Blackbourne vs. Marshall vs. Mason vs. Datura vs. Aries vs. Majors vs. Raab vs. James
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February 26th, 2021

Boca Raton, Florida

February 25th, 2021 was a wild night for Ricky James. It began in Minneapolis with Ricky losing his coveted Championship of Television (in one of the most bizarre matches of his career) and ended with Ricky meeting the other man in Lucy Huckabee Sanders’ life, Mike Sanders, in the West Palm Beach airport. Less than 24 hours later, Ricky James has a newfound sense of confidence. After resting for most of the day, Ricky is out and about - but not too far from his home.

Voice: Holy shit I thought you were dead! C’mon in, Ric!

Ricky James smiles back as he walks into his neighbor Joe’s house for the first time in almost two months. The last time Ricky saw Joe, there was a major argument between Joe and Lucy, leading to Lucy forbidding Ricky from seeing Joe. Likely fueled by this newfound confidence, Ricky wasted no time disobeying Lucy and visiting Joe shortly after returning to Boca Raton.

Ricky: It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Ricky has a seat on Joe’s couch. Joe offers him a glass of whiskey. At first Ricky shakes his head, but then ponders for a moment before changing his mind and accepting the glass. Joe grins and then plops down in his recliner, his own glass of whiskey next to him.

Joe: So how ya been? What’s new?

Ricky: It’s been crazy Joe. I was a champion for -

Joe: Was?

Ricky: Yeah, I won a championship back in January. Just lost it last night actually…

Joe: What the hell happened? Dem Commies screw ya?

Ricky: No- well yes, they’re still running crazy in SCW. This wo-

Ricky pauses, not wanting to admit to Joe that a woman beat him in a match.

Ricky: This wrestler cheated to beat me. We’re hoping we can reverse the decision, but I’m not holding my breath. Management likes to look the other way when it comes to cheating.

Joe takes a swig of whiskey and shakes his head.

Joe: I fuckin hate cheaters, Ric.

Ricky: You know what, Joe? I’m not even too concerned with that. I mean, it is what it is to a point. Until I can rid SCW of these Communists, they’re going to keep pulling shit. I’m actually concerned with this upcoming match at our pay-per-view in March. It isn’t even a match, Joe. It’s literally called a scramble. And by scramble they mean cruel and unusual punishment.

Joe leans forward, very intrigued.

Joe: Waddaya mean, son?

Ricky: Well first off, they threw me against seven other people. That I’m not really shocked about. I can handle my own there. But you know what they want me to do to win the match? They want me to climb up onto a fucking scaffold, Joe. A scaffold set up high above the ring. Twenty, thirty, forty feet - who knows? I have to not only beat out seven other people, but I have to climb a scaffold and grab a briefcase to win the match.

Joe, never fully understanding how professional wrestling works anyway, is completely blown away. He spends a few moments taking everything in before taking another swig of whiskey.

Joe: So wait there…..they want you to fight up on a scaffold? For what purpose?

Ricky: Well in the briefcase is a contract for a World Championship match...or so they say. 

Joe: I gotta be honest with ya, Ric. I ain’t buyin this shit. This sounds like a front for some Commie bullshit. You know where they forced people to work on scaffolds, Ric? The Gulags. This sounds just like one. 

Ricky: My thoughts exactly. And it’s funny, they always try to sell me on these “matches” by putting some championship stipulation on it. They’ve done some crazy shit to me, Joe. They had me wrestle a guy who was high out of his mind in fucking Germany. They’ve put me in a battle royal against several others who were all hired to target me specifically. And now this. Every time it’s “oh but you can win a title”. Bullshit. You hit the nail on the head, Joe. It’s a front.

Joe nods as he polishes off his glass. Without having to get up from his recliner, he pulls out a half-finished bottle of whiskey and refills his glass. He motions toward Ricky asking if he needs a refill. Ricky, having not even had a sip yet, shakes his head no.

Joe: Well Ric, waddaya gonna do about it?

Ricky: Well we have this….lawyer I guess...who is supposedly working through the match, trying to change the stipulations. Get rid of the scaffold all together. I don’t have too much faith in him, though.

Joe: Why’s that, son? I noticed you said “him”. You got rid of that female attorney, good on ya.

Ricky: He just talks a big game and I haven’t seen anything from him yet. It’s actually becoming a circus, Joe. This guy does nothing but eat, sweat, and hit on these girls that work with us. He can work a crowd but I don’t think he can actually do anything in a courtroom.

Joe: Why’d ya hire him? I know you, Ric. You should be able to see through people like that.

Ricky: Well I didn’t really have a say….Lucy brought him in.

Joe quickly shoots up in his chair, moving faster than he likely has in over twenty years. His face turns bright red.

Joe: Come again? Lucy? Ric, don’t tell me she’s still calling all the shots….

Ricky: Joe I know how you feel about her, but you gotta understand…

Joe: I think I’m understandin’ pretty clear there, Ric. You’re letting a woman run your life. What’d I tell ya about that? 

Ricky tries to respond but Joe keeps going.

Joe: They will ruin ya, Ric. Look I’m havin a hard time followin ya with this wrastlin stuff, but it sounds like she’s holdin’ ya back. Sounds like maybe she’s the reason you ain’t champ anymore? Ever thinkuh that?

Ricky pauses and begins to think deeply about what Joe is saying. Joe continues on while Ricky ponders his words.

Joe: Ya gotta take control, Ric. Look, I know ya like the girl. She’s a little hottie for sure. But remember, she’s a woman. You’re a man, damnit! Take control! YOU call the shots, not her!

Joe slams down his whiskey glass while Ricky stares off, deep in thought. While Joe breathes heavily, trying to calm down, Ricky nods his head and looks back at Joe.

Ricky: You’re right, Joe. I do have to make a change…

Joe: Son, ya gotta set her straight. You can keep her around, but YOU gotta make the rules!

Ricky: I agree. You know, she’s a little rough around the edges, a hard nut to crack. But I think I got a way to get through to her…

Ricky pulls out the business card Mike Sanders gave him. He holds it up and grins. Joe does not react to the card, either because he is too drunk or just simply doesn’t realize what it is, but he flashes a smile to Ricky.

Joe: I have faith in ya, boy. Set that woman straight.

Ricky keeps a grin on his face as he raises his glass to Joe.

Ricky: That’s why I came back to you, Joe. I can always count on you for guidance.

Joe smiles back and raises his glass.

Joe: Cheers!


February 27th, 2021

Ricky James lay in his bed, continuing to avoid the inevitable conversation he has to have with Lucy. He pulls out his cell phone and looks at the missed text and calls count. 87 text messages. 42 missed calls. 13 voicemails. All from Lucy Huckabee Sanders. Ricky takes a look at these numbers, which he has been monitoring for almost two days at this point. He takes a deep breath and then finally makes the decision to call Lucy back. Lucy answers within milliseconds of Ricky hitting the call button.


Ricky: Luce I,


Ricky chuckles.

Ricky: Were you, Luce? Did you? I highly doubt that.

Lucy, absolutely furious, cannot muster a response.

Ricky: Look, I will explain everything.

LHS: Oh you fucking better, Ric. You don’t have a choice. We’re so far-

Ricky: Actually I do, Luce. It is my choice. And my choice is to let you know what’s going on today. At your place. In three hours.

LHS: EXCUSE ME? Who the hell do you think you are, Ric? Where are you? I will come to you-

Ricky: That won’t be necessary, Lucy. I will come to you. Something tells me today is a “safe” day to come over…

Lucy, caught completely off guard, again fails to say anything in response. Ricky picks up on this and chuckles again.

Ricky: Hey Luce, just relax. Focus on what you can control. Just like you always tell me, right? You’ve got a few hours; take a little breather. Maybe check in with our buddy Rudy and see where he’s at with this scaffold business?

Lucy, still unsure of how to react to Ricky’s sudden defiance, begins to change her tone a bit. She is not as furious, but still very annoyed.

LHS: WELL Ric, if you had care to answer any of my calls you’d know -

Ricky: Look I’m sorry about that. I needed some time after the loss, and after the news about the scramble. I couldn’t stay in that God forsaken state any longer either. I needed to get back here. I’ll explain more when I see you.

LHS: I’m a very busy woman and we have lots of work to do, Ric. I can’t wait around for this-

Ricky: Oh you can, and you will. Like I said, I’ll explain when I see you. Three hours. I’ll be over.

LHS: Ricky I-

Ricky hangs up the phone and smiles. He sets his phone down on his nightstand and closes his eyes. He continues to smile as his phone immediately starts ringing, Lucy obviously calling him back. After Ricky ignores the first call, the phone does not ring again. 

Ricky had recited the conversation with Lucy in his head over and over the previous night, much like he had rehearsed his interaction with Mike Sanders. Unlike the situation with Mike, Ricky was in complete control this time. Telling Lucy off felt absolutely great. While Lucy is still very clearly annoyed, she seems to be reacting a bit differently from how she normally responds to Ricky’s backtalk. Perhaps it was Ricky’s persistent bold, confident words toward her. Maybe Lucy picked up on something when Ricky mentioned today would be a “safe” time to go over her house. Whatever the case, Ricky is showing Lucy a new, confident side, and she seems to have come to a reluctant acceptance. Lucy needs to see Ricky, and though she would prefer to be calling the shots, she is realizing she will need to give in to Ricky’s request if she wants to move forward.

A few minutes pass without a call or text from Lucy. She seems to have accepted Ricky’s terms for their meeting later in the day. Ricky slowly drifts off to sleep, more relaxed than he has been in quite some time. As Ricky falls into a deeper sleep, he begins to dream about Lucy. 

Ricky’s dream takes him back to the day of his and Lucy’s wedding. It wasn’t anything like a typical wedding. There were no guests. There was no major ceremony. No reception planned afterward. No pageantry. This was, as Lucy has said, a business relationship. Lucy did not wear a wedding dress. Ricky wore an old suit that he had brought with him from Mexico, the only suit Ricky owned at the time. It was just Ricky, Lucy, and a Justice of the Peace.

To Ricky, the barebones wedding didn’t matter. It was still the happiest day of his life. All that mattered was he was there, looking his beautiful bride in the eyes, about to become legally married and thus gaining legal status in America, to the woman who discovered him. Lucy saw something in Ricky and made sacrifices to help Ricky achieve his American Dream. While there was no apparent physical attraction, Lucy saw something in Ricky, so much so that she was willing to legally marry him.

Ricky has frequently revisited this day in his head. It always served as a reminder of how much  Lucy has done for him and would typically be the reason Ricky would blindly go along with whatever Lucy told him to do. Ricky would be forever in debt to Lucy. Whatever Lucy asked of Ricky, he would do because it wouldn’t come close to everything Lucy did for him.

Ricky maintains a massive smile on his face as the wedding plays back in his dream. Upon the Justice of the Peace officially announcing Ricky and Lucy as husband and wife, the room starts to darken. Dream Ricky slowly becomes enraged as Lucy looks on, absolutely frightened. Dream Ricky then cocks his fist and is about ready to unload on Lucy.

Ricky James gasps as he awakens from the dream, which was quickly becoming a nightmare. He takes some deep breaths as he realizes it was just a dream. Ricky sits up and looks around the room as his mind begins to wander.

Ricky had recited both the call he just made to Lucy as well as their upcoming meeting in his head multiple times the night before. The call with Lucy went exactly as planned, leaving Ricky feeling great afterward. Ricky had never talked to Lucy that way before. While it seemed great at first, it is clear Ricky has some guilt after bossing Lucy around. Ricky begins to second guess himself. Does he have it in him to continue to talk to Lucy like this? Is it worth it if he is just going to feel guilty afterward? 

Ricky needed to clap back at Lucy. The Silent Majority was becoming too ridiculous for even Ricky James, and was beginning to unravel. Ricky could not continue to just blindly follow Lucy going into the biggest and most dangerous match of his career. He had to take some action. But again, is it worth it to treat Lucy the way Joe would like him to?

These thoughts continue to run through Ricky’s head as the three hour window is gradually closing. Ricky ultimately decides that it is best to scale it back a bit, but still maintain control. It may be beneficial to be more assertive with Lucy, who seems to respond differently to those types of men. At the same time, Ricky will never forget all that Lucy has done for him, and he just does not have it in him to be a complete asshole to Lucy. She does not deserve it, despite the way she has treated Ricky since his arrival in SCW.


Residence of Lucy Huckabee Sanders

Ricky James waits outside after ringing the front doorbell of Lucy’s home. Within seconds she answers the door. Lucy is clearly still shaken by the earlier phone call, as expressed by her more submissive body language.

LHS: Good to finally see you, Ric….come on in.

Ricky smiles and nods. Lucy, showing very little positive or negative emotion, leads Ricky into the living room. Ricky has a seat on the couch and Lucy sits in a chair as far away from Ricky as possible. At least one element of Lucy stays true to form as she pulls out her cellphone and begins texting while addressing Ricky.

LHS: So…..go ahead I guess?

Ricky: Look Luce, I’m sorry about earlier. And I’m sorry about dodging you since Thursday. I needed some time. This whole thing….Kellyanne and Kelly and Kayleigh and Rudy….it was just becoming too much.

LHS: Ricky, we need people to grow our movement. And we need them to get our message across. Do you know how much work goes into setting up these press conferences?

Ricky: That’s the thing, Lucy. What exactly are they doing for us? I mean these others…..what happened to just you and me? Wasn’t that enough?

LHS: Ric, I’ve already told you. You wouldn’t be where you are at today without Rudy -

Ricky laughs.

Ricky: You’re right, Luce. I wouldn’t be coming off a championship loss and scared out of my mind about this scramble if it weren’t for Rudy. He’s not helping us, Luce. He’s hurting us. If he’s the reason I’m in this match…

LHS: We are working on that, Ric. We are going to get out in front of the press and -

Ricky: No. No press. I’m not doing that. At least not for a while. I have legitimate concerns about this match and I need to be heard. I don’t need to be wasting my time arguing with Fake News and I don’t need fake encouragement from Kellyanne’s little plants. 

LHS: But Ricky -

Lucy is cut off by her phone ringing. She looks at her phone and tries to be subtle about groaning, but Ricky notices.

LHS: I need to take this, excuse me.

Ricky smiles, having a pretty good idea of who is calling Lucy.

Ricky: Go right ahead.

Lucy hurries down the hallway and into a bedroom. She slams the door shut behind her and answers.

LHS: Yes hunny?

Mike Sanders: Minne-fucking-apolis? What the FUCK were you doing in Minneapolis?

LHS: Babe you know I like to shop at Mall of America…

MS: There are plenty of good malls in Florida. Or LA, or New York. You know, common destinations. Fucking Minnesota though?! What the hell are you doing to me here?

LHS: I’m so sorry I -

MS: Stop apologizing, just be better. You have a list of approved places you can travel. That company card is NOT a toy. You know the deal.

LHS: I’m so...I mean it won’t happen again. I swear…

Mike Sanders, already annoyed, begins screaming at Lucy.


LHS: Hun I…

MS: Listen to me when I’m talking to you, damnit! Stop interrupting me! Just follow the rules and you can continue to reap the benefits of MY hard work. I am NOT going to tell you this again!

Mike Sanders abruptly hangs up. Lucy drops her phone onto the bed. Her mouth is wide open in disbelief as tears run down her cheeks. A few minutes pass with Lucy crying in silence before Ricky decides to get up and investigate. Lucy hears Ricky coming down the hall and tries to regain her composure, wiping the tears away and taking a deep breath. Ricky approaches the door and knocks quietly.

Ricky: Luce….everything okay?

Lucy lets out a long sigh before replying.

LHS: Yeah, I’ll be right there….

Ricky nods and walks back to the living room, keeping an eye on the bedroom door. He sits back down on the couch and shortly after, Lucy emerges from the bedroom. There are no signs of her crying, but Ricky has a good idea of what happened. Lucy re-enters the living room, sits back down in the chair, and immediately resumes texting.

Ricky: Look, I’ll keep this short and sweet. I took it upon myself to schedule an interview with Jessica Winters….

Lucy immediately stops texting and turns to Ricky.

LHS: Excuse me? You what?

Ricky: Hear me out, Luce. I’m not competing in a Scaffold Scramble. I’m not climbing that fucking thing to grab a briefcase. Shady Sasha needs to know I will not stand for her cruel and unusual punishment. And call me crazy but I don’t think these Emergency Press Conferences have been working, Luce. Do you actually think Sasha watches them?

LHS: Well….she’s probably watching Fake News instead…

Ricky: So you agree then. Shady Sasha isn’t watching our press conferences…

Lucy folds her arms and pouts like a little kid, but doesn’t disagree with Ricky.

Ricky: Look, I’m not a fan of Jessica Winters, or anyone who works on the media side of SCW. But I do think if anyone would actually be able to connect with Sasha, it would be her. Or at least Sasha would pay attention to the interview, ya know?

Lucy rolls her eyes.

LHS: I don’t understand why you can’t just let Rudy take care of this, Ricky.

Ricky: Well I’ll tell you what. Bring Rudy along too. The interview is in a week. That should give him plenty of time to “prepare himself”....

LHS: Well I don’t think -

Ricky: Lucy, it’s not an option. I’m doing this interview. I’m not doing any press conferences. I would greatly appreciate it if you were there with me. If Rudy actually has something, great. He can relay that to Jessica, and maybe people who actually matter will watch.

LHS: Ummmm are you saying our viewers don’t matter?

Ricky: I’m saying they probably censor us, Luce. This will be an official SCW interview. 

LHS: And you think this interview won’t be censored, Ric? 

Ricky stands up and smiles. He walks over to Lucy.

Ricky: That’s a chance I’m willing to take, Lucy. I’m calling the shots now.

Lucy takes exception to Ricky’s comments, but doesn’t verbally respond. Ricky puts his hand on Lucy’s arm.

Ricky: And by the way, Lucy. Remember, if you need anything, I am always here for you.

Ricky winks at Lucy as he slowly backs away. Lucy keeps her arms folded and looks annoyed, but as soon as Ricky turns his back to her, she smiles. Ricky begins to make his way out, drawing Lucy’s attention.

LHS: Uhhh Ric, where are you going? We aren’t finished here…

Ricky, now at the front door, laughs and turns back to Lucy.

Ricky: Nah, we’re good. Interview with Winters in one week. I’ll let you know the details.

Ricky opens the door and steps outside. Lucy perks up and looks as if she is about to yell something, but once again fails to muster a response. Ricky yells back from outside the house.

Ricky: Call me if you need anything!

Lucy mocks Ricky with her mouth, but the second the door closes behind Ricky, she smiles again and sits back in the chair.


March 6th, 2021
Undisclosed SCW Studio Location

SCW’s Jessica Winters sits in a studio with three empty chairs to her left, awaiting the arrival of The Silent Majority. Ricky James, Lucy Huckabee Sanders, and Rudy Powell enter the facility. Lucy still appears to be uncomfortable with the setting, but is nonetheless cooperating with Ricky. Rudy Powell wears the same suit in which we have always seen him and is already sweating profusely. As the three approach the interview room, Ricky opens the door and motions for Lucy to enter first. Lucy glares at Ricky and rolls her eyes but proceeds into the room. Rudy attempts to enter behind Lucy, but Ricky puts his arm out to stop him.

Jessica Winters: Lucy! Great to see you!

Lucy mocks Jessica.

LHS: I wish I could say the same to you!

Lucy turns back to Ricky, who is still holding Rudy back.

LHS: Ric?

Ricky: Give me a minute, I’ll be right there.

Lucy rolls her eyes and sighs as she makes her way to the empty chairs and sits in the middle chair. She completely ignores Jessica Winters. Meanwhile, Ricky turns back to Rudy and grabs him by the tie. Ricky pulls Rudy away from the doorway and slams him against the wall. Rudy attempts to let out a scream but Ricky immediately puts his hand over Rudy’s mouth, muffling the sound.

Ricky: You see what’s happening right now? Notice how no one can hear you? That’s exactly how I would like it to go during this interview, understand?

Rudy’s eyes go wide. Drops of sweat drip onto Ricky’s hand, but it doesn’t faze him. Ricky slowly lowers his hand, allowing Rudy to speak again.

RP: I think you’re gonna want to hear what I’ve got, Ric.

Rudy grins and licks his front teeth, which is becoming a disgusting signature move of his. Ricky looks absolutely repulsed.

Ricky: I highly doubt that, Rudy. And I’m onto you. Lucy may buy into your bullshit, but you’re not fooling me.

Rudy puts his hands up defensively.

RP: Ric I’m on your side here. But hey, if you want me to keep quiet, I can. I’m here to work for you guys, remember?

Ricky rolls his eyes and starts to head back into the room. Once Ricky has moved a few feet away, Rudy breaths a massive sigh of relief and follows Ricky. Ricky and Rudy head into the studio. Ricky takes a seat closest to Jessica, next to Lucy. Rudy follows, winking at Jessica Winters on the way in before taking a seat on the other side of Lucy, on the far right of the camera.

JW: So how is everyone?

For whatever reason, this enrages Lucy.

LHS: Just start the damn interview already! I have places to be!

Jessica, a bit frightened, freezes up briefly before frantically looking at the camera man. He gives her a thumbs up and then begins a quick countdown to one. Jessica adjusts her hair and begins smiling as the cameraman gives her the go ahead to begin.

JW: Hello SCW fans! Jessica Winters here with Rudy Powell, Lucy Huckabee Sanders, and Ricky James of The Silent Majority…

LHS: Umm excuse me, that is OFFICIAL PRESS SECRETARY OF SCW, Lucy Huckabee Sanders.

Jessica awkwardly smiles.

JW: Oh, right. Sorry about that. Anyway, today we will hear from former - 

Rudy Powell does air quotes as Jessica says “former”.

JW: SCW Television Champion and one of the competitors in next week’s Scaffold Scramble match at Retribution, Ricky James! Ricky, thank you so much for joining me today.

Ricky smiles and nods.

Ricky: Of course, Autumn. 

Jessica again awkwardly smiles but does not correct Ricky.

JW: So Ricky, what were your initial thoughts when it was announced that you would be part of this match at Retribution? You must have been pretty excited!

The Silent Majority simultaneously glare at Jessica. Lucy mocks her.

Ricky: You know what, April? I wasn’t excited. To be honest with you, I was terrified. And I still am. There is a reason this is called a “scramble” and not a “match”. Think about it. Even the most barbaric types of matches in wrestling history are still referred to as “matches”. Ladder match. Cage match. Last man standing match. This, though? This isn’t a match. This is the most blatant example of Shady Sasha’s abuse of power we have ever seen. This is a death sentence, not a match. 

Jessica looks intrigued by Ricky’s answer.

Ricky: That scaffold is what - twenty, thirty, fifty feet in the air? Who knows? And is it stable? Hell no it isn’t stable! I’ve seen the people who put together our rings - I wouldn’t trust them to put together an IKEA chair, let alone a scaffold. There is no way the scaffold will be safe. None. I don’t know what it is with these workers...actually I do. I assume they are Shady Sasha’s slave labor. Sasha was a big fan of the Gulags, which she brought to SCW. She brings in these untrained, uneducated people to put together these sick and twisted structures. And she probably does it on purpose! Shady Sasha wants me to get injured. She wants my career to be over.

Lucy, arms folded, and Rudy, wiping sweat from his brow with his patented hanky, both shake their heads at the same time.

Ricky: I am not willing to risk my career, Summer. I’m not.

JW: Not even for a World Title opportunity? I mean, you do know that’s what is up for grabs in this match, right?

Ricky: Did you not listen to anything I just said? I don’t care if the winner of the match becomes President of the United States. I am NOT going to risk my life by climbing up a scaffold put together by illegal Russian and Canadian immigrants. I refuse to compete in this “scramble” as is.

JW: So are you giving up your spot in the match then or….?

Ricky starts to turn red. Before he can respond, Rudy jumps in.

RP: Excuse me little girl, but Ricky James is not giving up ANYTHING. Ricky James will be there at Retribution and Ricky James WILL grab that briefcase…

This only further infuriates Ricky, who turns to Rudy and puts his hand up to shut him up.

Ricky: Rudy for the love of God SHUT UP!

Rudy, taken aback a bit, immediately goes silent. He slowly pulls out his hanky and wipes some more sweat, mouthing “Yikes” as he turns his head away. Ricky regains his composure and turns back to Jessica.

Ricky: I will not be climbing the scaffold. But that does not mean I won’t be competing. I won’t be competing in the “scramble” as is. The reason I requested this interview with you was to try to get through to Shady Sasha. She needs to understand this “scramble” is simply unsafe. This scramble has more OSHA violations than Jack Marshall has STDs.

JW: I’m sorry, Jack Marshall? You mean Ace?

Ricky: Jack, King, Queen, Ace, Ten. Same thing. You get my point. Do you know what might happen to me if I try to fight on that scaffold? I could end up looking like Radical Regan Street!

Jessica ignores Ricky and moves on.

JW: Well you mentioned Ace Marshall, which is a good segue because I wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on the other competitors in the match? You do have a history with a few of them...

Ricky: I’m glad you asked that, January. The only thing worse than the physical structure involved in this “scramble” is the collection of Socialists and sociopaths that Shady Sasha has thrown together. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is cruel and unusual punishment. 

JW: I’m sorry to cut you off, Ricky, but you do realize this match was created by David Helms, not Sasha, right?

Ricky again turns red. He looks at Rudy, who does everything he can to avoid eye contact with Ricky. Rudy slowly raises his hanky to block the view of Ricky out of the corner of his eye. Ricky, incredibly frustrated, turns back to Jessica and tries to play it cool.

Ricky: I’m sure Dastardly David and Shady Sasha colluded on this. It actually makes sense. Heinous Helms, who enjoys throwing chairs in people’s faces instead of sitting in them like a normal person, came up with some of the most dangerous and demented people to put in this scramble. We already mentioned Jack Marshall, who is clearly mentally unstable after conspiring with Shady Sasha to steal Bree Lancaster’s championship. That gauntlet was one of the most unfair matches not involving Ricky James of all time. Then you have Demented Datura, who I am told was in a match involving….. what was it?

Ricky turns to Lucy, but Rudy interjects.

RP: Ass-stapling, Ric.

Ricky: Exactly, ass- wait what? That’s even worse than I thought! What kind of person puts another person who enjoys ass-stapling in a #1 contendership match? I guess a person who throws chairs, that’s who. A person who gives opportunities to dangerous domestic terrorists like Jihad Jordan Minors. Think about that. Jack Marshall, Jihad Jordan, and an ass-stapler. It does not get more dangerous than that.

JW: Well what about the others in the match?

Ricky: The others? You mean Bolshevik Blake, Antifa Aaron, and Comrade Raab? 

Ricky starts laughing.

Ricky: It’s clear which portion of the match came from Shady Sasha. How many times is she going to throw this Commie clown car at me? How many times do I have to beat these spineless Canadian sympathizers? I’m really getting tired of these people. They do not deserve to be in the match at all. Neither do the psychos I’ve mentioned before. These people were thrown together in this scramble as part of a company-wide Canadian conspiracy to silence myself, Lucy Huckabee Sanders, 

Rudy perks up.

Ricky: And proud, beautiful Americans once and for all.

Rudy frowns.

Ricky: The deck has been stacked against me once again. Perhaps my only ally in this scramble would be Giovanni Aries. He agrees with me that dangerous structures have no place in SCW and must be destroyed. I assume Great American Gio was also thrown into this scramble as punishment. He is a threat to Shady Sasha’s socialist takeover because he speaks his mind and stands up to evil left-wing dictators. 

JW: Ricky, do you realize what Gio did to the United States Championship?

Ricky: Cleansed it? Made it great again as I did with the Championship of Television? Yes, I do realize and appreciate any man who cleanses a championship from the filth that has been on it.

Jessica looks completely confused.

Ricky: But let me get back to my point. I hope I have conveyed to you, Sasha, and the entire SCW how unsafe this scramble is. I have no business climbing on top of a scaffold to win a match. I shouldn’t have to do that to earn a World Title opportunity. I have already earned that. Six of the people in the scramble have no business in this match. They do nothing but make it an even more dangerous environment. This is a major health and safety concern. This scramble cannot take place. The lawsuits, REAL lawsuits

Ricky glares at Rudy before turning back to Winters.

Ricky: That will come from this scramble will be catastrophic to Shady Sasha and SCW, should she insist on the scramble taking place. 

Ricky turns to the camera.

Ricky: That is why, Shady Sasha….I am giving you one week. One week to remove the scaffold from this match. One week to remove Jack Marshall, Demented Datura, Jihad Jordan, Antifa Aaron, Bolshevik Blake, and Comrade Raab from the match.

Jessica starts counting with her fingers.

JW: But that just leaves you and Gio -

Ricky: Which is what it should be, Janet. Two great Americans battling it out in a standard one on one, man vs. man, regular match to determine who is next in line for the SCW Championship of the World. Doesn’t it sound great?

JW: Well it doesn’t -

Ricky cuts Jessica off and turns back to the camera.

Ricky: Shady Sasha, you have my demands. One week. You can make this right. And for all you proud patriots watching this at home, I promise you this: I will NOT be climbing any scaffolds at Retribution, but I WILL walk out of Retribution as YOUR number one contender for the SCW Championship of the World. I will do this for you. I will do this for…..America.
[Image: QEi4Ejt.png]

1x SCW Television Champion

Wins:12 (Jobber, Jobber, Derek Adonis, Konrad Raab, Blake Mason, Tommy Valentine, Kelsai Adamson-Mason [TV Title win], Jay Gold [title defense], Maria Salvatore [title defense], Ace Marshall [via DQ], Gavin Taylor, Cid Turner/Selena Frost/Purity Pixie [w/Ace and Kandis, Trios 2021, pinned Purity])

Losses: 8 (Gavin/Powers, Jay Gold, Asher Hayes, Last Laugh 2020 Battle Royal [Last eliminated by Asher Hayes], Crystal Zdunich [TV Title loss], Retribution 2021 Scaffold Scramble, RTG 2021 TLC Match for Adrenaline Title, UA 2021 EC for Adrenaline Title)

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RE: Blackbourne vs. Marshall vs. Mason vs. Datura vs. Aries vs. Majors vs. Raab vs. James - by Ricky James - 03-11-2021, 11:17 PM

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