Diamond Steele vs. Jessica Tremor
2 RP limit for singles

*NEW ROLEPLAY RULES IN EFFECT* - 3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, September 1, 2021
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
"Here We Go Again..." 

The Road extends almost endlessly before the Black Truck, the United States is proving to be more of a disappointment than Jessica originally expected, sure, she knew what to expect, she just never thought it would come so quickly, or that the people involved would be so solid in their beliefs. It was kind of sad to see such a promising organization such as the XWF Fall to something as easy to eradicate as Racism, but what could she do? In Tokyo, people like that would be hung out, displayed on a pole for all to see; how simple it would be, she thinks. 

Never the less, the march of progress moved on. Jessica finds herself now headed for seemingly greener pastures, a second new beginning. A Thousand thoughts race through her head, is everywhere going to be the same? Is the business too saturated in the United States for there to really be anywhere that's free of such nonsensical bigotry? 

"I Guess Only Time Will Tell."


| Eastern Training and Recruitment Facility, August 22nd, 2021 |

The sound of crashing platforms can be heard echoing throughout the building. Pounding feet, deep breaths and cries of frustration permeate the walls of the old warehouse. Inside the ring, a couple of Hopeful Talent tries their best to make an impression on some of the Hall of Fame worthy trainers standing alone ringside, arms folded. The two in the ring now come from the Island of Japan, a young Female Wrestler named Jessica Tremor, and another by the name of Hannah Warr. Both of which came from the same Promotion, and have since been finding it somewhat difficult to find work in the American Wrestling Scene. But as the trainers look on, the two give a surprising very well-rounded performance. Both women display the type of strength you'd find in Heavyweight Male division Wrestlers, throwing each other around, making each move look devastating on one another, both selling enough to get the other over. And before long, the other rings have cleared as the rest of the Gym regards the display. 

Jessica takes a big clothesline from Hannah, turning her all the way over, she tumbles outside the ring as Hannah plays for the guys standing at ringside, who clap and holler as she turns her attention back to Jessica. Meanwhile, at ringside, Jess is selling the back from the clothesline as Hannah leaps over the top rope, corkscrewing through the air before Jessica catches her, the two rolling to a heap a few feet from the ring.  

"Holy shit, Hire Them Right Now!" One of the Onlookers laughs out loud as her and another candidate High Five each other. 

The two girls visibly break character to crack a smile as they begin to get back to their feet. The Exhibition goes on for almost the length of a full match before Jessica finally puts Hannah over Clean. One of the men at ringside jumping in to act as a stand-in Referee and give the 3 count, Hannah raises her hands to applause from the rest of the room. The two nod to one another, satisfied that they made the impression they wanted to make. Hannah helps Jess to her feet and the two thank the crowd for letting them go on for so long. The shot soon fades to black. 

[Image: lockeroom1.png]

Later that evening, the two are winding down, Jessica tucks her wrestling attire into her bag as she waits for Hannah to get out of the shower. A knock on the door, followed shortly by a small envelope being pushed underneath. She turns her head inquisitively as she picks up the small package. As she opens the letter, a smile crosses her face, knowingly however, as if she was expecting this. Behind her, Hannah emerges from the shower, drying her hair as she catches sight of Jess holding the letter. 

"Is that It?" 

"This is it!"
Jess replies, shaking the letter in her hand. She passes it to Hannah who reads it out loud. 

"Dear Supreme Hopefuls, we are excited to Inform you that we have made a decision about your Contracts, as of this date, you are officially contracted with Supreme Championship Wrestling, and will be contacted by a Member of Our Booking Department as soon as possible, be Prepared as soon as you recieve this letter, and Welcome to The Show. Well, this was easy." She adds, the two already knew what they had to do to make their mark, and they did without fail. 

"So you actually gonna work in this one?" 

"Ya know I don't know, I had thought about it, but why do that when I could just stand around lookin' good?"

Jess scoffs, shaking her head. Hannah had done a bit of wrestling throughout the years, proved she was good enough to be mid-card or above at times, but for some reason just never had given it enough of her time to get there. Jess was happy that they would both end up employed to at least some degree, but what had happened still weighed heavy on her. 

"Ya know I really hope these guys are different..." 

"We really just have to play it by ear, at least we don't have to deal with weird Robots, and actual Pigs, ya know what I mean? So at least their more legit in that aspect."

Once again Jessica finds herself scoffing in disgust. 

"That entire place was a joke, like I don't understand how an entire promotion can be working as a Rib like that. Like I don't know what I was thinking, how I was ever going to get over in any sort of legitimate fashion in a place like that is beyond me. How anyone even stays in a place like that is astounding." 

"Meh, people love who and what accepts them. It's the type of place that openly caters to Racists, so I mean, no doubt it'll end up getting whats coming eventually." 

"Just sucks, some of those guys weren't that bad." 

"But what can you do? All we can do now is move on, Hope this place is better."

It's the States, she thinks to herself, the entire country is caught up in the middle of a crisis. In both theory and Practice the United States is broken more than ever before. But it's not her Job to fix it, she just has to find a way to exist. Whether that means bouncing from Promotion to Promotion in haphazard fashion until she finds somewhere that works, or sucking up her pride and just working with whoever would have her. No, she's better than that, and she won't accept those around her bringing her down. As the scene comes to a close, the two prepare to leave, the letter has only given them a place to show up, not a name of an opponent. 

Newark, New Jersey. 


|Inside the Ropes, August 30th, 2021|

[Image: GDFR4.png] 

Inside the Ropes Senior Writer Liam Alexander-Steward had the chance to catch up with SCW over the weekend, finding out stories regarding their latest Super Pay-Per-View, Rise to Greatness. Alongside some of the SCW Legends and Superstars taking to the ring over the past several weeks, is one notable addition to the Supreme Roster; Jessica Tremor. The Two got a chance to sit down for a few words about her controversial exit from XWF, and how she looks going into Supreme Championship Wrestling. 

"Well First and Foremost Jessica I want to say it's great to finally meet you, after your first match, the Fatal Fourway that saw you taking a victory over a literal 700 Pound Machine, it really turned some heads, and now you are poised to enter your second promotion since coming across the Pacific, what has been your experience here in the states thus far?" 

"Well first Liam I just want to say thank you so much for having me, I've watched the show for a long time and its actually quite an honor to be sitting in the same seat as some of this sport’s most esteemed talent. Now, that being said, my experience with American Wrestling has been somewhat underwhelming to say the least. In my first match in the States, I was booked into what essentially amounted to a Joke match to open a less than stellar show, put on by a less than stellar promotion. Like I said in my opening Promo, I understand having dues to pay, I paid them for a couple years back in Japan. But there has to be some sort of limit I think, you can't just put people into a situation where they are fighting what equivalates to a Monster Truckasaurus and expect them to be taken seriously, it's just not the way to build character." 

"Now after that match, there was a bit of Backstage Drama that led to you ultimately deciding to break ties with that company, do you care to disclose any of what might have happened between you and management? Or was it simply just not a place you thought you could create yourself as an athlete?" 

"It's just nonsense Liam, typical backstage politics led to the decision, and truthfully I think I'm better off for it. The Supreme Championship Wrestling promotion has a long history of making great superstars, where the XWF prides itself on being for a Niche Audience, so it can sometimes be hit and miss, you wouldn't believe some of the nonsense that goes on over there, it's almost like a child is running it. The SCW however I think fits what I'm looking for a little better, a place that doesn't necessarily prioritize the glitz and glamour, and instead decides to focus more on the physicality and athleticism that has been missing in many other Big-Time promotions lately. Don't get me wrong, I love a good show, and a good story as much as anyone, but if what I'm seeing in the ring doesn't sell me on the product, nothing is going to, you know what I mean?" 

"I know exactly what you mean actually, so, looking forward, you are set to debut this week on SCW's weekly show Breakdown, airing Saturday Nights, this week you'll be facing a woman who has almost a decade of wrestling experience under her belt, she prides herself on being technically sound as well as a Hardcore Legend, what does someone who comes from the home of the Deathmatch have in store for someone like that?" 

"Well Liam the answer is quite simple, Pain. It has been said that people in my position only do one thing well, and that's Bleed. But I'm here to promise that's not all I've got in the tank, and you'll find that others are much better at it than me. When you grow up watching a certain type of wrestling that's what gets engrained in you, for me it was the old school Luchadores that would come through the Japan Circuit, and that's actually the first style I actually picked up. After I got started, I got the opportunity to train under Masanori Murakawa, The Great Sasuke, which was an absolute Honor and I owe him so much for making me into who I am. And through him I learned so much about the business, about what kind of style I wanted to work from, about the fundamentals of what makes a good athlete, both inside the ring and out. So, there's much more to me than simply a Deathmatch style fighter, but I just like people to know that's in there too, in case they feel like being goofy. 

But if you think that I'm worried about her, the answer is simply no. Someone that's been around that long knows just as well as anyone that all the experience in the world doesn't stop you from getting knocked out of the race. We all can think of the great underdogs that have been, and I would like to say that I fill the bill for that well, I walked out in my first match in the states against A Luchador, a Pyromaniac, and a 700-pound piece of work-out equipment, and I still managed to get that big bastard up and into The Kanabo, 1-2-3, that's all me. How many can honestly say they could have done that? How many people can honestly say they EXPECTED that? Most people look at me and they see a skinny chick from Japan, just a girl, not a threat. I like to think that my work speaks for itself, that it breaks that misconception of what someone thinks a real competitor can look like. And this Saturday will just be another example of just what I'm capable of." 

"Many people in the business have speculated that its due to your Prosthetics, that much of your--" 

"Let's get one thing straight Liam, the Prosthetics are there because of an accident I suffered a few years ago, many people in Japan already know the story so I won't get into it, if anyone feels like looking it up its out on the web for anyone who's interested to read. Plain and simple, the Prosthetics helped me get back on my feet, and yeah, in a little way helped me back into the saddle. But are they all I have? Are they the reason I'm here? No, they aren't the synthetic muscle tissue works much the same as biological tissue, it has to be worked, and taken care of in much the same fashion."

Jessica raises her left arm, the plates separate momentarily revealing long black wrapped tissue, flexing and throbbing under the exoskeleton, her fist extends outwards, revealing multiple hydraulic tubes. 

"Anyone in my position would have done the exact same thing I think, if someone gave you the opportunity to have your life back, would you pass it up?" 

"I Guess not... seems to be a point of contention though." 

"It's because I've heard it before, and if there was a way for me to wrestle without them god knows I would. But we are all given a hand in life and it just so happens I was dealt a somewhat shitty one. Some people lay around in their own self-pity, think about the things that could have been, and what they lost, I was given a second chance to make myself into something and I took it. I hope that more people would have done the same thing, so now I can walk into not just one, but two promotions in my first month back in the states and I can knock fists with just about anyone on the roster. I mean look where I'm sitting right now. If you'd have asked me a year ago where I'd be, I definitely wouldn't have told you Inside the Ropes. Funny how life changes so quickly, from OJW, to XWF, and now onto the SCW. And I'm as ready now as I've ever been, so if Daimond is out there, this isn't just a show. Sure, we're out there to entertain, but that takes a backseat to what the real contest is, the people like a good show, a flashy outfit, trust me I get it. But what draws a business money, and what puts asses in seats, is what happens in that ring. If people don't buy you as a person, if they see how plastic and manufactured you are, you'll never get anywhere. And this is the outcome I fight every single day to avoid, it's the reason I get up every single day and put as many hours in the gym as I do on the road.  

So, when someone looks at me, they don't just see a shiny Jacket, or a fancy haircut, they see the next big thing. The Next face that can take this business to the next level. In Short, I want them to look at me and be hopeful for the future of the SCW, of any brand for that matter. I want them to be hopeful for the future of our sport, hopeful that there might just be real competitors left, that we aren't all just Bright Lights and Vibrant Colours. And on Saturday Night, we're gonna bring some of that Hope Back, and I sincerely want you to be ready to help me, well... even if you're not... You're Going To." 

"Is that something you see as a problem in American Promotion? the Showmanship?" 

"Not Necessarily, I just think that it's done a little to excess. That it takes priority in some places, when the concentration should instead be on the two people in the ring, you find it more in the Strong Style promotions throughout Japan. They don't get the coverage that some of the others due, their shows take place at smaller venues, and are absent the big screens, Pyrotechnics and CGI graphics. But the fans are some of the most loyal fans you'll find in any promotion. Because they aren't treated like idiots, they don't feel ashamed when something cringe crosses the screen, thats the problem, people are afraid to bring new fans into the Fold because it's only a matter of time before something embarrassing takes you out of what you're watching. It's not for me, and it shouldn't be for you either. So, to answer the question, no, it's not the showmanship, it's the emphasis on it as the selling point. 

Look, as much as I expect Daimond to be a rounded opponent, I think that people who have been living in this ecosystem for an extended period of time might be more than a bit comfortable. I remember the days when this business wasn't so safe, wasn't so cushy and forgiving. If you messed up, or if you stumbled, we didn't stop matches, we didn't X-out, we Bought Time. We let you roll around on the ground for a while and figure yourself out, and if you didn't figure it out in time, we dragged you back into that ring and beat you until you did. That's the world I came from in Japan, and thats the world I want to see here in the states. And if I can't find it, then hell with it, I'll build it myself. It was my mission in the XWF, which to be fair would have been one hell of a job, but the SCW has a good starting point, has a good group of Old Heads and Professionals that might be able to appreciate a little old school strong style. Daimond will be the first test, the first one who gets to step to the plate, to see if she's actually got any of that left in her. After Nine long years, has she run it all out? Has she become comfortable in the new age of Ultimate Showmen? On Saturday we'll have our answer." 

"Well, I think that's about all the time we have, so go ahead Jessica, this camera, this camera, or this camera, let the people know where to find you, and what you'll be up to!" 

"Alright guys, I'm Jessica Tremor, the Mass Casualty Event, and on Saturday Night in Newark New Jersey I will Break Down Breakdown in a way that hasn't been done before, catch me in action against Daimond Steele in my Second Debut in a Month, you watched me dismantle the 700-Pound Machine, now watch me Break Up the Band, I'll see you there."

Liam nods his head enthusiastically as the two shake hands, shooting the Peace symbol to the camera as the shot fades to black. 

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