Spencer Pryce
Name: Spencer Pryce

Twitter Handle: @SpencerPryce

Pic Base: Ricky Starks

Height: 6' 0”

Weight: 197

Birthday: June 2, 1997 (Age 24)

Current Residence: New Orleans, LA

Billed from: Beaumont, TX

Physical Description: tall, thin but athletic

Ring attire: traditional short tights, red or blue with his initials on the rear in black, trimmed in silver sequins. Black boots and pads. The word EPIC on the sides of his boots in silver block letters.

Casual attire: Fashion conscious, likes to look well put together. Rarely seen in jeans/sneakers on camera. Usually slacks, button up shirts, etc.


Wrestling Style: technical, some high risk

Alignment: heel

Years Pro: rookie

Manager: Amy Chastaine (she no longer accompanies him to the ring except for special occasions)

Theme Song: “Ruthless" - Nonpoint


Pay the Pryce: guillotine choke - can be done hanging from opponent or grounded

Pryce Check: Fujiwara armbar

Receipt: Spinning backfist (for a quick/out of nowhere finish, usually cause a KO)

Signature Moves:

Lonestar: shooting star press from the top rope

Sticker Shock: rope assisted high knee strike (with opponent in the corner, runs and plants left foot on the bottom rope while striking the right knee into the opponents ribs or head – see Matt Jackson)

Clincher: grounded rear naked choke w/ grapevine (could transition into either sub finisher)

Epicplex: snapdragon suplex

Common Moves:

various submissions that work the arms/shoulders
standing shooting star press
roundhouse kick
running knee
shoulder breaker
arm drag
back body drop
sidewalk slam
release German suplex
shoulder tackle into corner

-good work ethic, mature for his age
-attitude that he no longer hides

-stronger than he looks due to being thin
-specializes in submissions

-rookie, so can be out of his element against veterans
-doesn't always take advice from those more experienced than he is


The light dim for a few moments, then the stage lights up in red. The heavy guitar riff of “Ruthless” by Nonpoint fills the arena for a few beats, a deep voice yelling, before vocals start.

[You wanna start it up without a way to win
I'm betting double or nothing but I'm not gambling]

Spencer Pryce walks out from the back, the United States Championship belt over his shoulder. He stops at he top of the ramp, his back to the crowd.

[You try to cage me up, but I got out again
You better cover your eyes, it's about to get]

Spencer spins around just as the chorus hits, arms spread wide. He starts down the ramp as it continues, the red lights following him.

Ruthless! Ruthless!
It's about to get...
Ruthless! Ruthless!
It's time to get...
Ruthless! Ruthless!
Everybody get...
Ruthless! Ruthless!

Paying no attention to the reactions of the crowd, Spencer goes up the ring steps and steps through the ropes. He goes to the center of the ring and holds the United States Championship belt up overhead with one hand. The lights come back to normal as the music fades and Spencer hands the belt to the official.

Biography: Born in the midwest to a single mother, they moved to Texas when he was a toddler. Wrestled in college, won state championships thanks to his submission skills. Researched wrestling schools before deciding on BlackOut Academy in New Orleans.

Handler's First Name: J
[Image: spencer1-s.png]

7 - 2 - 1
* * * * *
2021 Rookie of the Year
United States Champion


Messages In This Thread
Spencer Pryce - by Spencer Pryce - 08-16-2021, 09:02 PM
RE: Spencer Pryce - by Spencer Pryce - 11-04-2021, 08:43 PM
RE: Spencer Pryce - by Spencer Pryce - 03-30-2022, 09:19 AM

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