Owen Cruze vs. David Helms
2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, April 14, 2021
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC: Here's my effort. Cd continues the story and ties in to the October 7th edition of Breakdown from last year. Was an interesting promo to write for me, won't lie. Having to balance the resurfacing of vintage-era Helms with the fact that he was addressing his daughters boyfriend. I had fun and I hope that shows. Good luck Chris and enjoy!

[Image: helms2021banner.png]
Diary Entry - 16th March 2021

Kandis beaten… nothing gained
No pleasure from the victory, no sense of satisfaction
No closer to my goals
Still no one was any the wiser that it was me who took Blake Mason out. They wouldn’t understand even if they did.
People were going to realize that I didn’t need their help. I didn’t need anyone’s help
It took me long enough, but now I got it. And sooner or later, everyone else would follow
21st March 2021
Los Angeles
Since Retribution, Owen had continued to struggle with his feelings towards the company overall. Although he still wanted success, it was becoming clear to him that openings that were once commonplace were starting to dry up, and he found himself constantly sat on the sidelines looking in. Over the past few months, Owen had seen his stock continue to fall, and right now he didn’t seem to do anything in the company but exist. His match with Kandis at the PPV doing nothing but proving this. She’d had plenty to say, no real surprise there. But even now in victory, Owen felt the same way as he had when the match was announced. Nothing. No excitement, no jubilation that he had emerged as the winner. It had just happened, his despair at his situation growing with every day. His frustrations starting to reach boiling point. And Jennifer had certainly noticed the change. His once cheery nature replaced by a moodier tone. She’d tried to get through to him, but as far as she was concerned hadn’t gotten anywhere. What she didn’t know however was right now, she was the only person he was listening to, the only person that seemed to understand after the way she had been treated in EMERGE. She didn’t know it, but without her, Owen wasn’t sure what he would have done over the past few days. He didn’t want to feel this way, but he did… and he couldn’t shake it. It wasn’t all doom and gloom however, because his best friend Finch seemed to be finally getting his life back on track. He had a new job, a new focus and seemed to be finally taking life in his stride. He even had a new girlfriend, who was nothing like the previous one, and who seemed quite sweet, at least from the limited time Owen had seen her. For Finch at least, who was sat opposite right now in the diner they loved, the life he was leading now seemed to be in the distant past, and that at least made Owen a little happier. All he needed to do now was sort out his own mess. Something that he fully intended doing.
Finch: So, what you reckon? Finish off here and then me whup your ass at bowling?
Owen: Sure…
Finch: I mean, they did say on the new that there may be an alien attack so we may have to look out for that
Owen: Yeah…
Finch laughs, finishing off his drink.
Finch: Dude, you with me here or what?
Owen seems to break from his trance, Finch’s raised voice startling him.
Owen: Sorry man
Finch: Where the hell were you? Seemed like you were miles away.
Owen: Yeah, sorry… just got a few things going on in my head right now.
Finch: Women trouble? You know how well Finch knows the Ladies.
Owen: Not being funny Finch, but if it were anything to do with Jen, you’d be the last person I’d speak to. I mean, your last girlfriend nearly got me killed so…
Finch: OK, OK… dial back on the aggression, I’ve made a couple of bad choices of late, doesn’t mean to say I can’t help a brother.
Owen: NO, it’s nothing to do with the ‘ladies. Me and Jen are fine.
Finch: OK then, so what’s going on? Sometimes it’s just better to get it off your chest you know.
Owen: I know… I just don’t know where I’d start.
Finch: Sounds heavy… I’ll get us another couple of drinks.
Finch orders the same again for them both, and they sit in silence until the waitress brings them over. Once both have tried their drinks, Finch motions to Owen.
Finch: So, let’s hear it?
Owen: It’s just, my career… for three years it’s been going brilliantly. I won the Battle Royal, the tag championship, and the World title, not only that, I was the one that scored the pin that made sure no one else but Sasha took the reins to the company. But of late everything seems to have come shuddering to a halt. The big matches I was once involved with have been replaced by pointless feuds and confrontations that simply don’t matter, like the one I just had with Kandis. It feels like with every week that passes, I am more and more forgotten…
He looks directly at Finch, his eyes narrowing.
Owen: And bro… it pisses me off.
Finch hadn’t seen Owen like this before. Owen usually spoke about the SCW in such glowing terms, Finch couldn’t help but be jealous at times, at least until he had recently got his own house in order.
Finch: Can’t you talk to someone? I mean Sasha for instance, sounds to me like she owes you a solid
Owen: That’s the thing though Finch, that’s my problem. It’s Sasha who I blame
Finch see’s the emotions in Owen’s face, but doesn’t say anything. It seemed like Owen was about to spill his feelings on the matter and interrupting him now wouldn’t be the best course of action. Instead, he waits, as Owen finally continues.
Owen: When I was chosen to fight for Sasha, to give her control of the company I was ecstatic. To be given an honor like that, to have the future of the company placed in mine and my partners hands… it was probably the first time I felt like a true part of SCW, like I belonged. When I score the pin, and gave Sasha the keys to the kingdom, I one hundred percent believed it was the right thing to do, and for a while it was. The, after I won the World title. Sasha made my first defense in a Chamber that I really stood little hope in. Even after that, there was no rematch for me one on one, and slowly but surely, I was shunted from the World title picture. It was then that I started to notice, it wasn’t just me that was treated this way. It was anyone who didn’t kick up a fuss, the people that GAVE a shit, were constantly TREATED like shit. It became very clear to me that Sasha, and the SCW Board only cared about one thing. Money. The almighty dollar. And no matter whatever bullshit people came up with, toppling cages on top of my friends, they got away with it. Because it sold shows. Look at the people who have been hurt recently. All good people, who had the best interests of SCW in their hearts. Fucking Peyton, the nicest person on this planet, fucked over for nothing more than ratings. I thought it was my fault. I walked from the Perfect Pack because I thought people were getting hurt because of me.
Finch: And you don’t now?
Owen shakes his head vigorously.
Owen: No, it’s got nothing to do with me. It’s everything to do with SCW and especially Sasha. It’s theirs not mine.
Finch: OK, so I get what you are saying… but when should you still feel shit? It’s not like you has anything to do with things at management level is it?
Owen: Can’t you see Finch… it was ME that put her there. It was ME that gave her the reigns to exploit us all. I can’t believe it took me till now to realize it.
He pauses, taking another sip of his drink.
Owen: I can’t believe it took me till now till realize that although he might be an absolute fruitcake, and his crap about Lizards and stuff is wayyyy out there. But what he is saying about Sasha is right. She doesn’t care about me, or anyone else on the roster. All see cares about is looking good, making money and pleasing her Father. Who let’s face it, bailed the minute this company started to hit the skids. I used to love this company Finch, honestly it was everything to me, but now I fucking hate it from top to bottom.
Finch knew he was out of his depth with this one and could only listen. Truth was he didn’t know what to say in response, so he doesn’t say anything. In fact, it is Owen who speaks next, having calmed himself, his tone less aggressive.
Owen: And now, because I apparently can’t get the ‘job’ done, my Uncle wants to play the hero AGAIN. And guess what, because Shaun equals ratings, Sasha signs off on the match even though Shaun hasn’t been in a ring for over a year. If Shaun gets hurt, who will be left to pick up the pieces? Sasha? SCW? No, it will be ME. It’s always me. It’s a fucking joke and I’m sick of it.
Finch knew he couldn’t stay silent forever, and Owen looks at him obviously frustrated he wasn’t getting a response. He finally opens his mouth and says the first thing that drops into his head.
Finch: Couldn’t you talk to someone? I mean, surely Shaun would step aside if you told him how you were feeling?
Owen: You obviously don’t know my Uncle very well. Like he said, he didn’t think Blake was capable, he certainly doesn’t think I’m capable of stopping Gio. He doesn’t care about my feelings; he just wants to be the ‘Impact Player’ again and to hell with everyone else. Thing is, everyone involved is lapping it up, so if I complain too much, it will be me that looks like the dick. I sometimes think it would be best if I just walked away and did something else. Admit defeat that I will never be like my Father and become nothing more than a memory. I sometimes feel like that nowadays anyway.
Owen hadn’t spoken as bluntly as this to anyone about this. With Finch not being in the business, Owen felt that he could speak freely without there being any judgement. If he’d spoken to Kelcey about this, he knew what she would say. That he should continue the fight and not give up. That was the thing however, it felt to him like he had given up, especially on Sasha and SCW. He rubs his eyes and puffs out his cheeks, already sick of talking about it, boring himself never mind Finch.
Owen: I’ll be OK man, maybe things will change, maybe it’s just a blip. All I know is something has got to change, because this isn’t the SCW that I signed up for. I knew the industry was tough, I’m not naïve enough to think it would be all unicorns and rainbows, but no company can succeed when all it does is exploit those that work for it.
Finch: I dunno Owen, I’m not going to pretend I know how it works, nor am I able to give any sound advice. What I do know however is if something is making you that unhappy, you can either change it, or you walk away. And honestly Owen, you’re not the kind of guy to walk away from anything. What I do know is that you are a good guy, and you’ll do the right thing. You always do. Now, finish that drink, you need to get rid of some frustration…
Owen nods, and does indeed finish his drink, following his friend out the dinner. Finch meant well, Owen knew that, but deep down he was starting to think that this time, the ‘right’ thing wasn’t what he needed to do. And that scared him more than he had ever been scared in his life.
30th March 2021
Los Angeles
Owen has hoped that he would be booked for the 1st of April edition of Breakdown and had merely shrugged when he had seen that he wasn’t. To him, it was yet another kick in the teeth, as Sasha seemed to be paying more attention his Uncle’s match with Aries than she was him. Of course, even though he wasn’t booked, he still needed to appear on the show as SCW seemed intent on making sure they filmed every second of his frustration. As he packs his bag for the trip to New Orleans, he ponders just no showing, and taking the fine that would inevitably happen. As the frustrations grow, he pretty much slams his trainers into the bag, zipping it up the zip breaking as he does.
Owen: FUCK… will you give me a break?
He starts to remove his stuff from the bag, and claims another from his wardrobe, turning to face a knock at the door. He turns, his Sister Becca stood sheepishly in the doorway.
Becca: This a bad time for a chat?
Owen sighs, throwing the new bag on the bed.
Owen: Nah, it’s ok… what can I for you?
Owen sits on the bed and pats the space next to it, Becca sitting down.
Owen: What’s up?
Becca: I’ve just not had the chance to thank you, for what you did for me. Standing up to Mom’s boyfriend, it was a big deal to me.
Owen: I wasn’t just going to let him drag you, away was I?
Becca: No, but your Mom told me you could have gone to prison, and I don’t think I could have forgiven myself if that had happened.
Owen: I wouldn’t worry, it was never going to happen with Shaun around. And anyway, I only did what Dad would have done in the same circumstances. The guy was a joker and needed to be put straight. Sometimes violence is the only language people like him understand.
Becca: I wish Dad were still here.
Owen: Yeah, me too. But don’t worry… I don’t think Sallie, or her boyfriend will be going round Mom’s again for a long time. And if he ever does show up, all you gotta do is call me and I’ll be straight round. Bullies like him need to be stood up to, and I’d be only glad to finish the job next time.
Becca lowers her head, looking towards the floor, Owen putting his hand under her chin and lifting so that she faces him again.
Owen: I’m only joking, I wouldn’t hurt him. Prison wouldn’t be a good place for someone as pretty as me.
Becca forces a smile but then shakes her head.
Becca: No, it’s not that.
Owen: Oh, then what is it? You’re not on the drugs, again are you? Please tell me…
Becca: No, NO, it’s not that. I promise. I’m clean, and I’ve been attending the meetings. I’m going to stay clean Owen… I’m stronger every day.
Owen: Then what? Something is bothering you.
Becca takes a deep breath, preparing herself for Owen’s reaction.
Becca: I’m leaving…
Owen: What?
Becca: I’m going back to University… in England. I’m going to finish my law degree.
Owen sits for a moment, digesting it all and in obvious shock.
Becca: Owen, say something.
Owen: But what about your meetings, your job here
Becca: I will still attend meetings in England, and I want to be a Lawyer, not somebodies personal assistant. I just need to get away from Mom and her boyfriend, somewhere where I can get on with my life without having to constantly be looking over my shoulder. You’ve done so much for me Owen, it’s time for me to stop being a burden on you and Kloe and to start acting like a grown adult. I don’t want to end up like Mom… I want to do something with my life.
Part of Owen was happy that Becca finally seemed ready to stand on her own two feet, it was something she had seemed incapable of for so long. The other side of him however felt insulted, as if she were throwing all his help back in his face, like she didn’t need him anymore.
Owen: Are you sure your ready? I mean you’ve only been going to meetings here for a while, and over in England you’ll be all on your own?
Becca: I won’t be on my own. I’ll be staying with a friend in London, it’s all already been arranged. It’s for the best Owen, I need this. You understand, don’t you?
Owen nods his head, but the truth was he believed she would be back.
Owen: I understand yeah… I understand that in six months you’ll be back, wanting me to bail you out again.
Becca: Thanks, nice to know my brother has faith in me
Owen: Oh, come on Becca, no one wants you to succeed more than me, but it’s the truth. You need someone to run your life for you, that’s why you ended up back at Sallie’s. Is it really that bad of me after everything to think this is too much for you, especially in a totally different country?
Becca: Run my life? That’s kinda rich don’t you think?
Owen: What do you mean?
Becca: Isn’t that the one thing you can’t stand about your Uncle Shaun, the fact that he feels he must interfere in your life every five minutes?
Owen doesn’t answer and bites his bottom lip.
Becca: Aren’t you doing the same thing right now?
Owen scratches the back of his neck, coming to the realization that was EXACTLY what he was doing. And it was EXACTLY what had gotten him into trouble with Marshall. He’d spent that much time complaining about Shaun running his life, he’d been doing the exact same with others.
Owen: Wow… that’s a realization right there.
Becca: Precisely. Maybe I won’t be able to do this, and perhaps I am biting off more than I can chew. But I won’t find out unless I try. And if I need your help Owen, I promise I will ask for it… but I don’t think I will. I’m stronger than I have ever been Owen, and that’s down to you and Kloe. Thank you, but I’m going to do this… it’s time for you to start looking after yourself and not others.
Owen nods, taking Becca’s hand.
Owen: Yeah, you can do this Becs. I know you can.
He squeezes her hand.
Owen: And thank you.
Becca: For what?
Owen: For dragging my head from up my ass and making me realize that if anyone can sort out the mess, I’m in, it’s me. I know what I’ve got to do now Becs.
Becca: And that is?
Owen: Something I should have done a long time ago. You go to London, and don’t worry about me. I got this.
They hug, Becca the first to pull away.
Becca: Bout time I gave some big sisterly advice, right?
Owen laughs, as he gets to his feet, Becca leaving the room. She’d given him something that others couldn’t, not even Shaun. She’d given him clarity. It was time for him to claim back control of his life… even if others didn’t like it.
Diary Entry – 2nd April 2020
Looks like it’s going ahead. Shaun getting his wish to be ‘hero’ once again, and me… subsequently forgotten.
I’d still not been booked since Retribution and had become nothing more than an afterthought. Second fiddle to the Impact Player and the ratings he brings… regardless of the fact he would no doubt either lose the match or lose the battle. Just like anyone who faced Gio inevitably did. No matter, it is what it is. Shaun could have his moment. He could be as selfish has he liked while I was thrown to one side.
But believe me diary… by the time April the 8th is over, the ‘impact’ shall be mine
April 8th, 2021
Owen sits in his dressing room, surprisingly alone and with Giovanni Aries nowhere to be seen. Owen waits, only looking forwards, a towel draped over his shoulders. He hears commotion in the corridors, screaming and shouting, and the corner of his mouth turns ever so slightly upwards, a slight chuckle escaping from his mouth. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and in storms Shaun Cruze, followed by Angyalka close behind.
Shaun: What the fuck was that?
Owen doesn’t say a word and just stares at Shaun.
Shaun: Owen, answer me.
Angyalka: Owen, what is wrong with you?
Owen’s face turns into a full smile, which angers Shaun even more.
Shaun: You think this is funny? I was about to end his bullshit, not just for you, but for everyone. Now… am I supposed to believe you are in some way working with him? That you believe this ‘Lizard’ crap that Aries preaches.
Owen laughs and shakes his head, turning his back to Shaun and reaching down for his sports bag. This infuriates Shaun, who grabs his shoulder and spins him around.
Shaun: Don’t turn your back on me Owen or so help me…
Owen: ‘So help me’ what Shaun? What are you going to do? Beat some sense into me? Use violence to make me see the error of my ways like you were going to do Gio? You want to know whose fault it is I kicked you in the head? It’s yours Shaun. What happened out there, it’s on you. Because you just couldn’t leave well alone.
Shaun: I was doing this for you.
Owen: No, not you weren’t. All you wanted to do was be the ‘hero’ yet again.
Shaun: I was taking care of it, so you didn’t have to
Owen: You wouldn’t have beaten Giovanni, you may have had your hand raised in victory, but that wouldn’t have been the end. Read between the lines Shaun, listen to what you said in your promo even. The SCW is rotten, exploitive and corrupt. Why were you back Shaun? To clean it up, get rid of Giovanni Aries. Well, Gio didn’t put me in a Chamber match for my first title defense. Gio did let Sienna Swann almost kill Kelcey. Yeah, he’s done some despicable things no doubt, but can’t you see Shaun. He’s right… about everything.
Shaun looks over at Angyalka, the two of them not able to believe what they are hearing.
Shaun: If you won’t listen to me, maybe your Mom will make you see sense.
Owen: Don’t you see Shaun. It doesn’t matter what ANYONE says. This is my life; my career and I’ll live it the way I want to. Now get out… this is my world and you don’t belong in it.
Shaun: Owen, please…
Shaun lowers his head and takes a breath, Angyalka grabbing his hand
Angyalka: Come on babe… you can’t help him now
Shaun looks into Owen’s eyes, and for just a moment see’s a glimmer, for a short time Owen falters, till just as quickly the defiance returns. Shaun and Angyalka turn, and leave the dressing room, Owen left alone. Owen turns to face a mirror, and looks at himself, just staring at the imagine in front of him.
Owen: MY world…
April 10th, 2021
New York
Owen pauses outside the building that was once ICON, his Father’s wrestling school. He wanted to go in and reminisce, and yet as he places his hand on the door, something stops him and instead he continues his way. ICON had become the East Coast branch of Ante Up, and Owen knew there would likely be some familiar faces there, but that didn’t guarantee anyone would be happy to see him after what he’d done to Shaun. After those events on Breakdown, he thought his mind would be clear, he believed that finally he could move on without the burdens of legacies, and people telling him what he should, and shouldn’t be doing. It hadn’t turned out that way however, and instead he had found himself with just as many questions as answers. What he did know categorically however was there was no regret for his actions. He’d needed to make it clear that he was his own man and could make his own decisions and he had done that; his phone hadn’t stopped ringing since. But what comes next, that was still up in the air, and his feet were now taking him to the only destination he needed to be right now. As he reaches the gates and looks up at the wording ‘The Orlando Cruze Memorial Garden’ he does so with his spine straight ad his shoulders back. As he opens the gates however, the bravado starts to diminish and as he walks through the garden and towards the centerpiece, he starts to feel for the first time an emotion he had felt very rarely. Shame. And as he reaches the wall, and stares into the eyes of his Father’s picture, the regret he’d expected finally hits home. A feeling that he’d gone too far to achieve his independence. With a deep breath he takes a seat on the bench opposite and finds himself avoiding his Fathers gaze. Was there also a sense of embarrassment as well.
Owen: Yeah, I know what you’re thinking Dad.
He finally finds the courage to look up, focusing only on the image of his Father.
Owen: What have I done… am I close Dad? How could I turn on someone who has taken care of me since I was a teenager, and who’s looked out for me when you couldn’t be around? How could I throw all of that away and in doing so embarrass Shaun in front of the world, when all he is doing was trying to help me, to get rid of Giovanni because I’d never be able to.
He pauses, his eyes never leaving the picture.
Owen: Answer to that Dad is simple… I had no choice. If I was ever going to be taken seriously again, I had to show Shaun that I didn’t need him anymore. I had to show SCW, that I will never be exploited ever again. I had to do what you and Shaun made a living out of… making an impact people would never forget.
Owen shrugs his shoulders.
Owen: I couldn’t travel the same old well-trodden road; I couldn’t let them continue walking all over me because I was trying to be a nice guy. I had to make everyone believe, including Shaun, that from here on in ONE person controls my career and my life, and that person is me. I did what I did Dad, because the one person I wasn’t listening to, was the ONLY person who was telling me the truth. That I’d been exploited from the very moment I signed my contract. Exploited as World Champion and treated with disrespect. And then forgotten about since before Retribution and put in a throwaway match so that Shaun could play the hero once again. Used and ultimately abused. No Dad, that’s not right. This should be MY time, not his. That’s why I did what I did because no one was fucking listening to me.
The adrenaline was building in his body, and all those feelings from before were fading away and being replaced piece by piece by the reality he’d been shown from a surprising source. Although emotional, he wasn’t angry, he felt quite calm.
Owen: Everything they have ever said about me. Every person that has called me a ‘kid’, or ‘naïve’. All those that called me Calamity Cruze, not giving a single ounce of sympathy to me after all that I’ve already been through. Those words, I’m going to take them all and shove them down their throats. And I’m not going to feel guilty about it Dad, not one bit. Because when they disrespected me… when Shaun disrespected me by trying to live my life for me, they disrespected you as well. They were basically saying you’d not prepared me Dad, but you had, I just didn’t realize it. You told me that because of my name I would have to stand up for myself and fight… and that is what I’m going to do.
And I know for some, that’s going to be too much for them to take. The people that looked up to me, that saw me as the good guy and cheered for me in arena’s all over the world, they will never be able to understand. Until they have lived a moment in my shoes and endured what I have already as the age of 21, they won’t comprehend the level of bullshit I have had to take. You understand that don’t you Dad? You’ve been there… you know what it feels like. I didn’t have any choice, did I? This was the way it always had to be this was always going to be my life. But you still believe in me… don’t you?”
He closes his eyes, the image of his Father playing in front of him. He then opens his eyes and shakes his head and the image from his mind with it. His eyes narrow, as he gets to his feet, and he gives out the longest sigh.
Owen: I’m done Dad. I’m done being what everyone else wants me to be.
He flicks his hair from in front of his face.
Owen: If this isn’t the son you wanted… if I’ve let you down, I can’t do anything about that. This is me, and everyone is going to have to get used to that fact, including you wherever you may be. I’m done making sacrifices and getting nothing in return. I’m sorry Dad, really, I am…
Owen hears a chuckling behind him, and Giovanni Aries steps into view, pointing at the memorial.
Owen: Gio?
Giovanni: This is it huh? I expected something a little more flamboyant for the Icon.
He turns back to Owen, shaking his head dismissively.
Giovanni: It doesn’t matter, don’t be sorry for your awakening Owen. You should rejoice to new beginnings, and to the clarity which you have sought for so long. Now you are no longer bound by the shackles of the Lizard Kingdom, you can grow into the man your Father told me personally you would become. A man who sets his own destiny, his own path.
Owen: But…
Giovanni puts an arm around Owen and leads him away, Owen looking over his shoulder one last time at the memorial.
Giovanni: No buts, come, leave that all behind Owen. You and I have work to do.
Giovanni leads him out the Garden, as Cain and Alice appear from the shadows. Cain rips the frame off the wall, the glass smashing as it hits the floor. Alice then wipes her feet where the image lies. The screen then starts to fade, and all we hear is the cackling of Giovanni Aries before we cut to black.
14th April 2021
The scene opens with Owen Cruze walking along the Milwaukee Riverwalk, a continuous pedestrian walkway in downtown Milwaukee. He walks with his hands in his pockets, followed by a SCW camera crew, and after a few yards he starts to speak.
“What did you expect?”
Owen shrugs his shoulders as he continues along his way.
“Did you expect me and Giovanni regaling you all with our success? Did you expect celebrations, balloons and streamers? Let me ask you another question, something a little more succinct. Do you think I enjoyed embarrassing my Uncle on live television? Of course, I didn’t, the question is as stupid as it is insulting. What happened to Shaun last week in front of the world wasn’t a snap decision. It wasn’t something that I had planned for months on end. No, what happened last week, happened because I had come to the end of my tether with this entire situation. A situation that I never deserved.”
He pauses, resting his forearms on the barriers and looking out over the Milwaukee river.
“Can you imagine what it is like, when not only Blake Mason, but then your Uncle comes out and says they are taking care of Giovanni because ‘Owen can’t’. Can you imagine a situation whereby two people, one of them who has achieved nothing like the success I have in the last three years deemed you incapable of getting it done? I mean, let’s forget the fact I’d been battling Giovanni for three years whilst Blake Mason chased skirt around the world. Let’s dumb down the FACT that I went to hell and back to stop Giovanni from hurting my friends, whilst my Uncle made movies and bought companies whilst sitting on his ass. I’d been here for three years, fighting the good fight for those initials, and those two believed they could waltz in here and ‘do my job’. Fuck off… seriously, people are going to question ME, when I’m the one that’s been busting my balls with no complaints, and seeing people take the piss week in week out without any retribution. What was I supposed to do? Continue fighting a losing battle? Or maybe the best course of action was to instead look at my situation from a different point of view. I’m not going to talk about ‘Lizards’ and ‘Wonderlands’ but having taken off the rose-tinted glasses, I do understand the method behind Giovanni’s madness. That being that the SCW is rotten to its very core. The SCW panders to those not worthy. The SCW cares only about ratings, and whether you can make the company money. Is that going to change because Mr. Drachawych has put his big boy pants back on and rode in to save the day? Will it fuck. Because now I realize that this exploitation didn’t begin with Sasha. Oh no, Sasha was only continuing her Father’s good work. But I’m sure there are many that can tell their own stories of this company and how they have been treated unfairly, but I’ll guarantee that it didn’t start the very moment I signed my first professional contract. If you ask the boss man the question, he’ll tell you that he signed me as a favor to my Dad, but that’s bullshit… much like must of the promises he made last week on Breakdown. Olek signed me for one reason and one reason alone, he knew he needed a Cruze on his roster. He knew the name alone meant dollar signs. He knew that the ‘kid come good’ was a storyline he couldn’t ignore. From Day One my path was inputted as if by satellite navigation… I imagine the dude almost had a coronary when I went ahead and won the World Championship… Sasha probably had a wide on for sure.
But looking back, that was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me. Too much, too soon, the exploitation stepped up a notch. I mean, to begin with I thought Sasha was pretty cool… shit, she only had the reins of the company for as long as she did because of me. You’re welcome Sasha by the way… the company thanks you for all your ‘endeavors’. But that was when she lost control and got greedy. Let’s face it what other Nineteen-year-old can you imagine having to defend his FIRST World title in a Chamber? What other nineteen year can you imagine being put under that kind of pressure? The fans were lapping it up, the story wrote itself, build it, construct yourself a star… so what does Sasha do? For one reason and one reason alone, her weakness, she allows the inmates to run the asylum. She gives me very little chance of retaining a title I had worked my bollocks off for. And so, it turns out, I lose… no real surprise there. But where is this fabled one on one rematch that everyone else seems to receive? Where is the understanding that I had been screwed over royally, by the management team I defended every single week? No, instead of getting my dues, I’m put up once again against Giovanni Aries, Sasha sending me to clean up a mess she was incapable of taking care of. Is it any real surprise she’s been relieved of her duties when only recently she was telling anyone who’d listen that the only reason she didn’t fire Giovanni was because I asked her not to? Imagine that, the leader of a billion-dollar company making a decision based on the advice of a twenty-year-old member of the roster. The same leader that not knowing what to do with me next, put me in a pointless match with Kandis, when I SHOULD have been doing so much more.
I can imagine many people are saying now, but why Shaun, why Blake? They weren’t exploiting you, even if Sasha was? Shaun was your family, he only wanted what was best for you.
The two of them are every bit as bad as Sasha, using my issues with Giovanni for their own devices. Why did they need to use me as a reason? Why did they have to wait till now to do anything? Whilst Aaron, Peyton, Alistaire and I were fighting the good fight, where the fuck were they? I’ll tell you where, doing their own thing and not giving a shit. They will both tell you that this is about me, or its about Kelcey, or what happened to the Perfect Pack, but that’s all bollocks. Truth is, you might not like what I did to Shaun, you’ll probably be one of those condemning me right now on social media, and yes, perhaps I have burned a few bridges this past week. Can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? And even if I have done it for myself, even if I have broken free of this constant expectation that has weighed me down for years for my sole benefit. It is no more selfish than Shaun’s actions. No more selfish than Blake starting a fight and then walking away. And no more selfish that Sasha using me for her own gain and then casting me aside when she had a new toy to play with, something I’ve no doubt Olek will be continuing in the coming weeks if my next match is to be taken as my future. What I did was fucked up. Shaun’s family, and I love him… I get people’s feelings one hundred percent. But what I did, I HAD to do… before all these people that were supposedly trying to help… ruined me.”
Owen pushes himself off the railing and continues to walk, the camera by his side as he does.
“But why Giovanni Aries… why him?”
Owen chuckles to himself, almost sneering.
“Because whether you like him or not, that’s irrelevant. The fact is that right now, he’s the only one talking any sense. Now, before you decide that I’ve lost it, just listen for a while longer. If you delve into his words and past Rabbit Holes and Wonderlands he speaks of corruption. He speaks of a leader that cares only about money, and nothing of the product. He doesn’t talk primarily talk of titles and honor; he talks of a better place for EVERYONE. Take away the part that everyone, including myself, has thought ridiculous. Pin back your ears and listen, and in what why is Giovanni saying anything different to what Shaun said in his promo only last week. That SCW is fair ONLY to the chosen few. The ones that the ‘board’ believes make money. I’d say that more than most, I am able to pass comment since there was a time, I was one of the chosen ones, given the key to the kingdom. I am also one of those that was mercilessly cast aside when a ‘better’ option came along. And if you STILL don’t get it, I reiterate for you in simple English. Look at the people included in contendership matches at Retribution. Look at the people involved in title matches with certain exceptions. Look at Gavin Taylor who is happy because he ‘survived’. Then look at what I was doing. All that evidence in front of you, now tell me I’m wrong and explain to me how that is in anyway fair. You CAN’T, and so here we are."
He stops and sits himself at a table outside a café.
“But, if you want any further evidence of SCW’s need for ratings, just look at tomorrow night’s main event. I mean, if there was ever a case of Supreme Championship Wrestling stirring the pot to boost their viewing audience, is it not this hastily put together match between two people that are pretty much family. I mean, who gives a shit about that right, and any rift this match may cause. David Helms is an amazing guy, probably the face of the company no matter what Selena might try to imply. Owen has turned to the Dark Side… this is just perfect. You can just imagine the old men round the round table wringing their hands in glee and listening for the ringing of the cash registers. ‘Owens going to have plenty to say to David’, ‘Owen’s bound to throw a whole world of disrespect at David Helms’, this is going to be box office. Well, I hate to disappoint you fellas, well actually I couldn’t give a shit, but you were kinda predictable. But I’ve got nothing but love for my future Father-in-Law because he isn’t the problem here. If Dave has ever given me advice, it’s because I’ve asked for it. If Dave has ever intervened, it wasn’t pushed on me, or forced. He never TOLD me to do something, he advised. Exactly the way someone would do if they weren’t looking down on you all the time. And anyway, if anyone has been like a Father to me since Dad died, it’s him… not Shaun. Plus let’s face it… he knows exactly how I’m feeling right now, because AJ went through THE same things I’m going through right now. Pushed to the moon, claimed success both in singles and tag team wrestling. He was on the verge of a World Championship shot when he got injured and yes, was forgotten. Why, because he outright refused to face Regan that’s why. Where was SCW during AJ’s rehab Dave? Nowhere. Where has SCW been when it comes to one of the best young talents in the business? Sucking up to those who shout loudest on social media, or who cried longest in Sasha’s office until they got what they want. Don’t get me wrong, if SCW had gone to him with a new contract, he would have told them to fuck off anyways, and honestly, right now I can see why. At the time I disagreed with what he did, but now it’s happened to me, I see exactly why he reacted the way he felt he had to. Because he, like I, was given very little choice. And so, Dave, I turn to you now and I ask you this. Tell me with a straight face that this isn’t one of the most predictable bookings of your career. Tell me, I beg of you to tell me that this isn’t SCW yet again seeing what they see as a potential ‘issue’ to make money, and you asked for the match… to do the right thing. Tell me Dave, that this isn’t AJ happening all over again. You can’t can you? You can’t because it’s the truth. Case closed. Mic dropped. Excuse me a moment…”
He lifts his hand, a waitress coming over.
Waitress: What can I get you?
Owen: Cappuccino… full fat.
Waitress: Coming right up
Owen had ditched the ‘Veganism’ as well, another example of him feeling he was being told what to do. He turns back to the camera and continues.
“Sorry, where was I, oh yeah, it’s not like you haven’t been overstepped either is it? I mean you made your triumphant return, blazed a trail to once again become World Champion, got injured and then what? A loss to Bree Lancaster. But where was your rematch huh? I mean imagine that I’m only the guy trying to make a name for himself, but you… your fucking David Helms, and even you are treated that way and lost in the shuffle. CID comes in, pomp and circumstance ensues and yep you guess it, those registers start buzzing again, and YOUR big return is overshadowed by someone who hadn’t been seen or heard of for nigh on a millennium, waltzing in and taking over. Now, I know you’re a nicer guy than I am, I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen you REALLY pissed off. You shrugged it off, made your Scaffold Scramble match, which I wasn’t named in by the way, thanks for that, and you made a contender out of Datura. No problem with that, Datura probably deserves her shot. But the story continues Dave. If I’m wrong about all this, and Supreme Championship Wrestling isn’t on its arse, why was your match allowed regardless of contract? If SCW is an ethical and moral place to work, why wasn’t Bree afforded the same respect after she got fucked over by a, I don’t know how many where in it, Gauntlet match. And yeah, it doesn’t excuse what I did to Shaun, that’s a totally different point, but it does show just how this company treats its roster. I’m not saying I’m the ONLY one, far from it. I’m saying this bullshit happens to someone, every show, every single week. And you’re telling me those initials are worth fighting for Dave? That’s crap and you know it. And the only one with the balls to say it… is Giovanni Aries. The ONE person to open my eyes to the situation… Giovanni Aries. Now it’s MY turn to open the eyes of those I love and give THEM the clarity I have found. Even if they can’t see the benefits of my actions now, they will. Freedom, and fairness… for ALL. Without the hypocrisy. The fabled ‘Wonderland’ I guess.”
The waitress brings his drink over and places it down in front of him.
Waitress: Anything else?
Owen: Nah, I’m good… thanks.
The waitress turns and walks away, Owen taking a sip before looking back towards the camera.
“Thing is, right now… I doubt there is very few people listening to me. You will be of course Dave, but you have no choice, I’m your opponent this week. But others, they will have seen what happened last week and instantly turned their backs, no longer willing to give me the time of day. Even Peyton, my best friend, claims she wants me to ‘burn in hell’ for what I have done, and it hurts that she plasters that all over social media, even though I do understand her feelings. But she, like everyone made their judgement the minute I kicked Shaun in the head… that move is called Clarity by the way. My BEST friend didn’t even give ME a second thought or ask why I was doing this. She joined the mass including that dickhead Adam Allocco in condemning me right off the bat. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to involve myself on social media, because very little was said that was worth my time. Why should I concern myself with people like that, people that have done and continue to do worse that I have? People like a knob head that has a grudge against my family and went past his sell by date years ago. I shouldn’t. And yet Chris Cannon understood, after all he and I have been through. He didn’t throw me under the bus without hesitation. And why? He might not like the action, he probably hates Gio that most do, but he certainly gets the reasoning. And by the time I’m through making statements, so will everyone else.”
He takes another drink, nodding to someone who obviously recognizes him and had stopped to take a picture, but at least having the respect not to come over and interrupt. He composes himself for what would be his closing words.
“And THAT Dave is where the hypocrisy of immoral behavior of this company works for me. Imagine that… turning to the dark side and already reaping the benefits of my actions, seems this ‘path’ isn’t so bad after all. See, I have no doubt that everyone is going to be tuning into this match, in this case the SCW is right, ratings before roster yadda, yadda. Anyone with an interest in our industry is going to be watching, hoping, praying that David Helms knocks some sense into the disrespectful, ungrateful, ‘weaselly’ Owen Cruze and that I come out next week and apologize for my actions, or drop on social media confirming what a bad boy I’ve been, and promising to do better in the future. Honestly, Dave, in that arena, the reaction is going to be off the chart, I can hear it now, clear as a bell, the support you are going to receive, and the boos and jeers coming my way from the ignorant. I can hear the ovation as you slam me to the mat, or punch me in the face, repeatedly. But that hypocrisy, from those that once loved me is what will drive me forwards. That ignorance will be my fuel to make the biggest statement I possibly can. Those people are going to leave the Fiserv Forum disappointed, because there isn’t going to be any lesson. There will be no apology. No, the only thing that will happen tomorrow night is confirmation. Confirmation that no matter how good you are Dave, how much you have achieved, and may well still achieve in the future, I will not be ignored any longer. MY speed, MY resiliency, MY skill is going to take me higher than any title, as those people bear witness to my ascension… not as World Champion, at least not yet I’ll deny them that later. But as the ‘Prince’ of the Wonderland. MY Wonderland, Supreme Championship Wrestling.”
He finishes off his coffee, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“So, if you are looking to teach me a lesson Dave, I say go for it man, do your worst. Do what the people implore you to do and be their willing servant. Try to give them what they need and give ME your all. I WANT everything you have and then some, because then, and only then will my victory reverberate around the world. I respect the fuck out of you bro, I REALLY do, but you don’t have to believe me. All I am asking is that YOU respect my decision to do what I believe is right. To rescue this once vaunted kingdom, a kingdom that got admiring glances from all corners of the wrestling world, from the shit stain it has become… by the hands of those that really should have known better than disrespect all that MY Father busting his balls to build. Thursday Night, Milwaukee, it all begins again…”
He throws some money on table to pay for his drink, and doesn’t wink at the camera, nor does he salute. What he does do however is let the biggest smile form on his face before saying a singular word
He walks off and away from the café, as the scene slowly fades
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