RTG update and more
Hi all,

I wanted to give a quick update as it's been two weeks (yes, it has!) since the deadline for Rise to Greatness. I hope everyone is enjoying their time away from SCW and recharging. For me, I've been focusing on teaching prep and some professional opportunities and admittedly, for the first time ever, took two full weeks away from SCW.

That said, I'm diving back in and wanted to give you a sense of the timeline and when we'll be returning back to things.

Expect the SCW Rise to Greatness Pre-Show up this week. I will be judging in the next two days and planning both shows. The tentative plan is to have Rise to Greatness XVIII complete by the end of next week - this will be a bit more fluid as I will be writing lectures during this time too and have some other teaching responsibilities, and so hence the vagueness.

That said, the planned first Breakdown back from hiatus will be Thursday, August 26, 2021.

A schedule for the next year will be completed this week and I will be sending it to J to upload to our calendar whenever she has time. I will also be separating posting the revised roleplay rules as SCW enters its 19th year of operation.

Finally, I see some new faces on the fed Discord and on the board. It's great to see you joining SCW and I hope, after our hiatus, you'll not regret your decision!

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