said to Cid though, that as long as he enjoys the rp, I'm considering that my victory anyway lol. Good luck all, and enjoy! 

[Image: helms2021banner.png]
OOC: I decided to just have some fun with this one. Since Cookie dropped out, she need to be somewhere right? Hope everyone generally enjoys this and best of luck to everyone in the craziest match of 2021 so far. RIP and F in the chat to Olek for having to write this!

Breakdown 2/18/2021 - THE GAUNTLET
[Image: JORDAN1.png]
[Image: UKCcnDz.png]
(click the link above) - 1 of 2
[Image: OjZwbEI.png]
69 - 21 - 5

2021 Stable of the Year - A/C Blondetourage Unit (w/ Cidnay Turner and Asher Hayes)
1x SCW Adrenaline Champion (July 24th, 2021 - November 7th, 2021) (106 Days)
Inaugural Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st, 2009)
1x Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st - August 29th, 2009) (90 Days)
2x SCW 24/7 HardCore Champion (June 18th - August, 2011) (70+ Days)

[Image: TcU8wKN.png]
OOC: Alright, here we go. CD only for this one.

Breakdown 2-18-21 #1
[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):
OOC: CD only for this one. This was fun as hell to write, and will set up the second nicely. I hate that time is such a bitch, but I will push forward. All characters appear with approval from their respective handlers, myself included. Good luck, assholes.

Plan B and Hot Boxing
[Image: lQkhWBY.png]

SCW Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(1X)
2023 Male SCW Superstar of the Year
SCW Supreme Champion (2023)
SCW Adrenaline Champion(2X)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW United States Champion(1x)
SCW Underground Champion(1x)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (2x-W/Rachel Foxx as Bad Company; W/ Cid Turner as A/C Unit)
First and Only Commonwealth Wrestling Champion
SCW 24/7 Hardcore Champion(5x)
2009 Feud of the Year
2009 Tag Team of the Year
SCW World Tag League winner (A/C Unit w/Cid Turner)
2021 Stable of the Year (A/C Blondetourage Unit w/Cid and Holly)

The Dark Side of the Sun

”Sense Out of Chaos”

Schonburg Castle
Oberwessel, Germany
February 13th, 2021

Perhaps the hardest thing to accept was that life went on despite her wishes it go back.

Her sister was still bedridden when all that was wished was that time go backward, rather than forward, to before that dreaded match that put her in a hospital. Life went on.

Her wife remained in prison, making her wish that every second with the redhead in her arms was frozen in place – never ending so she wouldn’t have to suffer the inevitable force of having to let her go. Life went on.

The Tag League was finished. She had failed. Without Regan, she had not even lasted a match – being the one that was pinned. She had wanted to cry there in that ring, that damned word that had followed her throughout 2020 when part of Frozen Hell ringing in her brain. Failure… Glory had apologized like the amazing woman she was becoming, but there was no way the platinum-blonde would hear it. Glory was not the one to blame. She was not the one that had failed or not ‘been enough’ after making so many promises to represent Regan and have her there with there. Selena had… 

And life went on.

Selena sighed as she walked through the paths that etched their way around and within the garden grounds of the castle’s gardens, the cold, crisp winter air Oberwessel was offering lancing through her thin coat, maroon scarp, dark green sweater to her pale skin, and offering the kind of cold she reveled in. She felt the wind whip her hair – in its iconic braid – back, lifting it up as if it wanted to carry it away, leaving Selena without it.

She hadn’t spared much of a glance or thought after Breakdown. She knew that she couldn’t go back to Regan. Couldn’t look her sister in her green eyes. She was ashamed – which she felt along with the cold in her bones. She was ashamed and scared.

How could she face the woman that was bedridden, their dream ending not with a BANG! Like Regan’s husband would say, but rather, like so much of Selena’s current existence. A mere blip on the radar. Lost in the sea of ‘greater happenings’ on in SCW. For the Snow Queen, it was a cold and brutal truth that she could no longer hide from herself as her boots crunched the snow beneath them as she walked.

Regan had been the focus of Frozen Hell, her dream of becoming a Supreme Champion in SCW like Selena and Helms being seen as the bigger ‘story’. And if Selena had needed any proof about that, the months of hell that lead to Taking Hold of the Flame – were she was, seemingly, being phased out/considered for replacement by David was proof of that – though she could not blame the Hellcat for that. But everyone knew – Twitter had exploded with so many people vying for Regan to replace Selena – when Selena was STILL an active wrestler. In fact, if Selena stood there and looked through the last thirteen-fourteen years of her career, as a woman wanting to be something of worth in SCW – she had to be honest with herself. 

She had not been ‘The Face of SCW’.
She had not been ‘The Best of the Best’.
Hell, she wasn’t even sure she could qualify herself as ‘The Snow Queen’ anymore.

She had merely been a part of the ‘act’. Part of ‘Regan’s dream’, easily replaceable. And without Regan… without her sister with her… she was nothing.

She, who had broken Xander and knocked him out twice, had been little more than a rag doll in the Executioner’s arms.
She, who had survived nights of ‘two-matches’ in tournament, had not even managed to last through one.
She, who was a former World Champion… hadn’t even been considered for the title in over four years.

She felt her boot kick at the snow on the ground before she realized what she had done, seeing the wisps and bundles of the white powder travel a few inches before settling back on the blanket of snow that covered the earth. She released a huff of breath, which quickly condensed into vapour, which lifted in the air before dispersing.

As the weeks had gone by following Last Grasp of Reality – where she had been nothing more than a spectator that night (again furthering the current assessment of her ‘worth’ in SCW) – It had gotten easier and easier to enjoy rushing out of the arenas and harder and harder to bring herself to them. She had barely spoken to the fans outside of the show unless they directly stopped her, asking for photos and autographs (never refusing but no longer lingering around like she use to, ashamed to face them as she was ashamed now to face Regan). Hell, she hadn’t even updated her Twitter at all so far in this new year – communicating with fans or anything.

Even now, with her supposedly being part of this ‘invitation-only’ World title gauntlet match coming up on Breakdown – anyone with a brain (aside from Bree Lancaster, of course), would have looked at it with excitement and jubilation! The chance of a lifetime – for any career – again, except Bree’s.

Yet, Selena wasn’t excited to leave Germany. Wasn’t excited to arrive in Cleveland or get into the ring or… any of it. Rather, she was anticipating the same. She could fight, fight over and over again, fight with all she had and, yet… the second she failed again, it wouldn’t matter. She’d be forgotten. Cast back to the back and whatever efforts she had made would be… same as last week. Same as 2020…

And she hated feeling this way. She didn’t WANT to feel this way. She wanted to be proud of being part of SCW. She wanted to be proud of where she was and what she could do in the ring. Sher wanted to be proud of so many things…

Yet all she felt was dread. Dread at the match and the knowledge that Sasha had two more years out of her within SCW…

Selena stopped in her tracks as that last thought crossed her mind. Two more years out of my contract…

A few years ago, when Selena had met with the SCW operator, Sasha D., the Snow Queen had been stunned about at Sasha’s offer to her. Not only was it a lot more money, but it had been a much thicker contract than the yearlys Selena had signed in the past with Mr. D.. A quick perusal of it had explained way. Sasha – the clever woman – had wanted to expand on Selena being “The Face of SCW” with merchandising ideas and, the most glaring feature, a multi-year contract, the first Selena had ever signed in her life. Even in the years travelling and working with other federations like IWC, UWA, and ULW (while she worked at SCW), she had never signed a multi-year deal till then. But Sasha had wanted guarantees. She had wanted to keep Selena with SCW so such an investment could be possible and agreed upon by the board. Why bother investing so heavily in an wrestler that could leave after one year?

It had made sense then, but now? It was merely another regret Selena was feeling – her career now more of an obligation, having to go see her contract through. 

But that was insane, wasn’t it? Why would she ever think like that?

Still, she remained standing in that snow, seeing the thick snowflakes falling from the clouds above. Was… did she want to…

Reaching up, her pale fingers grasped the thick braid that continued to blow in the wind, bringing it around to her front so she could grasp it with both hands, twisting it every which way as she explored those thoughts.

Did she want to go back to SCW right now?

The answer, to her shock, was no. Not in that moment, anyway. She had been little more than a stepping stone for so many people in the past year and even to this past week – the tag division pushing by her and leaving her alone. Glory was going back on the track to regain the Adrenaline title from Shilo Valiant.

No cared that Selena had been abandoned. No one had cared that Selena was alone with no where to go in SCW. And if the show’s runsheets she saw every time she stepped into the arena were any indication, SCW’s Board (including Sasha) seemed to care less and less anyway.

So…was that enough of a reason? Was that enough reason for her to want to just…just…

She forced her eyes shut, concentrating on the cold of the wind, which had, seemingly picked up a little, creating a fusion of invigoration and sharp, cold pain that hit her. “Conceal…” she whispered, trying to quell her thoughts. “Don’t feel…”. She repeated it again as she stood there.

It was useless to think like this. She was obligated to finish her contract and what else could she do now besides being a wrestler? Go back to being a waitress at her Uncle Liam’s bar and grill? Living as a social pariah again? “The Crazy Miner’s Daughter”? Draining the resources she needed to keep herself a presence in her wife’s imprisoned life? 

For a moment, Selena looked around. No… she would NEVER return to that part of her life – being entrapped within Nome – again. She would die before she allowed herself to sink that far. Never again… a growl came from her throat, escaping into the air to become part of the winter chill. Yet, as she gazed up at the castle nearby, seeing the exquisite shapes and designs of it… a thought came to her…

What if she worked here? She was already beloved by the owners, Gunther and Margarette, staying there out of their kindness, and though Selena was often contributing to their costs for the castle with her own income, they had repeatedly insisted that she would never be required to do so. In their eyes, Selena, Deanna, and their children were family.  

She turned her head, taking in more of the beautiful rooftops that were covered in snow, creating a winter castle that, she would have to admit, she wished she could use in a promo as “The Snow Queen” in that moment. But what if she did leave all of that behind? Quit SCW and take whatever fees and punishments Sasha would have to invoke due to Selena’s cancelling her contract… No, she couldn’t go back to live in Nome, but… what if she lived her? With her children? An hour or so away from Deanna and the Frankfurt prison?

Despite herself, the pros of such a decision hit Selena one after the other, like bricks being hurled at a window. She could get a job either in town or, she thought, maybe help Gunther with the castle upkeep as part of them staying there. She would sell the million-dollar ‘forever-house’ she and Deanna had taken in Manhattan and her private plane and limo-bus - maybe to other superstars that deserved more than she did now – and invest those and her savings from her income as an SCW main-event superstar and invest to create a stable source of income for her children…

Her children… her Elsianna, her David, her Amiliah…

She could spend every day with her children, never having to leave them in the care of Gerda or Gunther or Margarette. She could help them more with their homework rather than have to do so through Skype meeting calls when she was out-of-town. She would never miss another parent-teacher conference or birthday or ‘special moment’ in their children’s lives because ‘SCW had called’. 

In short… she could be the mother that she, herself, had never had. 

It had been the solemn vow she had made the moment she had been told she was pregnant with Elsianna – that she would never be what her step-mother, Anastasia DeCarlo, had been to her. That she would love her child with all her heart and be the best provider… the best parent… the child could ever ask for. Didn’t Elsianna deserve that now? Didn’t all her children deserve that, rather than having their mother being pulled away across the world to a job that…that…

Selena shook her head. She did not believe herself to be in a position to judge her ‘motherly grade’ at this point – and, to be honest, she was too afraid that she’d just see herself as a failure as she currently did as a wrestler – any memory of what had happened with Elsianna when she was born… or even her arms… were enough proof of that.

But still… what did she have to prove in SCW in comparison? She had already won every title, won so many top tournaments, highlighted so many historic matches and shows… Maybe it wasn’t enough to be a ‘Hall of Fame worthy’ career like Regan’s was, but still, there was little left for her to prove or even achieve… and compared to what was left for her to achieve as a parent…

Her children growing up.
Getting their driver’s licenses.
Dating – that part Selena was dreading.
Going to college or university (where she had only finished high school)
Changing the world and finding their own places within it.

Wasn’t ‘her place’ in their world more important than simply going to SCW to ‘solidify her legacy’ like Regan had wanted to? That wasn’t what Selena wanted. As much as she adored her sister, to see Regan’s life depend so much on SCW and the ups and downs of that career, being haunted by ‘what-ifs’ and ‘haven’t done’ of some bucket-list… Selena never wanted that. Her legacy was her children. That’s what she cared about. SCW could hate her and shove her into dark matches till her contract expired, could expunge her from the SCW’s history. She didn’t need a Hall of Fame ring. She didn’t need to overstay her welcome like Syren and Ravyn had. She didn’t need to ‘pretend’ to be something like several of the ‘gimmick’ superstars. She had just wanted to be herself. Be genuine.

It was why she was being forced to be ‘real’ right now. 

And, being ‘real’? Selena was asking herself if being SCW was still worth what she was sacrificing in terms of being a ‘wife’ and ‘mother’? Before? Easily – she knew it was. She was changing the world in SCW, for the better, she hoped. Fighting for those that couldn’t fight for themselves. Fighting against those deemed ‘too tough’ or ‘too scary’. Being a role model for her children and providing for them the life she had never had – the life she knew they deserved!

But, being ‘real’ in the cold of the winter in that garden? Selena felt none of that in that moment. She didn’t feel like a ‘role model’ or a ‘hero’ or anything like that. She wasn’t proud of her last slew of matches. Hell, she had even started asking her children not to watch her on television anymore – ever since she had been soundly beaten by Xander Valentine months ago…

Much like with Regan, she just couldn’t face the guilt or the questions about why she had failed. Why did she come up short? “I thought good guys always won…”… that.

Casting her gaze up towards another section of the castle, Selena spotted one of the windows, supported by thin cast-iron bearings criss-crossing each other in a sort of distorted glass pattern. Still, she was close enough to that part of the castle to see the woman staring down at her, the black hair evident by a mile.

Selena sighed as she realized Talia was watching her, no doubt still from the bedroom Gunther had supplied her (‘far away from the children’ as he had declared – he didn’t trust Talia anymore than Selena did). It was the only place Talia could be, the lawyer still recovering from the car accident several weeks back.

“She must be recovering…” Selena said to no one offhandedly, “if she’s walking around her room and whatever.”

She didn’t turn her gaze away from Talia right away, the clear part of the window’s glass allowing her to see the dark-haired women’s eyes. Since the accident, Selena had not pressured Talia for anything. Not for answers or some kind of explanation or if the meeting with her associate before that had yielded anything of importance for Deanna’s case.

Talia wasn’t like Selena. Her life hadn’t been endangered multiple times in the past. While Selena had longed to leave the small town of Nome and live a life fuller and more…just more… Talia had never desired such things – content to grow her way into becoming a ‘queen’ or part of the ‘noble’ family that made up the Scythes in Nome, Alaska. Big fish in a small pond.

Still, as she watched Talia finally turn away from the window, withdrawing further back into the room and out of sight, Selena found her eyes locked on the window, unable to pull herself away.

Why had Talia not spoken to her about any of what happened? 

It was an odd question that snuck up on her in that moment, but she welcomed it as a distraction from her current realm of self-deprecation as a wrestler and mother. Talia had locked herself away from the world after her accident… but why? Yes, there had been that threatening phone call Talia had shown Selena months and months ago, but her former friend had seen it as a challenge. Something she would face head on because it was proof she was headed in the right direction – hell, it was something that gave Selena hope despite the implications.

And yet… this car accident had shut her up for weeks. 

In fact, the more Selena thought about it, the more this seemed so unlike the woman that had made Selena’s private life miserable. Talia Scythe had learned from the best – Malcolm Scythe – to manipulate and conquer enemies, not hide from them. Hell, the only way Selena had beaten them had been because of her family’s help – and it had just been by a bare amount.

“And another thing!” she suddenly breathed into the cold air inadvertently, not meaning to vocalize her thoughts. Why would she stall here? Wouldn’t she want to act on the information her informant gave her, if any?

Again, that was the logical thing to do! Talia was trapped very much in the same way Selena had been trapped in Nome during her childhood. At the mercy of someone else. The only way for Talia to return to the life she coveted was to get Deanna out of prison, yet she had done nothing for weeks – even in discussion. Simply stayed in her room.

It didn’t make sense, unless two possibilities – Selena surmised. First, her informant had nothing and she was just recovering (the likely answer) or…or…
Something spooked her enough to stay away… Selena thought, suddenly fighting the will to move her legs again, hearing the crunching sound of snow under her boots as she marched across the garden, only this time, it was not aimless wandering. No, this travel had a direction, one Selena took with long strides as she reached one of the entryway’s into the castle interior, immediately stomping the snow off her feet and smacking the buildup of snow on her shoulders and head.

Nothing was making sense in those moments – not just in SCW (as she had been in mental war over previously) but also now. And she was tired of not having answers. She knew, as sure as her name was Selena Michelle Frost that Deanna Frost was innocent of the charges brought upon her. Her wife was not a pedophile! If anything, Selena would have been closer to that (having dated Deanna when she had been 17 while Selena had been closer to 25)! Which meant that Fredric Castle, her accuser, had lied or twisted the facts or SOMETHING! And what ate away at Selena was… why?

To say that the Snow Queen had tried to get the young man to drop the charges had been an understatement. In the beginning, she had tried time and time again to offer something – anything! A fortune in money, her own house in Manhattan, for Odin’s sake, she had even tried to play to her ‘celebrity status’ and offered her custom limo-bus and plane.

All were rejected – the boy refusing to do anything but see her wife ‘tried for her crimes’. 

But if Deanna was innocent… and money wasn’t the goal… was it her destruction? Was that it? Was the goal to keep Deanna away from Selena as a form of torture? Well, that was working for sure, if Selena’s mental war back in the garden was any indication – the woman contemplating leaving SCW for the love of Baldur! But, if that was the case, then it made even less sense to Selena as she marched up the stairs and through the halls of the castle towards her intended destination. She didn’t know the boy known as Fredric Castle, or his family and Talia had found nothing beyond the immediate that linked him to Selena or Deanna or their families. There was no reason for the boy to hate them or target them! 

And yet, everything pointed to the fact that this was a target. If Deanna was innocent, then Fredric had lied. If Fredric had lied but NOT simply wanted money, then this was something personal. Meaning he had targeted Deanna… but THAT didn’t make sense either!

Deanna had gone to Oberwessel to run away from from the Scythes, taking Elsianna with her to protect her while Selena fought tooth and nail to bring them down. No one knew she had left! Selena had told no one and it wasn’t like Deanna had been on Twitter telling the world where she was or shouting in the town-square of the town “I’M THE WIFE OF SELENA FROST!”.

So how would Fredric have known? But he had to of known! Otherwise, how could he have been there? How could he have recognized Deanna?! How could he-

“AAAHHH!” Selena’s pale hand slammed against the wallpapered wall near her, the red and gold colors contrasting with the paleness of her fist. Was this what Talia had to deal with? This web of BS when all that was wanted was an answer? Selena found herself craving it as she stood in that hallway. An answer – a reason. Even if it meant there was no saving Deanna from her remaining years in the prison, Selena would deal with that! They would survive that together, like they had planned. But she couldn’t stand not knowing ‘why’ this had happened, and she could only imagine, deep down, how it was even worse for Deanna – never knowing why this happened to someone as good as her red-haired mate.

As she reached the door with the number “211” on it, Selena knocked briskly on the off-yellowish door, feeling the knock’s sharp sound. At first, there was no response or sound of movement.

“Come on, Talia.” Selena sighed, knocking again. “Open up. We need to talk.”

Once more, there was no sound for a reply.

“Talia.” Selena barked, knocking a bit more forcefully. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you can’t be cooped up in there. We’ve got to get back to this.” She tried. “I know you want to get home… and lying around isn’t helping either of us…”

To Selena’s surprise, the door suddenly swung open, revealing a red-eyed, robe-wearing Talia. “You think I don’t fucking know that?!” she barked, which allowed Selena to get a good look at her. To say that the lawyer was a wreck would have been insulting to wrecks everywhere. Now that she was up-close to the woman, Selena could how tattered Talia’s hair was, a mess of black with no pattern of direction that the follicles all followed. Her face was devoid of makeup, which meant the bags under her eyes were on full display – a lack of sleep evident. Her skin was paler than… well, not as pale as Selena’s but that was genetic, not poor health!

Simply lost at the sight before her, Selena almost missed Talia wince in pain, a sharp hiss escaping her as she stood there, her grip on the door changing from simply opening it to relying on it for support as she stood there. It was enough to snap Selena out of her lost thoughts and, immediately, she was holding Talia up on the other side, arm over Selena’s shoulders as Selena slowly moved her back into the room to sit on the bed.

“Okay…maybe we not be angry, okay?” she tried, mentally cursing herself. “Sorry to get you wound up like that. You’re recovering.”

Talia said nothing, simply sitting on the bed as Selena stood back up. She was, at that point, able to take stock of the room around her, sapphire eyes widening at the sight. There were paper-piles in several parts of the room. There were pictures tacked to the wall with strings wrapping around the tacks and linking to others like some ‘conspiracy movie’. There were dirty dishes by the door (a late lunch, perhaps?). One thing that Selena was grateful for was that Talia, at least smelled clean, so perhaps all was not lost.

“So what do you want?” Talia huffed her hand still on her injured ribs, causing a phantom pain to shoot through Selena – her own ribs long sufferers of her SCW careers and risks (foolish and otherwise).

“I…” Without thinking, Selena ran her hands through her hair to rest against the back of her head for a moment. “I just want to know what is going on, Talia.” She sighed, only now realizing how tired she must have sounded. “I mean… none of it is making sense.” 

Quietly, as she spoke, Selena removed her coat and scarf, hanging them up on hooks that were nailed on the wall near the door. “Not one aspect.” She continued, turning back to her friend-turned enemy- turned ally. “How long as it been? How many months? A year? And I…” pale fingers reached up to massage her own temples, trying to grasp everything she wanted to say – to keep it focused and calm. “I… I never expected a miracle from you. I still don’t-“

“Really?” huffed Talia. “Cause it sounds like you-“
“Talia, just let me finish-“ there was a hitch in her voice as Selena begged, which stunned the older woman sitting on the bed. Despite herself, Talia’s jaw clenched and she remained silent, allowing the platinum-blonde to continue.

“I never expected a miracle, okay? And I don’t blame you for how things have gone to this point… but I felt… All this time, nothing about this has made sense to me. Why Deanna? What did she do to that boy that he would target her like this? Why would he refuse a buy-out if this was just a scam? None of this – none of it has made sense… With you? Yes! I understood! I saw where you and the Scythes were coming from, whether it was right or wrong. Target me? Fine! It made sense to me! But this didn’t…still doesn’t…”

Out of the corner of her eyes as she paced around the room (avoiding the piles of papers and files), Selena saw Talia look away, brown eyes locked on one of the walls. 

“But, at the very least… I felt like I could make sense of you.” That statement regained Talia’s focus, for she turned her head to eye Selena. “I mean… good or bad, trusting or not, I felt like I could understand everything you did here. It was to get home to Nome. I could relate to that, because I just wanted to get Deanna home to me.” Pale hands placed themselves over Selena’s heart, the young woman now just standing in the middle of the room. “So… I can’t understand why you’ve been locked away like this. Why you haven’t talked to me. I know we’re not friends anymore, but I thought, at least, you’d want to be done with this and not just hide away…”

Selena’s accented voice faded into silence, though she kept her eyes on Talia the entire time. There were sounds that filled the room for several minutes, Selena unable to get a read on the woman sitting before her, though neither woman looked away.

“I’ve…” the voice came from Talia, breaking the silence. “I haven’t…” she tried to find the words until she just huffed. “I’m sorry, Selena.” 

That was a statement that the wrestler had ever expected to hear from her Talia – not in a million years! Still, Talia kept going, even as Selena stood there, dumbstruck. “I’m sorry but I can’t go any further. There is no point to continue.” She sighed.

There is no point to continue… The statement was followed, in Selena’s mind, by the sound of glass shattering as the platinum-blonde felt her heart shattering into the smallest of pieces.

“Wha…what?” She asked, shaking her head. “What do you- What are you talking about?”
“I mean it’s over. Deanna is stuck there, which means I’m stuck here!” Talia cried back. “For the next six or more years, I. AM. STUCK. HERE!”

To Selena, Talia seemed ready to punch the pillow next to the bed, much as Selena had the wall, but due to the former woman’s ribs, she simply clenched her jaw and tightened her hands into fists.

“No, that can’t be.” Selena stated firmly. “There has to be something-“
“There IS something!” Talia laughed. “And that’s why I know I’m fucking screwed!”

“Talia – I’m begging you-“ Selena’s voice suddenly was more of a crying plea as she stood there. “Please – make sense. I need… I need something in my fucking life to make sense or I’ll…” she bit her lower lip – she was already contemplated quitting SCW due to it no longer making sense to her… and her life…

Talia’s eyes widened as the implication of Selena’s words dawned on her. Perhaps the lawyer was over-thinking it, but she recognized a plea for help when she saw one – and while suicide didn’t seem right, Selena clearly feared her own actions if this insanity of events continued to weigh upon her mind without any sign of change.

Taking a deep breath, the Scythe wife rested her hands in her lap before she spoke. “There’s…” she started, though she was hesitant. “My accident wasn’t an accident.”

Selena’s eyes widened. “As in…” she gestured with her hands, though the movement held no true meaning.
“As in someone was trying to get rid of me.” Talia sighed. “And lately, I’ve been trying to find my own place here and stop bothering Gunther and Magarette-“

The surprised look on Selena’s face at those words caused Talia’s own eyes to narrow. “You may think I’m a bitch, Selena.” She spat. “But I’m not. They have been very kind to me when they didn’t have a reason to be. I didn’t… I didn’t want to inconvenience them more than I already had when I realized that I was stuck here.”

“But you think that’s impossible because someone is out to kill you?”
“No. It’s impossible because I have no money to get my own place.” Talia sighed. “And I knew asking you would just have you insisting I stay here and then you’d want to know why and-“

“Wait…” Selena held up her hands. “You were trying to run away? To leave?” 
“Just to somewhere in town.” Talia shrugged. “Get used to my new prison.” 
“So… your accident? That wasn’t the reason?”

Talia laughed. “Please! She…They could have killed me when they crashed my car – no. They just wanted what I had.”

“Which was?” Selena asked, choosing then to lower herself to the floor, sitting with her legs tucked to the side. “Talia, I still don’t understand.”

Again, Talia sighed. “I’m trying to tell you but- fuck, it’s harder than I thought.”
“Because, despite how much I hate you-“ she stated emphatically. “I don’t think Deanna deserved what happened to her. Why do you think Malcolm is forcing me to be here? He thinks the same thing.”
“So why doesn’t he help?”
“Just because he doesn’t agree doesn’t mean he’s going to do something for nothing! Far as he is concerned, the only reason this is happening –“ Talia motioned between Selena and herself with her hand. “Is because I gave my word to you. Something he believes strongly in… old fool.”

“Okay…” Selena nodded slowly.
“Do you remember that day?” Talia asked. “The day of my accident? I was meeting an informant?”
“Yes.” Selena nodded. She had been with Regan, helping her sister get some ‘Christmas-cooking’ done ahead of time, their big handicap match with Xander on the horizon. A stern conversation over video-chat had basically gone nowhere between Talia and the Frost-woman.

“Well, I did… and he gave me some information…”
“What kind of-“ Selena tried, but Talia cut her off.
“I don’t know!” she barked. “It was some encrypted file I couldn’t break. He sent it over his Bluetooth and said once he was ‘out of town’ with his payment, he’d send the decryption key.”
“Well, can’t he resend it?!” Selena asked. “Can’t we-“

“Selena.” Talia sharply halted the Snow Queen’s incoming rant. “Do you not think I’ve tried EVERY possible scenario?”
“So…do you have it? The encrypted files?”

The defeated look in Talia’s eyes at the question squashed whatever hope Selena had suddenly felt.

“No.” Talia answered. “Before sending it, part of the bargain was I not expose it to online sources. But I had my accident and had no choice. I backed it up seconds before I crashed, they took my phone and since I broke my promise to my contact – the key never arrived.”

“So…” Selena sighed. “Is there nothing? Can’t we retrieve it from your backup? Hire a hacker to break it? I mean… I don’t know much about computers, but-“

“Selena.” Talia silenced the woman. “I had ten seconds to back up the file. Not even. I sent it to the first place I had access to…” her voice trailed away, leaving an expression of utter guilt on her face.

“Talia…” Selena slowly stood back on her feet. “Who did you send it to?” she asked. “Who has access to that account?”

A grim look appeared over the lawyer’s face. “You know exactly who.” She whispered, repeating words she had previously spoken. “Just because he doesn’t agree doesn’t mean he’s going to do something for nothing”. 

And it was then that Selena finally understood why Talia had surrendered to the fate placed on her by a more powerful being.

Because that powerful being now held all the cards…

The Royal Letter

Dear Ace Marshall,

I suppose this is the kind of reaction that you were hoping for. For the attention of fourteen other wrestlers to be on you? For some kind of ‘reaction’ from some of the best and most dominant forces in SCW’s history – and no. I don’t consider myself as part of that list.

But allow me to do something that quite a few will hesitate on doing. Thanking you.

Thank you, Ace.

That is what you wanted, isn’t it? For people to thank you for your ‘generosity’? It’s an honest request. So, thank you.

Because after last week, the last place Selena Frost belongs is in a match for the SCW World Championship. Hell, after the last year of singles shortcomings, the last place I belong is in this gauntlet. I mean, how long has it been since the SCW Board chose me to go for the World title? When was the last time they held a number one contender’s match and thought “Let’s get Selena Frost in on that! She deserves it!”? Three and a half years?

And let’s face it, Ace, there is a reason for that. There’s a reason behind why I’ve mostly needed Trios for any kind of singles push in that time. There’s a reason why people have been laughing more and more at the nickname I was given - “The Face of SCW” – more and more, regardless at whatever moments where I managed to grab success. It’s all for a reason and the fault is mine.

I don’t know where, and I don’t know when, but something has changed for me. In a time where I could do so much in that ring, achieve so much and defy odds and expectations all over again, now I can’t seem to. I can’t seem to defy those same odds. I can’t seem to achieve those same highs like I use to. And I’ve had to ask myself after each and every time:

Is it me?
Have I hit my wall?
Have I reached my limit?
Is it time…

So, yes, I will admit it because it is the honest truth. Without you, Ace, I would not be in this match at Breakdown. I would probably not even be competing, possibly at all that night – another night with Selena Frost as a spectator, much like at Last Grasp of Reality.

So, thank you, Ace, for allowing me to be… something… on such a night.

At least you deserve that. For those of us that wouldn’t be considered in the immediate future – greats like Glory or Kimberly or Jordan or Cannon – or people that just are ‘here out of nowhere’, we can all thank you. SCW and its fans can thank you. Because this will easily be a Breakdown where everyone wants to tune in and watch – but I’ll get to that.

So thank you, Ace. You have my thanks.

But our praise? Love? Down on one knee and worship you? 

Heh… you always were too greedy for your own good, Ace. Always wanted your cake and eat it too, right? I mean, here you are, acting like some generous saint, talking about SCW and entertainment and ‘shaking things up’. You want to know what I think?

I think if you wanted to be Shilo Valiant, you’d have been better spending your Trios getting a match with him. Hell, put his gimmick on the line so you don’t have to worry about possibly getting sued for copyright – I don’t know, the guy is unstable. The stories Glory told me… I hope, whether she wins or loses this, she gets that clown back and takes back the title that she respected.

And since we’re on that subject, Ace, let’s be honest. This isn’t about ‘shaking things up’. This isn’t about ‘entertainment’. If it was, why the hell would you simply just repackage the same idea you did last time you had Trios? 

Remember? You had Giovanni Aries put his adrenaline title on the line against a mass of people at the end of the year battle royale. I remember because I was there, just like I was there when the same thing happened over a year ago when Kellen Jeffries cashed in and did the same thing with the World title. So tell me, Ace. The thing you want praise for? The thing you’re ‘shaking up SCW over’? Just a repackaged idea. No different than the people that added themselves to the Rise to Greatness main-event. Wrap it in a different wrapper, it’s still going to be the same crap.

And what I can’t really stand is that you think the SCW Universe isn’t aware of it. That they don’t see the ‘same stunt’ trick you’re pulling, Ace. Of course they do! Of course they see it! These people have sat through all the ‘stagnant’, ‘status-quo’, as you put it, far more than you. Unlike you, who’s come and gone on and off since you lost the World title, theses people have stayed through it all. Seeing it all – so when you do that same exact thing and say ‘it’s new! Trust me!’, they see it!

For Odin’s sake, I’ve experienced it with you! You said that this match was about some of your best matches in your career, which is why I got invited, right? Let me run you through that, Ace. If you’re referring to the last time I fought you for the World title, rather than the countless times I beat you and Cassidy Carter in that ring afterwards, I’ll be happy to discuss it.

Taking Hold of the Flame
Breakdown after Rise to Greatness
Under Attack

Four times I faced you with the stakes so damn high, well… that’s what Breakdown is as well, so… and all four times, Ace, you needed Cassidy, or Alistaire, or both. Not once, Ace, NOT ONCE, in that entire time where you and I traded the world title back and forth did you give me or the SCW universe the one-on-one match that they craved. 

And the reason is that you didn’t care about them. You didn’t care about the SCW Universe or what they wanted. You didn’t care what I wanted. All that mattered to you, Ace, has been the same throughout your entire career, just as true today as it was then. 

Ace Marshall only cares about Ace Marshall.

As you claimed – this night is about you, which is the only thing you said that I actually believed was an honest declaration. Because that’s what it’s about, deep down, isn’t it? It’s about you finding a way to take the World title and then say you beat fourteen other superstars – fourteen of the best. 

Be a hell of an accomplishment right? “I beat the past in Syren, Ravyn, Katie and Giovanni! I beat the present in Chris Cannon and Glory, and Jordan! I beat the future in Asher and Datura and Holly to become World Champion!”. It’s about you trying to do what some of the most amazing world champions like David Helms, Shaun Cruze, CHBK, Jason Zero, and even Syren, took years to accomplish and ‘get it all done’ in one night. 

Because that’s always been your style, Ace. Always the easy path. Always the short cut. Make a real effort when it’s worth your while and screw the rest. That’s the real reason why you’re doing this. Because if you could beat Bree one on one? You would. You’d shake things up by beating her and then defend the title against every person in this match! THAT would shake up SCW. That would truly define you as a worthwhile champion – I’d give anything for a chance to pull that off! But you know you can’t.  So, you’re doing what you do best. 

Chaos. Pure chaos to keep everyone off you so you can sneak in and steal the world title – like you stole the Taking Hold of the Flame Royale from me all those years ago, needing Cassidy to do it.

Let’s face it, Ace, your ‘choices’ are as selfish as any past trios winner and that includes me. Difference is? We chose singles matches not to ‘better our odds’, but to prove we could compete at that level. Prove we could beat a superstar or win a title. 

I fought Bree in a roofed cage, not to handicap her, but to give SCW the match she had refused to give us. One on one, fighter vs fighter, to truly determine who deserved the right to be the United States Champion and carry that belt forward, shaking things up within the division.

That’s something you’ve never understood, Ace. That the trial? The ‘shaking things up’? It doesn’t happen in one night just because a belt changes hands. You think that when I say “SCW deserves better than Bree Lancaster” that I think it’s just ‘getting the belt off her’?

No, Ace. Something like that is merely the beginning. Merely the first step in a journey that is long and hard, redefining the standard Bree Lancaster has set for that title. Redefining the definition of being a ‘world champion’. 

And let me be clear, Ace. I know that isn’t you. Last time you were World Champion? You showed up drunk, holding the world title, at the Punk Hazard Festival. Remember? Your first showing as the world champion and you showed up on live television smashed out of your mind. THAT’S what people remember when we think of you, Ace, and that is the truth behind your supposed ‘care’ for SCW, the show, and whatever else you try and BS us with.

But you want to know why, despite this, they are excited for this match? Why they want this match to happen, Ace? It’s not because of you. It’s not because of me. It’s not because of Glory or Syren or Cannon or Jordan or any of us…

They’re excited because there’s a 14/15 chance that the SCW World title will change hands – meaning Bree Lancaster will no longer be champion.

THAT, Ace, THAT is worth the price of admission, not getting your ‘rocks off’. That is what they will pay to see. And you know what? That says more about Bree Lancaster than it does about you. That so many people will tune in and settle for someone like Syren or Ravyn or Holly as the World Champion over that woman?

I won’t lie… I’m one of them. Are you kidding? After hearing her mouth off at Regan and David, who only wanted to respect SCW and make it worthy of the name “Supreme Championship Wrestling”? Seriously? I hope I get drawn first with her with me so that there are no excuses when I beat her and eliminate her from this damn thing in round 1. I don’t care if I have to then fight until I don’t know which way is up and which way is down, Ace. If you’re talking about getting ‘rocks off’? I want to be the one that truly ‘shakes up SCW’ as it should, by ensuring that the World title goes to someone that, even if it’s not by much, will be better for SCW than Bree Lancaster!

But do I want to see it in the hands of you? Just so you can show up hammered on Breakdown?

Do I want to see it work by Syren again? A declaration that she is ‘the greatest’ after how many months of failing to prove that?

Ravyn? Holly? Katie? Giovanni?

Make no mistake, Ace, I’d rather it be any of them, including you, over Bree, but that doesn’t mean that I can stand by and just let it be one of you.

It’s the reason I didn’t decline the invitation like Cookie did. Cookie didn’t feel like she was ready for this. That she needed more time before such an opportunity. I’ve been there. It took awhile for me to believe in myself enough to see myself at that level. A long time…

And the truth is? Right now? I’m not there anymore. I’m not. Do I believe I can beat Bree Lancaster? Absolutely. Do I believe I can beat any of the others in this match one-on-one? I think I’d have a fair chance.

But do I believe that I still possess the ability to overcome fifteen other people in a gauntlet match and emerge as the SCW World Champion for the first time in over three years?

No. I don’t.

If losing to Xander, and Jordan/Cookie last week, has proven anything to me, it’s that I am not at the same level I was at when I became the World Champion. I’m not at the same level I was at when I overcame the odds time and time again, beating such unstoppable people like Kelcey Wallace or Kennedy Street or Ravyn Taylor or Syren or Chris Cannon or Katie Steward.

I don’t know when or how, but I’ve lost something while I was busy being a good tag partner to Regan Street. Something I haven’t managed to get back yet – to the point where I don’t feel I can be “The Face of SCW”. Where I don’t feel confident entering this kind of match, thinking I’ll emerge as its winner.

Don’t get me wrong, Ace. While Bree may be crying or rolling her eyes or others are praying for a ‘lucky draw’, there is a part of me – a part of me – that is thrilled to run this gauntlet. Who’s hoping to start and finish it! An almost childlike giddiness at trying… like when I first tried to win the World title.

Even if I don’t believe I can do that anymore.

Because, deep down – you take away the accolades and the spotlight and the flashy entrances – and… what’s underneath? 

For you, Ace? Are you truly a saint? A giver? A carer of SCW? Or are you a manipulator – begging for relevancy like Syren has, planning shortcuts like Ravyn has because, deep down, you’re all too afraid to truly carve your way through and become superstars, icons, and legends once more? Because I can see it in your eyes, Ace. The doubt. The fear. The nagging notion in the back of your head that maybe… just maybe… you’re only good for these short spurts in SCW and that, when it comes to it, you can’t hang long term like so many others have proven they can like Jordan and Glory.

I know that, Ace, because I’ve faced that look every time I’ve looked in the mirror for the past year. But recently, I had to dig deeper to find the person underneath all of that. It’s something that I’m having to come to terms with…

That I’m not “The Face of SCW”.
That I’m not “The Best of the Best”.
That I’m not… I’m not “The Snow Queen”.

Deep down, take all of that away… and I’m Selena Michelle Frost. A young girl from Nome, Alaska, that came into this world with no direction and somehow…found it.

That’s what this match is for me, Ace. It’s about finding my place within SCW once more. Finding my spot in the world where once I was so sure. And, once more, carving my spot into the SCW Universe!

It’s about proving everyone… maybe even myself… wrong time and time again. 

It’s about believing in SCW – believing it deserves so much better than a drunk on the throne, a prima donna wearing its ‘crown’, or ‘Blonde-whiner’ Ver. 1 through 6 spouting similar ‘nicknames’.

So… thank you, Ace. Thank you for reminding me who I have always been. Who I always need to be… and what I have to do next for myself and for this company. See you in a few days.

Selena Michelle Frost
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015, 2024)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2024)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Winner of Ironman Match (2024)
Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022, 2024)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)
Shocking Moment of the Year (2024)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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