Selena Frost, Cid Turner & Purity Pixie vs Kandis, Ricky James & Ace Marshall
2021 Trios Tournament

2 RP per character in Trios Tournament

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, October 20, 2021
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[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.

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Breakdown 10-21-21 #1
[Image: LIkgPge.png]

SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]
[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]
Project: Black Ice

”Homeland Insecurity”

Malcom Scythe’s House
Nome, Alaska
October 8th, 2021 

The storm hadn’t let up from the last few days. In fact, with how harsh the water fell – almost as if it was being hurled from the heavens – Selena wondered if the storm had not simply followed her and Deanna from New York to Toronto, back to New York and then all the way to Nome like a vengeful spirit.

It almost made her laugh – the thought of it. She already had a vengeful spirit stalking her named Killjoy. She didn’t need nature itself to add to the list. 

Still, as the three women emerged from the car, Selena did all she could with her leather jacket held over Deanna, to keep her wife dry as the wrestler, the redhead, and the dark-haired woman ran the extended path from the driveway to the front door, where the porch awning would keep them dry. They did not have time to really admire the house, but it was doubtful that they would even if it was a lovely day. Even though this was Deanna’s first time visiting this place, the situation was too serious to lose focus on décor.

Carefully removing the jacket from above Deanna’s head, Selena shook the rainfall off it like dry laundry before whipping it back onto her frame. “Still as gaudy as I remember it…” she replied under her breath, her eyes focusing on the bronze, gawdy knocker that hung on the black door.

A sense of dread was gripping her frame, but it did not feel new or natural… more as if it was a programmed reaction, and she immediately tried to dispel it. She was not afraid of this house or its occupant. No, her emotional reaction was her past.

She had only been here a few times in her entire life, choosing to confront Malcolm in the mayor’s office. It was the best place she felt she had decent ground to take on the mayor. This? This was Malcolm’s house and, thus, all the advantage and power rested with him, preventing Selena from dealing with him here in over a decade.

Still, how many times had her step-mother dragged her here to ‘talk business’ with Malcolm? How many times had she been brought here, only to hide in a closet or a room to avoid dealing with Gavin – her ‘childhood mortal enemy’? Even when she had started standing up to him, she had often avoided the boy, choosing to spend time with the older brother, Adrian – Ryan, present-Selena reminded herself, her eyes travelling to Talia, who stood beside the Frost wives.

The door, itself, had always represented dread and doom to Selena, as if she was being punished and this door was the gates to her hell – similar in effect to her claustrophobia, which was prickling under her skin, knowing that it was about to enter a house with that old bastard inside.

The last time she had been gone there… it wasn’t hard for her to remember… had been when Ryan, having been told by Selena of their ‘snow child’ (a miracle of nature, Selena had believed at the time) had cast her out of his life. She had, like a fool, run to the last person left that could possibly help here.

To this house. To the mayor of Nome in the dead of the night. She had pleaded with Malcolm to listen to her, to speak with Ryan and make him understand. 

Of course, Malcolm had not simply laughed in Selena’s face like anyone else would have – that would have been the humane thing to do. Rather, Malcolm tried to have Selena arrested for trespassing and passed off as insane, the Snow Queen having escaped that fate by the skin of her teeth. She had had to lie to the officers, declaring that her ‘delusion’ was a mixture of post-partum depression and drinking that night. She hadn’t managed to get off scot-free, however, needing to complete thirty-days of AA meetings and see a counselor to deal with her depression.

It had been that moment that Selena had realized how truly alone in the world she was – just her and her snow-child. From then now, she had kept her life a secret, seeming normal, at worst ‘cold and bitchy’ as “The Snow Queen” and “the crazy miner’s daughter” while keeping ‘Elsianna’ safe in their home and only drinking herself into oblivion when she was alone in her house.

For a moment, Selena’s mind drifted from that memory to a more recent one: thinking of Rebecca – the old lady near Pilgrim Springs, Malcolm’s ex-wife, a woman who was a living example of what Selena could have been. 

Her musings were stopped as she heard the loud knock on the door, metal rapping against metal of the knocker, while at the same time, she felt a warm hand reach into hers and grasp it lovingly.

“Don’t you have the key?” Selena asked, squeezing Deanna’s hand in hers as she regarded Talia.
“You think he’d give any of us a key to his house to come and go as we pleased?”
“But…you guys are family.” Deanna tried.
“And he’s Malcolm.” Talia shot back, as if that answered any statement.

In truth, it had only further confounded Selena. Not because Talia was wrong, but because she was right. Having a key to his own house and not giving one to family was such a Malcolm thing to do… so why was he seeking time with his grandchildren? Why did he, after years of little to nothing to do with them, want them? Was this another attempt at their ‘inheritance’? No, Selena had re-arranged her will to protect them, naming Regan and David the guardians of both David and Elsianna, ensuring they would be safe if someone like Malcolm or Killjoy managed to destroy her and Deanna.

In short, there was nothing Malcolm could gain from wanting to see his grandchildren… and yet… that was what he wanted?

A second knock on the door, caused by Talia, rattled the Snow Queen’s thoughts, frustrating. She didn’t want to be bothered by this now! She didn’t want to deal with whatever Malcolm was dealing with, especially if it had anything to do with Killjoy. She needed to focus on what was ahead of her! She had been too consumed with beating the hell out of Asher to really give it much thought, but the teams of Trios Tournament had been announced. And while she was more than fine having a young talent like Purity Pixie to work with – fate had, somehow, paired her with one of the worst choices in Cid Turner!

How the Fefnir did THAT happen?! she asked herself for the hundredth time, still not receiving an answer, much like the knock on Malcolm’s door.

She was tied up with Cid, her name one of those considered to challenge for the world title for Odin’s sake! Hell, she had JUST lost the world title to him a few weeks ago at Apocalypse! Her, Syren, maybe Chris Cannon – But no! She was the only of those three that had been picked for Trios and she had been paired WITH CID?!!

Her jaw clenched in her mouth, feeling the teeth crush into each other as her jaw muscles strained. She was sure she was clenching hard enough to break a brick in half, but it was all she could do! Her and Cid? Teammates? It was absurd! Impossible! It was more likely that A/C Unit would just use this to screw her out of the tournament, maybe even injure her to take her out of the running for the world title! 

The sound of thunder, like a roar from hell, made her jump slightly, though not as much as Deanna did, both just stunned by the noise, and the fact that the door still remained closed to them.

Brought back to present matters, Selena turned her head to Talia. “He knows we were coming here, right?”
“Yes.” Talia sighed. “I called him yesterday and told him.” Her eyes went back to the door. “And his car is in the driveway, I don’t get what he’s…” growing more frustrated, she reached up to pound the door with her fist, hard, the black wood shaking a little from the impact. “Malcolm! Open up!” she roared!

Out of the corner of her eye, Selena spotted a bolt of lightning off in the distance, the outskirts of Nome far more country than anything else, allowing for a further view of the horizon. Seeing the bolt of nature allowed her to prepare for the inevitable thunder that followed, preventing her from being startled again – though she still felt startled as she heard the doorknob turn and the door fly open.

As well as startled by the sight before her.

The old man – for that was exactly what he looked like – seemed nothing like her most hated enemy. He wore black pants with a green sweater. His hair, which only a few months ago when Selena had seen it had been black with trims of white, now had more white than black it seemed! His eyes were baggy, seemingly as if he hadn’t slept well in days-

In short…

“Did you just roll out of bed?!” Talia huffed, pushing herself into the room past the former mayor. He said nothing in response, merely moving to the side to allow her entrance, his eyes on Selena and Deanna, who followed Talia into the house.

“Thank you for coming.” He whispered under his breath as the Frost wives passed him, though his head jerked to back to gaze outside. “Where are-“

“They’re back home in Manhattan.” Selena replied, releasing Deanna to allow herself to turn back and face Malcolm. “Because if you think we’re at the whims of you-“
“I understand.” He replied slowly and calmly, quietly making his way further into his house. “I should have expected an encounter of this kind before anything…” Turning his head, he regarded Selena and Deanna. “Does anyone want tea or something?”

“No, thank you.” Deanna replied first, 
“No.” Talia and Selena answered at the same time as all three moved into the adjoining room. It was a dark-red-walled space, filled with bookshelves, an elegant, black-stained wooden table, and matching chairs that looked comfortable: a study similar to Selena’s office, in fact. I knew I got the design idea from somewhere… she thought with a mental curse.

Carefully, his movements far slower than ever before (least in Selena’s memory), Malcolm Scythe took his seat in one of the leather chairs before gesturing for his ‘guests’ to do the same. Talia was quick, making herself at home almost immediately, while Selena and Deanna made their way to the loveseat, sitting beside one another, refusing to let themselves be divided by whatever Malcolm did.

“I suppose my resignation from the office surprised you?” he began, intertwining his fingers and hands.

“It was unexpected.” Deanna admitted. “As well as your request. You understand that there isn’t anything for you to gain out of this.”
“Are you so sure?” Malcolm asked, a knowing smile on his face.

“Yes.” Selena answered quickly. “Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t do anything after your…actions… to protect my family from you? The gold mine is empty and all resources are tied up in banks and investments, but more importantly, even if you did eliminate Deanna and I, you’d not see a penny. There are contingencies upon contingencies to keep my children and those resources out of your hands.”

“And if your ‘resources’ wasn’t what I was after?” Malcolm asked, his smirk not fading.
“What?” Selena scoffed. “So it’s revenge? Is that it? You’ve finally had enough and just want to hurt us?”
“Again, reasonable conclusion.” Malcolm replied. “But no.”

Perhaps it was the frustration of SCW and Breakdown. Perhaps it was frustration that she wasn’t the world champion anymore. Perhaps it was the fact that she was no where closer to dealing with Killjoy after so many months – or perhaps it was just because Malcolm wasn’t being clear with her, but, either way, Selena was suddenly on her feet, glaring daggers at Malcolm.

“Then what, Malcolm? What the hell could you possibly want?” she growled. “Because I can’t conceive of a single reason why you would, willingly, give up your place as mayor other than something bigger has come along or you just wanted to lure us here!”

The old man gave a slow sigh before shaking his head. “It’s absolutely incredible.” He spoke slowly. “I finally manage to baffle you… and it’s when I have no ulterior motive.” Lifting his head, Selena could see something in his eyes, something she had never seen before – prompting her to think it was a trick of the light or something.

“I have lived my life by my own terms for so long…” he started, his gaze seeming to drift off into his memory. “For better or for worse. I’ve always known that that would be how I would live and how things would end – my terms and the consequences of those terms.” Turning his head, Malcolm eyed Selena. “Your father was the same way. It’s why I respected him so much.”

“Bullshit.” The Snow Queen growled. “You stole his life and cast him out.”
“I did.” Malcolm nodded. “Because I believed it was necessary at the time. To make you more malleable to the design we all had for you. Your father was a rogue since day one. He knew he was trapped in our plan of marriage and power but he refused to surrender you to it. I had to remove him but I still respected him for who he was.”

“He still is very much that man.” Deanna stated. “You can’t just destroy or bury those traits in amnesia.”
“I suppose not.” Laughed Malcolm. “Sometimes I envy him. And your mother… actually, even the citizens of Nome.” His eyes moved to the window on the other side of the room, allowing him to see the hills and lands seemingly stretching out into the infinite. “And lately I’ve wondered how my life would have been had I not been thrust into politics.”

For a moment, the question seemed to sit in Selena’s mind. She had truly only known Malcolm as a politician. Whether as a member of the council that said in office or, eventually, the mayor for the last near decade, Malcolm had always been a politician – one she had never liked. The Scythes had been only slightly involved in the DeCarlo’s dealings and, thus, the Frosts’ lives in her childhood, but as she had reached her teens and after the disappearance of her father, that had changed. Still, the idea of Malcolm not being, well… Malcolm…

“You came here because you didn’t have a choice.” Selena reminded him, earning his attention. “Do you think I’ve forgotten, Benjamin Porter?”

“Ha!” Malcolm laughed at the use of his birth name – the one he had been hiding from for decades. “Oh yes, THAT name.” he shook his head. “Perhaps you’re right, Selena. Perhaps there was never any redemption meant for me. Perhaps I was always meant to be a bastard who doesn’t regret stepping on others to achieve something worthwhile in this wretched life.”

He looked away, staring at nothing in particular, or at least nothing that Selena, Deanna or Talia could see. “And yet… I wonder. Your step-mother was as ruthless as I am. Certainly just as murderous-“
“She never-“ Selena tried.
“Oh, but she did.” Malcolm laughed, though his gaze into nothing did not change. “In her early years when proving herself to the DeCarlos. You may not be her biological child, Selena, but you certainly got your obsession to succeed and achieve your goals from her – which she got from the DeCarlos.”

The ‘compliment’ – seemingly a compliment, at least – did not fill Selena with any positive emotion. For many years, she had been known for her resilience within SCW, for refusing to surrender and give up. For fighting with all her heart and soul for what she believed in. It was one of the few things even Cid Turner respected her for, so to hear that it ‘came from the DeCarlos’ made her feel dirty.

“Still…” Malcolm continued, unaware of Selena’s thoughts. “I must admit to you – while I was watching her die…and that poison slowly shutting down her system…”

Selena was up on her feet, anger gripping her at the casualness of Malcolm’s statements over her step-mother’s murder. The only thing that was stopping her from kicking the old man’s head off was the warm hand that gripped hers, silently begging her not to! Her head jerking to the side, sapphire eyes met emerald ones – eyes that pleaded with Selena to not give in.

Unfettered, Malcolm continued distantly. “She passed away so peacefully. No struggle, no begging… she even had a smile on her face – a beautiful one.” He shook his head. “Four years and I’ve never forgotten that.” He laughed. “I barely remember my time as Benjamin, and those were some gruesome years, but that moment with Anastasia… I suppose she did get the last laugh on me.”

“She died knowing she was loved.” Deanna replied, gently guiding Selena to sit back on the loveseat with her. “That, despite everything, her daughter loved her.” She turned her head to Selena, who was biting her lower lip.

A sound, something of a hum of understanding and a laugh of humor, escaped the old man as he sat in the chair. “Such a cheesy remark.” He shook his head. “And yet, I can’t dispute that. I wonder…” he turned his head to Talia, who had been standing against the nearby wall. “Do you think my sons will admit that to me when it’s my time?” he chuckled. “Suppose I am laying there on my deathbed one day. Do you think they will do all they can to ensure that I know that they loved me?”

Both Selena and Deanna turned their heads to regard Talia, but the lawyer said nothing, which spoke volumes to everyone else in the room.

Knowingly, Malcolm chuckled once more. “No… I imagine they wouldn’t.” He remained silent for another moment before turning his attention to Selena and Deanna. “I’ve had these thoughts for several weeks now.” He admitted. “And the more I’ve thought about it – the more I’ve realized that I can’t do anything for my sons. Too much time has passed. They are merely waiting for their inheritance, which I will give them one day. But…” he tilted his head. “I wish to have what you gave Anastasia.”

“A funeral?” Selena asked with a laugh. 

“Redemption.” Deanna stated. “You want us to bring you Elsianna and David so you can try and redeem yourself to them like Anastasia did with Selena.”
“I want to try and better certain things.” Malcolm corrected. “And I’m willing to leave the mayor’s office behind to do it.”

“And…” Selena shook her head. “You think just because you did that that we’d agree? That we’d just hand our children over to you just because you have ‘more free time’?” A laugh escaped her at the mere thought of such a notion. “Do you think Elsianna doesn’t remember you? You think she doesn’t recall you and David snatching her up and kidnapping her?” Again, the Snow Queen was on her feet. “She does. She has vivid flashes of memories of being in a strange house, with a strange man – I can’t undo that! I can’t erase that!”

“She’s seven.” Malcolm tried.
“She’s eight! Soon to be nine in a few months.” Selena shot back with correction. “And she is so much smarter than you think. Smarter than I ever was.”

There was a moment of pause between everyone, Selena refusing to take her eyes off the former mayor, despite how much older and weaker her appeared to her today.

“Selena…” Malcolm slowly spoke. “I am asking you for a chance. You were able to redeem your step-mother in your children’s eyes… I am asking you to please try for me.”

“No.” Selena stated with a huff before quickly leaving the room, having no idea where she was headed, but just needing to be away from Malcolm.

“It’s impossible.” She grumbled to herself. “Working with him – Besides, it’s not like I owe him anything! After all he’s taken, all he’s done…”

She didn’t care that she was arguing with herself, trying to rationalize the absurdity of such a request. She didn’t care that she was standing in what appeared to be a guest bedroom, trying to collect her thoughts and break down every angle and reason why Malcolm had done all that he had done.

But that was the biggest issue of all. The fact that none of this made sense. Why would Malcolm want anything to with children when it gave him nothing? Why leave the mayor’s position when he had nothing better? Why become powerless and ask for Selena’s help rather than find a way to blackmail her?! IT DIDN’T MAKE SENSE!

Falling onto the nearby bed, Selena’s eyes took in the ceiling before her hands started fishing around her pocket for her phone, barely able to hear the footsteps that followed her into the room.

“What are you doing?” She heard Deanna ask.
“Calling someone…” Selena replied, punching in the number. “Someone to help me make sense of all of this…”
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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Season 2 / Episode 8 / Unexpected Company - Part 1

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----->Click me!<------
Breakdown 10-21-21 #2
[Image: LIkgPge.png]

SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]
[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]
Project: Black Ice
”State of Nature”
Malcom Scythe’s House
Nome, Alaska
October 8th, 2021

Deanna had thought that Selena was calling Regan as she watched her darling wife hold the cellphone to her ear. Who else would Selena call for such much-needed advice? Malcolm Scythe was just in the other room, expecting some kind of positive answer to his request. The issue was that any positive answer would involve an allowance to let him be close to her and Selena’s children.
The very idea filled Deanna with a sense of dread, which she was sure was shared with Selena.
How could either of them forget the hell Malcolm had put them through? How he had kidnapped Elsianna years ago and driven Deanna to flee to Germany to protect the young girl and David? Maybe, compared to the two years in prison, a far fresher pain to the redhead, Malcolm’s acts would have seen less severe, but they weren’t, especially to Selena.
Stealing a glance, Deanna caught herself taking in the features of her beloved. How many years of joy and happiness had Malcolm stolen from Selena? What would he have driven her to become had it not been for her fleeing to SCW and being lucky enough to get employed there? For Odin’s sake, Malcolm was responsible for Selena losing Elsa at childbirth, driving the poor platinum-blonde to near insanity!
No, Deanna had felt sorry for the old man all but begging the Frost women to allow a visitation, and she was sorry to see him so haggard and run down but… well, no one was sure what was going on to prompt all this, and that was the whole issue.
Seeing Deanna gazing at her, Selena offered her a gentle smile, her free hand reaching out to take Deanna’s. Her mind snapped to attention when she heard the phone call pick up.
“Hey…” she started in a whisper. “…dad.”
Deanna’s eyes widened as her ears picked up the word. Dad… that meant that the person Selena was calling wasn’t Regan, but Jonathan VanHohenheim in New Jersey.
As if sensing her wife’s surprise, Selena quietly pulled the phone from her ear to push a button the screen, turning the phone onto speaker mode.
“I’m sorry to be calling you so late.” Selena sighed, knowing it was nearly 9pm in New Jersey.
“That’s alright, kid. What’s going on?” came the strong voice of her father.
“We’re…” she cast a glance to her wife’s emerald eyes. “Deanna and I are in Nome.”
There was the sound of movement on the other line before Selena heard the ‘clicking’ of someone else picking up another phone, the landline connected a third party to the call. “Hunny?” the voice that came out was now feminine. “It’s mom.”
“Hey, mom.” Selena replied. “I have Deanna here too.”
“Hi, mom.” Deanna spoke. “Sorry it’s so late.”
“It’s only 9ish.” Alejandra VanHohenheim dismissed. “Why are you two in Nome? Is everything alright?”
“Not…” Selena tried, again gazing at Deanna before returning to the phone lying on the bed between the two Frost wives. “We’re not entirely sure.”
“See…” Deanna tried. “Malcolm is asking to see the children.”
“Malcolm?” Alejandra asked before suddenly speaking. “Malcolm SCYTHE?”
“Yeah…” Selena sighed. “Apparently, he stepped down as mayor of Nome and…” she shook her head. “Mom, he’s in bad shape.”
“Bad shape how?” Alejandra asked.
“I have no idea.” Laughed Selena. “He’s rugged, his hair is more white, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days. I have no idea what he’s trying to pull here, but…”
“It’s beyond confusing.” Deanna finished with a sigh.
“And he wants to see the kids?” came Jonathan’s voice.

“I’m guessing just Elsianna and David.” Selena shrugged. “Those are the only two remotely related to him.”
“Tell him to fuck off.” Jonathan replied strictly.
“I have to agree with your father.” Alejandra sighed. “You don’t owe him anything after everything he’s done to this family.”
“I know.” Selena sighed. “I told him the same thing.”
“But we were hoping saying that to his face would force him to drop the hammer-“ Deanna explained. “You know…show all his cards?”
“Because he must have known you’d say no.” Alejandra reasoned.
“What is he blackmailing you with?” Jonathan asked.
“That’s just it.” Selena ran a hand through her platinum-blonde hair. “He’s not blackmailing us. He’s…he’s just practically begging to see them.”
There was a long pause – a silence that unnerved both Selena and Deanna.

“I don’t understand.” Came Alejandra’s voice.
“Neither did we!” laughed Deanna. “He kept talking about Anastasia dying and making amends and-“
A laugh came from the other line, the masculinity of it sounding like it belonged to Jonathan. “Is he dying or something?”
The question, meant as a joke, had the opposite effect, as it caused Selena and Deanna to snap their head at the same time to stare at one another, sapphire and emerald eyes wide.
“You don’t think...” she whispered.
“No.” Selena shook her head. “It can’t be.” Selena shook her head. “From what? He’s never had health problems – and if he did, he’d use his power to get the best doctors to cure him, not abandon that power…”
“No…” Deanna shook her head. “I mean, yes, I agree, but…what if…no that doesn’t make sense either.”
“Everything okay?” came Alejandra’s voice.
“Yes.” Selena replied. “Regardless of the reason, this whole thing just feels so unlike everything we’ve dealt with and… we don’t know what to do.”
She didn’t want to say ‘I’ in that statement, but it was far more fitting choice of words that she had wished to say. She was beyond confused by all of this. The change in her enemy, his actions, so unlike the bastard she had known for years…
Did…did she feel pity to Malcolm? Did a part of her actually believe that this was genuine? That, for all the years he had lied and stolen and destroyed so much, that he was, now, just an old man wanting to see the only grandchildren he had?
“Tell them what you’re thinking.” Whispered Deanna, squeezing her wife’s hand, as if to instill confidence through skin-to-skin contact.
With a deep breath, Selena spoke. “Father, you don’t remember him, but… Malcolm is responsible for everything that happened to you and so much of what happened to us. He… he was responsible for your amnesia and the DeCarlos and me losing Elsianna…”
“I know.” Came the slow voice of her father. “Alejandra told me long ago what happened. It didn’t take much over the years to put everything together and fill in the missing pieces.”
“So…what if he were in front of you right now, asking you to shake his hand and forgive him?” Selena slowly asked.
There was a moment of silence, even from Alejandra, as if she, herself, was waiting for an answer from her husband. It was only a few minutes that passed in silence, but Selena and Deanna found themselves repeatedly holding their breath without meaning to as they waited.
“I’d shake his hand and tell him I forgive him.” Came the slow reply.
Selena’s throat hitched, words failing her. Deanna, on the other hand, allowed a small smile to grace her lips.
“I imagine that surprises you, kid?” Jonathan asked.
“I…” Selena stammered. “Yes…how can you…”
“Because, yes, he took so much from me.” Jonathan breathed. “And what he did to you… I can’t forgive him for that. But what he did to me? I ended up with the woman I love, I got to have you back in my life… and maybe that wouldn’t have happened…”
He paused for a moment, slowly continuing. “No one knows what the future holds and you can’t change the past. But you’re alive, you have a family, just like I do. So, maybe I can’t entirely forgive him, but I can let go of whatever hate I had for what he did to me.”
Selena was stunned. Forgiveness had never factored into the equation for her. Not just because Malcolm never asked for it, but because it never seemed like a possibility. In her mind, Malcolm was irredeemable. There was no ‘turning back’ for him.
And yet…
If he hadn’t pushed Selena to the breaking point, would Selena have had the courage to run away from Nome and join SCW? Would she have still met Deanna? Would she have been able to find her family? And, whether she admitted to it or not, it had been Malcolm that had helped get Deanna out of prison, not just with the data-drive retrieval but also forcing Talia to help them over in Oberwesel.
“So…what should I do?” Selena asked, her voice shaky.
“I can’t tell you that.” Her father sighed. “This isn’t a matter of forgiveness. Your children are involved, that’s why I made my original suggestion.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Alejandra offered. “You and Deanna need to make a decision on this. We will support you either way.”
The platinum-blonde felt her hopes crash to the floor and shatter to pieces. Even her parents – good people that they were – were unsure how to proceed one way or another. With a quiet ‘thanks’, Selena hung up, lifting her head to gaze into Deanna’s eyes. “What do we do?” she asked.
Biting her lower lip, Deanna took a shaky breath. “Selena…what if he IS dying?”
“He’s not.” Selena sighed. “It’s just a ploy.”
“Okay, but what if he is?” Deanna looked away.
“I…I can’t just forget what he’s done, Deanna. All those years…”
“Yes, you can.” Deanna smiled. “Because you said the same thing about Syren. And Kelcey. And even Regan, remember?”
Selena’s mouth hung open. Women that Selena had once hated, who had stolen and hurt her and her family… she had, without realizing it, forgiven Syren, befriended Kelcey, and even made a sister of Regan!
“Maybe this is a stretch, but maybe…” Deanna tried. “Maybe Malcolm has changed or is trying to. And if you could help make things better with Regan… only to deny Malcolm this, even if you have every right to… I know you’ll regret it.”
Selena took a slow breath through her nose before speaking. “There’s a factor here that we’re not considering.”
“What?” Deanna asked before a sapphire gaze was back on her.
Deanna’s eyes went wide. “You…you think all of this has to do with him?”
“I don’t know.” The Snow Queen shook her head. “But what other reason would prompt Malcolm to quit being mayor and seek out some kind of redemption in our children?”

For a moment, Selena was alone with her thoughts, only to push herself to her feet and march out of the room, Deanna quickly following her. She was soon in the same room she had sat in with Malcolm and Talia, the two not having left their place. Hearing their entry, Malcolm looked up at them with a calm expression and matching voice. “Thought it over?”
For a moment, Selena said nothing, merely studying the old man’s expression, his eyes, taking everything into account. What if Deanna was right? What if Selena, herself, was right?
“One thing.” Selena ordered, prepared to interrogate him about Killjoy when she suddenly stopped herself. “We give you this – it’s on our terms. You do as we say, where we say.”
“I shall.” Malcolm replied. “I shall follow your instructions to the letter. I assure you of that.”
“Oh trust me.” Selena laughed. “This won’t be pleasant. I’m not letting you with ten miles of my children until I know you’re harmless to them.”
“I give you my word-“
“No.” Selena stated sharply. “You’ll give me your word on the second part of this offer. We do this, then you owe me something.”
“If it is within my power.” Malcolm tried, his calm never breaking.

“One question.” Selena stated. “After you meet them, I will ask you one single question and you MUST answer it.”
“What’s the question?” Malcolm asked.
“Not part of the deal.” Selena stated back. “Yes or no. Right now.”
A moment passed. It was Malcolm’s turn to study Selena in that moment before he took a slow breath. “Very well.” He stated. “I will answer your one question.”
With a nod, Selena was out of the house and heading back to the car, Deanna following behind her. They remained silent for several minutes until they were heading down the roads back to the airport.
“You…you have a plan?” Deanna tried, keeping her eyes on her wife.
“I…have an idea.” Selena replied. “But I think…” she sighed. “I think I just needed a reason to say ‘yes’.”

She couldn’t believe part of her was buying this… but it was there, a small sliver asking the same question of such a twisted man: What if?

The Royal Letter
Dear SCW Universe,

I’m starting to see a pattern. It seems that Breakdown isn’t really an episode of Breakdown until Cid Turner hits me with some kind of weapon.
But let’s start off with the more satisfying news. I promised to take Asher Hayes down and I did just that. The supposed “man who ALWAYS puts his Co-World Championship” on the line now stands at a loss to Xander Valentine, Syren and to me – which, I must admit, is oddly satisfying to me personally after what he put my Deanna through.
However, it seems that with the good comes the… actually, I don’t know if I can say ‘bad’ but it certainly doesn’t make me feel excited as other team-ups seem to have gone. You take the team I am set to face later tonight: A proverbial “who’s who” of my past.
Ace Marshall: the man I defeated at Rise to Greatness to retain the world title in the “Unbelievable Main Event”.
Kandis: The woman Regan and I defeated to become tag-team champions and for my sister to become Supreme Champion.
And Ricky James: A man that, only until recently, was using my name to bolster his career, relating me to a modern day “Joseph Stalin” I believe.
Now, could I bank on the issues the Jackals seem to have with LexyCorp? Hardly. A few rough weeks would not make Kandis or Ace stupid enough to throw this opportunity away. LexyCorp needs this to further their delusions, Ace Marshall, apparently mad with ‘gold fever’ after losing to me, needs this, and the Jackals need this to continue their destructive domination. It isn’t hard to overlook a few rough weeks of fighting if the prize is large enough.
I could share a similar notion between Pixie and myself. A rookie trying to find her place in this world after struggling for so long. I can respect that she hasn’t let it get her down and that she continues to fight for her place here, which isn’t easy, trust me. The opportunity to work with a young rookie, maybe help them as veterans like Regan and Dawn Lohan helped me…
But that isn’t the elephant in the room, is it? That’s not what everyone is talking about. That isn’t what is on everyone’s mind, is it? The loudest conversation piece in this whole tournament is that the current world champion is teaming with Selena Frost.
I don’t know if it was fate pulling a joke or A/C Unit pulling some prank on me like they’ve been trying to do to keep Asher as “the number one contender” to the world title despite not winning one match since he got back here.
But how can I be confident in this after the events of Breakdown? Where my supposed ‘new partner’ bashed my spine with a chair? This isn’t some ‘fresh of the season’ battle like the Jackals and LexyCorp – something that can be overlooked for a little bit for the greater prize. Cid and I – this is a war that has taken up most of 2021! If you don’t believe me, look at the world title picture! We’re both still in it! How can I put that aside after last week? How can I just let that slide and believe that things will work out?
How can I be confident against such people like Ace Marshall and Kandis? I haven’t really fought Ricky James before, but I know those two VERY well. I know how little they care for the rules – only for the win. I know how dangerous they are.
Defeating those two one-on-one was a challenge in and off itself, but, come on, True Believers. We all know that fighting either of those two one-on-one is next to impossible. There’s always interference or some kind of ‘shortcut’ incorporated. With Ace Marshall, there’s Lexy and maybe Yashidi or Autumn Valentine and, as I said, the Jackals are not far off where Kandis is concerned.
But there’s also the A/C Unit. You think I haven’t looked at the total tournament bracket? There’s a chance that the winner of this match will face the team involving Asher Hayes. And I’m teaming with his proverbial “Yes man”. The man prepared to lay down and hand him the World title it seems.
But apparently, Cid has taken to the airwaves, promising to do all he can to ‘give’ something to Pixie and I.
Tell me, Cid. What kind of gift are you talking about? A beatdown from the Jackals or LexyCorp or A/C Unit? A team up that ends the second Asher tells you to lay down for him? Or maybe a series of wins where you use that belt or a chair or some other underhanded tactics at the behest of Holly or Asher if they’re eliminated?
If those are your gifts, then I don’t want them.
My entire career, tournaments have been the ultimate test of skill, endurance, and even luck in some cases. There is nothing that I enjoy more than competing in a tournament. A set of matches to overcome odds and challenges to stand as one of the best in SCW. And with Trios? We all know what those contracts can do. I used one to become United States Champion and Supreme Champion in one swoop. Ace Marshall has used it for chaos over and over again to the point where it’s not even funny anymore. The idea of that kind of power in your hands – in A/C Unit’s hands – unnerves me, Cid. No, to be honest, it terrifies me.
So why do it? Why go through a hell that may endanger my chances at regaining the world championship? Why willingly enter this tiger trap filled with Jackals and desperate people like Asher and Ace?
Because someone has to.
Because someone needs to be there to fight for this team and TRULY fight for this company. To look out for Pixie, who doesn’t deserve ANY of our issues Cid, or those with the Jackals or LexyCorp. Someone needs to be there to TRY and earn those Trios contracts.
Someone has to be there to do what you SAY you’re doing, Cid.
You think I forgot what you said the first Breakdown you came back as World Champion? You said that you were the man that would lead SCW. That you were the world champion SCW needs. And then last week, you stood on the ramp and held the world title up as if to emphasize that.
And we’ve all noticed it, Cid – this new ‘confidence’ you have. Whether it’s Glorb-Glorb or drinking Mr. Clean, whatever you’re doing - we’ve got it. But you should know by now, Cid, words aren’t enough in SCW. Just ask Asher – who promised he’d drop me and Deanna. Just ask Ace Marshall, who swore he’d end me at Rise to Greatness – or had Lexy do it most of the time. Ask Kandis, who declared that I would NEVER hold the tag-team titles with my sister. Hell, you said I would never care about the world title as much as you.
You may be the World Champion now, Cid, but I’m still the standard and the Face of SCW. It’s something I earned over years of work and countless victories. And I’m looking at you, Cid, and I’m hearing your words. You SAY you’re the champion SCW needs? I say PROVE IT! You say you’re not afraid of challenges, I say PROVE IT! You say you’re going to lead this company? I say PROVE IT!
Because I refuse to let this opportunity slip through my hands and slip through Pixie’s hands because of you. I refuse to have this SCW tradition devolve into another A/C Unit ego-trip!
I want to win this tournament. I want to help Pixie win this tournament! I want to represent SCW in this tournament while so many others are looking for shortcuts, I want to win by being the best team. Period.
The question really is: what the hell is the world champion going to do? What will Cid do if LexyCorp gets involved? What will Cid do if the Jackals get involved? What will Cid do if Asher gets involved?
And what will Selena Frost do to ensure that it won’t make a damn bit of difference?
That… supposed ‘leader of SCW’, is how I will lead this team and how I will lead SCW… with or without you.
Believe it!
Kindest regards,
Selena Michelle Frost
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

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